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General health programs get easily publicity like campaigns for child health, family

planning, awareness about AIDS,TB and Bird Flu. Television can be used to teach
uneducated people. We can have programs for teaching the basic details of languages.
Such programs can be extremely useful for our villagers and the working class people in
the cities.

Since the last decade the media in Pakistan has become very vibrant because of the
privatization of TV channels, independent press and uncontrolled internet access to
general people. Pakistan is a big country of more than 150 million people. So it offers a
huge market to multinationals and local companies to sell their products. These facts
are very provocative for the international companies to sell their products and services
in Pakistan. The multinationals companies like coca cola, KFC, MacDonald, Nestle and
many more are already doing business in Pakistan. The purpose of the media is to
inform people about current ,new affairs and to tell about the latest gossip and fashion.
It tells about the people who are geographically divided.

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