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Reminiscing Philippine History

Table of Contents

Introduction ii

Unit 1
Module 1: Understanding History 4

a. Lesson 1 - The importance of History 5

b. Lesson 2 - Identifying Trusted Sources 6

Unit 2

1. Module 2: Philippines Land and Features 8

c. Lesson 3 - Philippine Geography 10

d. Lesson 4 - Philippine Ethnohistory 13

2. Module 3: Philippine Topography 15

a. Lesson 5 - Climate Conditions of the Country 17

b. Lesson 6 - The 3 main islands of the Philippines 19

Unit 3

3. Module 4: Pre-Colonial Period 24

a. Lesson 7 - Philippine Archipelago's First Inhabitants 27

b. Lesson 8 - Beliefs, Culture, & Practices 29

Unit 4
4. Module 5: Spanish Colonial Period 31

a. Lesson 9 - Ferdinand Magellan First Expedition 33

b. Lesson 10 - God, Gold, and Glory 35

c. Lesson 11 - Philippine Revolution 41

d. Lesson 12 - End of 1st Colonial Period 57

5. Module 6: American Colonial Period 59

a. Lesson 13 - Treaty of Paris 64

b. Lesson 14 - American Colonization with its Influence 68

c. Lesson 15 - Birth of the First Republic of the Philippines 74

d. Lesson 16 – The Philippine-American War 80

e. Lesson 17 – End of 2nd Colonial Period 89

6. Module 7: Japanese Colonial Period 98

a. Lesson 18 – Japanese Occupation in Manila 102

b. Lesson 19 – Battle against Japanese Oppressors 109

c. Lesson 20 – Bataan Death March 115

d. Lesson 21- The Return of General MacArthur 119

e. Lesson 22 – The Fall of Japanese Colonial Forces 128

f. Lesson 23 - Birth of the 2nd Republic of the Philippines 141

Unit 5

7. Module 8: Post- Colonial Period 157

a. Lesson 24 – 3rd Republic of the Philippines 165

b. Lesson 25 – 4th Republic of the Philippines 201

c. Lesson 26- 5th Republic of the Philippines 235

8. Module 9: Present Philippine Government 240

a. Lesson 28– Principle and Policies of Governance 243

b. Lesson 29 – State, Constitution and Citizenship 245

c. Lesson 30 – The Branches of Philippine Government 251

d. Lesson 31 – The constitutional Commission 255

e. Lesson 32 – The Local Government 261


Lyceum of the Philippines University- Cavite. (2013, August 11). 80982258 philippine-

history. Retrieved from Slideshare.Net.


In our table of contents, we decided to arrange the topics we researched in a chronological

order, but we started first with a simple introduction since we all know that every book needs

a starting point where the readers would be able read a slight overview of our topics and

explain a little bit about what are our goals and what to expect once they start reading this

book. Since me and my partner have the same thing in mind, we decided that we start the first

few lessons with describing the elemental factors involve in the history of the Philippines. So,
in our first few lessons it contains geographical information of the country including its

ethnohistory and topography. We decided to separate topography and geography since

topography mainly tackles about the physical structure of the place itself while geography on

the other hand refers to the study of the place as a general not just the physical structure but

also everything involve in its cover. We also included the 3 main island as one of the topics

including the climate in the country. The lessons were then followed by a series of

historiological events that were arrange in a chronological order starting with the first

inhabitants of the country or also termed as the Pre-Colonial Period. Followed by the first

colonialization of the Spaniards in our country. So, each Unit has its own cover. Like for

example our first unit was mainly focused on introducing history to our readers. While the 2 nd

Unit Focused on the area or place where our history took place. The following units that

followed were separate events that were all involved in creating our countries history. In our

next unit which is the Unit 4 it contains the order of events about the countries who

colonialized and conquer Philippines. Starting with the Spaniards followed by the Americans

and Ended with the Japanese. Arranging it this way would make it much easier to identify the

time that each events occurred. Each module contains deferent era of colonialization each

containing sub topics about what are the main events of the module. After the Colonization

period of the 3 countries, it was then followed by the post-colonial period where the transition

phase from Japanese occupation and American government to entirely dependent country

occurred. The post-colonial period has 3 sub topics which is the 3rd Republic of the

Philippines, 4th Republic of the Philippines, and 5 th Republic of the Philippines. I also

considered the pages of each topic since me and my partner research each topic we were able

to come up with an estimated number of pages appropriate for each topic. The last topic for

instance the Unit 5 module 8 lessons contains large number of pages since those topics were

not divided and were compile as a whole unlike in the unit 4 where in each module was
separated by lessons which contains specific events pertaining to colonialization. We then

decided to end our TOC with a brief description of our current government so that they would

be able to differentiate the difference between the present and the past government.

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