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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the capacity of health systems to continue the

delivery of essential health services. While health systems around the world are being challenged by
increasing demand for care of COVID-19 patients, it is critical to maintain preventive and curative
services, especially for the most vulnerable populations, such as children, older persons, people living
with chronic conditions, minorities and people living with disabilities.

Countries need to achieve the optimal balance between fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and
maintenance of essential health services. WHO has been coordinating efforts across several regions and
departments to support country implementation of targeted actions to reorganize and maintain access to
safe and high-quality essential health services across the life course.

 Start small. You don't need a big group of people to make a difference. Every
donation, regardless of size, helps to rebuild communities that are hit by natural
disasters. If you want to donate money but can't afford to, let your family or
neighbors know you are available to help out with small jobs to earn money for
disaster relief. Every little bit helps! You could also think about donating later
when you've had the chance to earn some money or collect necessary items. In
places where there has been a lot of damage, the need for funds will be ongoing.
Your contribution will be appreciated just as much later on.
If you go to school with kids that have been affected by disasters, reach out to them and offer
support. If you live in or near a community that has been affected by a disaster, look for opportunities
to volunteer with clean up and help families recover.

Floods are the most frequent natural hazards in La Paz, Tarlac and the most costly in
terms of property damage. Floods can occur in any region, in the countryside or in
cities. In the past, floods have affected thousands of Lapazeño. They can occur at any
time of the year and are most often caused by heavy rainfall.
Flash or sudden flooding, in which warning time is extremely limited, can result from
other causes such as hurricanes, violent rainstorms, or the bursting of dams.
Although everyone is working, (starting with Mayor
Venus Jordan up to the Barangay Captains) to reduce the impact of flooding, individuals
also play an important role. Everyone has a responsibility to protect their homes and
their families.
Me as a student, I will use my voice to start an advocacy on how to lessen the impact of
a flood by taking the time to prepare in advance. This involves three basic steps:
 Find out what to do before, during, and after a flood.
 Make a family emergency plan, so that everyone knows what to do, and where
to go in case of an emergency.
 Get an emergency kit, so that you and your family can be self-sufficient for at
least 72 hours during a flood.

Planning for a flood will also help prepare you for many other types of emergencies.
You do not need a large group of people to make a change. Every concern or help, regardless of size,
helps to preserve and re-establish the towns of La Paz from flooding.

In this activity, I learned about concepts that are important not only in physical oceanography,
but in any physical or Earth science: density in general; density of water in particular,
depending on the water's temperature and salinity; how differences in density can drive
currents both in the model and in the world ocean; how different processes acting at the same
time can lead to unexpected results; how to model large scale processes in a simple
experiment. After finishing the activity, they can formulate testable hypotheses, are able to
reason based on density how a flow field will develop and they can compare the situations in
the cups to the "real" ocean.
Growing up, I had a very loving family. I had three cousins with whom I
used to play a lot. I remember very fondly the games we use to play.
Especially, in the evenings, we used to go out in the park with our sports
equipment. Each day we played different games, for example, football
on one day and basketball on the other. These memories of playing in
the park are very dear to me.

Childhood memories are very important in our lives. It makes us

remember the best times of our lives. They shape our thinking and
future. When one has good childhood memories, they grow up to be
happy individuals. However, if one has traumatic childhood memories,
it affects their adult life gravely.

Most importantly, childhood memories keep the inner child alive. No

matter how old we get, there is always a child within each one of us. He
or She comes out at different times.

For instance, some may act like a child on seeing swings; the other may
get excited like a child when they see ice cream. All this happens so
because we have our childhood memories reminding us of the times
associated with the things, we get excited about. Therefore, childhood
memories play a great role in our lives.

Writing a Dissertation Proposal

The dissertation proposal is an important first step towards writing
your final dissertation on a taught or research
masters course, or a PhD level course. Your proposal needs to be unique and it sets the stage for your
research and should help you make a clear plan for your final project.  Read more about planning your
dissertation here.
Dissertation proposals are like the table of contents for your research, and will help you explain what it is you
intend to examine, and roughly, how you intend to go about collecting and analysing your data. You won’t be
required to have everything planned out exactly, as your topic may change slightly in the course of your
research, but for the most part writing your proposal should help you better identify the direction for your
When you’ve chosen a topic for your dissertation, you’ll need to make sure that it is both appropriate to your
field of study, and narrow enough to be completed by the end of your course. Your dissertation proposal will
help you define and determine both of these things, and will also allow your department and instructors to make
sure that you are being advised by the best person to help you complete your research.
In this article we outline thnings you can do to help you can produce the best postgraduate dissertation
proposal possible.


Narrow the topic down

It’s important that when you sit down to draft your proposal, you’ve carefully thought out your topic, and are
able to narrow it down enough to present clear and succinct understanding of what you aim to do and hope to
accomplish by doing it. Aiming for 1,000 words or more, your proposal will give an outline of the topic of your
dissertation, some of the questions you hope to answer with your research, what sort of studies and type of
data you aim to employ in your research, the sort of analysis you will carry out.
Different courses may have different requirements for things like length and the specific information to include,
as well as what structure is preferred, so be sure to check what special requirements your course may have.  

What should I include in a dissertation proposal?

Your dissertation proposal should have several key aspects, regardless of the structure. The introduction,
the methodology, aims and objectives, the literature review, and the constraints of your research all need to
included to ensure that your provide your supervisor with a comprehensive proposal. But what are they? Here's
a checklist to get you started.

The introduction will state your central research question and give background on the subject, as well as
relating it contextually to any broader issues surrounding it. Read more about picking a topic for your

Dissertation methodology
The dissertation methodology will break down what sources you aim to use for your research, and what sort of
data you will collect from it, either quantitative or qualitative. You may also want to include how you will analyse
the data you gather and what if any bias there may be in your chosen methods. Depending on the level of
detail that your specific course requires, you may also want to explain why your chosen approaches to
gathering data are more appropriate to your research than others.

Aims & Objectives

Your dissertation proposal should also include the aims and objectives of your research. Be sure to state what
your research hopes to achieve, and what outcomes you predict. You may also need to clearly state what your
main research objectives are, in other words, how you plan to obtain those achievements and outcomes

Literature Review
The literature review will list the books and materials that you used to do your research. This is where you can
list materials that give you more background on your topic, or contain research carried out previously that you
refer to in your own studies. It’s also a good place to demonstrate how your research connects to previous
academic studies, and how your methods may differ from or be building upon those used by other researchers.
While it’s important to give enough information about the materials to show that you have read and understood
them, don’t forget to include your analysis of their value to your work.

Constraints of your research

Lastly, you will also need to include the constraints of your research. Many topics will have broad links to
numerous larger and more complex issues, so by clearly stating the constraints of your research, you are
displaying your understanding and acknowledgment of these larger issues, and the role they play by focusing
your research on just one section or part of the subject
COVID-19 can be transmitted by people with the virus coughing or sneezing,
releasing tiny contaminated droplets into the air, putting anyone within range
in danger of inhaling them. These droplets can travel more than a metre from
the infected person, allowing them to settle on any surfaces ready to be
transferred to anyone that touches the surface.

The virus can live on some surfaces for several days. Data from the 2003
SARS outbreak, which was a similar illness to the latest coronavirus, showed
the virus could contaminate plastered walls for up to a day and a half, plastic
and stainless steel for 72 hours, and glass for 96 hours. So, it’s likely the
mobile phone, tablet or computer screen you are reading this on could harbor
COVID-19 for up to four days, and be transferred to anyone touching the

Adopting good hygiene is one of the most effective weapons to slow or

prevent the virus spreading. Here are six things you can do to protect yourself
and others.

1. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

Our hands touch door handles, keyboards, taps and numerous other surfaces,
so the virus could easily be picked up this way. Rubbing tired eyes or touching
your nose or mouth could transfer the virus from your hands into your body.

2. Wash your hands regularly

Clean your hands thoroughly and often, using plenty of soap and water or an
alcohol-based hand rub to kill any virus on your hands. Scrub for at least 20
seconds, making sure you clean fingers, thumbs and palms.

3. Practice respiratory hygiene

If you cough or sneeze, use a tissue and throw it in the trash afterwards. If you
don’t have a tissue, cough into the crook of your arm instead of using your
hand. If possible, avoid coughing or sneezing near other people.

4. Maintain social distancing

Be aware of people around you and keep your distance from anyone
coughing or sneezing. Stay at least 1 metre away to prevent inhaling the small
liquid droplets sprayed by coughs and sneezes.

5. If any symptoms develop, seek medical care early

Stay at home if you feel unwell, and if you develop a fever, cough or difficulty
breathing seek medical attention. Call in advance of your visit, and follow the
advice of your local health provider – they will have the most up-to-date
information on the situation in your area.

6. Stay informed

Accurate information about COVID-19 and its spread is essential. But beware,
because there is a lot of misinformation, scaremongering and fake news
floating around on social media that can hamper efforts to contain the virus.

The latest information is available by visiting trusted sources like the World

Health Organization’s (WHO) information page.
The aims of teaching and learning mathematics are to encourage and enable students to:

 recognize that mathematics permeates the world around us

 appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics

 enjoy mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving problems

 understand and be able to use the language, symbols and notation of mathematics

 develop mathematical curiosity and use inductive and deductive reasoning when
solving problems

 become confident in using mathematics to analyse and solve problems both in school
and in real-life situations

 develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to pursue further studies in

 develop abstract, logical and critical thinking and the ability to reflect critically upon
their work and the work of others

 develop a critical appreciation of the use of information and communication

technology in mathematics

 appreciate the international dimension of mathematics and its multicultural and

historical perspectives.


A. Knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and understanding are fundamental to studying mathematics and form the base
from which to explore concepts and develop problem-solving skills. Through knowledge and
understanding students develop mathematical reasoning to make deductions and solve

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

 know and demonstrate understanding of the concepts from the five branches of
mathematics (number, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, statistics and
probability, and discrete mathematics)
 use appropriate mathematical concepts and skills to solve problems in both familiar
and unfamiliar situations including those in real-life contexts

 select and apply general rules correctly to solve problems including those in real-life
B. Investigating patterns

Investigating patterns allows students to experience the excitement and satisfaction of

mathematical discovery. Mathematical inquiry encourages students to become risk-takers,
inquirers and critical thinkers. The ability to inquire is invaluable in the MYP and contributes
to lifelong learning.

Through the use of mathematical investigations, students are given the opportunity to apply
mathematical knowledge and problem-solving techniques to investigate a problem, generate
and/or analyse information, find relationships and patterns, describe these mathematically
as general rules, and justify or prove them.

At the end of the course, when investigating problems, in both theoretical and real-life
contexts, student should be able to:

 select and apply appropriate inquiry and mathematical problem-solving techniques

 recognize patterns

 describe patterns as relationships or general rules

 draw conclusions consistent with findings

 justify or prove mathematical relationships and general rules.

C. Communication in mathematics

Mathematics provides a powerful and universal language. Students are expected to use
mathematical language appropriately when communicating mathematical ideas, reasoning
and findings—both orally and in writing.

At the end of the course, students should be able to communicate mathematical ideas,
reasoning and findings by being able to:

 use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, terminology) in both oral

and written explanations
 use different forms of mathematical representation (formulae, diagrams, tables,
charts, graphs and models)

 move between different forms of representation.

Students are encouraged to choose and use ICT tools as appropriate and, where available,
to enhance communication of their mathematical ideas. ICT tools can include graphic
display calculators, screenshots, graphing, spreadsheets, databases, and drawing and word-
processing software.

D. Reflection in mathematics
MYP mathematics encourages students to reflect upon their findings and problem-solving
processes. Students are encouraged to share their thinking with teachers and peers and to
examine different problem-solving strategies. Critical reflection in mathematics helps
students gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses as learners and to appreciate the
value of errors as powerful motivators to enhance learning and understanding.

At the end of the course students should be able to:

 explain whether their results make sense in the context of the problem
 explain the importance of their findings

 justify the degree of accuracy of their results where appropriate

 suggest improvements to the method when necessary.

Environment refers to the natural surroundings and conditions in
which we live. Unfortunately, this Environment has come under
serious threat. This threat is almost entirely due to human
activities. These human activities have certainly caused serious
damage to the Environment. Most noteworthy, this damage risks
the survival of living things on Earth. Therefore, there is an urgent
need to save the Environment.

First of all, planting trees should be given massive attention. Above

all, a tree is the source of oxygen. Unfortunately, due to
construction, many trees have been cut down. This certainly
reduces the amount of oxygen in the environment. Growing more
trees means more oxygen. Hence, growing more trees would mean
better life quality.

Similarly, people must give attention to forest conservation. Forests

are vital for the Environment. However, deforestation certainly
reduces the area of forests around the World. The government
must launch programs to conserve the forests. The government
must make harming forests a criminal offense.

Soil conservation is yet another important way to save the

Environment. For this, there must be control of landslides, floods,
and soil erosion. Furthermore, there should also be afforestation
and tree plantation to conserve the soil. Also, terrace farming and
using natural fertilizers are some more ways.
Waste management is a powerful way of protecting the
environment. There must be proper disposal of wastes. Most
noteworthy, this would help to keep the surroundings healthy. We
must ensure to clean the streets and other polluted land areas.

Pollution is probably the biggest danger to the Environment.

Smoke, dust, and harmful gases cause air pollution. These causes of
air pollution come from industries and vehicles mostly.
Furthermore, Chemicals and pesticides cause land and water
pollution. Due to pollution and deforestation, the health of many
people is poor. Conserving the Environment would certainly
improve the health of people. Most noteworthy, saving
Environment would reduce many diseases.

The water level would rise. Damage to Environment has severely

reduced the level of groundwater. Furthermore, there is a scarcity
of clean drinking water around the World. Due to this, many people
fell ill and die. Saving Environment would certainly avoid such

In conclusion, Environment is a precious gift on this planet. Our

Environment is facing a big danger. Saving Environment is the need
of the hour. Probably, it is the biggest concern of Humanity right
now. Any delay in this regard could be disastrous.

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