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Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd

Vawal Mirzapur, Gazipur

Environmental Monitoring Program and

Procedure (SOP)

Date : 9 March 2016

Prepared By : Md. Rubel Parvez (Asst: Manager Compliance)
Approved By : Md. Abul Bashar ( GM – HR, Admin and Compliance)
1. Company Profile

The Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd is a privately owned manufacturer & exporter of high
quality products, employing 6,300 dedicated employees in Vawal Mirzapur, Gazipur. The
management and employees of NTTML are dedicated to the production of the highest
quality products for customers while protecting the environment that we live in now
and for future generations.

Our company has built and maintained our reputation of being a high quality
manufacturer, a good employer and a good community member since our
establishment in 2012. We continue our effort to become a leading Home Textile
manufacturer through the establishment of this Environmental Management System.
We believe that participation in these programs will further demonstrate our
leadership, concern for the environment and recognition as a business leader in our

2 Purpose of this SOP:

This SOP defines the Environmental Management Monitoring System of Noman Terry
Towel Mills Ltd’s activities and contains:

A. Monitoring Responsibility.
B. Planning.
C. Legal & other Requirements.
D. Objectives, Targets and Programmed.
E. Implementation and operation.
F. Competence, Training and Awareness.
G. Evaluation of Compliance.
H. Internal Audit
I. Corrective Action

The purpose of this SOP is to guidance and direction for the monitoring of
Environmental Management System.

Page 2
A) Monitoring Responsibility

Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd has established an Environment management

monitoring representative, Coordinator, and committee with the following

List of Management Representative and Coordinator:

1. Md. Abul Bashar – Overall Responsible for Environmental Management System.

2. Shamor Ghosh – Environment Monitoring Responsible.

3. Md. Shahidul Islam – Responsible for ETP related issue.

4. Md. Atik –Responsible for chemical handling monitoring.

5. Md. Elias Mia – Responsible for energy, Air emission and water consumption

Overall Responsible: In the Environment Management monitoring system

committee overall responsible person is the member of Noman Terry Towel Mills
Ltd’s top Plant management group responsible for the functioning of the EMS. It
is his job to endorsing the environmental policy, ensuring appropriate resource
allocation to enable the effective operation and continual improvement of the
EMS and also ensuring environmental legal require permits.

Coordinator: The Environment Management monitoring system coordinator’s

responsibility is to monitoring, identify, assign, schedule, provide the necessary
support for, and ensure completion of all tasks relating to the EMS. The
coordinator works closely with the management representative and with the
committee. The Environment Management monitoring system coordinator’s is
also responsible for maintaining this SOP, under the leadership of the
management representative.

Page 3
B) Planning:

Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd, shall follow a “plan- do- check-act” process to facilitate
continual environmental performance improvements. The planning process includes the
monitoring and updating of NTTML register of environmental Aspects, and the register
of legal and other requirements.

C) Legal & other Requirements:

NTTML is committed to complying with all applicable environmental regulations. This

procedure describes how NTTML monitoring, identifies applicable regulations.


 The Environment management representative is responsible for tracking

applicable environmental laws and regulations and evaluating their
potential impact on the company’s operations.

 As necessary, the management representative may call upon off- site

resources such as consultants.

 The management representative compiles and maintains updated copies

of applicable environmental laws and regulations.

 The management representative, working with the monitoring

coordinator, correlate these regulations to the business activities and
environmental aspects associated with them using format.

Periodic: depends on information source.

D) Objectives, Targets and Programmed: (s)

Based on the environmental policy and significant environmental aspects,

environmental objectives and targets shall be established, implemented and
maintained at each function and level within Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd,
Programmers are established, implemented and maintained for achieving its
objectives and targets.

Page 4
 Overall responsible representatives/Top plant management sets
environmental monitoring objectives.

 The coordinator is responsible for developing and recommending

potential new environmental objectives to top plant management.

Environmental objectives are reviewed on a yearly basis. The targets and action plans
Are developed and revised as needed by the committee.

E) Implementation and operation

By developing operational control procedures for critical activities (i.e., those
activities associated with EAs), Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd, intends to mitigate
and control, to the extent possible, the environmental impacts associated with its


 The Environment management monitoring committee, with

additional input from other employees as needed, carries out a root
cause analysis of each EA to determine the underlying cause (s) of
the environmental impact. As part of the root cause analysis, the
committee will determine the need for (and adequacy of, if already
existing) operational control procedures to control the critical
activities related to the EA in question and record its findings

 Where there is a need to create or modify an operational control

procedure, the EMS Committee assigns a member of the committee
to draft an operational control procedure; based on consultation
with the employees who undertake that procedure. After the
operational control procedure has been developed and
implemented, its status is recorded as such on format OC-01.

The associated root cause analysis and operational control procedures is

conducted yearly.

Page 5
F) Competence, Training and Awareness
Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd, shall ensure all persons performing tasks for it or on its
behalf, whose work may have a significant impact on the environment, are competent
on the basis of appropriate education, training or experience, and shall retain associated

Company will need to ensure that all people performing tasks for or on behalf
of the organization, which includes contractor, sub contractors, temporary staff
and remote workers, have had an appropriate assessment for their potential to
cause a significant environmental impact and the associated competence

 The roles and responsibilities in achieving conformity with the

environmental management system.
 The importance of conformity with the environmental policy, the
procedures and the requirements of the structured EMS.
 The significant environmental aspects and related actual or potential
impacts associated from their work activities and the environmental
benefits of improved personal performance.
 The potential consequences of departure from specified operating


Awareness training is given to new employees as per training schedule. Task

specific training is given to relevant employees as they take on anew function
that is associated with EAs. Task specific training is updated, as necessary.

G) Evaluation of Compliance

To meet the company’s commitment to compliance, Noman Terry Towel Mills

Ltd, shall regularly monitor and evaluate the compliance status of the applicable
environmental legal requirements and other requirements that the company
subscribes to.

Page 6

 The EMS management representative maintains copies of applicable

legal regulations, which are summarized. Based on these regulations,
the EMS management representative and coordinator compile a list
of questions as a compliance protocol. These questions are intended
to be sufficient to the compliance status of the company with respect
to applicable environmental regulations.
 The EMS coordinator and another operations manager carry out the
assessment by determining and recording the answers to the
compliance assessment protocol. When they are done with the
compliance assessment, they note actual or potential compliance
issues is immediately referred to corrective action


Monthly/ once in a 3 months

Compliance tracking Log

Person Regulation Root Cause Compliance Results Corrective Compliance

Responsible Check Date Action/ Date verified/

Page 7
H) Internal Audit:

Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd, shall plan, establish, implement and maintain a
programmers and procedure to carry out periodic environmental management
system audit.


 At intervals, a team of two or three operations managers or

employees, who are not the EMS committee, will conducts an
internal assessment of the company’s EMS. The assessment team will
use this SOP as the basis for its SOP. In particular, the assessment
team checks to make sure that:
 Each procedure is being carried out as stated in this SOP.
 Company’s environmental policy is being upheld.
 Progress is being made in meeting the environmental objectives

The assessment team will base its evaluation on objectives evidence, Including
documentation and records. Note: That is not a compliance audit.

 The assessment will team completes the checklist on format IA- 01

and writes up its findings using format IA- 02. A major non-
conformity occurs when as EMS procedure is clearly not being
implemented, when one of the commitments in the policy is not
being upheld, or when no progress is being made in achieving an
environmental objective; a minor non conformity occurs when a
procedure is being implemented inconsistently, yet without causing
major failings in the EMS as a whole.
 Each non-conformity is immediately referred to corrective action
 Records of each assessment are maintained by the EMS coordinator.

At least two times per year

Page 8
Internal Assessment Records

Internal Assessment Team

Date Of Internal Assessment
Major Non Conformity Observed
Minor Non- Conformity Observed
In NTTML making progress in meeting its EMS objectives?

Is NTTML adhering to the commitments in its environmental policy?

Suggestion for improving the EMS

Page 9
Corrective Action

Statement of the Problem

Description of non- conformity or actual or potential compliance issue

Description of potential Solution

Person responsible for corrective action

Deadline for completion of corrective action

Completion of corrective action

Actions Taken



Signed: Overall Responsible Person Responsible

Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd
Vawal Mirzapur, Gazipur

Water and Energy Consumption Reduce Improvement

Target Plan

Prepared By: Md. Rubel Parvez (Asst: Manager - Compliance)

Date: 5 January 2016

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Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd (NTTML) is one of the facilities of Noman group which is the
market leader of home textiles. NTTML started in 2012 with yarn dyeing and terry towel
production facility. Presently, the installed capacity is 55 ton/day and 16 ton/day for terry towel
and dyed yarn respectively. NTTML share the utility facility with Talha Fabrics which is
another establishment within the same compound having weaving production.
Except the wet process, weaving and stitching units are established inside the same premises.
The wet process runs approximately 340 days in a year and has 4 shifts per day, including
general shift. Total workers engaged in wet processing (yarn dyeing & terry dyeing section) unit
is 1015. No female workers are engaged in wet process.

Details of Electrical and Utilities Equipments

SL Equipment type Number of Machine Installed Capacity Unit

1 Boiler(Gas) 04 45 ton/hr

2 Waste Heat Recovery 03 12 ton/hr

3 Gas Generator 10 15200 kwh

4 Air Compressor 13 5850 kw

5 Cooling Tower 24 347 kw

6 Major pump Motor 20 581 kw

7 Absorption chillers 03 1250 RT

8 Hot water chillers 02 600 RT

Energy and Water Consumption Data of 2015

Annual consumption
Parameter Unit Remarks
(Based on 2015)
Based on water flow meter
Water consumption m3/year 2613343
readings available at factory

Power consumption kwh/year 78275754 Based on 2015 data

Page 2 of 4
Energy and Water Consumption Reduce Target 2016
% of
Parameter (based on 2015 data) Unit Current KPI Future KPI

Water consumption m3/year 2613343 2561076 2

Power consumption MWh/year 78275754 76710239 2

Energy and Water Consumption Reduce Target Plan

Process and Utility Area
Recommendations Detail actions
1. Arrange a trial again following the
proposed flow diagram.
2. Observe the result. If positive,
revise the process flow diagram and
prepare new working procedure.
SK. Ishtiak
Reduce wash step in dyeing 3. Train all related workforces on new
1 Ahmed
process. procedure.
4. Establish the procedure for next
5. Review the new system for a period
to understand the functionality.

1. Note down the average loading and

unloading hours of compressors on 7
2. Identify all points using open
pneumatic tubes.
3. Analyze the exact need of
compressed air at each machine (flow,
pressure etc.)
Use air nozzle/gun instead Mr. Rubel Ahmed
2 4. Install application specific good
of open hose pipe. (Utility Manager)
quality air gun/nozzles.
5. Brief the related workforce on
proper usage techniques and
6. Note down the average loading and
unloading hours/day for next 7 days to
find out the difference in consumption.

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For water:
1. Need to figure out key water
consumption areas where meter is not
2. Install good quality water flow
meters. It is better to keep meters
under calibration.
3. Register flow meter readings at a
regular frequency.
4. Analyze the consumption efficiency Mr. Rubel Ahmed
3 Individual Metering System based on authentic data.
(Utility Manager)
For electrical system:
1. Ensure energy meters across each
2. Prioritize the need for energy meters
for major sections.
3. Install energy meters gradually and
keep meter reading to make
consumption analysis.

The Responsible Persons to Achieve the Target Plan

Name Designation Designated Role in Target

SK. Ishtiaq Ahmed CPO Process coordinator

Rubel Ahmed Manager - Utility Utility coordinator

Md. Elias Mia Asst: Manager - Sustainability Utility Team Member

Shomor Ghosh Manager - Compliance Compliance coordinator

Md. Rashed Manager - Electrical Electrical Supply coordinator

Mohammad Saddam
Manager - Mechanical Mechanical coordinator

Md.Rubel Parvez Asst: Manager - Compliance Compliance Team Member

Page 4 of 4
Noman Terry Towel Mills Ltd
Vawal Mirzapur, Gazipur
2014 2015 2016
Area Objective Suggested Measures Specific Targets Remarks
H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2
Establish a management A wastes management policy
policy in support of waste has been developed.
Conduct a waste audit. Quantification of waste
storage & disposal has been
Prepare a waste management Already a waste
Waste Minimization

plan. management plan is

To minimize All solid waste to be collected We have engaged authorized
waste handled and disposed in waste contractor to collect
generation and accordance to applicable and handled the solid waste
maximize Waste Management and disposed in accordance
economic All effluent wastes to be We have developed central
benefits. collected and disposes in ETP for the effluent the waste
accordance applicable water water and dispose.
Increase staff awareness of Waste minimazation and
waste minimization principles handling training has been
and practices.
Motivate conducted and
operators to improve Awareness it willisbe
performance. conducted regularly as per
Conduct an energy audit to
Energy usage related audit
determine the major areas of
has been done and reported.
energy use, and define and
Determine and monitor the Major energy using
efficiency of major energy processes are determined.
Prepare a program of Improvement plan in
improvements in efficiencies. efficiencies program is
To improve ongoing.
Steam generation system Boilers are already equipped
the efficiency improvement and technology with Economizer, Vulcan de-
of energy up gradation. Scaling instrument (8 nos.),
Energy Reduction

usage and Regularly conducting stake

reduce All the burner system re-
analysis for burner tuning and
consumption configuration and tuning re-configuration is done at
of energy per All the present in-efficient
unit of lights are replacing by
production on Efficient lighting system efficient LED lighting system
a continuous installation. which is already 42%
improvement converted and remaining are
basis 45% motors are now
Inductive load control by operated with Inverter control
efficient controlling device. which is saving about 54%
energy than earlier.
Have plannedmotors
for solar
Maximize renewable energy energy use at Stitching-
use and utilization building as a trial basis. After
observing the performance of
Audit chemical & waste Environmental risks
storage and handling and assessment has been done
evaluate the associated
Ensure secondary and have
We will beensured
reviewed in every
containment for all chemical containment for chemical
To reduce the storage area to reduce the storage area and provide
risk of spillage Establish an inspection, Inspection, maintenance and

or other losses maintenance and monitoring monitoring program have

which cause program. already established and
environmental Establish a staff awareness Training program is
damage. and training program. conducted as per training
2014 2015 2016
Area Objective Suggested Measures Specific Targets Remarks
H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2
Develop and keep up to date, Already developed and
emergency plans and maintaining
Confirm that the storage and
Have confirmed
handling of chemicals
Locate unloading and Unloading and transport
To ensure no transport operations away operations are located away

noise nuisance from residential and other from residential and other
results from Maintain steam and air hoses. We have maintaining steam
the facility Isolate equipment with We have equipped all
vibration absorbent pads. vibrating equipment with
Expanded tree planting We have started tree planting
program within the factory and program within the factory
surrounding environment; and surrounding environment
Corporate & social We have introduced Medical
Health Safety

To ensure responsibility policy which and accident policy, Child

employess includes provision of care policy etc towards all
Health Sfety community ambulance, employees.
medical support to the
We have conducted PPE
Appropriate personal protective training and also provide
appropriate PPE towards all

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