Dorothy Jonson S Theory Application

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International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2018 Volume 11 | Issue 1| Page 631

Case Study

Designing Nursing Care Program Based on Johnson Behavioral Model in

Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Case Study

Atefeh Ghanbari, PhD

Associate Professor, Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Guilan University of Medical Sciences,
Somayeh Pouy, Children's Nursing Postgraduate Student
Faculty of Nursing Midwifery of martyr Beheshti University of Rasht, Iran
Correspondence: Somayeh Pouy, Children's Nursing Postgraduate Student Faculty of Nursing Midwifery of
martyr Beheshti University of Rasht,Iran E-mail:

Background: Johnson behavioral model can be easily implemented in clinic and the nurses can easily design and
implement an appropriate care plan using this pattern for patients.
Aim: this paper has been developed aiming to investigate clinical function of Johnson behavioral model in the child
suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) in an environment.
Methodology: this paper is a case study one in which nursing process has been used according to Johnson
behavioral model in the child suffering from ALL.
Result: in this paper after implementing care pan based on Johnson model, we have reached the considered goals
Conclusion: The child who has been studied in this paper shows the application of nursing process based on
Johnson behavioral theory in a clinic in a more expanded environment. Johnson behavioral theory is related to
clinical environments and can be used in hospitals as a framework for diagnosing the problems of patient and
proposing and evaluating comprehensive nursing care.
Keywords: clinical skill, Johnson behavioral model, nursing process, theory-clinical gap

Introduction promote their critical thinking and analysis skills

(Meleis, 2012; Fawcett, 2006). A care plan has
One of the persistent problems in nursing is the
been designed in this paper according to Johnson
existence of weak clinical observations and very
behavioral model in order to take care of the child
little relationship of assumption concept in clinical
suffering from ALL.
environments. There are few studies about the
function of theories in nursing clinical skills. Introduction to leukemia in children
Moreover, it is imagined that nursing theories are
Leukemia is an expanded word which refers to a
abstract and have a limited function in practice
big group of malignant disease of the bone marrow
(Rolfe, 1993). Using theoretical researches as a
and lymphatic system. Leukemia means unlimited
clinical witness for critical thinking and decision-
proliferation of immature white blood cells in the
making, Nurses will increase their professional
blood-producing tissue. Two types of leukemia
ability. When the nurses use theory and the
have been known in children: Acute
evidences based on theory in order to form their
Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Acute Myeloid
skills, it will lead to improving the quality of
Leukemia. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
taking care of patient (Younas Ahtisham et al,
in children is of the most frequent childhood
2015). Implementing nursing skills in clinical
cancers. The peak age of onset of this disease is
environment help the students and nurses to
International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2018 Volume 11 | Issue 1| Page 632

within 2 to 5 years old. Three main consequences include Eliminative, Dependency,

of this disease include infections, fever and Aggressive/Protective, Affiliative, Achievement,
bleeding. The most common symptoms of Restorative, Ingestive and sexual. Each subsystem
leukemia in children are fever, paleness, fatigue, has at least four structural components which
anorexia, bleeding and bone and joint pain. One of involve goal, set, choice and action (Marlain, 2015;
challenging situations in nursing cares is taking Alligood, 2014).
care of children with cancer (Wong, 2015).
Goal is the same reason and incentive of a
Johnson Behavioral System Model subsystem’s behaviors. Set is tendency which
refers to the set of natural, regular and norm
Johnson behavioral theory is affected by
behaviors that an individual does to meet his
Nightingale’s opinion. He believed that the aim of
needs. In Choice, among available options for
nursing is helping people to prevent or ameliorate
achieving the goal, the individual chooses one.
diseases or injuries. The science and art of nursing
Action is a reaction that is shown by system
should be concentrate on a patient not on certain
against the incentive (Fawcett, 2006). Each one of
patients. For theorizing, Johnson has used the
subsystems has three equal functional needs which
principles of behaviorists in psychology and
include stimulation, protection and nurturance. due
sociology. Behavioral system theory is very similar
to each subsystem maintain its stability, these
to biologic system theory in which human has been
functional needs should be met permanently by
introduced as a biologic system including
environment but at sickness or health threatening
biological sections and disease is considered
conditions, the nurse is a resource for providing
resulting from the disruption of biological systems
these functional needs (Alligood, 2014).
(Ghanbari, 2004). Main presumptions of Johnson
theory include individual, nursing, environment Johnson considers nursing different from medicine
and health. Johnson considers individual as a because nursing sees patient as behavioral system
behavioral system with purposeful, repetitive and and medicine sees patient as biological system
patterned ways that causes his relationship with the (Marlain, 2015). Nursing process is used in
environment. Environment includes all factors in Johnson behavioral model that is the emerge of
which a part is related to individual’s behavioral disorder in behavior or sudden change in internal
system and affects system as well. He categorizes or external environment will lead to disorder in
the environment into two groups of internal and performance. Johnson believes that initial nursing
external environment. investigation starts when pressure symptom or lack
of balance is observed (Ghanbari, 2004). Johnson
Health includes adequate and effective
didn’t emphasize on nursing process levels but he
performance of systems and their behavioral
obviously considered the role of nurse as an
stability and balance. As an external force, nursing
external adjustment factor (Marlain, 2015).
causes organizing the behavior of patient. Nursing
Nursing diagnoses are in four categories according
activities aren’t dependent on physician but they
to Johnson behavioral model which include:
are as complementary for Physician’s measures
dominance, incompatibility, insufficiency and
(Marlain, 2015). The main concepts of Johnson
discrepancy. Nursing interventions are specified
behavioral model include: behavior, system,
based on Johnson behavioral model with
behavioral system, subsystems, balance and
dominance, incompatibility, insufficiency and
individual (Koshyar, 2008). The components of
discrepancy. These interventions include providing
behavioral system are called subsystems.
subsystems by external mechanisms of Facilitate,
Subsystems conduct specialized tasks leading to
Inhibit, Restrict and Defend (Meleis, 2012).
whole integration of behavioral system and
manage the relationship between system and A case study
environment. Johnson has defined seven
The patient under study is an eleven-year-old girl
subsystems in his theory but according to Grubbs
named Zeinab. M, in first grade of secondary
model, there are eight subsystems for
school who has been hospitalized in infection
operationalizing Johnson behavioral model which
center because of fever since 29/10/2016.
International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2018 Volume 11 | Issue 1| Page 633

According to her mother, she had nosebleeds two Nursing diagnosis 2: the danger of bleeding
month ago and after a few days because of lower related to patient’s platelet decrease (Insufficiency
blood pressure and high fever, they referred to the in protective and aggressive subsystem), the goal is
hospital. She has been hospitalized for four days controlling bleeding. Measures: 1. Injecting
and as soon as she discharged from hospital, the intramuscular drugs should be avoided as much as
fever started that used to be controlled with possible (Restrict) 2. Controlling the degree of
Acetaminophen. She referred to the hospital and fever through rectal and using suppository should
has been hospitalized because of high fever since be avoided (Restrict) 3. The smallest needle should
last week. The conducted experiments indicate low be used for intravenous injections (Restrict) 4.
platelet and white blood cell. Considering the After finishing the injection, in order to stop
clinical results of experiments of the child, the first bleeding, direct pressure should be imposed for 5
diagnosis was Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia minutes (defend) 5. While the patient is walking or
(ALL) and Zeinab has been hospitalized in blood moving, she has to be taken care of (defend) 6. In
section of 17thSharivar Hospital. She has taken case of need, a fence should be used beside
chemotherapy and antibiotics. In clinical protected bed (defend) 7. Training patient not to
examination, Zeinab’s oral mucosa is fervent that use hard toothbrush for teeth brushing (inhibit) 8.
is followed by anorexia and reluctance to food. Severe coughing and blowing nose tightly should
Zeinab is tired and weak and doesn’t want to leave be avoided (inhibit) 9. The lips should be oily by
her bed. Her mother says that she is injured in softeners soluble in water during waking (inhibit)
rectal area because of frequent diarrhea. In initial
Nursing diagnosis 3: infection associated with
mental examination, Zeinab doesn’t make eye
patient’s white blood cells fall (Insufficiency in
contact but after some sessions with her, it was
protective and aggressive subsystem), the goal is
identified that she is worried about her vague
controlling infection. Measures: 1. Sterile gloves
future. She is aware of location, time and
should be used in order to intravenous infusion
individual. She weighs 40 kg and is the third child
(defend) 2. Daily care from IV location (defend) 3.
of family. She doesn’t mention the history of
Catheterization should be avoided except in
sickness in the family. She was born in normal
necessity (defend) 4. The patient should be
vaginaldelivery and the mother didn’thave any
checked in terms of increasing fever, redness, heat,
particular issues in pregnancy and her other
eye and ear pain, throat, skin, joints, abdomen as
children are healthy. The child’s vaccination was
well as fever, chills and tachycardia and white rash
complete and had a normal procedure. According
in the mouth (defend)
to Zeinab’s mother, Zeinab’s grandmother is
taking care of other children while Zeinab is Nursing diagnosis 4: disorder in skin integrity
hospitalizing. The results of Zeinab’s experiments rectum in connection with the use of chemotherapy
have been shown in table 1. Investigating the drugs (Insufficiency in eliminative subsystem), the
subsystems has been indicated in the tables 2. goal is maintaining skin integrity rectum.
Measures: training patient and her mother to clean
Johnson behavioral model application
around the rectum after each bowel movement and
Nursing process in the child with ALL based on that cleaning perineum should be accomplished
Johnson behavioral model is as follows: from front to the back (inhibit) 2. Training patient
for doing seat bath and then drying perineum area
Nursing diagnosis 1: Hyperthermia associated
to prevent flaking and scratches (inhibit)
with infection (Insufficiency in protective and
aggressive subsystem).the goal is reducing the Nursing diagnosis 5: exercise intolerance due to
child’s fever to 37 degrees. The measures: 1- anemia and infection (Discrepancy in restorative
washing with cool water was used to reduce the and achievement subsystem), the goal is
fever (defend) 2. Training mother for reducing controlling the child’s fatigue. Measures: training
patient’s clothing (inhibit) 3. Prescribing the child’s mother to make the patient do physical
Acetaminophen with physician’s order (defend) activities and paly sports (inhibit) 2. Physiotherapy
(facilitate) 3. Helping the patient to maintain a
International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2018 Volume 11 | Issue 1| Page 634

balance between activity and rest and to prevent increased and she is more hopeful about the future.
fatigue (defend) 4. Recommending to use She is interested in field of Law and like to
stationary bicycle and sit ups (facilitate) continue her education in this field. Zeinab does
her homework, her appetite has been improved and
Nursing diagnosis 6: changes in less nutrition the
there is no sign of aphthous, stomatitis and mouth
body needs associated with increasing metabolism,
pain, the rate of platelets and white blood cells has
anorexia, mucosal inflammation, pain
returned to the natural range and there is no
(Insufficiency in ingestive subsystem), the goal is
symptom of bleeding, fever and infection. Zeinab
improving nutrition pattern. Measures: 1. Training
can do daily routines at the tolerance level. She can
mother and patient adequately to keep the mouth
do her favorite games. After care plan, the parents
clean through gargling with salt water and not to
have felt more power and state necessary trainings
use commercial mouthwash (inhibit) 2. Using soft
about controlling fever, diet and disease procedure
toothbrush to keep the moth clean (inhibit) 3.
Training to keep mouth clean before and after food
(inhibit) 4. Recommending to use frequent food Result
intake but with low volume, soft and gentle heat
through designing care plan based on Johnson
containing plenty of protein and vitamins (inhibit)
behavioral model, at the end of 10-day period of
5. Training to avoid using vegetables and raw
hospitalization of Zeinab, increasing confidence,
fruits or the ones whose skim cannot be peeled
improving rational skills, improving the appetite,
(inhibit) 6. Warning the patient to eat her food
life daily routines, no fatigue, fever, bleeding and
more slowly after using oral anesthetic to prevent
infestion have been obtained. The existing
aspiration and biting mucosa of the mouth and
problems in Zeinab are the sign of instability in
tongue (defend) 7. Prescribing diphenhydramine
behavioral system which need nursing
under the physician’s order (defend)
intervention. In this paper, the researcher has
Nursing diagnosis 7: the child’s wrath because of designed nursing interventions based on the needs
falling behind the curriculum due to hospitalization of each subsystem and these needs are well
(Insufficiency in achievement subsystem), the goal provided at the end of these 10 days.The child who
is controlling the child’s wrath. Measures: 1. has been studied in this paper shows the
Training patient’s mother to make an intimate application of nursing process based on Johnson
relationship with her child (inhibit) 2. Creating a behavioral theory in a clinic in a more expanded
friendly atmosphere with the child and her mother environment. Johnson behavioral theory is related
by the personnel (defend) 3. Creating a space for to clinical environments and can be used in
patient to study and recommending mother to help hospitals as a framework for diagnosing the
her child with her lessons (facilitate) problems of patient and proposing and evaluating
comprehensive nursing care. Moreover, this theory
can be implemented in clinical environments and it
Expected consequences from care plan have been has been investigated especially on kids very little.
obtained successfully by the child and cooperation It can also help experienced nurses to collect
of her parents. At the end of 10-day period of comprehensive and trustable information about the
caring, Zeinab makes relationship with parents and health status of the patient and as the result cause
the medical team staff and her confidence has been increasing the quality of nursing cares for patients.

Table 1- The results of Zeinab’s experimental tests
International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2018 Volume 11 | Issue 1| Page 635

Lab tests Normal range Zeinab’s reading

Hemoglobin Woman:12-15.5gr/dL 11.4 gr/dL
Platelet count 150,000-450,000 plateletes/mcl 98000plateletes/mcl
BUN mg/dL 5 mg/dL
Creatinine Woman:88-128ml/min 0.5 ml/min
WBC Mill/mm 1300 Mill/mm3
Na 135-145mEq/L 4.5mEq/L
Ka 3.5-5.2mEq/L 140 mEq/L
FBS 70-110mmol/L 98mmol/L
CRP positive

Table 2- Investigating subsystems

Subsystems Instable behaviors Stable behaviors

Aggressive/Protective Zeinab had 38.5 degrees of The neurological examination,

Goal: To protect self or others from real or fever and her skim is warm. skin, hair, eyes, ears and
imagined threatening objects, person or she is vulnerable to infection musculoskeletal system are
ideas because of severe leukopenia normal.
Function: To recognize biological,
environmental, or health systems that are
potential threats to self or others

Achievement Because of disease and

Goal: Mastery or control of self or the hospitalization in hospital as
environment well as falling behind the
Function: To set appropriate goals curriculum is angry and sad -------------------------
so she has frustrated and has a
disorder in this subsystem
Affiliative It is identified in checking
Goal: To relate or belong to someone or Zeinab that because of
something other than oneself executing offensive procedure
Function: To form cooperative and and the disease process, she -------------------------
interdependent role relationship within gets angry and avoid making
human social systems relationship with family and
is experiencing withdrawal.
Dependency Because ofweakness caused
Goal: To obtain focused by the disease and side effects
attention,approval,nurturance and physical of chemotherapy, such as
assistance fatigue, Zeinab cannot do --------------------------
Function:To obtain approval, reassurance ADLs alone and to meet her
about self needs such as putting on
To make others aware of self clothes, going to the
International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2018 Volume 11 | Issue 1| Page 636

bathroom and so on gets help

from her mother.
Eliminative Because of injuries in rectum Renal and pulmonary system
Goal: To expel biological wastes caused by chemotherapy don’t have any problems and
Function: To recognize and interpret input drugs, Zeinab suffers frequent experimental results of these
from the biological system that signals diarrheas and skin damage at systems are normal. Her
readiness for wastes excretion rectal area and has painful spirometry testing is satisfying
bowel movement and she which are all of stable
cries when she is defecating. behaviors. Zeinab can urinate
without problem.
Ingestive Zeinab has thrombocytopenia Stable behaviors of Zeinab
Goal:To take in needed resources from the and is vulnerable to bleeding. include normal heartbeats,
environment to maintain integrity of the She cannot use enough liquid cardiovascular examination
organism or to achieve a state of pleasure using moth and gets anorexia. and her lack of oxygen supply
Function:To sustain life through nutritive disruption.
restorative Because of tiredness and lack
Goal:To redistribute energy of activity tolerance, Zeinab ----------------------
Function:To maintain or return to cannot restore energy and has
physiological homeostasis a problem.
sexual Because she is still single and has not reached puberty, this
Goal: To procreate subsystem cannot be investigated in her.
Function: To develop a self-concept or
self-identity based on gender

Table 3- Subsystem and its components

Structure goal set choice action

Aggressive/Protective Preventing The tendency of Accepting given trainings Zeinab’s mother takes
fever, Zeinab’s mother to about preventing fever, necessary measures to
infection cure her child infection and bleeding prevent fever, infection
and and bleeding
Affiliative Preventing An intimate Accepting given trainings Zeinab’s mother states
the child’srelationship with about controlling and implements given
wrath Zainab Guiding her Zeinab’s wrath by mother trainings about
mother to have good controlling the wrath of
behavior with her Zeinab
Eliminative Preventing Training mother Acceptance of given Zeinab implements
damage to about health of training about perineal given trainings about
the rectal perineal area health on behalf of the health of perineal
mucosa Zainab and her mother area
Ingestive Preventing Training mother Acceptance of given Zeinab and her mother
International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2018 Volume 11 | Issue 1| Page 637

anorexia, about proper trainings about proper implements given

stomatitis nutrition pattern and nutrition, oral hygiene trainings about proper
and the prevention of and the prevention of nutrition, oral hygiene
mucous mucous membranes damage to the mucous and the prevention of
membrane damage and oral membrane damage to the mucous
damage hygiene membrane
Restorative Preventing Training mother Acceptance of given Zeinab and her mother
fatigue about Preventing training on the Preventing implements given
fatigue and exercise fatigue and exercise trainings about the
intolerance, and intolerance Preventing fatigue and
advising to exercise intolerance
Achievement Not falling Willingness to learn Acceptance of given The mother implements
behind training on not falling given trainings about
curriculum behind curriculum not falling behind
curriculum and has
Sexual _________ _____________ Acceptance of given _______________
training about prevention
of infection, fever and

Table 4- Functional needs of subsystems

Functional needs protection nurturance stimulation


Aggressive/Protective Prevention of nutrition: training Stimulation: avoiding

infection, mother about unnecessary meeting or meeting
fever and prevention of people with colds, avoiding
bleeding infection, fever and flowers or using raw vegetables
bleeding and fruit, locating the child in an
isolate room in case of severe
reduction of leukocyte,
prevention of doing a lot of
activities and severe physical
games, checking the child in
terms of bleeding or petechial
Eleminative Preventing Training mother and Providing health requirements in
rectal mucosa child in the field of section to make the child able to
damage perineal hygiene and clean perineal area after bowel
bath seat movement with the help of her
Affiliative Prevention of An intimate Creating a friendly space for the
relationship with child and her family
International Journal of Caring Sciences January-April 2018 Volume 11 | Issue 1| Page 638

child’s wrath Zainab Guiding her

mother to have good
behavior with her
Ingestive Preventing Training about Providing the child’s favorite
anorexia, proper nutrition food, doing moth washing for the
stomatitis and pattern and the child
mucous prevention of
membrane mucous membranes
damage damage

Restorative Preventing Training mother Helping the child to make balance

fatigue, about Preventing between activity and rest, creating
prevention of fatigue and exercise a proper place for child to sleep
exercise intolerance and prevention of noise and extra
intolerance, light
for energy
Achievement Not falling Helping the child Providing an environment for
behind and training mother child to study in the sector
curriculum for stability and
going to school
Success subsystem
Sexual Because Zeinab is still single and has not reached puberty, this subsystem
cannot be investigated in her.

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