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1. One of this is not an example of presentation package? (a) Macromedia Flash (b) Microsoft Power
Point (c) Windows Movie Maker (d) Microsoft Word
2. _____ is an example of a word Processing application
3. _____ is a place where files are stored and arranged in the computer
4. The working environment in MS Power Point is Called___ (a) Work window (b) Slide (c) Work
Space (d) Page
5. _____ is used to specify the type of data to be stored in a database.
6. Microsoft Access is used for creating _____ (a) Spreadsheet (b) database (c) Presentation (d)
7. ______ is a collection of data stored on a disk? (a) record (b) field (c) file (d) document
8. ______ is the smallest unit of information? (a) record (b) field (c) data (d) memory
9. What is the short cut key to insert a New Slide in MS Power Point? (a) CTRL+N
10. Database is simply___ (a) Structured collection of records or data (b) Improper arrangement
(c) Unbalanced data (d) Forms and Report
11. One of these is a type of effect in MS Power Point (a) Slide Transition (b) Hyperlink (c) Slide Sorter
(d) Hovering
12. ____ is an effect in MS Power Point that affects both text and graphics (a) Custom Animation (b)
Slide Sorter (c) Slide Transition (d) None of the above
13. ___ are instructions and codes that direct the hardware what to do? (a) Operating System (b)
Software (c) Malware (d) Central Processing Unit
14. ____ tool is use for drawing a rectangle in Corel Draw
15. What is the function of Title Bar in Corel Draw? (a) for drawing titling (b) displays the name of
Corel Draw file (c) for positioning and sizing aid
16. The large white portion of the screen in Core Draw is called___ (a) page (b) white board (c)
Drawing Window (d) Display Space
17. _____ tool is use for typing a text in Corel Draw (a) writing tool (b) text tool (c) pick tool (d) shape
18. _____ tool is use for changing views in Corel Draw (a) view tool (b) zoom tool (c) polygon tool (d)
freehand tool
19. _____ provides you with operational tools in Corel Draw (a) Dockers (b) toolbox (c) status (d) tool
20. _____tool is use for selecting object in Corel Draw? (a) Select tool (b) Pick tool (c) Rectangle tool
(d) Freehand tool
21. Which part of the computer is referred to as the brain of the computer (a) RAM (b) ROM (c) ALU
(d) CPU
22. ___ is the most important part of the Computer Software Components (a) MS word (b) Operating
System (c) Anti-Virus (d) Corel Draw
23. ___ is the most important part of the Computer Hardware Components (a) RAM (b) ROM (c)
24. The process where the computer takes to load an Operating System into the computer is called____
(a) POST (b) Booting (c) Processing (d) Tasking
25. ____ is the process of structuring and organizing data? (a) Booting (b) file organization (c) data
modeling (d) data structure
26. Each column is called ___ in MS Access (a) cell (b) record (c) field (d) table
27. One of this is a type of data type in MS Access database (a) Attachment (b) Note (c) Sorter (d) Field
28. ___ is an example of primary key field? (a) Serial Number (b) Address (c) E-mail (d) Zip
29. ___ is a field in a relational table that matches a candidate key of another table? (a) primary key (b)
secondary key (c) foreign key (d) Neutral key
30. One of this is not a component of Entity-Relationship (a) Entities (b) Attributes (d) Relationship (d)
Primary Key
31. ___ are objects or concepts within the data model? (a) Entities (b) Attributes (d) Relationship (d)
Primary Key
32. _____ is the association between entities or entity occurrences? (a) Attribute (b) Relationship (c)
Entities (d) Cardinality
33. ___ is an example of a word processor (a) MS Excel (b) MS Power Point (c) Corel Draw (d)
34. ____ is a collection of data usually stored in a disk? (a) File (b) Data (b) Information (d) Booting
35. ___ is a global system of interconnected computer networks (a) Link (b) Internet (c) Network (d)
Cloud Storage
36. ___ is a virtual communication platform where many people keep in contact with family and friends
(a) Cyber Café (b) Chat room (c) Email (d) website
37. ___ is an application use for opening web pages (a) Front Page (b) MS word (c) Browser (d)
38. ___ is a collection of web pages (a) Folder (b) Website (c) Internet (d) Browser
39. Which of this tool in Corel Draw provides you with operational tools? (a) Property Bar tool (b)
Standard tool bar (c) toolbox (d) Status bar
40. The Connection of two or more computers for the purpose of file sharing is called__ (a) Internet (b)
Network (c) Globalization (d) intranet

Answer only 2 questions
1. (a) Explain the term Graphic Package
(b) State 5 uses of Graphic Package
(c) Mention 5 examples of Graphic Package
2. (a) Define Internet
(b) list 5 internet browsers
(c) State 5 benefits of the internet
3. (a) Explain the term Presentation Package
(b) Outline 5 uses of Presentation Package
(c) List 3 examples of Presentation Packages

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