2.how Do You Manufacture The Fertilizer

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A rise in the consumption of coffee drinks has been reported worldwide in recent years. High
quantities of spent coffee grounds (SCG) are created by the preparation of this drink, which is
typically combined with common garbage are the cause of large environmental problems.
Thus it is of great importance to find methods to value the use of this organic material. A few
applications of this residual are shown by the chemical composition of SCG. The
composition of chemical contains 0.35% potassium, 1.2-2.3% nitrogen, 0.02-0.5%
phosphorus. These minerals improve the fertility of the soil and are extremely important for
the growth of healthy plants. In local agriculture, there are many references to use of the SCG
as an organic fertilizer (Gomes et al., 2013).

To convert spent coffee grounds (SCG) to several products of biofuels, there were also
presently a range of choices for the use of SCG in agriculture and various possibilities.
Current technologies for SCG recovery such as oil extraction, anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis,
and value-added products such as nutrients, composting, etc. Another methods to utilized the
SCG is made into a pellet. These pellets are made from the collected SCG and mixed with a
suitable amount of sawdust. The shape of pellet is a vertical pellet that goes through a
pressing process and made with various composition of SCG and sawdust. It takes roughly
three minutes to granulate each sample. The operation was normally performed three times
because of the low strength of the pellets produced (Nosek et al., 2020).
Figure xx. Production fertilizer from Spent Coffe Grounds (SCG)[1][2][3]
Spent Coffe grounds (SCG) were collected from several coffe shops and restaurant in
malaysia. After collecting the SCG. It transferred to the plant and then sorted. The next step
is composting process, in this process added Microbal agent to accelerate the composting
process. Composting process is run at a temperature of 20-25 oC for 4 weeks and given water
periodically to maintain moisture content, where moisture content of 50-55%[2]. After
passing the composting process, then dried to reduce moisture content and subsequently
packaged for sale.
Dispersive system in sewage sludge has the non-dispersive and dispersed phase. The liquid
phase is a non-dispersive phase which contains presence of liquid dissolving materials. While
for the solid phase is a dispersed phase contains presence of impermeable pieces or a vapor
phase in the form of a gas immersed in water. It has some functional use ability, provided that
it provides organic compounds along with biogenic components. Dehydrated sludge it differs
from other than 50 per cent and for hydrated sludge, the amount of organic material in dry
matter varies from 2.6 to 11 per cent and total content of Nitrogen 5,05% dry mass which
provides the sludge to be appropriate to re-use as a soil fertilizer (Adam Smoli´nski, 2019).

Mostly, the major handling for sewage sludge is combustion that leads to ash product. It is
carbon-neutral fuel regarding to the renewable energy. The decreased total mass of the
sewage sludge around 75% by way of combustion. Chemical materials are oxidized and
emitted as gases, though most minerals are contaminated with ash related to limited or even
no volatilization. Nitrogen isn't really a finite natural resource and can also be extracted from
the environment by chemical nitrogen fixation. In instance, Sweden generated about 500 tons
of nitrogen each year which equal to 2 kg nitrogen per hectare agricultural land. In a year, the
supply for nitrogen from plants normally ranges among 80 and 200 kg per hectare
(Kirchmann, 2017).

Figure xx. Raw material from wastewater sewage treatment [4]

In the management of domestic liquid waste there are by-products produced from primary
settling tanks and Secondary settling tanks. From the settling process is produced sewage
sludge products that can be used as a source of nitrogen to support the life of bacteria
Pseudomonas aeruginosa naturally convert oil into Free Fatty Acid (FFA)[4].
Figure xx. Production fertilizer from sewage sludge as nitrogen compose[5][6]
Sewage sludge obtained from sewage waste treatment in three different places, were
located in johor baru, kuala lumpur and penang. After, collection it. Sewage sludge
transferred to plant and processed to produce fertilizer.
Domestic liquid waste can contain human or animal waste and can also be organic
waste, sewage sludge produced from the waste watertreatment process can contain 5% solids
and in it there is 2-5% nitrogen content.
This excessive water content can be reduced by dewatering method. The technique
used can be decanting or centrufugation[7]. After the dewatering process, solids
concentration increases from 5% to 20-30% of the total weight of sewage sludge[2].
Before entering the Thermal drying stage. First, Sludge is added with nitrid acid which
is useful to produce slugde with the pH 7 or below and forming ammonium nitrate that do not
evaporate when entering the thermal drying stage. Ammonium nitrate acts as nitrogen content
in sewage sludge, so this stage is called nitrogen fixation. After added nitrid acid, the next
process is thermal drying, this process can take place on rotary dryers with operating
conditions of 70-100oC[8], and produced solids with a concentration of 70-90% of the total
sewage sludge.
The next stage is Heavy metal fixation / solidification to eliminate metal and toxic compund
and to increase the pH to above 7 so that this fertilizer can be used for bacteri growth such as
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. production this fertilize for commercial product, so agglomeration
stage is edified to form fertilizer into pellets, then the last is packaging the pellet. This
process can obtain 68% of amonium as source of nitrogen that microbacteri like
pseudomonas aeruginosa can growth[5].

Gomes, T., Pereira, J.A., Ramalhosa, E., Casal, S. and Baptista, P., 2014. Effect of fresh and
composted spent coffee grounds on lettuce growth, photosynthetic pigments and
mineral composition. In VII Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería y Ciencias
Horticolas (pp. 1-5). SECH e SEAgIng.
Kirchmann, H., Börjesson, G., Kätterer, T. and Cohen, Y., 2017. From agricultural use of
sewage sludge to nutrient extraction: A soil science outlook. Ambio, 46(2), pp.143-
Nosek, R., Tun, M.M. and Juchelkova, D., 2020. Energy utilization of spent coffee grounds
in the form of pellets. Energies, 13(5), p.1235.
Smoliński, A., Karwot, J., Bondaruk, J. and Bąk, A., 2019. The Bioconversion of Sewage
Sludge to Bio-Fuel: The Environmental and Economic Benefits. Materials, 12(15),
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