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Critical Evaluation of a Global Brand

Learning outcomes assessed in this task: You should include

1.Demonstrate and apply advanced understanding of how brands are created and managed in the global context
2.Critically evaluate global brand strategy including cultural and ethical issues
3. Analyse brand value using brand equity measurement techniques

•展示并运用对 品牌 在 全球范围 内的 创建 和 管理 的高级理解

•批判性 评估 全球品牌 战略,包括文化和伦理问题

•使用品牌资产测量技术 分析 品牌价值

写 宝马 公司,我抽到的是这个。

Assignment brief: You must to use APA format and at least two p-book as references
Your role in this task is that of a brand consultant and you have been asked to produce a written report (2500 words).

You have been asked to undertake an evaluation of a specified brand and its BMW performance in the global market.
You must use relevant concepts and academic theory/frameworks from the module to conduct your evaluation. You
should cover the following three parts within your assignment. Your assignment should take the form of a structured
and formal report.

Part one: Brand creation and management
Discuss and evaluate the brand's creation from inception up to its contemporary management you should include some
consideration of this in a global context.
(Include heritage, identity and awareness)
讨论 和 评估品牌 从创立到当代管理的过程,你应该在全球范围内考虑到这一点。
Part two: Brand strategy Examine and critically evaluate the brand's current strategy in global markets - consider how
the brand adapts its strategy to local cultures. (Include positioning, communications, promise and experience.)
Part three: brand value Critically evaluate the brand's current value including equity in the global environment.
Each element is weighted equally.

This assignment should be in the form of a report

Report writing is a standard way of presenting analysis and communicating in the business world and a required
format. A formal structure for a report is laid out below. Use it as a template and guide rather than a straightjacket.
Formal Report Format
1. Terms of Reference** : (A formal title) eg - This is a Report About …………….. Produced for …………….
by…. …………….Dated ….……..

2. Proceedure** : (A statement of how the research/investigation was done) eg - Produced by ………………. based
on 20 in-depth inteviews with ………….. conducted between ……. and ……. , presented ……..

3. Executive Summary** (A brief summary/precis/abstract outlining what is in the report and what it's major
findings and recommendations are) eg - A report investigating customer awareness of ………….. employing the
expertise of in-house company sales representatives, franchisees and major use customers identifying unsatisfactory
low levels of awareness and recommending the use of adverting and sales promotion and the setting of target levels of
future desired levels awareness.

4. Table of Contents** (List of report sections which may be followed by a separate numbered list of entitled and
attributed figures/models/diagrams contained in the main body of the report).

5. Findings (Main body of the report, often employing sub-headings with sections and sub-sections/paragraphs
numbered eg - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; 2.1, 2.2 etc. May include numbered figures, charts and diagrams.

6. Recommendations (Based on the findings, brief outline what it is advised for the company to do. Proposed action
plan, perhaps outlining choices and priorities).

7. Appendix** ( preceded by a list, a sequence of entitled and attributed, numbered appendices (cross referenced
from the findings).

8. Bibliography and References Used** ( A list of sources both used and referred to in the text, listed in full,
alphabetically by author's family name using the 'Harvard' method)

** not included in any word count along with any figures/charts or diagrams or quotations in the findings and

A simple example about assignment

Global Brand Management Coursework advice


The North Face's name derives from being 'the coldest most unforgiving side of a mountain' (thenorthface,
2017, para1). The North face was founded in by 1966 by two hikers who were passionate about exploring
(thenorthface 2017).
Product Focus

The North Face specialise in selling outdoor clothing and equipment. They operate in a highly competitive
but growing market (Mintel 2017). Their range includes jackets, gloves, hats and other clothing. They sell
these items direct from their website but also work with retail intermediaries such as Blacks and Cotswold
Outdoor. They have a strong ethical programme similar to other brands such as Patagonia. They pride
themselves on high quality products that offer premium performance for customers.


Brand Image; the brand appears to align itself with the notion of being outside and at the mercy of the
extremes that Mother Nature provides. Despite their name suggesting that they are a specialist provider of
outdoor clothing and their sponsorship of elite climbing athletes, they are a popular brand amongst many
mainstream consumers. Laforet (2010) argues that brands should have one or two key images that are
evoked when the customer thinks about the brand. It appears that The North Face have worked hard to
build a clear association between their brand and the concept of adventure. Additionally brand image is
often considered as multidimensional with two key aspects; symbolism and functionality (Laforet 2010).
The North Face have an effective approach here as their brand allows consumers to connect with them and
feel they have a functionally robust product experience coupled with making symbolic projections around
their own self-image of adventure and exploration.

Swartz (1983) notes that it is the latter of these two dimensions that resonates with consumers and thus
has the most influence on their subsequent connections. The North Face currently appear to manage this
well with a strong link to exploring the outdoors however the launch of a teenage range in JD sports could
start to undermine this if they become too closely linked to a sports wear culture.

Please turnover

Things to avoid in your assignment:

 Too much description without telling the reader what it means,

 Too much focus on the product/service without linking this to the brand and or reputation,
 Including concepts/diagrams that are not applied,
 Making statements as though they are facts without academic and or secondary research support/
refrain from anecdotal comments,
 Incorrect referencing - verbatim quotes must include the page number and referenced ideas must
include the source.

Top tips:

 Substantiate/evidence your points,

 Demonstrate wider reading including peer-reviewed journals,
 Provide examples from other brands where needed/necessary,
 Apply all theory/concepts and be clear what it means,
 Limit the amount of description,
 Use a professional report format and structure including headings/sub headings etc.

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