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Carreon, Vanessa Mae C.

Institutional Course 6


Test your Stress IQ Reflection

Based on the result of the Stress IQ Test, I got a perfect score of 12/12. One reason that I

could think of why I got such a high score is maybe because I am aware of the things that make

me stressed at some point thus, I already know how to handle whenever I am put in that state of

situation. Another thing is that I’m a very optimistic person so whenever I am in a situation

where all goes wrong, I still find a way to make it out of it. I don’t give up that easily. Although

it may be cliche, pessimism and depression can actually be offset by the practice of looking at

the positive side of a situation. I also find activities to de-stress if ever I feel burnout from the

things that surround me. By means of de-stressing is doing the things that you love to do.

Exercising even once or twice a week actually helps. Moreover, I try to overcome the things that

usually put me in stress because if I don’t do anything about it, the same things go on and on and

on and will just worsen the stress that I am feeling. The practice of slowly approaching it will

help you cope if a moderate, daily fear is at the core of your anxiety. I think I already find the

courage to fight off stress and to not overthink a situation that can lead me to stress about it. It's

about knowing how to draw the line between really stressful things and things that you’re the one

making it stressful.

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