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An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using wireless

medical sensor networks for healthcare monitoring

Article  in  Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing · September 2018

DOI: 10.1007/s12652-018-1015-9


14 248

6 authors, including:

Rifaqat Ali Arup Kumar Pal

National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad


Saru Kumari Arun Kumar

Chaudhary Charan Singh University VIT University


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Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing


An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using

wireless medical sensor networks for healthcare monitoring
Rifaqat Ali1 · Arup Kumar Pal1 · Saru Kumari2 · Arun Kumar Sangaiah3 · Xiong Li4 · Fan Wu5

Received: 19 January 2018 / Accepted: 27 August 2018

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

With the rapid growth of wireless medical sensor networks (WMSNs) based healthcare applications, protecting both the pri-
vacy and security from illegitimate users, are major concern issues since patient’s precise information is vital for the proper
diagnosis procedure. So, authentication protocol is one of the efficient mechanisms to deal with trustworthy and authentic
users. Several authentication protocols have been proposed in WMSNs environment. However, the most of these protocols are
so susceptible to security threats and not suitable for practical use. In this article, recently proposed Amin et al.’s authentica-
tion scheme is reviewed and some vulnerabilities like off-line password guessing attack, user impersonation attack, known
session-key temporary information attack, the revelation of secret parameters, and identity guessing attack are pointed
out. To overcome all the above mentioned vulnerabilities, we have proposed an enhanced three-factor based remote user
authentication protocol in WMSNs environment. Further, the proposed protocol is validated using Burrows–Abadi–Needham
logic and then simulated using Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications tool. Moreover, the
security analysis ensures that the proposed protocol is well protected from various types of malicious attacks. In addition,
the performance evaluation shows better efficiency and suitability of our protocol over other related protocols.

Keywords  Authentication · Cryptanalysis · Security attacks · Wireless medical sensor networks

* Saru Kumari
saryusiirohi@gmail.com 1 Introduction
Rifaqat Ali
rifaqatali27@gmail.com In the present world, the high quality of health care facil-
ity is not available for residents in rural and remote areas
Arup Kumar Pal
arupkrpal@gmail.com due to the scarcity of skilled health care professionals. This
issues was highlighted by the World Health Organization’s
Arun Kumar Sangaiah
sarunkumar@vit.ac.in; arunkumarsangaiah@gmail.com report where the healthcare services are essential for every
human being (World Health Organization 2010). Recently,
Xiong Li
lixiongzhq@163.com wireless medical sensor networks (WMSNs) based patient
monitoring applications are one the appropriate solution for
Fan Wu
conjurer1981@gmail.com residents in remote areas where the patient’s related data can
be collected even by the semi-skilled health care profession-
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian als and the same can be available to the skilled health care
Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad 826004, India professionals and they can prescribe to the patient even from
Department of Mathematics, Ch. Charan Singh University, anywhere and anytime. The semi-skilled healthcare profes-
Meerut 250004, Uttar Pradesh, India sionals basically collected various patient’s health related
School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT information like blood pressure, ECG and heartbeat rates
University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 632014, India etc. using sensor devices and send it to the skilled health care
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Hunan professionals through a gateway node of the WMSNs. In this
University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, mechanism, the patient information is shared through pub-
lic channels. As a consequence, the deployment of proper
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Xiamen security model is essential between the sender and receiver
Institute of Technology, Xiamen 361021, China

R. Ali et al.

side to make the communication secure. The architecture communication platform is necessary. Remote user authen-
of WMSNs is described in Fig. 1. The main advantages of tication is one of the fundamental security steps which pro-
remote patient monitoring using WMSNs are as follows: vides secure communication between two (or multi) parties
(Wang et al. 2015b; Wu and Lin 2014; Lee 2015; Ni et al.
• Improved health outcomes and quality of life. 2016; Zhang 2015; Zhang et al. 2015; Rahman et al. 2017;
• Ability to continue monitoring patient health, regardless He et al. 2015b; Wu et al. 2017a). In the last decades, the
of the patient’s location. three factor security mechanism like password, biometric
• Saving human labor, time, and money. and the smart card is widely used for achieving the reli-
• Reduced liability due to remote care, monitoring and able security in the authentication process. Li and Hwang
compliance audit trail. (2010) proposed a biometric-based remote user authentica-
• Real-time support and interventions. tion scheme using smart cards and claimed that their scheme
• Increase the trust level and reliance that physicians place is very efficient and secure against various security attacks.
in data. Unfortunately, Li et al. (2011) and Das (2011) find out the
security and design flaws in Li and Hwang’s scheme. Das
1.1 Related work (2011) has described the security weaknesses in Li and
Hwang’s scheme such as incorrect password change phase,
The involvement of WMSNs in a healthcare applications incorrect login and authentication phases and incorrect
require managing many crucial tasks simultaneously. In biometric verification. To overcome these security weak-
WMSNs, the sensors gather the data of patients, which nesses, he proposed an improved biometric based remote
is very important and sensitive. If data are obtained ille- user authentication scheme. Moreover, Li et  al. (2011)
gally by somebody, then it may causes serious issues for also discussed two security weaknesses in Li and Hwang’s
patient’s life and confidentiality is lost. If the patient’s data scheme as follows: (1) does not provide correct authentica-
are modified, the health professionals will do wrong diagno- tion, (2) does not secure against man-in-the-middle attack.
ses and fateful results may occur. Thus, providing a secure To remove these security attacks, they proposed an improved

Fig. 1  The architecture of WMSNs 

An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using wireless medical sensor networks…

three-factor based authentication scheme. Later on, both Li security threats and more robust than existing relevant
et al. (2014b) and An (2012) have also done cryptanalysis schemes. However, we have reviewed Amin et al.’s scheme
of Das (2011) and identified some serious issues. And then, carefully and identified that their scheme is vulnerable to
both developed a three-factor based mutual authentication off-line password guessing attack, user impersonation attack,
schemes separately. Now, Li et al. (2014a) scrutinized An’s known session-key temporary information attack and iden-
scheme and pointed out that his scheme suffers from forgery tity guessing attack. To obviate these security weaknesses,
attack, denial of service attack, inefficient login phase and we develop an enhanced three-factor based authentication
does not provide session key agreement. To obviate these protocol for healthcare applications using wireless medical
security flaws, they proposed an improved authentication sensor networks. We have validated our protocol using BAN
scheme using biometric. logic and then simulated using AVISPA tool. Moreover, the
In recent times, various three-factor based authentication security analysis is discussed which ensures that the protocol
schemes are developed in the literature, but very few of them is well protected from several malicious attacks.
have been devised for patient monitoring using wireless sen-
sor networks (Kumar et al. 2012; Khan and Kumari 2014; 1.2 Threat model
He et al. 2015a; Shin et al. 2016; Li et al. 2015, 2018; Wu
et al. 2015, 2017b; Liu and Chung 2017; Amin et al. 2018; In this paper, we have described threat model in the context
Wang et al. 2015a). Kumar et al. (2012) proposed a remote of some steps.
user authentication scheme in WMSNs environment for
monitoring the patient’s health condition and asserted that • An attacker  extracts the values stored in smartcard
their scheme is secure against various security attacks. But, using side channel attack (Kocher et al. 1999; Messerges
both Khan and Kumari (2014) and He et al. (2015a) have et al. 2002).
done cryptanalysis and specified some security weaknesses • A privileged insider at the gateway node GW has knowl-
in Kumar et al.’s scheme. Khan and Kumari (2014) recog- edge of the parameters submitted by the user during the
nized the user impersonation attack, lack of user anonymity, registration phase. In addition, he also knows the param-
the password guessing attack, insecure session key, the sen- eters provided by the GW to the user during the registra-
sor node impersonation attack, lack of mutual authentication tion phase if GW does not store the parameters in any
and insider attack in Kumar et al. (2012) and then developed storage device (like a smartcard or mobile device) and
an improved scheme to resolve aforementioned problems. provided these directly to the user (Chen et al. 2011; Wei
However, He et al. (2015a) search out the password guessing et al. 2014).
attack, the insider attack and lack of user anonymity prob- •  obstructs all logging messages which are transferred
lems and then introduced an extended remote user authenti- between the user and server via public channel.
cation scheme for patient monitoring using wireless sensor •  can add or subtract something, delete and rerouted of
networks. stolen login messages.
In 2015, both Li et al. (2015) and Wu et al. (2015) have •  may be a legal or an outsider of any system or organi-
pointed out the security threats in the scheme (He et al. zation.
2015a). Li et al. (2015) recognized the denial of service •  can guess a low entropy password and identity easily,
attack, inefficient password change phase, efficient authen- but it is not computationally feasible to guess two hidden
tication phase and wrong session key establishment problem parameters (e.g. password, identity) at one time because
in He et al. (2015a) and then devised an improved authenti- of the rule of polynomial equations.
cation scheme to solve these problems. However, Wu et al.
(2015) also pointed out that the scheme He et al. (2015a) is 1.3 Security requirements for WMSNs environment
vulnerable to off-line guessing attack, the user impersona-
tion attack, and the sensor node capture attack. To remedy Security requirements for WMSNs are summarized in the
these security pitfalls, they introduced an extended remote following way:
user authentication scheme and declared that their scheme
is more secure and practically applicable. 1.3.1 Strong user authentication
Liu and Chung (2017) developed a remote user authen-
tication scheme for healthcare monitoring with the help of The major issue in wireless healthcare environments is to
wireless sensor network and declared that their scheme is prevent wireless messages from unauthorized users, so it
provably secure against various security attacks. In the same is worth to be noted that strong user authentication should
year, Amin et al. (2018) also devised a remote user authenti- be considered, where each user (patient) must check their
cation scheme for remote patient monitoring using WMSNs. authenticity before getting the patient’s physiological infor-
They affirmed that their scheme is secure against the known mation. Besides, strong user authentication also called as

R. Ali et al.

three factor authentication which provides a high level of 1.4 The layout of this paper
security for healthcare application using WMSNs.
The rest of the article is arranged as follows. In Sects. 2
1.3.2 Mutual authentication and 3, brief review and security drawbacks of Amin et al.’s
scheme are presented. The proposed protocol is introduced
In real-time healthcare applications, the user (patient), in Sect. 4. In Sects. 5 and 6, authentication proof using BAN
gateway node and sensor node must authenticate each other logic and simulation using AVISPA are done. The security
and then establish a secure communication connection for analysis and performance evaluation are demonstrated in
exchanging the information. Sects. 7 and 8. Finally, the conclusion is drawn in Sect. 9.

1.3.3 Confidentiality
2 Brief review of Amin et al.’s scheme
The data of patients are highly sensitive and important.
Therefore, patient physiological data should remain con- In this section, the Amin et al.’s scheme (2018) is briefly
fidential from an attacker and only achieved or used by reviewed. The meaning of all symbols are given in Table 1.
authorized professionals.
2.1 Setup phase
1.3.4 Session key establishment
In this phase, the registration center selects a long-term
A session key should be established among a user (patient), secret key K for the gateway node GW and then calculates a
gateway node and sensor node. So that subsequent commu- secret key SKGW− SNj = h(IDSNj ∥ K) for SNj , where 1 ≤ j ≤ n
nication should become securely.
and n represents a number of sensor nodes.
1.3.5 Low communication and computation cost
2.2 Medical professional registration phase
Since medical sensor nodes are limited resource devices, and
The health-care services are providing by the help of this
the functions of healthcare application also require a place
phase, the medical professional Ui and gateway node GW
for executing their tasks, the protocol must be efficient in the
operate the following steps.
context of communication and computation cost.
Step 1: Ui selects own IDi , PWi and computes HPWi
1.3.6 Data freshness
= h(IDi ⊕ PWi ) and then sends { IDi , HPWi } to GW using
TLS protocol or by off-line mode (Li et al. 2015).
Generally, the patient health related data should provide pro-
Step 2: After getting { IDi  , HPWi  }, GW evalu-
fessionals at the regular time of intervals. So, it should be
ates Regi = h(IDi ∥ Ri ∥ HPWi )  , Ai = Ri ⊕ HPWi  ,
guaranteed that patient’s health data is fresh and also ensures
Bi = h(IDi ∥ Ri ∥ K)   , Ci = Bi ⊕ h(IDi ⊕ Ri ⊕ HPWi )  ,
that an attacker cannot replay the old messages.

1.3.7 Secure against popular attacks

Table 1  Meaning of notations

In real-time healthcare applications, the proposed proto- Notation Description

col should resist different kinds of popular attacks, such as Ui User/the medical professional
replay attack, impersonation attack, stolen-verifier attack, GW Gateway node
password guessing attack, and sensor node capture attack. SNj Sensor node
As a result, the protocol is easily applicable to the real-time  An attacker
healthcare applications. IDi Identity of user
PWi Password of user
1.3.8 User friendliness Bi Biometric
SIDj Identity of sensor node
The architecture of healthcare application should be simple IDg Identity of gateway node
and user-friendly such as patient can update his/her pass- h(⋅) Hash function

word securely, whenever he/she requires. H(⋅) Bio-hash function

⊕ XOR operation
∥ Concatenation

An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using wireless medical sensor networks…

and Di = Ri ⊕ h(TIDi ∥ K) , where TIDi and Ri are the M7 = h(SK ∥ R3 ∥ SKGW− SNj ) , and M8 = R3 ⊕ h(R2 ) . At
temporary identity and random number of Ui.
last, SNj forwards { M7 , M8 } to GW via public channel.
Step 3: GW saves { TIDi , Di } in the table for ahead use
Step 6: After getting { M7  , M8  } , GW calculates
and then transmits { TIDi , Regi , Ai , Ci , h(⋅) } to Ui via trust-
R�3 = M8 ⊕ h(R2 ) , SK � = h(h(IDi ∥ R1 ∥ R2 ) ∥ R2 ∥ R�3 ) ,
worthy channel. After obtaining { TIDi , Regi , Ai , Ci , h(⋅) }, ?
M7� = h(SK � ∥ R�3 ∥ SKGW− SNj ) and verifies M7� =M7 is cor-
Ui embeds all these parameters into own mobile device.
rect or not. If this is not correct, GW quits the connec-
2.3 Login and authentication phase tion. Otherwise; produces new temporary identity
TID�i (≠ TIDi ) and evaluates M9 = R2 ⊕ h(IDi ∥ R1 ) ,
This phase executes for achieving mutual authentication and M10 = h(IDi ∥ SK � ∥ R�3 ) , M11 = TID� ⊕ h(R2 ⊕ R3 ) . At
session key negotiation between participants involved in this the end, GW put forwards { M8 , M9 , M10 , M11 } to Ui via
scheme. The summarization of this phase represented below. public channel.
Step 7: After obtaining { M8 , M9 , M10 , M11 }, Ui evalu-
Step 1: Ui keys IDi and PWi into own mobile device and ates R∗2 = M9 ⊕ h(IDi ∥ R1 ), R∗3 = M8 ⊕ h(R∗2 )  , SK ∗ =
then computes HPWi∗ = h(IDi ⊕ PWi ) , R∗i = Ai ⊕ HPWi , h(h(IDi ∥ R1 ∥ R∗2 ) ∥ R∗2 ∥ R∗3 ), and M10

= h(IDi ∥ SK ∗ ∥
∗ ?
Reg∗i = h(IDi ∥ R∗i ∥ HPWi∗ )  , and checks whether R3 ) . Now, Ui verifies M10 =M10 is correct or not, if this

Reg∗i =Regi holds or not. If it does not hold then quits the is correct then Ui believes that { M8 , M9 , M10 , M11 } is
login request. Otherwise, proceeds for ahead operations. legitimate and then forwards a acknowledgment to GW.
Step 2: The mobile device generates a random nonce R1 and The mobile device replaces old TIDi with new TID′i and
evaluates B∗i = Ci ⊕ h(IDi ⊕ R∗i ⊕ HPWi∗ ) , CIDi = IDi ⊕ GW calculates D�i = Ri ⊕ h(TID�i ∥ K) and replaces { TIDi ,
h(TIDi ∥ R∗i ∥ T1 ) , M1 = h(IDi ∥ B∗i ∥ R1 ∥ T1 ) , M2 = Di } with { TID′i , D′i}.
h(Ri ∥ T1 ) ⊕ R1 and then put forwards { TIDi , IDSNj , CIDi ,
M1 , M2 , T1 } to GW via public channel. 3 Security drawbacks in Amin et al.’s scheme
Step 3: After getting the message from Ui   , GW
checks retrieves Di with the help of TIDi from In this section, we find out security drawbacks in Amin
the table and computes R∗i = Di ⊕ h(TIDi ∥ K)  , et al.’s scheme (2018) which are explained as follows:
ID∗i = CIDi ⊕ h(TIDi ∥ R∗i ∥ T1 ) , B∗i = h(ID∗i ∥ R∗i ∥ K) ,
R∗1 = h(R∗i ∥ T1 ) ⊕ M2 , and M1∗ = h(ID∗i ∥ B∗i ∥ R∗1 ∥ T1 ) . 3.1 Off‑line password guessing attack
Now, GW checks M1∗ =M1 . If this condition is not true
then GW expires the session. Otherwise, performs next As we explained the threat model in Sect. 1.2, there are
steps. so many schemes in the literature by which demonstrated
Step 4: After checking the legality of Ui , GW generates a that the privileged insider attack is possible (Sutrala et al.
random number R2 and enumerates SKGW− SNj 2016; Chen et al. 2011; Wei et al. 2014). Therefore, insider
= h(IDSNj ∥ K)   , M3 = h(h(h(IDi ∥ R∗1 ∥ R2 ) ∥ }}1”) attack is practically valid and possible in Amin et  al.’s
scheme because in medical professional registration phase,
∥ SKGW− SNj ∥ R2 )   , M4 = h(IDi ∥ R1 ∥ R2 ) ⊕ SKGW− SNj  ,
the Ui put forwards registration request { IDi , HPWi } to GW
M5 = R2 ⊕ h(SKGW− SNj ) and then sends { M3 , M4 , M5 } to securely. Then, a privileged insider or an attacker  of GW
had obtained this information, i.e., { IDi , HPWi } and also
SNj via public channel.
achieved these parameters { TIDi , Regi , Ai , Ci , h(⋅) } from the
Step 5: SNj enumerates R�2 = M5 ⊕ h(SKGW− SNj ) , M6� = M4
side of gateway node.
⊕SKGW− SNj , M3� = h(h(M6� ∥ }}1”) ∥ SKGW− SNj ∥ R�2 ) and Algorithm 1 discusses how a privileged insider can guess
verifies M3� =M3 . If this is true then creates a random num- the correct password PWi of Ui.
b e r R3 a n d c a l c u l a t e s SK = h(M6� ∥ R2 ∥ R3 )  ,

R. Ali et al.

then that scheme avoids this attack. However, in Amin

et al.’s scheme, if the temporary values like Ri , R1 , and R2
are compromised then  can evaluate session key SK as
follows: first of all,  can eavesdrop public message, i.e.,
{ TIDi  , IDSNj  , CIDi  , M1 , M2  , T1 } and calculates
IDi = CIDi ⊕ h(TIDi ∥ Ri ∥ T1 ) and then computes session-
key SK = h(h(IDi ∥ R1 ∥ R2 ) ∥ R2 ∥ R3 ).

3.4 Revelation of secret parameter

Suppose that  is legal but malicious user who intercepts all

the public transmitted messages such as { TIDi , IDSNj , CIDi ,
M1 , M2 , T1 }, { M3 , M4 , M5 }, { M7 , M8 } and { M8 , M9 , M10 ,
M11 } between GW and SNj via unreliable channel. Addition-
ally, a legal user knows the information { TIDi , Regi , Ai , Ci ,
h(⋅) } which is stored in his mobile devise. Now, we have to
prove that  can achieve the secret parameter SKGW−SNj of
GW and SNj as follows.

3.2 User impersonation attack Step 1: Firstly,  executes the session as the legal
user between GW, SNj and then generates a login mes-
In this attack,  can create a new forged login message and sage { TIDi  , IDSNj  , CIDi  , M1 , M2  , T1 }, where
then sends it to GW. If GW accepts this message, then he/
she can succeed to launch user impersonation attack. This CIDi = IDi ⊕ h(TIDi ∥ Ri ∥ T1 )   , Ri = Ai ⊕ HPWi  ,
attack is possible in Amin et al.’s protocol which is described HPWi = h(IDi ⊕ PWi )   , M1 = h(IDi ∥ Bi ∥ R1 ∥ T1 )  ,
as follows: Bi = Ci ⊕ h(IDi ⊕ Ri ⊕ HPWi ) and M2 = h(Ri ∥ T1 )⊕
R1 . Note that: R1 is generated random number and T1
Step 1: Firstly,  knows the information { TIDi , Regi , Ai , is current time stamp. Now,  sends this login mes-
Ci , h(⋅) } from the side of gateway node and also knows sage to GW.
{ IDi , HPWi }. Then he/she computes R∗i = Ai ⊕ HPWi . Step 2: After that  monitors the session between GW and
Now,  generates a random nonce R1 and calculate SNj and eavesdrops the public messages { M3 , M4 , M5 },
B∗i = Ci ⊕ h(IDi ⊕ R∗i ⊕ HPWi )  , CID∗i = IDi ⊕ h(TIDi { M7  , M8 } and { M8  , M9  , M10   , M11  } , where M3 =
∥ R∗i ∥ T1 )   , M1∗ = h(IDi ∥ B∗i ∥ R1 ∥ T1 ) and h(h(h(IDi ∥ R∗1 ∥ R2 ) ∥ }}1”) ∥ SKGW− SNj ∥ R2 ) M3 =
M2 = h(Ri ∥ T1 ) ⊕ R1 , where T1 is current time stamp.
∗ ∗
h(h(h(IDi ∥ R∗1 ∥ R2 ) ∥ }}1”) ∥ SKGW− SNj ∥ R2 )  , M4 = h
Finally,  sends { TIDi , IDSNj , CID∗i  , M1∗ , M2∗ , T1 } to the
(IDi ∥ R1 ∥ R2 ) ⊕ SKGW− SNj   , M5 = R2 ⊕ h(SKGW− SNj )  ,
GW via public channel.
Step 2: After obtaining this message, the GW first retrieves M7 = h(SK ∥ R3 ∥ SKGW− SNj )  , M8 = R3 ⊕ h(R2 )  , M9 =
Di with the help of TIDi from the table and computes M9 = R2 ⊕ h(IDi ∥ R1 )  , M10 = h(IDi ∥ SK � ∥ R�3 )  , and
R∗i = Di ⊕ h(TIDi ∥ K),  ID∗i = CID∗i ⊕ h(TIDi ∥ R∗i ∥ T1 ) , M11 = TID� ⊕ h(R2 ⊕ R3 ) . After that,  computes R2 =
B∗i = h(ID∗i ∥ R∗i ∥ K)   , R∗1 = h(R∗i ∥ T1 ) ⊕ M2∗   , a n d M9 ⊕ h(IDi ∥ R1 ) and then SKGW− SNj = h(IDi ∥ R1 ∥ R2 )
M1∗ = h(ID∗i ∥ B∗i ∥ R∗1 ∥ T1 ) . Now, GW checks the equiv-
alence M1∗ =M1 and this equivalence would clearly hold ⊕M4 , where M4 is intercepted from a public channel.
because of having exact values. Thus,  can succeed to Therefore,  can succeed to evaluate the secret parameter
launch user impersonation attack. SKGW− SNj.
Step 3: Afterwards,  is able to launch Identity and
3.3 Known session‑key temporary information Password guessing attacks with the help of secret
attack parameters SKGW− SNj in Amin et al.’s scheme. The detail

The compromise of session secret values (short-term secret description of these two attacks are presented in Algo-
information) should not compute the generated session-key rithms 2 and 3 respectively as follows:

An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using wireless medical sensor networks…

4.2 User registration phase

Firstly, we explained the summary of this phase in Table 2.

Step 1: The Ui picks own IDi , PWi and random num-

ber ri and also imprints own biometric Bi at the sensor
device. Then, Ui computes RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) ,
Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) and sends { IDi , RPWi , Fi } to gateway
node GW via trustworthy channel.
Step 2: Upon obtaining a message from Ui , GW produces
a dynamic identity DIDi and random number Rg and then
calculates Ai = h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) ⊕ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )  ,
Ci = Rg ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg )  , and Di = h(RPWi ∥ Rg
∥ Fi ) . Then, GW issues a smartcard which contains the
information { Ai , Ci , Di , DIDi , H(⋅) , h(⋅) } and forwards it
to Ui via trustworthy channel. Note that: Here, GW main-
tains a database which stores { DIDi , Ci}.
Step 3: After obtaining a smartcard from GW, the Ui cal-
culates Rn = ri ⊕ h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ H(Bi )) and then stores it
in the smartcard.

4.3 Login phase

First of all, we elaborate the summarization of this phase

in Table 3.

Step 1: The Ui inserts own smartcard into smart-

card reader and keys IDi and PWi and then
imprints Bi at the sensor device. Now, smartcard
r e a d e r c o m p u t e s ri = Rn ⊕ h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ H(Bi ))  ,
RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) , Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) , h(DIDi ∥ XG
∥ IDg ) = Ai ⊕ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )  , Rg = Ci ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥
IDg ) , and D�i = h(RPWi ∥ Rg ∥ Fi ) and then compares
D�i =Di . If it does not hold then quits the login request.
Otherwise, proceeds for further operations.
Step 2: The smartcard creates a random nonce Mi and
evaluates M1 = Mi ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) , M2 = Eh(Mi ∥Rg )
4 Proposed protocol (IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ) , M3 = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi∥ Fi ))
and then forwards { DIDi , M1 , M2 , M3 } to GW via public
This section presents the proposed protocol which con- channel.
sists of five phases, i.e., system setup, user registration,
login, authentication, and password change. All phases are 4.4 Authentication phase
described serially with complete information in the below
coming subsections. Initially, we have elaborated the summarization of this phase
in Table 4.
4.1 System setup phase
Step 1: After receiving the message from Ui  , GW
First of all, the system administrator SA selects identity SIDj first retrieves Ci with the help of DIDi from the database
for each sensor node and calculates XGS = h(SIDj ∥ XG ) , and then computes Mi = M1 ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) ,
Kj = h(XGS ∥ YG ∥ XG ) , where XG and YG are secret keys of Rg = Ci ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) . Thereafter, GW decrypts
gateway node GW. After that, SA stores { XGS , Kj } in the M2 and retrieves (IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ) = Dh(Mi ∥Rg ) (M2 )
sensor node’s memory.

R. Ali et al.

Table 2  Summary of user User Ui Gateway node GW

registration phase of our
proposed protocol Chooses IDi , PWi and random number ri
Also imprints Bi at the sensor device
Computes RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ),
Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri )
{IDi ,RPWi ,Fi }

Produces a dynamic identity DIDi and Rg
Calculates Ai = h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) ⊕ h(RPWi ∥ Fi ),
Ci = Rg ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ),
Di = h(RPWi ∥ Rg ∥ Fi )
Issue smartcard { Ai , Ci , Di , DIDi , H(⋅) , h(⋅)}
Compute Rn = ri ⊕ h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ H(Bi )) and
stores it into smartcard

Table 3  Summary of login phase of our proposed protocol Step 5: Now, SNj computes h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) = M1 ⊕ Mi ⊕ Ai ,
Ni = h(T3 ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) ⊕ M5  , M6� = h(IDi ∥ Ni ∥ T3
Ui GW ?
∥ IDg ) and compares M6� =M6 . If this comparison holds
Enters IDi , PWi and also imprints Bi, then the SNj generates a random nonce Vi and calculates
Computes ri = Rn ⊕ h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ H(Bi )), M7 = Vi ⊕ h(Mi ∥ Ni ) , SK = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni
RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ), ∥ Vi ))  , M8 = h(SK ∥ IDi ∥ IDg ∥ T5 )  . Finally, SNj for-
Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ),
h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) = Ai ⊕ h(RPWi ∥ Fi ), wards { M7 , M8 , T5 } to GW via public channel.
Rg = Ci ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ), Step 6: After receiving the message from SNj , GW first
D′i = h(RPWi ∥ Rg ∥ Fi ) of all checks T6 − T5 ≤ △T  , if this holds then com-
If D�i =Di holds, Ok; Else quits putesTi = M7 ⊕ h(Mi ∥ Ni ) , SK � = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi
Generates a random nonce Mi, ∥ Ni ∥ Vi )) , and M8� = h(SK � ∥ IDi ∥ IDg ∥ T5 ) . Thereaf-
Computes M1 = Mi ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ), ter, the GW compares M8� =M8 , if this comparison holds
M2 = Eh(Mi ∥Rg ) (IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ), then continues. Otherwise; aborts the session.
M3 = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )), Step 7: The GW produces another dynamic identity
{DIDi ,M1 ,M2 ,M3 } DIDni   , computes Cin = Rg ⊕ h(DIDni ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) and
updates { DIDni  , Cin } in the database. After that, the

GW evaluates M9 = Eh(RPWi ∥Fi ) (Cin ∥ Ni ∥ Vi ∥ DIDni ) ,

M10 = h(SK ∥ Cin ∥ DIDni ) and sends { M9 , M10 } to Ui via
and then checks T2 − T1 ≤ △T  . If this holds, then per- public channel.
forms further steps. Otherwise, terminates the session. Step 8: Ui decrypts the message (Cin ∥ Ni ∥ Vi ∥ DIDni )
Step 2: The GW computes h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) = Ai = Dh(RPWi ∥Fi ) (M9 ) , and computes SK � = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi )
⊕h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg )   , M3� = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi ))  , M10 �
= h(SK � ∥ Cin ∥ DIDni ) and then
� ?
∥ Fi )) and compares M3 =M3 . If this is true then Ui is � ?
compares M10 =M10 . If this comparison holds, then it

authenticated by the GW. Otherwise, terminated the ses- replaces DIDi with DIDni and Ci with Cin.
Step 3: The GW produces a random nonce Ni and evalu- 4.5 Password change phase
ates XGS = h(SIDi ∥ XG ) , Kj = h(XGS ∥ YG ∥ XG ) , M4 =
Eh(XGS ∥Kj ) (IDg ∥ IDi ∥ Mi ∥ Ai ∥ T3 )  , M5 = Ni ⊕ h(T3 ∥ In this phase, the Ui can alter own password without contact-
h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) , M6 = h(IDi ∥ Ni ∥ T3 ∥ IDg ) and then for- ing the GW whenever he/she wants.
wards { M1 , M4 , M5 , M6 } to SNj via public channel.
Step 4: After getting the message from GW, the SNj Step 1: The Ui inserts smartcard into terminal and keys IDi
decrypts M4 using own key XGS   , Kj and retrieves and PWi and then imprints Bi at the sensor device. Then,
(IDg ∥ IDi ∥ Mi ∥ Ai ∥ T3 ) = Dh(XGS ∥Kj ) (M4 ) and then the smartcard computes ri = Rn ⊕ h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ H(Bi )) ,
RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri )  , Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri )  , h(DIDi ∥
checks T4 − T3 ≤ △T  . If this is true then continued, oth- XG ∥ IDg ) = Ai ⊕ h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) , Rg = Ci ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG
erwise; terminated the session. ∥ IDg )  , and D�i = h(RPWi ∥ Rg ∥ Fi ) . Now, smartcard

Table 4  Summary of authentication phase of our proposed protocol
User Ui Gateway node GW Sensor node SNj

Computes Mi = M1 ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) , Rg = Ci ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg )

Decrypts M2 as (IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ) = Dh(Mi ∥Rg ) (M2 )
If T2− T1 ≤ △T holds, Ok; Else quits.
Computes h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) = Ai ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ),
M3� = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi ))
If M3� =M3 holds, Ok; Else quits.
Computes XGS = h(SIDi ∥ XG ),
Kj = h(XGS ∥ YG ∥ XG ),
M4 = Eh(XGS ∥Kj ) (IDg ∥ IDi ∥ Mi ∥ Ai ∥ T3 ),
M5 = Ni ⊕ h(T3 ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )),
M6 = h(IDi ∥ Ni ∥ T3 ∥ IDg )
{M1 ,M4 ,M5 ,M6 }

Decrypts M4 using XGS and Kj
As (IDg ∥ IDi ∥ Mi ∥ Ai ∥ T3 ) = Dh(XGS ∥Kj ) (M4 )
If T4− T3 ≤ △T holds, Ok; Else quits.
h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) = M1 ⊕ Mi ⊕ Ai,
Ni = h(T3 ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) ⊕ M5,
M6� = h(IDi ∥ Ni ∥ T3 ∥ IDg )
If M6� =M6 holds, Ok; Else quits.
Calculates M7 = Vi ⊕ h(Mi ∥ Ni ),
SK = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi )) ,
M8 = h(SK ∥ IDi ∥ IDg ∥ T5 ).
{M7 ,M8 ,T5 }
An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using wireless medical sensor networks…

Checks T6 − T5 ≤ △T ,
Computes Ti = M7 ⊕ h(Mi ∥ Ni ) , SK � = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi )) ,
M8� = h(SK � ∥ IDi ∥ IDg ∥ T5 ) . SNj
If M8� =M8 holds, Ok; Else quits.
Computes Cin
= Rg ⊕ h(DIDni ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) and updates the database { DIDni , Cin}
Computes M9 = Eh(RPW ∥F ) (Cin ∥ Ni ∥ Vi ∥ DIDni ) and M10 = h(SK ∥ Cin ∥ DIDni ).
i i
{M9 ,M10 }
Decrypts (Cin ∥ Ni ∥ Vi ∥ DIDni )
= Dh(RPWi ∥Fi ) (M9 ) , and
computes SK � = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi )) ,

M10 = h(SK � ∥ Cin ∥ DIDni )
� ?�
If M10 =M10 holds, replaces DIDi with DIDni and Ci with Cin.

R. Ali et al.

compares D�i =Di , if this is true, then continued the pro- Step 1: First of all, we consider authentication goals and
cedure; otherwise terminates the session. then prove for confirming the security.
Step 2: The Ui enters new password PWinew and then
smartcard computes RPWinew = h(IDi ∥ PWinew ∥ ri ) , Goal 1:
Anew = Ai ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) ⊕ h(RPWinew ∥ Fi )  , Goal 2:
and Dnew = h(RPWinew ∥ Ci ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) ∥ Fi ) . Goal 3:
Finally, the smartcard replaces { Anew  , Dnew } along with Goal 4:
{ Ai , Di } respectively.
i i
Goal 5:
Goal 6:
Goal 7:
5 Authentication proof using BAN logic Goal 8:

In this section, the security of our protocol is confirmed by Step 2: Now, the idealized form of proposed protocol as
the help of Burrows–Abadi–Needham (BAN) logic (Burrows follows.
et al. 1989; Ali et al. 2017; Ali and Pal 2017, 2018b, c;
Chandrakar and Om 2017c, d). The BAN logic is a model Message 1: {DIDi , M2 , M3 , M1 ∶< Mi >h(DIDi ∥XG ∥IDg ) }
which used for generating the mutual-authentication and Message 2: {M1 , M4 , M6 , M5 ∶< Ni >h(RPWi ∥Fi ) }
session-key agreement securely. There are some predefined Message 3: {M7 , T5 , M8 ∶< Vi >h(RPWi ∥Fi ) }
notations and basic rules of BAN logic, which are summa- Message 4: {M10 , M9 ∶< Ni , Vi >h(RPWi ∥Fi ) }
rized as follows.
Step 3: Some initial supposition of proposed protocol
• P ∣≡ X ∶ It means that the entities P believes on the mes- as follows.
sage X.
• P ⇒ X ∶It means that P has jurisdiction on the statement A1: Ui | ≡ #{Mi , Ni , Vi }
X. A2: GW| ≡ #{Mi , Ni , Vi }
• P ∣∼ X ∶ It means that P once said the message X. A3: SNj | ≡ #{Mi , Ni , Vi }
• P ⊲ X ∶ It means that P sees the message X. B1: GW| ≡ Ui ⇒ Mi
• {X}k ∶ It means that the X is encrypted by the key K. B2: SNj | ≡ GW ⇒ Ni
B3: GW| ≡ SNj ⇒ Vi
B4: Ui | ≡ GW ⇒ (Ni , Vi )
• : It means that the key K is shared between both entities C2:
A and B.
• #X  : The message X is freshly generated. Step 4: Now, we will prove the mentioned goals by the
help of idealized form, predefined BAN logic rules and
some suppositions. From Message 1, we write
• Message meaning rule:
S1: GW ⊲ {DIDi , M2 , M3 , M1 ∶< Mi >h(DIDi ∥XG ∥IDg ) }
From S1, C1 and message meaning rule,
S2: GW| ≡ Ui | ∼ Mi According to S2, A2, freshness
conjuncatenation rule and nonce verification rule,
S3: GW| ≡ Ui | ≡ Mi We can see from S3, B1 and
• Freshness conjuncatenation rule: P|≡#(X)
jurisdiction rule,
• Nonce verification rule: P|≡#(X), P|≡Q|∼X S4: GW| ≡ Mi Using S3, A2 and session key rule,
S5: (Goal 1)
• Jurisdiction rule: P|≡Q⇒X, P|≡Q|≡X
P|≡X From S5, A2 and nonce verification rule,
• Session key rule: S6: (Goal 2)
According to Message 2, we write
S7: SNj ⊲ {M1 , M4 , M6 , M5 ∶< Ni >h(RPWi ∥Fi ) }
By the help of S7, C2 and message meaning rule,
S8: SNj | ≡ GW| ∼ Ni

An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using wireless medical sensor networks…

From S8, A3, freshness conjuncatenation rule and Constraint-Logic-based Attack Searcher (CL-AtSe), SAT
nonce verification rule, based Model Checker and Tree Automata based on Auto-
S9: SNj | ≡ GW| ≡ Ni matic Approximations for the Analysis of Security Protocols
We can see from S9, B2 and jurisdiction rule, (TA4SP). The simulation results confirm that the protocol is
S10: SNj | ≡ Ni securely protected from active and passive attacks, including
By using S9, A3 and session key rule, replay as well as man-in-the-middle attacks.
S11: (Goal 3)
From S11, A3 and nonce verification rule, 6.1 Brief summary of our protocol in (HLPSL)
S12: (Goal 4)
By using Message 3, we get The Ui ’s role is implemented in HLPSL specification
S13: GW ⊲ {M7 , T5 , M8 ∶< Vi >h(RPWi ∥Fi ) } which depicted in Fig. 2. Initially, Ui forwards the regis-
By the help of S13, C2 and message meaning rule, tration request { IDi , RPWi , Fi } to the GW by using Snd()
S14: GW| ≡ SNj | ∼ Vi operation and symmetric key SK1. The declaration secret
From S14, A2, freshness conjuncatenation rule and ({Bi , PWi }, subs1, Ui ) expresses that the biometric Bi and
nonce verification rule, password PWi is only known to Ui . The declaration secret
S15: GW| ≡ SNj | ≡ Vi ({RPWi , Fi }, subs2, {Ui , GW}) also expresses that both Ui and
We can see from S15, B3 and jurisdiction rule, GW know the values of RPWi and Fi . Eventually, Ui receives
S16: GW| ≡ Vi a smartcard which contains the parameters { Ai , Ci , Di , DIDi }
By using S15, A2 and session key rule, using Rcv() operation and SK1. In a login phase, the Ui sends
S17: (Goal 5) the message { DIDi , M1 , M2 , M3 } to GW via public chan-
nel. The declaration secret ({Mi , IDi }, subs3, { Ui , GW, SNj })
From S17, A2 and nonce verification rule,
expresses that the values { Mi , IDi } are known by Ui , GW and
S18: (Goal 6)
SNj . The declaration witness ({Ui , GW}, user− gateway− mi ,
By using Message 4, we get Mi ) specifies that Ui produces a random number Mi for the
S19: Ui ⊲ {M10 , M9 ∶< Ni , Vi >h(RPWi ∥Fi ) } GW. In a authentication phase, the Ui receives { M9 , M10 }
By the help of S19, C2 and message meaning rule, from the GW via same channel. The declaration request
S20: Ui | ≡ GW| ∼ (Ni , Vi ) ({GW, SNj }, gateway− sensor− ni , Ni ) indicates that the GW
From S20, A1, freshness conjuncatenation rule and requests to the SNj for checking the value of Ni . The declara-
nonce verification rule, tion request ( SNj , Ui , sensor− gateway− vi , Vi ) means that the
S21: Ui | ≡ GW| ≡ (Ni , Vi ) SNj requests to the Ui for verifying the value of Vi.
We can see from S20, B4 and jurisdiction rule, In Fig. 3, the role of the GW in HLPSL specification is
S22: Ui | ≡ (Ni , Vi ) implemented. In registration phase, the GW obtains { IDi ,
By using S21, A1 and session key rule, RPWi , Fi } with the help of Rcv() operation and SK1 via
S23: (Goal 7) secure channel. After that, the GW performs some operation
From S23, A1 and nonce verification rule, then issues smartcard and sends it to the Ui . The declaration
S24: (Goal 8) secret (XG, subs4, GW) states that only the GW knows the
secret key XG. During authentication phase, the GW receives
{ DIDi , M1 , M2 , M3 } from the Ui via public channel. After-
6 The simulation our protocol using AVISPA wards, the GW performs some operation and then sends { M1 ,
M4 , M5 , M6 } to the SNj via same channel. The declaration
In this section, the simulation of the proposed protocol is secrets ( Ni , subs5, { Ui , GW, SNj }) and ({ XGS′ , Kj′ } subs6,
done using Automated Validation Information Security {GW, SNj }) describe that the random nonce Ni is known to
Protocols and Applications tool (Chandrakar and Om 2016, { Ui , GWNj , SNj } and { XGS′ , Kj′ } is known to {GW, SNj }.
2017a, b, c, 2018a, b; Ali and Pal 2018a). The AVISPA is a The declaration request ( Ui , GW, user− gateway− mi , Mi )
push-button tool and provides an expressive and modular expresses that the GW accepts Mi , which is generated by
formal language for identifying protocols and their security the Ui . After that, the GW receives { M7 , M8 , T5 } from the
properties. It integrates different back-ends that implement SNj and then verifies the legitimacy of the SNj . Subsequently,
a several modern techniques. Experimental results reveal the GW creates a message { M9 , M10 } and sends it to the Ui.
a large library of Internet security protocols, indicate that The HLPSL code for the SNj is depicted in Fig. 4. In
AVISPA is a modern tool for automatic security protocols. authentication phase, the SNj receives a message { M1 , M4 ,
No other tool have not the same scope and robustness with M5 , M6 } from the GW using Rcv() operation via public chan-
such performance and scalability. The AVISPA tool has four nel. Upon gaining the message from the GW, the SNj checks
back-ends, namely On-the-Fly Model-Checker (OFMC), the validity of the GW and then put forwards the message

R. Ali et al.

{ M7 , M8 , T5 } to the GW by the help of Snd() operation via

same channel. role user(Ui,GW,SNj: agent,
SK1: symmetric_key,
H: hash_func,
6.2 Secrecy goals and authentication properties Snd,Rcv:channel(dy))
played_by Ui
In Fig. 5, the key role of session, goal and environment in
local State:nat,
HLPSL is depicted. There are six secrecy goals and three RPWi,PWi,IDi,Ri,Bi,Fi,Ai,Ci,Di,Rn,K,Rg,XG,IDg,Mi,Z,Ni,
authentication properties presented in this figure. Vi,SK,Cin,DIDin,ZZ,ZZZ,XGS,SIDj,Kj,YG,T1,T3,FF,Ti:text,
Goals const user_gateway_mi,gateway_sensor_ni,sensor_gateway_vi,
• secrecy− ofsubs1 represents that Bi and PWi are only init State:=0
known by Ui. 1.State=0/\Rcv(start)=|>
• secrecy− ofsubs2 states that the values of RPWi and Fi are State':=1/\RPWi':=H(IDi.PWi.Ri)
known to both Ui and GW. /\Fi':=H(Bi.Ri)
• secrecy− ofsubs3 tells that the parameters { Mi , IDi } are %Send registration request message
shared among Ui , GW and SNj. /\secret({Bi,PWi},subs1,Ui)
• secrecy− ofsubs4 expresses that the secret key XG is only /\secret({RPWi',Fi},subs2,{Ui,GW})
known to GW. 2.State=1/\Rcv({Ai.Ci.Di.DIDi}_SK1)=|>
• secrecy− ofsubs5 narrated that the random nonce Ni is
shared among Ui , GW and SNj only. /\RPWi':=H(IDi.PWi.Ri')
• secrecy− ofsubs6 describes that the values of {XGS, Kj} /\Fi':=H(Bi.Ri)
are shared between GW and SNj. /\K':=xor(Ai,H(RPWi'.Fi'))
Authentications /\Mi':=new()
• authentication− on user− gateway− mi expresses that GW /\M3':=H(IDi.SIDj.H(RPWi'.Fi'))
acquires mi from Ui and then GW authenticates Ui by the /\Snd(DIDi.M1'.M2'.M3')
help of mi. /\secret({Mi',IDi},subs3,{Ui,GW,SNj})
• authentication− on gateway− sensor− ni states that SNj /\witness(Ui,GW,user_gateway_mi,Mi)
obtains ni from GW and then SNj authenticates GW by State':=3/\Z':={M9}_H(RPWi.Fi)
using ni. /\SK':=H(H(RPWi.Fi).Ni.Mi.Vi)
• authentication− on sensor− gateway− vi expresses that GW /\M10':=H(SK'.Cin.DIDin)
receives vi from SNj and then GW verifies authenticity of /\request(SNj,Ui,sensor_gateway_vi,Vi)
SNj with the help of vi. end role

6.3 Simulation results
Fig. 2  The key role of user Ui in HLPSL 
In this part, we present the simulation results of HLPSL code
using AVISPA. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the results in the
terms of OFMC and CL-AtSe respectively. The simulation But, our implementation demonstrates that the protocol
results confirm that the proposed protocol is secure against description is well matched with the considered goals as
the passive and active attacks including replay as well as shown in Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5 for the executability test.
man-in-the-middle attacks. The verifications of our scheme • Replay attack check: In this replay attack checking, the
are summarized in the following way: AVISPA back-ends (such as OFMC and CL-AtSe) firstly
check the legitimate agents can execute the particular
• Executability check on non-trivial HLPSL specifications: protocol. Then, they provide the intruder knowledge of
It perhaps probable that the scheme model cannot execute some normal sessions among the legitimate agents. The
up to completion due to some modeling mistakes. As a test results are shown in Figs. 6 and 7 and indicates that
result also, if suppose the protocol model cannot arrive our protocol is secure against the replay attack.
to a state where that attack can happen, so the AVISPA • Dolev–Yao model check: For the Dolev-Yao model
back-ends does not able to find an attack. Therefore, checker, the OFMC and CL-AtSe back-ends check the
an executability test is essential (von Oheimb 2005). man-in-the-middle attack is possible by an intruder

An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using wireless medical sensor networks…

role gateway(Ui,GW,SNj: agent, role sensor(Ui,GW,SNj: agent,

SK1: symmetric_key, SK1: symmetric_key,
H: hash_func,
Snd,Rcv:channel(dy)) H: hash_func,
played_by GW Snd,Rcv:channel(dy))
local State:nat, played_by SNj
RPWi,PWi,IDi,Ri,Bi,Fi,Ai,Ci,Di,Rn,K,Rg,XG, def=
SIDj,Kj,YG,T1,T3,FF,Ti:text, local State:nat,
DIDi,M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8,T5,M9, RPWi,PWi,IDi,Ri,Bi,Fi,Ai,Ci,Di,Rn,K,Rg,
Inc:hash_func XG,IDg,Mi,Z,Ni,Vi,SK,Cin,DIDin,ZZ,ZZZ,
const user_gateway_mi,gateway_sensor_ni, XGS,SIDj,Kj,YG,T1,T3,FF,Ti:text,
subs6:protocol_id DIDi,M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8,T5,
init State:=0 M9,M10:message,
1.State=0/\Rcv({IDi.RPWi.Fi}_SK1)=|> Inc:hash_func
State':=1/\DIDi':=new() const user_gateway_mi,gateway_sensor_ni,
/\K':=H(DIDi.XG.IDg) sensor_gateway_vi,subs1,subs2,subs3,subs4,
/\Ai':=xor(K',H(RPWi.Fi)) subs5,subs6:protocol_id
/\Di':=H(RPWi.Rg.Fi) init State:=0
/\Snd({Ai.Ci.Di.DIDi}_SK1) transition
2.State=1/\Rcv(DIDi.M1.M2.M3)=|> 1.State=0/\Rcv(M1.M4.M5.M6)=|>
State':=2/\Mi':=xor(M1,K) State':=1/\FF':=(IDg.IDi.Mi.T3)
/\Rg':=xor(Ci,K) /\FF':={M4}_H(XG.Kj)
/\ZZZ':=xor(Ai,K) /\ZZZ':=xor(M1,Mi)
/\M3':=H(IDi.SIDj.ZZZ') /\Ni':=xor(M5,H(T3.H(ZZZ')))
/\XGS':=H(SIDj.XG) /\M6':=H(IDi.IDg.T3.Ni')
/\Kj':=H(XGS'.YG.XG) /\Vi':=new()
/\M5':=xor(Ni',H(T3.ZZZ')) /\M7':=xor(Vi',H(Mi.Ni))
/\M6':=H(IDi.Ni'.T3.IDg) /\SK':=H(H(ZZZ').Mi.Ni'.Vi')
/\secret({Ni'},subs5,{Ui,GW,SNj}) /\M8':=H(SK'.IDi.IDg.T5)
/\secret({XGS',Kj'},subs6,{GW,SNj}) /\Snd(M7.M8.T5)
3.State=2/\Rcv(M7.M8.T5)=|> end role
/\DIDin':=new() Fig. 4  The key role of sensor node SNj in HLPSL 
/\M10':=H(SK'.Cin'.DIDin') demonstrate that our proposed scheme accomplishes the
end role design properties and is safe under these back-ends.

Fig. 3  The key role of gateway node GW in HLPSL  7 Security analysis

This section presents the security analysis of our scheme

which shows that the proposed scheme withstands several
(i). Under OFMC, visited nodes are 256, the depth is 8 kinds of wicked attacks.
plies and the search time is 1.15 s. Under CL-AtSe, the
translation and computation times are 0.18 s and 0.00 s, Theorem 1  The proposed protocol withstands to password
respectively. The results depicted in Figs. 6 and 7 and guessing attack.

R. Ali et al.

role session(Ui,GW,SNj: agent, SUMMARY

SK1: symmetric_key, DETAILS
local SI,SJ,RI,RJ,PI,PJ:channel(dy) GOAL
composition as_specified
/\gateway(Ui,GW,SNj,SK1,H,RI,RJ) OFMC
end role parseTime: 0.00s
role environment() searchTime: 1.15s
visitedNodes: 256 nodes
depth: 8 plies
const ui,gw,snj:agent,
rpwi,pwi,idi,ri,bi,fi,ai,ci,di,rn,k,rg,xg,idg,mi,z,ni,vi,sk,cin, Fig. 6  Simulation result of OFMC back-end
subs1,subs2,subs3,subs4,subs5,subs6:protocol_id • F r o m M3 = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) = h(IDi ∥
composition SIDj ∥ h(h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) ∥ H(Bi ∥ ri ))) , for guessing
session(ui,snj,gw,sk1,h) PWi ,  has to know three unknown parameters such as
/\session(ui,snj,gw,sk1,h) SIDj , IDi , and ri at one time which is not feasible in poly-
nomial time.
end role
goal • Similarly,  can not break or guess PWi from M5 , M8 ,
secrecy_of subs1 and M10 because of same above mentioned reason.
secrecy_of subs2
secrecy_of subs3
secrecy_of subs4
Therefore, we can say that our protocol withstands to pass-
secrecy_of subs5 word guessing attack even if  has compromised biometric
secrecy_of subs6 and smartcard.
authentication_on user_gateway_mi
Theorem 2  The proposed protocol withstands to identity
authentication_on gateway_sensor_ni
authentication_on sensor_gateway_vi guessing attack.
end goal
environment() Proof  Assume that the Ui uses a low entropy identity IDi
which is easily breakable or guessable with the help of
smartcard’s parameters { Ai , Ci , Di , DIDi , Rn , H(⋅) , h(⋅) }
Fig. 5  The key role of session, goal and environment in HLPSL  and all public communicated messages { DIDi , M1 , M2 , M3 ,
M4 , M5 , M6 , M7 , M8 , T5 , M9 , M10 } among Ui , GW and SNj .
Proof  Assume that an attacker  has compromised a smart- However, in our protocol,  cannot guess IDi of Ui into three
card and biometric Bi then she/he can extricates all smart- different cases as follows:
card’s parameters { Ai , Ci , Di , DIDi , Rn , H(⋅) , h(⋅) } by using
power analysis (Kocher et al. 1999; Messerges et al. 2002)
and also eavesdrops all public communicated messages Case 1: An attacker has user’s password and biometric.
{ DIDi , M1 , M2 , M3 , M4 , M5 , M6 , M7 , M8 , T5 , M9 , M10 } from
a public channel. However, in our protocol,  cannot break
or guess PWi of the Ui by the following reasons. SAFE
• From the value Ai = h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) ⊕ h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) , TYPED_MODEL
where RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) and Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) . /home/rifaqat/documents/span/testsuite/results/WMSN.if
Here, for guessing PWi ,  has to know these unknown As Specified
parameters, i.e., DIDi , XG , IDg , and ri at one time even if BACKEND
he/she has compromised user’s biometric and smartcard. STATISTICS
Analysed : 0 states
• From the parameter Di = h(RPWi ∥ Rg ∥ Fi )  , where Reachable : 0 states
RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) and Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) . Here, Di Translation: 0.18 seconds
Computation: 0.00 seconds
depends on IDi , PWi , Bi , Rg , and ri . As we know  has
compromised biometric and smartcard while four values,
i.e., IDi , PWi , Rg , and ri are still unknown for him/her. Fig. 7  Simulation result of CL-AtSe back-end

An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using wireless medical sensor networks…

• The value of Ai is written as Ai = h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg )⊕ • The value Di is written as Di = h(RPWi ∥ Rg ∥ Fi ) =

h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) , where RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) and h(h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) ∥ Rg ∥ H(Bi ∥ ri )) . To guess IDi , 
Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) . Here, for guessing IDi ,  has to know has to know the parameters like Rg , Bi and ri at one time.
DIDi , XG , IDg , and ri at one time which is against of •  cannot compute IDi from M2 = Eh(M ∥R ) (IDi ∥ SIDj
i g
polynomial rule. ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ) because he/she has to know four unknown
• The value Di is computed as Di = h(RPWi ∥ Rg ∥ Fi ) ,
parameters Mi , Rg , SIDj , and T1 which violates the rule of
where RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) and Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) . To
polynomial equation.
guess IDi ,  has to know Rg and ri at one time which is
• From the value M3 = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) =
against of polynomial rule.
h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) ∥ H(Bi ∥ ri )))  . For
• The  cannot compute IDi from M2 = Eh(M ∥R ) (IDi ∥
i g guessing IDi ,  has to know three unknown parameters
SIDj ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ) because he/she has to know four unknown such as SIDj , Bi , and ri at one time which is not feasible
parameters Mi , Rg , SIDj , and T1 at the same time which in polynomial equation rule.
violates the rule of polynomial equation. • Similarly, from the parameters M4 , M5 , M6 , M8 , and M10 ,
• F r o m M3 = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi ))   , w h e r e  can not break or guess IDi because of same above men-
RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) and Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) . For guess- tioned reason.
ing IDi ,  has to know SIDj , and ri at one time which is
not feasible in polynomial time. On the basis of three cases, we can conclude that our proto-
• Similarly,  can not guess IDi from remaining param- col withstands to identity guessing attack.
eters like M4 , M5 , M6 , M8 , and M10 by the same above Theorem 3  The proposed protocol withstands to user imper-
reason. sonation attack.

Case 2: An attacker has user’s smartcard and biometric. Proof  Suppose that an attacker  obstructs a login message
{ DIDi , M1 , M2 , M3 } and modifies it and then tries to imi-
• From Ai = h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) ⊕ h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) , where tate as a legitimate Ui . However, in our scheme,  cannot
RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) and Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) . Here, to impersonate as an authorized user into three different cases
calculate IDi ,  has to know DIDi , XG , IDg , PWi and ri as follows.
at one time which is against of polynomial rule.
• The value Di is computed as Di = h(RPWi ∥ Rg ∥ Fi ) ,
where RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) and Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) . To Case 1: An attacker has user’s password and biometric.
guess IDi ,  has to know the values of Rg , PWi and ri at
one time which violates the rule of polynomial rule. •  can not calculate M1 = Mi ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg )
• The  cannot compute IDi from M2 = Eh(M ∥R ) (IDi ∥ because M1 depends on gateway’s secret key XG and a
random nonce Mi.
i g

SIDj ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ) because he/she has to know four unknown • For M2 = Eh(M ∥R ) (IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ) ,  has to know
i g
parameters, i.e., Mi , Rg , SIDj , and T1 at the same time
IDi which already proved in Theorem 2. Besides, s/he
which violates the rule of polynomial equation.
must be know these parameters Mi , Rg , SIDj , T1 , and Ai
• F r o m M3 = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi ))   , w h e r e
for evaluatin M2.
RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) and Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) . For guess-
• To c o m p u t e M3 = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) =
ing IDi ,  has to know three unknown parameters such
h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) ∥ H(Bi ∥ ri ))) ,  has
as SIDj , PWi , and ri at one time which is not feasible in
to know IDi and ri at one time.
polynomial equation rule.
• Similarly,  can not guess IDi from M4 , M5 , M6 , M8 , and
Case 2: An attacker has user’s smartcard and biometric.
M10 by the same above reason.
•  tries to calculate M1 = Mi ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) , but
Case 3: An attacker has user’s password and smartcard.
M1 relies on gateway’s secret key XG and a random nonce
• F r o m Ai = h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) ⊕ h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) =
• For computing M2 = Eh(M ∥R ) (IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ) , 
h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) ⊕ h(h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) ∥ H(Bi ∥ ri )) . i g

Here, for guessing IDi ,  has to know DIDi , XG , IDg , Bi has to know IDi which violates of Theorem 2. In addition,
and ri at one time which is against of polynomial rule. s/he also has to know these parameters Mi , Rg , SIDj , and
T1 for calculating M2.

R. Ali et al.

• To calculate M3 = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) = Theorem 6 The proposed protocol withstands to smartcard

h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) ∥ H(Bi ∥ ri ))) ,  has stolen attack.
to know IDi , ri and PWi at one time.
Proof Suppose  theft user’s smartcard and extracts all
Case 3: An attacker has user’s password and smartcard. parameters { Ai , Ci , DIDi , Di , Rn , H(⋅) , h(⋅) } from it by using
side channel attack (Kocher et al. 1999; Messerges et al.
•  attempts to calculate M1 = Mi ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) , 2002). Then,  tries to guess PWi of Ui but we have already
but M1 depends on gateway’s secret key XG , and a ran- proved in Theorem 1 that our scheme is fully protected from
dom nonce Mi . So, he/she cannot calculate the value of password guessing attack. In addition,  tries to compute
M1 without knowing these unknown parameters even if valid login message for imitating as a genuine user but he/
user’s has smartcard and password. she can not impersonate because alresdy proved in Theo-
• For computing M2 = Eh(M ∥R ) (IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ) , 
i g
rem 3. Thus, by this summarization, our protocol is secure
from smartcard stolen attack.
has to know IDi which is against of Theorem 2. In addi-
tion,  also has to know these parameters Mi , Rg , and
Theorem 7  The proposed protocol withstands to replay
SIDj for calculating M2.
• To eva l u a t e M3 = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) =
h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) ∥ H(Bi ∥ ri ))) ,  has
Proof Suppose  eavesdropped a login message { DIDi , M1 ,
to know IDi , ri and SIDj at one time which violates the
M2 , M3 } and all other public communicated messages { M1 ,
polynomial rule.
M4 , M5 , M6 }, { M7 , M8 }, and { T5 , M9 , M10 } and then replays
a public messages after some time. But, our scheme is able
Therefore, on the basis of above explanation of three cases,
to defend a replay attack by the following reasons.
our scheme withstands to user impersonation attack.
Theorem 4  The proposed protocol withstands to the gateway
• In our protocol’s login message, i.e., { DIDi , M1 , M2 , M3 },
node impersonation attack.
where M1 = Mi ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg )  , M2 = Eh(Mi ∥Rg )
Proof  In this attack,  obstructs communicated messages (IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ),  and M3 = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) .
from the public channel and tries to imitate as gateway The login message consists of random nonce Mi , times-
node GW. But, in our scheme,  is unable to execute this tamp T1 which follow the rule of uniqueness property. So,
attack because if  intercepts the messages { M1 , M4 , M5 , this message is peculiar and valid for one session only.
M6 } and { M9 , M10 }, where M1 = Mi ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) , Besides, login message also made with IDi which is not
M4 = Eh(XGS ∥Kj ) (IDg ∥ IDi ∥ Mi ∥ Ai ∥ T3 )   , M5 = Ni ⊕ guessed or break because already demonstrated in Theo-
h(T3 ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi ))  , M6 = h(IDi ∥ Ni ∥ T3 ∥ IDg )  , M9 = rem 2.
Eh(RPWi ∥Fi ) (Cin ∥ Ni ∥ Vi ∥ DIDni ) , M10 = h(SK ∥ Cin ∥DIDni ) . • The communicating messages, i.e., { M4 , M5 , M6 }, where
Now, for evaluating these above messages,  has to know M4 = Eh(XGS ∥Kj ) (IDg ∥ IDi ∥ Mi ∥ Ai ∥ T3 ) , M5 = Ni ⊕ h
IDi , XGS , XG and RPWi which are very difficult to guess at (T3 ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) , M6 = h(IDi ∥ Ni ∥ T3 ∥ IDg ) . This
one time. Therefore, our protocol resists to the gateway node message also includes timestamps, identity IDi.
impersonation attack. • Similarly, all other communicated messages such as { M7 ,
M8 }, and { T5 , M9 , M10 } also have random nonces and
Theorem 5  The proposed protocol withstands to sensor node timestamps, which will be not repeated and unique for
impersonation attack. one session only.

Proof As like the gateway impersonation attack,  Theorem 8  The proposed protocol withstands to insider
steals the public messages and then tries to imper- attack.
sonate as a sensor node SNj  . But in our scheme,
 is not able to execute this attack because if sup- Proof  Several schemes are broken by this attack because
pose  intercepts the message { M7  , M8  , T5 }, where if the user uses the same password to access the various
M7 = Vi ⊕ h(Mi ∥ Ni )  , M8 = h(SK ∥ IDi ∥ IDg ∥ T5 )  , and applications for his/her convenience, then wicked adminis-
SK = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi )) . To compute these trator  knows the password of the user and hacks another
values,  has to know IDi and SK at the same time which account of the same user. But, in our scheme, the Ui sends
is not feasible in polynomial time. Therefore, our protocol { IDi , RPWi , Fi } to the GW, where RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri )
resists to the sensor node impersonation attack. and Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) . Here, the Ui sends RPWi along with

An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using wireless medical sensor networks…

a random number ri and IDi using hash function which is with real-time data to their corresponding legal users.
secure and resists to insider attack. Besides, the GW has no Hence, compromised sensor node is unable to reveal any
knowledge of the password of the user directly. Thus, our other information about other sensor nodes. In this way,
scheme withstands to insider attack. our scheme is unconditionally withstands to sensor node
capture attack.
Theorem 9  The proposed protocol withstands to user un-
traceability attack. Theorem 11  The proposed protocol achieves mutual authen-
tication property.
Proof  Consider that  obstructs two login messages { DIDi ,
M1 , M2 , M3 } and { DID′i , M1′ , M2′  , M3′  } and tries to find out Proof  The proposed protocol provides proper mutual
the similarity on the basis of any parameters of both login authentication property because the Ui sends a login mes-
messages respectively. However, in our protocol, this type sage, i.e., { DIDi , M1 , M2 , M3 } to the GW via public channel.
of situation will never happen because of some reasons as After receiving the message from the Ui , the GW computes
follows. Mi = M1 ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) and retrieves Ci from the
database corresponding DIDi and then computes
• DIDi and DID′i are a dynamic identities, generated by the Rg = Ci ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) . Next, the GW decrypts the
GW in different sessions and store by the Ui at end of each message M2 and retrieves (IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ T1 ∥ Ai ) = Dh(Mi ∥Rg )
session of authentication phase.
(M2 ) and then checks T2 − T1 ≤ △T  . If this is true then per-
• Both M1 = Mi ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) , and M1� = Mi� ⊕ h
(DID�i ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) are consisting of dynamic identities forms further steps. Otherwise, session terminated. Further,
which are different in each session and also valid for one GW computes h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) = Ai ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) ,
session. M3� = h(IDi ∥ SIDj ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) and compares M3� =M3 .
• Similarly, the messages { M2 , M3 } and { M2′  , M3′  } are If this is true then the Ui is authenticated by the GW and
also different correspondingly because of using random accepts the login message. Otherwise, terminated the ses-
nonces and random numbers. sion. Here, any fabricated login message i.e., { DIDi , M1′ , M2′  ,
M3′  } cannot pass authentication because the verification
Therefore, by this above-reasons, our protocol withstands equation depends on the one-way hash function.
user un-traceability attack. After that, the GW performs some calculations and com-
Theorem 10  The proposed protocol withstands to sensor putes some parameters and then put forwards { M1 , M4 , M5 ,
node capture attack. M6 } to the SNj via public channel. After getting the message
from GW, the SNj decrypts M4 using own key XGS , Kj and
Proof Suppose  captures a sensor node SNj from the retrieves (IDg ∥ IDi ∥ Mi ∥ Ai ∥ T3 ) = Dh(XGS ∥Kj ) (M4 ) and
network where Ui accesses the real-time data from SNj . then checks T4 − T3 ≤ △T  . If this is true then continued,
Since sensor nodes are not made to tamper-resistant otherwise; terminated the session. Further, the SNj computes
hardware, therefore the attacker can easily compro- h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) = M1 ⊕ Mi ⊕ Ai  , h(T3 ∥ h(RPWi ∥ Fi )) = Ni
mise all the confidential information, including the cap- ⊕M5 , M6� = h(IDi ∥ Ni ∥ T3 ∥ IDg ) and compares M6� =M6 . If

tured sensor node’s master secret key and shared ses- this comparison holds then SNj computes some parameters
sion key among participant entities. But in our scheme, and forwards { M7 , M8 , T5 } to the GW via same channel, oth-
the secret session key among the Ui  , the GW and the erwise; terminated the session. Here also, any modified mes-
SNj i s SK = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi ))   , w h e r e sage { M1′ , M4′  , M5′ , M6′  } cannot pass authentication because of
RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) , Fi = h(Bi ∥ ri ) and Mi , Ni , Vi are verification which depends on hash function.
random nonces, generated by the Ui , the GW and the SNj After receiving the message from the SNj , the GW first
respectively. Since, all the parameters of session key are of all checks T6 − T5 ≤ △T  , if this holds then computes
protected by the hash function so each established session Ti = M7 ⊕ h(Mi ∥ Ni ) , SK � = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi )) ,
key between Ui , GW and SNj is distinct over the network. and M8� = h(SK � ∥ IDi ∥ IDg ∥ T5 ) . The SNj now compares
Note that: each node is installed in the target field with ?
unique randomly generated master key. Thus, the attacker M8� =M8 , if this comparison holds then continued. Otherwise;
is able to compromise the master key of that captured node aborts the session. Further, the GW produces another dynamic
only. Using this compromised master key,  can not com- identity DIDni and computes Cin = Rg ⊕ h(DIDni ∥ XG ∥ IDg )
pute the secret information of SK like IDi , PWi , ri , and Bi and updates the database { DIDni , Cin } and then evaluates
which are only known to Ui . As a result, the attacker can M9 = Eh(RPWi ∥Fi ) (Cin ∥ Ni ∥ Vi ∥ DIDni ) , M10 = h(SK ∥ Cin ∥
only communicate with false data to the legitimate Ui only. DIDni ) and finally sends { M9 , M10 } to Ui via public channel.
Other non capture sensor nodes can still respond securely

R. Ali et al.

After receiving the message from the GW, the Ui decrypts continued procedure for changing the password; otherwise
the message (Cin ∥ Ni ∥ Vi ∥ DIDni ) = Dh(RPWi ∥Fi ) (M9 ) , terminates the session.
SK � = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi ))  , M10

= h(SK � ∥ Cin
∥ DIDni ) and compares M10� ?�
=M10  . If this comparison holds Theorem 14  The proposed protocol withstands to session
key temporary information attack.
then the Ui replaces DIDi with DIDni and Ci with Cin and then
mutual authentication holds.
Proof  If suppose temporary secrets Mi  , Ni  , and Vi are
compromised then  cannot compute session-key
Theorem 12  The proposed protocol provides correct session
SK = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi )) because he/she has
key establishment.
to know RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) and Fi = h(Bi ∥ ri ) at one
time which is against the rule of polynomial time.
Proof  The proposed protocol facilitates session key agree-
ment when the Ui , GW and SNj achieve mutual authen-
tication. After the mutual authentication process, the
8 Performance evaluation
Ui   , GW and SNj compute session key SK = h(h(RPWi
∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi )) . The security of the SK is analyzed
In this section, we compare the performance of the pro-
as follows:
posed scheme with the other surviving relevant schemes
(Amin et al. 2016, 2018; Wu et al. 2015; Shin et al. 2016;
• Known-key secrecy: The known-key secrecy means
Li et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2012; Khan and Kumari 2014;
that compromise of one session key should not com-
Turkanović et al. 2014) in the context of various security
promise other session keys. In our scheme, the session
aspects, smart card storage overhead, communication over-
key SK = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi )) is related to
head, computation overhead and execution time. Besides,
RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) , Fi = h(Bi ∥ ri ) , Mi , Ni and Vi .
we compute the percentage of sensor node’s communication
Here all the parameters of session key are protected by
cost over total communication costs.
the one-way hash function. Instead of that, the SK will be
different for each login session due to different random
8.1 Communication and smartcard storage costs
nonces Mi , Ni and Vi for each session. So, if suppose 
obtains a previous SK then he/she cannot obtain the other
In Table 5, we have provided the communication cost of pro-
SK because of random nonces. So, the proposed scheme
posed scheme and other relevant schemes (Amin et al. 2016,
ensures the known-key secrecy.
2018; Wu et al. 2015; Shin et al. 2016; Li et al. 2015; Kumar
• Forward secrecy: The forward secrecy means if the mas-
et al. 2012; Khan and Kumari 2014; Turkanović et al. 2014).
ter or private key of the system is breached then the previ-
For computing the communication cost, we assume that the
ously established session keys should not be affected. In
length of identity, password, random number, timestamp
our scheme, suppose the master secret key XG and YG are
all are 64 bits for each. The length of hash function (SHA-
compromised by some means. Besides,  may get some-
1) takes 160 bits and symmetric encryption or decryption
how random nonces Mi , Ni and Vi , but she/he cannot eval-
(AES) takes 512 bits. Therefore, Table 5, presents the com-
uate any previous SK = h(h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ∥ Mi ∥ Ni ∥ Vi ))
munication cost for the user Ui , gateway node GW and sen-
without knowing RPWi and Fi . So, our scheme provides
sor node SNj , which depends on the length of received and
forward secrecy.
transmitted messages. In the proposed scheme, Ui transmits
640 bits and receives 320 bits; GW transmits 960 bits and
Theorem 13  The proposed protocol provides accurate pass-
receives 992 bits; and SNj transmits 352 bits and receives
word change phase.
640 bits. Thus, the total transmitted and received communi-
cation cost of Ui , GW and SNj are 960 bits, 1952 bits and 992
Proof  Our scheme provides accurate password change
bits respectively. Besides that, the smartcard storage cost
phase because some confidential parameters such as
of our scheme is lesser than the schemes (Shin et al. 2016;
IDi   , PWi and Bi checked by the smartcard properly.
Li et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2012; Khan and Kumari 2014;
The procedure is explained as follows: the Ui firstly
Turkanović et al. 2014) but slightly higher than the schemes
enters IDi , PWi into smartcard reader and also imprints
(Amin et al. 2016; Wu et al. 2015). As a results, the smart-
Bi at the sensor device. Then, smartcard computes
card storage cost of our proposed scheme with other related
ri = Rn ⊕ h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ H(Bi )) , RPWi = h(IDi ∥ PWi ∥ ri ) ,
schemes (Amin et al. 2016; Wu et al. 2015; Shin et al. 2016;
Fi = H(Bi ∥ ri ) , h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ) = Ai ⊕ h(RPWi ∥ Fi ) ,
Li et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2012; Khan and Kumari 2014;
Rg = Ci ⊕ h(DIDi ∥ XG ∥ IDg ),  and D�i = h(RPWi ∥ Rg ∥ Fi ) .
? Turkanović et al. 2014) are 1120 bits, 960 bits, 992 bits,
Now, smartcard compares D�i =Di , if this is true, then
1152 bits, 1216 bits, 1856 bits, 1152 bits and 1568 bits.

An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using wireless medical sensor networks…

8.2 Computation cost and execution time proposed scheme provides comparatively good performance
in the context of computation cost and execution time.
In Table 6, we have delineated the computation cost and exe-
cution time comparison of the proposed scheme with other 8.3 Sensor node’s performance comparison
relevant schemes (Amin et al. 2016, 2018; Wu et al. 2015;
Shin et al. 2016; Li et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2012; Khan In Table 7, we provide the sensor node’s performance com-
and Kumari 2014; Turkanović et al. 2014). The computation parison of our scheme along with other relevant schemes
cost of the proposed protocol and other schemes (Amin et al. (Amin et  al. 2016; Wu et  al. 2015; Shin et  al. 2016; Li
2016, 2018; Wu et al. 2015; Shin et al. 2016; Li et al. 2015; et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2012; Khan and Kumari 2014;
Kumar et al. 2012; Khan and Kumari 2014; Turkanović et al. Turkanović et al. 2014; Amin et al. 2018) in terms of com-
2014) are 33TH + 6TS , 33TH  , 20TH + 8TS , 15TH +8TE+3TS , putation cost and execution time. In wireless sensor network,
18TH +10TS , 6TH + 7TS , 21TH + 3TS , 19TH and 36TH respec- the main issue is to minimize the energy consumption of
tively, where TH represents the hash function, TS denotes the sensor node. Basically, the sensor nodes have limited
the symmetric key encryption or decryption operation and computing resources, energy and transmission capacity and
TE denotes modular exponentiation operation. As suggested the lifetime of the sensor nodes rely on (1) cryptographic
in Jiang et al. (2014), we have presumed that the execution operation computation (2) length of transmitting information
time for hash function, symmetric-key encryption or decryp- (in bits) (3) length of obtaining information (in bits). From
tion and modular exponentiation operation are 0.0005, Table 7, we can observe that our protocol’s sensor node
0.0087 and 0.522 s respectively. The proposed scheme consume less energy (computation cost and execution time)
takes 33TH + 6TS = 33 × 0.0005 + 6 × 0.0087 = 0.0687 s, compare to schemes in (Amin et al. 2016; Wu et al. 2015;
whereas other relevant schemes (Amin et al. 2016, 2018; Shin et al. 2016; Li et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2012). There-
Wu et al. 2015; Shin et al. 2016; Li et al. 2015; Kumar et al. fore, the proposed protocol achieves better performance in
2012; Khan and Kumari 2014; Turkanović et al. 2014) take terms of energy consumption of the sensor node. In Table 8,
0.0165, 0.0796, 4.2096, 0.096, 0.0639, 0.0366, 0.0095, and we present sensor node’s communication cost and its per-
0.018 s respectively. It has been noticed that the compu- centages. As a result, the percentage of communication cost
tation cost and execution time of our scheme is less com- of the sensor node with respect to total communication cost
pare to other schemes (Wu et al. 2015; Li et al. 2015; Shin is less of our protocol, which is very important to save the
et al. 2016). However, the schemes (Amin et al. 2016, 2018; capacity (battery life) of the sensor node and used in real
Turkanović et al. 2014) takes less computation cost and exe- time applications.
cution time compare to proposed scheme. But in the security
features subsection, we have found that the scheme Amin 8.4 Security features
et al. (2016) suffers from identity guessing attack and also
does not provide correct authentication phase. Moreover, the In Table 9, we present the security features comparison of
scheme Turkanović et al. (2014) is vulnerable to password the proposed scheme with other surviving relevant schemes
guessing attack, identity guessing attack, impersonation (Amin et al. 2016, 2018; Wu et al. 2015; Shin et al. 2016;
attack, smart card stolen attack and also not provide efficient Li et al. 2015; Kumar et al. 2012; Khan and Kumari 2014;
authentication phase. In addition, the scheme Amin et al. Turkanović et al. 2014). We observe some important point
(2018) is not secure against insider attack. Therefore, our from the Table 9 as follows:

Table 5  Communication cost Schemes Ui GW SNj TCC​ SCSC

(in bits) comparison

Amin et al. (2016) 1024 480 1088 1408 384 608 4992 960
Wu et al. (2015) 1184 800 832 1184 800 832 5632 992
Shin et al. (2016) 672 2368 2368 992 1504 1184 9088 1152
Li et al. (2015) 1088 576 1152 1664 576 576 5632 1216
Kumar et al. (2012) 576 576 576 576 576 576 3456 1856
Khan and Kumari (2014) 1088 480 2272 224 448 928 5440 1152
Turkanović et al. (2014) 704 576 672 992 1568 1376 5888 1568
Amin et al. (2018) 672 640 1120 992 320 480 4224 –
Proposed 640 320 960 992 352 640 3904 1120

T, transmit; R, receive; TCC​, total communication cost; SCSC, smartcard storage cost

R. Ali et al.

Table 6  Computation cost and Schemes  Ui GW SNj TCC∗ ET

execution time (in s)
Amin et al. (2016) 12TH 16TH 5TH 33TH 0.0165
Wu et al. (2015) 10TH + 2TS 6TH + 5TS 4TH + 1TS 20TH + 8TS 0.0796
Shin et al. (2016) 3TH + 2TE + 1TS 7TH + 3TE + 2TS 5TH + 3TE 15TH + 8TE + 3TS 4.2096
Li et al. (2015) 6TH + 2TS 7TH + 6TS 5TH + 2TS 18TH + 10TS 0.096
Kumar et al. (2012) 4TH + 2TS 1TH + 3TS 1TH + 2TS 6TH + 7TS 0.0639
Khan and Kumari (2014) 6TH + 1TS 8TH + 2TS 7TH 21TH + 3TS 0.0366
Turkanović et al. (2014) 7TH 5TH 7TH 19TH 0.0095
Amin et al. (2018) 12TH 18TH 6TH 36TH 0.018
Proposed 11TH + 2TS 16TH + 3TS 6TH + 1TS 33TH + 6TS 0.0687

TCC∗ , total computation cost; ET, execution time

• The protocols (Shin et al. 2016; Kumar et al. 2012; Khan Table 7  Computation cost and execution time (in s) comparison of
and Kumari 2014; Turkanović et al. 2014) are vulnerable sensor nodes
to password guessing attack, impersonation attack and Schemes  CC∗ ET
no user anonymity property. Next, the protocols (Kumar
et al. 2012; Turkanović et al. 2014) suffer from identity Amin et al. (2016) 5TH 0.0025
guessing attack and smart card stolen attack. Whereas the Wu et al. (2015) 4TH + 1TS 0.0107
Shin et al. (2016) 1.568
protocols (Amin et al. 2016; Kumar et al. 2012; Wu et al. 5TH + 3TE
Li et al. (2015) 0.0199
2015; Li et al. 2015; Khan and Kumari 2014; Turkanović 5TH + 2TS
Kumar et al. (2012) 0.0179
et al. 2014; Shin et al. 2016) are not defending the imper- 1TH + 2TS
Khan and Kumari (2014) 0.0035
sonation attack. 7TH
• The protocols (Amin et al. 2018; Kumar et al. 2012) are Turkanović et al. (2014) 7TH 0.0035
Amin et al. (2018) 6TH 0.003
not secure from insider attack.
• The schemes (Amin et  al. 2016; Shin et  al. 2016; Proposed 6TH + 1TS 0.0117
Turkanović et al. 2014) and scheme Shin et al. (2016) do CC∗ , computation cost; ET, execution time
not provide accurate authentication and password change
phase respectively.
• The protocols (Wu et al. 2015; Shin et al. 2016; Khan Table 8  Communication cost (in bits) of sensor node
and Kumari 2014) are vulnerable to sensor node cap- Schemes  CC of SNj TCC​ Percentage
ture attack. Moreover, the protocol Kumar et al. (2012)
does not provide accurate session key establishment and Amin et al. (2016) 992 4992 19.87
mutual authentication property. Wu et al. (2015) 1632 5632 28.97
Shin et al. (2016) 2688 9088 29.57
As a results, we can observe from Table 9 that most of the Li et al. (2015) 1152 5632 20. 45
protocols are not completely secure against various secu- Kumar et al. (2012) 1152 3456 33.33
rity threats and also not facilitating all the security features. Khan and Kumari (2014) 1376 5440 25.29
However, our protocol is secure against these various secu- Turkanović et al. (2014) 2944 5888 50
rity threats and also provides more security features compare Amin et al. (2018) 800 4224 18.93
to other schemes. Proposed 992 3904 25.40

CC of SNj , communication cost of sensor node; TCC​, total communi-

cation cost
9 Conclusion

In this paper, firstly we have briefly investigated Amin et al.’s The formal security analysis is done using BAN logic and
scheme and then observed some security weaknesses such AVISPA tool. The informal security analysis ensures that our
as off-line password guessing attack, user impersonation protocol is able to protect various kinds of wicked attacks.
attack, known session key temporary information attack, and Moreover, performance evaluation of our scheme along with
identity guessing attack. To remedy these above-mentioned other related existing schemes provides better complexities
security attacks, the authors propose an enhanced three-fac- in the context of communication and computation costs. In
tor based authentication schemes in WMSNs environment. the future, we aim to reduce the complexities of the proposed

An enhanced three factor based authentication protocol using wireless medical sensor networks…

Table 9  Security features Schemes Security features

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14

Amin et al. (2016) Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y

Wu et al. (2015) Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y
Shin et al. (2016) N Y N Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N N
Li et al. (2015) Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Kumar et al. (2012) N N N Y N Y Y N N N Y N Y Y
Khan and Kumari (2014) N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y
Turkanović et al. (2014) N N N Y N Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N
Amin et al. (2018) N N N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N
Proposed Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Y, Yes; N, No; A1 , Resist password guessing attack; A2 , Resist identity guessing attack; A3 , Resist user
impersonation attack; A4 , Resist gateway node impersonation attack; A5 , Resist sensor node impersonation
attack; A6 , Resist smart card stolen attack; A7 , Resist replay attack; A8 , Resist insider attack; A9 , Accu-
rate authentication phase; A10 , Resist sensor node capture attack; A11 , Correct session key establishment;
A12 , Achieve mutual authentication property; A13 , Accurate password change phase; A14 , Resist session-key
temporary information attack

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