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Dosage, Route and

Name of Drug Indication Contra- indication Mechanism of Action Drug-to-Drug Interaction Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibility

PO (Adult): 5-10 mg Alone or with other Hypersensitivity, blood Inhibits the transport of Drug: Adenosine: May CNS: headache, BEFORE
Generic Name: once daily. agents in the pressure <90 mmHg calcium into myocardial increase the risk of dizziness, fatigue 1. Monitor blood pressure and pulse
Amlodipine besylate Antihypertensive in management of and vascular smooth bradycardia. before therapy, during dose tiltration,
fragile or small patient or hypertension, angina Use cautiously in: severe muscle cells, resulting Bosentan: may decrease CV: peripheral edema, and periodically during therapy.
patients already pectoris and hepatic impairment in inhibition of efficacy of amlodipine: angina, bradycardia, 2. Monitor intake and output ratios
receiving other vasospastic (dosage reduction excitation-contraction Additive hypotensive hypotension, palpitations and daily weight. Assess for signs of
antihypertensives- (Prinzmetal's) angina. recommended, coupling and effects with other CHF (peripheral edema, rales or
Brand Name: initiate 2.5 mg/day, increased risk for subsequent ANTIHYPERTENSIVE GI: crackles, dyspnea, weight gain,
Norvasc increase as required or hypotension). Aortic contraction. AGENTS; AZOLE Gingival hyperplasia, jugular venous distention).
tolerated (up to 10 stenosis, history of CHF, ANTIFUNGALS (e.g., nausea
mg/day) as an pregnancy, lactation, or Therapeutic Effects: fluconazole, itraconazole): DURING
hypertensive therapy children. Systemic vasodilation May inhibit metabolism of Derm: flushing 1. Ensure to observe the following
with 2.5 mg/day in resulting in decreased amlodipine. rights of the patient (right medication,
Therapeutic patients with hepatic blood pressure. Itraconazole: may right route, right patient, right time
Classification: insufficiency. Coronary vasodilation increase edema. and right dosage).
antihypertensive resulting in decreased Food:
frequency and severity Grapefruit juice may AFTER
of angina attacks increase amlodipine 1. Caution patient to continue taking
levels. drug, even when feeling better.
Herbal: Ephedra, Ma 2. Tell patient S.L nitroglycerin may
Huang, melatonin may be taken as needed when angina
antagonize symptoms are acute. If patient
antihypertensive effects. continues nitrate therapy during
MEDICATION adjustment of amlodipine dosage,
TICKET urge continued compliance.
3. Instruct patient to notify prescriber
if any unusual symptoms and toxicity

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