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Dosage, Route and Drug-to-Drug

Name of Drug Indication Contra- indication Mechanism of Action Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibility
Frequency Interaction
Initially, 25 to 50mg P.O Contraindicated with Inhibits vasoconstrictive Drug-drug: CNS: dizziness, insomnia 1. Monitor blood pressure
Generic Name: daily. Maximum daily Treatment of patient hypertensive to and aldosterone- Potassium-sparing 2. Use cautiously in patients with
Losartan Potassium dose is 100mg in one or hypertension, alone or drugs. secreting action of diuretics, potassium EENT: impaired renal or hepatic function.
two divided dises. in combine with other angiotensin II by supplements: May Nasal congestion, 3. Tell patient to avoid salt subsitutes;
antihypertensive blocking angiotensin II cause hyperkalemia. sinusitis. these products may contain potassium,
agents. receptor on the surface Monitor patient closely. which can cause hyperrkalemia in
of vascular smooth Drug food: GI: patients taking losartan.
Brand Name: muscle and other tissue Salt substitutes Diarrhea, dyspepsia
Cozaar cells. containing potassium: DURING
May cause Musculoskeletal: muscle
hyperkalemia. Monitor cramps, myalgia, back or 1. Ensure to observe the following
patient closely. leg pain. rights of the patient (right medication,
Therapeutic right route, right patient, right time and
Classification: Respiratory: cough, upper right dosage).
Cardiovascular respiratory tract infection. 2. Monitor blood pressure closely to
agent; angiotensin II evaluate effectiveness of therapy.
receptor antagonist, When losartan is used alone, the effect
antihypertensive on blood pressure is notably less in
black patients than in other races.
3. Regularly assess the patient’s renal
function (via creatinine and BUN
4. Monitor patients who are also taking
diuretics for symptomatic hypotension.
1. Advise patient to report swelling of
face, eyes, lips, or tongue or any
breathing difficulty immediately.

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