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Group: Anna Shlipatska, Reetta Savolainen, Joseph Odhiambo, Lee Garner

Course plan Grade 9, EFL in Finland, two lessons of 45 mins per week for 8 weeks
Topic 1 TRAVEL
Skills communication, collaboration, multi-literacy, self-regulation, presentation,
research, learning to learn, critical and creative thinking, exam skills
Knowledge content knowledge about culture (travel, health), revision of grammar,
revision of vocabulary, new vocabulary
Week Lesson Activity
1 A Introduction to topic on TRAVEL, objectives. Easy start outside; what
do you remember from last year? Actualise knowledge.
B Pre-text activities to introduce topic, vocabulary, activate previous
knowledge of topic. Read text (TRAVEL BLOG), listen to text,
2 A Grammar points arising from text, grammar activities.
B Watch topic-related video (culture), discussion, own knowledge
creation — project work on topic, group work.
3 A Project work on topic, group work (continued).
B Spoken presentations (assessment).
4 A Spoken presentations (assessment). Written reflections on topic
B Introduction to topic on HEALTH & WELLNESS, objectives. Outside.
5 A Pre-text activities to introduce topic, vocabulary, activate previous
knowledge of topic. Read text (INTERVIEW), listen to text, and
B Grammar points arising from text, peer-to-peer grammar teaching.
6 A Reteaching of grammar issues raised by class. Fun grammar
B Video-/audio-record interviews in pairs to discover partner’s health
and wellness, to be handed in via email (assessment).
7 A (Class have an exam in another subject today)
B Revision of vocabulary and grammar from both topics
8 A Assessment of both units. Written exam.
B Games, digital language games, pot luck (bring food to share)
Extra listening to music, question and answer cycles about topic, analogue
activities language games
Group: Anna Shlipatska, Reetta Savolainen, Joseph Odhiambo, Lee Garner

Below is a copy of a teaching module that we prepared. This module is designed to

support students to learn language skills as well as content knowledge. The topics from
the curriculum that are relevant here are cultural competence, well-being, language skills
and multi-literacy.

This module supports students to learn and become engaged through the following aims:
to practice and enhance skills in communication, collaboration, multi-literacy, self-
regulation, presentation, research, learning to learn, critical and creative thinking, and
exam skills, as well as to learn and find motivation in content knowledge about culture
(travel, health), revision of grammar, revision of vocabulary and new vocabulary.

Through our choice of methods, we will support creative thinking skills. Project work,
presenting, writing, discussion and collaboration are 21st century skills that contribute to
transversal competence in language teaching. Collaboration and communication skills are
practiced and enhanced through pair work, group work, presenting and digital

Each of these competence areas are simultaneously supports engagement at the same
time as supporting learning (both skills / knowledge and learning to learn). The module is
specifically designed to achieve multiple objectives from the broader and subject-specific
curricula, to enhance 21st century competences and to support the students’ emotional

The delivery of the modules and the day-to-day methods and habits of the teacher will
facilitate student-centred learning, which will result in social relatedness, students’ control
over their learning, as well as competence through jointly finding the optimal balance
between existing skills, new challenges and students’ interests.

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