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Comment Clause Reduced relative clauses

 It’s always “which”. The girl, who drives a car, doesn’t stop in the red light.
 It’s always at the end.
subject(S1) verb (V2) verb (V1)
 It always has a comma before it.
 It is used to give extra information or The girl driving a car doesn’t stop in the red light
make a comment about a situation.

Berke is taking TOEFL lessons, which is good for his career.

The girl, who I like, is 20 years old. = there are two different subjects, so
That Clauses (“the fact that” = (-dığı gerçeği)) relative clauses cannot be reduced

(S1) (S2) (V2) (V1)

 These clauses are used to transform a complete sentence(S+V+O)
into “a noun”, which you can use as subject or an object.
It cannot be used directly as the object of a preposition
 These are ekşi titles (-mesi, -ması, -dığı) 1- Active verbs: regardless of whether what tense is, ING is added to
verb and will be written after subject.
 The subject use of this is super formal,
DO NOT use it in a casual topic, it sounds awkward. Teams which have completed this round go into the finals
Turkey has purchased the S-400 Missiles from Russia Teams completing this round go into the finals
That Turkey has purchased the S-400 Missiles from Russia put it at odds 2- Passive verbs: only past participle forms will be written after
with its NATO allies. subject.
That I play tennis is good for my health. = awkward, not necessary. Playing The student that is chosen as winner will get the prize
tennis is good for my health.
The student chosen as winner will get the prize

3- Prepositions: the forms of verb ‘be’ is dropped; the prepositions will

be written after subject.

The people who are at the back cannot hear.

The people at the back cannot hear.

Infinitive Clauses Only to discover/realize that

1) Purpose Berke studied a lot all day long, only to discover that exam was postponed.

I did it to protect you. Berke left the home in a hurry because his wife was about to give birth, only
to realize that he left the keys inside.
I did it for you to protect me.
It is…, that….
2) Define
 next, only, first, last, most…, fourth… Parents teach morality.  It is the parents that teach morality.

This is the biggest building to ever be constructed. The corporations avoid the taxes.  It is the corporations that avoid the
The only person to call me was my girlfriend.
It is unpredictable how the trajectory of social events take place.
If you want to know anything, he is the guy to ask.
It is disgusting that Woody Allen married his stepdaughter.
3) Result
 Infinitive clauses can be used to give an unexpected, surprising Not only + question form + but also + full sentence.
result. Not only was Berke handsome, but also he was rich.

Never have I seen such beauty.

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