IELTS Test 9 & Practice

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Part 1

Window view

What scenery can you see from the window of your home?
Is it important for you to have a good view from your window?
Do you like to sit by the window when you take an aeroplane?
What sort of view would you like your house to have in the future?

Text Messages

How often do you send text messages?

Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?
Have you ever received a confusing text message?
In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text


What sports did you do when you were a kid?

What’s your favorite sport?

Do you watch sports matches on TV?

Are you a fan of any sports teams?

Part 2

Describe an interest or hobby that you particularly enjoy.

You should say:

what it is

how long have you been doing it

how often do you do it

who you do it with

what benefits you get from it

and explain why you enjoy it.

1. Do you enjoy doing hobbies with other people or do you prefer to be

2. Why do you think people have hobbies?

Part 3

1. What hobbies are common in your culture?

2. Are there any hobbies that you think are not worthwhile?
3. Why do people have hobbies?
4. How important is it to encourage children to take up hobbies?
5. How are hobbies now different from hobbies in the past?
6. Has modern life limited the time we spend on hobbies?
7. Do you think it's important for people to have hobbies? Why?
8. Can hobbies have any negative effects?
9. Why do some people get obsessed with their hobbies?
10. Do you think hobbies that keep you fit are better than hobbies that you
can do sitting down?
11.Do you think men and women tend to have different types of hobbies?
Fluency & Coherence
● Speak at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence: (How fast and
slow/ continuously without effort or frequent stops?)
How clearly and logically you organise your ideas:
Speaking at relaxed and natural pace:
Avoid silences and repetitions:
hesitation at times, repetition, self-correction (some):
Linking words: (with some flexibility)
● voc. flexibility:
● discuss different topics:
● phrases:
● expressions:
● paraphrase:
● signposts
● complex sentence structures:
● error free sentences:
● some gra. errors persist:


You should say:

What it was:

When you watched it:

What it was like:

And how you felt about it:

1. Do you prefer to watch sports live or on TV?

2. Why do some people like to watch live sports?
3. What kinds of sports do people in your country like to watch most?
4. Do you think sports competitions are good for students?
You should say:
What you bought
Where you bought it
What it is for
and explain why you felt satisfied with it

1. How often do people in your country go shopping?

2 Why is online shopping popular?
3 What are the drawbacks with online shopping?
4 Do you think online shopping will ever totally replace shopping in stores?

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