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Experiment No.

Heat of Combustion

I. Introduction alcohol to identify the differences between the alcohols

Fire is a chemical reaction in which energy in the form that will be going to use.
of heat is produced. When forest fuels burn, there is a
Ethanol is an alcohol with a two carbon chain C 2H5OH.
chemical combination of the oxygen in the air with
woody material, pitch and other burnable elements C2H5OH + 3O2→ 2CO2 + 3H2O + Heat
found in the forest environment. This process in known
as Combustion. Combustion is a chain reaction Ethanol is also called an alcohol, ethyl alcohol and grain
chemically similar to photosynthesis in reverse. alcohol, is a clear, colorless liquid and the principle
ingredient in alcoholic beverages like beer, wine or
Many chemical reactions are combustion reactions. The brandy. Because it can readily dissolve in water and
heat of combustion is the amount of energy released other organic compounds, ethanol also is an ingredient
when a substance is burned in the presence of oxygen. in a range of products, from personal care and beauty
It is often important to understand that the energy products to paints and varnishes to fuel.
produced in such a reaction so to determine which fuel
might be the most efficient for a given purpose. The
molar heat of combustion (ΔH0C) is the heat released
when one mole of a substance is completely burned.

Heat of combustion, heat released during combustion.

In particular, it is the amount of heat released when a
given amount (usually 1 mole) of a combustible pure
substance is burned to form incombustible products Figure No.1
(e.g., water and carbon dioxide); this amount of heat is Ethanol Products
a characteristic of the substance. Heats of combustion
are used as a basis for comparing the heating value of
fuels, since the fuel that produces the greater amount In addition, Ethanol is a natural byproduct of plant
of heat for a given cost is the more economic. fermentation and also can be produced through the
Heats of combustion are also used in comparing the hydration of ethylene.
stabilities of chemical compounds. For example, if equal Propanol is an alcohol with a three carbon chain
quantities of two isomeric hydrocarbons burn to C3H7OH.
produce equal amounts of carbon dioxide and water,
C3H7OH + 9O2→ 6CO2 + 8H2O + Heat

Propanol is less toxic and less volatile than methanol, so

it has some interesting properties as a fuel, although it
is rare to consider it a fuel, since most propanol
produced is used as a chemical solvent.

the one releasing more energy (i.e., with the higher Currently, the main application of propanol today is for
heat of combustion) is the less stable, since it was the the synthesis of propylene which is an important
more energetic in its compounded form. building block in chemical industries.
For this experiment, ethanol, propanol and butanol are Butanol is an alcohol with a four carbon chain C 4H9OH.
the alcohols that will be going to use to heat a certain
liquid to the target temperature. After that, the C4H9OH + 6O2→ 4CO2 + 5H2O + Heat
researcher will compute the Heat Combustion of each
Figure No.2
Propanol Products
Butanol is of interest as a fuel for internal combustion G. The Hypothesis for this experiment is:
engines. Butanol, which is also called as butyl alcohol, is Ho= The percent error for this Heat Combustion
a four-carbon alcohol and has five isomeric structures, experiment will be equal or less than 10%
and the main reason for the demand for butanol is the H1= The percent error for this Heat Combustion
availability of butanol as biofuel. experiment will be more than 10%

Butanol has a higher energy density and lower vapour

III. Materials
pressure than ethanol, which makes it more attractive
The equipment that will be going to use are Triple Beam
as fuel or blending agent. Butanol is produced during
Balance, 500 mL Beaker, Stirring Rod, 250 mL Graduated
fermentation by solvent producing bacteria (e.g.
Cylinder, Thermometer, Ring stand with the Ring Clamp.
Clostridia acetobutylicum) in a process that is generally
Next the materials that will be going to use are three
referred to as Acetone, Butanol, Ethanol fermentation
different pieces of Empty Aluminum Cans that has
thread on it for hung purposes. Also, prepare at least 1
Liter of water. Next will be the three alcohols: capped
ethanol spirit burner, capped propanol spirit burner,
and the capped butanol spirit burner.

In this experiment, wearing a laboratory gown, gloves,

face mask, and goggles are necessary inside the

IV. Procedure
Figure No.3 The experiment started in wearing the Personal
Butanol Products Protective Equipment in entering the laboratory. Next is
the preparation of the materials that will be going to
use for each set up of the experiment.
II. Objectives
A. The purpose of this experiment is to understand First, calibrate the triple Beam balance, then weigh the
the heat of combustion empty aluminum can that has thread on it to record its
B. To know and understand the differences of heat weight. After that, measure 300 mL of water by using
combustion between the alcohols: Ethanol, the 250 mL graduated cylinder, and transfer it gently
Propanol, and Butanol. and carefully to the weighed empty aluminum can.
There will be a total of two transferring process done to
the aluminum can, since the maximum measurement of
C. The hypothesis for this experiment is: graduated cylinder used is 250 mL. Then, insert a
Ho= As the number of carbon atom increases, thermometer to the aluminum can filled with 300 mL of
the heat combustion of each alcohol also water to measure the initial temperature and record it.
increases. Then, weight the aluminum can that has been filled with
H1= As the number of carbon atom increases, water and record it.
the heat combustion of each alcohol decreases.
D. For this experiment, the students will be able to After that, prepare the ring stand with the ring clamp on
understand and solve problems related to the it, then hung the aluminum can to the ring clamp using
heat combustion the thread on it. Then weigh the capped ethanol spirit
E. To understand the relationship between the burner to record its initial mass. After that, light the
heat of combustion and the number of carbon ethanol spirit burner, then place it under the hung
atoms of the alcohol aluminum can filled with water. After some time, wait
F. The students will able to identify the errors they until the reading of the thermometer placed on the
might encounter while performing the aluminum can reach 50oC. Then extinguish the flame by
experiments putting the cap of the ethanol spirit burner. Then stir
the water gently and record the water’s maximum of three experiments. The second experiment, will be
temperature it can reached, and reweigh the capped going to use different aluminum can with the thread on
Ethanol spirit burner using the triple beam balance, and it, then instead of using ethanol as alcohol, it will be
record its final mass. After that evaluate it using the change into propanol. Then for the third experiment, it
formula below: will also change the aluminum can with the thread on it,
and the alcohol that will be going to use is the butanol.

After performing the experiments, analyze and

determine the differences between these alcohols.

Enthalpy change during combustion (ΔH)

Mass of alcohol burnt ΔH0C=
Moles of alcohol = Moles of alcohol
Molar mass of the alcohol
After these experiments, keep and dispose of the
After evaluation for the first experiment, repeat the material that are used respectively. And after that, clean
procedure from the first and last procedure of the first the working area.
experiment. Repeat it two times and it will have a total

V. Data
Table No. 1: Heat Combustion of Ethanol, Propanol, and Butanol
Ethanol Propanol Butanol
Mass of Aluminum Can 14 grams 13 grams 14.1 grams
Mass of water 300 grams 300 grams 300 grams
Mass of capped alcohol lamp filled with
140.4 grams 135.3 grams 110.5 grams
alcohol before burning M1
Mass of capped alcohol lamp filled with
136.7 grams 132.1 grams 109.6 grams
alcohol after burning M2
Mass of alcohol burnt 3.7 grams 3.2 grams 0.9 grams
Molar Mass of Alcohol 46.0638 grams/mol 60.0884 grams/mol 74.113 grams/mol
Initial Temperature of water T1 31 0C 31 0C 31 0C
0 0
Final Temperature of water T2 54 C 51 C 50 0C
ΔH0C Experimental -359.59 KJ/mol -471.62 KJ/mol -1964.83 KJ/mol
ΔH0C Theoretical -1367 KJ/mol -2021 KJ/mol -2676 KJ/mol
Percent Error 73.69% 76.66% 26.58%
The table above presents the gathered data in the From the table, each alcohol uses 300 mL of water to
experiment of heat combustion. This table presents that heat it up to 50 0C. After it reaches the targeted
masses of the materials used on each alcohol: Ethanol, temperature, the researchers will extinguish the fire to
Propanol, and Butanol. From this, it can be easily record its maximum temperature. Also, each set up
determined the differences of each set up. Also, it also started with the same initial temperature before
presents the theoretical and experimental data to find heating. For each experiment set up, it uses different
the percent error for this experiment. And for this types of aluminum can as the container for heating the
experiment, the researcher will going to use 10% as the water.
percent error for this experiment, to determine if the
experiment is accepted or not.

Calculations: burning M1 to the Mass of capped alcohol lamp filled

Ethanol with alcohol after burning M2:
To get the mass of the alcohol burnt, subtract the Mass
of capped alcohol lamp filled with alcohol before M1 – M2 = mass of the alcohol burnt
From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation Note: The mass of alcohol burnt and the molar mass of
the alcohol is already identified, substitute it to find the
140.4 grams - 136.7 grams = 3.7 grams moles of the alcohol.

To find the Molar Mass of the alcohol usingC2H5OH Moles of alcohol = 0.08032337758 moles of alcohol

C 2 x 12.009 =24.018 After solving the moles of alcohol, substitute it to the

Then add the multiplied data
H 6 x 1.0078 =6.0468 formula of Heat Combustion
46.0638 grams/mol
O 1 x 15.999 =15.999
-28.8834 KJ
To find the change in temperature, subtract the ΔH0C=
0.08032337758 moles of alcohol
recorded Final Temperature T2 to the recorded Initial
Temperature T1: Then solve for the heat combustion of Ethanol

T2-T1= Change in Temperature ΔH0C= -359.5889624 KJ/mol

From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation Note: Round off it to the nearest hundredths place

54 0C - 31 0C = 23 0C ΔH0C= -359.59 KJ/mol

To find the Experimental Result of the Heat To solve the percent error for this experiment, subtract
Combustion, divide the Enthalpy change during the Theoretical value to the Experimental value, then
combustion (ΔH) to the Mole of alcohol: divide it by the Theoretical value. In absolute value,
multiplied it to 100:
Enthalpy change during combustion (ΔH)
Moles of alcohol Theoretical – Experimental
Percent Error = X 100
To find the Enthalpy change during combustion,
multiply the mass of the water used, to the specific heat From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation
of the water, and to the change in temperature:
-1367 KJ/mol – -359.59 KJ/mol
Q=mcΔT Percent Error = X 100
-1367 KJ/mol

From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation Note: The Theoretical Value is given and round off it to
the nearest Hundredths place
Q=(300grams)(4.186 J/grams 0C)( 23 0C)
Percent Error = 73.69%
-28883.4 J=(300grams)(4.186 J/grams 0C)( 23 0C)
Then convert it into KJ To get the mass of the alcohol burnt, subtract the Mass
-28.8834 KJ is the Enthalpy change during combustion of capped alcohol lamp filled with alcohol before
Note: it is negative since it is an exothermic process burning M1 to the Mass of capped alcohol lamp filled
with alcohol after burning M2:
To find the Mole of alcohol divide the mass of alcohol
burnt to the molar mass of the alcohol: M1 – M2 = mass of the alcohol burnt

Mass of alcohol burnt

Moles of alcohol =
Molar mass of the alcohol
3.7 grams
Moles of alcohol =
46.0638 grams/mol
From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation Note: The mass of alcohol burnt and the molar mass of
the alcohol is already identified, substitute it to find the
135.3 grams - 132.1 grams = 3.2 grams moles of the alcohol.

To find the Molar Mass of the alcohol usingC3H7OH Moles of alcohol = 0.05325487116 moles of alcohol

C 3 x 12.009 =36.027 After solving the moles of alcohol, substitute it to the

Then add the multiplied data
H 8 x 1.0078 =8.0624 formula of Heat Combustion
60.0884 grams/mol
O 1 x 15.999 =15.999
-25.116 KJ
To find the change in temperature, subtract the ΔH0C=
0.05325487116 moles of alcohol
recorded Final Temperature T2 to the recorded Initial
Temperature T1: Then solve for the heat combustion of Propanol

T2-T1= Change in Temperature ΔH0C= -471.6188295 KJ/mol

From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation Note: Round off it to the nearest hundredths place

51 0C - 31 0C = 20 0C ΔH0C= -471.62 KJ/mol

To find the Experimental Result of the Heat To solve the percent error for this experiment, subtract
Combustion, divide the Enthalpy change during the Theoretical value to the Experimental value, then
combustion (ΔH) to the Mole of alcohol: divide it by the Theoretical value. In absolute value,
multiplied it to 100:
Enthalpy change during combustion (ΔH)
Moles of alcohol Theoretical – Experimental
Percent Error = X 100
To find the Enthalpy change during combustion,
multiply the mass of the water used, to the specific heat From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation
of the water, and to the change in temperature:
-2021 KJ/mol – -471.62 KJ/mol
Q=mcΔT Percent Error = X 100
-2021 KJ/mol

From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation Note: The Theoretical Value is given and round off it to
the nearest Hundredths place
Q=(300grams)(4.186 J/grams 0C)( 20 0C)
Percent Error = 76.66%
-25116 J=(300grams)(4.186 J/grams 0C)( 20 0C)

Then convert it into KJ Butanol

-25.116 KJ is the Enthalpy change during combustion To get the mass of the alcohol burnt, subtract the Mass
of capped alcohol lamp filled with alcohol before
Note: it is negative since it is an exothermic process burning M1 to the Mass of capped alcohol lamp filled
with alcohol after burning M2:
To find the Mole of alcohol divide the mass of alcohol
burnt to the molar mass of the alcohol: M1 – M2 = mass of the alcohol burnt
Mass of
grams burnt
Moles of
of alcohol
alcohol == Molar mass grams/mol
60.0884 of the alcohol
From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation Mass of alcohol burnt
Moles of alcohol =
Molar mass of the alcohol
110.5 grams – 109.6 grams = 0.9 grams
0.9 grams
To find the Molar Mass of the alcohol usingC4H9OH Moles of alcohol =
74.113 grams/mol

C 4 x 12.009 =48.03 Note: The mass of alcohol burnt and the molar mass of
6 the alcohol is already identified, substitute it to find the
H 10 x 1.0078 =10.07 Then add the multiplied data
moles of the alcohol.
8 74.113 grams/mol
O 1 x 15.999 =15.99
9 Moles of alcohol = 0.01214361853 moles of alcohol

To find the change in temperature, subtract the After solving the moles of alcohol, substitute it to the
recorded Final Temperature T2 to the recorded Initial formula of Heat Combustion
Temperature T1:
-23.8602 KJ
T2-T1= Change in Temperature 0.01214361853 moles of alcohol

From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation Then solve for the heat combustion of Butanol

50 0C - 31 0C = 19 0C ΔH0C= -1964.834447 KJ/mol

To find the Experimental Result of the Heat Note: Round off it to the nearest hundredths place
Combustion, divide the Enthalpy change during
combustion (ΔH) to the Mole of alcohol: ΔH0C= -1964.83 KJ/mol

Enthalpy change during combustion (ΔH) To solve the percent error for this experiment, subtract
ΔH0C= the Theoretical value to the Experimental value, then
Moles of alcohol
divide it by the Theoretical value. In absolute value,
To find the Enthalpy change during combustion, multiplied it to 100:
multiply the mass of the water used, to the specific heat
of the water, and to the change in temperature: Theoretical – Experimental
Percent Error = X 100
From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation
From the data of the table, substitute it to the equation
-2676 KJ/mol – -1964.83 KJ/mol
Percent Error = X 100
Q=(300grams)(4.186 J/grams 0C)( 19 0C) -2676 KJ/mol

-23860.2 J=(300grams)(4.186 J/grams 0C)( 19 0C) Note: The Theoretical Value is given Round off to the
nearest Hundredths place
Then convert it into KJ
-23.8602 KJ is the Enthalpy change during combustion Percent Error = 26.58%

Note: it is negative since it is an exothermic process VI. Discussion of Result

For this experiment, there are three alcohols used:
To find the Mole of alcohol divide the mass of alcohol Ethanol, Propanol, and Butanol. This alcohols differ
burnt to the molar mass of the alcohol: from the number of carbon atoms. For ethanol, it has 2
carbon atoms, for propanol, it has 3 carbon atoms, and
Butanol have 4 carbon atoms, in which it has the accurate than to other. And this difference can affect
highest carbon atoms among the other alcohols. For this the result of the data.
experiment, recording of the final temperature for each
VII. Conclusion
set up started after the water reaches 50 0C and it
For this experiment entitled Heat of Combustion, it is
extinguish the flame. With this, ethanol reach the
the amount of energy released when a substance is
highest final temperature with a total of 54 0C. Followed
burned in the presence of oxygen. It is often important
by the propanol 51 0C, and lastly butanol with a
to understand that the energy produced in such a
maximum temperature of above 50 0C. After the burning
reaction so to determine which fuel might be the most
process, each alcohol shows different consumption of
efficient for a given purpose.
alcohol. From the experiment, ethanol consumes the
highest grams with a total of 3.7 grams. Followed by the
For this experiment, the researchers uses three
propanol that consumes 3.2 grams. And lastly, butanol
different kinds of alcohol, namely ethanol, propanol,
that consumes around 0.9 grams of alcohol.
and butanol. Each alcohol differ to the number of
For the experimental result for each set up, it shows carbon atoms they have. Ethanol is an alcohol with a
that butanol have the highest heat combustion among two carbon chain C2H5OH. Propanol is also an alcohol
the other alcohol with a total of -1964.83 KJ/mol. but with a three carbon chain C 3H7OH. And lastly
Followed by propanol with an approximate of -471.62 Butanol, it is also an alcohol but with a four carbon
KJ/mol, and for ethanol who have the least combustion chain C4H9OH. Also, each alcohols calculated the heat
among the other alcohol that have almost -359.59 combustion respectively, for ethanol, it has a total of
KJ/mol. Butanol have the highest heat combustion for -359.59 KJ/mol. For propanol, it has a total of -471.62
this experiment, because butanol have the highest KJ/mol. And for butanol, it has -1964.83 KJ/mol. This
number of carbon atoms, followed by propanol, and increase of carbon atoms indicates the increase of heat
ethanol. combustion of the alcohol. Because of this, it can be
concluded that the number of carbon atoms is directly
For the percent error of the experiment, propanol’s
proportional to the heat combustion. Therefore, the
experiment have the highest percent error with an
null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative
almost of 77%. It is closed to the experiment set up for
hypothesis is rejected stating that, as the number of
ethanol that has an approximate of 74%. And for
carbon atom increases, the heat combustion of each
butanol, which is far from the other experiment’s
alcohol also increases.
percent error, have a total of 26.58% error. The
experiment’s percent error signifies that the experiment
And for the experiment’s percent error, the researcher
is failed. There are a lot of factors that cause this
uses 10% as the percent error for this experiment. The
experiment to reject.
result for each experiment is rejected, since the
One of the factors is the type of aluminum can used. For ethanol’s percent error is 73.69%, for propanol it has
each set up, they differ to the type of aluminum can 76.66%, and for butanol it has 26.58%. The cause for
used. Because not all aluminum can have the same this error is the not uniform of the materials used,
amount of metal composition. There is a possibility that, because these materials varies to the composition of
some aluminum can used are too thick that cause metals it have, also the thickness and thinness of the
difficulty in penetration of the heat. With this, it may materials used. Another is the, improper calibration of
consume more alcohol. And possible that some the weighing materials, since most of the time it is used
aluminum can uses too thin that cause for easy to monitor the changes happened to the sample. With
penetration of heat. And it may consume less alcohol. this, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null
Because of this not uniform materials, it can hugely hypothesis is rejected stating that the percent error for
affect the experiments. this Heat Combustion experiment will be more than
Another factor is the improper calibration of the triple
beam balance. It can affect the data, since most of the
time it is used to record the changes in mass of the
samples. Possible that, one sample weigh more
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