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Is Graffiti Art?

To a large extent that I agree graffiti is art.

Firstly, what is art? Art helps expressing the author's
imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be
appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. What is
graffiti? Graffiti is writing or drawings made on a wall or other
surface, usually as a form of artistic expression, without
permission and within public view. Every graffiti works made
by artists are full of their own expression. It shows that graffiti
can be art.
Secondly, graffiti is as evocative as other forms of art. The
freedom of graffiti, its ability to be anywhere and everywhere,
give it a romantic edge and powerful exposure. However some
state that graffiti has no meaning and that is pointless. That’s
totally wrong. Graffiti can carries artists’ views or expression
about something. For example, Fairey rose to prominence when
his Obama Hope poster was featured in last year’s presidential
race. It shows that graffiti is an art and it is as evocative as other
forms of art or even more evocative than them.
Thirdly, all forms of art need skills and technique. Art has
elements of skill, just like learning to write an essay has
techniques, or playing football has techniques. If you never
learn those basic skills and steps, then of course you will have
limited skill. It is same for graffiti, artists need to practice and
practice to improve their drawing skill on the wall or other
surface. It shows that graffiti is an art as it included skill as all
forms of art.
However, there are some opinions that graffiti is wrong because
it is illegal. Some may believe that graffiti is vandalism because
they see graffiti as destruction of others property. Moreover,
people who against graffiti being considered an art would query
a lot things such as, why do graffiti artists do their work on
canvas? Or why do  you they need to destroy public property?
Yet, I don’t agree with these opinions. People think that graffiti
is wrong as it is illegal and so it does not mean that is not art. If
someone makes a big painting with a lot of detail the person is
considered an artist so why isn't graffiti an art? Having graffiti
on private property is seen usually as crime because where they
do graffiti doesn't belong to them, however when graffiti is done
in tunnels it is seen as art because the general public enjoy the
view of it.
To conclude, graffiti is art because it is a form of creation of
artists and graffiti can help artists expression their feelings.

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