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December 1, 2009

RE: Giorgio Varlaro

To Whom It May Concern:

While attending St. John Fisher College, the above referenced individual was a student of mine
in two classes, Introduction to Sports Management and Sports Marketing & Promotions. Both
classes contain a large amount of work that focuses on practical application to the sports

I found Mr. Varlaro to always be prompt and prepared for class, and in the event he needed
clarification, always willing to accept instruction outside of class. I found Mr. Varlaro to grasp
concepts of Marketing & Promotions quickly and clearly earning a B+ in the class. The Intro
class focuses on the broad overview of the sports industry and Mr. Varlaro received a B- in this

In both classes, in which I taught Mr. Varlaro, there is a vast amount of work outside of the
classroom. I was genuinely impressed at the dedication and thoroughness Mr. Varlaro put into
this preparation. He may have in all honesty been the hardest working student I have ever had the
pleasure to teach in my three full years at St. John Fisher.

Mr. Varlaro is comfortable in large groups. He is willing to add to a discussion topic or ask a
question should he need clarification. If provided the opportunity and instruction, I have no
hesitation in believing that Mr. Varlaro will work hard to meet and exceed all expectations.

With over 15 years of experience in the sporting industry, including ten as the Vice President of
Operations with Sport Consulting Group, a firm that represents over 45 NHL players, I often ask
myself if I would want this student working for me. In Mr. Varlaro’s case I would not hesitate to
answer that with a “yes”. There were numerous students that scored higher on a test or
understood concepts better than Mr. Varlaro, however I would reiterate that I rarely saw anyone
that worked harder or had his work ethic. Consider this a strong recommendation for this student.

Should you have any further questions concerning Mr. Varlaro please do not hesitate to contact
me. During the summer, it would be best to reach me on my cell: (585) 705-3405 as I will be out
of the office until the fall.


Alan Pogroszewski
Assistant Professor Sport Management
St. John Fisher College

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