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G, Price «= ubisher:ubished forthe ston ct Nochnial Engines by Meharical Engneing Pubs, 3 1075, IsBNrSSN Date (Monograph): 1874 Edition: Se “Up Volumelissue: Pages:s9rt— |§9—/5 fate (Seria: S “2. Acie Title: Second order slowly varying forces on vessels in irregular waves DETAILS Requesting Library: McGil University, Humanities and Supplying Library: Carleton University, MacOdrum Social Sciences Library ior Requester Symbol: MM NLC-BNC Code: NLC-BNC:OMM Ariol Address: 132.206,204.38 {ANU Requester ILL #: 774035 Patron Name: | End User Barcode: Patron Category: Patron Department: Media Type: Photocopy/Copie ‘Service Level: Normal - Extended Search Max Cost: 0 Service Type: CopyiCopie Expiration Date: Delivery Method: Electronic Mail Need By Date: ‘Sponsoring Body: Pickup Location: Request Note: OCLC Reg. Ex. Source: VDX CONTENTS n B my 1s 16 ” 1% 1» a a 4 BERNER 2 a Preface ‘The Science of Sea Waves After 25 years ant |, Theoretical and Technical Knowledge, by D. E, Canrwntctt ant 2, British Work on Wave Climatology, by L. Dkarsi Analysis of Measured and Calculated Spectra, by Don Homa Some Aspects ofthe Average Shape of Wave Spectra at Sution India (0 degrees IN 19 degrees W), by D. Gosrooxeric and M, D. Mies Wave Statistics from Swedish Coastal Waters, by G. Wat Some Result fom the Joint North Sea Wave Project of Interest Engineers, by 1A Bwine Survey on Criteria and Requirements fr Structural Design, by R, BROT (Criteria forthe Design of Primary Ship Structure, by A. Mansour and J, H. EVANS Standards of Good Seakceping for Destroyers and Frigates in Head Seas, by JE Coxotty “Motions of Stationary Structures, by J. P. Hoorr ydrodynamical Forces ona Crose Section of Stationary Structure, by H, MAKDA Motions of Large Structure in Waves at Zero Froude Number, by ©. Pattie and F.C. Mnersex Hydrodyaamie Forces on Multiple Cinders in Waves, by M. Oncusv (On the Motions of Oceanic Platforms, by M. St. Deis Fundamental Assumptions in Ship-motion Theory, by T.F, Ocitvie Paddle-Type Wavemakers in Shallow Water, by E.O, Tuck ‘An Examination of the Ship Motion Theory as Compared with Experiments, by M.TARAGE ‘Some Parametric Model Experiments o Investigate Broachingto, by K. NIcHOLsoN Ship's Behaviour on Octan Waves 28a Stochastic Prooes, by Y. VaMANOUCH Secondiorder, Slowly-varying forees on Vessels in Irepular Waves, by J. N. Newnas Prediction of Extreme Ship Responses in Rough Seas of the North Atiantic, by M.K. Oc and L. E. Moran Ship Relative Motions and Related Phenomena, by M.F. VAN Lins Second-order Steady-state Forces and Moments on Surface Ships in Oblique Regular Waves, by N. SALVESEN “Motions of Air Cushion Vehicles (ACV) in Waves, by P. KAPLAN, J. Scien and T, R. GooDsiax Structural Dynamics of Fited and Floating Platforms in Waves, by R. Eavock Tanon Elastic Response of Stable Platform Structures to Wave Loading, by J. PAULLING ‘Wave Loads on Large Bodies, by N. Hoon and R.G. STANDING ‘Structural Dynamics of Ships, by BV. Lawis On the Exciting Force and Response of Springing of Ships, by T. KuMal [Normal Mode Approach for Ship Strength Experiments, 2 Proposal, by R. Wentunsna Data on Midship Bending Stresses from Four Ships, by G. Waxp and M. Karon 'A Model Test on Hydrodynamic Pressures Acting on an Ore-carier in Oblique ‘Waves, by KSUGA! Some Further Caleulations of Wave-induced Ship Hull Vibrations by F. F.vaN Gussrenen Structural Dynamics of Advanced Marine Vehicles, by H. N. ARRANSON » 2 4 a 2 6s 80 1 vor 3 ns M6 1st 160 167 1 87 198 22 27 258 28 cs 306 ma ms Paper 19. Second-order, Slowly-varying Forces on Vessels in Irregular Waves ILN, Newman? SYNOPSIS. ‘An analysis is made of the lowly varying second order srave force which results from the nonlinear interactions between adjacent portions of the wave spectrum This Torge i of practical importance in a varity of problems ‘eluding ded resistance and. couse variations of Ships. Horizontal oscillations of mooced_ veel. and ‘erical oscillations of vessels with small waterplane areas Approximate tells are derived which depend ‘nly on fe steady time-average fore in regular waves. fnd obviate the need to determine the second-order ydrodynamic force on the vesrl i the presence of #0 ‘smultancous fegular waves The valgityof the approxi rate eslls is illustrated with simple nmerical example 1. INTRODUCTION ‘Ti avoropyxaie Fone and moment acting upon ‘marine vehicle or structure in regular waves wll erally Include a second-order nonlinear component propor tional fo the square of the wave amplitude. This second ‘order force or moment will include tn urn steady-state omponent independent of im plus secoed harmonic scillaory term Ta spite of fs small second order magnitude, the steady-state component is of practical Importance if the eoresponding sale restoring force forimoment ofthe vehicle Ys small of sto" For surface ‘ese thisis tein th horizontal plane sothat second border forces fect the added resistance and cours. Keeping ability of ships in waves. as wells the deting ‘motion of unpropelled vessels Similarly. i the static ‘restoring forces non zsto but smal asin the horizontal fosellalions of moored vessels. or the vertical oeliatons fsmall waterplane area vessels ahighlytunedresonance ‘sill generally occur at very low natal Teqvencies I an izegular wave spectrom this resonanes sill be cicited bythe slowly varying second-order wave exit tion which corresponds tothe steady-state force In regular monochromatie wave system “Therenavebaen numerousstadis othe steady second. ‘order hydrodynamic force in egulat waves. including ‘works cn added resistance. drifting motions ard oa the ‘etical force affecting a submerged vessel. synthesis of the time-averaged seeond.order wave resistance 182 specicum of integular waves has also been developed, (Ge by Gerisma, van der Boseh) and Beukelmans (1 ‘But in irregular waves the slow'y varying force, which coecur at the diflerence frequencies between all com oneats of the spectrum, must also be examined 10 omplete our understanding ofthe problem, partculaly In those cases where 2 low resonant frequency exist Gur Knowledge of the slowly varying second-order Phe MS hi page as csp fr pubes he Sas 1972 {esters of Ree Sova Wats be dae naeower anyon opts 12 hydrodynamic forces is not well developed, being restficed to the theoretical study be Lee (2) of frend ‘selations for wodimensional eylindrs A very gneral experimental approach based on bispectral analy has been outlined by Hasselmann (3) for Ship problems, but this synthesis does not exploit the slowly varying nature ofthe important nonlinear forees§ In this bie note I shall outline a relatively simple approach tothe slowly varying wave fore in an ite. gular wave stem composed ofa discrete spectrum of ‘egular waves. Attention wil be focused on the coate- bution Wom diferenceequeney terms. of very TOW ‘equency tlative to the fundamental. and asymprotic Approximations will be derived forthe slowly varying force and moment which depend only on the steady State hydrodynamic "ranser functions’ The reals of ‘his anatyeis willbe illustrated by computing the second: ‘order pressurein am rregular wavesstem 1.1 Notation dq complex wave amplitude fiat order transfer function second onder transfer Function J fore gravitational acceleration Kaye number (Wn) indies denoting harmonic components Po pressure é » horizontal coordinate ‘ert eoorinate Freesuacs elevation Mis density 2. THE SLOWLY-VARYING FORCE ‘We shall assume thatthe ancient wave system can be approximated by a discrete spectrum. and henoe the Ainearied) save elevation ean he exprescd a8 inte 0) = RE Ager a ere Re denotes the real part.) isthe nstantancous fice surface elevation at a prescribed point in space at time f,i8 a complex amplitude with random phase and the radian fequency ofthe mh component of the Speeteim It will be assumed hereater that the index m hs been ascribed in ascending order and that oy > se forall values of Ti the wave system (1) acts upon a floating or sub- merged bod). the linearized Srsorder hydrodynamic force (or momeat) acting on the body ean be expressed § Agri yc sin a _ * ‘SECOND. ORDER, SLOMLY-VARYING FORCES ON VESSELS IN IRREGULAR WAVES in the form PO = Re Ae Fate! 2 where Fs) = FY\on) isthe first-order transfer function. fr response ampliide operator The analogous expres Son forthe second-order force is 1 PID RELY AAs EP eee + ROSE Aaah Rte » Whore an asterisk (*) denotes the complex conjugate FET = F%o,,0) is the transfer function for the ‘seGond-order ‘sum frqueney’ force and og) is the transfer function for the difence-tr- ‘quency force ‘Weshallfocusour attention her on theslowly varying second-order force. associated “with the diferenc Frequency terms in (3a thus We shall delete the supe script designation eteaer and write. simply fio) = ReYY Aa elit # maybe note thatthe tneaverape of thi atone a) F~4ReY AAS Pow 15 Since the imaginary part of Feq has no significance in 1 thes guanine and ear tha Ps fea and can be interpreted physically a6 the sccbad- Drder steady force acting on the vescl i rogular waves ‘of unitamplitade nd frequency 0, When(S}isextended {ora continuous spectrum i i essentially the syithess ‘sed by Gerrtsma and Beukelmsan (1) fo evaluate the time-averaged addad resistance of @ ship in itesslar “Turning now tothe of diagonal elements inthe dovble summation ()-a degree of ambiguity wil exist in the Iatri of cooficiens in this summation Physi. Fra represents the amplitude and phase of the second ofr idifeence-frequency) force dve to the pressce of ‘to simultaneous waves with frequencies Oy and But since the designation of these avo indices to vepreset the two waves. is arbitrary. the symmetry ofthe matrix + Feencedstobe prescribed Weeould for example impose We restriction that og” 9-80 thatthe mate Would be {riangular with Fy, Oform = m This s computation tly convenient to"ivid summing over redundant terms. but in the analytical development here its preferable to assume a square mata. ascribing to the two opposite ‘offaigonal elements an equal contribution to te tral force. and this eriterion wil be satisfied Pee Fo o Generalizing the concept ofthe pure’ timeaveragel9) let ue now consider the slowly varying’ fore which wil bbe denoted by i). The contribution 10 this, slonly varying force wil be associated with those off-diagonal elements in (4) for which «7 ~ 0 of. more precy. where the diflerences frequency very small compared tothe average ‘ lee = “The slowly varying free will be associated then with ‘hose terms inthe suramation of) which are very close to the principal disgonal ‘quency is Sulclenty small and the force coefients Tp areregulatfunetions ofthe two Frequencies. follows ‘oa With this approximation 4) Bi) = RELY, AyAd Fan cht + Oly Equation 9) doesnot appeae very much simpler than the teat result (2) ut its ite ein he fact that i gives fn asymptotic approximation tothe slowly varying Sccond-order force which depends only onthe regular ‘wave sccond-order transfer function F. Asnoted in the Tntroduction, mach more i knowa about the latter ‘oeficients, fom bydeodyaamie standpoint. by com prison with the offdiagotal elements Fy 0 that in fact (9) can be vsed in practice to evaluate the slowly ‘varying second-order foes in a wie range of problems wheres unusable (On the other hand. the dieet summation of stil requies the large computational effort associated with ‘double summation. and it isnot obvious that his process Will be convergeat These problems canbe circumvented soting that REY Ay Jeng? BREE LAAs Feel wtomre REY S AA x FaaFletnne (10) sand. once again iF naFal = (Fag! + Ofer = 0) ay ‘Thus. the slowly varying part ofthe square ofa suitably ‘hose single series ential wo the double series or symbolically FO = [EOE ~ [EDP + Om, — 09 012) where 120) = REE Ay (EF Em ay and thesestms ae o be carried out only for those terms Inhere the argument of the square root is positive in ‘cach case (For a postvedefinite second-order Fan > O'L 0 and only the series involving L” need be'Gon- sidered Ia suitable low-pas filtering can be imposed. (12) convenient and relatively simple representation of the Soniy ating sco odefore Moreover stitesng process ca be avoided the lowly varying force not {o be regarded as an end of ise but instead isto be ted in an intgprated sense. for example to find the Speed Tose in waves of after twofold integration. 10 find the trajectory of the ese in response to the slowly ‘arying force In thal cise the large Inertial frees as80- ‘lated with the virtual mass of the vessel wil elletively ter out the higher harmoniss of (L"?— 1") oF alternatively. will roard those as negligible compared to the owsllatory first-order forces Thus the potent 1 ities associated withthe averaging of Avoled in mest cases of practical importance AN ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE [Asasimpleexample-for which theexactandapproximate Slowiy varying fores may be compared. let ws consider the, sexond-order presire eld aseocated with an bndisturbed incident wave system, in infinitely Jeep water. "This pressure can be Used as an approximation {o the vertical exciting foes. analogous (0 Kolo approximation inthe fst-ordo The frstorder velocity potential corresponding to (1) 0 = Rela S4ning exp dat — Bat) + bye] A) Here gis the gravitational acweleration by = o2)gis the wave number and long crested waves meving inthe + ‘ection are assumed. with = the vertkal coordinate lected postive upwards. and = the plane of the lundisturted fee surface The second-order” velocity potential 9! can be detived. ater noting tat ths must Satisfy the second-order boundary condition ove" (ef Wehausen and Laitone (4), equation (10 12). An additional contribution tothe right side of 15) vanishes Since "is ofthe form (18) and sais the nea fee- Surface condition exacty at al depths) “The ight side oF 15) may be evaluate from (14) and {it follows that the solution of Laplace's equation satis ‘ying the boundary condition (15) 8 + 098 onz=0 0115) $= EIT T AAT where exp fle — Ale + on — end he = aT 0) -agform>n oy form > 0 forg nm is from Bernoull'sequa or a ee where Pag} = Moog ~ on) max (~" The second-order. iowly varying pressure (18) a the position x = 0 will now be repatded as an Mlusiative Example of the second onder sowl-varying forced) snd thus Fae = Pl) 9) 184 ca brinewy berm . firey pint For numerical computations we consider a discrete Person Moskowite spectrum for a fully developed So-knot wind with 100 Frequencies, equally spre in the jnterval(0 2.1 2}radians per seond. or wave periods ‘between 32 and 31.4 seconds. The Pierson Moskowitz ‘energy spectrum is used to determine the magnitude of ‘ich wave sand the phases ate determined by 3 Fandom-number generator The esultinghirt-order wave Ineight ct. computed from (2) is shown in Fig 1a a0 8 funetion of time with 0 -<1= 1000 seconds The probabiity-densty function of © is plowed in Fig. Ya find compared with 2 Gaussian diteibution Figures 1 and 25 show the corresponding second-order slowly varying foree a) and probabiliy-density. function ‘where 19) and (20) are used with (4) 10 compute fi aad = ~ 001 m inthis case corresponding to the second. Dtder pressure very near the fee surface Figures Te and eae the coerespondng results but with /) computed fom (9,30 tha the tansfer Tunctions Fare repiced by their vlucs on the principal diagonal Figures Id and 24 show the corresponding. results using equations (12-13) te compute) Finally Figs 3 and 4 show the fanalogous results fora depth 2 — 10m TO ion bite | a | Fig 2 Probabiey- density Funeton (100) forthe fst: ‘Sider fee grfooe Slevin shown nig. ba. (Sortie ‘Sevan, a ons tuneton (100) forthe second “T —— : a8 Fi. 2 Probably dey unason 400 ao | | oe Fig 2, Probably. density function (100) forthe second 4, DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The results shown in Figs. I 4. forthe second-order presse at depths of 001 m and {0m serve tollostrate the analysis we have carried ovt, and may be used to judge the validity of our assumptions In his conmection te Fig. 8 Fist.onder tre-surtce stevation, for 2-400 oar annem nrervyine a ee ees 9 eye Fig. 30. Second-order pressure sing equation (9), with it should be noted thatthe second-order transfer func tion (19) depends significantly on depth in so far as the rincipal disgonal terms fa, — — ho! exp Attenuated rapidly with inceasing depth Thos our buasicappronimatio 8). n which we eplace the second frder transfer function by its value on the principal Giagonal. may be expected in the present istrative tse to be vat only very near the fee surface =~ 0 This is confirmed by Figs I'and 2 where the exact (b) and approximate (6) results are virtually indistingush able whereas in Figs 3 and 4 for the depth of 10, ‘noticable difeences exist, "Tne additional approximation. in which the double summation is replaced by the square ofa single series Yields the results shown in Fis (le) The resol here re noticeably distinct. in particular the time-bistory 18s, MARINE VENICLES Fig. 42. Probability density function (+100) fort frst ‘onder fea trtsca ovation shown ws 3 oo “sono ase to] Fig. 4, Probability density function (100) forthe second ‘Order pressure sown i Fg 3 Fi. te. Probable dena function (10) forthe second "prt pressure shown ih iy °Sie0 aa kes ig. 4, Probability density function (100) forthe second ‘ide preaure shown nig 38 186 shown in Figs 1d and 3d now includes the sum frequency Components and there i no ossilation i the sign of the Dresure which is im this approximation always less than oF equal to 20, “The probabiliy-density functions (Figs. 2d. 4d) are noticeably more peaked. But it should be noted tht the Standard deviations "are. stil wel approximated specially a the shallow depth ios rom gan hat the mean ae xi depend only on the prineipal-digzonal elements Thus the value of in Figs (2b-d) and (db-d) ae consistent And do not depend on the uillerencs of those respective treatments of the second-onde Tn conclusion. we have shown tha the slowly waeyinf second-order wave fores acting on marine vehicles can be approximated from a knowledge ofthe mean second fotder forces in regular waves. The quantitative acuracy Of these approximations may vary from ove cate (0 nother, and cannot be rigorously established without ‘ome knowiedge ofthe oftdiagonal second-ordes foes ‘esolting from the simultanaous peesence of to discrete wave systems. However, this knowledge is lacking ‘most cases of engineering interes and thus Tor prtical purposes the preseat approximate approach ers the ‘nly possibilty for analyis ofthe slowly varying second tder Fores. 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This sesearch was inated st MIT. under Office of [Naval Research Contract NOOOI4-67-A-0204.0023 nd ‘National Science Foundation Grant GK-10836 It hae been completed during a visi to the University of New South Wales. withsupport rom the Avstralian-Americaa Education Foundation and The John Simon Gugaca- heim Memorial Foundation Thewunmericalesulss494 in Figs I-4 were obtained by Me WK Soh, of the Uaiversiy of New South Wales APPENDIX’ "Pru i ey. (2) Len CM. "The Second Order Theory for Nossinusoidal Oil segs Suse in oer 0 nt Aes A cov in Oat ioe le GRIMES AD ese tin THE DYNAMICS OF MARINE VEHICLES AND STRUCTURES IN WAVES Edited by Professor R. E. D. Bishop and Dr. W. G. Price Papers presented at an International Symposium jointly sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and the Royal Institution of Naval Architects 1-5 April 1974 tl PUBLISHED FOR THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS BY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS LIMITED 1 BIRDCAGE WALK - WESTMINSTER - LONDON (©The Instn 11 of Mechanical Engineers 1075 IsaN oss 9100 “Ts pobicaton copii ude he Heme Comention an te ‘oredr tal he ortunamed oot for yay mean (Fe oct of he tion kn pers ty eg ‘hore shot we aro. Many aeons, Poet nd" tincoe eer Tne totam Mecham Eager 1 Ten ena ae ks Re Metab meee

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