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What is Holistic Development?

  Various Aspects of Holistic Development 

Holistic development is a process of self – 1. Physiological – the physical attributes
actualization, and learning that combines an including the five physical senses.
individual’s mental, physical, social, emotional, 2. Cognitive – the intellectual functions of
and spiritual growth. the mind.
  3. Psychological – how thinking, feeling,
and behaving interacts and happen in a
Mind and Body Dualism of Descartes  person.
4. Social – the manner by which an
Theory of Duality (Rene Descartes) –
individual interacts with other individuals or
understanding the nature of things in a simple,
groups of individuals.
5. Spiritual – the attribute of a person’s
consciousness and beliefs, including the
 People perceive things as dual in
values and virtues that guide and put
meaning into a person’s life.
 Mind and body
 Male and female When you look at a person and try to
 Yin and Yang understand this individual, it is always good to
 Life and Death consider these five aspects and what it is about
this person that makes him/her unique from
Gestalt yourself and from others.
 According to Christian von Ehrehfels, Understanding a person holistically means that
the whole differs from the sum of its parts. one aspect cannot be seen in isolation from the
 An example of gestalt is evident in the whole person.
music. A symphony cannot be defined by
one of its notes alone. Even the clusters or Attitude and Behavior
sums of these different notes do not make Attitude is a result of a person’s evaluation of
up the whole symphony nor characterize an experience with another person, object,
the whole symphony. idea, behavior, or situation based on his/her
 Another example is a car. A car is made values and belief system.
up of hundreds of different parts.
Separately, these parts do not represent the Behavior is a manifestation or acting out the
car, but when put together and made to attitudes an individual has.
work with each other, these parts produce a
new entity entirely different from its parts. Figure 1. Relationship
between attitude and

Now it's your turn...  Read the situation to illustrate how attitude
and behavior are related:
Think of another example of a whole that is greater
than the sum of its parts.                  Riding an overcrowded MRT couch
and experiencing all sorts of physical sensations
  such as heat, smell, and body contact can create
an unfavorable attitude that riding the MRT is an
The parallelism between a symphony, a car, and
unpleasant and abhorring experience. As a result,
humans in terms of being unified follows the
the individual with this attitude will express this
principle of gestalt. In understanding humans, it
disgust by either avoiding the MRT or totally
is important to see the person in his entirety
shutting down and becoming oblivious to the
and not just his part.
distasteful experience, or become aggressive and   
unpleasant to other people while on-board the
train. 4. Hospitality. Whenever a visitor stays in a
Filipino home, there will be a feast or a grand
                 If this individual continues to ride celebration as it is somehow a tradition for us to
the MRT with the same attitude and prepare bountiful Filipino cuisine for guests to have
corresponding behavior, other people will get a taste of our culture through food.
affected by this individual’s behavior, who in turn,
will act out a similar aggressive or uncivil behavior
on-board the train. This may affect other
commuters and a chain reaction will follow. 5. Respect for Elders. Respect for one’s elders is
traditional in the Philippines. When a Filipino child
Can ATTITUDE be changed? Answer: Yes!
meets an older family member, the youth
 There are ways to change attitude. Behavior customarily greets them with a gesture called mano
can change attitudes. po, taking the older relative’s hand and placing it
on his or her own forehead to express profound
Values respect for the elder.

 a system of beliefs that adheres to the   

highest ideals of human existence.
6. Remedyo Attitude. A Filipino trait of being
Universal Values according to United Nations creative and resourceful. The ability to do things
(UN) that are next to impossible. Example in fixing
appliances that look impossible to repair.
 Peace
 Freedom
 Social Progress
 Equal rights 7. Colonial Mentality is the internalized attitude of
 Human Dignity ethnic or cultural inferiority felt by people as a
result of colonization, i.e. them being colonized by
Positive and Negative Filipino Values
another group. 
1.  Bayanihan is used to refer to a spirit of
communal unity and cooperation.
8. Crab Mentality involves pulling down anyone
who achieves or is about to achieve success greater
than yours. This behavior takes its name from how
2.  Close Family Ties. One value that Filipinos are crabs scramble to get out of a boiling pot by
known for is the “close family ties” that results in clambering on top of the others.
extended family structure. It is because Filipinos
believe that families should be together and help
each other out. 
9. Filipino Time means being minutes to
Family and relatives do as much as they can to
hours late compared to the standard time.
support each other even financially.

10. Manana Habit means mamaya na in Filipino
3. Filipino Resiliency. Filipinos are able to rise
or to do a certain thing in a later time.
from the debris and ashes of their destroyed lives,
at times even with a sense of humor.

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