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Engaged 'John C. Batchelor

Campaign m TownshIp
To Head
The IA,\\yel s of Montgomel Y for the Pennsyl\ anla Ralh Oad
Count' and Nalbel th BOIough in With mtention of sa\ mg up enough
plutlculal may leallze one of then money to letml1 to Yale Law
And Borough most ad\eltlsed Wishes-a lustlce School and get la\\ deglee Read I One of The Best Proofs Of An Economical

, I
OH:tal1lzatlOn of the Nal beilh
of the peace leamed III the la\\
ThIs week the Nalbel th Repub It undel a tUtOI
BOlOURh Repubhcan Committee Ilcan Committee endOlsed Vmcent
\\Ith offlcels and ploglam for the Colelll to fill a vacancy m Nal an Itahan Enghsh comse fOI Ital
law m Philadelphia and studIed
Wlote a selles of 18 booklets fOI
bel th caused b\ the 1eSlgnation of Ian bOl n emplo~ ees of the P R R
COl11l11J.( yeal \\ as announced tins Marnstl ate 1 LotllS Jenkins Jell Ibased on the \\ 01 k the men actu
I !\dmmistration, Says Hall-Assessed
Valuation Remains The Same

The Narbel th BOIOUgh School Boald voted to reduce

I \\ eel< kms IS 1n0\ mg to the south\\ est all ' dId I d t f A the school tax I ate one mdl at a meetmg 111 the Narberth
Tllf' ot ga11lza tlOn meetmg was B ec \lne II ec 01 a mellcam
I Colelh \\ ho In es at 108 S Nal zatlon fOI the Penns dm mg School laRt ThUl sda, l1lght
Ileld last \\erk at the home of Jo belth A\e has been \\Itl the WOlld Wal I aSSisted 111 Llbelt~
seph P White 113 A\e Nal bel th Penns\ Ival1lll Rlllh oad Companv Loan dines among fOI el"n b0111 The I educt lOll bllngs the tax I ate do" n fl am 18 to 17
John C Batcl elOl Nalbeilh fOI 2 HalS He IS attached to the emplo,ees +mdls
ceml11l1 teeman who lnes at 308 pel sonnel depal tment
E sex A\e was elected chanman The appOmtment of a magi cluced bv the Pennsy sho\lng all
WI ate scenallo fOI a movie Pi a T M 00
B any rawns Wallel Steckbeck head of the
bY the otl1e1 committee men ann stl ate to fill a \ acanc:. IS made b:. Its actn ltles for the education of Too Much For B-C boal d pI eSlded at the meeting
,\ ol11en a ttendmg the meetmg Gm elnOl Mal tm ne\\ emplo~ ees ThiS IS Ihe second tIme \\ lthm
~;a~1 ~I~~~ 1;;:~I~~ s;~~l~t~\t~~e wo I Colelll entelcd Yale Um elslt\ Became sohcltol fOl the Penns:. I DICK BOST\\JCK At Track Meet the last fe\\ \ealS that the school
Fa mallon of a Republican I 1 the Fall of 1908 and gl ad lated PI 0\ Ident & Loan ASSOCiatIOn an I DICk Bost\\ Ick son of MI and boal d has \ oted a tax 1eduction
comlnIttee olganlzatlon m till' !flOm Yale College m 1912 DUllllg 01 tglo\\th of the \\aIUme Llbelty MIS H S Bost\\lck of 404 BlOwn of Ste\\alt HIgh IT\\O ~eals ag-o the~ abohshed the
be a Igh has been discus-sed f)1 h s se11l01 :. eal he took a yeal of Loan din es
leal ,eal s Reason fOl Its 01 law
I LakeSIde Road
A Mason mnmbel of Ne ~ Light \\ III be \ aledlctollan at the
W~ nne\\ ood School W"S the outstandmg stal pel capita school tax of $2 For a
athlete of the Montgomen family of t\\ a the $4 they paId wa.s
gal1lzatIon was to PIO\ Ide a ye I Membel s of the bal fJ am tllne Lodge No 718 Phl1adelphla gl aduatlOn e\ CI clses of Lo\\ er County tllang-ular tl ack meet almost equl\ alent to one mill in
Ilcle t11lough \\hlclJ pohllcal to tune ha\e Ulged that JustIces S ngs m choll of the Baptist Mellon Senlot High School bet\\een the teams leplesented taxes
bl llless could be tlansacted The of the peace should ha\e some Clnllch of the E~angel Nalbelth June 2 at 8 P I'll Bala C\I1\\yd JU11l01 HIgh The leductlOn m the school tax
CCl111111ttee /?IOIIP has a PI Ogl al11llegal tI amlllg befol e the~ \\ ent on
III del stuav to get out the \ ole lhe mJnOI ludlclRl' bench
and to b mg home to CItizens the
Colelhs bioglapl y shollld be anlClub of Nalbelth
A membel and f01l11el tleas 11 el
Of the Itahan Amellcan CitIzens GOP I
_ _
School Ste\\ al t JUl1l01 High II ate \\ III sa \e Nal bel th BOIOUgh
School and Rittenhouse JunlOl taxpa\ 1'1 s apPloxlmately $5000 a
HIgh School en the heid of ~eal The sa mg flam ellmmatlon
nece slt\ of g )lng to the polls If ans.... 1'1 to thell pla\ els Hel c It IS MalllCd to the fOllnel E a Cal I •• e Bala CHl\\ \ d High School May 10f the pel capita tax amounted

lR I Off-
1I1e' want to take a palt III local BOin In sal theln Ital\ came to dentl a natl~e of the l~land of • 12 BIO\\n won fllst place 111 to abOllt $7000 mak ng a total
co nl, sLate and nat anal gmem the U S 111 1902 Elba T\\o dall/Zhtels MIS Geolg-e three e,ents the 100 \ald 10\\ sa\ll1g fOl the taxpa,el of $12000
In the past thele well' t\\O Re ll1telpletel
Flam 1903 to 1908 emplo~ed a Mal1lell and 1'111 John Nace lat
Il1 the COllltS of tel a TechnIcal Selgeant now m I ee e c t s Icers hUidles the 220 \ald dash and I Lo\\eIJng of the tax late means
the blOad Jump The mdl\ldual leal economIes as the assessed
Boy Scouts Hold pub1cal1 politIcal gloups m Nal Splmgfield Mass IE! gland SCale of Blown had a gleat deal \aluatlOn m the bOlough thiS \ear
both \\hlch ale no\\ mactl\e TI e FeblUal\ 10 1913 began \\olk EnJo~s galdenmg slllgmg to do With the declsl\e \Ictmy IS about the same as last year

Largest Camporee fOl Its preSident and Waltel

Nol bel th Republlcan Club had
John Hall bOlOugh tax collectol
Be g'lI1ann as its tl easLll el
P - S
ractlce tarts
- - ---
Mobile Headquarters
Mrs. Anlla Ii:o WhlOte
Renamed as One
and fll ~t place \\ on bY Ste\\ al t The assessed valuatIOn IS $7000-
JUnim Hlgn Sd 001 \\ho held a 1000
fmal lead of 38 2 pOlllts 0',1('1 John R Hall bm ough tax col-

Fe- E
Tours Main LIne thell noall'st competltm stem lectol In commentIng on the 1e-
Hen" Sllllth (n WmdsOl A\2 Of Secretaries al t lul1l01 HIgh School sCOled duct IOn saId
Bry n Ma" r Hospital vas head of the old Johnson Rc The ne\\ Amellcan Red ClOSS 75 pomts RIttenhouse JunlOl The led Icllon of a mIll 111 the
Gn es Demonstration IPI~~?O~I~ ~i~l~eath
E\al s cmmmtteeman was lecOg
Wilham D R or astlng vent Mobile headqualtels \\Ill be on
t\ le\\ on Mondav mOlnlllg Mav 29 Count\
Offlcels of the Montgomel\ ~:f~1 as;~~~~ o~o;~ ~~~~r.~ c)~~~e
Republican Committee lY followed bY Bala Cynw, d Ju
school tax late IS a leal savmg fOI
Olll taxpayel s and one of the be"t
Of Blood Plasma nlzed as thc bOlough leadel by at the To\\ n sh IP MBlll11d2ll1g Ald I\\ ell' unammously 1e elected at 11101 HIgh School ,\ ho eal ned ~~~~~Isflfat~o~ economical school
311~ POInts
All attencl mee 1 ecolCls \\ ell' !lcan 01 gamzatlOn
the Montgol11elY Count, Repub Rod and Gun Club
Nal bCl th and Lowel MellOn 01 ExplaIns New Rules
mOle f 10m 11 p noon a t
the A ltocal Company flOm 12 the annual 1 eOlga11lzatlOn meet
nOOll 1 P M Mo\ Ill" on to Bl' 11 Il1g of the glOUp last Thlll sday at \\ as R hal d fight bet\\ een Bala
It IS paltlCulalh notewOlthy
The battle fOl second place because many nelg-hbol mg school
l11a hed a tl e annual campolee gal1lzatlon Republlcalls come '" ., Cyn\\\d and Rittenhouse dlstllCtS ha\e lalsed theu tax
f tl e Ma n I me DI tllet Bo~ I \\lthm al ea one supel VISOI DIStllct }'or Tourney Ma\\ I It '\\ III be stalloned at the CIl\ Hall NOIIlStO\\ n Despite the dlffrl ences m lates
8[0 Is Satmda lliflelnoon and 10f wh ch Pelel CHess Lowel COlnel of BI~n Ma\\1 A\enue and I The meetmg \\as featUled b' POint.'> s"orEd the Bala Cynwyd Hall \\ho collects the Nalbelth
M t 11 ct I IS actmg S11 Iancastl'l A\enue flOm 115 P I'll \lltuall~ a fUll attendance team put up a bla\l' stluggle School DIStllCt taxes scmed al-
o ellnght on the glO mds of Hav pee~\~~1 ~~ Ct~ee absence John C At a meetmg of the Lo\\el Mer 110 200 P M TJlen It \\111 leach I Llo\d H Wood E\ansbUig lep agamst t\\O bettel tcams most a 100 pel cent 111 collectmg
el fOI d College Lafole who IS m the U S NaY~ Ion Rod and uun Club m the I Nal bel th at 230 be ng all Vle\\ at 1 esentatl\ e III the State Leglsla FOI Bala Cynw d JUnJOI HIgh the 1943 shoal taxes He collected
F f nll1C patlols
I 0)]) Ipp e entmg a I \) It t\\O of S
flOm 2fi

- t
Amellcan Lelnon Hall m Nalbelth Ha\eIfOId and Fall est A\enueS tUle flam the Thud DI~tllCt of the School the outstandll1g \mnelS 98 and 8 10 pel cent of both the
May 17 the club s casting commit untIl 3 P M Count\ \\as letUlned to office as \\ele Dick Olivel Jl1 the 100 schOol dl~tllct and bOiOUgh taxes
leMa n LlJJr tlO ps \\ell' pies
TI1P attendan e mcl Idea 314
orop ImlS Lee Challmall 'VaItel P Mlescn
Nltl bel th announced that fly
H- h----.----
P- t
c lallman of the Committee a I :.ald dash and the'gloup leple
po t he \\as filst elected to fOUl sentmg the 440 yald lelaY to the closlllg of the school ~ ear
Othel 10lUne busmess inCident
8co I 25 "I'n 01 Sco ts and 38
Sco I el a total of 377 pel SallS
F tl f tl
plug and sUlf castl11g plactlCe WIll
be held e\ el v Wednesday 1'\ enmg
fOI the MIddle AtlantIC Assocla
Ig w a y

rOJec s

~ealS ago \\hen the plesent Re
Pi bhcan leadel slllP JI1 the Count;
bee lme the a Itstandmg fOice m

N b th CIUb 0 MLG· IS ----.- -

\\as tlansacted at the meetmg

J I I pc
10m f' open n a
Sa t u da\ at 1 P M e ca ntllnpo Its tlon of
nual Castll1g
tOlll namentClubs se\ ent<.h Da"
on Fathel an A-d I t pone ° G F Cll cles Wood \\ as I
a r ee
r . _ If couts

V llano\a
G ccn 1 P Ho c VIllano\a
I) n Pnl ~ I S I n da 1110 II1 11"
Ro ane! E ans pIOfnam Ian ff moot! 1\ plo\ld
I ng the" 0 lis \\ th I ealthful fun J'race I e
tl e
G F 11 r Is Elected
Jtlle 18 at WIllow Glo\e Palk
Wednesda~ e\el1l11g PI act ce \\ II
take place at the Do\el F slnng
., .• elected challman
\\Ithout OPPOSitIOn also

R elected as \Ice challl11an "as


H A- I M T H D C

lrp a n e eet
Bala C 11\ d-Rob It F Blo\n \I C}t plact cal tla nln" 111 camp PreSIdent. Group
115 Dal thl110 Ith Road Bala e q
Club of PllIladelphla kno\\n as County AId Suspended
' I the Cedal Palk Castll1g FIeld m
~~;~t~~le~l:teIB~il~\l1~O~\\;~to~~sl ave 0 ave ay amp
C\n \ d T e camp \as laid oul b Scout Hears Dr MacFarlane Fa1l1110Unt Palk \\hlle locat ons }'or DuratIon Due to ~~ot ~;~~1~~1~~ ~~~~p~~~ t;e~r~e:~s 1M d I C t tOt G1 E I SOt
so c
i\1 (' ngs of
a \) 1
p a l e E I ps II cln lson ass sted b\
SCO lP G Iff n and Bel gel
I ° fOI olllel plactlce nights \\111 be JI1
Dela\\ ale and Montgomel Y coun
L b
a or
tl ~ In ellilstlllg 1I1tei et anti ell
~ ~
0 e on es pen 0 yl lson

state s Ie,·
tl e d tl ct clla mCI \ lh one Wmd Belfield a ted b Os I The membels of the SOIOptilTIist tIes
scI cd lIed n 1\1e on at Opd ke s >OIl I' Robel t \\ el e m ehal g-e of IClUb of the Mam Lme held tl ell It \\ as announced that the M
0(]fltISl11~Scl11oualmlt?ng the \\omen votelsl All·, Senior Group
v J
I WIll Open For Two
lome n J leI ana 1 11 et n'4 1 111(' SPI ee nlOl p composed of annual electIOn on 'Vednesdn\ A A C C townament W 11 m Postponement of all Connt\ A ld The fOUl secletalles of the Elects OffIcers Weeks June 11 to 14
the Nfl bPllh go IP at the BOI SI'11I0 Sco ts \ 1 0 helped PIC' levenmg Ma~ 24 at the clllb~ elIde special sUlf e~ents m \\IJleh Ingh\\a\ ploJects untJil aftel ti l e county committee I ke\Vlse elected I '
01 h Offce on JUie 6 pa p 1) e camp te and polIced it headQualtels-The Havel fOlo 50 called tOUlnament tackle \\al \Vas announced toda\ by t~o yeals ago \\ele letllned to
thl Ol gl the da, and n ght I Comt Hotel ma, be used In the se\ en mam ~Iontgomel Count~ Comml sian cfflce \\ Ithout opp051llOn The\ The legulal meet ng of the FOI the second succeSSI\ e year
============== L B Cui s ast ICt comms
SlOnel and 'Vesll'\ Matti e\\s as Ie Ie t c
The follo\\mg officel~ \\ele e\ents of the tOlllnament only els Fostel C HIllegass Fled Call' HalOld C PIke Cheltenham Nl\lbelth Bms Club \\as held GIl SCOlts of the MaIn Lme \IU
d at s e I \1' f I onI Jill V 1st e\elyday fishmg equipment \\Ill be Petel sand Ra ',1mand K Mensch TU\\l1Shlp managel Otto Qu I que Fllday Ma\ 19 Challman of the lave I Ilell o\\n Da\ Camp at GI b - I
HERE AND I~tant cil tllel comml lonel
telllatrd n dl rct ng the pIa
!! am \\ hlch had been plannl'd bv Mmg Is
al 1944 to Jul\ 1st 194·iJ
Glaee FIllel Plesldent Mlldlcd
,>l lIlltt d
Se"l etalles of tl1e 62 to l nsl1lps Ha jp\<\ Hc
The use of legulal fish ng eqUIp aud bOloughs of the COllnt~ \Iele No 8 m the RepublIcan Ol~ n
VICe Plesldent L\nda I ment m tOUlnament IS a specIal tnfOl med by lettel of the Com Iza 10n Ethel James LO\\ el G \ pleslded
up I\ISOI 01 Alca Execut ',Ie Committee Otto Duel son E state n W ynnpv.oo d TJ1"
Camp \\I11IUn fot t\\O \\eeks July
11 to 14 and Juh 18 to 21 from
THERE a commIttee headed by C Sum GaHo\\a' Second VICe Pleslden! featUle begun b, the Middle At 1111 slOnelS action \\I1lch \\as oc ne d and MIS Anna K White
nel Da s Hl'a1th and safeh I e Velma Jacques TI easUl el Ada lantlc ASSOCiation of Castmg caslOned b\ the shOl tage of labOl of Nil! bel th
qu lemcuts \\e e undel the supel Bel'l steehel COl1espondlllg Sec Clubs \\lnch sll1ce Its OIgal1lza and b\ the need fOl bluldmg up EaJ! B Bechtel
ElectIOn of officels of the SenlOl 930 to 330 ReglstlatlOn fee PIO-
Boys Club fall a \ ed PI eSldent \ Ides fOl mIlk each day and one
T~ottstO\\1l Flank Ree\es \Ice plesldent Al O\elnlght PI \llege A gul need not
\lSlon of DI Ed\\ald B nt letal Esthel Robmson RecOld tlOn has sponsoled events Ie all adequatl' fund to cale fOl the tJell~Ulel of the commIttee \\as be a GuI Scout to sign up
DI Long-aci e of the Bn n Mm\ I mg Seci etan qUlJ II1g fishmg tackle of standal dIal ge ant clpated demand fOI also 1 ettuned to offIce nnal1l bel t Nu!t\ call espondmg secIe The adUlt \ olunteel s hom the
Hosp t I plesl'nted a dl'monstla The letulllg Plesldcnt Mae manufactUle In oldel to enable all Count\ Aid aftI'I tI e end of the mOlls!; fOI anothel t\\O ,eal teun tan Paul Adellz7,1 lecOldmg Mam Lme \\10 ale staffmg the
tal' of blood plasma Plecedmg West '\111 lema n on the boald fi.~hellnen to en 0, tOlllnament \\a The actIOn affects all sUI Be htel IS plOthonotalY of the secleLal~ Rlchald Lacey tleas Camp ha\e ahead\ met With the
I e Call1pfil e Sat u da\ e enll1[!" I accoldmg to the by la \ s of the castmg mstead of Ilmltmg the face t1eatment and canst! uctlon Count~ I U1 1'1 Rlchal d Holmes selgeant D Ie[ tm 1'111 s Samurl P Hulm
An Seoltng \\as dl'monst ated b\ c;:!~ M~II \EI~lethCllI\sllanrd U:~ sPOlt to a fe\\ \\ho can plocne PI~:,~;sof the leUel follo\\s Challmall Wood emphasized the at alms Robelt Ha[kman JI of BI,n Ma\\1 fOl OIgamZa-
ReO! t and Scm els flOm 1Il' s a a pas les en ItlJusual lads leels I nes etc 1m lOltance of the aPPloach ng MI Ho\\ald Hatfield Athlet c tlOn and tlaml11/Z On May 15
B and\\\ ne D hlct \\10 exh bll al~h~~s~o:~~:;~~~I~~~~n~~~t~eOea\~1
C'd allplane modelS Sea SCOllt1l1Jl' I F>
I a
SCOles made 111 the malll e\ents The Comm SSlOnelS fOl som~ 1 d t I ltd
of the M A A C C tOUlnament tune 1Ia\e been ~lud,mg manv a pies en la e PC IOn an lIlge n Inesda, e\emng Ma\ 24 the bo s sponsOled b\ the Gul Scout COlln-
d a DuectOl announced that 'Yeo thele \\as an OlltdoOl \\OIkshop
\\a dem n<tlated b~ Ihl' Sea A~lala 1 Me\els chaumall Veu\ I al'" Nallonal SCOles \\lth e\enda\ the ploblel11 s that \\e all \\ II be letup m effolts to msme lecOid undel 13 OIga11lzed a baseball cil of Phlladelph a held at Ma~-
helplIlg 0 It at all 11 r baseb III R ont Sh I) , Ik 11 of I ,
Penn G FOnllol\\ IllJgeatlll1eSdtllnllenmelana \ el In fishmg tackle and annlll1l\ a [onfl anted \\ III aftel the cessa 01 eakll1/Z Republican malol es JI\ gloup and that Fllda\ Mav 16 blOOk Til s \\ IS at tended by DaY'
b f tlOll of hostIlItIes We bel e e that No embel
\\ 'nne "
tel estill" p 10-1 .. aln 11ad been al 11 1m PI a t Lo\\el Mellon castel s \' e \\ III be faced \\ Ith unUSl al de the Bo\ s Club would be sho\\ n a C amp SL aiffT mem I>elI s as \\ eII as b Y'

!'If Beeke of the AldmOle Y langed b\ the lIostess committee ale among op lJotchels \\ho bllng l;lalJds all dela,ed and much
M CAdi ecled !!IOI p S1l1g"1I1
ce ]la 111al of tl M L
The speakel of the e\Cl1lng \Ias home the bacon flOm the M A S t
S A a tl r camptil e MOl se Bakel DI Catllellne l\Kacfallalle of Pil I I A C C toUl nament to the I local needed COlJStlllCt on plolects
"club Due to the faet that Ulele IS
D ore
a ma g e In
mO\lI1g plctille of the 1943 Wol1cl ma11\ a tleI
Philadelphia ALhletlcs
oop ea d PIS G 10UPS
Selles thlOUgh the cOUltes\ of tI e \\ele t Hlgi t ho\\ to make a da~ In
Chi e f tl e a It of dool s e omfot table by
Bendel fOlmel b!! lea"ue pIa' el p opel use of \ allO I cookmg de-
l e a n
DI I C Expe Itl\ e Conul11tlee ga l' mg to L \ e
a <1 G t talk
L d I P a Ion"
me adllpblll
tI G I I
Hel Sl blect \\ as
DI Macfallane \101
d f I
Chaos I All M A A C C Pllzes thIS \ II tllall\
k ' e \l \1 Il1 be Wal Bond~ and ft I thel 111 01 del tl at the Count;:
Ie 1m Je a\\ a l a i lei \\01 ll1 Siamp As mIla t tOUlnampnts ma, be m a bettel POSltlOlJ to co
no lahOi a\ allable
AU 0 A
CCI en
-d t
\\ III addl ess the glOUp ~ h.'
\ Ices I 10 b
On June 4th at 230 P M the cache food lasl bl anches rnto
\ toI dIII

Model All plane gloup \\ III hold a fl mlttll e fOI OUtdOOI In lll/Z and
fi Ies IlOW to

et \ hlcl calMa ce 01 Pi Ho
e\ entlOn
\ ell of the Bah allan conducted by thIS ASSOCIatIOn opel ate \\1 tl 1 tl Ie \ a IOU S pol tical flee filght gas model and La \ lIne f a II 0\\ nil. lie \ II al Is a d venture
• Cl'nlp StIeet and Nmth So Ith Allin ga e an IllustJated talk on class S\stem ba IS so that be sub dl\lslOlJS Jl1 thell Post Wal ghdel meet ThiS e\ent \\11l I> t1110uuh game~ and som:s
and West \ aile FOIge DIl\e the ('anteen actl\ltlt~S of the Sal glnnels as well as expelt castels C)\1stluctlOn plog am \\e feel th~~ N I ° d Wh held In QUlllns field off W\l1l1e On Ma\ ~2 and May 24 the DaY'
1I e pat 01 tents made an ImpI es 1\ atlOn Al 111\ in P1Jlladeiphla He caTn be aLmon!! the \\ lllnelS
Sl e appealaner
a1111e mt also mesented plctUles of the G
CI b f f t
It I' ad\ lsable Lo post pone f a
0\\ el MellOn Rod and Co 111 t\ Aid plolects until a tel
the \\al
Icc I ar
one nJure
ras es n 0
en \\ ood Road The contest IS be Camp SLaff met at the home of
mg spansal ed b\ the Nal bel th MI s Lo I S C Jail elt of VI ynne
pllzes fOI tile \' 1111els in \ IIIOIS \\ood An olLdoOI sesson \\111 be
no a s sted b\ Gelald Lantclman canari an \\OIk of hiS OIganJ7,a m u IS One a OUI een tl t t h i '
dll ected the II dges and 'V Nel tlon ThIS film also sho\\ ed the SPOI tsmen s 01 ga11lzatlons flam We al I' of the opmJOn la s H 'St Bm s Club and thele \\ III be held on Ma:. 29 at the camp site
son Wesl acted as see etal\ An lactl\ lies and tlalllmg of soldlels \allOUS counties of the Sclul\lklll pohC\ Will \\011 to the ad\antage anscom s o r e ; e\ents of the meet AI1\ 10c~1 \\ILh MISS Mallon L Ballett
rmblpl11 \\as a\\alded 10 each Scollt m Canada Valley affilIated \\Ith the M A A of all tile \allOUS mUniCipalIties Driver Released contestant may leg-Istel fOl thIS Campll1g Ad\ sel of the Phlla-
\ I a at tendcd and a stl eamel \\ III ]\fa gal et Squlel en tel tamed C C Dela\\ al e County FIeld and 111 the COllllt\ meet \\ Ith MI HO\\ al d Hatfield lit delplua Counc I 111 ehal ge The
be a \at ded to pach patl01 \\ Jllch \\ Ith a plano solo Malaguena Stl ealn Assoclatlon l~ anoLhcl --.---- the Penn Vallev Je\\ ell v StOl e COUl1sellOl Aides \\ III lOIn the
ami \ 1'1, little postal \\ mk bllt quahfied m the illdgln" b\ Lccuona Some local folks \\ ho al e actn e New Pupils M lIst TIJlee pel sons t\\ a of them sol 250 Ha\ el fOl dAve Nal bel th Pa glO IP 111 tl e afternoon Those gills
I guess all the \\ 01 k has to be • ~ The hostesses fOl th I Iv engaged m maimg allange dlelS home on lea\ e escaped m On Sunda~ May 21 the Nal bel Ih I fl am 14 to 18 \1 III Ieeell e a week s
done and I hope t shOltens tlelF p asses For \el I'll e e\enng ments fOI the commg M A A Enroll June 7 I I h BO\s ClUb baseball team \\as de tJammg flee at Incilan Run the
• \\al fm I SUII' \\ould like to be
sa~ mg hello" to \ au agam as I I Th
C J 0
\ e t ablgalet Sqlllel challman C C TOlllnament ale Elnest
assls ed v DI ElSIe CUI tIS Jenkll1s of Nal bel th mtelclub
JUlY, ate SatUldav nlglt \\ en feated b, the AldmOie OptimIst Gl1 SCOllt Camp at Glen Mome
Wednesda~ June 7 flom 9 A M Ithen cal failed to make a tUIll at Boys Club 7 to 4 Pa the last \\ eek m June
~o 111 fOt lnv clgals e IrC11S; une c ---_0.. casting commIttee challlnun of to 12 noon has been deslg"naled Lancastel and Cllcket Aves AId The club \\lll ha\e n rno\ e UnIt Lcadels and ASSIstants in-
Take It eas\ CI1Rlile and keep Flee passes fOl the Rmglll1l(
Gel\ m on the ob and I 11 b" Blot I el s cu cus ma\ be oblall1ed Ffir De' 011 Sho,v
?423 Dogs Enlisted I
the M A A C C Ho\\ ell DwtllCh at the day fOI the demoJlme1jt
of Uppel Dal b\ TI easU! el of the l1ew and klndel gal en PUPI s
gi mOl e and Clashed Into Hans benefit at the Nal bel th Mo\ es elUde: 1'111 s T I Colgan MIS J
Icom s \\ mdmv stal tmR June 13 thlough June?l W Hundle~ MI s J II \\ III MI s
seemg 'ou oon I hope Nm b\ bU:'Ill!!' a Wal Bond at any" Assoc atlOn Ho\\al d DuBOIS of the Nal bel th Pubhc Schools 'Ihe plate glass \\ mdo\\ \\ as T N Spossald of Cyn\\ Yd MIS
bel th IS stlll the best to \11 I ha e booth on Montgomel\ Count\ The famous De\ on hOi se sho" NOI wood M A A C C membel To el1[el kll1del gal den thef bo~s smashed and the cm I eQllll ed the Luther SmIth Nanled M E B II tt and 1'111 s La IlS C Jal
e\ el seen 01 e\ el hope to see so Da\ June 8 Rodne\ K Mellick I nl!' \ II be Iakpl1 0\ el b\ some ship challman MI s Ellen A Die and gnls must be 5 \ eal s 0 a~e sel \ Ices of a to\\ tI uck to lea\ e Iett of Wynne\\ ood 1'111 s John
III be back to that bUlR \llthICount\ Wal Fnance Comnllttee 2423Iledlgleeddog-sofe\elVde (Jlcll of Uppel Dalb~ the As on 01 befOie Feblualv 15 1945tllheseenebutI100ne\\asSelIOUSly,As ChsSl OffJcer Hezel Mellon and Mellon Palk
bells on Cha Iman has announced sCllpllon thIS comll1g \\eekend soclatlOn S secletalY and the fol and the fhst glade stu ents 1l1US mluled d ( and MIS Samuel H P Read of
YOU! fllend I The Bond PUI chasel Will be leMa 2~ and 28 \\ hen BI \ n Ma\\ I 10\1 mg top nolch Lo\\ el Mellon be SIX \ eals of age on ot befall' Dlll el \\ as p\ t 'Vayne Hyatt Luthel ,V Sm th 11 of MI and N \I bel th 1'111 s Jack R FOld of
TOM CASEY quned to pa~ the amusement tax Kennel Club and De\on Dog Sho'l castels Skeets and Edwlp Andel I the same date fceltlficateSt of 22 of Mll1elal Bluff Ga the 1M s Luthel W Smith 153 Vassal Nalbelth \\111 assIst m the speCIal
• 0 .___ AssocatlOn combll1e to hold thel son of Nalbelth Challcs E buth and Sill cess ul \aCCl11a IOn O\\nel \\as Flo\d Maltll1 ;)3 Rd Bala C\I1\\~d has INenll, capacn, of Alt ad\ISel Jane Read
Mam people ha\e asked me Rehef Payments Drop annual sho\\s In connlnctJon With Spencel SI of Uppel Dalb~ pies must be plesenLed
'Vho IS the sold leI \\C see alound the Plcttllesque ne\on Counl.,lY Ident of the Lo\\Cl Mellon Rod ----.--- thnd passenRel p\t GeOlg-e Mal
Eaehes A\e GalleH HIll and the been elected \Ice mesldent of the of Nalbeltl \\ho IS domg ladlO
lunIOl (lass fOI next school ~eal \volk fOI WCAU \\lll also be a spe-
thI' 'Illage He IS on cllltchns State Tleaslllel G Halold Wag Fa I and Gun Club Lloyd DuBOIs of Elect Merion WOlnan tm blothel of Flovd of the same at The Peddle School clal as.slstant at the Camp
and he s al\\a;s wlnstlll1g? I Ilrl lepOlted that duect lellef pa, As It has been the custom fOl Bala C\\1\\,d Waltel Johnson of G adclless SmIth l'nteled Peddle 111 Sep Reglstlatlons all' lImited and
P\t H~ att \\ as deta ned bv the tel1lbel 1942 ha\ lI1g fOlmelh at must be made to Gill Scout Head-
shd mlo Ii booth beSide hnn \lllIle ments made to need\ lesldents of 0\ e a qual te of Ii eentul\ the De RoxbOiOUgh and Eall MOOl e of To DramatIc J'roup
he and SpotS\\ 01 Ih Jenkll1s of the MOllt "omen County dUllng the \ on Countl:' Fan and the Do~ Nal bel th
Melchllnt Malme \\ele haunl{ a \\erk rnded todav show a declease Sho\\s WIll donate all the PIO ---.----
I Alene F BlOtemal kle Mellon Lo\\ el Mellon polIce exammed )\ tended Bala CH1\\\ d J 1J1101 High qual te s 311 S JUl1lpel St Phlla-
tUdent m the College of LIberal a plnslclan monounced SObCl I School C\l1\\;d At PeddIe he has delphIA.
~and\\lch at the delIcatessen on of $6 undel thOse of the ple\IOUS ceeds fOI both da\s to the Blyn CIrcus WIll Be ~I~S fOl Women at the Unl\elslt~ and dlschalg-ed b, Maglstlate paItlclpated n the follmBng ex Male adult hplpels and Coun-
Nal bel (h A\ enue on Sunda\ e\ p \\ eek Mal\! HOSPItal I 'Of Pennsy!\ anla llas been elected Waltel B Lo\\ nes JI (J a clllllcula I atll\llles LIght sellOl Aides \\ a lId be vel y weI-
llm/Z ThIS soldlel IS P F C Pa\menls fOl the week totalled Mrs RlChald E Hanson MIS Here June 6 to 17 t tl b aid of govelnOls of the Scoles of CUlIOUS pelsons \\elght Football Plesldrnt of the come ConSUlt MIS P L Richards
James J Cal tin JI \\ ho 11\ ed m $64850 \\ hlch \\ as $11490 less HOlace B Hale and MIS John Y P~nn~; 1\ ~l1la Pla~ els undellfladu home\1 al d bound flam the Al d SophomOl e Clas.s LIfe Sa\ lI1g Sen JI CampIng Chal1man Cynwyd
Nalbelth fOi fifteen :.eals and than those of the compalable \\eek Hubel JI ale co chal1men of the TIle Rmgl1l1g Blothels and Bal te d~amatlc OIgamzatlon on the mOle mO\les ll1spected the \\Ie k 1101 J V Baseball and Wl11tels 1065
• no\\ lesldes In Aldmole He \\as of last :.;eal
\\ ounded m combat on NO\ embel
nllIn and Bailey CIlCUS \\111 be m a
Ph IIa d e Ip h la J une 6 With 1600 campus
I land the damaged bUlldmg
Pllze annual olatOl\ contest
- - MOL d
It I
a ~
e \\as t\\O months
m a hospital m Itah \\hele lei
- A t1uetes T0 Serve
L o,ver MerlOn 1 people 50 elephants hundleds of 539 Plescott Rd is a membel of
pIlle bled hOlses and a ne\\ men Delta DelLa Delta Flatell1lt\ She
BlOtemalkle \\ho
Brookllne d Nar ber"
h\es at
tl NlUe, s _
_ en verseas
Work of Red Cross

had one leg amputated-tllC'n

tlllee months 1lJ a hosll1tal 11[
Afllca Ye::; he IS m fine SPllit
A S Gltart1s A t Go'vI( d Bros. I
I d
agelle mc u mg MI and MIS fOllneI!:' attended Lo\\el Mellon
~~~fi~~tua \\OIld famous giant High School _-0____ Impressive ill Lea 0l'e (}IJe"erS As Ulame tint Re<! ClOSS Walk
among sold el~ and sallols ovel
vel y gl a teftll that he IS aln e fOI I I PlOcluced by Robel t Rl11ghng " f:t (; , s€a~ IS effectn e IS found 111 lettel s
the shell that cost lllln 11ls leg cost
~\~~11~~ I~IIS 1;~~lll~P~tCt/~~lsl
C0 Iolnu
- I V-IIa!!e S 'fJlnlmlJl!!.
- - P 00 I
Auble\ Haley and 1'111::; Challes Optimists Elect
R1l1g1mg the 1944 edItIOn of the Craig Boyd OffIcer
1 - SlUI day '-I eatII-uter
CIas" lit 1,
lecelvcd by MI Alfled M Watts
tel Reed Hasp tal J 11 fl t f L.J LJ Big SholV featUles the Pantos I(e FIOln some\\hele In England,
tleatment I u e IS 01 I Paladlse stall1l1g Emmett Kelle; Clalg Bovd membel of the Mal1J T S Stephen C Watts \\ late
- B
B Irl
• • •
McDc I( t of tie
Ilome f 10m t IIe AIcutlans
GO\\ land Blolhers
Village S\\ Il11mll1" Club
Nal bel th Hall v Nason lettel mall and left mtelnatlOnally lenowned clown Lme OptUnIst Clu
Sef' Ipalto! shaH' bought thp Colomal tackle on the football team pantomimIst
neal Geol De Fill ton half back a tho 1 he huge C!J[ us \\ III gIve Ilel eastel n Pennsyl\ an

a Optimist
\\ as e ec e t

d Those BlOokllne Hales \\ ho that he feels Sill e \\ III be able to
lIeutenant gO\ elnOi of thl' South made such a spectac Iial chmb smash the Nal bel th 11I1X
~ l11lS ue\\ \\ ulel IS Hal Tunnp
Tuesdav had a tl\ ent\ four
hom pas Thel e IS nothmg hke
I d
onces20 lS da~ lea\e I \\ a~I1f' and Its hfe F>
guald team Semol '"
HIRh J V team Rlchald n fOllnances at 215 alld 815 P M la cllst ICt (Oll\entloll last \,eek " 111 flom the cellal to a pl,noff POSI cl f[ a fasL ball llQht handel \\ho [.:ettll1g It 111 thea States
la\ homand camp
I oa, It evensal
• 0 ° this Summel \\111 bp made up of MattIS son of the coach \\ho To pellmt inspectIOn of the lale AtlantIC City 1 lion m tlle closl1J1I: stages of the IS IPPllted to he one of tI e classl mOle no\\ Spent t\\O sl1lIhng~ to
p\ t l\IllIaHl L Wllltf'IS 111 the some of 10wel Melion Hlg 1 pla\ed basketball and football l1J animals m the \\olld s lalgrst tla I HIS campaIgn fOI the post \\ a 194:l campa gn e Idenl!; alen t pst pltchel s Il1 South JeISC\ BIll Sl end the lllght at the Red CIOS"
Mallnes at Cherty POl1Jt NO/th Scllool s best athletes LO\IPI Mellon JunlOi High and \l'lIng zoo the doOls \\111 open at mal a/Zed in Oscal WCldman of 1;:0 ng- to be soft plckll1gs fOi am Ulllcl1 a Camdl'n polIceman also agall1 \\Ith clean sheets and a
Calolina is home on ten da:.s If this is not enough the Cow DICk Loepel Uppel Mellon High 1 and 7 H:nelfold To\\nshIP one III the CUllent Mam Lille \\111 make IllS bO\\ at the bOlOUgh comfoltable bed 101 a change A
leave HIS home lS 531 Dudley I"nd BlOthel s ha\ estIll anothel School \ alsity football tackle .-- Local OptImists announced thiS Baspball Lealwe Sl'ason bemg slated to stal t III centel ~nack at the Red ClOSS befOie go-
A\enue OlaWlI1l1; cud C RlChald (DICk'
Girl gualds ale Blanche Mehl Narberth
manufactulel of high -talon thiS yeal s LO\\el Mellon
DAR • • •
\\eek tllele \\oUld be no meet1l1g of That the Hales ale apt to be field Ken\1ed\ \\ho pla\ed that m_ to bed and \\atched the danc-
thell club on May 30 DecOlatlon flont lunnels instead of also lans pOSitIOn agall1st Manoa \\111 mo\e "
Boats\\am 2/C Chal1es Tllnm I nkmR' footblll teams at Lowel s\\imming team Edith Lace' Holds FInal Meetl·ng D \\as mdlcated b, the natllle of to second base to leplace Mike ll1g thele too The laSSies don t do
of NOlth Nalbelth A\enue has Melion High WIll be the man bleast stloke stal Poll, Williams a~ .___ thell 7 6 \Ictal' o\el the Manoa Bogash \\ho \\on t bl able to be b Idly \\Ith tlIe Jittelbugs but the
been tlRnsfelled to pIe n1ldshllJ agel
man schaal at Asbll1, Palk
membel of the glll s basketball
NegotlUtions fOl the SWlll1nUn~ and tenms teams at Lowel bels of the DI BenJamll1 Rush
At Its closll1g meetmg 25 mem N
ar er
b th GO1I If S
A A as Ihe title cllase got undu \\ltll the Hales sundl\\
way last Sundav BlOoklme knock With Jim Clallo( back on the
fioo wns clo\\ded
And Lt Da\\(! M Watts USNR,
• 0 • pool \\hlch was in the hands of MellOIl and a fOlmel life guald at Cl1aptel DAR of Nalbelth Red Cros~ SecIoetary I'd the usually effiCient Bob Alli mound und as e[[ecLne as e\el an aimed gUllld m the Medltel-
p\ t John Robel ts of 209 Wood the State Bankmg Depal tment Colonial Village ell joyed a luncheon at the Wmd - i::I ~ son out of the box eight of theu Nal bel til looy. ed e\ el, I1lch the Ianean the ltl e sa~ s
side A\ enue In the Infantly has was opened by the Gowland BlO The pool Will open on Memollal SOl Essex Nal bel th on May 22 Helen T Vlteles of Nalbel th 14 hits \\ent fOI extl a bases and champIOn as It flattened Bal tl am The Amellcan Red ClOSS IS
a 14 da\ fll1lough flOm FaIt thels-Ro\ James and Robelt- Day \11th a swhnmmg meet Blue Annual lepOits and accounts of who IS emolled in the College of ex Havelfold High stal Walt Az 7 0 at Nalb"lth III ItS openel The sUleh dOll1g a fine Job O\el hele
Jackson South Calolina Wmlel The PUlchase plice ilibol1s wlll be awalded to wmnelS the 531d Continental Congless Libelal Alts for Women at the pell makmg one of 11ls numelOlls letUln of Clalg helO of Nalbelth s md It s seldom that the~ can t do
° ° hRs not been le\ealed ill the e\ents and led and white wele Plesented at the meeting Uni\elsit, of Penns~l\anla has (omebncks \\as sUlPlismgly e!fec s\\eep tluough the pl:nof[s iast son (tiling to help each and every
p\ t J ck M Q 11 f 207 All of the !lfe gualds Irave ribbons fOl second and thhd ~lllPtel Delegate MiS Hall y M been elected cOllesponding secIe tn e allO\\ ing only eight luis ~ eal \\ lIS a sm pl1se as he had that Ime 01 el l1el e IS \ elY wide-
Avon RO:d IS h~m~1 fO~ 1~ da\s pussed the semOi Amelican Red places DUllng the season thel!' Ells\\Olth ga\e an excellent Ie talY of the Red ClOSS Ul1lt on the You ha\en t ~eel1 anything balked at ~1l1al~ telms and wasn t alon o that 11lle o\el hell' IS velY
- flam A AFT C I d I ClOSS life guald eOUlse the same wlll be other meets and at the end \Ie\\ of the Ploceedmgs
• • • 01 an a FR COUlse as Atlantic City and othel of the Summel a tlophy will be 1hele \\as 1\ Boald meeting
campus Yet chuckles \\h1Le hailed Eddie expected to pla\ Ho\\e\el a last \\Ides)llead They have beautiful
MISS Viteles \\hose home Is at Hale Blook11nemanagel \\hotakes mmute agleement \\as leached qualtels 101 both the Officelli Bnd

p t F
ca~p PI~k~tt Jilt~~
Ig la s spen
cet dj
k A 1 F t f shore pomt gualds pass "'wRlded to the membel of tlw held at the home of the Regent 529 Bload ACles Road IS a mem IllS club to Nalbelth this SundaY and Managel Gcne Dads ga\e enlisted men and do evelything
The ~:ual ds Rle Al WIlson Low Club 'I1nninl< the ltleatest numbel IS Velena D Woodcock on bel of Splinx and Key one of th.. to tackle Grne Da\ is defendlnlt him the
er Mel10n High Schoollctt!'l man 0 paints and to the indi\1dual May 19th Plans fOl the nextlwomens honor societies at the champions He is gOll11t to unco\er ers who \\ele a\allable Claig f:. You folk back home cant. do
° K 0\ 1'1 SiX othel hUll lma~ulleable to make the lads com-
Cont nued on Page Two and center on. the football team I ContInued on Page Two year wele outlined univelsity a new pitcher in this game one Continued all Page Four too much to back them up I

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