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I •• .

Vol, 28-No. 43
;. I. \' F. •
- ....... PII,


County Opens 4th War Loan Drive RESIGNS

Postpone Scheme ::i~~~~:~~He~~w Main Liner Wins Congress Post
With Goal Set at $24,000,000 To Have L. Merion te~~tH~;e~~~t~~~~~~'~~~~~;~I: Takes County By 6 to 1 MaJ-orl-ty
was among five new directors
P06ce Narberth chosen to govem the Associated

~~;f;;~~~i~;~:~~:I;~IM;~e~e~d~e[~~~er rOnly
Main Line Man Heads Campaign; Individuals
Asked to Give 25 Percent More; List Chairmen
Directing Drive in Lower Merion and Narberth Gearhart ThinksIt One-Fourth
e of,VoterseGo To Polls;
Led b" a :Main Line man Montgomery County communi-
Would Cost More
Guarantees Nothl'ng
pek I VtiL e) t Fe ht
Eugene Pendelgrass, Wynnewood; Col. C'. FrancIs Clement, Hav-
Wilham E. MeInel, Philadelphia. elfold, was elected commander
and Dr. Theodore Fetter, Phlla- f tl P I C mand
I e S IC or n egis aIve Ig
~IY. l~ih~~~y~~~~~ o?~OIelg~
ties began the huge task of selling $24,000,000 worth of delphia
bonds l' n the U. S. 4th 'War Loan Drl\'e on Tuesday. MIs. Stabler rs one of the three Wars, at the organization's 49th
IndIVIdual bond bu~elS will lie
Wlltten examinations for appli- daectors who lepresent hospital annual meetmg Tuesday mght. Lower Merion and Narberth Roll
cants to jom the Nalberth Bor- admInistrators on the Blue ClOSS He succeeded Col. James H Up Heavy
called upon to mvest at least 25 If YOlt','e Hesitating ough pollce force Will be held at1board. MontgomelY Hospital r5 Tuttle,retned Vote for Local Candidate; McConnell's
pel' cent more than many pleVI- AbOltt BZtYZ'lzg a Bond
ous War Bond campaign, Henly
D Hallal, Mont~omen County
Chaaman, has adVised commumty 0 0 0
"T' , L
,zere s a ong,
Elm Hall FOlrest Ave Narberth one of 66 hosPitals In thiS alea
, ,
on JanualY 25, at 7.30 P. M. Pel-
, cooperating With the plan.
The Associated Hospital SerVice
' 50ns mtelested may secllle ap- IS govell1ed by a boald of 27 dl-
Heory GS e parkS
Home Community Has Great Turnout;
Leads All County Districts
chanmen Hallal who IS plan-
nIng engmeel m Lowel Mellon
was loaned to County fOl the 4th
War Loan Dl1\ e
Road Ahead Yet" 0 0 0
The war is neither over for
phcatlOns and fUlther InfolmatlOn IlectOls who serve without pay and
ff . lE'present hospital tlustees, hos-
at the 0 Ice of ~he BOlough sec-I Pltal admullstIators, the Alch-
IetalY diocese of Phlladelphla; the med-
D·les In Narberth
O\erComIllg wartime apathy and the hlmdicap of a
special election Samuel K. McConnell, J 1'., Lower
EmphaSIS on mdlVldual sales us on the Home Front nor for Any plan for havmg Lowel Mel- ical plofesslOn and the SubsCllber- commissioner Rnd Penn 'V~r'1Ile resident, was elected Mont.
\\111 be mamtamed Ulloughout the those l\lto are fighting for us Ion Townshrp polIce the Borough I rnembels I
entlle campaign endmg FebrualY on foreign battlefields. OF Nalberth IS appalently on the I The Blue Cross has enlolled ff' 1 Of D f
0 gomery County's l'eprescntatl\'c on Tuesday to fil the unex·
15, but the first half of the dllve If yOU doubt this, read again shelf for the dUiatlon of the war I more than 550,000 SubsCllbels all 0 ICla e ense pIred term of Congressman J. WIlliam Ditter, who was killed
Will be devoted exclusl\ ely to re- some of the letter!! from the
pOl tlng sales to IndlVlduals Cor- ~outhwest Paelfic, from Italy, MRS. HELEN N. RIDINGTON
QuestIOned about the matter I of whom ale ellglble to attend rts
Flanklln C, Hutclunson. chan man annual meetmg JanualY 24 at 4
C 'I
ouncl an
d L '
eglon in a plane crash.
poratlon sales \\111 ,be leported from England and from all the ResrgnatlOn of Mrs. Helen N. of the public safety committee of P. M, 311 S, Jumper St., PhI1a- Railroad Man Was About one-fourth of the County's \ otlllg population
• dUlmg the pellod of FeblualY 1 other corners of the world we Rldmgton, Lansdale, as a Mont- the Borough, said that it was be-I delphia. h h C t
to 15.
'Om Important Job In thiS C01l1-
are fighting. gomery County Jury CommiSSioner mg held under adVisement indefl-
Here Is just one, from Daniel was lecelved WednesdaY mOll1- l11telv.
mg campaIgn IS to raise mOle P. McDel·mott. son of Daniel I. Ing by Judge HalOld G Knight Informal convelsatlOns wrth Su-
Nurse t0 '0.___
pea a
turned out and McConnell's rna ]Ol'lty throug out t e oun y
Funeral selVlces \\ele held Mon-I a\"eraged approxImately SIX to one o\cr hIS DemocratIc op.
dal' afternoon at OlIvel H Ban's' . . .
money flom the public thlough I\lcDermott, one of Haverford MIS Rrdmgton, who ser ved as permtendent of Police Samuel' PIllladelphla fO! Henry G Spal ks.! ponent. In the a\ erage run-of-the-mill electIons there IS a 30
mcreased sales to those \lho con- Township's commissioners. He maJollty membel of the JUlY Gealhalt of Lower Mellon reveal-:
tl nue to buy m each "Tal Loan has just been through the Boald fOI the last two yeals, le- ed that havmg the Township pol-
dl'l\e, through stepped-up PaYlOll I\lunda campaign wr·th h onors Signed to accept an appomtmenti
Sa\lngS and by mfiuenclllg e\er~- and this Is an cxecrpt from his as lesealch 1Ibral1an for the Nalbelth's plOblems In fact. some I
Ice the Borough would e not solve
ASS'n Me tlog •
\'Ice chanman of the Nalbelth to 40 pel' cent tu"nout of \·oters.
CounCil of Clvlhan Defense. - - - - -- - - -------
Mr Spalks, who had been asso- Five lVIore PolIce
' +
RepublIcan leadels saw rn
Connells top-hea\V mfljollty a

one Who has not yet purchased last letter to his father: Plllladelphia City Plannmg Com- lemarks made by Gealhart mdl- clated wrth the Penn5y!\a11la I J D ft g-ood omen fOI the Plesldentlal
War Bonds to buv \llth the ut- "We also heard the Presl- miSSion. cated that the ploblems might Ralhoad for mOle than 30 \ealS n anuary ra ~eaI and an 1l1dlcatl0!1 that the

L. M. Bandto PIay
most of then ablht' , , Ml. Hallal dent's speech to all the Armed
e\er. be complicated. COmmunl'ty Orgalliza- \\as chief clelk to the chref'engl- F n e mem bel5 0f tlIe L0\\ er I pOlitical pendulL1I11 \Ias still swmg-
emphaSized J
Forces. By his speech, he sal, Lower Mel10n did not go mto, EI
t t Off" neer of the Eastern DIVISIOn at Mellon pohce fOlce Will be listed I m"" the Repubhcan way •
"In telms of bonds bought. those that the civilian people think the mattel enough to comPile may bon 0 ~ ec ICerS the time of Ius death HIS home With the Janualv dlaft Quota McConnell's o\\n home dlStl1Ct,
who invested $75 m a $100 E bond that this war Is nearly over. defimte estrmate of how much the N t Th d was at 733 Montgome1Y Ave, Nal- .... hlch \I'lll leave 'the Ma1l1 Lme South AldmOie No 4, almost turn·
last Septembel, proportIOnately The people baek there ought to
should buy both the $100 and a "ise up. There's a long road
$25 Bond thiS campaign" ahead ~et, but l\e are progress-
For War Veterans pOlicing would cost but guesses bYI
TownshIp offrclals exceeded what
It rs nOw costmg the BOlOUgh, In
ex urs ay belth SOOI1 All but one of the glOUp of ed out to a man to see that he was
A past co~mander of the Hal- SIX \\ho took thell ph~slcal exam- elected The ,ote of 706 fo~' Mc-
Ruth HUbbald. R. N, dnector of old D. Speakman Post of Amcr- matlon5 last \\eek at the Induc- Connell and fi\e fOI the WOlcester
SpeCIal e\ ents ale bemg plan- Ing very nicely. This coming the BOiOUgh the pollce budget I uns /the VIslt:ng NUise Sel Vice, Phll- Ican LegIOn MI .spal ks was tlOn Center at Thn t\'-second st fal mel. \\ a o the best dlstlrct vote
ned In a numbel of County com- ~ ear Is going to be the big year apploxlmatelv $16,000 a year and adelphia. Will be ~uest speaker at ehan man of the Post 5 ,1043 Ar m- and Lancastel 8Ave, Philadelphia gl\ en to the ~epubllcan candidate
mU11lties to dl amatlze the dllve for the aUted invasions." one of Lower Medon's estimates the annual meeting of the Com- IstIc DaY drnnel He \\ as a cap- weI e accepted III the Count\
• but MI Hallal emphaSIZed that
house-to-house sohcltatlOn IS be-
mg depended upon to leach the
COUDty B)aance s .
I 70- - -... - - - Pi
ece ..
Goes to Valley
Group Ian as lugh as $30000 mumty Health and CIVIC AssClcla- tam 111 the Pennsvlval11R NatIOnal All fI\e ale flOm ArdmOle They
Then the Lower: Mellon pohce hon AldmOle, at St Ma1\"s Guald and dlllmg the last \\al ale Stehman Blubakel of Llan- Count\ s Thad Leglslatrve Dls-
cluef had no solutIOn for the com- Palish House, ArdmOle, JanualY serVel ovelseas \\tlh the Almy as fan Rd, Ed\\ald N Cannon of tllct elected to the State's Genelal
At the same tIme voters Of the

Quota m the 4th War Loan dme plamt of some Borough councll- 27 at 8 P, M. a CaptaIn. Wilhamsbuig Rd. Dommrc Glan- Assembly HalOld C Pike. Chel-
James A Lynd IS not only dr-
lectmg Lo\\el Mellon's effOlt, but
chairman hiS Hemy fOlmel D Hallal
INearIy.I 2Mell·
township at I Ion I
Forge Next Monday men that Nalberth pohcemen be- Malklev Stevenson, plesldent of MI Sparks rs sUlvned by hiS glllho, 41 E Lancastel A\e, James tenham To\\nslup managel', to fill
come too familial and lement With the As.<oclatlOn, Will give hrs an- wrfe Mrs Anna M Spalks, and Millel Hamilton Comt ApJlt- a \acancv cau<ed by the leslgna-
Tlle Conceit Band of Lower their local reSidents. These coun- nual td
repor, an eIec tl on 0f 0ff 1- a son, He 111 "Jl 13
J , , ments ' and John Wallel 143 tlOn of Edlllll Wmnel WIJ!OW
County Headquarters, 27 Curren I Menon Semor High School wrll cllmen thought that With Lo\\er celS and boald of Qnect0l5 Will be Intelment was In West Laurel Cllcke't Ave Waller goes mio the Glo\e aftel hiS electron ~ Mont-
Alcade, NOlllstO\\n AI d mg Lyn d --- I enteltam the men at Valley Forge pOhcemen Mellon policmg would the Borough fre-
be changed the to heldmembels
of thehave been sent
ASSOCiatIOn, of HIlI cemetelY. 0 _
Almy, the other four \\rll entell gomen' County's Tleasurer.
~:n~;~e~fLth~al~~~~reas~:~t~~~ $174,972 In State Fund II Hosltal on Monday evenIng, Janu- Quently and thus would be unable alhed orgamzatlons, and to people Deeds Recorded th;I~:\~;1l1gS to 27 the numbel of M~~en~~ftl. vo.t~ fO~· ..~~~~~~~~~::l4
of the Pennsylvama Co: MIS H Earlnarked For alv 24, \\Ith a full hour's conceit to develop mOle than a speakmg of the communltv Refleshments Lo\\el Merion policemen who have Blumlel . . ..... 4349
H Gibson. Jr Merron, Robelt F H' h l"IT k ThiS \lrll be the second time the aCQuamtance \\Ith the local Cltl- \\Ill be selved followmg the PIO- Sho,ved A Decline gone mto the se1\lce Total \ote fOI Assembly:

Bro\\n. Bala-CY11\\\d J HallY
East Jr, and H Albeit NiChols,
M ellO. n TIl a
P I Wyn le omM ss Kathlyn Jones
T Mccal lil" ""
Ig way_n- _ or ~ [MalOon orgal11zatlOn of 70 musI- zenr",
ClallS has made the tllP to Valley
Montgomel y County closed its I FOlge to play fOi the vetel ans, cause
Supermtendent Gearhart said It I
IgraMm H bb d
ISS U ar WI exp am le
'\ouldn't \lOIk out tllat \lay be- v.ork of the \'!SltIng Iltll.)e.d how

hi., policy was to keep men ohe goes mto the home an t Ile el 0 f D ee d s J 0111
WhIle lecoldmgs of deeds and
llloitgages 111 the IofficeE of M
al sIla II
'R·Ip, Mel)I er to Be
- - - _••_ - - Pike
.. .... ,
0111'., a l'ollrtl1 "oted

";e~~ Man~vimk~ Cal! B Metzger, busmess January 3 With a balance rt rs one of r~lehmos~ pOP~lal of on the same beat. He said the only health educatIOn she glles ill the ~hol\ed a declme m 1943 o\er 1942
Na ib eIt I1, M IS William G Plnk- of $45548591 In Its General Fund , t TIle e glQUPS \\ Ie WIIJ
stone Penn Valley, Roland R accOldmg to a lepOlt released last addition to the well-known' pa- new men wele bemg broken 111,
pel OIm
Includelele,m changmg that was done was When home She \\Ill tell hO\1 \!srtmg theleb \Ias fa marked
nUlse aSSOCiatIOns cooperate \11th num er 0 mOl gage sa 15 ac IOns
t mCleasp
t f mt the Banquet Speaker The Republipan \ote 111dlcatE'd
fthat I only little mOle than one-
omt 1 of the total reglstlatlon of
FOUlke, NDlth AldmDle James F Thmsday at the office of Tleas- tllOtIC and selVlce tunes the Another pomt which dlScoUlaged boalds of health the plans bemg A total of 5988 Montgomery 98000 \lent to the polls
S\\artz W~nne\\ood, James Sluss, ' d the negotlatmg BOlQugh councll- mane to help leJeeted and retUl11- Countmns satisfied mortgages rn VICtOls at HstE'ldm s electlOll
S Ardmore, Thomas Bal11es. 2d UlerEd\\m Wmner Oveltme MDl~~ng, Noon an men was that as fal as manpOwel ed selvrce men and of the palt the veal Jllst closed as compaledl ---- \\Ill sprle only sl10lt terms, the
Gladwyne MI and MIS Easton In additIOn tl1ele was a balance Night In Vrenna by ~on Suppe, \lent Lo\\er MeriOn couldn't gual- the Cadet NUlse COlPS played 111 \11th 4877 111 1942, an 111clease ofl COnlmUl11'ty \1. 0 Honor <ame offices scheduled to be con-
Clom\\ el I ' JI. Havel f 01, d G 01 d on of $168841 32' m the ~enel al fund IntlOductlOn "Lohenglln" by Act III, "Mld-
to Wagnel from ante" Nar bel th any better protec- the commumty hea 1t I1 program 1,111 J 1\1 G 'd' St l i tes"e I d agam on Novem bel 7. T IIe
BUllmgame. BI~n Ma\\!, and J B f I h ,,' tlOn that It was gettmg no\\'. Low- The Tuesday sessIOn of the
Fl ancls JI, Rosemont-Villanova, 0 the InstitutIOn DIStIlct, w uc I11ght 111 PallS a delIghtful mod- el Mellon has lost a number of Bryn Ma\\! Clllld Health Confel- 8898 01 a decl111e of 754 o\el 1942
Total deeds recDlded 111 1943 \\as~,
A d C,l"rl h Jars 2 lrllnal~ electIon \llll be on Apul
• Mt MOIO IS sepal ate flOm county funds, plus eln compOSitIOn by DaVid Ben- men to the aimed servICes and IS ence held at Lan~astel and Biln \\hen 9652 such papels \\ele tUln- n oac es • an, 7 The lIght \ote and the small,
Hall Y But p I a NOlllstown another $31,73568 111 a speCial neltt, Vrctol Hel bel t f~vOlrtes, fnd opel atmg fal below rts numellcal Ma\\ r A\es, Blyn Ma\\ I, has been ed mto the office for 1 ecOl dmg numbel of candidates made tabu.'
County Pa~ 1011 Savll1gs Challl11an, MontgomelY County InstitutIOn ot lei popu lar and c asslC se ec- q u o t a ' closed a,nd the sessIOn wrll con- MOl tgages fOl 1943 toatled 6049, Lo\\ el MellOn High School's ,atlon of \ otes an easy task for
and hiS leglOnal aides have plan- DIStIlct HOSPital Bmldmg Fund. tlOns The other two membels of the tmlle e\ery Fllday from 2 to 3 1942.7,496 or a drop of 1441 Mls- football squad and coaches W111- electIOn boald ofiklals and letur!!:,;
ned a numbel of rallIes 111 all Tr easUl er Wmn~ I epor ted a tBel11~11 d val g~~n, c01ret ,~olg- public safety committee ar e Loms IPM, It has been announced, by cellaneous papel s showed an m - " ' p o m ed mto the COlli t HO\lse wltll-.
al "I'S of tIle count~· to sU1Jplement balance of $174 972 34 111 the LIQUId rs. \I I P av ascma 10n I
1'1 A Young ana William P DaVies 'die Healtl1 and CIvic ASSOCiatIOn Cl ealie of 4119 0\ el 1!142 nel ~ 401 ;hc [,ecor:d 5tl Hlgh~ yeal 1111 half an 11o\n after the polJs
the commul11ty ploglams bemg Fllel Tax Fund' which rs ealmalk- Barnhouse, and a brass QUaltet, - -__ .~_~. ACcOldmg to Ada M Beerstecher, Receipts of the offICe dlopped of both the SubUlban Confelence closed The last drstrlct to be It:)-
planned ed for highway purposes a bal- conslstmg of Bel nald Hal gadon, T D 'b R t executive secl etal V of the Assocla- $1036158 m 1943 undel 1942 whIch and Big SIX t lt1es \\ tll be honOl ed 1m ned - Bn n Athyn - was re-
The County's 60000 wOlkels Will ance of $49971 m the M~IOPoli- Ike r Kelshaw, Bob Ba~nes, and 0 eSCrl e ecen tlOn, thiS step \\as taken due to \\ as a bannel Yeal The 1942 flg- cel\ cd at 11 05 P M
beargCal\~vlatlslseedlnPldlauslllsngplatclelde oCnatmlle- tan CounCil of Defense Fund, for Da\eb Hufnal WII! pla~ se\elal Trip to Alaska
n, I num els
the smaller attendance at the con- lire was $9973038 and receipts for at a dll1ner at McCalhstel s Janll-
...... ference 1943 totaled $89 36B 80 an' 27
Joseph M. Pratt IR). who led
hiS opponent WillIam A Ballett
purchase of at least one extla $100 w llCh Montgomery County IS the TIle concel t \\ III be dnected bv The Rev. A B, Keeler, D D, of Remmdels al e bemg sent out ~ Lleut Commandel E E (RIp) (D) by 5581 \ otes 111 last 111ght's
Dr BlUce C. Beach, head of the New YOI k, Will speak at Youth tlll~ \IOek b" tIle LO\l el Melloll- T
0 __ _

• war bond bv each 1I1dlvrdual

The commrttpe hopes to excel
deposltol Y.
The total 0f all the se funds IS high school musIc depal tment, Vespers at the Ovel brook Plesby- Nal"bel c
th Seals.,
Sales Commrttees WO H ome N '
urslng MIlICI as<lstant football coach at 510ns
I t
ate IeIIIUlns
the Second
163 f 164 d
0 esslonal
Congl IVI-
ItS recOid of ralhes 111 the 31d Wal $841,50460 but only little mOle hiS son. Bluce B Beach, student tellan ChUlCh thiS Sunday, at 700 to those \\ho received Chllstmas Classes Scheduled tile U S Nalal Academl \\111 be DIstirct (PhIladelphia), wrll fill
Loan dine \\hen hundleds of than half the total Is actually at leade! and captam, Will al~o con- P. M Dr Keelel recently retUlned seals thlOugh the mall and have pl1l1clpal speakel at the banquet the vacancy Cleated by the ICSIg-
• thousands of dollals wele added gtlle disposal ofpurpos
the county for duct sevelal numbers Tlanspor- flom hiS third trip to Alaska as a not "et sent payment for tllem T\\o e\enmg classps In Honle when the Ma 111 LlI1e LIOns CI'" t f J ames P , M cG Ianel y
to the County Quota 111 thl5 efIOlt enel al co t , Uu na IOn 0
d f I The yearunend y
repOl es
t sho\' ed no tatlOn Will be fUll1lshed by the member of a pleachmg miSSIOn Accol'dlng to Flank C Royer Nll1Smg ale schedUled fOI Febllr- Tlophy and the Big .S IX cup \\1 II (D) nO\1 assls t an t t 0 Atto rne Y
R R TituS, pieSI ent 0 tle " Amellcan Red ClOSS, Ma111 LIne that VISited 14 chmches and com-I chairman of the committee fOI:,aIY at the AldmOle Red Cross be a\\alded Tile MalOon \\111 Genelal Biddle
• Synthane Corp Oaks, IS co-oper- Common\l ealth funds at all m the Blanch which al1anges the en- mU111tres III the southeastern pal t tllrs dlStllCt 40 pel cent of tile re- Center star tll1O" on Wednesda',
t tl t tl hands of the tleasUler all amounts
f tl
a mg WI 1 managemen 0 f le , t e l t a l n m e n t plogram at the Hos- of the countlY. tmns ale n~t vet m ,Feblualv 2 and.. Monda\ Feblu- ., take pelmanent po<se,slOnI 0 1 11' Democratic Conl:"ress Lcad Cut
county 1I1dustlles and regIOnal haVIng been tumed over to the pltal, undel the chall manslup of Tlavel \I as by all'. by car over _ _"__••__ _ alY 7, 730 to 930 P M eacn lattel, ha\ lI1g \\ on the tit e t 11 ee The electIOn of Platt and Mc-
chaumen, State MiSS Anne B Townsend. the new Alaska Hrglmay, by lall Th R k R d COUlse \\111 last 12 week5 There rs years stIalght Connell gllPS the RepublIcans a

The WAR and YOU .. I ? M'

aID L'lners 0 D
and legular auto roads. and along
the coast by boat Much that Dl. To Rome
e OC oa a c!lalge of $300 fOl 1I1 S l1UctIOn
One of the featllles of the total of 209 seats 111 the House.
banquet \\111 be an rlabOl ate PIO- \\ Ith fi\ e \ acanlle5 I emaul1ng to
an 60 cents fOl a rpfelPnce book glam featullng ne\\s and plctules lie filled The Democlats, ho\\-

l .J
ue ross oar d Keeler had the Oppal tumty of see- No \ olunteer hOlu s fOI Red Cr oss of the 1943 season CopIes \\ III be nl el <till 110ld I1UlllCIlcal supellOI-
1I1g has to do \\ lth the war effol t Onwar d ever OI1\I'al d they al e al e I equll ed of gl adua tes
T\\elve Main L111e lesldents were He had an mtervlew With Govel- gall1mg step by step
among the dllectols chosen to nOl' Ell1est Gruenmg DI Keeler Onwald ever ol1\lald theY are ,these cla<ses bv callill"... MIS Har- sel\mg
govell1 the ASSOCiated Hospital Will desclIbe the tlIP 111 hiS adQress climb111g liP those hills
f t d t n \I '
ApplIcants mU5t leglster fOl sent to 1750 01 mel s U en s 0 Ity \llth 217 spats F01l1 seats are
HanDled111 the
old Pendel, Chairman, Ardmore 17 gladllates \lho hale died 111
111 the fOlce< \1111 be IJPld
ploglam t1\P5 by 11111101 palty leplesenta-
When McConnell actuallY \\'ll
Gasolme-In 17 East Coast states A-8 coupons are good tluough Ser vIce at the Blue ClOSS plan's 011 Sunday evenmg. Tht~t~~~entl~~~1 a~~~;~~~;~rs ~~~"~~gg 3100. i'el\ Ice Thev 1I1clude Wilham K take Ius seat 111 Congles5 'lS m-
FeblUalY 8. In states outside the East Coast alea A-9 coupons ale annual electIOns held thiS \I eek 111 ----0·--- - For thev know that they al e flght- 0·--- Adelhelm Willoughb\ J Ball ett, C'efimte Cel tlflcatron of the vote
good through JanualY 21. and A-I0 coupons become good JanualY 22 Philadelphia Oil CO, Executive rng the light agamst the wlong Quiz Program A.t Paul Blakeman Samuel J Clev- cannot be madc befOle Janlla,y
New dllectors ale Dr Eugene W
and Iemam good thlough March 21, Penderglass, 428 Owens Rd, as K'nvanls 'Speak er 0 n~l~md ~~~eonward so far away R 0 t ary T ues day pngel, ChaI1e5 R Da\les John J 29 the daY follo\\lI1g the offiCial
Dixon. Robelt R E\elhalt Althur tabulatIOn of the mlhtalY ballots.
Sugar-Stamp No. 30 in Book Four IS good for 5 pounds through Wynnewood, and George P. Rea, Challes W WllItney, of Bala- But they re g0111g on to \lctOlY on A QUIZ Ploglam wa.s featUled at F Foot William Hook R S. :f{lst- Aftel that IS done he \llll ha~e to
March 31. ~t~~;~O~i;% p~~~r~u~yo~:I~3~; Cynwvd, spoke Tuesday l1lght at that Rock Road to Rome Tuesday's luncheon meetll1g of the I lel James B MaCKel17~e flan ~1I alt Issuance bY State offiCials of
Shoes-Stamp No 18 m Book One IS good for 1 pair. Stamp No.1 the Blue ClOSS boald inclUde: the Mam Lme Kl\\ ams Club. HIS Contributed by John McClm- Bala - Cynwl d - Nal bel th Rotar y RMlIb11l0teB RAnthll0111\t' J~~ePh a~ga~~~ hiS cel lIfteate of elcctlOn.
toprc wa.~ "Never Stop Sellmg tock, 222 Hampden Ave, Nalberth. CIlIb, \lrth Rlchald GillIs chau- 0 el em a ." ----.----
on the aaplane sheet m Book Tluee IS good for 1 pall' Funk E Bakel', 306 Bala Ave, Your Way Through Lrfe" Whlt- ••__ _ man of the day actmg ~s QlllZ- GeOlge W. Thompson and James J.ihrary Meeting
Fuel Oil-Period 2 coupons are good through Febl uary 7 in ail Cynwyd, Pelcl\al C Foerdeler, nel', past plesldent of the Pll1l- R d C h 'master. E Tolan • -
areas except the South, whel"e they ale good through January 24 Mount Pleasant A\e, Blyn MawI; adelphra Sales Managels Associa- e ross C aIrman The meet111!!: \\as undel the Gl1dders leeelv1l1g awalds \\111 Scheduled for Tuesday
Penod 3 coupons, now valId m the Middle West, East, Far West, and Rlehald W. Lloyd, Havelford, Lt tlOn, plesrdent of the A B. C Oil Is Main Line Resl'dent ausprces of the VocatIOnal Serv- be mtIodllced 1)\ Challes R (DICk)
R. Alexander MontgomelY. USNR, Burner and Engmeellng Company Ice Committee, and post\\al em- MattiS \\hose tlnee-yeal temlle at The annual meetlllg of the Nar-
South remaIn good thlOUgh Much 13 in the Middle West. East, and Newtown Rd, Villanova, DI Don- and \lce preSident of the PetIol Dr GeOlge P Rea, of Rosemont, ployment and busmess ethiCS \\ele LO\\Cl Mellon has lesulted 111 23 berth CommUl11ty LlblalY wlll be
Far West, and tluough FebrualY 21 in the South, aId C Smelzel, 422 Bryn Ma\U' CorporatIOn. was mtlOduced by Plesldent of Drexel Institute, has among tlle tOPICS discussed .... ms one tie and one defeat held m the Le!!:lon Room of the
Meats, Fats-BlOwn stamps R, S, T, and U ale good through Jan- Ave, Cynwyd; Dr Lucius R. WII- Barney Fischel' James Flancls was been elected chairman of the The Rev Rober t E KelO"hton Gold footballs \1 III be plesented Commul11tv Buildmg on JanualY
uary 29. Blown stamp V becomes good January 23 and remams good son, 1305 MOl rlS Rd Wynnewood: chan man of the evemng Southeastern pennsylvanIa Chap- pr eSlded m the absence or the bv Pllnclpal GeOl ge H Gllbel t and 25 at 8 30 P M
DI COlnelIus 'l' McCarthy, 448 A meeting of the club's boald ter of the Red ClOSS He assumed club plesldent, GeOlge W. R Kllk- s\\eatels by Ra~mond P Scott DI EaIl Lpslle GIIggS, of the
thlough Febl uary 26. Walwlck Rd. Wynnewood, Hon pleceded the dmnel. offrce on Tuesday Janual\ 18 patllck Among the guests \\111 be BIJl Um\elsltl of Penns~ lval1la. will
Plocessed Foods-Gleen stamps D, E, and F 111 Book Four are Vincent A. CaHoll, City Line,
good tluough JanualY 20. Green stamps G, Hand J 111 Book FOUl O\'elblook; Lt Thomas S. Gates,
are good thlOUgh February 20, JI USNR Beaumont and ChUlCh
Rds. Devon; and Philip C Staples,
Vleclorlees 0ver Haverford andUD
pper arby
Gleen, of the Bala-Clnwyd JU11l01 speak on the futme of a liberal
High School football coachmg cducatlOn III the post\\al world.
staff. and HalveY KlIne, of Ald- , - - - - - - - - - - - ;
mOl e JUl1lOl Hlgll F I W L
SELECTIVE SERVICE CHANGES 121 Edgewood Rd., Aldmore. Joseph M Baltz AldmOle rs ourt 1 ar oan

:. . . . GIRL
. . . . . . . . .SCOUT
. . . . . . . . . . . . .:, GI·ve Lower Merleon losiede Track Ine Race ~~le~n~~~l °Lo~:le f~~~~amrJ~~I~~ltt~ Question & Answers
Occupational defelments generally wrll be denred 18 to 22-Year- I
e old legrstrants, other than those 111 agllcu!tUle, fathers and nOll- challman of the banquet commlt-
fathers alIke, unless they are engaged in actlvrtres 111 which deferment : ~ tee Asslstmg Young ar e Baltz \ Ice Q If I am air cady on the PaY-

• IS speCIfically authollzed, according to Selective Servrce, Furthermore,

all registrants wrll be gil'en Ple-mductron physical examInations at ;~
Lowel Mellon Hrgh SchOOl's un-
defeated basketball team has the
Inside tlack m the SUburban One
UPper Dalby dlew wrthm 27-26
With five mmutes to play, but Hen
DeSota and Gltch Stualt came
VlguelS led the Maloon WIth
eight pomts, while Halman and
Belber each contllbuted SIX Bill
chan man, Edmund A Wlutmg, 1011 deductIOn savmgs plan, am I
lecOldl1lg secletal~. MIS Flanklm expected to buy an extlR War
P Klomel, cOllespondmg seCle-jBOnd durmg the Fourth War
. least 21 days before beIng mducted ThelefOle, the periOd of three
weeks In the enllsted reserve now granted by the Almy and the one-
~4". ~
~ League, but fOI the first time In
four yealS flgUles to have a bat-
thlOUgh With thell onlv field goals
of the game to Widen LO\ler Mel-
Ash' s sIX pom t s wele H aver f01 d
best mdlvldual effolt
tar \, and Ra~ mond P Scott, tl eas- Loan?
OtlH'IS on the committee mclude A Yes Falltlle to assume one's
week pel'lod glanted by tlle Navy wlJl be elIminated. These changes Girl Scout Leaders tIe on ItS hands light down to the lon's lead to 31-26 and that was LOWCl Mellon now has \\on nme J C011l~d Balkp!' JI DI Flank full shale of ea(}l Wal' Loan quota
become effectIVe FeblUalY 1. An OpPOI tUl1l ty to sel ve! Regls-
tIatlom can still be made fO! the
finish. suffiCient fOI \'1ctOl~ shalght. mclud111g tlnee 111 a lOW I
P K Bal kel Joseph A BalUe5 COUld, multlphed bv millIons of
The MalOon met ItS aCid tests Lo\\ pr Mellon stal ted Ollt a5 If m the league thiS season It has DI Eall Ball' Captam E W Bon~ othel lllstances endanger the fl-
STABILIZE RATION BUYING GIll Scout Leadelshlp Trammg With bannels flymg \Ihen It upset rt would have ltttle tlOuble, q11lckly \1 on 32 stlalght smce losmg Its last naffon U S' N Ret Frank C nanClng of the Wal
Under the new ratIOn token plan effective FebrualY 27, the 1l0use- COUlse bemg given at the Ardmore Havelfold High, 33-23, last Fllday lunnmg up a 9-2 lead But the leagUe game has tllumphed In 66 B~nson Wrlham Deckei Fledellck Q WrlJ my legular paYloll :sav-
Pr eSbytellan Chur ch under the and nosed out Upper Dalby, 32-30, Royals, who were undefeated m of ItS last 68 contests W DI 'hel Bel11ald R Fischel mgs pUlchase of Wal Bonds count
wile will be able to buy about the same amount of ratIOned processed auspICes of DlstllCt 8 Committee
foods and meats-fats as she can now. Point values will be adjusted so on the latter's COUlt Tuesday, but thlee games, lallred to whittle tile Lowt'rMerlOn Upper Darb" W II ;: Ga'n Walt!' Hammonds' to\\ald the FOIUth Wal Loan?
The sessions ale from 1030 to
• the individual's allotment of 60 points for bnymg meats and fats will 12,30 on January 18, 20, 26, 27,
and Febl'Uary I, 3, 5 and 8.
the stein OPPOSition rn both
games indicated that the defend-
malgm to 9-8 by the end of the
fllst quar tel, and early in the sec- Xi~~~is /
G F' P
1 ~ i>i~~~~~' f g g g
I la e. e, ' A Yes but under the Quota as-
Wilham Hayder:r Doc Howal d, Mh SIgned ~~ch state, even one is ex-
buy the same amount as the present allotment of approxrmately 64 mg state champIOns won't be able ond qual tel' they went ahead, 14- Peacock f 5 3 13 Tho pson, f 0 I I KI omel. Walter B Lo\\ nes Samuel pected to buy an additional War
Contact MIS. G. Gordon Cook, to take anythmg for glanted \I hen 13, on Ted Ely's goal Tile UPI- Whltlng c r I 3 Mulhern f 4 311 K McConnell Jl ,MIs Mall' Scott BOnd dUl111g the peIlod of the
• points. Similarly, under the token plan the 50-point allot1l1ent for Aldmore 5770, at once. the same rivals ale met In leturn Dahs led, 18-16, at halftllne and ~~~)~t:n~g I 2 4 Dlelens,f 0 0 0 McShane, James B MellICk, MI- FOll1th War Loan drl\'e
processed foods w111 buy an amount equal to the present 48-point Glll Scouts need Leaders. games retamed the uppel hand until Hepke g ~ 5 ~ ~~~~\nC g g15 l chael E MUlphv, GeOlge B Nel- Q WhY' should I bu\' ~dditlonal
allotment. Honor Benjamin Franklin Most optlmlstrc followers of the Peacock's two goals tUined tile Delber,g 1 1 3 Hoskins gOO 0 Imgs. Challe5 S Powell, Del1lus bonds \\hen m\' earnulgs ale bale-
On SatUlday, JanualY 15, at 11 Maloon beheve It Will be able to tide. Palme) gOO 0 K patrick gOO 0 Ryan \"1 1\ an Simpson Harold 1\ suffiCient to make both ends
A. M, Gnl Scouts flOm all over \\'111 Its Sixth stlalght league title It was fOltJl11ate that Peacock Tolals 11 1032 Tot,lls 101030 F Van Syckel Joseph P Tac- meet no\\?
e Pre-war model baby carllages, stlollels, walkers, and pushcal ts the city assembled at the Franklm rf I~ at least bleaks even 111 these \\ as 'on". because Ralph Vlguels, J ~~\[~,' cll!~~ 1~~'I()dS 9 7 conelh Hel bel t E POOle and A E\ ell one should stnve to
will re-appear on the market in about SIX weeks, accordmg to WPB Institute to help lllaUgUlate Thllft two games because thel e IS a \\ ho usually sets the SCOl1l1g pace Upper Dal bl 8 10 : ~=~d Hem y M Har man buc!get tllell eal11l11gs so that some
Gleater avarlabillty of steel makes pOSSible the production of these Week and the FOUl th War Loan stlong pOSSibility that Havelfold \\as banked flom the field and OtnclaIs-Fle} and L;,wson ----.- -- - money can be set aside as savmgs
• pre-war models.
Dllve. January 17 was Benjamin
Franklin's bnthday, so the Girl
and Upper Dalby may cut each co-captam Phil Halman was the
",Herford I Ol\er "Ierlon
Main Line Realtors fOI allV emelgency that may oc-
Scouts placed a wleath at the foot
I s th loats. The Royals and
otler only MalDOn plaYer able to SCOle G F P G F' P To Attend Dl'nner ell! D lllmg waltlme, tl lese sav in gs
SCHOOL LUNCHES of the Franklin statue dUI'ing the
FOlds clash at BlookUne Friday more than once flOm sC1l1l1mage. Hicks f 0 2 2 Vlguers f 3 2 8 can best be most patrIOtically in-
America's school chlJdten have been assUled by the Oflice of Price while Norrlstown, with just a so-so Halman scored two goals. Tllchet, f 2 1 5 Peacock, r 2 0 4 Alexander Kelensky, former vested In War SavIngs Bonds. If
AdminIstration more generous amounts of food for lunchroom and
ceremony. G. Ruhland Rebman,
Jr., newly appointed ChaiIman of
team, comes here to play L. M. at Upper Dalb~' had two outstand- ~~r.t~er, c ~ 5
5 ~Ft,°etr~''; ~ g ~ Plemlel of RUSSia and Congress- emergency should arise, these
Downs Gym. Norristown lost to Ing players in Dan Mackm, broth- .Ash. g 3 0 6 Stuart, c I 0 2 man Walter H. Judd of Mmnesota bonds can be ledeemed at full
the War Finance Committee ad-
• cafeteria meals under a new plan for provrding rationed food to
schools. The neW allotments were worked out by OPA in close cooper- dressed the DIstrict representa-
tives and leceived their pledges t~
Upper Dalby, but defeated Ab-
ington 111 plevlous league engage-
er of Hal Mackm, F. and M. star,
and Harry Mulhern, who SCaled 13
Sdelman, g 2 0 4 Harman g 2 2 6
Totals Ii "723 Whiting, g 2 I 5
Will speak at the Phlladelphra Real value
Estate Boald's 36th annual ban- Q. Isn't It Just as well to put
ation with school lunch and nutution experts of the Food Distribution ments. and 11 points, respectively. Totals 13 7 33 Quet, to be held JanualY 22, m the m~ savings mto tire bank. bUIld-
become Junior Bond Salesmen r~~~foM~ll()n ','
• AdmInistration. The Govel'l1ment's school lunch program, which went They 111 tum took Rebman's mes-
Stan Peacock was the Lower
Melion spalk m the thrilling vic-
A SizzlIng filst half attack eaIn-
ed the victory over Havelford The
3 3 7 10-23
Offlclals-Kneedle' an~ B\lt/ 8-33
BeJlevlle-StlatfOid. rt was an- Ing and loan, or insUiance to sup-
nounced Yestelday by Maullc!! R.!port the \\ar effolt as rt IS to buy
into effect one ~'ear ago, is a wartime meaSUle to make sure that school sage back to their dlStllcts to en- tory ovel Upper Darby. He scored Maroon took a 9-3 lead at the end Masse~ Boald Plesldent. Bonds?
children wrll have a well-planned and nutlltlonallY adequate noon lIst the sel'Vlces of local tr oops five tlmeh' field goals and tluee of the ft.lst perIod. aftI'I the FOlds S~r,~I~~~N(.:J~~~ J1~/~~,~E Allangements fOi the banquet A Yom SaVl111l'5 111 the banks,
The Mam Lllle \\as lePlesented all' m chuI£e of a speCial com-I blllld1l1~ and loan associations,
by thlee gills, a Senior Ghl Scout
from Merion T!oop 264, Jean
llee thlo\\s fOi 13 points. Two of
Ius goal~ came In quick succeSSIOn
had led at 2-0 and 3-2, and gladu-
ally boosted rts advantage untl! It
Lo"er 1IIellon ......... 3
1000 I
lmttee of \\ I11Ch Fred E Caballero and 111 1l1surance compal1les aU go
When writing to soldle15 ovelseas, paltlcularly those in the tropics,
home folks may help contribute to their health, says the War Depart-
Hoffman; an Inte1medlate flom ~l~W~~t ~fSl~~e U~~~~ riae:~~dle~~ ~~~~ ~~~it~i~~:b~::::::::::::: ~
the neWly organized T!'oop 94 of and give the Maroon a 22-220 ad- hal! and fought the Maroon on .AblnKton 0 3
t ~ ~g:Ii{~~~
IS FI a nklln Duncombe of ~o~:I~m~~t~kt;l~;~ai~~~~~lt°~
000 Bala-Cynwyd Methodist ChurCh/war Savings Bonds over and above
Bala, Nancy Flood: and a Brownie vantage. L. M. then managed to even terms, but was unable to ~~~'U~~\\g~~~S Lower Merion. has been asked to offer the rnvo- what you customarily save through
Cotltlnued 011 PClIe Two from Merion's new Troop 262. stay in front the rest of the way. bridge the early deflcit. UPller Darby at HaVerford. cation. these methOds,

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