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Vol. 28-No. 45 • •E~B~R~U-:.:A~R~Y~3,~19~4:..:4_:--

._ P_R_I_C_E:-F_IV-:E:-C_E_NTS-;-

K~E~IG~HT~ON~RE~EL~E~~~ED~U~E~AD~O~F~~Ke~yst~one~w~arn~s~~C~OM~PLETES ~TH MISSION $2,000,000 Autocar Purchase Brings

• NARBERTH COMMUNITY UBRARY :g,:?'E,:;2:~~:~~:" Ke~sLone Automobile Club has
Main Line Drive To 75% of Goal
made an investigatIOn of "Vita-
Speaker Stresses Need Of Liberal Education PIUS', a laello-advertlsed gasoll11e FOURTH WAR LOAN DRIVE Japanese Atrocities
In Post-War 'Vorld; Mrs. Robert P. . addltl\e \\Inch PUlPOltS to glvc
gl ea t\y mCI eased car mileage LOWER I\IERION TOWNSHIP Spurs Workers To
\Vetherald Is New Trustee The Club IS m lecelpt of a le-
POlt flom the National Bmeau of
Summary to Date
More Effort
Number of Amount of
Standalds which says the PI oduct DIStllct PopulatIOn SUbscriptIons SubScIIPtlOns
An interesting and stimlllatll1g talk on lIberal education consists chiefly of naphthalene, 'a Penn Wynne-
a llO Its place in the I)Ost-war world was presented at the an- chemical famlhal to evelY one 111 Ovel brook HIlls 3000 315 $119050 MERION REPORTS
nual meetll1g of the Narberth COmmlll1lt\' LI 1)ral \. AS<;OCIa-
the fOim of molth balls" The
BUleau also discounted a 'test
117700 1000/0 COVERAGE
tIOn last F1Idav I1Ight In the LegIOn Room of the Narberth lun' of 274 miles which appal- Wynne\\ood 3000 162 167575 As the FOUith Wal Loan Drive
Commul11tv Rutldll1g. enth gave an mCleased mileage Nalbelth 5200 not lepolted 66225 passed the half way malk, the
The speaker \\cUi Dr Eal1 L GrIggs, professor of ne221~lgelo~ent~ng~~tt~~g~~st \~1~; Soutll AldmOle 7300 'lncludes4~8 0 sales) 45100 Lowel Mellon-Nalbelth DIstrict
.. \Ish at the Unl\elsity of Penn s yhal1la, a reSIdent of Mel'lOn,
Aftel diSCUSSing some of the+-- - -
made with a cold motol and t\\O
additIOnal 1uns 0\ el the same
NOith AldmOle
Penn Valley
44 425
lepolted bond sales totahng $3,-
775825 01 755 per cent of Its quota.
chIef factOls n1\olved In a hbelal LeO'ion to Repeat cOUlse \Iele made aftel the motOl West Manavunk . l~gg l~g 19~ gi~ of $5000000
echlcatlOn DI GliggS eXJ)l e-<sed
the opinIOn that thcle \\11l be a
PIg Roast of 'w·
41 dh had \\ al med up
Had Vltaplus ben lun 11lst and
Blyn Ma\1l
Glad\lyne 2000 52
2 4 25
~1 875
The second week of the cam-
palgn saw a big sPUlt in bond
1cal necd fOI that t\ pe of educa- 81. I Ch .. .• unt! eated gasolme last" the Bu- Havel fOI d .. , '0". , ,2800 41) sale< engendel cd In pal t by the
• tlon followll1g the \\ al and pat tICU- Ig lt ange:: I eau s lepOt t to the Club says, the Rosemont 1400 33 ~g ~gg news of the Japanese atlocltles
lall~ fOl the men \\ho can Plofit Off f tl TI D ~'11 conclUSIOn that Vltaplus decleas- Villanova 700 40 and by the pUlcllase of $2,000,000
bv It I Icel SOle 10111.1 S ,a - ed the nlllcage \I ould undoubtedly of secUlltles by the Autocal' Com-
He \\as mtloduccd b' DI Al- dl\el POst AmeIlcanLe~lOn Bala- have been leached" Totals 49900 12520723802050 pam' Aldmole
Ian G Chcstci a membel of tl1e, ~ I "~ a c
C ' 1\" 'd I askmg thcn memb-el s
35 IndDCtedFor
- --.---- Al dmot e Busmess DIStllct (mcludmg Penna Co salee) The Autocal's SUbscllptlOn was

Narberth Man Is . .
LlblalY Bo,ud of Tlustees and a to lemembel the good old pig 3,775825 the lalgest lepolted to date ill
colleague of DI GlIggS at the loast \lav back m MalCh 1941 Total MontgomelY Count\ and \las an-
Ul1IVen,lt\ of Pennsvl\ ama \\ ho On Tuesda, l1lght Febl ItalY 8
was challman of the comnllttec the, ale lepeatmg the loast b,
i populRl lequest but the\ hasten to January Quota LEADS DRI\TE
ncunced by Robel t P Page. Jr,.
PIl'sldent of tile Company
fO! the annual meetlllg
One new tltlstces \\ as elected add \llth sltght changes '
and two othels \\ele Ic-elected at The~ II open the lOast at the
the meellllg Thc lle\\ membel of PO-st'g soda bal at 5 P M ploceE'd
the LlbralY Boald IS MIS Robelt to the pig" at 630 sep a sound ----
Uh Wddi
S er at e eng
l Flom Mellon came the fast le-
POI t of 100 pel cent COVel age in
the house to house dllve In the
dlStllct captamed by Dudley S.
Thomas evelv house has been so.
P Wethelald whIle the le-plected film 'The NaZI Stllke at 8 P M Bank Cashier AITIong helted Flam the 104 houses 111 the
membels ale MISS Fanm H Laos and hear 101 see) Rosalie at cilstllct 96 SUbScllptlons have al-
and Kenneth L M Pla~ 845 P M As an added I11ducement Those Assigned Off. leady been tUined 111 Thomas ex-
The lepOlt plesented by the they plomlse a . \elY shOll, bUSI- To Army Coast Guard Icer pects that eVelY house Will be lep-
Marrl'es Mt. AI·ry GI·rl

man sho\\ MISS
ed a Atotal
CII culaTat-
fOl 1943 of 29658 a declease of
12579 ovel thc plevlous Hal
tlOn ncss mectmg

\\llICh was attllbuted to wal-tl1l1C

EIeetedHead 0f
>i --~.---
Flom the Janualv quota m-
ducted by the Blyn Mawl Selec-
II\e Boald 22 men went to the
MISs Jane Shanel daughtel of
MI and MIS I K Shanel of 124
the dllve by a SUbScllptlon before
James A Lynd Lowel Menon-
Nalbelth Challman, eXPlessed the
OPl1110n, ba,~ed on lepolts flOm
condItions At the end of the \ eal I
the Llbl al ~ housed a total of 13491 1
books of which 665 wele added
dUllng 1943
Boro Assocla t-Ion
AlIllV 11 to the Nav, and 2 to the
Mallnes SIX of the quota wetC
Among the mductees \\ho \\('le
S/Sgt James E Dolan of C~nw"d tall gunner of the Eighth
AAF Fj,ll1g FOitless Eight Br,lI," poses for an Allnv pll0-
RoumfOl t load Mount Any ana
Lieutenant lJg) DaVid Wiley HII-
see U S C G son of MiS
Challes M Hllsee' of Blooklme
captams In the vallOUS communi-
tIes that the entll e dlStllCt wllI be
co\eled house-to-house befOle the
alive IS O\el
Fe\H'1 books ha\(~ been PUI- gl\en depaltUle fill laughs aftel toglapl1el upon completIOn of J IS 25th bombmg miSSion o\cr blvd BlOokline, \lele mal lied 'TheIl" IS e\elY indication" he
chased thIS ,eal becausc the pub- theY \\ele Il1ducted \las Call B Gelmany and enem, oCCUPied EUlope Vetelan of se\elal of the SatUlday e,en1l1g- at 730 P M In <aId' that OUI dlstllct should meet
llshels' lists have been ~hol tel due Henry A. Frye Nalned Metzgel ca 'hlel of the NatIOnal Eighth s hlstOI y makll1g opel a twns l11c\udmg the epIc attacks the Mount An ,_ PI esbyteuan It" quota The Iesponse of both
to the papel shOltagc the LI- Bank of Nalbelth on MallenbUlg Scl1wcmfUit and Munstel S/Sgt IS the blother ChUlCh The celemony \\as pel- \IOlkeIS and CitIzens to the feeling
.. blallan s lepOlt stated The papet
shOitag-e has plo\ed cxtlemely
sellous to the IIblalles as the
President at AUllual
The list of tnose mducted lIna
the sel\lce to which the\ \Iele as-
Signed foBO\\s
of M,ss DOiothy Dolan 1048 MontgomelY Ave NRlb21th
Dolan s slstel, DOlOtlw IS a nteee of MIS Geolgc McFadden
1\l1o<e husband IS a Phlladelpllla leal estate man She Ines \\Ith
f011lled b\ the Rev Theodole
Meek pastol of the cl1Ulch
The bude who was gIVen in
of hOllOI engendeled by the level-
atlon of the Japanese atrocities
has lesulted In an upSUlge 111 both
number Of, COPies \\Inch \\e ale Challes M Mecke 175 Summit the McFaddens on Montgomelv A\e In Nalbelll1 Dolan Itves maulage by her fatbel, \las Ithe numbel and amount of sUb-
able to bm has bccn St11CU, CUl- Lane Bala-CYnwyd Na\ y GpOI ge k C d 0'0\\ ned 111 white Silk CI epe tllm- SCllptlOns ..
tailed" Nal bel th 1ecelved It'cognltlon 11~ D Sayel s 141 Shawnee Rd AId- \\ Ith 11Is uncle, Chal\es Mec"e 111 ~ n\\Y Died m lace and hel fittgel-tlp , MI Lvnd also lcqucsted Rny

The TleasUIcl s }f'POlt sublmt- the MontgomelY Countv BOiOUghs 1110le Almy CI1I1ton L MellO!
ted by MIS Kathallne W Bates ASSOCiatIOn \\hen ItS sollcltOl 875 Buck Lane Ha\elfOld Almy
shOl\ed total lecelp1...s of 5422337 Hentv A Fl\e \Ias elected P)(~SI- EJnestO Famou' 21 W FlontSt
al.c1 expendltllles of $392733 As- cent of the olganlzatloll fOl 1944 W Conshohocken NalY Robelt A
Former Editor Of HODOr RII
I 0 For
len th veIl of tulle feU flom a
g t f lace Hel budal bou
~~II~n~f ~lllte loses SUllounded al;
e cOlsag-e
(Marsel a studIO PllOto)
pelsons that bave not been actIVe-
!y engaged In sohcltmg subscrlp-
HenlY D Hallal Mont~omelY tlcns who now Wish to add their
Counl\ Chan man of the FOUllh effolts to the Dine to get m toucll
scts listed 1I1cludc $500 111 tile at the annual meetmf.( last Tlmls- Kell1s Conshohocken Ave and
eqUIpment fund, a 5500 U S c'a\ mght at CltV Hall NOllls- 1Woodbll1e Nalbelth Alnn AWeu
Fund and $25 111 a savings fund
the ChE'twood to\ln IJ Baffa 40 Ashland A\e West
Fl\e \\ho hIE'S at 115 W\ nnc-, Manayunk Alm\ Call B Mdzgel l U I
'News' IntervIAWs
Sse Grolll1dllog '"' Seeond Qnarter t

M g et Robl11son of War Loan Dll\e was co-chan- WllhThl"'!lml !'etl\MICeel,1O\~111719b5e5lnost \"el-
M ulnSt AI1~1 \~~S the matlon of man of tl1e Lowel Mellon TJ1ad ,,-,
come 111 a follO\I-up of the tClrl-
c~~~let;1e~~~~ksm:I~~s ~~;~ ~all Ltoan t{a~ralgnl dU~b~g ton m \\hlch thE'Y lesldp as weU

• At a meetmg of the BoalCl of dale Road Nalbelth sel\ed a.s ~50Manol Rd W\nne\\oocl A11n\ I F b 2 G dl 0' Day' IS, f PI I d I \I lIC1 Ime 1a ownS11p - a", addll1g Impetus to SoliCitation
Tlustecs follo\\lI1g the annual ehanman of the plOglam (om- El\\ooel L MUlphy 120 FOld St al1/t1\~~~I:cal \S~i:sle I~~~ p1~~adCI- Nlanc~ .MalqUa~\~:1S ~ele ~fa ;et ped the pelfOlmance of thIS amOng the busmess houses of the
metll1~ the plesent offlcels \\el e mittel" of the County BOI ollghs, "Vest Conshohocken Alm\ ,John Iphla Zoo s ~ el sallic \I eat hel 1;IOg- List Given Out By p lla t II l~u tJ~e rna lion of 11on01 count~ ITownshIp , he said

Ie-elected The\ ale Robelt E IAssoclatlOn fOI thbe pa~tNseb\eltal' S MeGO\\1I1 544 Manol Rd W\l1- nostlcatOl 101 IS It pIC\allcatol)
Kelghton Pi eSldent Robel t M \ eal S He has
Camclon' \ Ice 1>1 eSldent MISS IBOI ough sollc ItOl fOl mall\ \ eat S ~28 W 31 d A\ I" Conshohocken matched leI PlOP lCC\ \\ I 1 la °t
een aiel' 1 ne\\ ood Nm \ Rocco T Plel 0'1 aSSl I
Fanny H Loos secleta" and l\IIS and also selved as BUlges,>; of the Allm Thomas MOlgan 949 Sal- ~~col~~~~niglI~~;~d 1~1~1~~0~~~~g~~_
I 1 I I I o,·rer erJOn
tJ tI t f
~., 1\ IT

maids a soft shade of gl een The~

~8.llled bouquets of halmol1lzmp-;,

$98 525 B00dS 4P·
1~~~ln:O' eblonze and the blldes- - -- --
010t Program
----- .~ _

Kathallne W Bate~ ttea~U1el BOlOUgh g(l1t A\e BI\n MaWI Nal\ Elle ,., d F b i Lo\\cl MellOn HIgl1 SCll001 of-I o\\elS ISId b W
f 1
----.--- Leland HO\ e\ NOillstOl1 n ['oun- Shaw 616 FOI d St W Consho- hog ~(!c, ItS sha 01\ on e Iual \ flclals thiS \\ eek announcrd tl1e
ulman \\as elected Vice PleSI- hocken Alm~ John J Conti 210 2 (Candlemll.s Da\) It becomes hanOI loll fOl the second qUallei bllde \\as attned 111 aqua clepe
MI s Shanel the mothel 0 t le
0 y omen or oy couts

Rev Seott EIeeted

dcnt and Knelscl C Acton Bn n Gll"enfleld A\ e Al dmolc AlI1n fll!;'htcnrd letn es 11110 ItS bm- If a pupIl has fll e malOI sUb- \11th matchll1g featheled hat The
Atll'n and Velnon E Wvnne LClUlS Augu'tme 214 Jeffelson 10\\ and slel"ps fOJ anot!lel SIX ]ecLs and 1l"CeneS A 111 fOIll of glOoms mothel MIS Hllsee \\ele

Fd - Head
e eratlon
Conshohocken welele-eleeteclSec- Rt We t Mana~unk Alm~ Rob- \\eek'-and that means thele \1111 111 rm and B 111 thc othcl he IS fuschia clepe \\tlh handless ofl
letalY ana Tleaslnel le,pectllelv ~It F ~o\\ell 107 Olchald Wa, be SIX \Ie~ks mOle of Wmtci Iflilleluded on the fa,t honol loll
of the assoCIatIOn Rosemont AlI1l\ Raymond 0 thelc IS no shadol\ the gl0l1l1d- Follo\\lng IS a hst of those \Iho Olchlds
sihel and thell COl sages well" of INar1ler th CI b ,r Iun- FI·rst E,'eIlt to Be
U 0
I Count\ COl11mlSslol1els Fled CRone Conshollccken State Rei hog lemalll, outsldc-ll1cal1lng that placed on tlw honOl 1011
,Petels and Fostel C Hlllel.:ass Nalbelth Aim, Robelt L Bagb\ SPlll1g IS hell' t Selllols
Charles Closlel Hllsee USN
blother of the gloom acted as best
Iteers Also Sold $7437 Valley Forge

\leiC guests at the affan \\Ith 5924 Alch st Plllladelphlll AlI1n Plofe'slon~1 \\eath~lmen qual-
Jean McL(~cl LaRue Platt ~an and the ushels well" Donald In Stamps At Booth PilgrimaO'e
.. War·T bs D N S Ive
0 0 0t 0
Judoe WIlham
the s!'eakel
F. Danneho\\('1 ,IS Welt L Cullls ,Jl
I Wa\ Mellon N,\\,'
282 WI'1c!1l1l 1E'1 \\Jtl1
Imall1talllll1g that It IS ImpOSSible I
forecast< •
Shanc. USN blothCl
bllde and C Hyatt Kmg of Nal-
of thc I- • h
AIl P ro bl ems, Says FI \ e and John R Hall Nal- I Challes M' H~11I \ 44 Plospect I to tell mOle than a \ll'ek 111 acl- Pat Ca\ dnaugll Mel Eckel"on bel th I Wal bonds totahng $98525 \\ PI e DetaIls of the FoUl Pomt Pro-
belth tax collectOi J em esented A\ e Bl yn MaW! Almy UI,s:;es I all( e \I hat SOIt of \\eathel IS IIEI nest Hutchll1son k Ge~wan~i" I
A 1eceptlon at the home of the sold bet\\een Febl ualY 1 1943 and I glam ' fOl Boy Scouts of the Mam
Secretary Ithe BOlow~h of Nal bel th BI \ ant 761 S 16th SL Phllaclel- COll1ll1g In an"fc\ enL Susie \ IStllt- ~lensteg1 al~e~n y~:'dl~~ Ath::h~ I
bllde s palents follo\\ ed the cele - Janual\ 31 1944 at the Wal Bond LlI1e \I PIC announced I ecenLly by
- -----0>- pl11a AI m\ Wallace Hansbell \ ed the Hall 0 WcatllPl at 1C I enn 1, e many aftel \I hlch the coup l e Ie f t'l booth m Nal bel th
The Re\ B L Scott pastolof
10 C C ·t· Di· es, • • Ul IS
4S Ll11\\ood A\e AldLl101P Allin IFlalllC!1l1 Ill'tltute on WednE'sdav J,1I11lS0n
Geolg-e 0 Ste\Plls 156 Glecn mOlllmg fOi a chat \11th Almand I Sopho~rcsd B
on a weddmg tllP to the Poconos
:1 They wlilteside In Ne\\ YOlk
MIS L V Homshel 510 Beech- the Valle' FOige CounCil which
\lood Lane Nal bel til \Iho has supeilises SCGut fletilities m Dela-
• the LO\\ Cl Mellon Baptist Chlll ch I Advertising Executive Lane Mana~ld1lc All11' Robel I W II SpItz etnectol of MeteOl ologv of I Sue A\\ho~se ~~al I elni~~ The bllde IS a gl aduate of GCI-I been the challman of the Wal \\ al e and Montg-omel Y Counties
Blon Ma\\1 I\a', elc([cd pleSldellt Blubakel 505 Lancastpi A\e Hav- the Inslltutc and fOlmel cdltOl Jml BI mg on a~1 ,n mantO\\11 High School LlcutenantlB d d St COl mitt e 01 1 If 1 f
of the Mam L1I1c Fcdel atlOn of i 'Ved in Merion I el fOI d Allnv ElI1e-t J HodE'l 427 of the Ha\ el fOl d TO\l nshlp Ne\1 s 1FI ances FIIl1J Fltll~ Hatg r~E HIIsee \1 ho 1ecen ed hiS 1\ II1gS on I t1~~1 w~en s ~~mun~ '0' Clilb of Tloops \\ llCh Q la I y 111 a lour
• ChUi ches at that OIgamznt IOn s I ~ I Woodbll1e A\ e Nal bel th Nal'" Thel!' she examll1es some of the I Jo ~ason ane j ussel e Janual \ 21st at Pensacola Fla, I Nal bel th dlll1l1g that pCllod an- pI ogl ams 111 additIOn to meetmg
annual l11eetll1>: Monda' 11lght at Funel al s 1\ I~es wei e heldhlTlle~- IDel1ls A Boyle 1050 Flo\ d Tel- \\ cathel II1sLIlIn1rnts and pal t'-I Tllckel II hi III \\ III be sta tlOned at Floyd Ben- Inounced the \ eal s sales tot al cel ta In set Iequa e1l1ents fU e deslg-
St Mal' s Palish House Al dl110I r da\ Janufl\ 2:> fOI MI
Dl Scott succceds the Re\ ~lll f"s 0 Me\IOn \\ h1 lW
2 t elUd IIdce Bn n Ma\\ I AlIIl' Albel t \V IC1pa ted 111 the Ieeol dmg of a 1adlO I TI f I?Jlora C t I ICI1~IO~1ave Ie- nett Field N Y He IS a gl adu-I Tuesday at a meetmg of the dUb na ted as Rpd Stal TIOOPS, and 1e-
1~ 0 ~w1l11 ~uc en is least t\\O ate of HaVel fOi d To\\ nshlp High A total of $7437 111 Wat Sa\ _ cel\ e awal ds symbollc of the
• Rogel C Stimson pastOi of the en \ last FIIIC ay 111 t Ie a me- C\l1\\\ d Na\ ~ Eugene \V Cnan
AldmOie Mcthodl<t ChUIch \1110 maml Hosplta 409 Lancastel A\e Ha\elford Report on New
- IZllenzlgel 139 Montgol11cl, AI e bl
- -- .~- - C?w 0
gl a es 0 b Jl~t a and belO\\ School and the Ul1I\ elslty of Il1gS Stamps \\ as also sold' dllllng honol
1ell ma]OI su Je s ~ b ts Pennsyhanla the \eal at the booth MIS Hom- Fllst event fOi thp Mam Lme
11ad sCl\ed as the FedclatlOns
pIP'ldent 101 the past SIX \ eal s
!\il CllItlSS lIas associated \\lthINf:lY Flank C ShOle Gle\stonel
DOl pmus and clomlPalJlY bad\el tlS- 1Apts Ha\ elf01 d Al11l\ GeOi ge I
Othel officcls clectcd aL U1e I11g agenc, He lac a so een em-! Hilt 1033 FOld St West Consho-I
mcetmg ale The Re\ Fledellck plo~ed b\ the PI1Jladelpl1la E\en- hocken Nan Edwald W Neely CoDnly'HOsplta
Bin thcn othel l11a]OI u lec
SUnJOfj~ck BostWick
NOima Blo\\n Wllhal11 TaYlo:
NarberthWomen ----.~--- shel said
DIStllCt \\111 be the ValleY Forge
MI s Homshel Ietned as Bond Pllglll11age 'cheauled fOl Satm-
f 11
'k I b f 11 aav Feblual' 19 al Waync Ap-
1aam~~ 0 I~e c 1e °ISO\~~~: plOxlmately 300 Scouts ale expect-
1': Sevmoul lectOI of St GeOlges!lI1g Ledgel The PllIladelphm In- 506 BlookhUlst Ave
ChUl ch Al dmol e, fil st \ICC Pi eSI-1 qUII el and othdel b pUlbllcatflonsD
dent the ReI Russell Hal\lev He IS SUl\I\e Y 11S WI e 01- Maple Hill Rd Gladw,ne Almy
BI<hop pastOl of the Fllst Baptist 01ln Thompson CUitt-s a daugh- HallY D Reese 2nd ConcOld AI111S
Mallnes Gl anVille WOll ell 31 d
Campbell Ruth COlson Jose
HPhWOt F°it\~~OHU~~fla H~II~tes~il
0 IS el
Katl1ellne Magudle Jack ~a
WI-n Art Honors
Ol~ Rd la~ len
meet 19
s A~~1al~~sl bel
r A th
S ud ed to palade flom the lallload
B thto an~ sta tlOn to thc Radn(11 Township
and HIgh School and latel to hike to
\\yn a tOld St Da\lds ChUlch and othel
Chmch 'Aldmole Serond Viceitci DOlOthv B CUltlSS a blothel Ha\elfold Mallnes Joseph A 166 Pati nts We IlI1cklodt Gelal Mall1101f el'l a IS ellOn \\ 10 \II C histOIlC sites
PI eSldent Robel t W Gn \ 111 3d IJf11l1 lS W ~lll tlss en /nd ~llCe~JlsteIs \\'Itte 731 MontgomelY A\e Nal- cere ~fn P~IOla~1 N£..¥~lll~e ~1~~CC!;I1~~~~ a~.{J~;cb~\r;';eI10cated on FOil pst Second el ~nt \I III be a 'Camp-
Wynnc\\ood TlcasUlel and Cmus
L Cla\ Aldmolc Sceletal\
t: 1'le sPM el J 1\ IS C \al liS betth Na\~ FlanCIS J Welsh 131
I elllu and IS ames Ol\e S 8th All", Conshohocken Almy
Admitted During
lza e 1
El \ U 'S111101lS William Mla.-
Exhibit Sponsored A\c neal Ha\elfold A\e \1111 OIee 111 tile ::;Plll1g, thnd a \aned
contlllue to be staffed dalh ex- SUml11el act1\ltles P1oglam, and
Tlllstees elected IIlclude tile Re\ all of Ne\\ YOlk I Wilham J Leflal 253 E 8th A\e ,\110 J By County Federation cc t Sunday bY clUb \\omen \01- fGluth the FalI lound up
El11est C Ealp BI\n Ma\\1 the Intellnnnt \Ias I))l\ate and the Conshohocken Na\y I NI11Ita Balkl~:;:~r~Vllllam Beln- \l~e IS OllO'lnalh ooened bv the Tloops qualified "It plesent ale
Re\ Andle\\ Mutcll W\11l1e\lOOa sel\lces \lele at Ohlel H Ball s 111 ItS 11lst full "eal of ~.ld Hall' Gill GeOige Glennel, Of Clubs Eme~gencv Alct the booth has 1101\ I AldmOie 1 Bala 3 Blyn Mawr 1
DI Flank Watson Ha\Ctlold, --:,-_._- - Services Held Ii~or ., opela- LOUIS GOldbeck Ruth Heideman been entaely taken o\el b\ the and 3 Glad\\\ne 1 Mellon 1 and
Ralph Da\enpolt the Re\ Ho,,- Nalne Llndenmeyr tlOn the l1e\\ hOSPital llt the Ph\lhs Lta\C1I Anne Mclltov, Woman s Club 1 2 Wa\ne 2 RadnOi 1 Penn Wynne

~~ ~~~ ~1~ S~~~~I tgc~l\\~~\ t}i~ll~ To Ration Board

d Robt. ~A.. Anderson Montgomell County InstitutIOn MalIC Pollock Mafalda Regl11elll th~~~~P~~~ ble~f~1 t;k~~t~t ~1~;~,d1~ ¥b~ 9~~1 ~::;~~n)~ 0~1;~lli3also
1 ap-
L Cia' and the ReI Albel t C Robel t A Andel son speCial DIStllCt Home at Black Rock neal WllIlam RelSnel LOUIse Scott Annual ExhIbitIOn of Pamtmg and 'Vorld War Ace piles to cub Packs composed of
KanZm~gel all of AldmOle Hel1l~ Lmdenl11eYle has been agent fOl the NOIth\\estel11 Mu- Ro\elsfOid \\as a 'deCIded lIn- Geltlude Sunan Howald Wagman SculptUle by lesldent P1ofesslonal DO A HOI \Ollngel bo,s and Sel1lOl Scout
Membels of the Exccut1\e Com- nlade a membel 1d ~ tr BHnBMaldl tual Life IneUiance Co died Mon- PlO\Cl11cnt' OVCI the old hOSPItal BalbalR WeJoll altlsts sponsoled by the Montgom- les ospIta t 1l1.Its composed of oldel boys With
... 1111tlee at lalO'e elccted RIC MI- J ;ral tfllce ai
He bel t Baltz Wynnel' ood 1'111 s 01 l
a I?nmg tl oa
le pas -eVI"l a 1110n lS 11 \I as 69
da~ 111 Blyn Mawl Hospital He accoldll1g to the annual lepolt of Patllcla B~U~~~o§~~n Bougalde C PlY County Fedelatlon of Womens
James A Connelh JI fOll11elh ,peclal e\ents apPIOPllate to the
1 F b ages of the pal tlclpants
R \ d L B H fOld has been handlmg the 111sLItutlOnai Ml Andelson was o\el 30 YealS the DIStilct HOl11e Jfan !3luggeman The ExhIbitIOn which ended 01 Menon dtec Tuesda\ e IU-1 Many hoops aale plannllH~ spcc-
E 1~~aIBal - ~~d~l~\~~e l\~~ ~I John and mdustllal food Iat IOns and a membel of the Nelg-hborllood The IepoH submitted bv th< Bal hal a Chapman Romeo Cor - S" tUidm was held at Gimbel BIO- an 1 111 BJ\ n Ma\\1 HOSPital af- lal act l\ !tIes fOl Boy Scout al1111-
Todd Damel Fiances Flahclt~ 41 allists dlSpla,l11g thea wOlk
• f t neB M M d \\ 111 now sel\ e 011 the food panel Club of Bala-CY11l\ \ d and fOI the Hom Supel ltE'11 1 t M t L done LOll alllc Cuctu ulIo Man t hel s' Stole 111 Plllladelphla WIth tCI a long IlIness vel <aly \\ eek Fcbl ual Y 8 to 14
1\ B\ls CI I\n
MI s S Edcat DOlI ns AldmOi e
a1\1 , I
I an fOi Ihe Boald
LmdenmeYI IS a gladuale of Club
last 10 ,ears a dncctor of tne e, u [en al 111 Dllluur the last \\al ConnC'lI\ Amon typIcal pvents ale palent:;
HOlll to the expcutlve and ac1111111- MalY Lou Haldeman Jane Hans- MIS C Bunklev Tll1 nel WYl1ne- sel\ cd \llth the Lafa) ette Escan- Ightsg UiOglRms attendance of
Il'e Re\ Anr~ el'rI Mutcl~ W, nn~- Wllhams College He came to MI Ander son \\ ho 11\ pd at 9 Iistlatll e offll CIS of the Institution cem Mallon Hal tman Lon HOlSey wood County Fedel atlon chall- ulle and engaged m 65 all bat- ~couts In 111llfOlm at chUlch ser-
\' ood MI s emy ongmat PJn!adelpJna 12 veal s ago and IS Hcckamol e A\ c Bala-Cynw~ cl DIStllCt County COl11mlSSlOnel s Damel DLndgl ell Ellen Meyels man of al twas 111 chalg-e Fn st ties He IS cledlted \\ Itil the de- \ Ice and speCial good tmns for
now a lesloent of Gladw,ne I\as a native of Blockton Mass A Fled C Petel Fostel C, HIlIcgass Robelt Olivel Clmke Nash Da\ld place \\ent to June DUfln (MIS stlUctlOn of se\en GClman planes the commul1ltles
- "Cooperatlon-" AS Key
C071tlnucd 011 Pagc Two
- - - - pa,st plcsldent of the Exchange I s Pelkms Anne Putnam Deb Put- llan DuIUl) of Amblel 1\ltl1 hel and lecel\ed fOUl decOiatlOns .~ _ _

Banquet GIves Club ne \\as a membel of the and Ra\mond K Mensch pomts nam, WIlliam Rose Shan Seeman 011 pamtmg Poltlalt of a Little flom the Amellcan BlltlSh, and
PhIladelphia ASSOCiatIOn of Life out that all ))elsons adnlltted to AlthUl Solmssen Dlana Tashplan Boy
Undel\\lItels and a tiustee of the the Home dUlll1g the ,eal le- Jim Ta~lol LOUlS Vanglell AudreY Sue HICks FOld (MIS John
Flench Go\el11ments
ConnellY \\as head of the J A
Bryn Ma,vr Board
S d R t'
- U-Igh'S Great Tearns
TO Lower Merlon

Plesbytellan ChUlCh of the Coven- clUlled hospltahzatlOn.
ant Bala
He IS SUl\l\ed by t\\O sons Paul Itel~b
'The patients ha\e lecE'l\ed the
best of cale and attentIOn due
of Dalby and R Da\ld of Wash- 0 eLtel fa(\htle~ and mOle leg-
VValkel, Dudle~ Woodbl1dge
----.--- -
N. S. I). A. R. Meeting
FOldl of Woodbme A\e Nalbelth Connell\ JI, Co coal dealels 111
\\on second place With hel POitlalt the Bload StatIOn BUlldll1g and
111 OIl of 11el glandmothel entitled ll\ed at the Racquet Club
uspen s a Ions
At a healmg held by the Bryn
Mal\! PlIce and RatlOnll1g Board
• !lOth ButhdaY SUIVIVll1g ale t\\O Sons James Januan 25 the A' and "B" ra-
February 7
Why does LO\l el MellOn High
lI1gton and a daughtel MIS CIU1- Isteled lIluses" HOIll stated
lotte A Denkhalls also of Wash- DlIng 1943 a toLal of 166 p a - ·
Lou Young, fOllnel Penn Coach mgton Funeral sel\ Ices \\ el e held lien ts \I el e acInlltted to the Home I Ml s John Logan Mal shall VICC AI e
School always have such 8UOng and plescnt Nrl1belth bOlouglt WednesdaY at the funelRl pallOl hosmLal out of an a\Clage 111- PlesldenL N S DAR 1\111 be olhels fOI thnd 11I,lce Hel pntl\' no\a <ind MIS D Pealson Pealee
ElIzabeth Valdell McNett (MIS A 31d and W Wallace Attel- tlons of Theodole DI Martl11l.
WIlliam Blown McNett) WoodSide blll\ Connellv, and t\\O slstels 8411 2 Lancastel Alenue Blyn
Nal bel th tied \\ lth t\' 0 MI s Lell IS H Pal sons of Villa- Ma WI \\ 21 e suspended until May 9.
It \\as found that DI Maltlm's
athletIC teams? counCIlman \\as toastmastel and ot Oli\el H Ban 1820 Chestnut mate populatIOn of the Home fOI guest speakel at the legUlal \\as an all pamtll1g The Fa1111 of Bl\n M<i\\1 cal had been dll\en a total of 2914
Followel s of olhpi subUi ban chan man of the banquet COlllnllt- SL wlllt llItelment m West Lam el the \ em of 184 One Hundl eel nlOnt1Jlv meetnw of the Jeptha 1 Olhel lhu cl place \\ Innel s wei e Funel al sel I Ices \\ III be held at miles sL11ce July 12 on alation
• schools who have been askmg that tee Joseph M Blatz \Ias cl1all- Hill Cemetel \ and T\\ elle mInates \I el e 0\ el 65 Abbot Chaptel, DAR IRlchal d Rogels of Sumneytown noon ThUi sda\ at the CIHn ch of \1 JlIch \\as Issued to ~Ive him a
questIOn fOI yeals \\Quld ha\e man of the plOglam eomnlltteE' - - -••- - - - \eats of age The meetmg \\III be held next With an OIl pa1l1tmg of a 10\\ Ithe Redeemel BI'in Mawl In- maximum nllleage of 770 mlles
found the answel h~d thev attend- Ra\ll1ond P Scott \las chauman Dr. E. A. Palmquist Stmellnlendent H01n lepOlted Monday FeblUalY 7, at tlie Ovel- 1pa of houses entItled The Balbel Isn t I teln1l1ent \\Ill be pII\ate dUlll1g that pellOd
• ed the testllnomal banquet to of the a\\alds committee.
LteOaWmellMasetllTohnU'sllSldnadyefeaRtteMdcfcOaoltlblSatl!11 Goldfootbal1sands\'eateIS\\ele
Cl'S 18tl1 and Spllng Galden Sts plesented to the fol1owl11g mem-
Speali:s at Rotary
DI E A PalmqUist exeeutlvc 11iiatIOn
that 58 prisons \\ele adnlltted to blOok PIC S b' tel I a n Sunday Home Yet and J Adam Staub of _
the HomedUlmO' the \eal 41\\ele School at 2 P M 'LThe R egent,H,UIl10l1\llle Pa WIth a pastel
dlschalged as of and 29 died1 1944
Januaty The pop- MiS Ray
\las Side
p F
The hostesses all1ng on \\111 \II
bc MISPie- I8umne,tOlln Valley • _
FeIreman CaIIedFrom FestIve
e Board _ _

Phlla I bels of the valslty Damel P00l2 secletal\ of the FedelRtlOl1 of 175 of \lhleh 123 \\ele men and Wilham AlI10ld and MiS Fteldmg
Not only Well" thele plalse and and DICk Whlltll1g co-captatns, ChUiches spoke on Who IS an 52 I\Cle \\omen Rogels
Merl·on l\lan In Ne\v
T Et- -hF· - H- 0 nHom
A· t· CI
plesents fOI Head Coach Dick JUles All onson Flank BaSile Amellcan" at the mcelll1g Tues - - - - - -
Mattis and hiS valslty playels but Julius Becton ~e1UY Bonflg Rob- day noon at Bala-CYI1\\\d-Nal:
also fOl the sClubs, all tne asslst-Ielt CIRlg La\\lence Dlul\ Wll- belth Rotary ClUb GeOige Kuk-
Mau"- L-'I''1e SIJorts Wrlter well I
------- -
e ass VIa IOn
Thut\-thlee Penns\'hal1la. men
0 X Inguls Ire In IS w e
nt coacItes tIte JUntOl high IlIam El1makel Edwald Hepke patllck pleslcIed and John Millel
~oaches. coach of the chel"l leadels Wallen Imes Flank Junkel, PaUl was chauman of the day Next
and the faculty member who was Kuntz, Callo Mallam Phil Ma- week Don Rose of the Evenmg
B roa dcast Every F r'l-d fly 1\7-11)'1It
. . . . . , .., , ale membel:; of a new class of aVI-
atlon cadets and student offlcels
which has lepOi ted here to the Life IS Rood was POUIlIlJ!" flOm the back of his
most responsible fOI the high spall loney, James Mcuiston, LUIS Bulletm editollal staff Will speak .., '-, l"'" Al my All" FOI ces NaVigation At least that. IS \\ hat Samuel lefll~elatOi
... of the stUdents The Plll1Clpa], su- MOletzsohn,
petintendent and membels of the Rlchald Mullen HanV' Nason,
school boald all wele Signaled om Monls Palnsl1 PallY Scott WII-
for a bow
In othel WOlds It was blought 'Young and James Hammond and

I~am West, AI WIlson Stewalt... 1

MOigan Ir--------------,
Blo."d •
Ed Pollock the dean of Phlla-11914 While a sophomOie at Penn- In advanced aellal navigation
delphia sPOIts wlItels \\ho wlItes s~hanlR
a dally column 111 the Elemng I
School an AAF Tlaullng Com-
mand Base fOI an 18 weeks' COt\lse RennJx thought as he lelaxed In t.heMIS
the plesldent's chaa at the an- ments AWed Walkel and the
Completion of the COUlse Will nua! banquet of the Aetl\ e Mem- assistant supellntrndent W11l1am
Pollock's caleer In ]OUlnaltsm IS quahfy them fOI sllvel wmgs of bels' Club of the Bala-C\ll'\yd, Jackson had call led out their
Renmx, \\lth the help of
supelln tend en t. of tile apal t·

home strikmgh to the dmels and John LougJney, managels

espeCially to the guest speakels--j Monoglam sweatel awald wms-
Is X eede.1 Bullet1l1, IS gomg on the au leally a hlstOlY of the nc\\spaPels the aellal navlgatol and commls- fill" COlllpanY l,I"t. SatuHI:::, '1luht
Pollock Malll Lllle boy, who of PhlIadelpllla He \\Iote SPOI ts sions as second lieutenants 01 ap-
I tllIee chlldlen Samuel. 11, Rob-
He looked alOund at 11Is good E'I t 9 and James 6
Lt, Commandel E E (Rip) MllIel nI"l \lele Donald Bakel, RalJ,Jh Tlemendous quantltlE's of made good 111 a big \\ay \\iII fOI the famous old PhlladelphlU pOll1tments as flight OlcelS for ca- fello\\ membels loosellf.d h" belt It, took mOle than an hOUI be-
assistant football coach at Al1na-, Blennel Galey Chandlel, Wall1el additional plasma, taken from bloadcast e\ elY Fllda\ mght stat t- Pless the sensational NOl th det membels of the class StUdent a couple of notches and plepaled fow the apaltmE'nt \las clealed
polls, and John B Kelly, head I)f CIllle WIlliam Cox, Robelt DavI~
• human blood, ale expected to lng FeblualY 4 flom 1015 to 1030 Amellcan, which papel bloke the OleelS \\111 receive thell wings only to take m the show that the en-I of smoke ,md the c1l1ldlen back
the natlOnal phYSical fitness com- Geolge Eshellck, James Fleck, be needed 111 Piovidmg- a nel\' P M flom StatIon WFIL undel fllst stOlY of the Black Sox base-
mission-that complete coopela- Sheldon Myels HallY Nelson, plasma salve \llllch Navy doc- the sponsOlshlp of Jackson and balJ !>candal the PUbltc Ledgel Hyman, 20 SOl1 of Ml and MIS putting on fOl the fh emen
tion throughout the school system HallY O'Donnell Leo Thompson, tOIS have developed fOI the Moyel 1610-12 Chestnut St ,men's and the Evenmg- Ledge!.
Among them is Nathan Waltel tel Lamel Belt Hammond
Jacob Hyman, 220 EdgehlII Rd
\\as III bed B~ that LIme, Renrtlx fig-
III rd e\ en the booster Pllzes had
made the w111ning of the submban Fled Rakel, William SpIllane treatment of \\ounds The weal stole HIS most famous SPOltS storY Merion. All veal Ren111X had made plans beE'n gwen out at the fitemen's
Confelence and Big SIX titles pos- John Wmtels Don Gould Tom only new SOUlces of supplv Pollock "'110 11\'es at 114 Avon has been the "Old Glae!' feature _-;-__• _ fOI tills clo\\nlng e\ent And It banquet
' Anyway" ~aid Rennix, who in
MerIon G· I
sible. McCollough Hall y Pappian. and a vallable fOi plasma al e n e w " an l1Islde the dl esslng 100m an • \\ as golnr, 0\ el \I Ith a bang At
Altl10ugh held outside the town- Challes ReIlly blood donols, If the lives of Rd. Nalbel th, and \I Ith 1115 Wife - dr len-t that IS what Petel CHess, tJ 1e da\ tane has a loute as one
Tl;aslllel of LO\\pl Mellon Town- of Bala-Cyn\\'~d's postmen, "the
ship because of waI-tlme condl- BIII Andelson, athlettc dnectol
and falmly has taken an active ah SIS of Penn football games
Amelican flRhtlllR men all" to PRlt in the COml11Ulllt' life of his which won the lespect of coaches
and pla~els fOl ItS sound clltlClsm HI
1\!I'akes 10 Donatl.ons I
shiP had said aHel Renmx had chlldlen ale safe and the boys
lions, the affair wa.s one of the plesellted a tlRvellng bag an awalcl
finest in the histOlY of the school flom the athlettc association fOl
Most lmpleSSlve was a lalge souv- the wmnlng of seven varsity lettels Red ClOSS blood donOl I FOI
be saved by this means your
help is UlgentIy needed, Be a own and nelghbollng towns

The Old Glad' \\as bOll1 111 1924

Ed staltrd In.s lOU! naltstlc ca- and IS still going stlon~
MiSS Jean Gladden 311 Baild l11tulduced
Rd MellOn, has donated blood for Ident
him as toastmastel enJo~ed the banqupt
Is It any \\ on<lel that the Pi es- been ,ome othel place they might
If It had

emr plOglam. complete With lec- to Cpl Gleel Hemdel. who wa~ detalls apply to lcel at the age of 17 when as an Pollock in his cal eel has sel\ed the Amellca11 Red ClOSS sinCe a \OlceI\as a ltttle dismaYed \lhen Ihale called out tile company,"
called flom the -taawuy I FOl the top-notch oallquet Rrn-
olds and plctUle:; of the season gl\en lea\e from Abeldeen PIOI- American Red Cross underg-laduate at the UnIYelsit~· as Plesld~nt of the PhIladelphia FeblUal\ 20 1942 The last dona- "phone fOI Re11l1lx" 11liX saHl cledlt should be given to
From funds realized flom the mg Glounds Md to accept the Biood Donor Service < of Pennsylval1lR he lepOlted cam- SPOlts Wlitels Assoclatton, SpOlts tion she made was In Octobel
pus news fOl the various PhlIadel- cditor of the Morning- and Even- 1943 AlJ in alI, she has made 10 01 Thai \\ as tne last Renlllx saw tne committee
program, the banquet committee aWald A simllal awald was ltiven 1425 Walnut St,
was able to mall copies of the PlO- to Jack Young. naw a service PENnYP3lCker 3969 phla papels, ing Ledger and mana~lng editor donations, Miss Gladden also PUI. heald of the banquet program Ben Shaw, chailmltn; P. J.
gram to 1750 Lower Meriomtes tlainee at Darthmouth It was ac- DO IT NOW! ' He Rot his intloduction Into the of the Evening Ledger and vice chases War BondB, and has evel'Y He answeled a still alarm at his Walkel GeolJ!"e S, FoX, M
heme in the Algyle Apartments, EUlel, J. A, Ammon, John King,
now in the country's armed ser- cepted on his behalf by his brothel' '- -'1 big league when he made his first president of the MaxweU football intention ()f contlnul11g her good Hardie Way, Bala-CynwYd. Thele Hel b Boothe, Sr, Robert Bhu-
vices. stewal't Yvung, training tlip with the Phlllies in club. work. ha~ been a short circuit. Smoke maker and James Dougherty.

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