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WEEK 6: ASSESSMENT 1 (February 15-20, 2021)

Percen- Course Learning Due Graduate
Assessment Type
tage Outcomes Date Attributes
Assessment 1 Analysis 30% CO1, CO2, CO3 Knowledge for
Week 1-6 Feb. Solving
Simple research 15- Computing
Lesson 1
Computing analysis with 20, Problems
Industry and guided questions 2021
Computer- Design/
based Development of
Profession Solutions
Lesson 2 Individual and
Team Work
of ACM
(half period)

ASSESSMENT 1 Research Analysis

1. Find attached sample ACM research journal from Lesson 2 Learning Resources.
Select among the title listed below for a research review with guided questions:
a. Asynchronous Online Examination Security System using
Occupancy Detection” by Benilda E. V. Comendador, Dan Emille S.
Molenilla, Glenn C. Sabales, Gabriel Angelo G. Suazo, and Jake R.
Capangpangan Polytechnic University of the Philippines, College of
Computer and Information Sciences, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines.
b. Oto-ID Ear Recognition and Shape-based Human Detection for User
Identification, Kathleen Mae Alay-ay, Michelle Anne L. Meralpis, David
Riane Romero, Ricky F. Sison, and Benilda Eleonor V. Comendador,
College of Computer and Information Sciences, Sta. Mesa, Manila,
c. Pharmabot A Pediatric Generic Medicine Consultant Chatbot, Benilda
Eleonor V. Comendador, Bien Michael B. Francisco, Jefferson S.
Medenilla, Sharleen Mae T. Nacion, and Timothy Bryle E. Serac,
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines
d. Prenatal Nutrition Diet Generator Utilizing Modified Genetic Algorithm for
Smartphone, Mary Isabel V. Segismundo and Benilda Eleonor V.
Comendador, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Sta. Mesa
Manila, Philippines

2. Guided Questions for ACM Research Review:

A. Respond/answer the following items:

a) Title: Asynchronous Online Examination Security System using

Occupancy Detection
b) Author: Benilda E. V. Comendador, Dan Emille S. Molenilla, Glenn C.
Sabales, Gabriel Angelo G. Suazo, and Jake R. Capangpangan
c) Research Locale: The study was conducted at Polytechnic University of
the Philippines this place was selected for knowing efficiency of the study
of Asynchronous Online Examination Security System using Occupancy
Detection. This study was been implemented on the student of College of
Computer and Information Sciences. This study has tested and
effectiveness. The research study was implemented inside the premises of
Polytechnic University of the Philippines The study focused on online
examination cheating in forms of suspicious movements such as standing,
leaving the area of examination and switching of examinees.
d) What is the research all about? Occupancy Detection to enhance online
examination security. Occupancy Detection determines the presence of a
person in a particular area and uses sensors networking which includes
Passive Infrared Relay (PIR) sensor and Ultrasonic (US) sensor.
e) What is/are the objective? The objective of this paper is to summarize the
current evidence on online examination methods, and scholarly responses
to authentication of learning and the mitigation of cheating, within the
confines of assessment that enables learning and student wellbeing.
f) What is your understanding on the conceptual framework? The conceptual
framework serves as a tool in analyzing the state of things (variables or
concepts) and their interactions for a comprehensive understanding of a
phenomenon. The purpose of the conceptual framework is to guide your
thinking when the data comes in.
g) What data are needed and how it will gather? Primary data collection by
definition is the gathering of raw data collected at the source. It is a
process of collecting the original data collected by a researcher for a
specific research purpose. It could be further analyzed into two segments;
qualitative research and quantitative data collection methods.
h) What is your conclusion in this activity assessment? Through the analysis
and implementation made by the researchers of the study entitled
“Asynchronous Online Examination Security System using Occupancy
Detection” In terms of PIR sensor, 2 feet, which got the highest detection
rate of 85%, is the most preferable distance between AWTSU and the
examinee. 1 foot and 3 feet have lower accuracy rates since 3 feet has a
farther distance from the PIR and 1 foot is closer to the sensor. The
average detection rate of the PIR sensor considering all distances is 80%.

B. Presentation of output (Sampling)

Criteria Beginning Developing Acceptable Exemplary
(75-82) (83-89) (90-94) (95-100)
Student spent an Student spent an
Adequate Student spent too Student spent too
adequate amount adequate amount
Time Spent much time and/or much time and/or
of time on activity of time on activity ___
on Activity too little time on too little time on
to ensure good to ensure the best
[A] entire activity. parts of activity.
results. results.
Student put little to Student put little Student put a good Student put a great
no effort towards effort towards amount of effort deal of effort ___
[A, B]
activity. activity. towards activity. towards activity.
Student completed Student Student completed
Completion Student completed
less than 1/2 of completed about about 80% of the
of Task all of the activity on ___
the activity on the 1/2 of the activity activity on the due
[A] the due date.
due date. on the due date. date.
Reasonabl Responses and Responses and
Responses and Responses and
e information given information given
information given information given
Response are entirely are very
are unreasonable are reasonable ___
and unreasonable reasonable
in some areas of throughout most of
Information throughout the throughout all of
the activity. the activity.
[A, B] activity. the activity.
Neatness, Responses and Responses and Responses and
Readability information given information given Responses and information given
, and are entirely are information given are
Legibility/ incomprehensible incomprehensible are neat/ readable/ comprehensive ___
Over-all and illegible and illegible legible throughout /readable/ legible
Impact throughout the throughout most most of the activity. all throughout the
[A, B] activity. of the activity. activity.



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