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Mogadishu University

Faculty of Political Science and Public Adm

Department of Public Adminstratio
NO.ID Name
1 18375 Abdiaziz Adan Ali
2 18246 Abdirahman mahamud abdilaahi
3 17536 Abdirahman Osman Mohamed
4 17682 Abdirashid Muhumed Omar
5 17941 Abdirazak Hussein Yusuf
6 18200 Abdullahi Jelle Ahmed
7 17939 Ahmed abdi omar shurie
8 18230 Ali Abdirahman Khaire
9 18101 Ali Arale Ali
10 17578 Amal Osman Ahmed
11 18185 Dahir Abdi Mohamed
12 18047 Hafsa Abdirahman Abdullahi
13 17892 Harun Abdisalam Ahmed Fiqi
14 17633 Hassan Abdirahman Ahmed
15 20429 Hiba Mohamud Ahmed
16 17627 Hussein Mohamud Hassan
17 17453 Ibrahim Mohamed Hassan
18 17482 ismaaciil isxaaq maxamed
19 18249 Mahamed abdulkadir isse
20 18146 Mariam Hassan Ahmed
21 17690 Maxamed Abdirahman Adam
22 16741 Mohamed Osman Hassan Husien
23 18538 Mohamud Mohamed Daud
24 18537 Omar mohamed said
25 17364 Safia Ibrahim salah Dayfulah
26 18299 sagal shariif daahir
27 17444 Salima abdinasir osman
28 17603 Suleka nuur hassan
29 17383 Zahra Isse mohamed Ibar
Mogadishu University
Faculty of Political Science and Public Adminstration
Department of Public Adminstration
Topics Supervisor
The Role of local government in Community development Anab
the role of public administration in society development salah
Civil service recruitment process and its impact to employees performance, (Case study Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) Qarboosh
Community participation in peace building Samatar
The impact of good governance on public trust Anab
Role of non-governmental organization In Community Development salah
The role of good governence in community development Qarboosh
The Impact Of Employee Training On Organizational Performances . In Mogadishu -Somalia Samatar
Effect of government Accountability on corruption Qarboosh
The role of public administration in community development salah
The role of public enterprise in National development in Somalia Anab
The Role of accountibility in public service delivery of public office in mogadisho somalia Samatar
The transparency and accountability
Effect of Motivation in the public
on the Performance sector
of employees in Mogadishu University. Anab
The impact of employee training on public service delivery. Waasuge
The role of local government in social development Waasuge
Study The effect of corruption on community development at benadir rejoin-Somalia Waasuge
the effect of civil society in promoting good governance mogadishu_somalia Samatar
The role of Non-government organisation in Community development programs in mogadisho salah
Roleeffects of Government
of Local employee motivation an basic
in delivery organizational
case study Benadir Regional Administration) Anab
The role of diaspora on the development of somalia Samatar
The Role of female entrepreneurs in nation building in Banadir Regional salah
reward system motivation and employee performance salah
Cause and effect of bad governance in somalia samatar
Effect of leadership style on organizational commitment in mogadishou-somalia Salah
The role of women in community development policies in somalia Waasuge
Mogadishu University
Faculty of Political Science and Public Adminstration
Department of Public Adminstration
NO. ID Name
43 3069 Nuradin Mohamud Mohamed Roble
22 16741 Mohamed Osman Hassan Husien
33 17349 Sacdia Abdulahi Mohamud Igalle
25 17364 Safia Ibrahim salah Dayfulah
29 17383 Zahra Isse mohamed Ibar
27 17444 Salima abdinasir osman
17 17453 Ibrahim Mohamed Hassan
18 17482 ismaaciil isxaaq maxamed
32 17521 Abdirahman shariif kuusow
3 17536 Abdirahman Osman Mohamed
10 17578 Amal Osman Ahmed
28 17603 Suleka nuur hassan
44 17605 Suada Abdinor Mohamed Abtidon
16 17627 Hussein Mohamud Hassan
14 17633 Hassan Abdirahman Ahmed
37 17640 Hassan Abdijabar Einab
40 17654 Sihaam mohamed elmi
4 17682 Abdirashid Muhumed Omar
21 17690 Maxamed Abdirahman Adam
42 17733 Mohamed Abdihakim Hirsi
30 17743 Adan Osman Mohammed
31 17755 Ramlo Mustaf Abdikarim Hussein
38 17809 Mariam Dini Mohamed
39 17872 Amiira isma,il ali
35 17885 Abshir mohamud Hassan.
13 17892 Harun Abdisalam Ahmed Fiqi
7 17939 Ahmed abdi omar shurie
5 17941 Abdirazak Hussein Yusuf
34 18022 Zamzam Abas Abdullahi Botan
12 18047 Hafsa Abdirahman Abdullahi
9 18101 Ali Arale Ali
20 18146 Mariam Hassan Ahmed
11 18185 Dahir Abdi Mohamed
36 18197 Zahra Hassan Abdi
6 18200 Abdullahi Jelle Ahmed
8 18230 Ali Abdirahman Khaire
2 18246 Abdirahman mahamud abdilaahi
19 18249 Mahamed abdulkadir isse
26 18299 sagal shariif daahir
1 18375 Abdiaziz Adan Ali
41 18408 Saara Abdullahi Osman
24 18537 Omar mohamed said
23 18538 Mohamud Mohamed Daud
15 20429 Hiba Mohamud Ahmed

Mogadishu University
Faculty of Political Science and Public Adminstration
Departments of PS& IR
NO. ID Name
9 18259 Abdinasi sh. Ibrahim Abdullahi
1 17377 Mohamed abdi ibraahim
3 18530 Ishak saed Hussein
4 18074 Abdi salam warsame Hashi
7 18036 Hafsa Ali Abikar Ahmed
12 18126 Said Ali Mohamed Ibrahim
8 17388 Sundus Hassan Muse Ali
10 17358 Abdishakur Mohamed Adan
2 17623 Abdikadir Ahmed Abdi Abtidon
5 17845 Abdinasir Ahmed Ali Hassan
6 18072 Abdinasir Ali Jama Ahmed
11 17744 Isse Hassan Ali Rage
Mogadishu University
Faculty of Political Science and Public Adminstration
Department of Public Adminstration
Topics Supervisor
Ahmed Nor
The effects of employee motivation an organizational performance Samatar
Ahmed Nor
The Role of female entrepreneurs in nation building in Banadir Regional salah
The role of women in community development policies in somalia Waasuge
Cause and effect of bad governance in somalia samatar
The impact of employee training on public service delivery. Ahmed Nor
The role of local government in social development Waasuge
The role of civil society on peace building Waasuge
Civil service recruitment process and its impact to employees performance, (Case study Ministry of Labour and Social AffSalah
Effect of leadership style on organizational commitment in mogadishou-somalia Salah
The Effect of Motivation on the Performance of employees in Mogadishu University. Samatar
The Role of accountibility in public service delivery of public office in mogadisho somalia Samatar
Corruption causes and prevention. Ahmed Nor
The impact of human resource planning on organizational performance Hassan Abdi Hassan
Community participation in peace building Samatar
The role of Non-government organisation in Community development programs in mogadisho salah
The role of mass media in peace building in Mogadishu-Somalia. Hassan Abdi Hassan
The role of capacity building in public service Delievery case study in badanir regiona administration. Ahmed Nor
The effect of poverty on Educational development of the citizens( Case study of Mogadisu). Ahmed Nor
The role of women in peace building in Somalia Hish
The role of non-state actors on peace building. Hish
The impact of job security on Employee performance in mogdisho_ Somalia. Hassan Abdi Hassan
The role of public enterprise in National development in Somalia Anab
The role of good governence in community development Qarboosh
The impact of good governance on public trust Qarboosh
The Influence of leadership style on job satisfaction Hassan Abdi Hassan
The role of public administration in community development salah
the effect of civil society in promoting good governance mogadishu_somalia Samatar
Effect of government Accountability on corruption Qarboosh
The role of e-government in effective service delivery:case study in banadir region. Waasuge
Role of non-governmental organization In Community Development Qarboosh
The Impact Of Employee Training On Organizational Performances . In Mogadishu -Somalia Samatar
the role of public administration in society development Qarboosh
Study The effect of corruption on community development at benadir rejoin-Somalia Ahmed Nor
reward system motivation and employee performance salah
The Role of local government in Community development Anab
The role
Role of diaspora
of Local on the in
Government development of somalia
delivery basic services:( case study Benadir Regional Administration) Samatar
Ahmed Nor
The transparency and accountability in the public sector Qarboosh

Mogadishu University
Faculty of Political Science and Public Adminstration
Departments of PS& IR
Topics Supervisor
The role of foreign actors in political instability in Somalia Omar Jimcale
The role of Somali Youth in peace bulding. Farhan
The impact of Gulf crisis on political stability in Somalia Farhan
The effect of corruption in state building process in somalia. Farhan
the root causes of conflict in Middle east: A case study of Palestain and srael Farhan
The impact of piracy on Somali Economy Hassan Abdi Hassan
The role of Youth and Women in peace building of Somalia. Hassan Abdi Hassan
Foreign actors' influence on Somalia's 2012 and 2016-7 parliamentary and presidentail electitons Omar Jimcale
The Role of Turkey's soft power in enhancing Somalia-Turkey Relations. Omar Jimcale
The role of AMISOM in bringing peace and stability in Somalia Omar Jimcale
The effect of political instability on development ( Mogadishu as a case study). Omar Jimcale


ID Name

17744 Isse Hasssan Ali Rage

17743 Adan Osman Mohammed

17755 Ramlo Mustaf Abdikarim Hussein

17521 Abdirahman shariif kuusow

17349 Sacdia Abdulahi Mohamud Igalle

18022 Zamzam Abas Abdullahi Botan

17885 Abshir mohamud Hassan.

18197 Zahra Hassan Abdi

17640 Hassan Abdijabar Einab

17809 Mariam Dini Mohamed

17872 Amiira isma,il ali

17654 Sihaam mohamed elmi

18408 Saara Abdullahi Osman

18408 Saara Abdullahi Osman

17733 Mohamed Abdihakim Hirsi

The effect of corruption on Government institutions in Mogadishu somalia case study federal institutions
The role of public administrators on public policy making in Mogadishu Somalia.
The effect of good governance on rebuilding in Mogadishu somalia.
The role of capacity building in public service Delivery case study in badanir regiona administration.
The influence of public governance on service delivery in banadir region administration.
The effect of corruption on government institutions in Mogadishu Somalia case study federal institutions.
The effect of Strategic planning on Organisation productivity.(Case study of Mogadishu Organisation).
The effect of poverty on Educational development of the citizens( Case study of Mogadisu).
Revenue Allocation and Political Stability in Somalia.
The role of decentralization on fair election
The effect of unemployment of national security
The role of civil society on peace building
Government and the management of security challenge in somalia
Performance management new strategy for improving public sector's effectiveness
Somalia social protection policy
The Influence of leadership style on job satisfaction
The Impact of strategic management on organizational growth
The role of management control system incorporate social responsibility
1= The impact of job security on Employee performance in mogdisho_ Somalia.
2=The impact of Good governance and social welfere in mogdisho_somalia.
3=What is the difference between democratic in 1960-1969 and federal system in Somalia.
The role of e-government in effective service delivery:case study in banadir region.
The role of somali traditional leadership in community development
The role of legislatures in policy making process
The impact of strategic management on organizational growth.
Human resource management organizational effectiveness.
Corruption causes and prevention.
Somali women's participation in politics
The role of women in peace building in Somalia
Girls education in Somalia
The effect of corruption on economic development.
The impact of leadership styles on community development.
The role of non-state actors on peace building.
The role of civil society participation on good governance in mogdisho,somalia
The impact of human resource planning on organizational performance
Employee productivity and the effect of motivation
Impact of internet and children life .
The role of community particapation in Service delivery

Effect of drug abuse in homeless children in Mogadishu-Somalia.

The role of social media in political instability in Mogadishu-Somalia.

The role of mass media in peace building in Mogadishu-Somalia.

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