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Research Article

Received: 11 July 2017 Revised: 29 October 2017 Accepted article published: 6 November 2017 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 22 November 2017

( DOI 10.1002/jsfa.8771

Structural, thermal, and morphological

characteristics of cassava amylodextrins
Mariana Souza Costa,a Diogo Paschoalini Volanti,b
Maria Victória Eiras Grossmannc and Célia Maria Landi Francoa*

BACKGROUND: Amylodextrins from cassava starch were obtained by acid hydrolysis, and their structural, thermal and morpho-
logical characteristics were evaluated and compared to those from potato and corn amylodextrins.

RESULTS: Cassava starch was the most susceptible to hydrolysis due to imperfections in its crystalline structure. The crystalline
patterns of amylodextrins remained unchanged, and crystallinity and peak temperature increased with hydrolysis time, whereas
thermal degradation temperature decreased, independent of treatment time and starch source. Cassava amylodextrins had sim-
ilar structural and morphological characteristics to those from corn amylodextrins due to their A-type crystalline arrangements.
A-amylodextrins were structurally and thermally more stable than potato amylodextrins (B-type). Starch nanocrystals (SNC)
were observed by transmission electron microscopy from the third day of hydrolysis in cassava amylodextrins, whereas potato
and corn amylodextrins displayed SNC only on the fifth day. A-SNC displayed platelet shapes, whereas B-SNC were rounded. The
SNC shape was related to the packing form and geometry of unit cells of allomorphs A and B.

CONCLUSION: Microstructures (agglomerated crystalline particles) and nanostructures (double helix organization) were
observed for amylodextrins. Cassava starch was shown to be a promising material for SNC production, since it requires less
hydrolysis time to obtaining more stable crystals.
© 2017 Society of Chemical Industry

Supporting information may be found in the online version of this article.

Keywords: starch; acid hydrolysis; crystallinity; thermal properties; nanostructure

INTRODUCTION organized areas of the granules (amorphous regions) are pref-

Starch is constituted of amylose and amylopectin, which are syn- erentially degraded, but the main crystalline structure remains
thesized in a semi-crystalline granular structure. The starch crys- intact.7 These acid-resistant fractions can have different sizes and
talline lamellae are arranged into spherical blocklets of different shapes depending on the amylose content, amylopectin chain
sizes (20–500 nm), depending on the starch source.1 The crys- length, crystalline pattern and blocklet size of the parent starch.
In the early stages of acid hydrolysis the amylose and the long
talline concentric layers are formed into lamellae by amylopectin
amylopectin chains are attacked. The amylodextrins are made up
double helices packed in an ordered form, whereas the amorphous
of two main chain populations, which correspond to the linear
regions are composed of amylopectin branching points and amy-
dextrins (DP 11–15) and the singly branched dextrins (DP 21–27).
lose in a disordered configuration.2
Beyond these chains, small amounts of dextrins with multiple
Starch granules have different polymorphisms exhibiting differ- branches (DP > 35) can also be observed.4–9
ent X-ray diffraction patterns (A-, B- and C-types), which depend Some authors use the term ‘amylodextrins’ whereas others use
on the branch chain length of their amylopectins. Starches with ‘starch nanocrystals’ (SNC) to refer to the same particles. This
amylopectin longer branch chains have a B-type pattern, whereas
those with shorter branch chains display an A-type pattern.3,4 A-
and B-polymorphs differ from one another in packing form and ∗ Correspondence to: CML Franco, Department of Food Engineering and Technol-
geometry of the unit cell. The A-type crystallite displays a mono- ogy, UNESP – São Paulo State University, 15054-000 São José do Rio Preto, SP,
clinic unit cell, which is closely packed, whereas the B-type exhibits Brazil. E-mail:
a hexagonal arrangement, which is more open, containing 36
a Department of Food Engineering and Technology, UNESP – São Paulo State
water molecules attached to the double helices.5,6 The C-type pat- University, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil
tern consists of the combination of both A and B structures.5
Crystalline fractions from starch can be obtained by extensive b Department of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, UNESP – São Paulo
State University, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil
hydrolysis with hydrochloric (Lintner amylodextrins) or sulfuric
(Näegeli amylodextrins) acid at a temperature lower than the c Department of Food Science and Technology UEL, Londrina State University,

gelatinization temperature of starch. During this process, the less Londrina, PR, Brazil

J Sci Food Agric 2018; 98: 2751–2760 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry MS Costa et al.

misunderstanding arises from the divergence between the were provided by the Agency for Agribusiness Technology of
nomenclature due to variation in size and crystallinity of the São Paulo (Campinas, Brazil). The enzyme isoamylase from Pseu-
particles, which alter according to the botanical source. In this domonas sp. (EC (Megazyme International, Wicklow, Ire-
study, the term ‘SNC’ will be used to refer to particles with sizes land) was used without further processing. All other chemicals
smaller than 100 nm. SNC are present in the insoluble residues used were of analytical grade.
from acid hydrolysis and result from the complete degradation
of amorphous regions of the granule.10 Thus they can be con- Isolation of starch
tinuously obtained during acid hydrolysis. The size of the SNC is The starches were isolated from cassava roots and potato tubers
associated with the size of the blocklets of the parent starch and following the procedure described by Peroni et al.16 The regular
resistance of the granule to the acid.11 Putaux et al.10 reported corn starch was isolated using wet milling as described by Rocha
that waxy corn SNC are composed of nanoplatelets, which form et al.17
parallelepipedal crystalline blocks that measure 20–40 nm long,
15–30 nm wide and 5–7 nm thick, resembling the monoclinic
Branch chain length distribution of amylopectin
structural arrangement of A-type starch. On the other hand,
The branch chain length distributions of amylopectins were ana-
high-amylose maize SNC were thicker than those from normal
lyzed by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with
and waxy maize starches.9,11 The format of the SNC has been con-
pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) using a ICS 3000
troversial. Despite some authors having reported that the shape
system (Dionex Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) equipped with
of the SNC is related to the geometry and form of packaging of
an AS40 automatic sampler. The starches were debranched using
the allomorph of the original starch,10,11 others have shown that,
isoamylase enzyme (Megazyme, 3 U) as described by Wong and
regardless of crystalline pattern, the SNC have a rounded format.9
Jane,18 filtered (0.22 𝜇m membrane), and 20 𝜇L was automatically
Acid-resistant fractions have high thermal stability due to degra-
injected into the HPAEC-PAD system. The flow rate was 0.5 mL
dation of the granule amorphous region and, consequently, an
min−1 at 30 ∘ C. Eluent A was made up of 200 mmol L−1 NaOH and
increase in the molecular order of the crystals.9,12,13 Studies have
eluent B was made up of 100 mmol L−1 NaOH and 1000 mmol L−1
reported that A-crystallites have higher thermal stability than
sodium acetate. All eluents were prepared using ultrapure water
B-crystallites due to the dense packaging of the double helices
(18 MΩ cm−1 ) with N2 sparging. The debranched chains of amy-
in the crystalline lamellae.9 However, opposite behavior was
lopectin were separated using a Dionex CarboPac™ PA-200 guard
reported in the studies of LeCorre et al.12 These authors reported
column (3 mm × 50 mm) and a Dionex CarboPac™ PA-200 column
that B-crystallites are thermally more stable due to the longer
(3 mm × 250 mm).The eluent gradients were: 0–10 min, linear gra-
length of their double helices.
dient from 0 to 70 mmol L−1 sodium acetate; 10–80 min, linear gra-
SNC have recently received much attention due to their
dient ending with 350 mmol L−1 sodium acetate; 80–100 min, the
nanoscale. These nanoparticles can be used in industries and
concentration of 350 mmol L−1 sodium acetate was maintained.
food applications: for example, to reinforce the matrix of syn-
Sodium hydroxide concentration was maintained at 100 mmol
thetic polymers or biopolymers and fat replacers. Most of the
L−1 during the whole analysis. The data were analyzed using
studies on amylodextrins or SNC have reported the acid action on
Chromeleon software, version 6.8 (Dionex Corporation, Sunnyvale,
waxy maize starch9,10 and starches from conventional botanical
sources such as potato, normal maize, high-amylose maize and
wheat.9,11,12 In this work we have considered the amylodextrins
and SNC from cassava starch. Acid hydrolysis of starch
Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is one of the world’s main carbohy- Acid hydrolysis was performed in duplicate according to the
drate sources, mainly in tropical areas, and has a great cultural and methodology described by Angellier-Coussy et al.19 The starches
economic importance in Brazil. In 2014, world production of cas- of potato, cassava and corn (37 g, dry weight basis) were dispersed
sava was estimated to be 268.28 million tons, Brazil being respon- in 250 mL of 3.16 mol L−1 H2 SO4 and were incubated at 40 ∘ C with
sible for 23.25 million tons.14 Besides the consumption of this root continuous stirring (120 g) for 1, 3, 5 and 7 days. After each day,
in its natural form, there is a great potential for the industrial use of the suspensions were centrifuged at 12 000 × g for 10 min. The
cassava in Brazil, especially the starch, because its extraction pro- solubilized carbohydrates in the supernatant were determined by
cess is simple and cheap. The production of cassava starch in Brazil the phenol–sulfuric method.20 The extent of hydrolysis was deter-
is currently around 2.55 million tons.15 Thus, for a better under- mined by the ratio between the amount of solubilized total sugars
standing of the micro- and nanostructures of cassava starch, the and the total weight of starch on a dry basis. The acid-resistant
acid-resistant crystalline fractions, obtained at different hydroly- fraction (amylodextrin) was washed with deionized water until it
sis times, were evaluated. The aim of this study was to systemati- reached neutrality (pH ∼6.8) and freeze-dried.
cally evaluate the structural, thermal and morphological features
of the cassava amylodextrins/SNC and compare them to those Apparent amylose content
from potato and corn starches. Starches and amylodextrins were defatted by dispersing the sam-
ples in 11.5 mol L−1 dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution in a bath
of boiling water under stirring for 1 h and then stirred for another
MATERIALS AND METHODS 16 h at room temperature. The samples were precipitated from
Materials DMSO solution, washed with anhydrous ethanol, recovered by
Cassava (Manihot esculenta) roots of the Cascudinha variety were filtration and dried at 35 ∘ C for 24 h. The iodine affinities were
provided by Promafa – Produtos de mandioca Fadel Ltda (Palmi- determined using a potentiometric autotitrator (716 SM Titrino,
tal, Brazil); corn (Zea mays) grains of the IPR 114 line were kindly Metrohm, Switzerland) as described by Kasemsuwan et al.21 The
provided by the Agronomic Institute of Paraná (Londrina, Brazil); apparent amylose content was calculated by dividing the iodine

and potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers of the IAC Ibituaçu line affinity of the defatted samples by 20%.22 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2018; 98: 2751–2760
Characteristics of cassava amylodextrins

X-ray diffraction pattern and crystallinity and mixed with the starch. The slide was then covered with a glass
The starches and amylodextrins were previously stored in a des- cover slip and observed under the microscope. Three slides for
iccator containing saturated BaCl2 solution (25 ∘ C, Aw = 0.9) for each sample were made, and 500 granules were measured for each
10 days. Glass sample ports were used for analysis. The X-ray slide.
diffraction pattern of the samples was determined using a bench- The morphology and particle size of the amylodextrins were ana-
top X-ray diffractometer (MiniFlex 300, Rigaku, Tokyo, Japan) lyzed using a transmission electron microscope (TEM JEM-100CX
equipped with Cu–K 𝛼 monochromatic radiation (𝜆 = 0.1542 nm). II, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan) operated at 80 kV. An aqueous suspen-
The scan was performed at 30 kV and 10 mA for a 2𝜃 range of 3–40∘ sion of the amylodextrins (200 g kg−1 ) was homogenized for 180 s
with a step size of 0.01. The relative crystallinity was quantitatively using a bath-type sonicating system (Branson model 3510, Emer-
estimated based on the relationship between the peak area and son, Dubai, UAE) for dispersing the particles in water. A drop of
the total area of the diffractogram.23 the suspension (150 𝜇L) was deposited on a support covered with
parafilm, and a carbon-coated microscopy grid was placed over
the drop for 30 s. The carbon-coated microscopy grid was then
Thermal properties
dried at room temperature. For each sample, 20 particles were ran-
Thermal properties of the starches and amylodextrins were domly selected9 and their sizes were measured using the software
determined using a differential scanning calorimeter (Pyris 1, GIMP 2.8.18.
PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA, USA). The samples (4 mg, dry basis)
and deionized water (12 𝜇L) were hermetically sealed in aluminum
pans and equilibrated at room temperature for 12 h. The samples Statistical analysis
were scanned from 25 to 125 ∘ C at a rate of 10 ∘ C min−1 . The Hydrolysis was performed in duplicate, and all the other experi-
calorimeter was calibrated with indium, and an empty aluminum ments were performed at least in triplicate, except for the branch
pan was used as the reference. Pyris 1 software (PerkinElmer) was chain length distribution of amylopectin analyses, which were per-
used for processing the data. formed in duplicate. The data were evaluated using Statistica soft-
ware (version 7.0, Statsoft, Tulsa, OK, USA), including analysis of
variance (ANOVA). Differences were assessed using Tukey’s test.
Thermogravimetric analysis
The significance level was set at a P-value <0.05.
Thermogravimetric analysis of the starches and amylodextrins
was performed using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA 4000,
PerkinElmer). The samples (∼10 mg, dry basis) were placed in the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
sample ports and scanned from 30 to 600 ∘ C at 10 ∘ C min−1 under a Amylopectin branch chain length distribution of the starches
nitrogen atmosphere (20 mL min−1 ). The mass loss of the samples
The cassava starch had the highest proportion of short chains (DP
was calculated from the derivative of each curve using Pyris 1
6-12) and also a large number of long branch chains (DP ≥ 37).
This starch displayed a shoulder at DP 19–21 on the amylopectin
branch chain length distribution (Fig. 1). Shoulders on the amy-
Chain length distributions of amylodextrins lopectin branch chain length distribution indicate imperfections
The amylodextrins obtained on days 1, 3, 5 and 7 (1 mg) were dis- in the starch crystalline structure.6,25 In turn, the potato starch had
persed in 1 mL ultra-pure water (18 MΩ cm−1 ), placed in a bath of the highest proportion of long branch chains and an average DP
boiling water for 15 min, cooled, filtered (0.22 mm membrane) and of 23.8, whereas the corn starch contained a large proportion of
analyzed using HPAEC-PAD. The instrumental parameters were the short chains and the smallest proportion of long chains and aver-
same as those described above (‘Branch chain length distribution age DP (Table 1). The potato and corn starches did not display any
of amylopectin’), but the flow rate was 1.0 mL min−1 at 40 ∘ and the shoulder on their branch chain length distributions. Similar results
samples were separated using a Dionex CarboPac™ PA-100 guard were observed by Jane et al.25 and Rocha et al.17,26
column (4 mm × 50 mm) and a Dionex CarboPac™ PA-100 column
(4 mm × 250 mm). The optimal gradient was based on the method- Acid hydrolysis
ology of Koch et al.24 As the samples were not debranched with
The cassava, potato and corn starch granules were degraded by
isoamylase, the chains were classified according to their ‘apparent
acid in two stages: the first one, from day 1 to day 3, corresponded
degree of polymerization’ (DPap ).8
to a quick degradation of the amorphous regions of the gran-
ules, whereas the second one, from day 4 to day 7, at a lower
Morphology and size distribution of the starch granules hydrolysis rate, corresponded to the disruption of the crystalline
and amylodextrins areas (Fig. 2a). Acid hydrolysis of starch involves a unilateral elec-
Starches and amylodextrins, previously rinsed with ethanol, were trochemical attack of protons on glycosidic linkages. Therefore,
mounted on a metal plate covered with a carbon double-sided the less organized packing of amylose and amylopectin branch
adhesive tape, submitted to a 14 nm gold layer application using points in amorphous areas are more susceptible to acid action,
a sputter coater (SCD 004, Bal-Tec AG, Balzers, Liechtenstein), and whereas the dense packing of amylopectin double helices in crys-
observed in a scanning electron microscope (Philips XL-30 FEG, talline regions does not allow H3 O+ ions to quickly penetrate the
Eindhoven, Netherlands) operating at an acceleration tension of granule.13
5 kV. The potato and corn starches displayed similar hydrolysis rates
The granule size distribution of the starches was determined in the first stage, while in the second one the potato starch was
using an image analysis system (Axio Vision Rel 4.8.2.-SP2, Zeiss, more resistant to the acid. Potato and corn starches display B-
Göttingen, Germany) attached to a light microscope (Axioskop 2 and A-type crystalline patterns, respectively. B-starch contains
Plus, Zeiss). The starch sample was sprinkled on a glass slide, and amylopectin long branch chains (B2, B3 and B4) that extend

one to two drops of water–glycerin solution (1:1, v/v) were added through multiple clusters.3 The B-starch, therefore, has thicker

J Sci Food Agric 2018; 98: 2751–2760 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry MS Costa et al.

Figure 1. Amylopectin branch chain length distributions of cassava, corn and potato starches determined using a HPAEC–PAD system.

Table 1. Branch chain length distributions of amylopectins of cassava, corn and potato starches

Branch chain length distribution (%)

Starches DP 6-12 DP 13-24 DP 25-36 DP ≥ 37 DP Highest DP

Cassava 26.1 ± 0.1a 42.4 ± 0.1b 13.9 ± 0.0a 17.6 ± 0.0b 23.1b 92
Corn 23.0 ± 0.2b 47.5 ± 0.2a 14.4 ± 0.1a 15.2 ± 0.1c 22.5c 92
Potato 22.1 ± 0.1c 45.9 ± 0.9a 12.9 ± 0.9a 19.2 ± 0.1a 23.8a 97

Values with the same letter in the same column for each starch are not significantly different (P > 0.05). DP, degree of polymerization.

lamellae, which have been described as more resistant to acid.3 the potato starch, whereas the crystallites of cassava and corn
Similar results were found by Srichuwong et al.7 and Campanha starches practically remained intact. These two peaks, 22∘ and
and Franco13 when studying the effect of acid hydrolysis on 24∘ in 2𝜃, appear to merge in a single peak at 23∘ in the potato
different starches. Regardless of A-pattern, imperfections in the starch on the last day of hydrolysis. Hydrolysis of amylopectin
crystalline structure of the cassava starch, as discussed earlier, may chains causes changes in the organization of double helices2
have contributed to a lower structural stability of the granule, without altering the crystalline pattern. In this study it was found
making it the most susceptible to acid attack. that the arrangement of B-type crystallites was more easily inter-
rupted by acid than the arrangement of A-type crystallites, which
is in agreement with data observed by Kim et al.9 The relative
Amylose content of the starches and amylodextrins
crystallinity (RC) of the starches varied from 33.3% to 36.1%
The cassava, potato and corn starches contained 238, 262 and (Table 2). Similar results were found by Rocha et al.17,26 for cassava,
284 g kg−1 , respectively, of amylose (Fig. 2b). Similar values were potato and corn starches. The amylodextrins, independently of
found by Rocha et al.17,26 The longer branch chains of amylopectin the starch source, had their RC increased up to the fifth day of
in potato starch can also form complexes with iodine, as amylose hydrolysis, reaching ∼57% (Table 2) as a result of the gradual
does, and then the amylose content may be overestimated.25 degradation of the granule amorphous areas. RC values ranging
There was a substantial decrease in the amylose content of all between 45% and 50% for acid-resistant fractions from different
the samples on the first day of hydrolysis (>70%) because this starches were found by different researchers.11,27 On the seventh
polymer forms part of the amorphous areas of the granule that are day of hydrolysis, the RC of the amylodextrins decreased due
more susceptible to the acid (Fig. 2b). The cassava starch, the most to probable disruption of part of the crystalline area. However,
susceptible to hydrolysis, had the lowest amylose content after the variation in RC of the amylodextrins during hydrolysis was
the first day of treatment (17 g kg−1 ). On the last day, the cassava, different, depending on the starch crystalline pattern. The cassava
potato and corn amylodextrins contained, respectively, 6.1, 12.1 and corn amylodextrins had an increase of ∼43% of RC until
and 49.1 g kg−1 amylose. During hydrolysis, the starch granules the third day of hydrolysis, whereas in the potato amylodextrins
swell and allow amylose to exit from the amorphous region and there was a less expressive increase (∼24%) in this same period.
migrate to the aqueous phase, where it is easily hydrolyzed by On the other hand, the potato amylodextrins had the highest
H3 O+ .27 The amylose–lipid complex, naturally present in the corn decrease in RC (14%) on the last day of treatment, while cassava
starch,5 may have contributed to the slower decrease in the and corn amylodextrins had a decrease of ∼5%, suggesting that
amylose content of this starch during hydrolysis. the B-type crystalline arrangement was more easily disrupted by
the acid.
X-ray diffraction and relative crystallinity of the starches
and amylodextrins Thermal properties of the starches and amylodextrins
As extensively described in the literature, the cassava and corn The onset gelatinization temperature (T o ) varied from 59.17 ∘ C in
starches displayed A-type pattern, while the potato starch dis- potato starch to 64.66 ∘ C in corn starch, while the gelatinization
played B-type pattern (Fig. 3a–c), which agrees with the data enthalpy change (ΔH) ranged from 14.42 to 18.76 J g−1 in corn
from the amylopectin branch chain length distribution shown and potato starches, respectively (Table 2 and supporting infor-
in Table 1. The crystalline patterns of the starches remained mation Fig. 7). The cassava starch had the highest gelatinization
unchanged during the whole acid hydrolysis period. However, temperature range (T c –T o ) and the potato starch the lowest, sug-
during hydrolysis there was a gradual decrease in the intensity gesting a greater homogeneity of crystals in potato starch. Simi-

of the peak at 5.6∘ and of the peaks at 22∘ and 24∘ in 2𝜃 in lar results were found for potato,28 cassava29 and corn17 starches. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2018; 98: 2751–2760
Characteristics of cassava amylodextrins

Figure 2. (a) Percentage of hydrolysis of starches as a function of time. (b) Amylose content of starches and amylodextrins obtained on different hydrolysis

Table 2. Thermal properties, relative crystallinity and ratio between single-branch chains and linear chains of starches and their amylodextrins

Hydrolysis time (d) T o (∘ C) T p (∘ C) T c (∘ C) ΔT (∘ C) ΔH (J g−1 ) RC (%) P2 /P1

Raw starch 63.83 ± 0.17a 68.77 ± 0.24c 74.63 ± 0.30c 10.80 15.08 ± 0.29bcd 36.06 –
1 50.58 ± 0.09def 61.17 ± 0.24 g 98.53 ± 0.68a 47.96 11.69 ± 0.08 g 48.49 0.58
3 50.00 ± 1.35ef 68.81 ± 0.20c 99.76 ± 0.28a 49.76 16.48 ± 0.78b 51.63 0.45
5 49.20 ± 0.01f 72.47 ± 0.12b 99.47 ± 0.45a 50.27 15.77 ± 0.20bc 56.99 0.35
7 50.54 ± 1.32def 73.05 ± 0.00b 98.67 ± 0.74a 48.13 14.80 ± 0.28bcde 53.99 0.32
Raw starch 64.66 ± 0.28a 69.91 ± 0.08c 74.70 ± 0.12c 10.04 14.42 ± 0.29cde 34.70 -
1 50.99 ± 0.37def 64.01 ± 1.04de 102.12 ± 2.32a 51.13 14.98 ± 0.84bccd 45.07 0.69
3 51.81 ± 1.22de 72.94 ± 0.09b 100.14 ± 1.79a 48.33 15.57 ± 0.72bc 49.32 0.50
5 52.74 ± 0.51d 76.15 ± 0.83a 99.84 ± 0.21a 47.10 14.31 ± 0.52cdef 57.28 0.35
7 55.41 ± 0.19c 77.24 ± 0.23a 99.26 ± 0.61a 43.86 13.07 ± 0.31efg 54.30 0.35
Raw starch 59.17 ± 0.07b 62.08 ± 0.00 fg 66.01 ± 0.01d 6.83 18.76 ± 0.52a 33.27 -
1 50.09 ± 0.34ef 60.60 ± 0.34 g 74.09 ± 0.61c 24.00 13.94 ± 0.57def 39.19 0.45
3 50.51 ± 0.72def 62.91 ± 0.25ef 80.49 ± 0.80b 29.99 14.64 ± 0.45cde 41.10 0.40
5 50.29 ± 0.09ef 64.08 ± 0.10de 83.08 ± 0.18b 32.80 12.56 ± 0.30 fg 56.48 0.22
7 50.22 ± 0.37ef 64.25 ± 0.20d 82.94 ± 1.88b 32.72 9.88 ± 0.46 h 48.54 0.17

Values with the same letter in the same column for each starch are not significantly different (P > 0.05). T o , T p , T c : onset, peak and conclusion
temperatures; ΔT = (T c − T o ); ΔH, enthalpy change; RC, relative crystallinity % = [(total area − amorphous area)/total area] × 100, from X-ray diffraction;
P2 /P1 , ratio between areas of peak 2 (DPap ≥ 18, singly branched chains) and peak 1 (DPap ≤ 17, linear chains of amylodextrins).

The amylose–lipid endothermic peak (T o = 87.13 ∘ C, T p = 97.94 ∘ C, stabilize the crystalline regions are degraded last.6,7 This increase
T c = 103.15 ∘ C and ΔH = 1.43 J g−1 ) displayed for the corn starch was greater for the cassava and corn amylodextrins.
practically disappeared in the amylodextrins from the first day The amylodextrins had a broad gelatinization temperature range
of treatment due to the significant reduction of amylose during (T c –T o ) since the first day of hydrolysis due to the heterogeneity
hydrolysis (Fig. 2b). of the crystals. The differential scanning calorimeter is a sensitive
Independently of the amylodextrins source, there was a decrease instrument and measures the T o when the first particles melt,
in T o and an increase in the conclusion temperature (T c ) for all so the low T o observed refers to the crystals that have been
the samples due to the degradation of the amorphous region and destabilized by acid attack. The hydrolysis of the amylose chains
destabilization of the crystalline region during hydrolysis.9,27,30 The (Fig. 2b) and amylopectin long chains (DP > 37) (Fig. 4) at the first
peak temperature (T p ) also decreased on the first day of treatment stage of hydrolysis resulted in the increase of the proportion of
due to destabilization of the starch granule structure and then very short chains (DP 1–10), which do not form stable double
increased from the third day of hydrolysis because the structures helices and cause fragility in the crystalline structure.7 The acid also

become more organized and the double helices (DP 11–15) that attacks the outermost turns of the double helices, causing small

J Sci Food Agric 2018; 98: 2751–2760 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry MS Costa et al.

Figure 3. X-ray diffractograms (a–c) and TGA curves (d–f ) of starches and amylodextrins on different hydrolysis days.

defects because the ends of the double helices become frayed.6 All There was a greater decrease in the ΔH of the potato amylodex-
this evidence on the first stage of hydrolysis influenced the melting trins with hydrolysis, and this was also observed for the RC of
temperature of amylodextrins, as also observed by Utrilla-Coello B-type amylodextrins (Table 2). These results suggest that the crys-
et al.,27 Kim et al.9 and Kong et al.30 tals of A-type amylodextrins have greater thermal and structural
The amylodextrins also displayed an increase of 17–27 ∘ C in T c stability than those of B-type amylodextrins.
when comparing with T c of the parent starches. This is because
during the acid action on the granules a reorganization of the Thermogravimetric analysis
crystalline structure that makes the crystals thermally more stable Independent of their source, the starches and amylodextrins

occurs.9,12,13,27 had similar thermogravimetric behavior with two mass losses © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2018; 98: 2751–2760
Characteristics of cassava amylodextrins

Figure 4. Chain length distributions of cassava, corn and potato amylodextrins obtained at 3, 5 and 7 days of hydrolysis determined using an HPAEC-PAD

(Fig. 3d–f ). The first corresponded to the process of dehydra- shown in Fig. 4. In general, the amylodextrins had chains with
tion/evaporation of water (65–130 ∘ C) and the second was DPap 2–51. Two main populations, with peak maxima at DPap
attributed to decomposition of the starch glycosidic units 11–12 and DPap 22, which corresponded to the linear and singly
(265–404 ∘ C) and amylodextrin glycosidic units (270–440 ∘ C). branched chains,4,8,9 respectively, were observed, except for the
Independent of the hydrolysis time, the decomposition temper- potato amylodextrins, which had much smaller proportions of
ature range of the glycosidic units of amylodextrins was slightly singly branched chains, represented by a shoulder near to DPap 25.
greater than that of the starches due to the greater energy required The increase in intensity of the peaks (DPap 11–12 and
to decompose the remaining crystalline fraction. Besides, a third DPap 22) in cassava and corn amylodextrins and in the
mass loss at temperatures between 150 and 250 ∘ C was observed shoulder in potato amylodextrins during hydrolysis indi-
in the amylodextrins. The probable presence of sulfate groups, cates that the longer branch chains of starch were initially
which are formed on the surface of particles due to sulfate esteri- degraded.
fication of hydroxyl linkages and sulfuric acid during hydrolysis,31 Cassava amylodextrin chromatograms exhibited a small peak at
can cause initial depolymerization of the material. The yield of DPap 37, which appeared on the fifth day of hydrolysis, whereas
the residue (final weight) was greater for amylodextrins than for in those of the corn amylodextrins, small additional peaks near
starches probably because of the sulfate groups present on the to DPap 35, 44 and 47 (Fig. 4) were observed from the third
crystalline particles, which increase the amount of water released day of treatment. These small peaks corresponded to the chains
and decrease combustion.32 linked to branching points, which were resistant to the action of
acid.8 Part of the branching linkages of A-type starch (cassava
Chain length distribution of amylodextrins and corn starches) are scattered in the crystalline lamellae of the
Anion-exchange chromatograms of the amylodextrins of cassava, granule, while in B-type (potato starch) they are mainly clustered

potato and corn obtained on days 1, 3, 5 and 7 of hydrolysis are in the amorphous region. In the crystalline area, these linkages

J Sci Food Agric 2018; 98: 2751–2760 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry MS Costa et al.

Figure 5. Scanning electron micrographs of starches and amylodextrins: (a–e) cassava; (f–j) corn; (k–o) potato; (a, f, k) native starches; (b, g, l) day 1; (c, h,
m) day 3; (d, i, n) day 5; (e, j, o) day 7.

are protected from acid action.4 These chains contributed to the acid diffusion into the granule due to its porous structure. Simi-
greater increase of crystallinity in A-type amylodextrins (Table 2). lar results were observed by Campanha and Franco13 and Fannon
The ratio between the areas of populations of singly branched et al.33 There was a great agglomeration of the particles for all the
chains and linear chains (Table 2) was higher in corn amylodex- samples mainly in the last days of hydrolysis (Fig. 5d, e, i, j, n, o).
trins, followed by cassava and potato amylodextrins. These results This particle agglomeration may be related to the higher number
confirm the larger number of branching points in A-type amy- of free hydroxyl groups in the samples with the increase in hydrol-
lodextrins. ysis time. These groups are capable of forming hydrogen linkages
with each other and favor agglomeration.31
Morphology and average size of starch granules The greater extent of hydrolysis may result in a decrease in
and amylodextrins nanoparticle production. When acid hydrolysis reaches the sec-
The shape and size of granules were quite variable among the ond stage (crystalline regions) it must be controlled so as not to
different starch sources. Cassava starch granules had a round degrade the crystalline region. In this study, it was found that
shape with truncated ends (Fig. 5a), whereas corn starch gran- after 7 days of hydrolysis the acid begins to slowly degrade the
ules displayed round and polyhedral shapes (Fig. 5f ). Some corn crystalline regions, causing loss of nanomaterial. The action of
starch granules exhibited pores and depressions on their surfaces acid on the starch does not occur uniformly and repetitively along
because of the high amylase activity in the initial stage of grain the amorphous and crystalline structures.27,31 In addition, crys-
germination.33 Both the corn and cassava starch granules had a talline nanoparticles form agglomerates due to hydrogen linkages
similar size distribution, ranging from 5 to 30 𝜇m, with 14.8 𝜇m between the hydroxyl groups present on their surface.31 These
average diameter. Potato starch granules displayed oval and ellip- facts make it difficult to visualize and quantify crystalline nanopar-
tical shapes, smooth surface (Fig. 5k) and size ranging from 10 to ticles of starch in precipitates of the samples. In order to visualize
60 𝜇m, with 32.7 𝜇m average diameter. these nanoparticles the amylodextrins obtained on days 3, 5
On the first day of hydrolysis, the granular structure of all the and 7 were also studied using transmission electron microscopy
starches was maintained (Fig. 5b, g, l). Cassava and potato starch (Fig. 6). On the third day, nanoparticles smaller than 100 nm,
granules kept their original shape, while corn starch granules namely starch nanocrystals (SNC), were observed only in cassava
exhibited small pieces as if they had been broken. Faceted struc- amylodextrins. These cassava SNC had a square shape and a size of
tures, characteristic of the crystalline material, appeared on the 91.1 nm (Fig. 6a). In the same period, corn amylodextrins displayed
third day of hydrolysis for cassava and corn amylodextrins (Fig. 5c, starch particles with a platelet shape and size of 505.14 nm length
h) and only on the fifth day of treatment for potato amylodex- and 141.68 nm width (Fig. 6d), whereas potato amylodextrins dis-
trins (Fig. 5n). These results confirm the greater resistance of B-type played agglomerated particles with micrometric and nanometric
starch to acid action in the second hydrolysis stage (Fig. 2a). Gran- sizes (Fig. 6g). As the hydrolysis time increased, all the amylodex-
ules of cassava and potato starches were degraded by acid erosion trins displayed SNC with a well-defined format. The cassava and

of their surface, whereas corn starch granules were degraded by corn SNC (Fig. 6b, e) displayed platelet shapes, whereas potato © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2018; 98: 2751–2760
Characteristics of cassava amylodextrins

Figure 6. Transmission electronic micrographs of amylodextrins obtained at 3, 5, and 7 days of hydrolysis: (a, b, c) cassava; (d, e, f ) corn; (g, h, i) potato.

SNC were round (Fig. 6h). The shape of the SNC was related to the amylodextrins. The microstructures come from the agglomerated
A- and B-type crystalline patterns of their amylodextrins. In the crystalline particles of amylodextrins, which have faceted shapes,
A-type pattern, the crystallite displays an orthorhombic arrange- whereas the nanostructures are related to the organization of
ment, whereas, in the B-type pattern, the arrangement is hexago- double helices in the crystalline lamellae.
nal. These results are close to those observed in other studies.10,11,19 Although cassava and corn starches have an A-type crystalline
On the other hand, Kim et al.9 found rounded and oval shapes for pattern, their amylodextrins showed subtle differences in peak
SNC, independent of the crystalline pattern of starch. temperature and relative crystallinity in the first 3 days of hydrol-
The size of the SNC also decreased on the fifth day of treat- ysis due to the molecular organization of the amorphous and
ment. Cassava SNC measured 59.32 nm long and 10.74 nm wide, crystalline regions and morphology of the granules of these
whereas corn SNC were 67.32 nm long and 14.32 nm wide. Potato starches. However, in the last days of hydrolysis, cassava and corn
SNC were 67.25 nm in diameter. The morphology and size of the amylodextrins showed similar molecular, thermal and morpho-
SNC can define their use in industrial applications, for example as logical characteristics, indicating that the organization of the
an emulsion stabilizer,34 fat replacer35,36 or mechanical reinforcer double helices in A-type or B-type crystalline patterns defines the
in any polymeric matrix,36–38 making the crystalline pattern and nanostructure of starch.
hydrolysis time-critical parameters to be considered for SNC pro-
duction. Although the particle shape did not change, an excessive
agglomeration of particles occurred on the last day of hydroly- CONCLUSION
sis, resulting in SNC with increased sizes (Fig. 6c, f, i), regardless of Cassava, corn and potato starches displayed different behaviors
the botanical source. This behavior probably occurred due to the during acid hydrolysis due to their structural characteristics. Cas-
greater amount of free hydroxyl groups on the amylodextrin sur- sava amylodextrins displayed SNC from the third day of hydrolysis,
face, which rendered them more reactive, as discussed before. whereas potato and corn amylodextrins displayed SNC only on the
Thus, from results of both scanning and transmission electron fifth day. The arrangement of double helices of A- and B-type crys-

microscopy, two structures, micro- and nano-, were seen in all the talline patterns influenced the rates of hydrolysis and morphology

J Sci Food Agric 2018; 98: 2751–2760 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry MS Costa et al.

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