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Energy Conversion and Management 203 (2020) 112246

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Thermodynamics and energy usage of electric vehicles T

Efstathios E. Michaelides
Dept. of Engineering, TCU, Fort Worth, TX 76132, USA


Keywords: The global number of electric vehicles is exponentially rising, due to strong marketing efforts and governmental
Electric vehicles incentives that significantly lower the price of new vehicles. This shift of consumers from internal combustion
Batteries engine vehicles to electric vehicles is actually a shift from petroleum to the primary sources that generate
Exergy electricity. The motivation for this paper is the holistic analysis of electric vehicles and the determination of their
benefits and detriments. Starting with an exergetic assessment for all road vehicles, this paper determines the
Carbon dioxide emissions
electricity needed for the propulsion of electric vehicles. When the heating and cooling requirements of the
vehicle’s cabin are included, the range of the vehicles decreases significantly. The electricity requirements of the
vehicles are abridged to primary energy sources using the concept of well-to-wheels efficiency. Based on the
regional mix of electricity generation, the effect of the shift to electric vehicles on greenhouse gas emissions is
determined. Because the charging of the batteries of electric vehicles requires significant power, it was con-
cluded that the simultaneously charging of a number of vehicles will strain the capacity of the electricity grid.
The paper also examines the effects of electric vehicles on the further utilization of renewable energy sources.

1. Introduction scientific and engineering studies that document the energy require-
ments of EVs, their environmental impact, and their effects on the re-
The use of electricity for passenger transportation is not new. Its gional electricity grids. Among the few scientific assessments of EVs, a
first known application was in 1839, when sir William Grove invented recent study presented a methodology to estimate the energy use in
the first fuel cell and demonstrated its use in a small tractor. Centrally EVs, based on data measured with an on-board portable laboratory [2].
generated electricity has been successfully used for more than a century The methodology, which is based on real-world data, has the potential
in rail transport – primarily in underground (subways) and above- to establish needed benchmarks for the performance of EVs that are free
ground railways (intercity trains) as well as in the trolleys and trams of of untested commercial hyperbolae.
several cities. In the 21st century environmental concerns with CO2 The effects of EVs on electricity usage and the electric power grids
(carbon dioxide) emissions and other combustion pollutants, in com- were examined in simulations [3] that proposed a parallel optimization
bination with improved battery technology have ushered the new era of framework as a power-demand-unit-commitment problem. The study
electric battery-powered vehicles. Governmental incentives in several concluded that, if the charging of the EVs from fossil fuel sources is
countries (tax credits and rebates) have been adopted to promote the optimized, their proliferation will significantly benefit the efficiency of
substitution of internal combustion (IC) engine passenger cars with energy use (the capacity factor of the units) and will reduce the fossil
electric vehicles (EVs). The incentives are most generous in countries fuel cost. A more recent study [4] looked at the impact of EVs on the
with high renewable energy availability, such as Norway [1]. In parallel energy mix of countries and the electricity grids and determined that
a network of publicly available EV charging stations is rapidly being the widespread adoption of EVs requires that strategic decisions be
constructed in most countries: while in 2008 there were only 47 char- made on the development of sufficient generating capacity and the
ging stations, in 2018 this number mushroomed to 143,502 [1]. distribution networks.
EVs are often portrayed as a panacea that has very high energy ef- The pollution reduction benefits of EVs in urban settings and the
ficiency; will alleviate the global dependence on energy; will sig- replacement of urban pollution with (perhaps lesser) pollution in the
nificantly reduce the emissions of the greenhouse gases (GHG) that vicinity of electricity generation units has been the subject of another
contribute to the Global Climate Change (GCC); and would lead the way study [5], which also examined policies to encourage the adoption of
to sustainable development. While most of the information on EVs is EVs as the primary means of urban transportation. The environmental
derived from commercial and marketing publications, there are few effects of EVs in general and the increase of a country’s vehicle fleet fuel

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Received 21 August 2019; Received in revised form 29 October 2019; Accepted 30 October 2019
0196-8904/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E.E. Michaelides Energy Conversion and Management 203 (2020) 112246

economy are recognized in [6]. This study also warns that encouraging early 20th Century. Based on the 2019 data and the uses of petroleum
consumers, who would otherwise purchase other types of fuel-efficient products, it was estimated that road vehicles emitted 31% of the global
vehicle, to purchase EVs is not advisable as a national policy, because it CO2 emissions, the main constituent of GHGs [14].
does not lead to significant GHG emissions reduction. Another recent The total force, FT, which keeps a vehicle in motion on any type of
study examined the ecological effects of the batteries used in EVs and terrain, is the sum of the friction forces (aerodynamic and road fric-
presented a more skeptical opinion based on the availability of rare tion), the gravitational force (when the motion is on an inclined terrain)
earth metals and the heavy metals used in all the batteries [7]. A po- and the acceleration (when the vehicle velocity varies) [15]:
sition paper summarized the costs and benefits of the high penetration
of EVs in the national markets and outlined the effects this would have FT = FF + mg sin(ϕ) + m ,
dt (1)
on electricity generation corporations and the needed changes in the
infrastructure and the regulatory environment and public policy [8]. where FF is the friction/resistance force; m is the mass of the vehicle; g is
Several studies have also examined the energy usage of EVs. A ra- the gravitational acceleration; ϕ is the angle of the road with the hor-
ther general study [9] advocated the use of the exergy method (instead izontal – the “grade” of the terrain; and V is the velocity of the vehicle.
of an energy balance method) to improve the efficiency of several The last two terms correspond to the changes in the potential and ki-
electric power technologies, including that of urban EVs. A subsequent netic energy of the vehicle and are conservative forces. The total power
study used the exergy method to analyze the thermal management supplied by the engine of the vehicle is [16]:
system of EVs and hybrid cars (before the thermal engine engages). The
exergy destruction and exergetic efficiency of several parts of EVs were Ẇ = FT V = ⎛FF + mg sin(ϕ) + m ⎞ V
⎝ dt ⎠ (2)
to determine high irreversibility components that may be improved
[10]. The thermal management system of EVs was also analyzed more In principle, the reversible operation of vehicles would recover all
recently using an exergy analysis [11] and recommended the replace- their kinetic and potential energy when they complete a circuit and
ment of resistance (called “positive temperature coefficient”) heaters return to their original coordinates (a round trip). Modern vehicles
heat pumps that have higher coefficient of performance. The thermal equipped with regenerative brakes (all hybrid vehicles and most EVs
management of the cabin of EVs (for both heating and cooling) is the have this system) recoup part of the potential and kinetic energy when
subject of another recent study [12] suggested the adoption of high they complete a circuit and come to a stop. For this reason, this study
efficiency Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems will concentrate on the non-conservative force FF, which is dissipative
with a Tesla turbine1 replacing the expansion valve. This turbine, which and is imposed on the movement of the vehicles by the terrestrial en-
will add to the complexity and cost of the system, recovers part of the vironment. All the power and energy associated with this force are
exergy lost by the working fluid during the isenthalpic expansion pro- dissipated in the environment.
cess. When vehicles are cruising at constant speed on level roads (ϕ = 0,
While previous studies examined particular aspects of EVs (the dV/dt = 0), the mechanical power consumed is spent to overcome the
HVAC system, the environmental effects, etc.) there has not been a rolling friction with the ground and the air drag of the vehicles. These
study that examines in a holistic way the total energy usage of EVs, two resistance forces are modeled as follows [15, [17]:
starting with the question: “Where is the energy (of fuels or batteries)
used or dissipated?” This paper aims at a holistic analysis of the EVs FF = FR + FD = CR mg + CD ρAV 2,
2 (3)
from a thermodynamics point of view and starts with the friction/re-
sistance forces that must be overcome by all road vehicles. The rate of where CR and CD are the rolling friction and the aerodynamic drag
exergy dissipation for road vehicles is first calculated and this yields the coefficients respectively; ρ is the air density; and A is the cross-sectional
minimum amount of mechanical energy required for the operation of area of the vehicle. The rolling friction coefficient depends on the
vehicles. Since EVs operate with electric energy, a tertiary form of en- surface of the road and the tires of the vehicle [15]. The drag coefficient
ergy, the well-to-wheels efficiency is introduced as the figure of merit of is a function of the Reynolds number of the moving vehicle [17]. Ty-
EVs that connects the exergy dissipation in all vehicles to the primary pical ranges of the two coefficients for cars are 1–2% for the rolling
energy source consumption. Based on the mix of the primary energy friction and 30–60% for the aerodynamic drag coefficient. Because the
sources used for the generation of electricity in several countries, the two forces are resistance forces, all the power consumed by the vehicles
CO2 emission reductions are calculated when IC-powered vehicles are during round trips is dissipated as heat in the environment. The exergy
converted to EVs. Finally, the effects of charging a fleet of EVs on the dissipation (work lost, Ẇlost ) and the entropy production, Θ̇, during
electric power grid and the possible use of a large number of EV bat- cruising are given by the expression [16]:
teries for utility-level energy storage are examined.
Ẇlost = T0 Θ̇ = V ⎛CR mg + CD ρAV 2⎞
⎝ 2 ⎠ (4)
2. Power requirements for road transportation – exergy
Eq. (4) shows that the power dissipation of vehicles is a mono-
tonically increasing function of their speed. Fig. 1 depicts this re-
lationship for a sedan-style road vehicle that weighs 1500 kg and has a
The global transportation sector consumes approximately 36% of
frontal area 1.75 m2. For the calculations the rolling coefficient was
the Total Primary Energy Sources (TPESs) and is dominated by the road
constant at 0.018 and – because the flow becomes turbulent at this
vehicles – primarily passenger cars and freight trucks. Road vehicles
range of vehicle velocities [18] – the aerodynamic drag coefficient was
account for 89% of the global transportation energy use; air transport
also constant at 0.45.
accounts for 7%; and water and rail transport together account for
Vehicles powered by IC engines are subjected to Carnot limitations
approximately 4% [13,14]. Liquid hydrocarbons (primarily gasoline
and, typically, have lower thermodynamic efficiencies – in the range
and diesel) supply most of the energy used in the transportation sector.
10–30% with the efficiency of some hybrid vehicles being as high as
From the environmental point of view, the number and usage of pas-
45% [19,20]. The efficiency of the vehicle depends on the type of the
senger cars and freight trucks has been steadily increasing since the
vehicle (the so called “sports cars” have very low overall efficiencies).
Fig. 2 depicts the effect of the cruising speed on the fuel con-
A centripetal flow turbine without blades that was patented by Nikola Tesla sumption and the time of arrival for a road vehicle with the char-
in 1913. The patent has expired and the design of the turbine is now in the acteristics of that in Fig. 1. The overall thermal efficiency of the IC
public domain. engine is taken to be constant at 21%, a typical value of mid-size sedan

E.E. Michaelides Energy Conversion and Management 203 (2020) 112246

Fig. 1. Power requirements of a cruising vehicle as a function of the cruising velocity.

Fig. 2. Fuel consumption and travel time of a vehicle as a function of the cruising speed.

cars [19,20] that also includes the transmission losses. It is observed of the EV during a round trip is:
that the maximum fuel consumption drops from approximately 26 km/
1 ̇
L when it travels at 10 km/hr to 6.6 km/L when it cruises at 150 km/hr. ̇ + Q,
E ̇ = V ⎛CR mg + CD ρAV 2⎞ + Weq
It is also observed that the time to travel 1 km, which is related to the ⎝ 2 ⎠ β (5)
expected time of arrival at the destination, drops significantly. Despite where Weq ̇ is the power needed for lights, instruments and auxiliary
the higher fuel consumption at lower speeds, the time to travel one km equipment; Q̇ is the absolute value of heat added to the interior of the
(close to 5 min at the optimum speed) is very long and inconvenient for vehicle by the heater (or removed by the air-conditioner in the
most vehicle operators who will choose higher speeds for the con- summer); and β is the coefficient of performance of the heating/cooling
venience of earlier arrival. equipment. The power Weq ̇ is typically 50–70 W [21] when the vehicle
engine produces 8000–20,000 W while cruising at speeds 60–100 km/
3. Power requirements for electric vehicles ̇ is at least two orders of magnitude lower than the
hr (Fig. 2). Since Weq
other exergy requirements it may be neglected.
Other expenditures of engine power are vehicle acceleration; When the ambient temperature is low, the rate of heat transfer and
changes in altitude; power for instruments, lights, and other equipment, the additional power required for the heating of the vehicle are sig-
such as air-circulation fans; and heating and air-conditioning. The first nificant. The absolute value of the rate of heat that enters or leaves any
two are included in Eq. (2) and the last ones need to be modeled. In segment of the vehicle may be calculated from the equation [22]:
conventional IC vehicles heating is provided by the waste heat of the
Qi̇ = UAi |Tin − T0|, (6)
engine. This rate of heat is plentiful, always sufficient to keep the in-
terior of the vehicle at a comfortable temperature, and does not burden where Ai is the area of the i segment; Tin is the desired cabin tem-
the fuel requirements of the vehicle. The EVs lack a thermal engine that perature; T0 is the outside (ambient) temperature; and the overall heat
produces waste heat and all the heat for the cabin must be supplied by transfer coefficient, U, is given by the expression:
the stored energy in the battery. The most efficient method to supply 1 1 Δx 1
the needed heat for the cabin (and for the battery itself if this is needed) = + + ,
U hin k hout (7)
is with the use of a heat pump, which doubles as air-conditioner in the
summer. In this case the total rate of exergy, necessary for the operation where hin is the inside heat transfer coefficient, typically due to natural

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Fig. 3. Energy requirements for a cruising EV when ΔT = 25 K for different coefficients of performance of the heating system.

convection; hout is the outside heat transfer coefficient, due to forced significant range improvement is achieved when a heat pump with
convection because the vehicle is moving in the ambient air, and is a β = 3 is used for the heating instead of resistance heating (β = 1).
strong function of the vehicle velocity; Δx is the thickness of the ma-
terial (glass, metal, composite, etc.) that comprises the vehicle segment 4. Supply of exergy – the well-to-wheels efficiency
and k is the thermal conductivity of this material. The total rate of heat
that enters or leaves the vehicle is obtained by summing over all the IC-powered vehicles receive their energy from fossil fuels (gasoline,
segments of the vehicle that are exposed to the ambient air. diesel, compressed natural gas, and synthetic gas), which is derived/
Calculations were performed for the energy requirements of a ty- produced from a primary energy source, typically petroleum or natural
pical sedan-style EV with the characteristics of the vehicle in Figs. 1 and gas. Relatively low amounts of energy and exergy are lost – typically on
2, when the difference between the interior cabin and ambient is 25 K. the order of 10% – during the transportation and production of the IC
The results of the calculations are shown in Fig. 3, which depicts the fuels in chemical refineries [23]. Electric vehicles run on electricity,
power requirements when zero heat is supplied (Q = 0) and also when which is a tertiary energy source and is produced from primary energy
heat is supplied by resistance heating (β = 1) and by a heat pump sources by a variety of processes [20]. Significant amounts of energy
(β = 2 and β = 3). and exergy – from approximately 70% in nuclear power plants to 25%
It is observed in this figure that the addition of heat consumes a in hydroelectric power plants – are lost in the conversion of the primary
significant fraction of the stored electric energy, especially when re- energy sources to electricity [24], 20]. Additional losses occur in the
sistance heating is used for the interior of the cabin. At the typical electricity transmission process to the consumers as well as during the
cruising speed of 100 km/hr, the additional heat is 37.5% of the pro- charging processes of the batteries [25]. Any comparison between IC-
pulsion energy when resistance heating is used (β = 1) and 12.5% when powered vehicles and EVs should adopt the primary energy sources as
a heat pump with coefficient of performance β = 3 is used.2 reference for energy. This implies that figures of merit must take into
For the convenience of travelers and the improvement of the vehicle account the consumption of exergy during the entire chain of processes
range, it becomes apparent that the use of heat pumps is the most de- that powers the wheels of the vehicles starting with the primary energy
sirable method for EVs. When a relatively efficient heat pump with sources. Such analyses are referred to as well-to-wheels (WTW) analyses
β = 3 is used, Fig. 4 depicts the absolute value of the additional power and are frequently performed to assess the operation of vehicles [26],
the battery must supply as a function of the cruising speed. The tem- 20]. The chain of energy conversions that power the EVs and the range
perature difference between the interior cabin and the ambient is the of efficiencies of these processes are:
parameter in this figure.
It is observed that the heating and cooling of the EV imposes sig- 1. Fuel transportation to the power plant and conversion to electricity,
nificant power requirements that must be met by the battery. This denoted by ηt. The efficiency of this process depends on the type of
would decrease the distance travelled by the vehicle between two unit that produces the electric power. Typical values of ηt are [20,
charging processes. [27]: 18% for photovoltaics; 30% for nuclear and wind units; 35%
The additional rate of exergy that must be supplied to the vehicle for for gas turbines; 40% for coal units; 50–64% for combined cycle gas
heating and cooling has a significant effect on the range of the vehicle, turbines; and 75% for hydroelectric power plants.
the distance it may travel on one charge. All additional power ex- 2. The transmission of electric power from the power plant to the
penditures reduce the range of the vehicle. Table 1 shows the results for consumer. This includes the losses in the step-up and step-down
the range reduction of a vehicle, in km, for four temperature differences transformers, the transmission lines, and the distribution network
between the interior and the exterior of the vehicle, ΔT, and the coef- and is denoted by ηtr. Typical values of ηtr are in the range 90–95%
ficient of performance of the heat pump, β, when the cruising speed is in the OECD countries and slightly less (85%) in some developing
100 km/hr and the vehicle is fitted with a, 80 kWh battery. countries [28,29].
It is apparent in this Table that the traveling range of the vehicle, 3. The charging of the battery, ηB, which also includes the losses in the
given in km, is significantly reduced in cold weather trips, when a great a/c to d/c converter. Batteries have an internal resistance, which
deal of heat must be supplied to the cabin. It is also apparent that contributes to energy dissipation during charging. A recent study
[30] compiled the testing results of 1,896 batteries used in com-
mercially available EVs and examined four factors that affect the
Low temperatures also have a deleterious effect on the ability of the battery charging efficiency of batteries: a) the charging voltage (120 V and
to provide power. This effect may be neutralized by supplying additional heat 240 V); b) the state of charge; c) the temperature; and d) the char-
to warm the battery system. ging power. It was reported that the average charging efficiency at

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Fig. 4. Energy requirements for a cruising EV when β = 3 and for different ΔT.

Table 1 main determinant of the ηww for EVs, especially when the electricity is
Range reduction, in km, of an EV, fitted with an 80 kWh battery, at different produced from thermal power plants that are subjected to the Carnot
temperature differences and coefficients of performance when V = 100 km/hr. limitations. When the electricity is generated from both conventional
β=1 β=2 β=3 and renewable sources, the overall efficiency of EVs is comparable to
those of conventional IC-powered vehicles.
ΔT = 0 428 428 428 It must be noted that a few publications separate the well-to-wheels
ΔT = 20 329 372 389
efficiency in two parts: the well-to-tank efficiency and the tank-to-
ΔT = 25 311 360 380
ΔT = 30 295 349 372 wheels efficiency. The product of the two is equal to the ηww.
Conventional and hybrid vehicles have high well-to-tank efficiency and
low tank-to-wheels efficiency. On the contrary, EVs have low well-to-
120 V is approximately 83.8%, while at 240 V the efficiency in- tank efficiency and high tank-to-wheels efficiency.
creases to 89.4%. The starting state-of-charge (SOC) of the battery
plays an important role in the charging efficiency with batteries that 5. Effect on greenhouse gas emissions
started at 10% SOC having efficiencies close to 90% and several
batteries that started at 85% SOC having efficiencies less than 10%. One of the principal attractions of the marketing of EVs is the public
For the entire charging process typical values of ηB are range from perception that they do not emit any pollutants. While this is correct for
70% to 90%. It must be noted that the testing results in this com- the actual vehicles that move in urban areas without emitting pollu-
pilation were at very low power (less than 0.2 kW). The fast char- tants, the generation of electricity at the power plants that supply the
ging processes – on the order of tens of kW to charge a 50–100 kWh motive power for these vehicles entails significant pollutant production.
battery at a reasonable time – entail higher thermodynamic irre- Fossil fuel combustion is still used in most of the countries for the
versibilities and the charging efficiency may drop significantly. This production of a very high fraction of their electric energy demand: of
is a consequence of the generalized force-generalized flux relationships the entire global electricity demand in 2016, 38.4% was generated by
of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and has been observed in the combustion of coal, 3.7% by liquid hydrocarbons, and 23.2% by
other independent studies on the charging-discharging efficiencies natural gas [13]. The combustion of these three fossil fuels emits carbon
[31,32]. dioxide, which is the principal GHG, as well as other pollutants that
4. The supply of power from the battery through the motor to the must be accounted in any environmental assessment of EVs.
wheels, which includes the battery discharging losses and any fric- It is apparent that, whether or not the substitution of IC-powered
tion in the motor and the gear box, ηM. EVs typically have one gear cars results in environmental benefits, depends to a large extent on the
only and do not need a complete transmission to operate. Typical method of electricity production: if the electricity supplied to EVs is
values of this combined efficiency are in the range 85–90%. produced by non-carbon energy sources – nuclear, hydroelectric, solar,
wind, biomass and waste products – there is significant CO2 avoidance
When all these processes are taken into account, the well-to-wheels by switching the transportation fleet to EVs. On the other hand, if a very
efficiency for EVs is: high fraction of the electricity is supplied by coal and heavy liquid fuels,
ηww = ηt ηtr ηB ηM . (8) the substitution of IC-powered vehicles with EVs entails a net increase
of CO2 emissions [20].
With the ranges of efficiency values in the energy supply chain Because electric power production is a national affair and varies
given above, the WTW efficiency of EVs is in the range 9–58%; and among countries and larger geographical regions, calculations were
5.4% if a solar PV array is used for the generation of electric power.3 conducted for the CO2 emissions avoidance (or increase) for several
The lower part of this range is comparable to that of the powerful (and countries that are global leaders in EV registrations. The calculations
less efficient) sports cars and the upper part is slightly higher than that are based on the fact that, since the CO2 is emitted by the combustion
of hybrid vehicles. A glance at the values that determine the WTW ef- process, one may calculate the heat supplied to the IC engines as well as
ficiency proves that the efficiency of the electricity production is the the equivalent heat supplied to the fossil fuel power stations that gen-
erate the fraction of electricity supplied by the fossil fuels. The principal
It can be argued that, since the solar insolation would have been dissipated results of the calculations are shown in Table 2. The first column of the
in the environment if it were not used, the lower efficiency related to the PVs is Table indicates the country and the next four columns show the fraction
not a disadvantage because it does not lead to primary energy consumption and of electric energy generated by coal, natural gas, petroleum, and non-
dissipation. carbon emitting sources [33]. Biofuels were included in the non-carbon

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Table 2
Fraction of electric energy produced by fossil fuels and non-carbon sources and CO2 avoidance when gasoline-powered cars are substituted by EVs.
Country Coal Natural Gas Petroleum Non-carbon % CO2 avoidance % CO2 avoidance 1.25 higher efficiency % CO2 avoidance, 1.67 higher efficiency

Australia 0.636 0.196 0.022 0.146 −18.89 4.89 28.67

Belgium 0.031 0.262 0 0.707 73.41 78.73 84.04
Brazil 0.045 0.098 0.026 0.831 81.97 85.58 89.18
Canada 0.093 0.093 0.012 0.802 76.34 81.07 85.80
Chile 0.381 0.149 0.037 0.433 23.58 38.87 54.15
Estonia 0.838 0.006 0.021 0.135 −34.89 −7.91 19.06
European Union 0.226 0.188 0.018 0.568 46.85 57.48 68.11
France 0.019 0.063 0.005 0.913 91.24 93.00 94.75
Germany 0.422 0.127 0.009 0.442 21.97 37.58 53.18
India 0.748 0.048 0.016 0.188 −23.64 1.09 25.82
Japan 0.337 0.392 0.082 0.189 5.52 24.42 43.31
Norway 0.001 0.017 0 0.982 98.43 98.75 99.06
P.R. China 0.682 0.027 0.034 0.257 −13.44 9.25 31.93
Russia 0.157 0.478 0.01 0.355 34.57 47.65 60.74
UK 0.093 0.422 0.005 0.48 49.84 59.87 69.90
USA 0.314 0.329 0.008 0.349 22.37 37.90 53.42
Global Average 0.384 0.232 0.037 0.347 16.24 32.99 49.74

emitting primary energy sources because they absorb their carbon equivalent electricity prices, primarily because the liquid fuels are en-
content from the atmosphere and are, therefore, carbon-neutral. For the cumbered by higher local taxes. Table 3 shows the cost comparison of
calculations of the CO2 emissions avoidance the low-heating value two similar vehicles when they travel on trips of 1000 km, the first with
(LHV) data was used for the gasoline and the average of the low- and an unleaded gasoline engine that performs on the average 12.2 km/L
high- heating values (HHV) was used for natural gas and petroleum (28 mpg) and the second with an electric engine that performs 19 km/
[34]. This because the emissions of all IC-powered vehicles comprise kWh. The annual savings of running the two vehicles, calculated for
water vapor (hence the LHV) while a fraction of the gas turbines that 15,000 km, is also shown in the Table, as well as the ten-year present
operate with natural gas and petroleum increasingly use combined value (PV) of the annual savings for two discount rates, r, 5% and 8%.
cycles with preheaters that exhaust liquid water and not water vapor The unleaded gasoline and electricity prices were obtained from [13]
[27]. The first column on CO2 avoidance pertains to the substitution of and pertain to the first quarter of 2018 (the price for electricity in Japan
IC-powered vehicles with EVs that have comparable WTW efficiencies. was obtained from the 2016 data of the same publication).
Negative values in this column indicate CO2 emissions increases. It is observed in Table 3 that – at the current prices regime – the
The numbers in this Table indicate that, if IC-powered vehicles in monetary savings from the substitution of gasoline-powered cars with
Norway are substituted with comparable EVs, there will be on the comparable EVs results in significant monetary savings. When these
average 98.3% CO2 emissions avoidance, primarily due to the fact that savings are combined with the other monetary incentives – primarily
a very high fraction of electricity in this country is generated from tax credits and rebates offered by governments that range from $4000
hydroelectric energy.4 On the contrary, in a country like Estonia, which in Sweden, to $8000 in the USA, and up to $20,000 in Norway [36] –
generates approximately 84% of its electricity from carbon (tar sands) that are available in most countries, the total monetary benefits offset
such a substitution would result in 34.89% increase of CO2 emissions. the original price premiums of new EVs and make them competitive in
The values for the entire world were obtained from the averaged global the vehicle market-place. It must be noted, however, that the govern-
data in [33]. The data indicate that, on the average, 16.24% CO2 mental incentives are not always guaranteed and may be faced out. For
emissions avoidance is achieved when IC-powered vehicles are sub- example, in the USA, the higher incentives will be faced out when
stituted with EVs. 200,000 EVs are sold.
The last two columns in Table 2 show the result of calculations
when the WTW efficiencies of EVs are significantly higher than those of 6. Effects on renewable energy utilization
the IC-powered vehicles by factors 1.25 and 1.67%. Such efficiencies
may be achieved in the future by a continuation of the following trends A salient conclusion from the data of Table 2 is that the environ-
that have been observed in the last decade: mental advantage of replacing a fleet of IC-powered vehicles with the
equivalent fleet of EVs depends very much on the electric power mix of
1. Manufacturing EVs with lesser weight. the country (or the region, if electricity grids are regional). The en-
2. Developing more efficient battery charging and discharging pro- vironmental benefit is much higher in countries with high fraction of
cesses. nuclear and renewables – e.g. France, Belgium, Norway, and Canada.
3. Improving the overall efficiency of the electric power production On the contrary, the benefit is diminished (and may, actually, become
units by increasing the fraction of combined cycle units. an environmental detriment) in countries that heavily rely on coal and
4. Improving the carbon footprint of the electric power industry by the other fossil fuels for their electric power generation. When a great deal
substitution of coal power plants with renewables and combined of renewable energy is unused and available, it is beneficial to use part
cycle gas turbines [20,35]. of this energy in the transportation sector. Norway, where the hydro-
electric energy resources by far exceed the current power generation, is
The energy comparison of IC-powered and EVs notwithstanding, at an example of a country that could readily substitute a high fraction of
present there are significant monetary savings in favor of purchasing the IC-powered vehicles with EVs and achieve significant CO2 emissions
EVs. The prices of liquid fuels (gasoline and diesel) are higher than the avoidance in the process.
Hydroelectric energy is readily available to be harnessed at any time
there is demand. In addition, and because of the very high mass of
Norway, which has a great deal of unused hydroelectric capacity, is also water stored in the reservoir and the potential energy of water (mgΔz),
actively promoting the use of electric cars by offering significant monetary hydroelectric power plants are capable of providing very high quan-
incentives to the owners. tities of power, with the larger hydroelectric power plants having power

E.E. Michaelides Energy Conversion and Management 203 (2020) 112246

Table 3 Table 4
Cost of running comparable gasoline and electric vehicles, annual savings and Power generated (in kW/m2) and PV area necessary to charge with 40 kWh the
present value of savings over 10 years. r is the discount rate. batteries of 1 EV and 500 EVs in four cities of the USA.
Country Cost of Cost of Annual Present Present Power Generated per PV area for PV area for 500
1000 km, 1000 km, Savings, Value, Value m2, kW/m2 one EV, m2 EVs, m2
gasoline, electricity, $US per 10 years, 10 years,
$US $US 15,000 km r = 5%, r = 8%, Dallas-Fort Worth, 0.934 48.7 24,333
$US $US winter
Dallas-Fort Worth, 1.172 38.8 19,392
Australia 95.66 45.03 759 5398 4744 summer
France 146.97 35.72 1669 11,861 10,425 Los Angeles, winter 0.992 45.8 22,911
Germany 135.02 65.17 1048 7448 6546 Los Angeles, summer 1.626 28.0 13,977
Japan 108.76 48.07 910 6470 5686 Miami, winter 1.170 38.9 19,425
Korea 142.06 20.71 1820 12,938 11,371 Miami, summer 1.205 37.7 18,861
Norway 127.41 21.47 1589 11,295 9927 New York, winter 0.648 70.1 35,073
Spain 124.63 55.67 1034 7353 6462 New York, summer 1.004 45.3 22,637
UK 137.32 38.38 1484 10,548 9271
USA 61.78 24.51 559 3974 3493
of electric power is at a minimum [38]. This electric energy surplus may
be consumed by EVs that would be charged during the nighttime. Pri-
ratings in the thousands of MW [20]. This is not the case for solar and cing incentives – e.g. lower electricity prices during the nighttime
wind power, which are diffuse power sources; are not always available hours, which are already in effect in several regions, – will assist with
to produce power at demand, and require very large tracts of land for the nighttime charging of EVs by consumers and will facilitate the
their operation. Solar energy is periodically variable and wind power is substitution of fossil-fuel powered vehicles with EVs at least for the
essentially intermittent. For this reason these two power sources may shorter, commuting routes.
not be available when battery charging is desired by the consumers.
It is often publicized that the EVs of the future will be charged
during the workdays by PV panels in urban garages, while their owners 7. Other effects on the electric grids
are at work. However, this practice requires PV panel areas (and power
ratings) that are exceedingly high and are not available in an urban With 36% of the global TPESs spent on transportation and 89% of
setting: Typical multilevel urban garages have on the order of one this consumed by road vehicles, the latter currently consume 173 Quads
thousand passenger vehicles parked. Table 4 shows the PV area that of energy (174*1012 MJ), which is primarily supplied by liquid petro-
would supply with 40 kWh of electric energy the batteries of 500 of leum products. It becomes apparent that, even if a fraction of this en-
these vehicles if they were garaged between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm5 in ergy consumption is substituted with electric energy, the global elec-
four metropolitan areas of the USA: New York, Los Angeles, Dallas and tricity supply – currently at approximately 23,000 TWh (82.8*1012 MJ)
Miami. The PV panel area is calculated from two values of the irra- – must be significantly increased to satisfy the additional demand. With
diance in the cities, one for the winter months and the second for the the current mix of global electric energy production, which includes
summer. The irradiance data for the four cities were obtained from the thermal power plants, approximately 165*1012 MJ of primary energy
NREL’s National Solar Radiation Data Base [37]. The PV panels are sources should be diverted from the transportation sector to the elec-
stationary and facing south, at an angle equal to the latitude of the tricity sector in order to accommodate the shift to EVs. While this is a
region, the optimum angle for maximum annual energy production very substantial increase in electric energy production, adequate
[20]. The overall efficiency of the PV panels is 20% and the battery planning and market forces can support the transformation. Several
charging efficiency is 88%. In order to avoid weather-related fluctua- countries (the USA, Canada, Japan, and most European Union coun-
tions the averages of the same two weeks – first week of January and tries) already have the excess electric power capacity to supply the
first week of July – were calculated over six years of the insolation data. needed electricity during the nighttime, when the electricity demand is
The area required in other northern cities with lesser total (direct at the lowest. A study pertinent to the Japanese electric grid that used
and diffuse) irradiance – e.g. Boston, Detroit, Chicago and Seattle – is the MARKAL tool to project into the future, concluded that, while at
significantly higher. With the roof area of the typical multilevel garage present there is sufficient excess power capacity to charge the EVs
that houses vehicles in urban areas being on the order of 1000 m2, it is during the nighttime, by 2050 there will be sufficient installed solar-
apparent from the calculations of Table 4 that the needed PV area for generated electricity to facilitate the charging of EVs during four hours
the charging of a large fraction of the garaged EVs is not available in the middle of the day [39].
within the urban settings. The electric power for the charging of the EVs Significant grid problems would arise at present if a large number of
by solar power during the working day must be generated from solar EVs were to be charged simultaneously and, particularly, at fast rates of
farms outside the urban setting. The d/c-to a/c and back to d/c con- charging. Several popular publications flaunt the idea that EVs, used in
versions and the transmission of electricity in the urban centers would trips longer than their range, may be charged in stations along the way
entail additional and significant energy dissipation. while the owners have a meal. This implies a charging time of ap-
The other widely available form of renewable energy, wind power, proximately one hour and that the charging occurs within the habitual
is intermittent. While wind power may supply a fraction of the energy meal times – e.g. between noon and 2:00 pm for lunch. If it is assumed
to a grid, whenever it becomes available, it is not dispatchable and may that there is a sufficient number of charging stations and that 40,000
not be relied to supply daily, the urban garages with electricity. EVs (a very conservative number in most metropolitan areas of the USA
An option that would supply non-carbon generated electric power to and several populous countries) with average battery capacity 65 kWh
EVs is to increase the number of nuclear units that supply an electric are charged in the area served by an electric grid during the one-hour
grid. Currently, the addition of several nuclear power plants, which are lunch period. At charging efficiency 90% and transmission efficiency
base-load units, to an electric grid may create electricity generation 90%, the grid must generate and transmit to the consumers an addi-
surplus during the nighttime, when the residential and commercial use tional 3210 MW, during the hour of charging. This is a significant de-
mand fluctuation that many regional electricity grids will not be able to
meet. When the electricity demand is not met, brownouts and blackouts
This is the typical “working day” in the four cities that includes one hour for occur in the entire region served by the electric grid. In general, the
lunch. widespread deployment of EVs will cause significant problems to the

E.E. Michaelides Energy Conversion and Management 203 (2020) 112246

functioning and operation of current power grids, such as power quality Declaration of Competing Interest
issues, supply-demand mismatching, and overloading of distribution
transformers, if proper corrective actions by the grid management and The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
optimal charging of EVs by the drivers community are not implemented interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
at a national/regional scale [40]. ence the work reported in this paper.
The high energy capacity of EV batteries and the fact that a large
fraction of the EVs are idle (in urban garages) for several hours every Acknowledgement
day has fostered the idea to use EV batteries for large-scale (utility-
scale) electric energy storage. This is a necessary condition for the This research was partly supported by the Tex Moncrief Chair of
avoidance of the U-shaped demand curve (also referred to as the duck Engineering at TCU.
curve) and the higher penetration of wind and solar energy in the
electricity generation mix of a region [41,31,42]. The use of EV bat- References
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