Leadership Philosophy

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We all envisioned ourselves doing something great for the welfare of other people. Decision
making should not be taken so lightly because it requires a lot of effort and sacrifice to attain positive
results. In my own perspective or point of view, a leader is someone who listens very well. Some leaders
did not become a leader immediately after they were born, they were first a listener and they have
undergone from a lot of mentorship from other leaders. Being a leader is someone who can unite and
motivate other people despite of their differences to achieve common goal. It is necessary for leaders to
be open for different opinions of his people and admit that sometimes the idea he thinks that is right is
not really beneficial for the majority or your organization. Always put yourself in the shoes of other
before making a big decision, this only means that you always take into consideration the situation and
condition of your people and then make a judgement that will put all of you in a win win situation. A
leader is someone who is greatly dependable and reliable regardless of the situation he is in. Having a
courage to take a step ahead before your comrade does, will give them a relief that you will always lead
them to the right and you will never leave them behind.

It is very important for us to know the significance of being a leader. Not all leaders make right
decisions, they sometimes fail but a true leader knows that his determination and passion would not
just end there just because of a failure but he will instead take it as an opportunity to improve. It is very
important for us to have a leader so that we would not somehow get lost along our journey. The leader
is always there for us that will be willingly help us to get back on the track every time we get lost.
Someone will always remind us and teach us things on every task given. He will organize every people
around accordingly and assign them in task that is appropriate to their skills or specialty to avoid wasting
time and energy. True leader also knows not only to guide but also to provide and produce another
competent leader that has potential to produce another one. Followership will always give you a benefit
because it gives you an insight on what you must do to avoid the mistakes of the leaders that you look
up to and that would give you a step ahead when it is your time to lead. It is undeniable that there are
some leaders will also lead you to wrong path. Not all leaders have the same principle to strive for a
better future. Some leaders use other people for their own benefit and this might also produce another
leader that has been into a wrong path and will continually influence other because they were blinded
and what they think they were doing is right.

Me as a leader will do everything I can to provide all the needs of my people. But I will also not
tolerate the misleading acts of some that might affect the performance of the whole organization. I
need to make them understand that we always need to separate our personal life when it comes to
work that and to show them that I want to instill professionalism. My struggle along my journey as a
leader will be, I think that the decisions that I will be making for my people is that they would not take it
personally and how will I resolve if that results into unnecessary emotions that might affect their
performance at work. I personally also want to guide them not only about work but also share the word
of God that is a very necessary in our life. God is the leader of all leaders and the king of kings. His word
is the rule of all things here. Some of the great leaders already forgot about him just because of the
massive achievements they have made. They feel that they can also do things like what God can do and
results into unjustly acts. God will guide the leader who is always humble and knows where he came
from. But we also need to act or make decisions that needs sacrifice. Those who are afraid to make
sacrifices cannot change anything. We must always be ready for all the repercussions of some decisions
that we will be making. Learn not to be afraid of doing things for a better purpose and greater future
that requires sometimes to bend the rules just to save the welfare of your men. Take the risk for
yourself because you are the leader that they have to rely on.

Some of us may have failed to do so, but there is still someone who believes on us. It is true that
leaders are the ones who take actions but his decisions are not the only thing that matters. You should
not stop learning from other leaders, you do not stop there just because you already became a leader.
When you will also become a father and have a family of your own, you would not be alone, you will
have a partner of your own that is always there to help you in every kind of circumstances your family
will be in. Planning is one of the key elements that also a leader must have. We need to follow certain
steps to accurately while avoiding mistakes as much as possible to reach achievement on a given time.
There are factors that needs to be considered before making a plan that is applicable in any given
situation and there should always be a backup plan that is always there in case that your original plan
would not go as we wish. We may have different philosophy as a leader but its all for a good cause.

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