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Name : 1. Bimasetyo Havano Y.

2. Damah Yanti

Class : XII IPA 5

Damah : Hai Bima

Bima : Hai Damah how are you doing ?

Damah : I am very good, thanks for ask

Bima : My pleasure, what are you doing here?

Damah : Well I am looking for a new al quran,

Bima : wow that’s cool

Damah : thank you bima, by the way, can I ask your opinion?

Bima : of course, what is it?

Damah : Thanks, so Gramedia or bookstore at the city? For me to find a new Quran

Bima : eum, I think bookstore is better, because its include all kind of books

Damah : oh I see, I think the same way too, thank you for your opinion!

Bima : no problem!

Damah : :thanks, but what if their closed? Because this is pandemic, you know that.

Bima : that’s complicated, but we can check it in google!

Damah : that’s very kind of you.

Bima : no problem damah, bt the way, can I ask your opinion ?

Damah : sure, you can ask me anything that you want me to answer.

Bima : I confusing, wich color do I have to choose for my shirt?red or blue?

Damah : I think red suits in you, because its make you look more confident around of people!

Bima : waw, that’s a very nice opinion that ive ever heard before, thanks damah!

Damah : your welcome bima, I was the one who should say thanks to you that helping me with my

Bima : by the way, how you get home from here after this?
Damah : eum, I little bit confused about that actualy, I would rather walk by my own, or should I
take a taxi from here to my home?, what do you think is better bima?

Bima : eum, taxi is better than walking by yourself, its more savefor your own,

Damah : thank you that you care for me, I’ll take taxi than, see you soon Bima!

Bima : no problem, see you soon Damah!

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