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STUDENT ID NO: 201153002

DATE : 26-02-21
ERP solution in Bangladesh RMG sector is obviously an important criterion nowadays. The
international balance of payment of Bangladesh is dependent of RMG sector growth. As such the
transparency & accountability are prime concerns. ERP modules can work in such manner that
entire RMG sector is fully integrated to this business intelligence software which not only produce
report, status but also generates real time scheduling & feedback of each segments individually,
jointly & multi-tasking deliberations.
In the context of moving forward with the technological advancement in our Apparels Industries
I am sure it will be unanimously agreed upon the acknowledgement of ERP implementation now
a day. Besides all the challenges in incorporation of an ERP a few of the RMG companies have
already implemented or in progress of adapting one. The rest are giving a strong thought of
following others.
The biggest challenge to start is to answer the BIG "Make or Buy" QUESTION. Majority are to
go with the latter option since time, resource, support, retention, risk factors are there for the first
one. One advantage of procuring ERP is that it may already have a footprint (with or without the
hiccups) in the country. Trying a new comer may be an option but need rigorous assessment
process. Among a number of market leaders in this field the buyer needs to have a sharp mind in
the selection of those in the course.
I have been heading an ERP implementation project in a reputed RMG Exporter group in
Bangladesh. According to my view a few points need to be pondered on the vendor selection as
1. List of already implemented sites with the customer's feedback.
2. Modules to be incorporated
3. Financial data integration method
4. User friendliness
5. Database and interface platform
6. Disaster recovery method.
7. Data Security
8. Easy adaptation with the change in the middle of production
9. Data retrieval speed.
10. Online/On-site Support
11. HW and SW System requirement
12. Application and Database Licensing structure
13. Scope of customization
Definition of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) :

ERP (Enterprise resource planning) can be defined as a software solution that addresses the
enterprise needs taking the process view of the organization, to meet the organizational goals
tightly integrating all functions of an enterprise It is an industry term for the broad set of activities
supported by multi-module application software that help a manufacturer or other business manage
the all the parts of its business. ERP facilitates integration of company-wide information systems
with the potential to go across companies.

Figure1.1 Components of ERP

The History of ERP:

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is the evolution of Manufacturing Requirements

Planning (MRP) II. From business perspective, ERP has expanded from coordination of
manufacturing processes to the integration of enterprise-wide backend processes. From
technological aspect, ERP has evolved from legacy implementation to more flexible tiered
client-server architecture

Table1: The Evolution Of ERP From 1960s To 1990s

Timeline System Description

Inventory Management and control is the
combination of information technology and
business processes of maintaining the
appropriate level of stock in a warehouse. The
Inventory activities of inventory management include
1960s Management identifying inventory requirements, setting
& Control
targets, providing replenishment techniques
and options, monitoring item usages,
reconciling the inventory balances, and
reporting inventory status.
Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) utilizes
software applications for scheduling production
processes. MRP generates schedules for the
Material operations and raw material purchases based
1970s Requirement on the production requirements of finished
Planning (MRP) goods, the structure of the production system,
the current inventories levels and the lot sizing
procedure for each operation.
Manufacturing Requirements Planning or MRP
utilizes software applications for coordinating
1980s Manufacturing manufacturing processes, from product
Requirements planning, parts purchasing, inventory control to
Planning (MRP II) product distribution.
Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP uses
multi-module application software for
improving the performance of the internal
business processes. ERP systems often
Enterprise Resource integrates business activities across functional
2000s Planning (ERP) departments, from product planning, parts
purchasing, inventory control, product
distribution, fulfillment, to order tracking. ERP
software systems may include application
modules for supporting marketing, finance,
accounting and human resources

Material Requirements Planning (MRP):

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) is a computer-based production planning and inventory
control system. MRP is concerned with both production scheduling and inventory control. It is a
material control system that attempts to keep adequate inventory levels to assure that required
materials are available when needed. MRP is applicable in situations of multiple items with
complex bills of materials. MRP is not useful for job shops or for continuous processes that are
tightly linked. The major objectives of an MRP system are to simultaneously:
1. Ensure the availability of materials, components, and products for planned production and
for customer delivery,
2. Maintain the lowest possible level of inventory,
3. Plan manufacturing activities, delivery schedules, and purchasing activities. MRP is
especially suited to manufacturing settings where the demand of many of the components
and subassemblies depend on the demands of items that face external demands. Demand
for end items are independent. In contrast, demand for components used to manufacture
end items depend on the demands for the end items. The distinctions between independent
and dependent demands are important in classifying inventory items and in developing
systems to manage items within each demand classification. MRP systems were developed
to cope better with dependent demand items. The three major inputs of an MRP system are
the master production schedule, the product structure records, and the inventory status
records. Without these basic inputs the MRP system cannot function.
• Master production schedule (MPS)
The demand for end items is scheduled over a number of time periods and recorded on a master
production schedule (MPS). The master production schedule expresses how much of each item is
wanted and when it is wanted. The MPS is developed from forecasts and firm customer orders for
end items, safety stock requirements, and internal orders. MRP takes the master schedule for end
items and translates it into individual time-phased component requirements.
• Bill of material records (BOM)
The product structure records, also known as bill of material records (BOM), contain information
on every item or assembly required to produce end items. Information on each item, such as part
number, description, quantity per assembly, next higher assembly, lead times, and quantity per end
item, must be available.

• Inventory status records / file ( ISF)

Contain the status of all items in inventory, including on hand inventory and scheduled receipts.
These records must be kept up to date, with each receipt, disbursement, or withdrawal documented
to maintain record integrity. MRP will determine from the master production schedule and the
product structure records the gross component requirements; the gross component requirements
will be reduced by the available inventory as indicated in the inventory status records.

MRP Calculations:

The following Calculations are made by the MRP programs.

• Gross Requirements - This is the estimated requirements for the item described.
• Scheduled Receipt – This indicates when the item becomes available for use, from a
previously released order.
• Projected On Hand – This is the number of unites to be available at the end of each time
bucket based on the balance of requirements and receipts.
• Net Requirements – If the projected on hand is negative it is called a net requirement and
means there will not be enough of this component to produce the quantities required to
meet the master production schedule.
• Planned Order release – The planned order release (POR) row indicates when an order
should be released to ensure that the projected on hand figure does not become negative.
The Limitations of MRP :
You will either get reports out of the box that do what you want, hire the software vendor to create
a custom solution, pay third party vendors to create something, or you'll become very good at
manipulating the data outputs you receive. This is a factor behind the rise of data repositories and
data analysts who combine all of the data coming from various systems to present the combination
of information management needs to make correct decisions as quickly as possible.
Given how few full-scale MRP and ERP solution providers there are, you have little choice as to
who you will use. This is especially true if you’re looking for MRP or ERP systems that are already
compatible with your payroll or Human Resources tools. There is a good chance you’ll have to
tailor your manufacturing processes to fit the ERP software instead of tailoring the software to fit
your processes. SAP’s manufacturing modules, for example, are complex and hard to use for shop
floor data management.
If you want to gain insight into your supply chain both upstream and downstream, you’re pretty
much stuck with the MRP or ERP software they use, regardless of performance of the software in
other areas. If your organization wants that level of visibility up and down the supply chain, you
either have to pressure vendors to adopt the software you have or consider the lack of it a strike
against them regardless of their overall quality.
Not every MRP system can track pre-built kits and partially built assemblies. Tracking these
partially built assemblies and assembled kits as another part number adds to the workload of
manufacturing planner.
Few ERP systems can perform product verification of as-built assemblies against as-designed
When you rely on a single mission-critical ERP system, a software glitch or system outage cripples
the entire organization.
User account maintenance with the ERP system becomes critical to onboarding and daily work. If
someone is locked out on purpose or by accident, they can’t do their jobs.
ERP forces businesses into a one-size-fits-all approach. The complexity of the system makes
buying off the shelf components for a quick fix or makeshift solutions to solve a problem very
difficult to track, much less implement on a wide scale. MRP and ERP systems have a significant
upfront cost that puts the best tools out of reach of small business.
MRP and ERP are most helpful when you have a complex bill of material with many levels.
Conversely, if you have a small selection of parts and low inventories, it isn’t worth it to get MRP
software. You might be able to track inventory in your financial software and run basic reports to
determine when you need to order more if a low inventory alert isn’t sufficient notice. Or you
could implement a Kanban system to handle the day to day inventory management system and
order what you need when you switch to the second bin.
Manufacturing Resourcing Planning (MRP II):
MRP II is a computer-based system that can create detailed production schedules using real-time
data to coordinate the arrival of component materials with machine and labor availability. MRP II
is used widely by itself, but it's also used as a module of more extensive enterprise resource
planning (ERP) systems.
Key Takeaways -

• Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) is an integrated information system used by

• MRP II is an extension of materials requirement planning (MRP).
• Both MRP and MRP II are seen as predecessors to Enterprise resource planning (ERP).

MRP II is an extension of the original materials requirements planning (MRP I) system. Materials
requirements planning (MRP) is one of the first software-based integrated information systems
designed to improve productivity for businesses.
A materials requirements planning information system is a sales forecast-based system used to
schedule raw material deliveries and quantities, given assumptions of machine and labor units
required to fulfill a sales forecast.
By the 1980s, manufacturers realized they needed software that could also tie into their accounting
systems and forecast inventory requirements. MRP II was provided as a solution, which included
this functionality in addition to all the capabilities offered by MRP I.
Real-World Examples of MRP II Software –

The following are a small sampling of some popular MRP II software providers, as of early

• Fishbowl
• Factory Edge
• Prod smart
• abas
• Oracle NetSuite Manufacturing Edition
• Epicor
• S2K Enterprise

For all intents and purposes, MRP II has effectively replaced MRP I software. Most MRP II
systems deliver all of the functionality of an MRP system. But in addition to offering master
production scheduling, bill of materials (BOM), and inventory tracking, MRP II provides
functionality within logistics, marketing, and general finance.

For example, MRP II is able to account for variables that MRP is not—including machine and
personnel capacity—providing a more realistic and holistic representation of a company’s
operating capabilities. Many MRP II solutions also offer simulation features that allow operators
to enter variables and see the downstream effect. Because of its ability to provide feedback on a
given operation, MRP II is sometimes referred to as a closed-loop system.

MRP I included the following three major functionalities:

• Master production scheduling

• Bill of materials
• Inventory tracking

MRP II includes those three, plus the following:

• Machine capacity scheduling

• Demand forecasting
• Quality assurance
• General accounting

MRP II systems are still in wide use by manufacturing companies today and can either be found
as stand-alone solutions or as part of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Enterprise
Resources Planning (ERP) software systems are regarded as the successors of MRP II software .

ERP suites include applications well outside the scope of manufacturing. These can include
everything from human resources and customer relationship management to enterprise asset
Manuel Procurement Process:
It's the series of processes that are essential to get products or services from requisition to purchase
order and invoice approval. Although we use procurement' and purchasing' interchangeably,
they slightly differ from each other.
While purchasing is the overarching process of obtaining necessary goods and services on behalf
of an organization, procurement describes the activities involved in obtaining them. The
procurement process in an organization is unique to its context and operations.
Regardless of the uniqueness, every procurement management process consists of 3 Ps', namely
Process, People, and Paperwork.
1. Process:
The list of rules that need to be followed while reviewing, ordering, obtaining, and paying for
goods/services. Checkpoints/steps increase with the complexity of the purchase.
2. People:
These are stakeholders and their specific responsibility in the procurement cycle. They take care
of initiating or authorizing every stage of the process. The number of stakeholders involved is
directly proportional to the risk and value of the purchase.
3. Paper:
This refers to the paperwork and documentation involved in every stage of the procurement
process flow, all of which are collected and stored for reference and auditing reasons.
Procurement Process Flow:
To keep the procurement management process fair, transparent, and efficient, a good
understanding of the procurement process flow is key. Although the procurement process of
organizations differs from each other, the flowchart below sums up the important steps in a
procurement process.
Steps involved in a procurement process:
Every procurement management process involves several elements, including requirements
determination, supplier research, value analysis, raising a purchase request, reviewal phase,
conversion to purchase order, contract administration, monitoring/evaluation of received order,
three-way matching, payment fulfilment, and record keeping. These are the important stages in
the procurement process flow:
Step -1, Needs Recognition:

The needs recognition stage of a procurement process enables businesses to sketch out an accurate
plan for procuring goods and services in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost.

Stakeholders Procurement officers, department heads, functional managers

Fact-finding agenda, emergency justification form, piggyback request form, needs

analysis form, total acquisition cost finder, due diligence research

1. Is there a real need for goods/services?

Questions 2. Can an existing contract or established source fulfill the need?

3. Will it require special approval of any sort?

Step - 2, Purchase Requisition:
requisition are written or electronic documents raised by internal users/customers seeking the
procurement team's help to fulfill an existing need. It comprises key information that is required
to procure the right goods, services, or works.
Step – 3, Requisition Review:
The procurement process will officially commence only after the purchase requisition is approved
and cross-check for budget availability. In the review stage, functional managers or department
heads review the requisition package and double-check if there is a genuine need for the requested
goods or service and also verify whether necessary funding is available.
Approved purchase requests become POs, while rejected requests are sent back to the
requisitioned with the reason for rejection. All these can be handled with a simple purchase order

Stakeholders Procurement officers, end users, departmental heads

E-requisition submission form, purchase requisition form, sole-brand procurement, RFI

template, fast track RFP

1.What is the available or approved budget for this purchase?

Questions 2. By when should the purchase be delivered by?

3. Where should the requested items be delivered?

Step – 4 , Solicitation Process :
Once a requisition is approved and PO is generated, the procurement team will develop an
individual procurement plan and sketch out a corresponding solicitation process. The scope of this
individual solicitation plan depends ultimately on the complexity of the requirement.

Stakeholders Procurement managers

Letter of invitation for suppliers, request for information, supplier general

Documents information worksheet, evaluation committee member participation form, market
analysis worksheet.
1.Are solicitation documents cross-checked for consistency and completeness.
2. How are we planning to handle queries from suppliers (written correspondence
and/or by a pre-offer conference)?

Step – 5, Evaluation and Contract:

Once the solicitation process is officially closed, the procurement team in conjunction with the
evaluation committee will review and evaluate supplier quotations to determine which supplier
will be the best fit to fulfill the existing need.

Stakeholders Procurement team and evaluation committee

Evaluation committee agenda, RFQ cost negotiation (best and final offer), contract
Documents terms and conditions, request for clarification, supplier technical evaluation template,
solicitation review summary sheet.

1.Is there a potential conflict of interest situation with any suppliers?.

2. Have we shortlisted compliant/acceptable offers, and rejected non-responsive offers?

Once a vendor is selected, the contract negotiation and signing are completed, and the purchase
order is then forwarded to the vendor. A legally binding contract activates right after a vendor
accepts a PO and acknowledges it.
Step – 6, Order Management:
The vendor delivers the promised goods/services within the stipulated timeline. After receiving
them, the purchaser examines the order and notifies the vendor of any issues with the received
Stakeholders Inventory managers, requisitions, vendors, and procurement team

Purchase order, shipping notifications, goods receipt notes, purchase invoices ,

Documents goods return shipments, product/service quality check template, supplier assessment
1. Are there any discrepancies in the three-way matching?
2. Is there a significant amount of variance between the expected and actual performance

Questions of the vendor?

3. Is there a significant amount of variance between the expected and actual performance
of the vendor?

At this step, three documents purchase orders, packaging slips (that arrive with the order), and
vendor invoices are lined up and reconciled to pinpoint discrepancies and ensure that the
transaction is accurate. Discrepancies should be addressed once they are discovered.
Step -7, Record Keeping:

After the payment process, buyers make a record of it for bookkeeping and auditing. All
appropriate documents right from purchase requests to approved invoices are stored in a
centralized location.

Stakeholders Procurement officers and requisitions

Documents Procurement process evaluation report, contract closure report.
1. Was the requirement adequately fulfilled?
2.Were the evaluation criteria and methods appropriate?
3. What problems were encountered?
4. Recommendations to avoid similar situations.

Why Should You Automate Your Procurement Management Process:?

A solid procurement software can streamline the cluttered procurement process and keep it
transparent. No information is lost and stakeholders can raise, approve, or reject items on time. A
streamlined procurement process offers better control over every stage of the procurement
Furthermore, an efficient procurement automation software:
• Minimizes the chaos made by paperwork
• Shortens the procurement lifecycle

• Reduces human dependency intervention and errors

• Lessens the workload of all stakeholders

• Keeps the process accurate and consistent

• Injects transparency into the process flow

• Sticks to the predefined procurement cycle

Choosing an automated procurement management software rather than depending on emails and
excel sheets will speed up the procurement process, ensure accuracy, enhance efficiency, and save
time and resources.

ERP Procurement Process:

ERP supports the procurement process by –
• Supporting the execution of the process
Documents can be quickly and easily created and stored in the system.
• Capture and store data
For example all stock levels and supplier information displayed on purchase requisition screen all
forms (goods receipt, purchase order, invoice) held on database for checking .
• Help monitor performance
Automatically generate exception report if problem occur provides a variety of reports in response
to queries.
Implementing ERP:

In the context of moving forward with the technological advancement in our Apparels Industries
I am sure it will be unanimously agreed upon the acknowledgement of ERP implementation now
a days. Besides all the challenges in incorporation of an ERP a few of the RMG companies have
already implemented or in progress of adapting one. The rest are giving a strong thought of
following others.

The biggest challenge to start is to answer the BIG "Make or Buy" QUESTION. Majority are to
go with the latter option since time, resource, support, retention, risk factors are there for the first
one. One advantage of procuring ERP is that it may already have a footprint (with or without the
hiccups) in the country. Trying a new comer may be an option but need rigorous assessment
process. Among a number of market leaders in this field the buyer needs to have a sharp mind in
the selection of those in the course.

I have been heading an ERP implementation project in a reputed RMG Exporter group in
Bangladesh. According to my view a few points need to be pondered on the vendor selection as

1. List of already implemented sites with the customer's feedback.

2. Modules to be incorporated
3. Financial data integration method
4. User friendliness
5. Database and interface platform
6. Disaster recovery method.
7. Data Security
8. Easy adaptation with the change in the middle of production
9. Data retrieval speed.
10. Online/On-site Support
11. HW and SW System requirement
12. Application and Database Licensing structure
13. Scope of customization
14. User connectivity method
15. Service level agreement (SLA)
16. Annual maintenance fees
17. Cost of ownership.
18. Strength of the local support required.

Web-Integrated ERP:
This involves using the web to integrated ERP system with outside stakeholders such as customers
and suppliers. Many ERP system have been found to offer only limited integration with internet
systems. The ideal is to integrate ERP with the internal systems of other business (not just
connecting ERP to other customer suppliers). This is difficult but these web-integrated ERP ( also
called e-commerce) applications are beginning to make an impact.

Benefits of ERP in Garments Industry:

Remember the word "E" or enterprise. This is true ambition of ERP. It attempts to integrate all
departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those
departments' particular needs. The integration streamlines internal business processes and
improves productivity of a company.
To be concise, ERP software offers the following benefits:
1. ERP integrates all aspects of the business processes including: manufacturing,
design, customer services, financial, sales and distribution. By integrating business
processes and people anywhere in your company, you can enjoy more efficient
work flow and improved productivity.

2. Nowadays, retailers and consumers push for lower prices, better quality and quicker
delivery. ERP implementation shows your determination to head for those
direction. Confidence of your business partners and consumers will be increased.

3. For better ERP software, it helps to reduce or eliminate duplicate work, and
automates operational tasks and provide easy access to information. ERP, therefore,
can deliver significant time savings.

4. For better ERP software, it helps to reduce or eliminate duplicate work, and
automates operational tasks and provide easy access to information. ERP, therefore,
can deliver significant time savings.

5. Advanced ERP software has the ability to be customized to the extent that screens
can be remodeled, fields can be edited and the architecture modified through
progressive installation processes. In addition, advanced ERP software can be
operated in a secured, web-based environment. These features provide flexibility
and convenience in implementation and operation.

6. Some multi-lingual ERP software can perform automatic translation enables almost
every style detail to be viewed in several languages including English, Chinese, and
etc. It improves the effectiveness of communication.

7. Manufacturing companies often find that multiple business units across the
company make the same widget using different methods and computer systems.
ERP standardizes the manufacturing processes and improve quality.

8. ERP helps business process flow more smoothly and improves the efficiency of
fulfillment process. It leads to reduced inventory. Eventually, it decreases the
overall business cost.
At its simplest level, ERP provides a way to integrate all your business process. To get the most
from the software, you have to get people inside your company to adopt the work methods outlined
in the software. If the people do not agree with the method and the system has no flexibility to be
customized, ERP projects will be failed. Therefore, you should choose ERP software wisely.
“Example” Pridesys Garments ERP is one of the leading ERP solution provider:
Pridesys Garments ERP is one of the leading ERP solution provider, especially for Garments
industries which is integrated with different modules that cover all the aspects of your Garments
Business. This solution supports multi-currency and multi-location based operations. It aims at
keeping track of all the activities including receiving an order from buyer, costing of order,
resource planning, procurement of raw materials, production management, inventory
management, import-export process, order reconciliation process etc. It’s also integrated with
other modules of Pridesys ERP including finance, accounts, HR, supply-chain etc. With this
automated solution you can easily track your business activities and entire operations of your
garments manufacturing process.

“Benefits” Pridesys Garments Offer:

• Manage & integrate all aspects of the business key functions including: order entry, sample,
IE, inventory, merchandising, production & Finance.
• Determination to achieve lower prices, better quality and quicker delivery, as a result,
increase in confidence from business partners and buyers.
• Provides right information to the right people at the right time anywhere in the world,
enabling you to improve productivity, enhance decision making capabilities and promote
communication between co-workers, suppliers and buyers.
• Reduce and eliminate duplicate work and automate operational tasks to save time & cost.
• Turn the way of access information easy with proper confidentiality.
• Standardizes the manufacturing processes and improves quality within multiple business
units across the company.

Pridesys Garments ERP Functions:

1. Quotation
o Buyer’s Enquiry Analysis
o RM Collection, Consumption, Sourcing & Developed (by Supplier) Monitoring
o Send available specimen to Sample Dept.
o Sample Monitoring
o RM Consumption & Costing Analysis
o Prepare Quotation & Follow-up
o Approvals by Management and send a copy to Audit
2. Sample
o Receive Different type of Sample Request
o Prepare Mini-Marker
o RM Consumption
o Collection, FIT,PP Sample Prepare
o Recommendation/Suggestions to Merchandiser
3. IE
o Style Analysis
o SMV Calculation
o IE Suggestion for PPH
o Skill Inventory
o Production Downtime Analysis
o Line Layout
o Process wise Target & Achievements
o Production Efficiency
4. Merchandising
o Confirmed Export Order/PO Collection
o RM Approval/Swatch Status
o Sample Approval Monitoring
o Fabric & Accessories Estimation/Prepare BOM
o Group Fixing and Supplier Selection Consider With Price, Quality, Delivery,
Supplier Grade, Etc.
o Booking Management
o PI Collection
o BBLC Opening Request
o Send PI to Audit
o Delivery Monitoring
5. Commercial (Import)
o Export LC/Sales Contract Collection& Amendment
o Audited PI Receive from Merchandising Dept.
o BTB LC Opening & Amendment
o Shipment & Updated Schedule Monitoring for ETA Fact.
o Suppliers Document Receive & Acceptance
o Acceptance Clearance
6. Store
o Monitor updated Booking status for ETA Fact.
o Receive against Booking
o Physical Inventory with PI/Booking
o Shade Approval & Distribution
o Fabric Inspection
o Fabric Replacement/Negotiation with Supplier (If inspection result fail)
o RM Issue against approved requisition
o Gate Pass & Challan Prepare & Printing
o RM receives from floor after production.
o Leftover declarations after Style/Lot close
o Re-Booking/PO to store with revaluation to use leftover quantity
o RM Transfer Style/Lot/Store to Style/Lot/Store
o Local Purchase
o Receiving/Back RM to/from Supplier
o Receiving Damaged/Rejected Garments/RM
7. Production Planning
o Lot/Batch wise Grouping
o PP Meeting
o Line Planning (Loading/Unloading)
o Ladder Planning
8. Production
o RM Requisition & Approval for Production
o Cutting and send to Line
o Artwork / Monitoring PRINTING OR EMBROIDERY to/from Fact.
o Line Input
o Hourly Sewing Production
o Send to WASHING
o Receive from WASHING
o Thread Cutting after wash
o Final QC
o Carton & Packing
o Prepare Packing List
o Booking to Forwarder (to Comm. Dept.)
o Inspection Schedule
o Inspection
o Ex-Fact
9. Export (Commercial)
o Receive Booking from Factory
o Booking Placed to Forwarder
o Packing List Receive From Factory
o Invoice Prepare
o Printing (Invoice, EXP, Application, etc.)
o Bill of Exchange/Bank Document
o Inspection Done/QC Report
o Cargo Load Detail Received from Fact
o Shipment Advice Received from Forwarder
o Export/Shipping Documents from Bank Submission
10. Realization
o Realization Follow-up
o Update Short Realize Cause/Head with amount.
o SOD/FC Transfer Acknowledge
o Disbursement Amount
o MIS Reporting
11. Reconciliation
o Procurement – Quotation VS Actual
o Productivity – Quotation VS Actual
o CM – Quotation VS Actual
12. TnA
o Task/Job/Order Management/Monitoring
o Task Scheduling (Font/Back Calculation)
o SMS, E-mail, Auto alarm Notification
o Export/Import data in CSV/Excel format
o Graphical View of Task/Job/Order Status
o Critical Path Analysis

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