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Classroom Management Plan

 1.  Classroom Rules

1. Respect yourself: use positive self-talk to be respectful about your artmaking process.
Learn to advocate for yourself. 
2. Respect others: listen and be open to others’ opinions, when one person is speaking no
one speaks over them. Be respectful of others’ cultures and beliefs. Use appropriate
language when speaking to peers. Do not touch other’s work without their permission. 
3. Be respectful to school property and surroundings: do not damage school property. Clean
up after yourself. 

2.   Relationship-Building Plan:
o Introductory games: Getting to know each other on the first day of PSII. Playing a game
such as two truths and a lie and having the students pick out what the lie is and go around
the room to each student. 
o Sitting down with students individually to get to know their interests, learning how to say
their name correctly, asking them how they would like to learn while you are teaching.
o Before each lesson, ask students how their evening went, how their morning went, what
their plans for the weekend are, etc.,
o Telling students to have a good evening, good weekend, good holiday, etc.
o At lunch time or during breaks, take the time to get to know your students, visit with
them; ask how school is going, extra-curricular activities, etc., this will build a positive
teacher-student relationship.

3.  Classroom Procedures:

  Attention-Getting Procedure: 
o Turn the lights off: turning the lights off with get the students attention so you can
give next instruction
o Set a timer: when the timer goes off, students need to put down pencils/art
o Noise: chimes, quick part of a song, etc. to signal that students need to be quiet.
 Transition Procedures:
o  Routine activity: start class with the same activity everyday (for example: news
article about something happening in the art world) to signal the start of class.
This helps students transition into the start of class because it is part of the class
o Timer: set a timer near the end of the class period to prepare students for the
transition. The timer will prepare students to transition quickly and effectively.  
 Individual Seatwork Procedure: 
o Assigned seating plan to get them acquainted with everyone in class that will
change periodically
o Students may sit by their friends during work time but only if they are working
 Safety Procedures: 
o Have a clear pathway to the door. There is nothing in the way that will make it
difficult for students to exit the classroom 
o Fire drill and lockdown procedure: students know what to do and where to go for
fire drill and lockdowns 
o Know where the safety kit is and where they can find bandaids, etc. 

 Other Procedures: homework, lateness, absence, personal electronic devices

(iPods, cell phones-secondary level):
o Homework- extra days in unit plan for students to finish late and
missing assignments and projects 
o Absent: establish relationship with student’s guardian to communicate
o Personal electronic devices: place to store phones during lessons;
students may use their phones to listen to music while creating artwork
o Clean-up plan and routine: assign roles/jobs, certain portion of class
(ie: last 10 min.) that is designated for clean up
4.  Intervention Plan (before and updating during practicum)
Low Key Responses to Misbehavior

Strategy 1 (Bump 1): use low key and non-confrontational responses to get the students
attention and get them back on task. These cues and prompts are not meant to embarrass or call
the student out in front of their peers – they are subtle. If they are still not listening, use more
direct and intentional strategies. Strategies include:
- Move closer to student
- Hand on desk or say their name
- Stand and wait
- Ask questions to refocus student
- Ignore negative behaviour and give praise during position behaviour
- Say their name and then continue
Strategy 2 (Bump 2): if behaviour continues, use medium level confrontation methods.
Conversations should still be positive and solution oriented. The goal of this strategy is to
redirect the behaviour
- For example: Tom, attention please/eyes up here
- Give student a brief reminder to stay on task
Strategy 3 (Bump #): if behaviour is still happening, a direct conversation needs to happen with
the student about their behaviour. It is important to tell the student why they are having the
conversation, what a solution can be, and to let the student talk- maybe they have an
- Offer choices for student to self-correct – this conversation happens away from the rest of
the students
- Discussion between student and teacher to encourage student to stop behaviour
- Identify behaviour and provide a choice or give them problem solving ideas/ make an
agreement, for example: you can choose to do your work in class or stay in on your break
for an extra 10 minutes to complete it
5. Reflection on Classroom Management (during and after practicum)
a. Successes/Strengths
b. Problem Areas/Areas for Growth
c. Alternative

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