2009 Current Concepts in The Pathogenesis of AF

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Current concepts in the pathogenesis of

atrial fibrillation
Antonios Kourliouros, MRCS, Irina Savelieva, MD, Anatoli Kiotsekoglou, MD, Marjan Jahangiri, FRCS, and
John Camm, FRCP London, United Kingdom

Current evidence suggests that the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation (AF) is multifactorial. The observation that AF, once
present, alters the electrophysiologic properties of the atrial myocardium causing self-perpetuation of the arrhythmia raised the
importance of electrical remodeling in its pathogenesis. Although these changes are potentially reversible, maintenance of AF
continues even after electrical remodeling has occurred. Clinical and experimental studies have highlighted the role of a
susceptible atrial anatomical substrate with features of myocyte degeneration and interstitial fibrosis in the initiation and
maintenance of AF. Finally, the association of increased inflammatory burden with the presence and future development of AF
has implicated inflammation in the pathogenesis of the arrhythmia. The purpose of this review is to provide current evidence
on the dominant theories on AF pathogenesis, namely, electrical remodeling, structural remodeling, and inflammation;
describe the various experimental models and methods used; and identify a cause-effect association, when present. In
addition, the interrelation between different mechanisms responsible for AF will be demonstrated, providing further insight into
the complex pathophysiology. (Am Heart J 2009;157:243-52.)

Despite new insights into the mechanisms of atrial the associated alterations in the number and function of
fibrillation (AF), no specific etiologic factor has been ion channels, has been implicated in the progressive
identified as the sole cause or perpetuator of the nature of the disease and the notion that “AF begets AF.”4
arrhythmia. Regular tachycardias or focal triggers found Enhanced susceptibility to AF and the risk of domestica-
in myocardial tissue of the atrial free wall or pulmonary tion of the arrhythmia extend beyond the time course of
veins create propagating wavelets, which, in the pre- electrical remodeling reversal, suggesting “a second
sence of reduced refractory period and/or conduction factor” responsible for AF recurrence.5,6
velocity, may lead to reentrant circuits and AF.1,2 The presence of a susceptible atrial anatomical
However, ectopic foci may not always be necessary for substrate with areas of conduction block, which may
the initiation and maintenance of AF. In the early seminal cause spatial dissociation of the wavelets and promote
work by Allessie et al,3 decreased wavelength alone reentry, has been implicated in the perpetuation of the
(product of refractory period and conduction velocity) arrhythmia.5 However, it remains unclear whether this
allowed for the maintenance of several simultaneous structural remodeling, with features of interstitial fibrosis
reentry circuits leading to the development of AF. The and myolysis, precedes the development of the arrhyth-
therapeutic application of this multiple circuit reentry mia; whether it is purely AF-induced or simply a feature of
hypothesis has been the termination of the arrhythmia older age or underlying heart disease.
after surgical isolation of the reentrant pathways. The observation that atrial tissue of patients with lone
Animal studies have demonstrated that rapid atrial AF show evidence of myocarditis and that cytokine levels
pacing caused significant shortening of atrial refractori- may predict the development of AF or the effect of
ness, increased susceptibility to paroxysms of AF, and cardioversion highlight the role of inflammation in the
persistence of the arrhythmia when tachypacing was development of the arrhythmia. The direct arrhythmo-
prolonged. The concept of electrical remodeling, with genic effect of inflammatory cytokines on atrial myocar-
dium has been associated with the initiation of AF.7 The
increased rate of AF after cardiac surgery, which is known
to induce systemic inflammatory response, and the
From the Departments of Cardiac Surgery and Cardiac and Vascular Sciences, St George's
beneficial effect of drugs with anti-inflammatory proper-
University of London, London, United Kingdom.
Submitted June 13, 2008; accepted October 12, 2008.
ties such as steroids and statins further implicates
Reprint requests: John Camm, FRCP, St George's University of London, Cranmer Terrace, inflammation as an important denominator for AF.
SW17 0RE London, United Kingdom. The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive
E-mail: jcamm@sgul.ac.uk
outline of recent studies that support each of the main
0002-8703/$ - see front matter
© 2009, Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved. pathogenetic mechanisms in AF. The experimental
doi:10.1016/j.ahj.2008.10.009 models and methodology used, main outcomes, and
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244 Kourliouros et al February 2009

Figure 1

Pathogenesis of the development and maintenance of AF. APD indicates action potential duration; Ito, transient outward K+ current; ICa, L-type
Ca2+ current; INa, Na+ current; IKsus, sustained outward K+ current; IK1, inward rectifying K+ current; IK,Ach, G protein–coupled inward rectifying
K+ current.

associations with AF are critically discussed and tabulated decreased with the progression of atrial pacing, leading
for quick reference. The interrelations between the to reduced duration of action potentials. However,
different pathogenetic mechanisms in AF are also high- despite the observed effect of tachypacing on the number
lighted, demonstrating the multicausal nature of AF and conductance of ion channels, no changes were
(Figure 1). observed in the ionic channel structure and no direct
mechanism was identified to account for the alterations
in conductance. The same group demonstrated that one
Electrical remodeling of the most important denominators of the upstroke of
The observation that the chronicity of AF is inversely the action potential, the Na+ current (INa), was signifi-
associated with successful electrical cardioversion and cantly reduced in left atrial myocytes from mongrel dogs
that increasing duration of paroxysms of AF is linked to subjected to rapid atrial pacing.9 The resultant slowing of
the development of sustained AF led Wijffels et al4 to the conduction velocity was associated with shortening of
conclusion that “AF begets AF.” They demonstrated that reentry wavelengths and susceptibility to AF.
after implantation of atrial electrodes and automatic The repolarization and refractoriness of atrial cardio-
induction of AF in goats, the duration of the arrhythmia myocytes is dependent on the outward K+ and inward
progressively increased (and became sustained at Ca2+ currents and their densities. One would expect that
2 weeks), followed by a shortening of the atrial effective shortening of EPR and action potential duration observed
refractory period (ERP) and increased inducibility of AF in AF models would be caused by an increase in the
by a single premature stimulus. This shortening of EPR is outward K+ current, a decrease in the inward Ca2+
largely responsible for the increased susceptibility of current, or both. The hypothesis of increased density of
myocytes to reactivation from an electrical impulse, human atrial K+ current was tested by van Wagoner et al10
leading to reetrant activity and AF. The concept of but was not validated because inactivating (Ito) and
“electrical remodeling” was further supported by studies, sustained (IKsus) outward K+ current densities were
which aimed to identify the ionic current changes and significantly reduced in patients with permanent AF
action potential abnormalities associated with AF. Yue when compared with sinus rhythm (SR). The authors
et al8 were the first to report pacing-induced action suggest that these changes are most likely the result
potential changes in the atria of mongrel dogs after atrial rather than the cause of the arrhythmia. In another study
tachypacing for 1, 7, and 42 days. Both the transient of human atrial tissue from operated patients in SR and
outward (Ito) and L-type Ca2+ currents (ICa) were permanent AF, there was an increase in the inward
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Table I. Studies on electrophysiologic changes associated with AF

Author, year Model Setting/methods Outcome Association with AF

Wijffels et al, 19954 Instrumented goats— External automatic atrial Shortening of ERP, increased Maintenance, increased
atrial electrodes fibrillatory pacemaker, EP study AF inducibility with single susceptibility
premature stimulus
Yue et al, 19978 Instrumented mongrel Atrial tachypacing 1, 4, 42 d, APD shortening through density Maintenance
dogs whole-cell patch-clamp technique reductions in transient outward
current (Ito) and L-type Ca2+
current (ICa)
Gaspo et al, 19979 Instrumented mongrel Atrial tachypacing 7 and 42 d, Reduced conduction velocity and Maintenance
dogs whole-cell patch-clamp techniques Na+ current density (INa)
van Wagoner et al, Humans (cardiac surgery Atrial tissue, nystatin-perforated Reduced voltage-gated outward Ionic changes likely to
199710 —AF vs SR) patch technique, Western blotting K+ current densities and be the result of AF
expression of Kv1.5 protein
Dobrev et al, 200111 Humans (cardiac surgery Atrial tissue, whole-cell Up-regulation of inward Adaptation to chronic AF
—AF vs SR) voltage-clamp techniques, rectifying K+ current (IK1),
competitive RT-PCR down-regulation of G protein-coupled
inward rectifying K+ current (IK,Ach),
and attenuation of APD shortening
Dobrev et al, 200512 Humans (cardiac surgery Atrial tissue, whole-cell Increased density of inward rectifying Maintenance
—AF vs SR) voltage-clamp techniques K+ current (IK1) and constitutively
active IK,ACh
Liu and Nattel, Mongrel dogs— AF induction, autonomic Vagal stimulation increases Maintenance
199713 atrial electrodes decentralization, vagal heterogeneity of EPR;
and sympathetic activation Sympathetic stimulation had no
significant effect on AF
Van der Velden et al, Instrumented goats— Atrial tissue, immunohistochemistry, Heterogeneity in Cx40 distribution Maintenance
200021 atrial electrodes Western blotting, RT-PCR correlated with AF stability
Hagendorff et al, Mice (wild type Atrial tachypacing induced AF, Increased AF inducibility with burst Initiation and
199922 and Cx40 deficient) surface electrocardiographic pacing in Cx40-deficient mice maintenance
and transoesophageal EP studies
Firouzi et al, 200423 Humans (with Atrial stimulation with Carriers of −44AA genotype had Initiation and
different Cx40 unipolar pacing increased dispersion of refractoriness, maintenance
genotype frequencies) atrial vulnerability, and risk of AF
Gollob et al, 200624 Humans (with idiopathic Genomic DNA GJA5 sequencing Mutations present in the GJA5 gene, Initiation and
AF) which encodes Cx40 maintenance

EP, Electrophysiologic; APD, action potential duration; RT-PCR, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.

rectifying K+ current (IK1); however, the G protein– tone,15,16 increased vagal activity,17,18 or a combination
coupled inward rectifying K+ current IK,Ach, which is of primary increase in sympathetic activity followed by
associated with the autonomic-induced shortening of vagal predominance.19
action potentials, was found reduced in patients with Connexins (Cx's) are a group of proteins that make up
AF.11 This second finding is in contrast with the the intercellular channels between the myocytes, allow-
anticipated increased activity of the IK,Ach in the initiation ing for the transfer of small molecules and ions. Dense
and perpetuation of AF. The authors explain the down- arrays of these channels form the gap junctions, which
regulation of IK,ACh as a possible balancing mechanism of are structures predominantly found at the intercalated
the cardiomyocytes to compensate for ERP shortening in disks of the cardiomyocytes and are responsible for the
AF. The same group in a more recent study demonstrated conduction of electrical impulses. Cx43 is the most
that constitutively active IK,Ach is present in patients with abundant type in both atrial and ventricular myocardium,
AF because of a higher probability and increased but Cx40 is selectively found in the atria and the
frequency of channel openings.12 conduction system. Chimeric mice developed from Cx43
The impact of autonomic tone variations on the deficient-embryonic stem cells, which exhibit a hetero-
heterogeneity of refractoriness through ERP and action geneous Cx43 expression, showed a marked conduction
potential duration shortening has been described in delay in their ventricles, predisposition to ventricular
animal models, indicating the role of sympathetic and arrhythmias, and significant systolic dysfunction.20 In a
vagal stimulation in the initiation and maintenance of goat model of chronic AF, the distribution of Cx40 in the
AF.13,14 Human studies of dynamic changes in autonomic myocardium was discontinuous, and the heterogeneity of
tone before the onset of AF have demonstrated a its distribution became more apparent with time. The
moderate increase in adrenergic tone with loss of vagal overall levels of Cx40 decreased with the persistence of
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AF, whereas the distribution and the amount of Cx43 increase in the number of reentrant circuits.2,5 Atrial
remained stable throughout.21 In a study of Cx40- dilatation, which is a known risk factor for the initiation
deficient mice, the apparent disturbance in the sinoatrial and sustainability of AF, has also been associated with
electrophysiology was associated with increased fibrosis and subsequent heterogeneity of conduction.27 If
arrhythmogenicity and atrial vulnerability after atrial atrial dilatation was histologically homogenous, then the
burst stimulation.22 An effective decrease in the number, increase in surface area and the increase of reentrant
as well as alterations in the spatial arrangement of gap circuits would be proportional, and, according to the
junctions, of which Cx's are major components, can multiple reentry hypothesis, not necessarily associated
cause heterogeneity of pulse propagation followed by with higher incidence of AF.
the initiation and perpetuation of atrial arrhythmias. In a The concept of fibrosis and myocyte degeneration in
comparative study of 30 patients with and without AF has been studied in humans with operated mitral valve
history of AF, polymorphism of the Cx40 gene disease.28 Cellular hypertrophy and degeneration were
promoter, which possibly leads to reduced Cx40 levels, apparent upon electron microscopy of atrial myocytes.
was associated with development of and vulnerability to The predominant features were large cell diameter,
AF and led to an increased spatial dispersion of increased numbers of myofilaments, mitochondria and
refractoriness.23 In another study, mutations in the gene ribosomes, abnormal Z bands, and interstitial fibrosis
(GJA5) that is responsible for encoding of Cx40 were with increased number of abnormal elastic fibers.
identified in 4 of 15 patients with idiopathic AF.24 The However, these changes were mostly attributable to the
possible genetic basis of AF, as suggested in the 2 underlying valvular disease, of which AF is a common
previous studies, is in line with a population-based study sequence, rather than to the arrhythmia itself.
of 2,243 individuals, where presence of parental AF In an animal model of chronic AF, which was
doubled the risk of AF in the offspring.25 However, developed and studied by Morillo et al,29 atrial structural
experimental evidence suggests that AF is a genetically changes and electrophysiologic abnormalities were
heterogeneous disorder.26 associated with the sustained arrhythmia. More specifi-
The available data correlating electrical remodeling cally, 22 mongrel dogs underwent continuous transve-
with AF are mostly derived from animal models after atrial nous atrial tachypacing at a rate of 400/min for 6 weeks.
tachypacing and less frequently from operated patients Two-dimensional echocardiography before, and at the
with AF (Table I). The possibility of species differences end of, this period revealed that the dimensions of both
and the fact that these results may not be extrapolated to atria were significantly increased (45% for the left and
humans are known limitations of animal studies. 67% for the right atrium). Furthermore, electron micro-
The observed ionic changes, which eventually lead to scopy demonstrated disorientated atrial fibers, increased
shortening of EPR and action potential duration, may number and size of mitochondria, enlarged nuclei, and
partially explain susceptibility to AF and its maintenance abnormalities in both the sarcoplasmic and rough
but provide little evidence on initiation of the arrhythmia. endoplasmic reticula. Significant shortening of ERP was
In addition, animal models subjected to atrial tachypacing also observed, and that was correlated to the sustain-
interrupted by appropriate periods of SR led to increased ability of AF. The absence of any other underlying cardiac
AF stability despite the reversal of electrical remodeling pathology in this model rendered the above histologic
that occurred during restoration of SR.6 The concept of a electrophysiologic findings specific to the arrhythmia.
“second factor” beyond the electrophysiologic changes A goat model of chronic AF with instrumented epicardial
associated with AF has involved the role of atrial pacing confirmed the above findings, and in addition
anatomical changes to provide the susceptible substrate demonstrated myolysis, glycogen accumulation and
for the arrhythmia. chromatin changes.30 In this model, myolysis initiated
from around the nucleus and extended to the plasma
membrane. The observed loss of sarcomeres did not lead
Atrial structural changes and fibrosis to cell atrophy but caused enlargement instead due to
Structural changes in the atria of patients with AF are deposition of glycogen in areas of myolysis. The more
identified at the level of cardiomyocytes and extracellular homogenous distribution of heterochromatin in the
matrix (ECM). It is not clear whether these changes nucleoplasm of the abnormal myocytes resembled
precede or follow development of the arrhythmia. In the embryonic levels of development, leading to the notion
dominant model of multiple circuit reentry in AF, an that AF is associated with dedifferentiation of myocytes
ectopic complex fails to activate a neighboring zone of rather than degeneration. This dedifferentiation of
atrial tissue if myocytes are in their refractory period. myolytic myocytes has also been described in a study of
Interstitial fibrosis creates conduction delay causing the human atrial myocardium.31 Once more, observed
electrical impulse to propagate through alternative path- depletion of the contractile apparatus and presence of
ways and eventually impinge on tissue that has already α-actin and β-myosin heavy chain proteins, which are
recovered excitability, causing reactivation and further predominantly found during the fetal development of
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Table II. Studies on structural remodeling associated with AF

Author, year Model Setting/methods Outcome Association with AF

Thiedemann and Humans (operated mitral Light and electron microscopy Severe cellular degeneration Outcome of underlying
Ferrans, 197728 disease—AF vs SR) of atrial tissue and interstitial fibrosis in disease and AF
patients with AF
Morillo et al, 199529 Mongrel dogs Atrial tachypacing, echocardio- Atrial dilatation, increase in Maintenance
graphy, microscopy, and the number and size of the
electrophysiologic study mitochondria, disruption of
sarcoplasmic reticulum,
ERP shortening
Ausma et al, 199730 Instrumented goats Atrial tachypacing, light Cellular enlargement, Maintenance
and electron microscopy myolysis, absence of connective
of atrial tissue tissue proliferation
Rucker-Martin et al, Humans (operated cardiac Atrial tissue immunohisto- Myolysis, dedifferentiation, Initiation and
200231 disease—AF vs SR) chemistry and myocyte culture and fibroblast proliferation maintenance
Xu et al, 200433 Humans (transplant for Atrial tissue, immunohisto Up-regulation of MMP-2 Maintenance and
end-stage heart failure) chemistry for collagen, and and collagen type I in patients recurrence
Western blotting for MMPs with permanent AF compared
with controls
Lin et al, 200734 Pigs (atrial tachypacing Atrial tissue, cDNA microarray— Up-regulation of fibronectin 1, Initiation and
vs sham) PCR, immunohistochemistry, fibrillin 1, and fibromodulin maintenance
Western blot analysis with increased accumulation
in ECM
Verheule et al, 200438 Mice (transgenic with over Transesophageal electrical Atrial fibrosis and increased Initiation
expression of TGF-β1 stimulation, atrial tissue AF inducibility in transgenic mice
vs wild type) for histology
Boldt et al, 200339 Humans (operated for Atrial tissue, immunohistochemistry Up-regulation of angiotensin II Initiation and
lone AF, AF with MVD, and Western blotting eceptor subtype 1 in the left maintenance
and other) atrium of patients with AF
Mariscalco et al, 200640 Humans (CABG, Atrial tissue, light and Myocyte vacuolization and Initiation
no history of AF) electron microscopy nuclear derangement were
independent predictors of
postoperative AF

MVD, Mitral valve disease; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting.

myocytes, suggest a regression of the fibrillating myo- the main component of the ECM, has been associated
cardium toward a more immature stage of development. with sustained AF in a study of 53 patients with end-stage
This is also supported by the finding that myocytes from heart failure and cardiomyopathy.33 Persistent and
the fibrillating atria share common structural character- permanent AF was present in 37 patients; the concen-
istics with myocytes undergoing prolonged culture in tration of collagen type I was increased in the AF group
vitro, a process that is known to result in gradual cellular when compared with the SR group, whereas levels of
dedifferentiation. collagen type III were not influenced. The abundance of
In an attempt to delineate whether cellular remodeling thick collagen type I fibers provide the appropriate
is a reversible process or not, Aime-Sempe et al32 studied substrate by creating areas of different conduction
human myocytes and hypothesized that patients in AF or properties within the atria. Collagen synthesis and
with impaired ventricular function demonstrate degradation are influenced by the action of matrix
increased myolysis in their atria, leading to programmed metalloproteinases (MMPs). The same group demon-
cell death. Myolytic myocytes with abnormal nuclear strated up-regulation of MMP-2, which is related to atrial
structure and without evidence of necrosis (which fibrosis, and down-regulation of its tissue inhibitor (TIMP-
requires membrane disassembly) showed increased 2) in patients with sustained AF on the background of
expression of caspase 3, a protease that is involved in the cardiomyopathy and end-stage heart failure. However,
final step of apoptosis. Moreover, the antiapoptotic these findings may primarily reflect the advanced under-
protein BCL-2 was reduced in the abnormal myocytes. lying cardiac pathology rather the development and
These findings suggest that apoptotic cell death was more sustainability of AF itself.
pronounced in the fibrillating atria and that this effect The presence of altered expression of ECM proteins
may not be reversible. other than collagen has recently been described in a
Structural alterations outside the cellular and molecular porcine model of sustained AF.34 Connective tissue
levels have also been reported as potential factors in the quantification showed that the extent of ECM substrate
development and perpetuation of AF. Collagen, which is was significantly higher in the AF group compared with
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the SR group. Moreover, the gene expression of the ECM- Inflammation

related proteins fibronectin 1, fibrillin 1 and fibromodu-
lin, examined with cDNA microarray and real-time PCR, The association of inflammation with the development
demonstrated up-regulation of the genes. Porcine atria of AF is composite (Table III). The first study to support
with AF demonstrated increased intercellular distribution the role of inflammation in AF pathogenesis was reported
of fibronectin 1 and fibrillin 1 when compared with SR in 1997, when Frustaci et al41 demonstrated histologic
tissue, as confirmed with Western blot analysis and changes consistent with myocarditis in atrial tissue of
immunohistochemical staining. patients with lone AF. The increased rate of AF after
The association of transforming growth factor β1 cardiac surgery highlights the role of inflammation in the
(TGF-β1) with production of ECM proteins and tissue development of the arrhythmia. Moreover, the efficacy of
fibrosis has previously been described.35 Increased gene drugs with anti-inflammatory properties in the preven-
expression and synthesis of TGF-β1 have not only been tion of AF supports the association between inflamma-
associated with accumulation of ECM proteins and tion and AF.42,43
myocardial fibrosis but significantly preceded its devel- C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute-phase protein, a
opment. This was shown in a rat model with chronic component of the innate immune system. It is produced
inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis, where TGF-β1 in the liver as a response to interleukins (ILs) 1 and 6.
mRNA levels were up-regulated well before the Elevated plasma CRP levels have been associated with an
observed perivascular and myocardial interstitial fibro- increased risk of cardiovascular events, and its predictive
sis.36 In another study, transgenic mice with increased value has been validated in various prospective epide-
levels of active myocardial TGF-β1 demonstrated miological studies.44 A large population-based cohort
increased fibrosis in the atria, which was not paired study of 5,806 individuals older than 65 years, with a 6.9 ±
with an anticipated fibrosis of the ventricles.37 Despite 1.6-year follow-up, showed that baseline CRP levels were
the observed hypertrophy of ventricular cardiomyo- significantly and independently associated with the
cytes, no fibrosis was present in the ventricular development of future AF.45 A case-control study of 131
myocardium, which indicates the differential effect of patients with atrial arrhythmias versus 71 controls
TGF-β1 on atrial over ventricular myocardium, leading demonstrated that CRP was significantly higher in the
to selective atrial structural remodeling. The over- arrhythmia group. Moreover, patients in persistent AF
expression of TGF-β1 with its consequent atrial fibrosis, had higher CRP levels than the paroxysmal AF and the
as observed in transgenic mice, was linked to AF control groups, indicating the possible relationship
vulnerability in another study by Verheule et al.38 between CRP levels and chronicity of AF.46
Despite the absence of significant differences in most In another study to examine the association between
electrophysiologic parameters in the transgenic mice AF and CRP, 50 patients with recent-onset paroxysmal AF
and their wild-type littermates, AF inducibility after who underwent chemical cardioversion with amiodar-
transesophageal burst pacing of the left atrium was one were assessed against 50 matched controls. Once
significantly increased in the transgenic mice. more, baseline CRP levels were higher in the paroxysmal
The relation of angiotensin and its receptor with AF group when compared with the control group. After
myocardial structural remodeling and fibrosis has pre- the attempted chemical cardioversion, patients with
viously been described. In a study by Boldt et al,39 the higher baseline CRP levels had significantly lower
subtype 1 of the angiotensin II receptor (AT1) was found cardioversion success rates.47 This study suggested that
to be up-regulated in the left atria of patients with AF, CRP could be a potent predictor of successful AF
suggesting an association between increased AT1 activity, cardioversion. A recent meta-analysis, which aimed to
enhanced synthesis of ECM components, and develop- identify baseline CRP levels and AF recurrence after
ment of AF. successful electrical cardioversion, confirmed that higher
Structural remodeling is a dominant contributor in the baseline CRP levels were associated with an increased
sustainability of AF (Table II). Although atrial fibrosis risk of recurrent AF.48 However, the heterogeneity of the
appears to follow the development of the arrhythmia, it individual studies was a limitation of the meta-analysis,
still remains unclear whether preexisting structural and AF prediction based on CRP alone was therefore
changes are responsible for the initiation of AF. Atrial deemed not conclusive.
tissue from patients undergoing cardiac surgery demon- The hypothesis that CRP may not be a reflection of
strated occasional interstitial fibrosis, myocyte vacuoli- the arrhythmia itself but a result of confounding
zation, and nuclear derangement in those who underlying cardiac pathology led Ellinor et al49 to study
developed postoperative AF.40 It is possible that under- patients in lone AF and compare their CRP levels to
lying cardiac pathologies gradually create a structural controls. As no significant difference was demonstrated
substrate, which may lead to the arrhythmia under the between the 2 groups, they suggested that CRP might not
influence of electrical remodeling or a potent trigger be a marker of the arrhythmia but an outcome of the
such as inflammation. underlying cardiac pathology.
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Table III. Studies on inflammation and AF

Author, year Model Setting/methods Outcome Association with AF

Frustaci et al, Humans (lone AF) Endomyocardial biopsies, Interatrial septum specimens (66%) Initiation
199741 histology, electron microscopy consistent with myocarditis
Aviles et al, Humans Baseline CRP levels and Elevated CRP in patients with AF Initiation and
200345 7-y follow-up at baseline. Increased CRP maintenance
predicted future AF
Chung et al, Humans (persistent AF, High-sensitivity CRP assay CRP N2-fold increase in AF Maintenance
200146 paroxysmal AF, SR) vs control; higher CRP in the persistent
vs paroxysmal vs SR groups
Liu et al, Humans (persistent AF) Meta-analysis of 7 studies Raised baseline CRP levels in patients Maintenance
200748 on CRP and maintenance with AF recurrence (but significant
of SR after successful heterogeneity across the studies)
electrical cardioversion
Ellinor et al, Humans (lone AF, High-sensitivity CRP assay No CRP difference between groups No association
200649 AF and hypertension,
Lo et al, 200550 Humans (CABG with Preoperative high-sensitivity Continuous baseline CRP was Initiation
or without CPB) CRP assay an independent predictor of
postoperative AF
Bruins et al, Humans (CABG Plasma IL-6, CRP, C3a, C3b/c, Baseline C4b/c and the day 2 Initiation
199754 with CPB) C4b/c, complement-CRP complexes C4d-CRP associated with
postoperative AF
Dernellis and Humans (healthy Baseline CRP and components High CRP and C3-C4 levels Initiation
Panaretou, individuals, no of complement system C3 and associated with new-onset AF
200655 history of AF) C4, 4-y follow-up
Conway et al, Humans (permanent CRP, IL-6, tissue factor, plasma Raised CRP, IL-6, tissue factor, No significant
200456 AF vs controls) viscosity, von Willebrand factor,
and plasma viscosity in AF population; association
soluble P-selectin became nonsignificant after
multivariate adjustment
Psychari et al, Humans (permanent CRP, IL-6, left atrial size Raised CRP and IL-6 in the Maintenance
200557 and persistent AF and ventricular function AF group; CRP was an
vs controls) independent predictor
Gaudino et al, Humans (CABG) −174G/C IL-6 promoter gene GG genotype was the only Initiation
200358 polymorphisms, CRP, IL-6, fibrinogen independent predictor of
postoperative AF
Marcus et al, Humans (CAD) IL-6, CRP, TNF-α, CD40 ligand, MCP- CC genotype and IL-6 Initiation and
200859 1, fibrinogen, −174G/C IL-6 promoter independently associated maintenance
gene polymorphisms with AF
Sawaya et al, Transgenic mice with Epicardial activation mapping, Sustained inflammatory Initiation and
200761 targeted cardiac over immunohistochemistry signaling caused reduced ERP, maintenance
expression of TNF vs control down-regulation of Cx40, and
atrial arrhythmias
Sata et al, Humans (AF undergoing CRP, IL-6, TNF-α before and after Increased baseline CRP, IL-6, Initiation and
200462 cardioversion vs controls) chemical cardioversion and TNF-α in patients with AF maintenance
Ishida et al, Humans (off-pump CABG) CRP, TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-8 pre- Highest quartile of IL-6 level Initiation
200663 and postoperatively immediately after surgery predicted
postoperative AF
Mandal et al, Humans (CABG) CRP and HSP65 antibodies HSP65 antibodies independently Initiation
200464 predicted postoperative AF

CPB, Cardiopulmonary bypass; CAD, coronary artery disease; MCP, monocyte chemoattractant protein.

In the context of cardiac surgery, baseline CRP levels interaction of secretory phospholipase A2 with the outer
have been examined as a potential predictor for post- leaflet phospholipids of injured cells creates lysopho-
operative AF. Although Lo et al50 have shown that spholipids, which provide the ligand for CRP, followed by
baseline CRP levels are associated with a higher risk after activation of the complement system and phagocytosis.
coronary artery bypass graft surgery, other studies have However, this mechanism is not specific between
not confirmed this finding.51,52 irreversibly and reversibly (apoptotic) injured cells and,
A possible mechanism by which CRP can induce AF as a result, tissue damage may include cells with a
involves the disarray of normal cell membrane structure potential to proliferate, such as myocytes from the
in conditions that cause energy depletion and apoptosis, fibrillating atria or areas of myocardial infarction.32 These
such as ischemia and oxidative stress.53 Enzymatic changes progressively lead to loss of atrial muscle mass
American Heart Journal
250 Kourliouros et al February 2009

and interstitial fibrosis, which are known determinants of after off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting when
AF, and associate the inflammatory response with compared with patients who remained in SR.63
structural remodeling. Previous research from our group has demonstrated an
One of the first studies to suggest the association association between heat shock proteins (HSPs), inflam-
between complement activation after cardiopulmonary mation, and AF after cardiac surgery. Heat shock proteins
bypass and AF was carried out by Bruins et al.54 In are a group of proteins that are responsible for
addition to the known complement activation during preservation of cellular integrity by keeping proteins in
cardiopulmonary bypass via the alternative pathway, their correctly folded state. Inflammation-induced
complement activation also occurs during the acute- expression of HSPs in the cell surface of myocytes, and
phase response for a few days after surgery. In this case, binding with circulating anti-HSP65 antibodies, may lead
the classic pathway is activated through C3 and C4-CRP- to complement-mediated cell lysis with subsequent
mediated complexes that remain elevated up to 5 days structural and electrical changes leading to AF.64
postoperatively. A positive correlation was identified
between baseline levels of C4, day 2 levels of C4-CRP
complex, and postoperative atrial arrhythmias. In a
Current evidence suggests that the pathogenesis of AF
population-based study of 1,011 healthy patients and a
is multifactorial. Electrical remodeling with resultant
4-year follow-up, patients with high CRP and high C3 or
atrial refractoriness abbreviation and shortening of the
C4 levels were 3 times more likely to develop AF
action potential duration appears to be partially respon-
compared with those with normal CRP and comple-
sible for the self-perpetuation of AF. Despite electrical
ment levels.55
remodeling being a reversible process, the susceptibility
Interleukin 6 is a proinflammatory cytokine that is
to AF takes significantly longer to recover, raising the
responsible for the synthesis of acute-phase proteins
importance of a “second factor” in its pathogenesis.
(such as CRP) while it exhibits cytoprotective properties.
Structural remodeling, with features of interstitial fibrosis
Higher plasma IL-6 levels were identified in patients with
and cellular degeneration, provides a susceptible sub-
AF compared with controls in a study by Conway et al.56
strate that promotes reentrant circuits and AF. Evolving
Interleukin 6 levels have also been positively correlated,
clinical evidence demonstrates that inflammation is
not only with the presence of AF but also with its duration
associated with new-onset and recurrent AF through a
and left atrial diameter, indicating the possible role of
mechanism that possibly involves cellular degeneration,
inflammation in atrial remodeling.57
apoptosis, and subsequent atrial fibrosis. Further
In a prospective study of 110 patients undergoing
research into the pathophysiologic mechanisms that
cardiac surgery, postoperative AF was correlated to
predispose to the development of AF and its perpetuation
increased levels of IL-6 and was independently associated
is the cornerstone for the development of targeted
with presence of -174 C/G polymorphism of the promoter
treatment modalities that may lead to effective prevention
of the IL-6 gene.58 These findings raise the possibility of a
and treatment.
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