Educational Philosphy Notebook

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“Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it
might go well with them and their children forever!”
Deuteronomy 5:29

We believe that the home is the best place for the education of our children. A safe place of love,
discipline and nurturing, so that our children will daily, hourly and by the minute experience His
Word through not only lesson plans, but by example and hands-on doing and living in His Word.

"And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD;

and great shall be the peace of thy children."
Isaiah 54:13

We believe that the responsibility for training and educating our children rests with the parents
and that we are capable by God’s grace to accomplish this task.

Educating our children is a continual, year-round process and that textbooks only account for a
portion of this education. Living education through field trips, chores & responsibilities, and so-
cially interacting with family and friends is a vital piece to year-round education. We encourage
our children to learn everyday and not value the term “vacation” as a break from using their minds
and hearts to expand their knowledge and wisdom.

We believe that the ultimate knowledge that can be brought in home education is the salvation of
their souls. This belief is the basis for ALL areas of training our children and not just in the sub-
ject of Bible. Instead, Bible is the subject in all our subjects of education - Language Arts, His-
tory, Science, Fine Arts, et. al.

“Train up the child in the way he should go:

and when he is old,he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
We believe that it is our responsibility to protect the Hearts of our children from excessive or un-
monitored negative peer pressure, various fleshly temptations, and ungodly role models during
their formative years - (the years in which our children lack a thorough knowledge of “right and
wrong” — the years in which our children are deceived by the hidden sin of temptation.) These
formative years we define as the years living in our home, but will always be important as long we
call them our children in our lifetime.

“Be not deceived; evil communications corrupt good manners.”

1 Corinthians 15:33
We believe that our reward in following His instructions for training the hearts of our children
will yield the peace of the Lord in their lives and a joy beyond our dreams to see our children liv-
ing firmly in His truth.

“I have no greater joy, than to hear my children walk in truth..”

III John 1:4

Copyright © 2011 Homemaker’s Heart. All Rights Reserved.

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