Evidence: The Happiness Advantage: Learning Activity 2

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Learning activity 2

Evidence: The happiness advantage

I will never forget the day I learned to cook and taste food. I wanted
to be able to cook like a professional chef and decorate them well. If
I want to decorate the dishes well, I must create art with vegetables
and whatever I have on hand. It was really difficult because when
you take the food to put it on the plate you don't know how much to
do or how to place it, the plate will be badly decorated.
He had tried many times before, but was generally frustrated and
impatient. Anyway, I watched a lot of Youtube videos on how to do it
until I finally found the right way to use all the food to decorate a
I followed the different instructions and practiced a lot. It was
Sometimes the decoration did not turn out the way I wanted and I
felt helpless.
In less than three months, I decorated the dishes and they looked
beautiful. It felt so good; I felt happiness, I still feel it. I was super
satisfied. I had learned to do something fantastic (for me).
It had always seemed incredible to me how professional cooks
made different dishes with little things and decorated them
incredible. So the moral of the story is that to be happy and
successful, you need to find something that motivates you; No
matter what it is, if it makes you happy, that's fine.

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