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Monday | March 1, 2021


in Saturday 4-County lineman braves icy roads,
shooting works long hours during winter storm
Three victims still
in critical condition
as Columbus police
search for suspects

police are in-
vestigating a
shooting that
injured four
people in South
Columbus Sat-
urday after-
noon. Shelton
The victims
were all in a vehicle when
they were shot on the 1200
block of Seventh Street South
at 4:40 p.m., according to
a Columbus Police Depart-
ment press release. One vic-
tim was treated and released
from Baptist Memorial Hos-
pital-Golden Triangle. The
other three were flown via
helicopter to another hospi-
tal in the state.
Columbus Police Chief
Fred Shelton said as of this
morning the three of them
are still in critical condition.
Police recovered a gun at Zack Plair/Dispatch Staff
the scene, but have not ar- Fred Harris stands outside his work pickup in front of the 4-County Electric Power Association offices on Thursday
rested or publicly identified afternoon. As a journeyman lineman who has worked for the utility for 18 years, he was among the workers braving
any suspects, Shelton said. icy roads and freezing conditions to repair lines and restore power to customers during two winter storms that hit the
“We have several leads but week of Feb. 14.
are still asking the public to
offer information,” Shelton
said in the press release.
‘When you’re out there, your adrenaline gets Each storm sent crews along icy
roads in sub-20-degree tempera-
“The victims were all in the
same car when they were
going and you just work as a team’ tures to work 12- and 14-hour shifts
restoring power. Harris, who lives
struck, and we believe they BY ZACK PLAIR and his colleagues at the rural in Columbus and works primarily
knew the person or persons utility. in Lowndes County, said his crew
that did the shooting. We be- found a rhythm and repaired the

Two winter storms hit the Golden
lieve the incident may have red Harris’ job as a journey- Triangle — the first on Feb. 14 and damage as quickly as possible.
started with some altercation man lineman for 4-County the second three days later — both “When you’re out there, your
in the 900 block of Seventh Electric Power Association is bringing a mix of snow, sleet and adrenaline gets going and you just
Street South before moving pretty simple, to hear him tell it. freezing rain that tore through work as a team,” he said. “When we
to the 1200 block.” “Basically, it’s just maintaining 4-County’s infrastructure and left get to a spot, the first thing is mak-
CPD has received aid from lines, setting poles, keeping the thousands of its members without ing sure the line is de-energized
Lowndes County Sheriff’s Of- lights on,” he said. power. so we can safely work on it. Then
fice and the Columbus-Lown- He might get five or so “trouble “Trees cannot take that ice,” said somebody will grab a chainsaw to
des Drug Task Force in the calls” a day — anything from a fall- Harris, who has worked for 4-Coun- start cutting up the (downed) tree
investigation, Shelton added en limb knocking down a powerline ty for 18 years. “It gets on those big or limb, another man might start
in the release. to a squirrel or bird getting too limbs, and they come down and take carrying wire, another prepares to
Anyone with information friendly with a transformer. a powerline with them. … We hadn’t climb the pole and somebody else
on the shooting is asked to But none of the week of Valen- had an ice storm like that in a long gets ready to go up with the wire.”
call Golden Triangle Crime tine’s Day was “normal” for Harris time.” See HARRIS, 6A
Stoppers at 800 -530 -7151 or
leave a tip for investigators
through the P3 phone app.

Partnership reflects on unconventional year at virtual awards ceremony

Tagert: ‘It has been a challenge, but the organization and board did not know how
the public would react to
we’re really trying to fo-
cus right now on summer
the community have stepped up in various ways’ the awards being virtu-
al, but it has received a
and fall,” Watson said.
“We’re hopeful we’ll be
BY TYLER JONES held this pre-recorded “If you had said our great reception from the able to have some sort of event due to the ongoing 20th-anniversary cele- Starkville community. normalcy by then.”
COVID-19 pandemic in bration would be virtual, “We knew it was still The board also creat-
STARKVILLE — The important to find a way to ed a monthly newsletter
order to keep the com- I wouldn’t have believed Watson Tagert
Greater Starkville De- honor these award win- called “Partnership Mat-
munity safe, said Paige that,” Watson said. “This
velopment Partnership, ners, so we figured out a sources with them, Wat- ters” to inform their part-
Starkville’s community Watson, Partnership spe- year, that’s what we had ners of COVID-19 related
creative way to get that son said. While the Part-
development organiza- cial events and projects to do to set a good exam- done,” she said. nership has been able to resources they could use,
tion, hosted its 20th-anni- coordinator. The online ple and be as safe as pos- During the pandem- have some of its events in Watson said.
versary award ceremony presentation featured a sible for the community.” ic, the board has had to person, such as unWine Partnership CEO Mike
virtually Thursday morn- celebratory video with Watson said she has find new and innovative Downtown, most of them Tagert said the organiza-
ing. multiple hosts, interviews been planning the cer- ways to support its part- have been virtual. tion has shifted its focus
Typically an in-person and award announce- emony for months. She ners, and it knows the “We typically have a from in-person marketing
banquet, the Partnership ments. said the Partnership importance of sharing re- lot of spring events, but See PARTNERSHIP, 3A


Classifieds 6B 1 Hooli and Pied Piper are fic-
Today through Saturday MEETINGS
Comics 4B tional technology companies in March 3: Colum-
Crossword 3B what TV comedy series? ■ “Twisted Tales of Poe”:
bus Municipal
Dear Abby 4B 2 What is the name of the Mississippi State’s Shackouls
Obituaries 5A princess born to the Duke and School Board
Honors College presents
Opinions 4A Duchess of Cambridge (William recess meeting
this radio drama at honors.
and Kate) in 2015? 11:30 a.m., virtual Free.
3 The novel “The Goldfinch” cen- meeting
ters on a 17th-century what — March 11: Co-
WEATHER painting, sculpture or necklace?
4 What giant, venomous crea-
Tuesday, March 16 lumbus Municipal
■ 100+ Women Who Care: School Board, 4
tures floated around Japan’s wa-
High 61 Low 43
Clouds and rain
ters in a massive 2005 outbreak
that cost billions in damaged
nets and lost catch?
Members of 100+ Women
Who Care Columbus will
receive an invitation March
p.m., Brandon
Central Services
March 12: Lown-
Full forecast on 5 In 2007, what third baseman 16 to watch a video presenta- des County School
page 3A. became the youngest player to tion by three randomly-drawn District Board,
tally 500 home runs? Lowndes County nonprofits. 12:30 p.m., Dis-
Members will then vote their trict Office
Answers, 6B
choice for the combined March 15:
donation Impact Award. Visit Jennifer Williams, of Columbus, Lowndes County for likes warm weather, food and Supervisors, 9
141st Year, No. 299 details. MSU Bulldogs. a.m., Courthouse


2A MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021 The Dispatch •

Biden hails House passage

of $1.9T virus bill, now to Senate
‘This is what America
needs. Republicans, you Biden team readies wider
ought to be a part of economic package after virus relief
this. But if you’re not, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

we’re going without you.’ WASHINGTON — Looking beyond the $1.9 trillion COVID relief
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif. bill, President Joe Biden and lawmakers are laying the groundwork for
another top legislative priority — a long-sought boost to the nation’s
BY ALAN FRAM roads, bridges and other infrastructure that could run into Republican
The Associated Press resistance to a hefty price tag.
Biden and his team have begun discussions on the possible outlines
WASHINGTON — The House of an infrastructure package with members of Congress, particularly
approved a $1.9 trillion pandemic mindful that Texas’ recent struggles with power outages and water
relief bill that was championed by shortages after a brutal winter storm present an opportunity for agree-
President Joe Biden, the first step ment on sustained spending on infrastructure.
in providing another dose of aid to Republicans say if the White House approach on the COVID relief
a weary nation as the measure now bill — which passed the House Saturday on a near party-line vote and
moves to a tense Senate. now heads to the Senate — is a sign of things to come for Biden’s plan
“We have no time to waste,” on infrastructure and other initiatives, it could be a difficult road ahead
Biden said at the White House after in Congress.
the House passage early Saturday. A White House proposal could come out in March.
“We act now — decisively, quick- “Now is the time to be aggressive,” said Transportation Secretary
ly and boldly — we can finally get Pete Buttigieg, a former South Bend, Indiana, mayor who knows pot-
ahead of this virus. We can finally holes.
get our economy moving again. At a conference with state and local highway officials Thursday, he
People in this country have suf- referred to the often-promised, never-achieved mega-initiative on roads,
fered far too much for too long.” bridges and the like from the Trump administration.
The new president’s vision for “I know you are among those who are working and waiting most pa-
infusing cash across a struggling tiently, or maybe impatiently, for the moment when Infrastructure Week
economy to individuals, business- will no longer be a kind of Groundhog’s Day promise — but actually be
es, schools, states and cities bat- something that delivers generational investments,” he said.
tered by COVID-19 passed on a
near party-line 219-212 vote. That Republicans said the bill was too increase tax credits for children
ships the bill to the Senate, where expensive and said too few educa- and federal subsidies for health in-
Democrats seem bent on resusci- tion dollars would be spent quick- surance.
tating their minimum wage push ly to immediately reopen schools. It also provides billions for
and fights could erupt over state aid They said it was laden with gifts schools and colleges, state and lo-
and other issues. to Democratic constituencies like cal governments, COVID-19 vac-
Democrats said that mass un- labor unions and funneled money cines and testing, renters, food pro-
employment and the half-million to Democratic-run states they sug- ducers and struggling industries
American lives lost are causes to gested didn’t need it because their like airlines, restaurants, bars and
act despite nearly $4 trillion in aid budgets had bounced back. concert venues.
already spent fighting the fallout “To my colleagues who say this Moderate Democratic Reps.
from the disease. GOP lawmakers, bill is bold, I say it’s bloated,” said Jared Golden of Maine and Kurt
they said, were out of step with a House Minority Leader Kevin Mc- Schrader of Oregon were the only
public that polling finds largely Carthy, R-Calif. “To those who say two lawmakers to cross party
views the bill favorably. it’s urgent, I say it’s unfocused. To lines. That sharp partisan divide
“I am a happy camper tonight,” those who say it’s popular, I say it is is making the fight a showdown
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., entirely partisan.” over whom voters will reward for
said Friday. “This is what America The overall relief bill would pro- heaping more federal spending to
needs. Republicans, you ought to be vide $1,400 payments to individu- combat the coronavirus and revive
a part of this. But if you’re not, we’re als, extend emergency unemploy- the economy atop the $4 trillion ap-
going without you.” ment benefits through August and proved last year.

Trump calls for GOP unity, repeats lies about election loss
CPAC speakers, including many who voted to impeach or
convict him for inciting
Trump and Trumpism,
complete with a golden
potential 2024 hopefuls, argued that the U.S. Capitol riot. He
ended by singling out
statue in his likeness on
display. Speakers, includ-
the party must embrace the former Rep. Liz Cheney, the No. ing many potential 2024
3 House Republican, who hopefuls, argued that the
president and his followers has faced tremendous party must embrace the
backlash in Wyoming former president and his
BY JILL COLVIN Joe Biden, and tried to lay for saying Trump should followers, even after the
The Associated Press out a vision for the future no longer play a role in deadly insurrection at the
of the GOP that revolves the party or headline the Capitol on Jan. 6.
ORLANDO, Fla. — firmly around him, de-
Taking the stage for the event. They also repeated in
spite his loss in Novem-
first time since leaving While he insisted the panel after panel his un-
office, former President division was merely a spat founded claims that he
“Do you miss me yet?”
Donald Trump called for “between a handful of lost reelection only be-
Trump said after taking
GOP unity, even as he ex- the stage to his old rally Washington, D.C., estab- cause of mass voter fraud,
acerbated intraparty divi- soundtrack and cheers lishment political hacks even though such claims
sions by attacking fellow from the supportive and everybody else, all have been rejected by
Republicans and promot- crowd. over the country,” Trump judges, Republican state
ing lies about the election Trump, in his speech, had a message for the in- officials and Trump’s own
in a speech that made tried to downplay the civ- cumbents who had dared administration.
clear he intends to remain il war gripping the party to cross him: “Get rid of Trump, too, continued
a dominant political force. over the extent to which ‘em all.” to repeat what Democrats
Speaking Sunday at Republicans should em- The conference, held have dubbed the “big
the Conservative Political brace him, even as he this year in Orlando in- lie,” calling the election
Action Conference, where unfurled an enemies list, stead of the Washing- “rigged” and insisting
he was hailed as a return- calling out by name the ton suburbs to evade that he won in November,
ing hero, Trump blasted 10 House Republicans COVID-19 restrictions, even though he lost by
his successor, President and seven GOP senators served as a tribute to more than 7 million votes.

AP sources: Feds pinpoint suspect in Capitol officer’s riot death

Circumstances surrounding officer’s investigators now believe
Sicknick may have ingest-
Capitol Police have said
he died after he was in-
death remain unclear, final cause ed a chemical substance
— possibly bear spray —
jured “while physically
engaging with protest-
of death has not yet been determined during the riot that may
have contributed to his
ers” and this week, the
agency’s acting chief said
BY MICHAEL BALSAMO that federal agents hav- death, the officials said. officials consider it a line-
The Associated Press en’t yet identified the sus- The people could not of-duty death.
pect by name and the act publicly discuss the de- Sicknick collapsed lat-
WASHINGTON — hasn’t been directly tied tails of an ongoing inves-
Federal investigators er on, was hospitalized
to Sicknick’s death. tigation and spoke to The and died. The Justice De-
probing the death of a The idea that Sicknick Associated Press on con-
U.S. Capitol Police offi- partment opened a federal
died after being sprayed dition of anonymity. murder investigation into
cer killed in the Jan. 6 by a chemical irritant has Sicknick died after
riot have zeroed in on his death, but prosecutors
emerged in recent weeks defending the Capitol
a suspect seen on vid- are still evaluating what
as a new theory in the against the mob that
eo appearing to spray a specific charges could be
case. stormed the building as
chemical substance on Investigators initially Congress was voting to brought in the case, the
the officer before he later believed that Sicknick certify Joe Biden’s elec- people said.
collapsed and died, two was hit in the head with toral win over Donald In a statement late
people familiar with the a fire extinguisher, based Trump. It came after Friday, Capitol Police
matter told The Associat- on statements collected Trump urged supporters said the medical examin-
ed Press. early in the investiga- on the National Mall to er’s report on Sicknick’s
The FBI has obtained tion, according to one of “fight like hell” to over- death is not yet complete.
video that shows the per- the people and another turn his defeat. “We are awaiting toxicolo-
son spraying Brian Sick- law enforcement official The circumstances gy results and continue to
nick and other law en- briefed on the case. But surrounding Sicknick’s work with other govern-
forcement officers during as they’ve collected more death remain unclear and ment agencies regarding
the Jan. 6 riot, the people evidence, the theory of a final cause of death has the death investigation,”
said. But they cautioned the case has evolved and not yet been determined. the statement said.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021 3A

Misery lingers for many without water in Mississippi capital

‘Our system has basically crashed like a One of many solutions has
been to open fire hydrants in
also be needed to upgrade the
system, the mayor said. Needs
because of the extreme cold
weather last week.”
computer and now we’re trying to rebuilt it’ the city, which allows more wa-
ter to flow to south Jackson and
with the city’s infrastructure
have gone unaddressed for de-
“Most working families don’t
Jackson Public Works Director Charles Williams have savings, so people are in
other parts of the city with the cades, he said. survival mode right now,” Crud-
BY JEFF MARTIN tain consistent water pressure, lowest pressure, he said. Crews “We more than likely have up added.
The Associated Press authorities said. are also trying to get water stor- more than a $2 billion issue with Most of the city of about
age tanks filled. our infrastructure,” he said. 161,000 had no running water
The system has not been
Water for flushing toilets was No specific timeline was giv- The storms have become “a
able to provide a sustainable after the storms struck, and
being distributed at seven sites en for when the problems would financial nightmare” for some
flow of water throughout the be fixed. The city does not have Jackson families, Democratic residents were advised to boil
in Mississippi’s capital city — city, city officials said. any water that actually came
exact numbers of people still state Rep. Ronnie Crudup Jr.
more than 10 days after winter “Our system has basically out of their taps.
without water, Mayor Chokwe said on social media.
storms wreaked havoc on the crashed like a computer and Antar Lumumba said at Sun- “A lot of people didn’t work The mayor said that the
city’s water system. now we’re trying to rebuilt it,” day’s briefing. for over a week because of wa- city’s water mains are more
The sites were open in Jack- Jackson Public Works Director Help is needed now in Jack- ter and power issues,” he wrote. than 100 years old and not built
son on Sunday because the sys- Charles Williams said at a Sun- son, but long-term support from “On top of that energy and gas to handle the freezing weather
tem is still struggling to main- day briefing. the federal government will bills are going to be higher that hit the city.

Man sentenced in shooting that Historians oppose bill to

partially paralyzed Madison deputy change Archives and History
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS John Emfinger read the right eye. Sullivan told a jealous rage when he
board nominations
charges aloud in a court- the court he remembers kidnapped a man from THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
CANTON — A Missis- room packed with Madi- the immediate aftermath a parking lot in Jack-
sippi judge has sentenced son County deputies and of the shooting but little son. According to police JACKSON — Historians are opposing a bill
a man to 210 years in pris- other officers. Emfinger else. reports, Egbert forced that they say could politicize the board that gov-
on for firing an automatic gave Egbert six consecu- Sullivan uses a wheel- erns the Mississippi Department of Archives and
the man into a vehicle at
rifle at law enforcement of- tive 35-year sentences. chair and said he has History.
gunpoint, took him to the
ficers in 2019 and leaving Court testimony re- had to re-learn once sim- Since the nine-member board was established
Egberts’ Madison County
a sheriff’s deputy partially vealed Egbert, a former ple tasks such as mak- in 1902, its members have nominated their own
paralyzed. home and chained him to
Marine, shot at deputies ing sandwiches for his successors and those nominees have been con-
Edgar Egbert ap- a bed.
in their vehicles, shatter- 8-year-old son. As Egbert firmed by the state Senate.
peared Thursday in Mad- ing windshields and side sat shackled behind the Deputies engaged in a Senate Bill 2727 says the Archives and History
ison County Circuit Court windows. courtroom defense table, high-speed pursuit with board could recommend nominees, but the gov-
and pleaded guilty to six Deputy Brad Sullivan Sullivan told him: “You Egbert before disabling ernor or lieutenant governor could ignore those
counts of attempted mur- remained in a coma al- murdered me that day.” his vehicle. Instead of recommendations and nominate any person they
der of law enforcement most a month after he Deputies first respond- surrendering, Egbert want. The nominees would still need to be con-
agents. was shot. He was par- ed to a domestic distur- pulled out an automatic firmed by the Senate.
The Clarion Ledger alyzed on his left side bance call from Egbert’s rifle and began shooting, Forty-six scholars who teach history at Mis-
reported Circuit Judge and cannot see from his wife who said he was in witnesses said. sissippi colleges and universities signed a letter
praising the Department of Archives and His-
tory and saying the method of selecting board
members should not change. The letter was dis-
tributed to House members and news outlets on

“Whether conducting research in its vast ar-
chives, examining its artifacts spanning 13,000
Continued from Page 1A years of Mississippi history, or participating in
to finding supportive rev- uary, about two months one of the Department’s many public events, we
enues that small business before the COVID-19 pan- Greater Starkville Development Partnership have directly experienced the incredible asset of
a competent and well-run state history depart-
operators could use, such
as the Paycheck Protec-
demic made it to Missis-
sippi. He said assuming
award winners ment,” wrote the historians, including Mississip-
■ The R. Clay Simmons Exemplary Enterprise Award went to pi Humanities Council director Stuart Rockoff.
tion Program, a federal this role during such an
Strange Brew Coffeehouse, distinguishing them as the busi- The bill has passed the Senate and awaits con-
program that provides unconventional time has ness of the year.
loans to help business- been difficult, but with sideration in the House.
■ The top community service award, the T.E. Veitch Communi-
es during the pandemic. the support of the Part- ty Service Award, went to Nellah Taylor.
He said the Partnership nership board, he is em- ■ The Starkville Main Street Association named the Starkville
members have adapted to bracing the challenges Area Arts Council as the 2020 Partner of the Year and granted
these changes. and is looking forward to a the Steve Langston Downtown Revitalization Award to Mayor
“It has been a chal- future without COVID-19. Lynn Spruill.
lenge, but the organiza- “I came on board, and ■ The Starkville Convention and Visitors Bureau presented
tion and the community (two months) later we the Crystal Pineapple Tourism Award to the late Dan Camp,
have stepped up in var- experienced the shut- creator of the Cotton District.
ious ways, and that was down,” Tagert said. “I ■ The Oktibbeha County Economic Development Authority
evident in the awards never really had a base- honored II-VI with the Industry of the Year Award.
ceremony today,” Tagert line to know what a bit of ■ The Partnership Ambassadors organization recognized four
said. “You can see the normalcy looked like. I members for 19 years of service since the organization’s
leadership, involvement do look forward to seeing creation: Peggy Buckley, Melanie Mitchell, Pat Lane and Nina
Welch Wofford.
and commitment of our what the norm looks like
■ The Starkville-Oktibbeha Achieving Results (SOAR) honored
community.” in our business communi-
three teachers in the Starkville Oktibbeha school district:
Tagert stepped into his ty when this pandemic is
Chelsi Brasher, Erin Landrum and Vijay Pacharne.
current position in Jan- over.”


Mississippi company crash that killed a woman answered the phone at ment Technology at the
and two children. the jail said the docket did facility, a new curriculum
gets $37M contract Kyle Dixon, 54, of Jack- not show whether Dixon designed to prepare them
for Army ammunition son, was driving in the is represented by an at- for an array of jobs.
OXFORD — A Missis- wrong direction on Mis- torney.
sippi company has a $37 sissippi Highway 25 in
million contract for Army Rankin County when the State-of-the-art
ammunition. crash happened at about
Olin Winchester LLC 11:30 p.m. Wednesday,
performing center
of Oxford was the only according to Highway Pa- opens at coastal
bidder to respond to an trol Sgt. Kervin Stewart. college
internet solicitation from WAPT-TV reported GULFPORT — A new
the U.S. Army Contract- five people were in the performing arts center
ing Command’s Rock Is- vehicle that Dixon hit, that will host the Gulf
land Arsenal in Illinois, and all five were wearing Coast Symphony and pre-
the Pentagon said Thurs- seatbelts. Two were hos- pare students for careers
day. pitalized. in the arts has opened at
The company is to Those killed were Mississippi Gulf Coast
make 5.56mm, 7.62mm 32-year-old Tamaria Shu- Community College.
and .50 caliber ammuni- make, 8-year-old Ambro- The ribbon-cutting
tion. The contract’s esti- sia Isaac and 5-year-old was held Thursday for
mated completion date is Zylan Shumake. All three the 1,200-seat auditorium
March 14, 2026. were from Carthage, and called the Immersive Me-
It was on Thursday’s they were members of the dia Performing Arts Cen-
list of military contracts Mississippi Band of Choc- ter, WLOX reported.
worth at least $7.5 million. taw Indians. The first concert by
Stewart said Dixon the Gulf Coast Symphony
Man charged in wrong- was not wearing a seat- at the new auditorium is
belt and was taken to a set for March 13.
way crash that killed hospital for injuries that The 54,000-square
woman, 2 children were not life-threatening. foot facility also features
BRANDON — A Mis- Dixon was later taken to a recording studio and
sissippi man is charged the Rankin County Jail, classrooms. Students at
with three counts of DUI and he remained there the college will be able SOLUNAR TABLE
manslaughter after a Friday. An employee who to study Live Entertain- The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tues.
Major 2:55a 3:45a
Minor 9:01p 10:08p
Major 3:19p 4:11p
Minor 3:38a 10:12a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

■ In a Sunday story about the restoration of a historic building in Crawford, we
mentioned a missing fireplace mantel, but we spelled it incorrectly. A mantle is a
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
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516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
4A MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

One transition to the next
“Times of transition are loaned a Kindle downloaded tried on and sorted to see what might to those just starting their careers. A
strenuous, but I love them. with multiple books. While I stay and what might go. Since this is a simple way to help someone in need.
They are opportunity to purge, swore, I’d never use a Kindle, regular practice, there In college I wore typical
rethink priorities, and be preferring a regular hard- wasn’t much to do or college clothes everybody
intentional about new habits. cover with pages to turn, I much to discard. Evaluat- wore. In the month of
We can make our new normal thoroughly enjoyed reading ing on a regular schedule May, my senior year, I
any way we want.” often staying up later than I helps to keep time and sent a resume to the one
— Kristin Arm- ought. energy devoted to declut- job I coveted. I was asked
strong-Three time Olympic Then the earth began tering minimal. Clothing to come interview the
Gold Medalist/road bicycle to thaw. Ice on the lakes and accessories can build following day. I had one
racer vanished and the ducks were up on you if you’re not classic knee length dress
swimming again rather than careful. The usual ques- and no time or money to

s fast as the winter ice Shannon Bardwell walking on top of the ice. tions to ask are: Does it find another. In the heat of
storm arrived it left. The goldfish were free to fit? Do you wear it? Is it in May driving an unaircondi-
On a hilly gravel road swim and forage. The cats good shape? Does it need tioned Volkswagen I wore
out here in the Prairie there had been spent more time frolicking in the fields. or is it worth repairing or a winter sweater dress.
little or no traffic for a week. No mail, From the kitchen window I saw two birds altering? Does it suit your I had to drive to three
nor garbage collection, recycle bags splashing in the birdbath. Heavy coats, lifestyle? Is it your cur- different interviews. If
multiplied, while newspapers deliveries gloves, and woolen hats were tucked rent style? Do you love nerves didn’t cause me to
remained scarce. We might have felt away. The thermometer registered it? If you don’t really love sweat the dress did. That
a bit like “Little House on the Prairie” almost seventy degrees so Sam and a it you probably won’t wear it and maybe day I transitioned from college student to
except for electricity running lights and buddy went fishing. All was well. someone else could enjoy it. If you’ve management team. Life’s full of transi-
appliances as well as heat. Electric heat The formerly iced-over mailbox was previously worn professional attire and tions. Go for it.
was supplemented with a propane gas now full of spring catalogs touting the are now retired with no need of suits or Columns by Shannon Bardwell of
fireplace. Waterlines never froze and the promise of a new season to come. During pencil skirts, there are several thrift and Columbus appear in The Dispatch weekly.
cupboards were full. When I ran out of the ice storm week, I rummaged through consignment stores in the Golden Trian- Email reaches her at msdeltachild@msn.
hardback reading books, my neighbor clothing for spring and summer. I was gle area offering professional clothing com.

Positive news for Mississippi commodities
t 1.13 billion, That’s equal to the declined, many sawmills shut classes such as stocks, gold, This is the way free market
timber is 40-year average down. Consolidation in the land etc. would converge to the capitalism is supposed to work.
the third from 1960 to 2000. industry put many mills under mean over time. When a big mega company
biggest agricultural Studies estimate the ownership of big companies The best possible sign for monopolizes the market, it cre-
crop in Mississippi, the two million such as the Koch Brothers landowners would be announce- ates an opportunity for smaller
behind poultry/eggs houses a year need ownership of Georgia-Pacific ments of new sawmills being companies to profit by entering
at $2.16 billion and to be built for the and Crown Zellerbach. built. That’s just what happened the market.
soybeans at $1.21 next three decades Georgia-Pacific owns a this month in Winona. Even more interesting is
billion. to replace dilapi- cluster of nine mills in south Biewer Lumber, head- mini-mill technology that will
There are dated ones. That central Mississippi, giving it a quartered in St. Clair, Mich., allow landowners to process
125,000 timber level would increase strong position to dictate prices recently announced its plan their own timber.
landowners with demand for lumber to landowners. to develop a state-of-the-art Another positive develop-
19.7 million acres. Wyatt Emmerich and pine trees. Sawmills can only process so sawmill in Winona. The mill ment is the rise of the wood pel-
That’s two-thirds of Stumpage, the many trees per day. If there are will be more than a $130 million let industry. British coal plants
the total acres in the price of standing too many trees and not enough investment and will bring more have been converted from coal
state. timber and the right to harvest mills, then Mississippi landown- than 150 new jobs to Montgom- to wood pellets to reduce CO2
So when lumber prices goes it, has increased as well, but ers will continue to miss out on ery County. emissions. Several of these
through the roof, it’s big news nothing compared to the lum- the parade. Biewer Lumber is a family plants are creating a market
in Mississippi. This week lum- ber price increase. That means This has caused a lot of owned company that operates for pulpwood in rural Missis-
ber prices hit $982 MBF (thou- Mississippi Pineland owners wailing and gnashing by the five sawmills — two in Michi- sippi. A planned $160 million
sands of board feet.) That’s 3.7 are not yet reaping the benefits 125,000 Mississippi landown- gan, two in Wisconsin, and one wood pellet plant in Lucedale
times higher than the 52-week of the lumber price boom. ers, many of whom wish they in Newton, which was con- would be the largest in the U.
low. Lumber MBF prices have The problem is apparently had sold their land and invested structed two years ago. S. Plants in Amory and Gloster
hovered around $300 for the an excess supply of stumpage. in the booming stock market. In addition, for the first time have been producing pellets for
last 15 years. Twenty -five years ago, stump- Fancy Wall Street stud- in nearly a century, Lumberton years.
The lumber cost increase is age prices were two to three ies suggest that, over time, will see the construction of a Other commodities such as
hurting homebuilders, adding times higher than today, fueling southern pineland will achieve new sawmill which is expected corn, soybean, cotton, eggs and
something like $17,000 to the a boom in pine acreage. Adding long-term annual returns equal to create at least 135 jobs in the poultry are all moving in pos-
average new home. fuel to the fire, federal conser- to stocks — about 8 percent region. itive directions, which bodes
Housing starts peaked at vation policies paid landowners historically. Certainly this is Mission Forest Products, well for our state.
2.2 million a year in 2007 then cash to convert farmland to the concept promoted by Dick a subsidiary of Timberland Wyatt Emmerich is the editor
dropped to .5 million after timberland. The result has been Molpus’ Woodlands Group, Investment Resources, LLC, is and publisher of The Northside
the financial crisis of 2007, a historic surplus of timber. which stitches small patches of locating a sawmill in Corinth. Sun, a weekly newspaper in
which was caused by a collapse Another problem is appar- land into large tracts to sell to The project is a $160 million Jackson. He can be reached by
in housing prices. In 2020, ently shortage of sawmills in institutional investors. It stands corporate investment and 130 e-mail at wyatt@northsidesun.
housing starts were 1.5 million. the state. When lumber prices to reason that all basic asset jobs. com.


Congressional freedom of speech

s the U.S. House come kick down your door there for the exact opposite, for the out- Steve King, Joe McCarthy, and Marjorie
of Representatives and take you away. landish and controversial things. I said I Taylor Greene. In the cases of King and
voted recently to strip However, if you are in your was torn. It does seem like there should McCarthy, Republicans punished their
Marjorie Taylor Greene of workplace and rant about be a line that our elected representatives own as is tradition. With the Greene
all her committee assign- how your bosses are tyrants do not cross. But the Constitution does case, the Republicans condemned her
ments, I was reminded of two or senile, you may be fired. not say that either. The courts have comments, yet the Democrats (now
sections of the Constitution. The First Amendment does weighed in on this and have deemed the majority party), along with only 11
The first is Article 1, Section not protect that speech. Not some speech is not protected, such as Republicans, did not feel the punishment
5, which reads, “Each House even all political speech is incitement to lawless action or child was strong enough and stripped her
may determine the Rules protected. If you wear a shirt pornography, but conspiracy theories are of committee assignments. It is highly
of its Proceedings, punish that says “Make America not on the list. Maybe, especially with irregular to interfere with committee as-
its Members for disorderly Great Again” or “Black Lives the House, it should be up to the voters signments made by each party. Though
Behavior, and, with the Con- James Finck Matter” at a workplace that if they think she has gone too far in the her comments were inappropriate and
currence of two thirds, expel has a policy against wearing next election. have been disproven in the courts, it
a Member.” Clearly the Constitution political slogans, you can be fired. This is Having said that, there is precedence. might just be a slippery slope for the
gives the House the power to punish its not a First Amendment Issue. In 2019 Republicans removed one of opposing party to start the practice of
own members for wrongdoing. Yet, at the This is the most confused amendment their own, Rep. Steve King of Iowa, punishing their opponents for comments
same time, I also cannot help thinking in the Bill of Rights. The Founders did from committees after he questioned made, especially ones they made earlier
of the First Amendment, which states, not intend to remove people’s responsi- why “white supremacy” was offensive.
in their lives. Some Republicans have
“Congress shall make no law…abridging bility for their actions or speech. They Even bigger was the 1954 censure of the
even talked about retribution if they take
the freedom of speech.” wanted to protect the people’s right to junior Senator from Wisconsin Joseph
over in 2022. They point to racist and
Coming to terms with these two sec- say what they thought, even peacefully McCarthy. There is no room for many
violent comments made by Democratic
tions can be difficult. If members of one protest the actions of their government. details here, but McCarthy took advan-
legislators. Is this really how we want
party say something that members of the When passed, the Bill of Rights only tage of American’s fear of communism
opposite party find extremely offensive, applied to federal cases, not state ones, to make himself powerful. He claimed Congress to spend their time?
should the opposite party be able to cen- so, before the 1920s, the Bill of Rights to have a list of communists who had Free democratic governments are
sure someone from the first party? What actually had little effect on most people’s infiltrated high levels of government and hard. There is a reason historically there
rights to freedom of speech are given to lives. Yet today, “freedom of speech” is the entertainment industry. He set up a have not been that many successful ones.
members of Congress and what have we thrown around like some sort of weapon committee to hold hearings to expose Freedom of speech is one of the things
seen historically? every time anyone is criticized for their anyone supporting the communist cause. necessary for a free government. Yet
Anyone who has ever taken a class words. During the hearings he accused people freedom of speech means people will say
from me has at least once heard me Where I am torn is that it seems like of being communists without evidence things you despise. Rep. Green was elect-
rant against the misunderstanding of the one place where there truly should to the point that it ruined their careers ed by her state because of who she is. If
freedom of speech. That clause of the be freedom of speech is in the Congress. and lives. After four years he finally fell her constituents deem her unfit, they are
First Amendment does one thing and The amendment literally says, “Con- when he questioned the U.S. Army after not bound by the First Amendment and
one think only; it protects you from gress shall make no law…abridging the they refused to defer one of his staff from have the opportunity to make changes
government censorship and perhaps freedom of speech,” yet is that not what the draft. With no evidence, he made next year.
prosecution. It does not protect you from is happening? Please understand that several accusations on TV that finally Dr. James Finck is an Associate Profes-
the consequences of your words. For I am no way supporting the comments showed him as the bully he was. With his sor of History at the University of Science
politicians it could cost you an election, made by Rep. Green. What I am saying is fall from grace, the Senate voted 67-22 to and Arts of Oklahoma in Chickasha. He is
but not your freedom. You can say that the Constitution does not give freedom of condemn his actions and strip him of key Chair of the Oklahoma Civil War Sym-
Trump is a dictator or that Biden is speech only to statements we agree with committee membership. posium. Follow Historically Speaking at
senile, and government officials will not or only for intelligent comments. No, it’s There is one key difference between
The Dispatch • MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021 5A

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, flu has disappeared in the US

In recent years, the flu has been blamed for 600,000 to 800,000 months of May through August.
The story of course has
or day care the same way they
were in prior years,” Mick said.
annual hospitalizations and 50,000 to 60,000 deaths been different with coronavi-
rus, which has killed more than
Some doctors say they have
even stopped sending speci-
BY MIKE STOBBE er bugs that are more common the emergency department. 500,000 people in the United mens for testing, because they
AP Medical Writer in the fall and winter. Scientists Ditto in Oregon’s capital city, States. COVID-19 cases and don’t think flu is present. Nev-
don’t fully understand the mech- where the outpatient respirato- deaths reached new heights in ertheless, many labs are using a
NEW YORK — February is anism behind that, but it would ry clinics affiliated with Salem December and January, before CDC-developed “multiplex test”
usually the peak of flu season, beginning a recent decline.
be consistent with patterns seen Hospital have not seen any con- that checks specimens for both
with doctors’ offices and hospi- Flu-related hospitalizations,
when certain flu strains pre- firmed flu cases. the coronavirus and flu, Bram-
tals packed with suffering pa- however, are a small fraction of
dominate over others, said Dr. “It’s beautiful,” said the mer said.
tients. But not this year. where they would stand during
Arnold Monto, a flu expert at the health system’s Dr. Michelle More than 190 million flu
Flu has virtually disappeared even a very mild season, said
University of Michigan. Rasmussen. vaccine doses were distributed
from the U.S., with reports com- Brammer, who oversees the
ing in at far lower levels than Nationally, “this is the lowest The numbers are astonishing this season, but the number of
CDC’s tracking of the virus.
anything seen in decades. flu season we’ve had on record,” considering flu has long been infections is so low that it’s dif-
Flu death data for the whole
Experts say that measures according to a surveillance sys- the nation’s biggest infectious ficult for CDC to do its annual
U.S. population is hard to com-
put in place to fend off the coro- tem that is about 25 years old, disease threat. In recent years, it pile quickly, but CDC officials calculation of how well the vac-
navirus — mask wearing, social said Lynnette Brammer of the has been blamed for 600,000 to keep a running count of deaths cine is working, Brammer said.
distancing and virtual school- U.S. Centers for Disease Con- 800,000 annual hospitalizations of children. One pediatric flu There’s simply not enough data,
ing — were a big factor in pre- trol and Prevention. and 50,000 to 60,000 deaths. death has been reported so far she said.
venting a “twindemic” of flu and Hospitals say the usual Across the globe, flu activity this season, compared with 92 That also is challenging
COVID-19. A push to get more steady stream of flu-stricken pa- has been at very low levels in reported at the same point in the planning of next season’s
people vaccinated against flu tients never materialized. China, Europe and elsewhere last year’s flu season. flu vaccine. Such work usually
probably helped, too, as did few- At Maine Medical Center in the Northern Hemisphere. “Many parents will tell you starts with checking which flu
er people traveling, they say. in Portland, the state’s largest And that follows reports of lit- that this year their kids have strains are circulating around
Another possible explana- hospital, “I have seen zero doc- tle flu in South Africa, Australia been as healthy as they’ve ever the world and predicting which
tion: The coronavirus has essen- umented flu cases this winter,” and other countries during the been, because they’re not swim- of them will likely predominate
tially muscled aside flu and oth- said Dr. Nate Mick, the head of Southern Hemisphere’s winter ming in the germ pool at school in the year ahead.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH ily must provide official proof of death. inclusion the next day Monday through by Lowndes Funeral Home of
OBITUARY POLICY Please submit all obituaries on the Thursday; and on Friday by 3 p.m. for
Obituaries with basic information form provided by The Commercial Dis- Sunday and Monday publication. For
including visitation and service times, patch. Free notices must be submitted more information, call 662-328-2471.
are provided free of charge. Extended to the newspaper no later than 3 p.m. Elaine Parrish
obituaries with a photograph, detailed the day prior for publication Tuesday COLUMBUS — Elaine Par-
biographical information and other through Friday; no later than 4 p.m. Lonnie Meredith rish, 66, died Feb. 28, 2021, at
details families may wish to include, Saturday for the Sunday edition; and CALEDONIA — Lonnie her residence.
are available for a fee. Obituaries must no later than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday
Meredith, 68, died Feb. 28, Arrangements are incom-
be submitted through funeral homes edition. Incomplete notices must be
unless the deceased’s body has been received no later than 7:30 a.m. for the
2021, at his residence. plete and will be announced
Arrangements are incom- by Lowndes Funeral Home of
donated to science. If the deceased’s
body was donated to science, the fam-
Monday through Friday editions. Paid
notices must be finalized by 3 p.m. for plete and will be announced Columbus. Leroy Sims, Jr.
Memorial services will
be held at a later date.
2nd Ave. N. Location

Helen Willis
Memorial services will

J&J’s 1-dose shot cleared, giving US 3rd COVID vaccine be held at a later date.
College St. Location

By the end of March, J&J has said it statement. “But I want to

be clear: this fight is far
ducted its studies, with
the Pfizer and Moderna
“What people I think
are mostly interested in
expects to deliver 20 million doses to from over,” he added, en-
couraging people to stick
research finished before
concerning variants be-
is, is it going to keep me
from getting really sick?”
the U.S., and 100 million by summer with masks and other pub- gan spreading. Collins said. “Will it keep
lic health measures. NIH’s Collins said the me from dying from this
BY LAURAN NEERGA ARD ants of most concern are On Sunday, a U.S. ad- evidence shows no reason terrible disease? The good
AND MAT THEW PERRONE spreading. visory committee will to favor one vaccine over news is all of these say yes
The Associated Press “This is really good meet to recommend how another. to that.”
news,” Dr. Francis Collins, to prioritize use of the
WASHINGTON — single-dose vaccine. And
director of the National In-
The U.S. is getting a one big challenge is what
stitutes of Health, told The
third vaccine to prevent the public wants to know:
Associated Press Satur-
COVID-19, as the Food Which kind is better?
day. “The most important
and Drug Administration “In this environment,
thing we can do right now
on Saturday cleared a whatever you can get
is to get as many shots in
Johnson & Johnson shot — get,” said Dr. Arnold
that works with just one as many arms as we can.”
J&J initially is provid- Monto of the University of
dose instead of two. Michigan, who chaired an
Health experts are ing a few million doses and
shipments to states could FDA advisory panel that
anxiously awaiting a one- unanimously voted Friday
and-done option to help begin as early as Monday.
By the end of March, J&J that the vaccine’s benefits
speed vaccinations, as outweigh its risks.
they race against a virus has said it expects to deliv-
Data is mixed on how
that already has killed er 20 million doses to the
well all the vaccines be-
more than 510,000 people U.S., and 100 million by
ing used around the world
in the U.S. and is mutat- summer.
work, prompting reports
ing in increasingly worri- J&J also is seeking au- in some countries of peo-
some ways. thorization for emergency ple refusing one kind to
The FDA said J&J’s use of its vaccine in Eu- wait for another.
vaccine offers strong rope and from the World In the U.S., the two-
protection against what Health Organization. The dose Pfizer and Moder-
matters most: serious company aims to produce na shots were 95 percent
illness, hospitalizations about 1 billion doses glob- protective against symp-
and death. One dose ally by the end of the year. tomatic COVID-19. J&J’s
was 85 percent protec- On Thursday, the island one-dose effectiveness of
tive against the most se- nation of Bahrain became 85 percent against severe
vere COVID-19 illness, the first to clear its use. COVID-19 dropped to 66
in a massive study that “This is exciting news percent when moderate
spanned three conti- for all Americans, and an cases were rolled in. But
nents — protection that encouraging development there’s no apples-to-apples
remained strong even in in our efforts to bring an comparison because of
countries such as South end to the crisis,” Presi- differences in when and
Africa, where the vari- dent Joe Biden said in a where each company con-

Mississippi center receives grant

for work preserving Emmett Till legacy
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Delta and a year-long strategic planning
process to coordinate the preservation of
SUMNER — A Mississippi institution the Mamie and Emmett Till story across
is receiving a grant to advance its work the Mississippi Delta and in Chicago.”
in teaching people about the legacy of Till was visiting relatives in Mississip-
Emmett Till, a Black teenager from Chi- pi when white men abducted him from
cago whose lynching by white people his uncle’s home on Aug. 28, 1955, ac-
in Mississippi in 1955 spurred the civil cusing the 14-year-old of flirting with a
rights movement. white woman as she worked at a store in
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation the rural community of Money. His mu-
recently announced that it is giving tilated body was pulled from the Talla-
grants to five projects across the Unit- hatchie River three days later.
ed States. One of grants is $691,750 to His mother, Mamie Till Mobley, in-
the Emmett Till Interpretive Center in sisted on an open casket at his funeral in
Sumner, Mississippi. Chicago so the world could see how rac-
The foundation said in a news release ism had led to her son’s death. Jet maga-
that the center will use the money “to zine and The Chicago Defender newspa-
support racial healing efforts that in- per published photos of his corpse, and
clude historic preservation, communi- those photos motivated people to push
ty building activities in the Mississippi for civil rights.

A club for boys and girls

Boys and Girls Club of Columbus
6A MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021 The Dispatch •


Analysis: Mississippi leaders try big, quick tax changes

During Mississippi’s budget year that ended June 30, the state collected about $5.8 billion through a process of eliminat-
ing the ability of people to get
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS week to increase some taxes House leaders introduced ic makes this a bad time for educated, just for a talking
The Associated Press and decrease others. their tax overhaul proposal on Reeves to barnstorm the state point,” Hosemann said.
Gunn has been in the House Feb. 22 as House Bill 1439 — and push his tax proposal, be- Reeves last week criticized
When then-Gov. William since January 2004, and he said more than 300 pages that do not cause the governor himself has the House proposal, saying:
Winter wanted to make sub- the tax package lend themselves to speed read- limited the size of indoor gath- “I certainly
stantial changes to Mississip- would be the wouldn’t want
ing. They pushed it through the erings to curb the spread of the
pi’s education system in the ear- to be a Republi-
most historic Ways and Means Committee virus. Reeves, though, has not
ly 1980s, he and his staff spent can who votes to
policy change the same day. And they pushed been making other high-profile
months building support for significantly in-
during his legis- it through the House on an 85- efforts to generate public sup-
their proposals. crease taxes for
lative career. 34 vote the next day, with 72 port for his proposal.
They traveled the state, held certain segments
“I think this votes needed to pass. It was During Mississippi’s bud-
hearings and leveraged the of the general
is a day that all mostly a partisan split, but a get year that ended June 30,
power of public opinion to per- public.” Reeves
suade recalcitrant legislators M i s s i s s ip p i a ns Gunn few Democrats voted for the bill the state collected about $5.8
Winter was a
to adopt the Education Reform can look to as and one Republican opposed it. billion from all types of state
Democrat dealing with a Dem-
Act of 1982. The law set com- a red-letter day,” Gunn said The bill did not include a “fis- taxes, fees and other sources, ocratic-controlled Legislature.
pulsory attendance rules, creat- during a news conference Tues- cal note” to outline the impact including lawsuit settlements, He worked to build public sup-
ed public kindergarten and set day at the Capitol. the proposed changes could according to the state Depart- port for the Education Reform
quality standards. The House leaders’ plan have on the state budget. A fis- ment of Finance and Adminis- Act because the party was not
That kind of effort to build would phase out the personal cal note is a basic expectation; tration. The biggest chunk of a monolith.
support outside the Capitol is income tax and cut the 7 per- legislators in the past have money, about $2.2 billion, came Reeves is a Republican
not happening now as Gov. Tate cent grocery tax in half over balked at voting on bills without from sales taxes. The next-larg- dealing with a Republican-con-
Reeves and state House leaders several years. It would also them. est source was about $1.8 billion trolled Legislature. The GOP
push separate proposals to sub- increase several other taxes, Reeves mentioned his wish from individual income taxes. holds more than the three-
stantially change Mississippi including the state sales tax to phase out the income tax in Republican Lt. Gov. Delbert fifths supermajority needed to
tax laws. on most items, which would go November, when he released Hosemann presides over the increase or decrease tax rates.
Reeves wants to phase out from the current 7 percent to his budget proposals for the 52-member Senate. Speaking But the party is not a monolith,
Mississippi’s personal income 9.5 percent. Tax rates would in- year that will begin July 1. He to reporters in December, he and leaders could have trouble
tax. House Speaker Philip crease on items including cars touched on it again during his made clear that he was not on uniting enough legislators be-
Gunn and his top allies in the and trucks, cigarettes, alcohol, State of the State address in board with the governor’s pro- hind a tax overhaul unless they
Republican-controlled chamber farm equipment and manufac- January. posal. take time to engage the public
rolled out a complex plan last turing equipment. The coronavirus pandem- “We’re not going to go and build widespread support.

Fraud overwhelms pandemic-related unemployment programs

The Labor Department inspector web and use it to flood
state unemployment sys-
the ranking Republican
on the House’s powerful
dreds of millions in more
populous states such as
Trying to catch so
many bogus claims delays
general’s office estimates that more tems with bogus claims.
The U.S. Justice De-
Ways and Means Com-
mittee. Brady said the $63
Massachusetts and Ohio.
The nationwide fraud
payouts to Ohioans who
are legitimately in need
than $63 billion has been paid out partment is investigating billion estimate “is larger has fed on twin vulnera- of help. In the Columbus
unemployment fraud by than the entire budget of bilities: a flood of jobless suburb of Upper Arling-
improperly through fraud or errors “transnational criminal the Department of Home- benefit applications since ton, Cynthia Sbertoli was
organizations, sophisti- land Security.” the pandemic began that receiving $228 a week
BY GEOFF MULVIHILL turning thousands of cated domestic actors, “These are frightening has overwhelmed state after she was laid off in
AND ANDREW WELSH- Americans into unwit- and individuals across levels of fraud,” he said. unemployment agencies March from her job with
HUGGINS ting identity theft victims. the United States,” said California has been the and antiquated benefit a nonprofit that runs high
The Associated Press Many states have failed Joshua Stueve, a spokes- biggest target, with an systems that are easy school student exchange
to adequately safeguard man for the department’s estimated $11 billion in prey for crafty and per- programs.
COLUMBUS, Ohio their systems, and a re- criminal division. fraudulent payments and sistent criminals. Her benefits were put
— With the floodgates view by The Associated The Labor Department an additional $19 billion In Ohio, weekly first- on hold in January after
set to open on another Press finds that some inspector general’s office in suspect accounts. Col- time unemployment she informed the state
round of unemployment will not even publicly ac- estimates that more than orado has paid out nearly claims have ranged from that someone had tried to
aid, states are being ham- knowledge the extent of $63 billion has been paid as much to scammers — 17,000 to more than use her identity in a scam
mered with a new wave of the problem. out improperly through an estimated $6.5 billion 40,000 during the pan- to claim benefits. She
fraud as they scramble to The massive sham fraud or errors — rough- — as it has to people who demic. But since late last thought the problem was
update security systems springs from prior identi- ly 10 percent of the total filed legitimate unem- month, those claims have resolved but has yet to
and block scammers who ty theft from banks, cred- amount paid under coro- ployment claims. topped more than 140,000 see a renewal of her bene-
already have siphoned it rating agencies, health navirus pandemic-related Other estimates, ac- some weeks, with many fit checks, which she and
billions of dollars from care systems and retail- unemployment programs cording to AP reporting of them believed to be her husband use to help
pandemic-related jobless ers. Fraud perpetrators, since March. across the states, range fraudulent. The state has pay for a son’s vision and
programs. sometimes in China, Ni- “We’re all learning from several hundred paid at least $330 million auditory therapy.
The fraud is fleecing geria or Russia, buy sto- that there is an epidemic thousand dollars in small- in fraudulent pandemic “It’s just not a good way
taxpayers, delaying le- len personal identifying of fraud,” said U.S. Rep. er states such as Alaska unemployment benefit to take care of people,”
gitimate payments and information on the dark Kevin Brady of Texas, and Wyoming to hun- claims. said Sbertoli, 49.

Continued from Page 1A
The storm that started because another tree, or hand, according to poles, and they’re on-call when he’s out on a major who went down to the
Wednesday night and another limb from the 4-County CEO Brian all the time. … But when job. Gulf Coast for 10 days
went into Thursday same tree, fell on a pow- Clark. a storm like (two weeks “When they were in 2005 after Hurricane
morning, which Harris erline,” Harris said. “Fred is a great man,” ago) hits, that’s their fin- younger, it was hard on Katrina had left its trail
said was the worse of the Harris is a Columbus Clark said. “He works est hour. The gears were them,” Harris said. “If of destruction.
two on 4-County, came High School graduate hard, he’s always got a oiled and the engine was they knew a storm was “Debris and power-
less than two days after and studied to be an smile on his face, and ready to go.” coming, they’d kind of lines were on the ground
the utility had restored electrical technician at he’s just the type of guy Harris said his wife cling to me because they as far as the eye could
power to all of its mem- East Mississippi Commu- you’re genuinely happy Veronica and their four knew I might have to go see,” he recalled. “That
bers from the first one. nity College. He said he to be around. children have gotten out.” was one of those mo-
Some areas had multiple always knew he wanted “His job is not an used to the occasionally No matter how bad ments you were working
outages throughout the to have an electrical average job,” he add- long and odd hours he the storms locally have and felt like, “Man we
rest of the week. career, and after stints in ed. “You have to be an works. His eldest two been, nothing compares ain’t getting anywhere.’
“We got a lot of construction and Bal- above-average person to children are grown, and to the worst damage The ones who went down
people’s power back on dor Electric, he finally be in this line of work. he has twin 14-year-old Harris has seen. there can always look at
Thursday, but then there got his “dream job” at These employees have daughters still at home. “Katrina,” he said. the damage we get here
were several spots we’d 4-County in 2003. to go out into the worst They all still will text Harris was among and say, ‘We’ve seen
have to respond to again He’s been a steady conditions and climb him to check up on him the 4-County workers worse.’”

Former Noxubee County, MSU star Jeffery Simmons gives back in Macon
BY THEO DEROSA Andrews, a New Hope Macon Electric workers resident who was one and local law enforce-
of 15 to 20 4-County ment who had helped
MACON — Jaron An- linemen working in the the area recover from
drews isn’t used to ice. Noxubee County area the storm.
So when winter during the storm. “Ice “It’s good to see him
storms hit the Golden creates a whole ’nother give back to the commu-
Triangle the week of condition that we’re not nity — not forget where
Feb. 15, the 4-Country accustomed to here in he comes from,” An-
Electric worker and the South.” drews said of Simmons.
his fellow linemen had On Friday at the Nox- Selected by the Ti-
to deal with hazards ubee Civic Center, a lo- tans in the first round of
they don’t typically see: cal legend gave back to the 2019 NFL draft after
glazed tree limbs on Andrews and his fellow a standout career with
power lines and other workers for their assis- the Bulldogs, Simmons
problems that caused tance during the storms. said he was glad to come
outages for area cus- Tennessee Titans de- back to his hometown
tomers. Andrews said fensive lineman Jeffery and help out. Mayberry
4-County was able to re- Simmons, who starred Eatery in Macon volun-
Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
store power to area cus- for Noxubee County and teered to provide food
Tennessee Titans defensive lineman Jeffery Simmons talks with a 4-County Electric
tomers in a timely man- went on to Mississippi — barbecue ribs and worker on Friday at the Noxubee Civic Center in Macon. The former star for the
ner, but it wasn’t easy. State, provided meals leg quarters — and Sim- Tigers and Mississippi State gave out meals and handed out signed T-shirts to
“It was messy,” said for 4-County members, See SIMMONS, 2B 4-County workers, Macon Electric workers and local law enforcement.


State women
end regular
season with
Tanner Allen singles in ninth to give No. 5
blowout loss
to Missouri MSU second walk-off win, series victory


or to Sunday’s matchup
with Missouri, Mis-
sissippi State women’s
basketball built some
much-needed momen-
After a string of loss-
es, Nikki McCray-Pen-
son’s team pieced to-
gether two consecutive
victories, and hoped to
expand on that heading
into the postseason.
That all went out the
window Sunday.
The Bulldogs were
outplayed, outhustled
and, frankly, embar-
rassed by the Tigers
on their home court,
getting blown out 77-57.
It was the team’s sec-
ond blowout loss on its
home floor this season,
but instead of power-
house South Carolina,

See WBB, 3B

State softball’s Mississippi State athletics
Mississippi State celebrates near the outfield grass at Dudy Noble Field after fourth-year junior Tanner Allen’s walk-off, two-run single
weekend at against Tulane Sunday in Starkville. The 5-4 win gave the Bulldogs a series victory over the visiting Green Wave.

Lone Star State BY BEN PORTNOY said, delivering a sermon of a ball club that has seen two ing at the Green Wave bench
Invitational sorts on a memorable Sunday of its five wins decided by one with his right arm and glove,
in Starkville. “It was all about run and another finalized by a his display drew a warning for
BY THEO DEROSA STARK VILLE — Perched that moment right there. I was walk-off grand slam less than both dugouts. in the right field grass just able to lock in and get it done.” 24 hours prior. “It got really competitive,”
below a Ford advertisement That Allen came through “We got punched in the Lemonis said. “You’ve got re-
Over the weekend adorning on the wall at Dudy Sunday is to little surprise. mouth in the top of the ninth,” ally talented athletes fighting
in Texas, the Missis- Noble Field, Tanner Allen at a really high level and com-
Head coach Chris Lemonis McGowan said. “But you can’t
sippi State softball peered down at the wording peting and it did, it was a little
called him one of the best ever count the Dawgs out.
team faced perhaps the on his glove. chirpy today.”
pure hitters in college base- We’re going to punch back.”
toughest competition it “It don’t matter.” ball. Freshman outfielder Following an impressive With Smith’s pitch count
has seen since its 2019 Allen had the words embla- Drew McGowan described four-inning start from fresh- climbing to 32 after 2.1 in-
Southeastern Confer- zoned on his mitt as a friendly him as a leader for the young- man Jackson Fristoe, who nings pitched, Lemonis sided
ence slate. reminder for days like Sunday. er players to follow. In sum, was slotted into the weekend with sixth-year senior closer
The Bulldogs played It didn’t matter that he’d start- he’s an upperclassman who rotation after second-year Spencer Price in the ninth.
a doubleheader with a ed the day 0 for 4. It didn’t continues to cement himself freshman Will Bednar was Retiring the first two batters
solid small-conference matter that Luis Aviles had into MSU lore amid a season scratched from his second he faced, Price hung a fast-
program in Texas State obliterated a mammoth home that, under normal circum- consecutive start due to sore- ball that Aviles sent into the
and faced ranked teams
run in the top of the ninth in- stances, he wouldn’t be play- ness in his shoulder, it was a deepest parts of the Left Field
in Texas and Baylor, all
ning to put Tulane ahead. It ing in Starkville. dazzling display from third- Lounge for the third mam-
on the road. They also
didn’t matter that, on a week- With the MLB draft short- year sophomore Brandon moth Green Wave home run
faced Houston in a neu-
end filled with MSU-induced ened from 40 rounds to five, Smith that silenced the ev- of the day.
tral-site game Saturday
blunders, the Bulldogs were Allen is part of the well-doc- er-barking Tulane bench for As the boisterous Tulane
in Austin.
And all in all, Missis- just a strike away from losing umented junior class along- the bulk of Sunday’s contest. bench exploded from its dug-
sippi State (8-4) turned their first home series since side Rowdey Jordan and Josh Taking over for Carlisle out, a sudden hush fell over
in an uneven perfor- March of 2019. Hatcher that returned to MSU Koestler in the sixth inning, the previously raucous Dudy
mance over the week- It did matter, though, that for one final season. Sunday, Smith allowed three singles Noble crowd. That is until Al-
end at the Lone Star Allen sat back on a hanging Allen added the most prolific but worked his way to the end len took the plate.
State Invitational. The fastball from Tulane reliever contribution of the trio’s en- of the sixth and through the Now in his fourth year with
Bulldogs split with the Zach DeVito and laced the deavors to date. seventh inning. the program, the Mobile, Al-
Bobcats in San Marcos, pitch into center field for a a After a pair of walks were As tensions ran high, nota- abama, native is no strang-
beat the Cougars and two-out, two-run single that issued to McGowan and Jack- bly when Tulane skipper Tra- er to big moments. He’s the
lost to the Longhorns gifted MSU (5-2) its second sonville transfer Scotty Du- vis Jewett did everything but same player that tagged out
and Bears for a 2-3 per- walk-off win in as many days brule, a wild pitch from DeVi- get tossed in an eighth inning a runner to send MSU to the
formance. and with it, a series victory to moved the pair to second outburst over a strike call, College World Series in 2018.
“Four of the five over the visiting Green Wave and third. Following a loud Smith strutted off the bump As a sophomore, he wept in
games this weekend (3-4). lineout from Jordan, Allen and screamed toward the Tu- the locker room beneath TD
“Everything that happened stepped into the box and deliv- lane dugout after striking out Ameritrade Park in Omaha,
See SOFTBALL, 3B before didn’t matter,” Allen ered another dramatic win for the side in the frame. Motion- See BASEBALL, 2B
2B MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021 The Dispatch •

Welcome back: Optimism abounds as MLB’s spring includes fans

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS credulous fans stood out- erable safety advantage ries said. “Everyone was cine rolls out more we’re ed economic impact of
side Salt River Fields and over its NBA, NHL and very loud. It was just a lot definitely staying home $363.6 million in 2020 be-
SCOT TSDALE, Ariz. digested the news that college basketball coun- of fun. I think we truly un- this year unfortunately.” fore the shutdown in mid-
— Brian Delaney checked baseball — and pretty terparts: It’s played out- derestimated how much Those are the kinds of March, which was down
his ticket, found his seats much the rest of the world doors where studies have we missed it.” stories that have Arizona nearly $300 million from
and then sat down for a — was being shutdown shown the virus is less ef- The outlook for spring and Florida bracing for the estimated $644.2 mil-
minute in the sunshine. It because of the spreading fective at spreading. training has changed another year of lost reve- lion generated in 2018.
wasn’t a typical late Feb- coronavirus pandemic. “We feel really good drastically just in the past nue. But limited fans are The study added that
ruary day in Arizona — a Nearly a year later, about our ability to host month. Back in January, better than no fans. The 2020 would have been “on
little cool, a little breezy things are very different. spring training in the saf- the Cactus League sent appetite to watch base- a par” with 2018 had it not
— but Delaney didn’t “It seemed like forev- est possible way,” Cactus a letter to MLB suggest- ball appears strong: The been for the coronavirus.
complain a bit. er,” said Brandon Ram- League executive direc- ing that the spring sched- Rockies and Diamond- As for 2021, there is
“You ever been sey, who lives in the tor Bridget Binsbacher ule be delayed because backs — who share the cautious optimism that
through a Colorado win- Phoenix area and went said. of high COVID-19 case Salt River Fields facili- the Cactus League sea-
ter?” the Colorado Rock- to the Reds-Indians game All 30 teams in Ma- counts in Maricopa Coun- ty — both sold out their son won’t be a complete
ies fan said with a grin. in Goodyear on Sunday. jor League Baseball are ty, which is home to all 15 entire spring ticket allot- washout for the local
The good humor “Last year got cut a little allowing fans at their teams in Arizona. ments about 24 hours af- economy. But for hotels,
and smiles were easy short. To come out here spring training facilities But then cases plum- ter they went public. restaurants, bars, golf
to find as baseball fans for opening day is just fan- in Arizona and Florida, meted in Arizona and the Delaney said he and courses and rental house
streamed into Sunday tastic. They did a great though capacity will be plan to play games pushed Mierzwa were coming to companies, there’s little
afternoon’s spring train- job in socially distancing. severely limited. The Chi- forward. Binsbacher and Arizona regardless of the doubt that finances will
ing opener between the They made sure we were cago Cubs are welcom- others became much baseball situation. They take a hit for a second
Rockies and Arizona safe.” ing the most fans (3,630 more optimistic. enjoy trail running and straight year.
Diamondbacks. A down- Aside from the World per game) while the San For some fans, the Arizona in February is a Stephanie Pressler,
ward trend in COVID-19 Series and NL Champi- Francisco Giants will progress came too late. fine time for that sport. who is the director of
cases throughout most onship Series held last have the fewest (1,000 Don Witynski is a Businesses in Arizona community affairs for Ex-
of the country has meant October at a neutral-site per game). 58-year-old Milwaukee hope there more Del- perience Scottsdale, said
that a limited amount of park in Arlington, Texas, The Yankees and Brewers fan from Wis- aneys and Mierzwas out businesses are balancing
fans are allowed back in this marked the first time Twins have the largest consin who has traveled there to make 2021 a little realism with a little opti-
spring training facilities fans were allowed at big percentage of seats avail- to Arizona the past four less painful. mism now that COVID-19
throughout Arizona and league baseball games able, with the potential to years for about a week “It’s all part of mov- cases have gone down
Florida. since March 12. reach 28% of capacity. during spring training. ing the right direction,” and all teams are allow-
At Salt River Fields at By now the safety pro- Fans certainly seem He said his family of four Binsbacher said. “I can’t ing at least some fans.
Talking Stick, the crowd tocols for sports events excited about getting would watch three or four stress enough – health “This is normally the
was capped at about 2,200 have become familiar. back to the park. The baseball games but the and safety was at the busiest time of year for
fans, which is 16% of the Fans in Scottsdale are players have missed trip also includes hiking forefront of everything Scottsdale’s tourism in-
usual capacity. Delaney spread out in small pods them, too. and other outdoor activi- we did. But the financial dustry, largely because
said he never hesitated to of two, four or six peo- Oakland right-hander ties in the Arizona sun. numbers are real. It defi- of Cactus League spring
get tickets for himself and ple. Masks are worn ex- Daulton Jefferies got a Not this year. He said nitely impacts our busi- training,” Pressler said
Debra Mierzwa once they cept when eating and thrill from facing the load- most of his friends are nesses and the numbers in an email. “Understand-
went on sale a few weeks drinking. People sitting ed Los Angeles Dodgers staying in Wisconsin this speak for themselves. It’s ably, our expectations
ago. on blankets in the grass lineup with fans in the year, though a few will a tremendous impact.” are muted this year given
“Oh yeah,” Delaney beyond the outfield wall seats at last. The limited make the trip to the des- The COVID-19 hit to the ongoing pandemic,
said. “We were never wor- were given spray-painted crowd of 1,998 was a sell- ert. central Arizona’s baseball though Experience Scott-
ried. This is great.” squares to stay separate. out at Hohokam Stadium “We’re hunkering economy was stark: A sdale is excited that the
The happy and half- Cleaning crews are ubiq- in Mesa, Arizona. down, staying home,” Wi- study from Arizona State season is moving forward
way-normal scene on uitous. “Even though it’s tynski said. “I’ve got teen- University found that the in a way that will keep
Sunday was a far cry from But spring baseball 20-percent capacity it agers, 13-year-old twins. Cactus League’s season teams, fans, employees
353 days ago, when in- appears to have consid- didn’t feel like it,” Jeffe- Obviously until this vac- generated an estimat- and residents safe.”

No. 3 A&M women beat No. 5 South Carolina 65-57 for SEC title
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS in the SEC and we had to prove 5 ½ minutes remaining. school history with 1,010. ils had key holdovers from last
it night in and night out,” Blair The Aggies added one free Jones had 16 games with at year’s team and coach Mike
COLLEGE STATION, Tex- said. “Now it’s up to both of us throw before Henderson’s least 10 rebounds this season Krzyzewski brought in another
as — The third-ranked Texas to throw this season away and 3-pointer cut the lead to 57-54 and 62 in her career. stellar recruiting class.
A&M Aggies have insisted all start all over at the SEC tour- with five minutes to go. “I actually wrote that before Duke’s season has mostly
year that they should be con- nament and the NCA A tourna- Texas A&M was up by 1 at the game to be extraordinary... been a dud so far.
sidered one of the nation’s best ment.” halftime and scored the first I’m glad I was able to do that The Blue Devils are 8-8 and
teams. The Gamecocks trailed by 10 points of the second half for them,” Jones said. 6-6 in the ACC after beating
When given the chance to as many as 14 in the fourth to make it 45-34 with about North Carolina State on Satur-
shine against another top-5
team on Sunday, they proved it.
quarter but cut the lead to 3 on four minutes left in the third.
Jordan Nixon started that run
Up next day, a win that ended a three-
a 3-pointer by Aliyah Boston Both teams will resume play game losing streak. Duke is No.
“We needed to win this with about three minutes to go. with a jump shot and capped it next week in the SEC tourna- 66 in the latest NET rankings —
game to solidify who were Wilson pushed Texas with a 3-pointer. ment, which begins Wednes- up 11 from the previous rankings
were and what we’ve earned,” A&M’s lead to 62-57 on a bas- The Gamecocks couldn’t do day. — and needs a strong finish to
Texas A&M coach Gary Blair ket with less than 90 seconds anything right in that stretch, the season to avoid missing the
said. remaining and Kayla Wells missing seven shots and com- NCAA Tournament for the first
Aaliyah Wilson scored 17 added two free throws with 12 mitting four turnovers. They Elite men’s programs stuck time since 1995.
points and N’dea Jones add- seconds left to secure the vic- got their first point of a period on the NCAA Tournament “You’ve just got to stay with
ed 16 to lead Texas A&M to tory. when Cooke made one of two bubble it,” Krzyzewski said. “That’s
a 65-57 win over fifth-ranked “It’s not always pretty but free throws with about three The NCA A Tournament what our program’s done and see
South Carolina to give the Ag- we find a way... we just keep minutes left in the quarter. bubble is typically populated what happens. Just see what hap-
gies their first regular-season having each other’s backs,” “When you miss a layup and with teams from small confer- pens if you do that.”
Southeastern Conference title. Wilson said. you give up an easy basket at ences and middle-of-the-pack North Carolina fell flat with a
Jones said they had a team The Aggies outscored South the other end — when that hap- big conference schools. chance at a resume-building win
meeting before the season to Carolina (19-4, 14-2) 19-8 in pens continuously it takes a toll A pandemic that has on Saturday, scoring 48 points in
set their goals and make sure the third quarter to take a on you,” Staley said. wreaked havoc on the college a loss to No. 9 Virginia. The Tar
everyone knew how important commanding lead before the The Aggies added a basket basketball season is also re- Heels failed to have a double-fig-
being vigilant about coronavi- Gamecocks get back in it late. after that before South Caroli- shaping the curve. ure scorer for the first time since
rus protocols would be to their Destanni Henderson and na got its first field goal of the Perennial power Duke is 1966, are 12-7 overall and No.
season. Zia Cooke had 15 points each second half on a layup by Lele currently bubbling. So is North 56 in the NET after going 1-6 in
“We knew that we could win for the Gamecocks, who won Grissett a few seconds later. Carolina. Kentucky is so far Quadrant 1 games.
it,” she said. “We just needed to both the SEC regular-season A 5-0 run by Texas A&M, down it can’t even see the bub- Kentucky, at 6-13 and No. 76
follow protocols and stay with and conference tournament ti- with another 3 by Nixon, came ble. in the NET, will likely need to
it and we could be here.” tles last season. next to make it 52-37 and spur “The season hasn’t gone win the SEC Tournament to join
It’s the 10th straight victory “We’re expected to win South Carolina Staley to call a how we wanted it, but we just the field of 68.
for the Aggies and their ninth championships and this was timeout. try to keep our head down and Once a blueblood appear-
win over a ranked opponent within our reach, but we just The Gamecocks finished keep working,” Duke sopho- ing to be in trouble, the Kansas
this season, which leads the ran out of gas,” coach Dawn the quarter with a 5-2 spurt to more forward Matthew Hurt Jayhawks have reeled off three
nation. Texas A&M (22-1, 13-1 Staley said. “We just didn’t cut the lead to 52-42 entering said. “Every day, don’t take a straight wins. Kansas has some
SEC) snapped a seven-game have enough in the tank.” the fourth. day off, not try to listen to the big potential resume builders
skid against South Carolina Texas A&M led by 14 early outside, the social media, what after facing rival Kansas State,
and finished the season 13-0 at in the fourth before South Car- Rebounding record everyone else says but us.” with games against No. 7 Texas
home after playing in front of olina used a 9-0 run, with the Jones had 14 rebounds to Duke entered the season Tech, No. 13 Texas and No. 2
a season-high 2,700 on Sunday. first seven points from Cooke, pass Anriel Howard (1,002) with loaded expectations, as Baylor to close out the regular
“We’re the two best teams to get within 56-51 with about for most career rebounds in it always does. The Blue Dev- season.

Continued from Page 1B
mons met each worker and handed old daughter Anna Beth to Friday’s Simmons, who is currently train- feel that I really appreciate them and
them a signed T-shirt. event, said his daughter fell in love ing in Dallas during the offseason, care about them and the job they’re
“I’m just grateful to be in a position with the Bulldogs when Dak Prescott said he was surprised to see the ef- doing.”
to be able to show my appreciation to was at quarterback. They watched fects of the winter storms across the Simmons said it was an honor just
these guys,” Simmons said. games together and became fans of South: millions losing power in Tex- to be in Macon on Friday and return
While he has two aunts who still Simmons during his three years at as, rare snow in Nashville and sim- the favor for those who helped out his
live in the Macon area, Simmons said Mississippi State. ilar conditions in Noxubee County hometown in a time of need.
their power remained on during the Andrews was happy to see Sim- and most of Mississippi. He credited “I take pride in doing this; I take
storms. But, he stressed, that’s not mons return to his small hometown 4-County linemen for “working their pride in just being able to show peo-
what matters. for a good cause. tail off” to restore power, including ple that I don’t have a ‘hot head’ as
“It’s not just about me and my fami- “It’s good to see somebody come the 13- and 14-hour days they put in people say,” Simmons said. “I just
ly; it’s about my community and how I in here and re-invest their time in the to fight the storm. want to show people that no matter
can help my community the best way community,” he said. “I like to see “Their job’s as important as any- how far in life I go, I’m always going
I can,” he said. that as a parent of children who are body else’s job,” Simmons said. “I just to remember Noxubee County. I’m al-
Andrews, who brought his 17-year- growing up in the community.” wanted these guys to see that and ways going to give back.”

Continued from Page 1B
vowing to bring the Bulldogs back to the precipice of a national title. maining turned to the visiting bench and sent a chorus of waves in Tulane’s
Racing around the outfield after teammates ripped the jersey off his chis- direction as the Green Wave exited the bench and headed toward a long bus
eled chest, Allen and the black-uniformed Bulldogs did all but dogpile Sun- ride back to New Orleans.
day to cap off a weekend that felt as close to a NCA A tournament series as It didn’t matter that Allen hadn’t recorded a hit until Sunday’s ninth in-
has been held in the 357 days since a home set last occurred at Dudy Noble ning. It mattered plenty when his roped swing found a hole.
Field. “I tell people, ‘Don’t give up on the Dawgs,’” Allen said. “Because we’re
As the mob of jerseys in center field dissipated, the gaggle of players re- going to be there right till the end.”
The Dispatch • MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021 3B

Continued from Page 1B
the drubbing came against a team
that finished below the Bulldogs
in the Southeastern Conference
“They came in here and just
whipped us,” McCray-Penson said.
“We were not the team that played
the last two games. We have to
go back to the drawing board and
that’s pretty much all I can say on
that end.”
From a big-picture perspective,
this contest was relatively mean-
ingless. Regardless of the outcome
of Sunday’s game, the Bulldogs
(10-8, 5-7 SEC) were locked into
the No. 8 vs. No. 9 SEC tournament

matchup against LSU. It’s likely

MSU will still hear its name called
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Sunday’s answer
on Selection Monday if it loses that Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 3 9 6 5 8 7 4 2 1
rematch. But the “peaking at the Aliyah Matharu drives to the basket Sunday in Mississippi State’s contest ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 4 2 8 6 1 3 5 9 7

2021 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

right time” dream evaporated Sun- with Missouri. The Bulldogs lost 77-57. based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 5 7 1 9 2 4 8 6 3
day. grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 9 5 3 8 7 1 2 4 6
out that way with them. That’s the second half, with MSU never given
“You just have to regroup, re- about all I’m going to say on that.” trimming the deficit to less than so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 1 6 7 4 9 2 3 5 8
gardless of the next opponent,” object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
MSU has two seniors listed on 12. numbers 8 4 2 3 5 6 1 7 9
McCray-Penson said. its roster, Caterrion Thompson Missouri finished 12 of 30 from contains the1same to 9 number
2 1 4 7 6 8 9 3 5
Against the Tigers, McCray-Pen- the empty spaces so
and Yemiyah Morris, but redshirt only once. The difficulty 6 8 9 2 3 5 7 1 4
beyond the arc, while the Bulldogs that each row, each
son elected to hold out two key junior Sidney Cooks was also hon- level increases from
couldn’t buy a bucket, shooting an column and each 7 3 5 1 4 9 6 8 2
cogs in the rotation, JaMya Min- Monday
ored in the team’s senior day fes- abysmal 3 of 22 from long range 3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 2/27

go-Young and Rickea Jackson, for tivities. In Saturday’s game, Cooks

and 40.7 percent from the floor. the same number only once. The difficulty level
the entire first half. Both checked logged 25 minutes, Thompson was
Myah Taylor was the only increases from Monday to Sunday.
in only when the game was well out on the court for 20 and Morris
of hand in the third quarter. When played 9 minutes. Jackson scored Bulldog player in double figures,
asked the reason for their absence six points in 11 minutes and Min- contributing 11 points on a 3-of-5
for the majority of the contest, Mc- go-Young was held scoreless in her shooting effort. Shug Dickson had
Cray-Penson sidestepped the ques- 8 minutes of action. a game-high 16 points for Missou-
tion and instead wanted to discuss Missouri (9-10, 5-9) came out ri.
MSU’s senior class. of the game hot, making six of its MSU will face LSU at 10 a.m.
“I just really want to focus on first nine 3-pointers en route to a Thursday in the first round of the
our seniors,” McCray-Penson said. 40-24 halftime lead. The Tigers SEC tournament in Greenville,
“Obviously, we didn’t want to go outscored the Bulldogs 37-33 in South Carolina.

Sunday’s Cryptoquote:

Continued from Page 1B

are true road games,” spite threatening with make it an 8-7 game but that we were going to
Mississippi State coach a runner on in the fifth couldn’t scratch across find a way to score some
Samantha Ricketts and two in the sixth. the tying score. runs there. That goes
said in a news release. The Bulldogs stranded The Bulldogs’ ral- back to the maturity of
“Playing four of five all three runners and ly began in the top of the group.”
true road games really went down 1-2-3 in the the fourth when Carter The Dawgs’ first
gets us ready to go into seventh. Spexarth plated two three runs were the first
a tough Southeastern The Bears scored runs with a single to left allowed this season by
Conference schedule. … their five first-inning field. Paige Cook, Chris- Texas State starter Jes-
They’re not always go- runs on a single, a hit- tian Quinn and Chloe sica Mullins, who no-hit
ing to be shutout, one- by-pitch, a wild pitch Malau’ulu all had RBI Abilene Christian on
run ballgames. We’re and a two-run double. singles in the inning. Monday.
going to have to be able An error and a single Mia Davidson scored Fagan earned the
to bounce back, score brought home Baylor’s Cook with a double in win in the circle for
some runs and hold the two runs in the second. the sixth, but Leilua Mississippi State with
opponent down. I real- “That’s a team that struck out with two run- 4.2 innings of one-run
ly think it’s something doesn’t strike out a lot,” ners aboard to end the ball. She struck out four
we can move forward Ricketts said. “They put inning. The Bulldogs against one walk and
from if we’re learning the ball in play. We’ve got had nothing doing in the gave up five hits. Alys-
from the battle and the to be able to make some seventh as Texas closed sa Loza finished out the
lessons we’ve had early plays and find a way to out the 8-7 victory. fifth inning and pitched
on.” pitch to soft contact. Still, Ricketts praised a clean sixth, and Aspen
On Friday in San Mar- Credit to them, they do the team’s fight against Wesley gave up a run in
cos, the Bulldogs were a great job of forcing you the Longhorns. the seventh.
hurt by missed oppor- with the amount of balls “That’s something Sophomore short-
tunities on offense. On they put in play. Overall, we take a lot of pride stop Madisyn Kennedy
Saturday in Austin, they we just needed to do a in, being able to come returned from an ankle ACROSS
nearly completed but better job of limiting the back, to not give in and injury to start the game, 1 Rose part
couldn’t quite finish a base hits and the big hit keep fighting back and making her first appear- 5 Spiny plants
considerable comeback. to follow that.” be scrappy,” she said. ance of the season. 10 Deep sleep
On Sunday in Waco, “We’ve yet to really play 11 Future oaks
early pitching struggles
Mississippi State 3, our complete game. Texas State 4, Missis- 13 Smell
were too great an obsta- Have our pitchers keep
cle to overcome. Houston 0, Saturday us in it a little bit longer
sippi State 3, Friday 14 Change
Now with four losses The Bulldogs got there, and I think we (Game 1) genetically
on the season, Missis- their best pitching per- definitely had the fight Missed chances 15 Toothed
sippi State has already formance of the sea- back to compete at the came back to hurt the wheel
lost more games in 2021 son so far on Saturday end.” Bulldogs in their second 17 Gun owner’s
than it did in 2020. The against Houston. The Longhorns built loss of the season, a 4-3 org.
Bulldogs went 25-3 in Willis hurled a com- an 8-1 lead thanks to setback in Friday’s tour- 18 Apartment
their abbreviated sea- plete-game shutout, al- a five-run third inning nament opener in San door feature
son, though they played lowing just three hits capped by a three-run Marcos. 19 Sonar user
just one ranked team: and striking out four homer. Back-to-back Mississippi State 20 Print units
No. 9 Oregon. Cougars. homers in the first in- left a runner on base in 21 Method Sunday’s answer
Mississippi State “I thought Annie did ning accounted for Tex- five of seven innings, 22 Frighten DOWN 23 Tiara’s kin
won’t have any respite a great job of attacking as’ first three runs. and pinch runner Bry- 25 Not feral 1 Get a goal 24 Way back
with its next game, a the zone and settling in lie St. Clair was caught 26 Fireplace 2 Right now when
stealing second for the
nonconference contest from the first inning,”
Ricketts said. “She real-
Mississippi State 6, game’s penultimate out
stack 3 Ham it up 25 Young ones
against Southeastern
Conference foe Alabama ly looked like the Annie Texas State 2, Friday as the Bulldogs fought
27 Road goo 4 Parade partic- 27 Past and
28 Angry state
— the No. 3 team in the that we expect to see, (Game 2) to answer the Bobcats’
29 Texas senator
5 Caravan
29 Cover words
country — on Wednes- mixing speeds and loca- A big fourth inning go-ahead run.
provided all the offense A double by Texas since 2013 animals 30 Spoke wildly
day in Tuscaloosa. tion and getting ahead
the Bulldogs needed to State’s ArieAnn Bell off 33 Twice uno 6 Keen 31 Tip over
Here’s a look at how early in the count often.”
finish Friday’s double- Wesley brought home 34 Fit 7 Barracks bed 32 Full of flavor
the Bulldogs fared in Leilua’s three-run ho-
each of their games this mer in the bottom of the header with a 6 -2 win. Kylie George for that 35 Passes, as 8 Window over 36 Beret, for one
weekend. third provided all the of- Spexarth, Davidson winning tally in the bot- a law a door
fense the Bulldogs need- and Leilua all went deep tom of the sixth. The 37 Nights before 9 Trespass
as Mississippi State Bobcats tied the game 38 Entertain 12 Anchor place
No. 23 Baylor 10, ed, scoring Malau’ulu
scored all six of its runs an inning earlier on 39 Dispatched 16 Sharpen
and Davidson to give the
Mississippi State 6, Dawgs a 3-0 lead. in the frame. Spexarth Tara Oltmann’s two-run 40 Hits the 21 Italian noble-
Sunday “Fa has done a great led off the inning with home run. sauce man
Junior left-hander job of working on hitting a solo home run before Baylee Lemons got 41 Whirlpool 22 Fast pitch
Grace Fagan was tagged different pitches hard,” Davidson clubbed a things started for Tex-
for five runs in the first Ricketts said. “That was three-run shot and Lei- as State with a solo shot
inning, and the Bulldogs a changeup she sat on to lua went back to back off Emily Williams in
never overcame that ear- be able to pick up some with a homer of her own. the fourth, breaking the
ly deficit in a 10 -6 loss. runs early in the game Quinn doubled home shutout.
Mississippi State when we needed it. It Cook before Davidson’s Mississippi State got
trailed 5-2 after the first was big for our momen- blast to left center field a run in the first when
before Baylor added two tum to get Annie some helped MSU open up the Leilua hammered a ball
more runs against An- support early.” game against the team it to right center for a dou-
nie Willis in the second. couldn’t put away earlier ble to score Davidson.
The Bulldogs made it Friday. The ball hit a flagpole
a 7-5 game in the third No. 7 Texas 8, Missis- “I really liked to see beyond the playing field
on back-to-back homers sippi State 7, Saturday the fight and how we and ricocheted back
by Mia Davidson and After falling behind came together to string onto the turf, but it was
Fa Leilua and got with- 8-1 early against Texas, together quite a few hits not ruled a home run,
in one run on a Chloe the Bulldogs showed there. It comes back and the Bulldogs had
Malau’ulu single in the they could hang around to the energy and mo- to settle for just one run
fourth. with one of the best mentum,” Ricketts said. rather than two.
But Baylor responded teams in the nation. “That’s something we’ve They added a pair to
with three RBI singles in But they couldn’t been preaching a lot, for their lead on RBI sin-
the bottom of the fourth muster quite enough them to stay on it even gles by Cook and Quinn
inning to push the lead offense to beat the when it doesn’t go our in the fourth inning, but
to four runs. Longhorns on Saturday. way the first or second Texas State scored the
Mississippi State Mississippi State scored time through the lineup. game’s final four runs to
didn’t score again de- six unanswered runs to They just never doubted take the win.
4B MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021 The Dispatch •

Morikawa plays a steady hand to win Workday Championship

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS known for calamity. World Golf Champion- and Tony Finau took it an cool just to be a part of utes, more about tech-
Just like Woods has ships. extra step by arriving at that.” nique to get the bounce in
BRADENTON, Fla. done so often, Morikawa Morikawa, who fin- Concession with his cap The inspiration came the wedge more involved.
— The plan was for PGA forced everyone to catch ished at 18-under 270, won turned backward. from Woods. The instruc- Both worked beautiful-
champion Collin Mori- him. No one did, and his for the fourth time in his Woods suffered seri- tion came from a pair of ly all week.
kawa to wear a red shirt 3-under 69 gave him a last 34 starts on the PGA ous injuries to his right major champions. Rock solid with his
with his black pants Sun- three-shot victory for his Tour. He finished three leg and foot when his Morikawa was down game and his emotions,
day to show support for first World Golf Champi- ahead of Brooks Koepka SUV crashed off a road on his putting a few weeks Morikawa choked up ever
Tiger Woods as he recov- onship. (70), Viktor Hovland (67) and tumbled down a hill ago while at home in Las so slightly when it was
ers from career-threaten-
“With how good the and Billy Horschel (70), in the Los Angeles sub- Vegas when he decided over talking about Woods
ing leg injuries from a car
field was, how good my who played with Morika- urbs on Tuesday. After a to try to the “saw” putting and what he has meant to
game felt, to close it out wa in the final group and prolonged surgery to put grip that Mark O’Meara the game, and his pater-
The clothes shipped
to him never arrived, so with such a stacked lea- witnessed the supreme the shattered bones back perfected, He rotates his nal grandfather, who died
Morikawa did the next derboard coming after iron play that made him together, he is recovering right hand so that his first last month.
best thing at the Workday me, it really means a lot,” so hard to catch. and was said to be in good two fingers extend down “You don’t get to say
Championship. Morikawa said. As for that red shirt? spirits. the grip. O’Meara recent- thank you enough,” Mori-
He played like him. He became the 24th Morikawa thinks it got “Red and black, we ly moved to Las Vegas, kawa said. “So , ‘Thank
Staked to a two-shot player to win a major and a stuck in Tennessee be- know that’s what Tiger and Morikawa sought you, guys.’”
lead, Morikawa shook World Golf Championship cause of the weather. He does on Sundays, so just him out. Outside of a chunked
off an early mistake, re- title, and the 24-year-old even sent his caddie to to join in and just let Tiger And then at Conces- chip on the second hole
gained control around the Californian joined Woods the distribution center to know we’re supporting sion, he asked club mem- that made him scram-
turn, delivered two clutch as the only players to win see if it arrived. him in the best way we ber Paul Azinger for help ble for bogey, Morikawa
putts and then played a both before turning 25. Several other players can,” Finau said. “We’re with his chipping on the didn’t miss a fairway the
steady hand on a Con- Woods was 23 when wore the ensemble that still playing and we miss Bermuda grass. Azinger rest of the way and was
cession Golf Club course he won the first of his 18 Woods made famous, him out here, but it was said it took about 10 min- rarely out of position.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: choose a differ- initiate the skills we learned,
My mother ent date.” I let but he would not.
has become her know she’s He’s retired. I’m still work-
very “spiritual” not going to dic- ing, yet nothing is getting done
over the last tate our wedding around the house. I’m tired of
eight years or day, but is there feeling stressed. I don’t like
so. Recently, something more cleaning up after him and our
it has become here that needs daughters, and I’m thinking of
all-consuming to be addressed? moving out.
and on the verge — CERTIFIABLY I feel overwhelmed and
of becoming ANNOYED want to live by myself for a
detrimental. She DEAR AN- period of time, but something
ZITS often refers to NOYED: I don’t is stopping me from signing
her “guides” think so. Your a lease. Our daughters are in
(she says they mother’s spiritual college, and my door will be
are feelings, life is her person- open to them anytime. Should
but I think she’s Dear Abby al business, and I move out? — ON THE VERGE
getting brain- it would be a mis- IN TEXAS
washed by human take to attempt DEAR ON THE VERGE:
“guides” online), who have to make it yours. Unless you Perhaps. However, before you
convinced her to withdraw are convinced her spirit guides sign anything — including di-
thousands of dollars from her cheated her out of the money vorce papers — please consid-
bank before the second wave she withdrew — in which case er discussing your feelings of
of COVID-19 hits. you should contact the authori- stress and being overwhelmed
I recently became engaged. ties and report it — let her live with a licensed psychother-
We don’t plan to be married her life as you are pursuing apist. Some time away from
GARFIELD until 2022 so our guests can
have a fun, safe time at our
your own.
DEAR ABBY: My husband
your stressors might be helpful
for you, and a therapist may
wedding. Mom wants to take and I have been married 22 be able to help you determine
a “mediumship certification” years. They have been a rough how long a period that should
class, which will run for 18 22 years, and I’m no longer be before making anything
months. The actual certifi- in love with him. I will not be permanent.
cation is scheduled for the looking for another husband Dear Abby is written by
month we told her we may should we get divorced. Abigail Van Buren, also known
want to get married, so now We tried counseling as well as Jeanne Phillips, and was
she’s trying to guilt me into as a Retrouvaille weekend, founded by her mother, Pauline
changing the date. She copied which was hard emotionally Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
me on the email she sent to as we learned a new way of at or P.O.
the teacher in which she said communicating. However, after Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
she would try to “direct me to the weekend, I would always 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March TAURUS (April 20-May 20). person in every scenario. Today,
1). You embody the spirit of Those who play it too safe wind you’re flexible and you will
play! Playmates challenge you to up in familiar company and the match your attitude as various
new creative heights. As the en- circumstances they know best... roles demand.
ergy gets lighter, the ideas flow which would be satisfying LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
stronger. Love becomes leisure; enough if not for the nagging Those who need a lot of control
leisure becomes work; work feeling that what you’re sup- can become frustrated with
becomes a joy. Many improve- posed to learn is somewhere anything that threatens their
ments come from subtracting out there. sense of being in charge. You’ll
instead of adding. Just let your GEMINI (May 21-June 21). deal especially well with these
emotional intelligence lead the Guitar strings cause blisters; types today, phrasing your ideas
way. Gemini and Scorpio adore skiing will cost a few tumbles. just right and earning trust.
BABY BLUES you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, Getting good at a thing often VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
30, 9, 5 and 17. requires discomfort, and in the You’re brave, but it’s not always
ARIES (March 21-April 19). case of love, pain is mandatory courage that causes you to
Most of the games do not follow and a given. Without a low, move in a nonconforming di-
a zero-sum model. Today’s there is no high. rection. In fact, most times it’s
situation will definitely have CANCER (June 22-July been a curiosity that wouldn’t
far more nuance, with hidden 22). It is challenging to change quit until it was satisfied. And
gems, trick doors, group wins, modalities when you really enjoy that phenomenon continues
ladders disguised as chutes and and favor the role you’re playing. now.
chutes that pass for ladders. But no one gets to be the same LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It
could go a lot of ways, but right
now you’ll do your best work
when the stakes are low, not
high. A relaxed feeling, your lack
of defenses and a playful vibe
BEETLE BAILEY all contribute to this brilliance.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). When things change and
you don’t know why, it is only
natural to want to find out.
However, right now this will be
best accomplished with deft
observation instead of a direct
line of questioning.
21). Maybe you didn’t con-
sciously set out to test yourself,
and yet here comes the pop
quiz, handed to you from life.
Don’t worry, you’ve been paying
MALLARD FILLMORE attention. You’ll do well, maybe
miss a few... room to grow.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). You’ll benefit from being
ever aware of who you’re trying
to benefit, serve or influence.
With the end user in mind, you’ll
deliver a much different result
than you would if you only had
to please yourself.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You’ll love the speculation
that goes along with the events
of the day, which serve to bring
up a good point: Everything in
life is a good news/bad news
FAMILY CIRCUS story, depending on where the
thing ends.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You don’t always get to
choose your teammates, but
when you do have a choice,
you’ll avoid people who require
you to work harder than you
should, especially emotionally.

Put two and two together

The Dispatch • MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021 5B
process of construction of new

facilities, the demolition of re-
dundant facilities, and land use

Development of land north and

Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
west of the base is con-
strained by the 100-year flood-
plain and the presence of wet-
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
lands that are associated with
the Buttahatchee River to the
north and the Tombigbee River
To place ads starting at only $12,
to the West. Many forested
areas at Columbus AFB con-
call 662-328-2424 or visit
tain wetlands, which are pro-
tected by Section 404 of the
Clean Water Act and are loc- THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021 n 6B
ated within the 100-year flood-
plain. Surveys of the soils and
vegetation were conducted
around the fringes of SAC
Legal Notices
Lake, as well as the area sur- Apts For Rent: West Lots & Acreage
Five Questions:
LEGALS Merchandise Community
rounding SAC Lake. Hydrophyt-

ic vegetation was located along 1.75 ACRE LOTS: Good/
the fringes of SAC Lake in lim- Bad Credit Options. Good
ited quantities, with the area

credit as low as 20% down,
Call us: 662-328-2424 Ads starting at $12 Ads starting at $12
1 “Silicon
surrounding the lake consist-
ing of upland vegetation. The $499/mo. Eaton Land,
soils within the project area 662−361−7711.
Apartments & Houses
Legal Notices mimicked the vegetation com- Sporting Goods Lost & Found Items
position, limited hydric soils Restricted residential lot,
Public Notice near the lake fringe and non-hy-
dric soils in the surrounding 1 Bedrooms very nice, over 3 acres with ED SANDERS GUNSMITH Missing M&O RR Fireplace
2 Bedroooms
areas. Although SAC Lake lies some trees. Callaway Open for season! Mantle. A $200 Ransom
Relative Risk Site Evaluation Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12 will be paid for recovery of
COLUMBUS AFB, MISSISSIPPI within the 100-floodplain, wet- Estates off Taylor Thurston
3 Bedrooms 2 Charlotte
lands specialists found no con- Road. $35,000. Call Long Over 50 years experience! Fireplace mantle pried from
The Air Force completed the nection to SAC Lake from any & Long, 662−386−2023. Repairs, cleaning, refin− wall of Crawford’s M&O RR
potential Waters of the U.S.
Relative Risk Site Evaluation
(WUS); therefore, it was de- Furnished & Unfurnished ishing, scopes mounted & Section House. No
(RRSE) for COLUMBUS AFB to zeroed, handmade knives. questions will be asked
termined that SAC Lake was
support sequencing of environ-
not jurisdictional nor a WUS. 1, 2, & 3 Baths Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North and the "law" is NOT

3 Painting
mental restoration work. The of West Point, turn right on involved. 662−769−1889.
RRSE process is used to evalu- Columbus AFB has sub-
sequently submitted
Lease, Deposit Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
ate the relative risk posed by
an environmental restoration (11/30/20) a formal request & Credit Check left on Darracott Rd, will
see sign, 2.5mi ahead
site in relation to other sites. to the U.S. Army Corps of En-
Restoration sites in Compre- gineers - Regulatory Division, shop on left. REGISTERED DACHSHUND
hensive Environmental Re-
sponse, Compensation, and Li-
Mobile District - Birmingham
Field Office requesting a juris-
dictional determination for SAC
327-8555 662−494−6218. puppies for sale.
Ready to go now!
4 Jellyfish
ability Act (CERCLA) phases pri- Call 205−596−3264.
or to remedy-in-place are evalu- Lake. Apts For Rent: Other
ated in the process. Due to dis- You’ll find the best deals
covery of PFOS/PFOA, a RRSE Alternatives under considera-
when you advertise Shop Sell idle items
5 Alex
was completed for the sites. tion by Columbus AFB are Al-
Relative risk is not the sole ternative 1 – to proceed with and shop here!
factor in determining the se- conducting the proposed con-
Classifieds with a quick action
quence of environmental res- struction, demolition, and land
toration work, but it is an im- use modifications; and Altern- classified ad.
portant consideration in the pri-ative 2 – to maintain the status
ority setting process. quo of current base facilities
and land use designations (i.e., General Help Wanted
At COLUMBUS AFB, six restora- no construction, demolition, or
tion sites were evaluated in the land use modification projects).
process. The Overall Site Cat-
egory scores were one site Columbus AFB will accept pub-
“High”, one site “Medium”, lic input or comments on po-
and four sites “Low”. tential project alternatives from
February 26, 2021 until March
This Relative Risk Site Evalu- 27, 2021. Comments and in-
ation is issued in accordance quiries on the proposed
with the DoD Defense Environ- projects should be directed to:
mental Restoration Program Timothy Turner, Natural Re-
and is available for public re- sources/EIAP Program Man-
view for 30 days as of this no- ager, 14 CES/CEIE, Environ-
tice. This RRSE can be found mental Element, 555 Simler
at AFCEC CERCLA Administrat- Blvd; Columbus, MS 39710; Auctions Insurance Services-Medical
ive Record (AR): ar.afcec- 662-434-2248, Scroll to the bot-
tom of the page and click on
“Continue to site”, then select PUBLISH: 2/28 & 3/1/2021 tion needs: Estates, Antiques, Equipment. $49/ MONTH! Call for your fee rate sends help FAST, 24/7! At home and on
“Active Duty”, scroll down the
Installation List and click on
COLEMAN Call Keith Moore at 731-610-1458. Keith comparison to see how much you can
save! Call: 833-678-0500
the go. Mobile Pendant with GPS. FREE
Columbus AFB, MS”, then RENTALS Moore, MAL 259. First Aid Kit (with subscription.) CALL

enter 711.0 in the “Installa- TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians 855-686-5548 FREE Brochure.
tion AR #” field. Then click Classes / Training Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage
“Search” at the bottom of the 1 BEDROOM for 350 plus procedures. Real dental
page. Click on the spy glass to COMPUTER AND IT TRAINING PRO-
Take Note!
view the document. Call us: 662-328-2424 GRAM! Train ONLINE to get the skills to insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do
3 BEDROOMS become a Computer and Help Desk not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental
For more information or to sub- Information Kit with all the details!
mit written comments, please General Help Wanted Professional now! Grants and
© The Dispatch

contact us at 334/953-1109, Scholarships available for certain pro- 1 - 8 5 5 - 3 9 7 - 7 0 4 5

Mr. James R. (Bob) Barnwell, or LEGAL SECRETARY needed DEPOSIT grams for qualified applicants. Call CTI #6258
email at for local firm. Must be able to work dual screen AND for details! 833-992-0228 (M-F 8am- Medical Supplies
PUBLISH: 2/28, 3/1, 3/2, 3/3
computer. Mail resume CREDIT CHECK 6pm ET)
& 3/4/2020 with references to: PHARMACY TECHNICIAN TRAINING ATTENTION DIABETICS! Save money


Blind Box 679 c/o The
Commercial Dispatch 662-329-2323 PROGRAMS From Ultimate Medical
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PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION, Columbus MS 39703 2411 HWY 45 N Education to Students 100% online.- insulin pumps, catheters and more! To
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Houses For Rent: North
SIPPI. DISPATCH seeks a motiv- For Sale guaranteed. CALL NOW! 844-821-3242
ated, contracted carrier for
Interested parties are hereby the Caledonia area. Excel-
2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3 provide backup power during utility
notified that the United States lent opportunity to earn
Air Force, Columbus Air Force money for college. Must
bath townhouses. $650 to
power outages, so your home and family DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Place Your Classified Ad
Base (AFB), Mississippi, is $750. 662−549−9555.
have good transportation, Ask for Glenn or text. stay safe and comfortable. Prepare now. Receive maximum value of write off for
seeking advanced public com- valid driver's license & in-
ment on the proposed projects Free 7-year extended warranty ($695 your taxes. Running or not! All condi-
to determine if there are any surance. Delivers on Mobile Homes for Rent tions accepted. Free pickup. Call for In 100 Newspapers!
Sunday morning and Mon- value!). Request a free quote today! Call
public concerns regarding the details. 855-400-8263
project’s potential impacts and Fri afternoons. Apply at The for additional terms and conditions. 1-
3BR/2BA MH in New Hope.
solicit public input or com- Commercial Dispatch, 516 844-316-8630 To order, call your local
ments on potential project al- Main Street in Columbus.
$650 dep + $650/mo.
ternatives. No phone calls please.
No pets, quiet area. Leave newspaper or
voicemail with full name & church need pews, pulpit set, baptistery, DIRECTV - Every live football game,
The 14th Civil Engineer Squad- message, 205−712−6697. steeple, windows? Big Sale on new cush- every Sunday - anywhere - on your MS Press Services at
ron (CES)/Civil Engineer Install- Medical / Dental ioned pews and pew chairs. 1-800-231- favorite device. Restrictions apply. Call IVS 601-981-3060.
ation Environmental Flight 4BR/2BA MH, on private 1
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mental planning for the pro-
ning and Development Dis- DISH Network. $64.99 for 190 STATEWIDE RATES:
posed construction, demolition, back porch. Caledonia Home Improvement Channels! Blazing Fast Internet,
and land use modifications of trict is accepting applica- school dist. Credit check Up to 25 words...........$210
multiple planned actions at tions for part-time person- required. Call 662−251− ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING FOR- $19.99/mo. (where available.) Switch & 1 col. x 2 inch.............$525
Columbus AFB, Mississippi. al care attendants to work 3205 & leave message. EVER! LeafFilter, the most advanced Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE
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Services-Financial Available
ter bottom of the Strategic Air needed. Contact Minnie locations. 662−242−3803
Command (SAC) Lake. The Re- Lindsey at the Golden Tri- shower? AMERICAN STANDARD THE COVID CRISIS has cost us all Call MS Press Services
or 601−940−1397.
gion of Influence (ROI) of the angle Planning and Devel- makes it easy. FREE design consultation. something. Many have lost jobs and
planned projects is the land
area within the boundaries of
opment District, 106 Miley Enjoy your shower again! Call 1-888- financial security. Have $10K In Debt? 601-981-3060
Drive, P. O. Box 828, Stark-
Real Estate
the Columbus AFB. The pur-
701-0754 today to see how you can save Credit Cards. Medical Bills. Car Loans.
ville, MS 39760. No tele- $1,000 on installation, or visit
pose of the Proposed Action is
phone calls please. Call NATIONAL DEBT RELIEF! We can
to address deficiencies of func- help! Get a FREE debt relief quote: Call
tion and capability in the facilit- Week of February 28, 2020
ies and land use associated Ads starting at $25 1-855-657-2412
with multiple planned projects
at Columbus AFB that arise be-
Service Directory
cause of obsolescence, deteri- Farms & Timberland
oration, and evolving needs.
These deficiencies are
remedied through an ongoing Ads starting at $25 203 ACRES
process of construction of new PRIME TIMBERLAND
facilities, the demolition of re- $270,000
dundant facilities, and land use Apts For Rent: North Exc deer, turkey hunting
modifications. Good Investment
Development of land north and
802 17TH ST. N.
2 bed/ 1 bath, all electric,
(615)719−8329 Promote your small business starting at only $25
west of the base is con- ceramic tiled bath, carpet,
strained by the 100-year flood- Building & Remodeling General Services General Services Painting & Papering
appliances. $475/Mth. Houses For Sale: New Hope
plain and the presence of wet- Credit check. Call Long &
lands that are associated with
the Buttahatchee River to the
Long @ 662−328−0770. Storage House converted
Local delivery, 14 yd truck. BANKRUPTCY QUALITY PAINTING
Ext/Int Painting
north and the Tombigbee River into a small house. Repair damaged doors, Backhoe & Dozer work. CHAPTER 7 Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
to the West. Many forested
areas at Columbus AFB con-
Plumbing and Electrical
already installed.
holes in doors, door sills, Mobile Home Pads & BANKRUPTCY Repair. Pressure Washing.
tain wetlands, which are pro- and door jambs. Repair Driveways. Concrete work. $545 plus Filing Fee Free Estimates. Ask for
Small kitchenette and holes in walls and ceilings. 662−497−1388 specials! Larry Webber,
tected by Section 404 of the
Clean Water Act and are loc-
bathroom. $6,000. Repair fascia boards and CHAPTER 13 662−242−4932.
ated within the 100-year flood-
678−368−0631 soffit. Electrical, plumbing HANDYMAN−CERTIFIED IN BANKRUPTCY
plain. Surveys of the soils and All Attorney Fees Through The Plan
vegetation were conducted Have a rental property? & carpentry. Stairs & MAINTENANCE SULLIVAN’S PAINT
around the fringes of SAC List it here for fast results. Read local. decks.
Call 662−549−7031.
Electrical, woodwork, Jim Arnold, Attorney SERVICE
Special Prices.
Lake, as well as the area sur-
rounding SAC Lake. Hydrophyt-
plumbing, decks, roofing,
drywall, painting, concrete,
662-324-1666 Interior & Exterior Painting.
General Services 104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville 662−435−6528
ic vegetation was located along yard work, hauling, moving.
the fringes of SAC Lake in lim- All credit cards accepted. Please visit our website:
ited quantities, with the area
surrounding the lake consist-
ing of upland vegetation. The
Looking for goods A & T TREE SERVICES
Bucket truck & stump
Payment plans. Will trade
for almost anything. Saturday morning appointments
662−386−3658. available for Starkville Office.
or services?
soils within the project area removal. Free est.
mimicked the vegetation com- Serving Columbus
position, limited hydric soils since 1987. Senior WORK WANTED: Licensed Lawn Care / Landscaping

Find it in the
near the lake fringe and non-hy- citizen disc. Call Alvin @
dric soils in the surrounding & Bonded. Carpentry, minor
242−0324/241−4447 electrical, minor plumbing, JESSE & BEVERLY’S
areas. Although SAC Lake lies "We’ll go out on a limb
within the 100-floodplain, wet- insulation, painting, demo− LAWN SERVICE
for you!"

lands specialists found no con- lition, gutters cleaned, Fall Cleanup, Tree Cutting,
nection to SAC Lake from any pressure washing, land− Landscaping, Sodding & Are you a painter?
potential Waters of the U.S. scaping, cleanup work. Bush Hogging
(WUS); therefore, it was de- 662−242−3608. 662−356−6525 Advertise here!
termined that SAC Lake was

Buy. Sell. Discover.

not jurisdictional nor a WUS.
Columbus AFB has sub-
sequently submitted
(11/30/20) a formal request
to the U.S. Army Corps of En-
gineers - Regulatory Division,
Mobile District - Birmingham
Field Office requesting a juris-
dictional determination for SAC

Alternatives under considera-

tion by Columbus AFB are Al-
ternative 1 – to proceed with
conducting the proposed con-

In the Classifieds section.

struction, demolition, and land
use modifications; and Altern-
ative 2 – to maintain the status
quo of current base facilities
and land use designations (i.e.,

On the web: • Or call: 662-328-2424

no construction, demolition, or
land use modification projects).

Columbus AFB will accept pub-

lic input or comments on po-
tential project alternatives from
February 26, 2021 until March

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