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Dear Robert,

Thank you for your last letter. It was so nice to receive it from you again.

In your letter you ask me a couple of questions. So, I’ve noticed some changes in my city as I
have been living here for 17 years. It is new buildings and more modernized city look. I very like this
variations and I think it is so incredible. As for me, I’m a person who adore any progress and forward
movement, so it is why I accept this alterations.

It is so precious news that your mum won a competition! How it was? And what kind of activity
it has been? Did your mum be nervous before it started?

Sorry, I have to stop now as I promised to help my mum.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,



Big cities influence people badly

In today’s world the problem of Ill influence large cities on people causes great argument and
controversy. Some people believe that massive cities can reflect on its dwellers only on a bad way, while
others claim that persons who live in a big towns have more opportunities for development than

In my opinion, big city life, firstly, is when you have a lot of places for spending your free-time
like a malls, zoos, circuses, attraction parks, parks and others. Secondly, predominantly in massive towns
we can see amazing historical architecture which can tell us about past of this town. And finally, this
cities can give you a lot of opportunities, like a plenty of different courses, universities, special classes
and others things which can help your education, development and personal growth.

However there are people who suppose that living in this type of city has only minuses. For
example, they think that fullness of entertainments can corrupt people and make them callous, nervous
and cockered.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with opposing opinion as pluses of living in large towns exceed its
minuses. For instance, if you move into a village you will never have this facilities and capabilities for life,
which is you can have in high cities.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I would like to emphasize that living in a great
cities can provide you in your own life. Also, it is cannot influence on you in a bad way if you would
spend much of your time your time on a useful doings.

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