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Dear Parents and Guardians,

During the month of February, I was able to introduce a new conflict management curriculum, Kelso’s
Choices, to each class. I’ll be using lessons from this curriculum to help students learn how to resolve
conflicts here at school. The goal of this program is to teach students several positive ways to deal with
difficult situations.

Over the next few months, students will learn how to tell if they can solve the problem independently or
if they need to get an adult to help them solve the problem and they will be introduced to nine different
approaches they can try when solving a “small” problem on their own.

These are:
1. Go to another game
2. Respectfully talk it over and listen to each other
3. Walk away from the problem
4. Ignore the problem behavior
5. Tell the person to stop the problem behavior
6. Apologize
7. Make a deal or compromise
8. Wait and cool off
9. Share and take turns

As the students learn about these different ideas, we hope our students will develop effective problem-
solving skills that they can use when necessary. It can help them to deal with conflict in a positive manner
and to make appropriate decisions.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out is you have any questions or concerns!
-Ms. Allison

Conflict Resolution

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