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Internet Access

zSH> bridge add 1-a-4-0/eth uplink vlan 35 tagged

Adding bridge on 1-a-4-0/eth
Created bridge-interface-record ethernet4-35/bridge
Bridge-path added successfully

Video Access
zSH> bridge add 1-a-4-0/eth uplink vlan 41 tagged igmpproxy
Adding bridge on 1-a-4-0/eth
Created bridge-interface-record ethernet4-41/bridge
Bridge-path added successfully

zSH> bridge-path modify ethernet4-41/bridge vlan 41 default multicast 250

igmpsnooping enable igmptimer 100
Bridge-path ethernet4-41/bridge/3/41/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 has been modified

Add ONTs
By specifying an internal ME profile name using the command onu set
OnuInterface meprof InternalMEProfileName the MXK defines the
interfaces for that ONU
zSH> onu set 6/1/1 meprof zhone-2426
zSH> onu set 6/1/2 meprof zhone-2426

Auto upgrading an ONU

Download the ONU sw to the MXK.
zSH> file download ZNID24xxSIP_0300522_image_with_cfe.bin
Bytes copied: 10720672
File download successful

Where IP is the tFTP server IP address

Create an auto-upgrade template

zSH> new remote-sw-upgrade-profile 2426

remote-sw-upgrade-profile 2426
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
enabled: ---> {true}:
model: -----> {}: 2426
swVersion: -> {}: S3.0.522
filename: --> {}: znid24xxsip_300522.bin
Save new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s
New record saved.

View the upgrade status on an ONU:

zSH> onu image 6/1/2 show
Partition 0 Partition 1
------------------------- -------------------------
Version: SOFTWAREIMAGE0 S2.5.117
isCommitted: False True
isActive: False True
isValid: False True

Download status: Downloading 43% complete

Onu model id: 2426
Upgrade start time: SEP 03 13:15:23 2013
Will be activated: True
Will be committed: True
Upgrade type: Auto

CPE Manager
The CPE Manager provides a means for managing customer premises
equipment (CPE) devices without requiring extra routable IP addresses
to reach these CPE end-points.

Add a public address for the CPE manager.

zSH> cpe-mgr add public
CPE Manager using for public interface.

Where IP is the MXK management IP address

Add a GPON Traffic Profile

new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 128 dba-max-
us-bw = 1024000 dba-extra-us-bw-type = besteffort 128

Add the local device to the CPE manager.

zSH> cpe-mgr add local 1-6-1-501/gponport gtp 128
GEM Port 1-6-1-501/gponport has been created on ONU 1-6-1-1/gpononu.
Created CPE Management interface: 1-6-1-501-gponport-7/ip

zSH> cpe-mgr add local 1-6-1-502/gponport gtp 128

GEM Port 1-6-1-502/gponport has been created on ONU 1-6-1-2/gpononu.
Created CPE Management interface: 1-6-1-502-gponport-7/ip

View the CPE Manager ports

zSH> cpe-mgr show
CPE Manager public side interface:
CPE Manager local management network:
IP: (default) (active)
VlanID: 7 (default)

Managed CPE Interface Configuration:

Interface Local IP ECHO FTP SSH Telnt HTTP SNMP
1-6-1-501/gponport[UP] 51921 - - 51922 51923 51923
1-6-1-502/gponport[UP] 51924 - - 51925 51926 51926

PPPoE Configuration for ONT 6-1-2

Create a bridge connection with VLAN translation in the MXK and the ONT
Ethernet ports 1 and 2 and Wireless using the command “bridge add”.
zSH> bridge add 1-6-1-2/gpononu gem 302 gtp 128 downlink vlan 35 tagged g-vlan
654 eth [1-2] rg-bpppoe

zSH> bridge add 1-6-1-2/gpononu gem 302 gtp 128 downlink vlan 35 tagged g-vlan
654 wlan 1 rg-bpppoe

Specifying a PPPoE username and password

zSH> cpe rg wan modify 6/1/2 vlan 35 pppoe-usr-id centrle@extreme pppoe-
password 777200
Service has been modified

Activatation of ONT Ethernet ports

zSH> cpe eth add 6/1/2/1 admin-state up
Service has been created

zSH> cpe eth add 6/1/2/2 admin-state up

Service has been created

WLAN Configuration for PPPoE Service

Seen the WLAN default profiles
zSH> cpe wlan com-adv show 1
Profile : index(1) Default_Cpe_WlanAdv
Channel : auto
Auto Channel Timer (min) : 15
802.11n Mode : auto
802.11n Rate : auto
802.11n Protection : auto
802.11n Client Only : disabled
54g Rate : auto
Multicast Rate : auto
Basic Rate : default
Fragmentation Threshold : 2346
RTS Threshold : 2347
DTIM Interval : 1
Beacon Interval : 100
Global Max Clients : 16
XPress Technology : disabled
Transmit Power : 100
WMM (WiFi Multimedia) : enabled
WMM No Ack : disabled
WMM APSD : enabled
Access Point Mode : accesspoint
Bridge Restriction : disabled
WPS : disabled
WPS Add client Method : push-button
WPS Access Point Mode : configured
1 entries found.

zSH> cpe wlan common show Default_Cpe_Wlan

Profile : index(1) Default_Cpe_Wlan
Network Authentication : open
Hide Access Point : disabled
Isolate Clients : disabled
WMM Advertise : disabled
Multicast Forward : disabled
Max Clients : 16
WPA Group Rekey Interval : 0
WPA Encryption : aes
WEP Encryption : disabled
WEP Strength : 128bits
Radius Server IP :
Radius Port : 1812
WPA2 Preauthentication : disabled
Network Reauthen Interval : 36000
1 entries found.

Modify common profile to use WPA-PSK.

zSH> cpe wlan common modify 1 net-authen wpa2-psk
Profile has been modified.

Add WLAN service to control it from the MXK. Otherwise, the end user
can control it from the ONT).

zSH> cpe wlan add 6/1/2/1 admin-state up ssid ONT2-Zhone encrypt-key

Service has been created

Video Configuration
Vudeo services uses bridge configurations on both the MXK and the ONT.
The STB will get the IP address from the service provider network.

Gpon traffic profile for video service

zSH> new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 512 dba-
max-us-bw = 1024 dba-extra-us-bw-type = nonassured 1024

gpon-traffic-profile 1024
New record saved.

Add bridge video for ONT 6-1-2

The video option in the bridge add command enables IGMP snooping in
both the MXK and ONT.
zSH> bridge add 1-6-1-2/gpononu gem 902 gtp 1024 downlink vlan 41 tagged video
0/10 eth [3,4] rg-bridged
Adding bridge on 1-6-1-2/gpononu
Created bridge-interface-record 1-6-1-902-gponport-969/bridge
CPE Connection 1-6-1-902/gponport/12/1/0/0 has been created

Activatation of ONT Ethernet ports

zSH> cpe eth add 6/1/2/3 admin-state up
Service has been created

zSH> cpe eth add 6/1/2/4 admin-state up

Rate Limiting
Create a rule to limit rate service
zSH> rule add ratelimitdiscard 2/1 rate 110000
Created packet-rule-record 1/1 (ratelimitdiscard)

Apply rule to a bridge interface record to limit Downstream rate

zSH> update bridge-interface-record bridgeIfEgressPacketRuleGroupIndex = 2 1-6-
bridge-interface-record 1-6-1-302-gponport-520/bridge
Record updated.

Upstream rate limit is controlled with the T-CONT by creating a gpon-

zSH> new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 100352
dba-max-us-bw = 100352 100
gpon-traffic-profile 100
New record saved.

GPON traffic profile is applied to the connection that requires the

rate to be limited
zSH> update gpon-port-config traffic-profile = 100 1-6-1-302/gponport
gpon-port-config 1-6-1-302/gponport
Record updated.

Activate ONU
To display the ONTs currently on the OLT, and discover the available serial numbers:
gpononu show 6/1
zSH> onu show 6/1

Run the gpononu set command to associate a ONU port ID to a discovered ONT’s serial
zSH> onu set 6/1/2 vendorid ZNTS serno fsan 032E1F89
Onu 1 successfully enabled with serial number ZNTS 032E1F89

zSH> onu set 6/1/2 1

Where 6/1/2 X is: slot(1-18)/OLT(1-8)/ONT (1-64) and X is the ID of the serial number
of the ONT found with the command gpononu show 6/1

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