B.A. Ll.B. (Hons.) Five Year Integrated Course: sUBJECT:toration "Leckroloay. Roll Number 10

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Faculty of Law
University of Allahabad


sUBJECT:toration "leckroloay. MIDTERM-TEST NUMBER
Q. No. Marks Obtained

Signature of Concerned Teachet / Invigilator


Remarks of the Examiner

Signature of Examiner

1. The Student is not allowed to mention his / her name in the Test Copies.
2. No rough work is allowed in the Test Copies.
3. Tampering ofTest Copies by students would attract severe disciplinary actions.
4. In the mid-term tests the students shall keep away any mobile phone, Laptop or any similar device they might
be having with them.
5. Students should clearly state the Mid-term Test number/ Assignment number and strike out which is not

Woukd ktke fo exbheh m
peciaf Ahanks el ghakkude to MY
ro. Kiku Kagtauvarshi, who gave re the
goloen Obpotuniky to do hh wtriefol
Proect e te tpic yber Stalking:
|L33Ueb& Challenges n Tndig,wtich
albo helbed me n dlong g lot
TeReorch and I COmeto know dbout
0 man new thng96

lopic ge
yber Skalking
7er Sx./ktng H L4gue. 4
Legisbdive fiaework &ts
Ugestion 10

AMendment. )
Sel uegulat ion
ae oDotnae pogranb.
Role& ernet , Serrice rovides
Conckubion | 13
The develobmenl ol techroloy has
indeed chonge c ou ve in wd thad
Would hove been unimaginable à clecocle
ag0. Kound-the-clock dccesmi6rkity he
ontra o the hebend \es, tehnolo
ha made e éasier tor everyene, bu
Comes with a Jlp sicle lechblog is not
9eCure rom Crime ,and hey go ond in hord
One o he crimeß that habCme to he
oreont , as a Aebvtt ol kechnolegttak develob-
ment ib yber Crime, vthere in dorered lug
ackivikieb ae Conducted, incluoling hacking
accounts kike bank accounts gtphor
Way monieb, Cyber terrism hee ih virs
6 eplonted in blems ko steal conyidenkal|
inoniation and many ather Crimeß. Q these,
Cyoer Stalking hoClate,increabeol in
rtUmber and s borekhing that one neds
to be ertyemey CareJol about.

b e r Salking.
Cuber salking kb deltned ab a Gime wheue
he Halkers vbd indemat o any othen elechont
device to talk omeere On lie honsmert 8
0nline abubt ane bunorumeusly uled or yber
13-Ecibriol Rge "he Hindo, 16los |2017
Cber Stalking Hn L$ue.
h e Word fakino wo hot Cemmenly|
Knoon n têl various ghslances hobtec
he legal defini korn ef stalkirg varts tom
Coundy ko Counhy VQtioob ce,1hikons de
availa Me in zevéml books, out ohich tt
Con be stated that e Common lemerds Cse
Kepeetel and unwortled behavicus vihosaby
|ore individual attemps to cordact anctfer
lndividual, and
he behaviour caus8 he victin o deel thestonl
or harrwsed
talking has become apuoblem toone
2 children tn a laugei bank in Conmpasison
to men- women oue reateed, vandalized,asaul
when it Comeb to real world bot the bame.
hings hapben vwhen cuber talkirg tokes bc
6s&eriky also ados Tp with the #veatas &
haasmed. No doubt men also becomë the
rey the Game but b louer nhen it comes
tEalel Chikdren also uncdergo the same
Arouma by Odwd bheglakag &pedophtles. the
victim Snomal a berson vwho is les
thorough regasdlirg intenel svices Onol tb
bblicationb. he stälker ib genesally a person
who ib a ponanoid with ho seHestcene Brt
tu brarb d roM ne bkalke ko neth
Some hauas o b0ek ievenge oh bere olo bo
Cr hur On pleakure. Whike Bome sutl ol|
do H Fo lang mibchie
n otha wordb, he Cybe btalKirg bagest
&trength is that they &n rely e he
Onongm hih nttnet þhovidles to #om
thot &u6-bs Mom o Keeb d check en the
activi kteb huir victim withost thi ident
being detebteed. hub, thoe tb a ned
|Htent cyber toos o învesligate cybar-gine
Onca fo bpreboved o detend cgafut thun
no to bing'victins to jublite
Cybe talking ib betenttaly jus as
|dong &yous o the Vicdin os a re slalker
woGid be the tront door
egislative romework &1ts Shortcomings
here aue no dëect phovisions thot da
with the isue o cber stalking However
Heo pectitrs o TAfotmation technoløgy act
Onol Indian Penaf Code that have sme kink
Wth this CHHence has beem discwssecd hegavdig
the 9helakon betsoeen Ahe phtovisions &tuCin
rat,Secton 354d TPL deines
"Stalking T heads asefoltbuos :-"Any man
ollo s á woman ad contack, or akknbts t|
Condact Such wonman to tokter berdoal trttrrcko
ebeaely despite a cleas inclicotion dnb|
o uch Woman Oh Monitoyd he tbe WOnon
|4. 2000 2 2008
2 186o .
othe inrlenet,email on Orn othen-M
e'lectroniC CoMmUnicodlion Ceith ahe Qce
htpeddion ke Indo Qccount bosh, the
phyScal Btalking and cybergalking his Becto
ha may koobkoles ath ab d4
|@nly Cottides the tec
t Es gender wonen" to be e n.hu,
biabed Aegtlation
Secondy, the egisator hae hot menkioneol to|
methe Monitoring." mighl
he bertond might lack tho itendbnhaptor et
but h
actions amount o &talking.
Secondk Section 292 IPC de tres otkoit
he erce Cyber talktrg Makes within t pne
he act sncding obscene nmcderials to he
victim Og sodak notwokimg ste or through
emats o nmesages etc. WhereAhe Btalker ato-ts
o depave te toter brtn by Snding Gny
makerRal ienet ih #e ndetiok tbat hell
other person wtuld 9eecl,See. o hey te Centrt
oauth makertal bhon he bhal begily 9
the olence under ection 292. 9.

Trdy, ection 5o4 o TPC selales to

Cimindl tntimidation 6QMonymous Commorol|
io h Becttn 6tales hat verve the shlke-|
|trtes ko hide htb lenty Bo that the victtm
remains unaoqe e theBource -from whure
the thueat Coe6,0t QmoUrdS to an QHere
Thu, the Stalker bhall be gu?Ly onde hs
Bechon he atembtb kscokeal his tent
ITdian Fenal Coele,1860.
12. Tbid.
Fourly, Seckion 509 e/ 1PC velales to odesy
womeh Heads a ollo0%:
Word, getue 0 act inkencled fo însl
he iodeslo wtbman- A stalker Con be
beo Ked unelesthis section i the Condut
he 6hlker hindess tho prîvney. uh-wrnbn
b making Gny Qestute O thobgh wbycls ent|
6e-mai8, msages O bosted n Sogol mado
|he doe ony 6tch actvikies, he shall be
guilky a olne unclet Section 509
ebtn 509 Hes ion mony,3hortonigs
Some them ae:(Tt 78 g genclé binALd
bYDVbio as ik scuS Onon modey
woman and thoeyore, noes he hehAt
hib rime yberhking fs Qendle novtal
th nauhe ardd dve) males tan deb be e vicdin
hts Bection uquire hat be wordd, Gound ot
gette should "be oke, hearcd &been saybecbel,
Thub, ber-8talkerd Con easescobe he
benalk Undeh this Becion aA Iword
Cannet bel
$okengestuhe Con not be BCeN
Ond &dund yst
6e hecc On internet
tie rdendvn o tnsutirg tho madezky ef the
WOMan Onnotd be aOMd rom Comonca ions
On interMet:
Fihlp Section 61 ej TTAt tsvebkicg
Seatton 292 Tncho Fenal Code Ths bectn
are to ublting oóscote malerial in "elecoond
7orm hub this dea yion Coved the ontine
|4 hcon Penal Cooe 1860.
Thkmaton Technoog Act, 2000.
the dtalker res to þublih Ony cbberealt
out he victin en $ocinl math te, n elttbont
orm 6o Q o bully -he vickim, he hmll be
ence oncder 6 11 Ad
STRection 6t e TT Act, Aeladey to
a ot Cyber stalkirg ctime. hi6 becbn
was addd er ke emendmed in 2008.A
Hates thal e Halke atempts, to pobkish
any exuall explici" Materal in électonic
m ie, throegh emaik, messags or on soca
med9 hen he shall be gil of on qence
Onder Sectb 64 A TtAA ence
Sevently,Sectiok 6t8of TTAt a
nesoly inserted Beckion 1his Bclbn tb neuoly
sorted b aendmert Het 2008. he BeckHon
HocUe o when Halker targels childen telol|
he Qge 18 yeod Ord pubkrhes malerBal in
whi ARldreh ase engaged in &rual Gcthlts||
in Ohdei to terorize h Aillren
Etan, Section 66 E mormalton Tichmdog
Act,2800 ohcd Sectin 364C oP Irdign enal Ce
1860 deal, with vouerilbm? 8
oth the above nentoned Stotions Qims at
bobishing On Coptoring bictote brivte act
0 a bertwithovt E Conbert bsckparkon
abe quil o On le ocder Hest Bokon
he stker ig ha #e accont o #e
vickim Qnd, o brivate pickyeh,q e vitbo|
O ocol ntworRiO Stes )ocles tobcause
Talion Technolo Actboo
Jl2. Tbid.
debressien Ona &enhe o hveat in te mind
e vicit
The Indormalion Technolcqu At, 20co anel thd|
Tndton renal Code, 1860 does Hot eatlicsHly ovi
rovTsins or deal ing with the ie el ber
Stalking ord he defotoy or tareofering
|hessaes Bet by #e &a duing alkhng
he vitkim tvoh resageb,phone Cods,an
OA 6y bublshi bbas unter he roe o he
ickm Tt t Þosibleto punibh Be ofbnder
Gome t e frovisiens e atove met ioneol Hetsl
a bub theke ib ho expe) provision that 8olel
leals with this crime
Me Commisbion o th8 Crime 18 vey eaby
whecab ttb elyeck Qhe very &ong-b
COn badlhy Qtect be vickib metal &gal
heahe enalty provlded ude ertsng
lbrdviblon mUbte increabed Neeping n mend
e wellbeing o the victim
he ain Bsue Cyber-Stalking 8
enor Cemerd þroblent "|e Cyber criés se e
Crtnes that. 'ae Cotmitted wit he holb
Computss Ond ome ene hocks he mask |
atcovrt a beston &itia in Qnethr slede
Or Coonty,will be diicult to debme
thad policewhich stete shall leke the
Cognizonce he ene MGny. olice okcas
to avoid bdmiting Comblains tho ehm
en &uch CQbeb due t e ibrisdictbn Doblet

Sbme suAgested uejormb @re as-poltos|
Otmendmend> erdmerd o normalton
echnolog Act, 2008 accled a neo &icb
ey Secton 66fA.This Qucfton addusad B
bS0e Cyber stalkig but wa evtntuall
&Hruch roon by #a upaeme Cart e
in the CAbA heya Snghal v Unibu hi|
Tnclia, 1he Ans behind potting doon h
Stction waj he vagvenes in Ghe
he Beeton hus, thise is q ned forworeling
a ne
hendmend. b his Ac: A neo Beckon shoule
be added that weuld solely deal wih
Soch a iekton is incoporated in tel
nkoimatorn lechroloy Act,2000 it doulo
be an eHeckve rov'btonto deal wih he
ve cyberatalking: Pt wovld Conbol ha
ockions o stalker dh it inpoAe orous
unishmbt i koond guilTt makey it on
Ience o Keeb"ononymbut toertth, & Cove
kinont evay mede ofeluctronic Cehmmunication
or ComptvSou walch the salktr tid
to Cemmunícate with he victim
Selt Requladton gukaktn ib he
bet mthad to Control' AUdh crime bt d
0ttn e Leasl qollnco el method
4 ATR 2015 SCI525

tollon.ing Me the deeo ntdrxktns

(Evayere'bhould choon QUbernome that
gender nwtrql or the e mals tdb bhowldbe
Combinaton o honckas ? thra) fhad ore
here bhould be minion berbonal infomaalbn
avarlable en Social ndtworking &te
ti while Communicatirg with strtnget, khe
berbenal nornmakin 8hould net be haked

Chiloren te he mob unuqble classd They

Mud be ecducated aboot what should
&hould nol be
cone oveh nle Anat
otcion agencieb such as WHOA Gnd Gbe
Argeb that peovidles ecdeattn to he pble
redanding el-protetten hey qlo guide 'in
ahoyfingppliti èb enline Commonities
Grovemmend hab ao mace on qlem to
educae people en hoeo to obe intemet &
what Bhe Cawticnb need to be aken whtle.
oxin en Intenet
iUBe ol Soltoae programs
Ahther methd osictbg thu scobe |
Combuter kelatedl CoiMe to make ust
Certein Bo/taore (poogromis fhal wil
ehyure Contre with resfieb o the contens
LqoMAnopatbt Com .
beceived Sch ogomb abo helps in blerko
he emails recèived trom Qnonymoub rda
orfyo Unaothorued Bercdeb. e> focebooh
abo has a þolicy wherein we Con choobe
oreceve mmabeb doom Unknouon þople
or we con &mbe Keeb this optien'o7hkoe
is Certan Bohhe &th ab lehonmy hich||
helbs baent ko rsbrict Certain webites

(Role Tntemet ervice ovided

Inorder to htbtrict e horaMirg
be.hoviour.ho tshlke, fev slefs Plave
been taken &by Internet Service Roridas. fio
rovidens þrovide he Opborkunityoseparf
|abUDes,e»g racebook hab certdin þrivac
boLcieb vhone by we Con Hestrict stiongk
rom ending mUNSag e Corttaining oðbcend
Contet Qndabubie be haviou
Tntemo Bervice þaoviden) feke Comrol
Meahreb by Sending onodecl enails ke
pon old
here tb q 0qUCMent o Cooperaton
between ntenet dervice boenaleh and he
entorCemert agencieb hen tt Cones fo bcch
docon the telker-Wth tine enly we Co
udge hoo ettotive hune Mealre Corn be
h e Crime Cybersalkivg inCreades at 9
s t pose toldever, the needfor degislakve
brovibiou Connol be ignore in he lglt
tsking RoCootionb:Reoe tb 9 negquntsent
elkete Aegislalive þoovibicns ko denl
Uch be Crime.
Iib very Contetly baid that you
Wont to bring chongein he Cumet
bCenorio, you eed o bvercomé the obsolle
mecdel e Clenling ith the Aitugtion &boild
a neo edel thrt is efttctive Ond eflijnd
ybertalkrg is q neoky COinedhe tot T
hos gen atenten e e legisakore.
S and
udicqn recenth Mee have been mony
ündtance wheethe need tor etecbve legas-
aton wab (elt ob it becoms voy de4
or he enfoCemertt Qgencie to eali
uch Cabeb CybershlRing is þroved to be
|a grove ence.A has vr Has-reaching,
nac ohe mental Qndhysioal huo
the victit.hrough hibasdicl, e auhorl
A made gn atempl o discu e tom
|"berstalkig in delil along with ts
htwre qndCope
ome people dgve thal it ib on erordd
Vertion / uberalking buf &qppan
fo be Moxe4han hal 9 neo dme
Crhe iHbe We thoold hot tolely debtnd
Upon the agislalive pa0vision bPbhould
broactively make an Qtempt to do not give
ribe to bch 8toetint A6 is Corect
Pevenfen is beter thorn Cue We thoold
take tome becooion) dor our 8qjeky e
atthen duch situattond ariße, weshosld
eke reCsurde to lugiakive þrosiob- Ou
Hep should be takeng pecavtion on our

websites UBec
WwW. Technoking Corm
i) Www.TTaw on
wwW.Kesearchqade Corn
iwww.loyerbocda Co in
Booko velrecl
An intoduckon ko cyter rine &
aubey law.
bke htidia Stegh
) Cyber haws -By

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