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Ty Murray

You are called to assist in troubleshooting a network problem that has occurred soon after a significant
IPv6 implementation.

Some network hosts seem to have network access, but their browsers do not resolve URLs that are
entered. The network technicians troubleshooting the problem have discovered that the hosts in
question can ping other network hosts on a different network segment, but only via IPv6 addresses.
Hosts on the other network segment can resolve URLs entered into their browsers. As a note, all
network hosts derive their IPv6 addresses using stateful address autoconfig.

What could be the possible issue or issues? And what Wireshark display filter could you use to quickly
determine the network problem.

Here are some possible issues that I would present:

1. The current isp doesn’t support IPv6

2. It could be proble after upgrading the service to IPv6
3. IPv4 routers are not compatible to be upgraded to IPv6
4. There can be security issues when you ae trying to tunnel to a 6 to 4 relay router.

As for filters to be able to use that you could you use to quickly determine the network problem, Ihave
come up with these

ipv6 - for showing only the IPv6 based traffic

ipv6.addr eq fe80::f61f:c2ff:fe58:7dcb

ipv6.addr eq ff02::1

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