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Middle/Junior High/High School

It is the purpose of the Dawson County Board of Education to operate the school system in a manner that will provide an orderly
process of education and that will provide for the welfare and safety of all students who attend our schools.
The school’s primary goal is to educate, not to punish; however, when the behavior of an individual student comes in conflict with the
rights of others, corrective actions may be necessary for the benefit of that individual and the school as a whole. Accordingly, students
shall be governed by policies, regulations, and rules set forth in the Code of Conduct and Discipline Procedures.
Parents are encouraged to become familiar with the policies, regulations, and rules of the school system, and to be supportive of these
in their daily communication with their children and others in the community.
This progressive discipline process is designed to create the expectation that the degree of discipline will be in proportion to the
severity of the behavior leading to the discipline, that the previous discipline history of the student being disciplined and other relevant
factors will be taken into account, and that all due process procedures required by federal and state law will be followed. In
determining the level of seriousness of the misbehavior and the level of discipline necessary, a number of factors must be considered.
These include, but are not limited: 1) student’s discipline history; 2) degree of premeditation, impulse, or self-defense; 3) age and/or
disability; 4) strength of evidence; 5) cooperation/remorse.
The Code of Conduct is effective during the following times and in the following places: At school or on school property at
any time; off school grounds at any school activity, function or event and while traveling to and from such events; loading
and unloading at bus stops; and on vehicles provided for student transportation by the school system. Also, students may
be disciplined for conduct off campus which is felonious or which may pose a threat to the school’s learning environment or
the safety of students and employees.
The principal is the designated leader of the school and, in concert with the staff, is responsible for the orderly operation of the school.
In cases of disruption, disorderly or dangerous conduct not covered in this Code, the principal may undertake corrective measures that
he or she believes to be in the best interest of the student and the school provided any such action does not violate school board policy
or procedures. Due to the nature of the Alternative Program, discipline procedures may be modified.
When it is necessary to impose discipline, school administrators and teachers will follow a progressive discipline process. The
degree of discipline to be imposed by each school official will be in proportion to the severity of the behavior of a particular student and
will take into account the student’s discipline history, the age of the student, and other relevant factors.
The Code of Conduct provides a systematic process of behavioral correction in which appropriate behaviors are followed by
consequences. Disciplinary actions are designed to teach students self-discipline and to help them substitute character traits from
Georgia’s Character Education Program for inappropriate behaviors.
The Dawson County Board of education utilizes a Student Support Process that provides a variety of resources that are available at
every school within the district to help address student behavioral problems. The school discipline process will include appropriate
consideration of support processes to help students resolve problems. These resources include Student Support Teams, school
counselors, chronic disciplinary problem student plans, and a mentoring program.
Parental involvement is an important aspect of the Code of Conduct. The Code is based upon the expectations that parents,
guardians, teachers, and school administrators will work together to improve and enhance student behavior and academic
performance and will communicate freely their concerns about, and actions in response to, student behavior that detracts from the
learning environment. School administrators recognize that two-way communication through personal contacts is extremely valuable;
therefore, they provide information to parents as well as on-going opportunities for school personnel to hear parents’ concerns and
Parents and students should contact the principal of the school if specific questions arise related to the Code of Conduct. Parents are
encouraged to visit the schools regularly and are expected to be actively involved in the behavior support processes designed to
promote positive choices and behavior.
Georgia law mandates that any time a teacher or principal identifies a student as a chronic disciplinary problem student, the
principal shall notify by telephone and by mail the student’s parent or guardian of the disciplinary problem, invite the parent or guardian
to observe the student in a classroom situation, and request at least one parent or guardian to attend a conference to devise a
disciplinary and behavioral correction plan. Georgia law also mandates that if a student is found to have engaged in bullying or in
physical assault or battery of another person on a school bus that a meeting of the parent or guardian of the student and appropriate
school district officials shall be held and a school bus behavior contract for the student be formed. Any student alleged to have
committed an act of physical violence shall be suspended pending the hearing by a tribunal. The tribunal shall determine all issues of
fact and intent and shall submit its findings and recommendations to the local school board for impositions of punishment according to
the Georgia law. The local school board may follow the recommendations of the tribunal or impose penalties not recommended by the
tribunal. As mandated by law, a student found by a tribunal to have committed an act of physical violence against a teacher, school
bus driver, school official, or school employee may be disciplined by expulsion, long-term suspension, or short-term suspension. The
student shall be referred to juvenile court with a request for a petition alleging delinquent behavior.
Georgia law states that before any chronic disciplinary problem student is permitted to return to school from a suspension or expulsion,
the school shall request by telephone call and by mail at least one parent or guardian to schedule and attend a conference to devise a
disciplinary and behavioral correction plan. The law allows a local board of education to petition the juvenile court to require a parent
to attend a school conference. If the court finds that the parent or guardian has willfully and unreasonably failed to attend a conference
requested by the principal pursuant to the laws cited above, the court may order the parent or guardian to attend such a conference,
order the parent or guardian to participate in such programs or such treatment as the court deems appropriate to improve the student’s
behavior, or both. After notice and opportunity for hearing, the court may impose a fine, not to exceed $500, on a parent or guardian
who willfully disobeys an order of the court under this law.
Major offenses including, but not limited to drug and weapon offenses can lead to schools being named as an unsafe school according
to the provisions of State Board of Education Rule 160-4-18-.16 Unsafe School Choice Option.
It is the policy of the Dawson County Board of Education that the superintendent and principals support the teacher’s authority to
remove a disruptive student from their classroom.
Level I Discipline
Level I discipline is used for minor acts of misconduct which interfere with orderly school procedures, school functions, extracurricular
programs, approved transportation, or a student’s own learning process. Students may be disciplined by the professional staff
member involved or may be referred directly to the principal.
Professional staff may utilize any of the discipline management techniques appropriate for the situation, including but not limited to
the following:

a. Classroom detention after school.

b. Isolation during lunch.
c. Classroom isolation from peers.
d. Student participation in conference with parent/guardian and teacher.
e. Participation in a school-service project that enables the student to be engaged in the desired character trait(s).
f. Development of a written or graphic representation that reflects understanding of the specific misbehavior, the nature of the
expected behavior and the related character trait(s).

The principal or assistant principal may utilize any of the above discipline management techniques, and/or may employ:
a. Student participation in conference with parent/guardian, teacher, and/or principal.
b. Restriction from school programs and special assemblies.
c. Assignment to after-school detention hall.
d. Partial day in-school suspension (ISS).
e. Full day in-school suspension (ISS) for up to 3 days.
f. Loss of driving privileges for up to 3 days.
g. Participation in the cleaning/repair of any damage caused to the school-related environment.
h. Saturday school.
i. Any other discipline technique that positively promotes the student code of conduct and desired character trait(s).
Level II Discipline
Level II discipline offenses are intermediate acts of misconduct that require administrative intervention. These acts include, but are not
limited to, repeated, but unrelated, acts of minor misconduct and misbehaviors directed against persons or property but which do not
seriously endanger the health, safety, or well-being of others. Consideration of necessary behavior support services should be given,
if not already provided. (Should a violation be of such a serious nature, law enforcement may become involved.)
Students guilty of a Level II offense may receive any of the discipline management techniques appropriate for the situation as
determined by the principal or assistant principal, including but not limited to the following:

a. Student participation in conference with parent/guardian, teacher, and/or principal.

b. Restriction from school programs and special assemblies.
c. Assignment to after-school detention hall.
d. Partial day in-school suspension (ISS).
e. Full day in-school suspension (ISS) for up to 5 days.
f. Saturday school.
g. Loss of driving privileges for up to 5 days.
h. Suspension from school or bus for up to 3 school days (OSS), which shall include any time during which the student was
subject to suspension pending investigation.
i. Participation in the cleaning/repair of any damage caused to the school-related environment.
j. Financial restitution for the repair of any damage caused to the school-related environment.
k. Development of a written graphic representation that reflects understanding of the specific misbehavior, the nature of the
expected behavior, and the related character trait(s).
l. Participation in a school-service project that enables the student to be engaged in the desired character trait(s).
m. Any other disciplinary technique that positively promotes the student code of conduct and desired character trait(s).

Level III Discipline

Level III discipline offenses are serious acts of misconduct including, but not limited to, repeated misbehavior that is similar in nature,
serious disruptions of the school environment, threats to health, safety, or property and other acts of serious misconduct. These
offenses must be reported to the principal. Offenses that threaten the health, safety, or well being of others may result in immediate
suspension of the student from school and/or school-sponsored activities for up to 3 school days pending disciplinary investigation of
the allegations. Student and parent/guardian participation in a conference with the principal is a required element of all discipline
actions in this category, even if such a conference has previously occurred. Initiation of necessary behavior support services should
be given, if not already provided. Due process procedures required by federal and state law will be followed. These may include such
procedures as the school disciplinary tribunal and/or procedural safeguards provided by the 1997 Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act.
Students guilty of a Level III offense may receive any of the discipline management techniques appropriate for the situation as
determined by the principal, assistant principal, or hearing tribunal including, but not limited to the following:
a. Restriction from programs and special assemblies.
b. Full day in-school suspension (ISS) for up to 15 days.
c. Loss of driving privileges for up to 15 days.
d. Suspension from school or bus for up to 5 school days (OSS), which shall include any time during which the student was
subject to suspension pending investigation.
e. Placement in an alternative education program for up to one semester, and until such a time as the student meets the exit
requirements for the alternative school program.
f. Participation in the cleaning/repair of any damage caused to the school-related environment.
g. Financial restitution for the repair of any damage caused to the school-related environment.
h. Development of a written or graphic representation that reflects understanding of the specific misbehavior, the nature of the
expected behavior, and the related character trait(s).
i. Participation in a school-service project that enables the student to be assigned in the desired character trait(s).
j. Any other disciplinary technique that positively promotes the student code of conduct and desired character trait(s).
Level IV Discipline
Level IV discipline offenses are the most serious acts of misconduct. These offenses must be immediately reported to the principal.
These violations are so serious that they may require use of outside agencies and/or law enforcement. Such acts may result in
criminal penalties being imposed. Any misconduct that threatens the health, safety, or well being of others may result in immediate
suspension of the student from the school and/or school-sponsored activities for up to three school days, pending disciplinary
investigation of the allegations. Student and parent/guardian participation in a conference with the principal is a required element of all
discipline actions of this category, even if such a conference has previously occurred. Initiation of necessary behavior support services
should be given, if not already provided. Due process procedures required by federal and state law will be followed. These may
include such procedures as the school disciplinary tribunal and/or procedural safeguards provided by the 1997 Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act.
Students guilty of a Level IV offense may receive any of the discipline management techniques appropriate for the situation as
determined by the principal, assistant principal, or hearing tribunal including, but not limited to the following:
a. In-school suspension (ISS) for up to 30 school days.
b. Suspension from school or bus for up to 10 school days (OSS), which shall include any time during which the student was
subject to suspension pending investigation.
c. Loss of driving privileges for the remainder of the school year or semester.
d. Participation in the cleaning/repair of any damage caused to the school-related environment.
e. Financial restitution for the repair of any damage caused to the school related environment.
f. Development of a written or graphic representation that reflects understanding of the specific misbehavior, the nature of the
expected behavior, and the related character trait(s).
g. Participation in a school-service project that enables the student to be assigned in the desired character trait(s).
h. Placement in an alternative education program for up to two semesters, and until such a time as the student meets the exit
requirement for the alternative school program.
i. Expulsion from the regular school program for up to one calendar year.
j. Any disciplinary consequences or referrals required by Georgia Codes regarding such offenses, i.e. §20-2-751.5
k. Any other disciplinary technique that positively promotes the student code of conduct and desired character trait(s).
Discipline Glossary
General Terms
Bus Suspension –The student is suspended from the bus for a specified period of time by a local school administrator. The student is
expected to attend school, but the parents are responsible for providing transportation.
Detention – Student attends a work/study session outside of regular school hours. Transportation is not provided.
Disciplinary Probation - A student found guilty of certain offenses may be placed on probation by the local school and/or a hearing
tribunal. Probation is a trial period during which a student violating school and/or system rules is subject to further disciplinary action.
Due Process – A student is afforded oral or written notice of the charges against him/her and is given an opportunity for a review,
hearing or other procedural rights in accordance with state and federal laws.
Expulsion - Expulsion of a student from a public school beyond the current quarter or semester.
In-school Suspension – The student is removed from regular classes for a specified period of time at the local school.
Long-term Suspension –The suspension of a student from a public school for more than ten school days but not beyond the current
school quarter or semester.
Non-Prescription Drug – Over the counter drug not authorized by a registered physician and not prescribed for the student.
Permanent Expulsion – The student is removed from all public school property and activities or events for an indefinite period of time.
This action may only be taken by the Board of Education. Schoolwork may not be made up or credit given.
Short-term Suspension –The suspension of a student from a public school for not more than ten school days.
Tribunal – A three-member panel composed of administrators who have been trained in this disciplinary procedure. The panel hears
evidence presented by the school system, the student, and parents when a student is referred by the local school principal or assistant
principal. The panel has the authority to make decisions ranging from returning the student to school to recommending to the Board of
Education for permanent expulsion of the student.
Transmission – Any substance, article, or weapon passed to another person.
Waiver of Right to Attend Tribunal – Parents may sign a waiver if they cannot attend or do not elect to attend the panel hearing. In
the event a parent or student does not attend the hearing, it will proceed as scheduled.
Zero Tolerance – There will be consequences for serious drug, weapon, and youth gang/hate group offenses on school property or at
a school activity, function or event. The school system will be proactive. Each individual case will be reviewed.

Discipline Violation Terms

AWOL – Unauthorized absence and/or leave from class, school, activity, or event.
Bus Misconduct – Failure to comply with rules of bus safety or Student Conduct Behavior Code.
Chronic Lack of Supplies – Repeatedly reporting to class without necessary materials such as books, physical education attire,
supplies, etc.
Disobedience/Insubordination – Failure of the student to comply with a reasonable direction or instruction by staff.
Disrespect – Responding in a rude and impertinent manner.
Disruption – Behaving in a manner that interferes with educational activities.
Fighting – Involves the exchange of physical contact such as pushing, shoving, and hitting, with or without injury.
Harassment/Intimidation/Verbal Abuse – Disturbing consistently, by pestering or tormenting in the classroom, on the school bus, or
elsewhere on the school site or at a school function.
Inappropriate Dress – Dressing in a manner that disrupts the teaching or learning of others.
Inappropriate Personal Property/Unauthorized Items - Possession and/or use of personal property that is prohibited by the school
rules, such as food, beverages, electronic equipment, and any reflective device (mirror, laser, flash camera, etc.) that is otherwise
disruptive to the teaching, learning, or safety of others.
Profanity/Vulgarity – Writings, speech, or gestures that convey an offensive, obscene, or sexually suggestive message.
Tardiness – Failure to be in a place of instruction at the assigned time without a valid excuse.
Truancy – The student stays out of school without permission or valid excuse.

Law Violation Terms

Arson – Intentionally starting or attempting to start any fire or combustion.
Assault – With criminal intent, the act of threatening to strike, attack, or harm any person in school or at any school-sponsored or
supervised activity. Intentional offensive/physical contact without consent.
Battery – Any physical force or violence unlawfully applied to a person. This can include jostling, tearing clothes, or seizing or striking
another person, so long as there is criminal intent.
Bullying – Any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person, when accompanied by an apparent present ability to do so;
any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm; or any intentional written,
verbal, or physical act, which a reasonable person would perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate, that: a. causes
another person substantial physical harm within the meaning of Code Section 16-5-23.1; b. has the effect of substantially interfering
with a student’s education; c. is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational
environment; or d. has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school. The term also applies to acts of cyber
Burglary – Unauthorized entry into a school district building (unoccupied) with the intent of committing a felony when the building is
closed to the students and the public. (See theft.)
Disorderly Conduct – Behaving in a violent or seriously inappropriate manner which disrupts the educational process. [Note: This
category is used only when the police are called to cite a student or person for extreme disruption.]
Drug/Alcohol/Chemical Offense – Any controlled substance or alcohol; includes any transfer of prescription drug or any substance
alleged to be a drug, regardless of its actual content.
Explosive Device – Any combustible or explosive composition or any substance of combination of substances or article prepared for
the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation, as well as articles containing
any explosive or flammable compound and tablets and other devices containing an explosive substance.
Extortion – Use of “mild” threats or intimidation to demand money or something of value from another (no weapon).
False Fire Alarm – Reporting a fire to school or fire officials or setting off a fire alarm without a reasonable belief that a fire exists.
Felony – Any offense punishable as a felony under Georgia or federal law.
Gambling – Playing any game of skill or chance for money or anything of value.
Gang Activity – Groups which initiate, advocate, or promote activities which threaten the safety or well-being of persons or property
on school grounds or which disrupt the school environment are harmful to the educational process pursuant to Georgia Code §16-5-4.
Loitering/Trespassing – Entering any school property or school facility without proper authority (includes student entry during a period
of suspension or expulsion).
Physical Violence – Intentionally making physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with the person of another; or,
intentionally making physical contact which causes physical harm to another unless such physical contacts or physical harms were in
defense of himself or herself.
Robbery – Taking property from a person by force or violence, or threat of aggression.
Sexual Assault/Offenses – Intentional sexual contact of a harmful or offensive manner.
Theft/Larceny – Unlawful taking and carrying away of property belonging to another person (while the building is occupied) with the
intent to deprive the lawful owner of its use. (See burglary.)
Threatening/Menace – With criminal intent, the act of threatening to strike, attack, or harm any person in school or at any school-
sponsored or supervised activity.
Vandalism/Graffiti – The willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property.
Weapon – Weapons may include, but are not limited to: 1) Any handgun, firearm, rifle, shotgun or similar weapon; any explosive
compound or incendiary device; or, any other dangerous weapon as defined in O.C.G.A. §16-11-121, including a rocket launcher,
bazooka, recoilless rifle, mortar, or hand grenade. 2) Any hazardous object, including any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic
knife, any other knife having a blade of two or more inches, straight-edge razor, razor blade, spring stick, knuckles, whether made from
metal, thermoplastic, wood, or other similar material, blackjack, any bat, club, or other bludgeon-type weapon, or any flailing instrument
consisting of two or more rigid parts connected in such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which may be known as a nun
chahka, nun chuck, nunchaku, shuriken, or fighting chain, or any disc, of whatever configuration, having at least two points or pointed
blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may be known as a throwing star or oriental dart, or any instrument
Of like kind, any nonlethal air gun, and any stun gun or taser. Such term shall not include any of these instruments used for classroom
work authorized by the teacher.
Code of Conduct Discipline Procedures
Dawson County Middle/Junior High/High Schools
(Not all acts of discipline violations may have been included here. Other violations will be handled by the principal as appropriate.)

Level I Level II Level III Level IV Comments
1. Classroom disruption. X X
2. School disruption, participating in riot,
pulling fire alarm, or arson.
3. Willful or malicoious damage, destruction,
defacing, marking, or theft of school or private X X X X
4. Rude, disrespectful, or defiant behavior. X X X X
5. Refusal or failure to follow instructions. X X X X
6. Threatening staff or students. X X X All terroistic threats fall into this category.
7. Assault or battery. X X
8a. Verbal or physical assault, battery, vulgar
or profane language, or disrespectful conduct
This action will result in immediate suspension and possible
toward school employees or persons
referral to hearing tribunal and referral to juvenile court. A
attending school events. Falsifying,
student causing physical harm to the person of a school
misrepresenting, omitting or erroneously X X
employee must be permanently expelled from the school system
reporting information regarding instances of
and also must be referred to the juenile court with a request for
alleged inappropriate behavior by a teacher,
a petition alleging delinquent behavior.
administrator or other school employee
toward a student.
8b. Verbal or physical assault, battery, vulgar
or profane language, or disrepectful conduct
toward other students or persons attending
school events.
9a. Bullying. On third offense, student will be automatically placed in
alternative school.
9b. Harrassment/intimidation/Verbal Abuse X X X X
9c. Gang Activity. On third offense, student will be automatically placed in
alternative school.
10. Profanity, vulgarity, obscene language,
writing, etc.
11. Fighting or instigating a fight. X X X
12. Possession of weapons and related This is a criminal offense that requires law enforcement
objects. intervention.
13. Unlawful use, possession, or under the
Under the influence will be determined by an assessment by an
influence of drugs, chemical offense, X
SRO or school nurse.
14. Prescription/non-prescription drug
15. Tobacco/Electronic Cigarettes/Vapes and
16.Alcholic beverage possession, use or
being under the influence.
17. Inappropriate personal contact. X X X
18. Skipping class/chronic tardiness. X X X
19. Failure to comply with compulsory
attendance law.
20. Conduct outside of school time/away from Behavior which could result in being criminally charged with a
school that poses a threat to the school. felony and which makes the students’ continued presence at
school a potential danger to persons or property or which
disrupts the educational process.
21. Gambling. X X
22. Loitering, trespassing. X X X
23. Parking, traffic violations, bus violations. X X X X
24. Cheating. X X
25. Inappropriate use of electronic devices or May require immediate placement in an alternative educational
other unauthorized items. school.
26. Refusal to serve ISS X X X
27. Misuse of equipment. X X
28. Sexual harassment. X X X
29. Inappropriate dress. X X
30. Willful, persistent, or chronically disruptive
31. Inciting, advising, or counseling other to
engage in prohibited acts.
32. Extortion X X X X
33. Explosive Device X X X X
34. Any other conduct considered by the
principal to be disruptive.
School Clubs and Organizations Policy
According to Code Section 20-7-705 and 20-2-751.5, parents are provided information pertaining to the clubs and organizations offered through the schools.
If you would prefer that your child not participate in one of the following clubs, please complete the Opt-Out statement following the club listings.
Dawson County Middle School Clubs
Club or Organization Name: Interact Club
Sponsor’s Name: Vanessa Alman
Mission or Purpose: Interact Club is a club sponsored by Dawsonville Rotary Club (Business Leaders of Dawson County). The basic principle of the Rotary Interact
Club is to “help others”. Through many outside of school service activities (just to name a few: Pups in the Park, Leap for Literacy, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Parade,
Relay for Life), Interactors learn the importance of developing leadership skills and personal integrity, demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others, and advancing
international understanding and goodwill. On club days, we will have a variety of guest speakers, and then we meet about once a month for a couple of hours outside of
school days to help with service activities like the ones listed above.

Club or Organization Name: Technology Club

Sponsor’s Name: Dale Auten, Josh Carpenter
Mission or Purpose: To be successful leaders and responsible citizens in a technological society through leadership activities and competitive skill development.

Club or Organization Name: Cultural Detectives

Sponsor’s Name: Jeff Compton
Mission or Purpose: Students will research and investigate various cultures around the world. Research will focus on food, traditions, etc.

Club or Organization Name: Girls’ Cross Training

Sponsor’s Name: Judy Martin
Mission or Purpose: Develop physical fitness and positive body image among girls.

Club or Organization Name: Student Council

Sponsor’s Name: Cindy Bennett
Mission or Purpose: Qualified students who are the voice of the school. Help organize and implement school fundraisers, school activities, transition activities, and
service projects.
Club or Organization Name: 4-H
Sponsor’s Name: Christie Downs, Don Hamil
Mission or Purpose: 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.
Club or Organization Name: Book Club
Sponsor’s Name: Tammi Edwards
Mission or Purpose: This club will allow members the opportunity to select books to read and discuss.

Club or Organization Name: Art Club

Sponsor’s Name: Cory Hall
Mission or Purpose: To promote the visual arts and to provide additional opportunities for students to express themselves through art.

Club or Organization Name: Critical Thinking/Game Club

Sponsor’s Name: Cherie Powell
Mission or Purpose: To foster teamwork, friendship, respect, communication, problem solving skills, sportsmanship, integrity, listening skills/following directions, and
Club or Organization Name: Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Sponsor’s Name: James Powell
Mission or Purpose: To encourage fellowship of athletes on and off the field and court, and to model positive moral, ethical behaviors during school activities.

Club or Organization Name: Science Club

Sponsor’s Name: Renee Rogers and Barbara Anderson
Mission or Purpose: To offer students the opportunity to explore practical science and see how science is applied in our natural world.
Club or Organization Name: I Am Second
Sponsor’s Name: Michelle Stainback
Mission or Purpose: Small group Christian club focused around the I Am Second videos online. Students will have time to talk about their testimony, share stories,
and help encourage fellow club members and other students in the school.
Club or Organization Name: Team Sports
Sponsor’s Name: Kevin Grigsby, Benjy Edwards
Mission or Purpose: To build athleticism and sportsmanship while working as part of a team.

Club or Organization Name: Girls’ Zumba

Sponsor’s Name: Lauren Stanfield and Cassie Tallant
Mission or Purpose: Group for girls to lift up and support one another while they learn Zumba. Students should dress appropriately and supply their own mats.

Club or Organization Name: Baking 101

Sponsor’s Name: Courtney Midgett and Sami Frankel
Mission or Purpose: In Baking 101 we will focus on learning basic baking skills. Students will learn how to measure ingredients properly and read recipes and will
experiment with different ingredients to vary recipes. All baked goods will be made from scratch!
Club or Organization Name: Stitchery Club
Sponsor’s Name: Sherry Browning
Mission or Purpose: If you have an eye for colorful design then learning cross-stitch and crocheting is a creative, relaxing outlet that you should try. Please come join
Club or Organization Name: Gardening Club
Sponsor’s Name: TBD
Mission or Purpose: In the Gardening Club we will learn about indigenous plants, grow our own seedlings, and maybe even grow some tree saplings. We will also
learn about vegetable gardening, tree identifications, and rose gardening.
Club or Organization Name: Recycling Club
Sponsor’s Name: Rhonda Noe
Mission or Purpose: In the this club, we will learn about how recycling works, what items can and can’t be recycled, and establish a good recycling system at DCMS
that will make an impact on our community and hopefully spread to other Dawson County schools.
Club or Organization Name: CBI Club
Sponsor’s Name: Jessie Gravitt and Lacy Hammond
Mission or Purpose: The CBI club is for students who are interested in helping their classmates with special needs learn functional life skills such as social skills, work
skills, and basic academic skills.

Club or Organization Name: Photography Club

Sponsor’s Name: Karen Spencer
Mission or Purpose: Students will learn photography techniques including lighting, micro and macro photography, how to use digital single lens reflex cameras, smart
phone photography, and will practice nature photography.

Club or Organization Name: Dance Club

Sponsor’s Name: Jessi Edwards
Mission or Purpose: Dance Club is an organization that allows its members to experience the wonder of dance. Students are exposed to different styles of dance,
such as hip hop, modern, country, and line dancing. Students will learn techniques that will help them learn not only how to dance but also give them better balance and
more fluid movements. Dance Club is for students who, of course, wish to learn how to dance or simply wish to participate in dancing.

Club or Organization Name: Puzzle Club

Sponsor’s Name: Tami Barrett
Mission or Purpose: Students will use higher order thinking skills in order to solve an array of different types of puzzles. There will be crosswords, sudokus, word
finds, jigsaw puzzles, hidden pictures, and brainteasers.

Club or Organization Name: Foreign Language Club

Sponsor’s Name: Jennifer Fuller
Mission or Purpose: Come and join the Foreign Language Club! You will receive an introduction to various languages including: French, Italian, Spanish, German,
American Sign Language, and more! First 20 students can join!

Club or Organization Name: Dog Training

Sponsor’s Name: Bret Ward
Mission or Purpose: Students will learn techniques to teach their own dogs at home new tricks. The sponsor will bring his trained therapy dog, Bernie, to clubs and
allow students to “practice” training him. We will cover the steps necessary for a dog to learn how to do new things. We will also cover dog sports and activities (like
agility, Frisbee, and tricks), what it takes to be a therapy dog, and what it would take to train a service dog.
Club or Organization Name: Fiber Crafts
Sponsor’s Name: Ellen Harrison
Mission or Purpose: Fabric, yarn, ropes, needles and thread – what can you make and keep in under an hour? Some recycled and repurposed items, some seasonal.
Learn a skill that can help you in life, and be creative, too!

Club or Organization Name: Spirit of the Tiger Club

Sponsor’s Name: Matthew Allums
Mission or Purpose: The purpose for the “Spirit of the Tiger” club is to promote school spirit. This club will promote school spirit by decorating the halls of DCMS with
positive and uplifting spirit banners, decorate the lockers of athletes, attend as many athletic events as we can, sponsor school pep-rallies, and much more. If you love
DCMS and you love our Tigers you should join and become the Spirit of the Tiger!

Club or Organization Name: Tiger Focus Technology Team

Sponsor’s Name: Dessica Pritchett
Mission or Purpose: The Tiger Focus Technology Team will create, film, and produce highlight videos for DCMS. These videos will be played for the school and
shared with the community.

Club or Organization Name: Yoga

Sponsor’s Name: Allison Speece
Mission or Purpose: Students will learn the art of yoga at a beginners level. Students will learn basic movements and poses.

School Clubs and Organizations Policy

According to Code Section 20-7-705 and 20-2-751.5, parents are provided information pertaining to the clubs and organizations offered through the schools.
If you would prefer that your child not participate in one of the following clubs, please complete the Opt-Out statement following the club listings.

Dawson County Junior High School Clubs

Club or Organization Name: 4-H
Sponsor’s Name: Andrea Smith
Mission or Purpose: 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.
Club or Organization Name: National Junior Beta Club
Sponsor’s Name: Aimee Park
Mission or Purpose: Students work to provide models of character, ethics, and scholarship to their peers.
Club or Organization Name: Academic Team
Sponsor’s Name: Kevan Richardson
Mission or Purpose: Promotes academic excellence and good citizenship. Good work/study habits, broadens individual horizons of factual information, develops poise
and confidence, teamwork and good citizenship qualities, instills an appreciation for the pursuit of knowledge.
Club or Organization Name: Juniorettes
Sponsor’s Name: Erin Wade and Lori Hughes
Mission or Purpose: The Juniorettes are young women working together to meet the needs of their community through volunteer service projects. General Federation
of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Juniorettes support projects that benefit children, families and communities. Dawson County Woman’s Club sponsors this club.
Club or Organization Name: Interact Club
Sponsor’s Name: Marcie Hughes and Kristina Priest
Mission or Purpose: The club offers fun, meaningful service activities while providing a chance to develop leadership skills and meet new friends. The service
organization is based on the principals of Rotary International.

Club or Organization Name: Drama Club

Sponsor’s Name: Mallory Nonnemaker and Teresa Garmon
Mission or Purpose: Students learn about performing, lighting, sound, state management, and event promotion.
Club or Organization Name: Y-Club
Sponsor’s Name: Nicki Harvey, Amanda Moore
Mission or Purpose: To create, maintain, and extend student’s character throughout the home, school, and community.
Club or Organization Name: Student Leadership
Sponsor’s Name: Becca Wilson
Mission or Purpose: To engage students in the direction of the school.
Club or Organization Name: Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Sponsor’s Name: Tina Brown and Kevin Woody
Mission or Purpose: Encourage fellowship of athletes on and off the field and court; model positive moral, ethical behaviors during school activities.
Club or Organization Name: Technology Student Association (TSA)
Sponsor’s Name: TBD
Mission or Purpose: To be successful leaders and responsible citizens in a technological society through leadership activities and competitive skill development.
Club or Organization Name: Relay for Life
Sponsor’s Name: Megan Sipsy
Mission or Purpose: To celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer and to support cancer research.
Club or Organization Name: Yearbook
Sponsor’s Name: TBD
Mission or Purpose: To develop skills needed to plan, develop, and produce the yearbook.
Club or Organization Name: Marketing/DECA
Sponsor’s Name: Ryan Coker
Mission or Purpose: Prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.
Club or Organization Name: Art
Sponsor’s Name: Rebecca Wilkes
Mission or Purpose: To achieve higher level art skills to students.
Club or Organization Name: Young Life
Sponsor’s Name: Nikki Harvey
Mission or Purpose: To help students grow in their faith.

Club or Organization Name: Spanish

Sponsor’s Name: Hilda Jackson
Mission or Purpose: The Spanish club is for students who are enrolled in Spanish I and II and meet the requirements for academic excellence.

School Clubs and Organizations Policy

According to Code Section 20-2-705 and 20-2-751.5, parents are provided information pertaining to the clubs and organizations offered
through the schools. If you would prefer that your child not participate in one of the following clubs, please complete the Op-Out
statement following the club listings.

High School Clubs

Club or Organization Name: Beta Club
Sponsor’s Name: Michelle Gee
Mission or Purpose: DCHS Beta Club is a club that recognizes student achievement and also strives to promote character, develop leadership skills, and encourage
service involvement among its members.
Club or Organization Name: Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Sponsor’s Name: Terry Haymond
Mission or Purpose: To promote personal growth and leadership development through family and consumer education, focusing on the multiple roles of family
member, wage earner, and community leader to develop skills for life through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication,
practical knowledge, and vocational preparation.
Club or Organization Name: Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Sponsor’s Name: Stefanie Gibbs, Tanya Porter
Mission or Purpose: Encourage fellowship of athletes on and off the field and court; model positive moral, ethical behaviors during school activities.
Club or Organization Name: Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Sponsor’s Name: Greg Baloga
Mission or Purpose: Fun leadership development, amazing conferences, networking with members across the country, travel, and most of all, a good time.
Club or Organization Name: Future Farmers of America Organization (FFA)
Sponsor’s Name: Keith Pankey
Mission or Purpose: To make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success
through Agriculture Education.
Club or Organization Name: Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)
Sponsor’s Name: Leigh Ann Dyer
Mission or Purpose: To enhance the delivery of compassionate quality healthcare by providing opportunities for knowledge, skills and leadership development of all
health occupation students, therefore helping the students to meet the needs of the healthcare community.
Club or Organization Name: Interact Club
Sponsor’s Name: TBD
Mission or Purpose: To provide opportunities for young people to work together for the betterment of the community and the world.

Club or Organization Name: Jobs for Georgia Graduates (JGG)

Sponsor’s Name: Kathie Fodor
Mission or Purpose: To provide seniors with a chance to practice leadership and time management.
Club or Organization Name: Student Government Association (SGA)
Sponsor’s Name: Jamie Bearden, Paola Epstein
Mission or Purpose: Young leaders who are committed to the ideals of education and democracy; and are charged with the responsibility of representing their fellow
classmates and developing policies that will enhance the well-being of their school and student body.
Club or Organization Name: Technology Student Association (TSA)
Sponsor’s Name: Jeff Gerrell
Mission or Purpose: To be successful leaders and responsible citizens in a technological society through leadership activities and competitive skill development.
Club or Organization Name: Y-Club
Sponsor’s Name: Kate Jarrard
Mission or Purpose: To create, maintain, and extend throughout the home, school, and community high standards of character.
Club or Organization Name: National Honors Society (NHS)
Sponsor’s Name: Laura Hendrix, Kassie Byrd
Mission or Purpose: To recognize outstanding high school students. NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of
Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character.
Club or Organization Name: Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica
Sponsor’s Name: Paola Epstein, Jamey Bearden
Mission or Purpose: For Students who have completed Spanish II and are enrolled in Spanish III who meet requirements for academic excellence.
Club or Organization Name: Juniorettes
Sponsor’s Name: Cherie Ferguson
Mission or Purpose: The Juniorettes are young women working together to meet the needs of their community through volunteer service projects. General Federation
of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Juniorettes support projects that benefit children, families, and communities. Dawson County Woman’s Club sponsors this club.
Club or Organization Name: Fishing Club
Sponsor’s Name: Donna Melton
Mission or Purpose: The DCHS Fishing Club emphasizes the ties between education and fishing. Members will learn the connection between math, language arts,
and science and their applications to fishing. We intend to expose the students to the ever increasing career opportunities that are being created by the sport and it
gives students another great opportunity to utilize their after school time. The club will keep students active and involved in the outdoors through conservation projects
and community service efforts.
Club or Organization Name: Key Club
Sponsor’s Name: TBD
Mission or Purpose: Key Club is an international, student-led organization providing its members with opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop

Club or Organization Name: Quiz Bowl

Sponsor’s Name: Susan Wright
Mission or Purpose: To promote academic excellence through the spirit of competition.
Club or Organization Name: DECA
Sponsor’s Name: Ryan Coker
Mission or Purpose: Prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around
the globe.
Club or Organization Name: Junior Civitan
Sponsor’s Name: PC Charnley and Kim Baker
Mission or Purpose: Junior Civitan is a community service organization for students. Junior Civitan members seek to meet the needs of our world and promote
progress in a world of change.
Club or Organization Name: Youth Leadership Dawson
Sponsor’s Name: Stefanie Gibbs
Mission or Purpose: This is a leadership development program that informs, motivates, and increases the awareness of selected high school sophomores and juniors
through interaction with community leaders. Dawson County Schools and the Dawson Chamber of Commerce provide programs with hands-on activities and team
building exercises outside of the classroom walls. They provide opportunities to network with business leaders throughout the community. Gain career knowledge from
a large variety of businesses and improve their sense of civic responsibility and servant leadership. To gain valuable leadership skills, develop excellent communication
skills while realizing the importance of a team. The ultimate goal is for participants to get excited about returning and contributing to our community after college.
Club or Organization Name: Anime Club
Sponsor’s Name: Paola Epstein
Mission or Purpose: DCHS student organization dedicated to increasing the awareness of Japanese animation.
Club or Organization Name: Prom Committee
Sponsor’s Name: Cindy Brookshire
Mission or Purpose: The Prom committee is a service club for DCHS promoting community relationships and supporting school spirit and pride. Prom committee’s
members change each year as the committee is made up of the Junior class officers and any member of the Junior class that would like to participate. Members meet
as a club starting in the fall to begin planning Prom with the majority of the planning done early in the year and most of the physical work done after spring break.

Club or Organization Name: Thespian Society/Drama Club

Sponsor’s Name: Mallory Nonnemaker
Mission or Purpose: The Dawson County High School Theatre program and Thespian Society engages, inspires, entertains and challenges audiences with theatrical
productions that range from the classics to new work. Within the theatre classroom, we train and teach the next generation of theatre artists. The skills gained from
theatrical experiences translate to the real world in the form of critical thinking, teamwork and the importance of commitment. We are committed to creating a place
where students are free to explore and create dynamic, high-quality performances.
Club or Organization Name: Visual Art Club
Sponsor’s Name: Jennifer Gray
Mission or Purpose: The Visual Art Club consists of high school students who love the arts. The club helps provide students with a sense of individuality, pride, open-
mindedness, and creativity through a well-balanced art program. The club will motivate, engage, and challenge members to stretch their imagination and produce
artwork to represent their vision.

Club or Organization Name: 4-H

Sponsor’s Name: TBD
Mission or Purpose: To assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directive, productive, and
contributing members of society.
Club or Organization Name: Creative Writing Club
Sponsor’s Name: Lindsey Luchansky
Mission or Purpose: To encourage students to increase the frequency of their writing, help improve writing skills, and allow students the opportunity to write and share
their writing with a group of non-judgmental peers. This could encourage students who normally hesitate from vocalizing to feel more comfortable doing so, and it will
notify many students of certain scholarship/awards that are given for creative writing/poetry.

Club or Organization Name: Young Democrats

Sponsor’s Name: Mallory Nonnemaker
Mission or Purpose: A political discussion club focused on the Democratic Party and its principles. Young Democrats enjoy discussing current events from the
perspective of Democrats, while coming to understand the other political parties as well. We look for volunteer opportunities to work on campaigns in the community and
to make contact with the Democratic Party on the state level as well. We also bring in speakers who enlighten us to school board issues, City Council issues, and
election procedures. We also would like to be a club that provides a service to our school – we should be prepared to educate our peers when that opportunity arises.
Club or Organization Name: CTI
Sponsor’s Name: TBD
Mission or Purpose: To provide unique, meaningful leadership experiences for students in Georgia with disabilities as identified by the Division for Special Education
Services and Support who are enrolled in secondary Career, Technical and Agricultural Education courses and/or receiving CTI services. To enhance career
technology and agricultural skills, as related to improving employability and transition into the job market. Students will have the opportunity to compete with, and meet,
other CTI students around the state through the club.

Club or Organization Name: International Club

Sponsor’s Name: Paola Epstein
Mission or Purpose: The members of the International Club are committed to learning about other cultures and welcoming new international students into student life
at Dawson County High School. We will attend the International Festival as a group; we will also host our own International Festival here in Dawson County, including a
selection of traditional dances from our club members; we will host Taste of the Nations, where all Dawson families will have a chance to share their cultural experience
with the students. As one of our most important objectives for the year, we will elect our 120 ambassadors who will lead our club and organize the activities.
Club or Organization Name: Young Republicans
Sponsor’s Name: Frank Brown
Mission or Purpose: A political discussion club focused on the Republican Party and its principles. Young Republicans enjoy discussing current events from the
perspective of Republicans, while coming to understand the other political parties as well. We look for volunteer opportunities to work on campaigns in the community
and to make contact with the Republican Party on the state level as well. We also bring in speakers who enlighten us to school board issues, City Council issues, and
election procedures. We also would like to be a club that provides a service to our school – we should be prepared to educate our peers when the opportunity arises.

Club or Organization Name: Tri-M Music Honor Society

Sponsor’s Name: Chuck Arnold
Mission or Purpose: This is a program that focuses on creating future leaders in music education and music advocacy.

Club or Organization Name: Chess Club

Sponsor’s Name: Deneen Trammell
Mission or Purpose: Chess Club aids in teaching today’s youth discipline, life and problem solving skills, as well as critical thinking abilities, all of which serve to
develop better students and citizens.
Notice of Georgia Compulsory Attendance Expectations
O.C.G.A. §20-2-690.1 requires any person in this State who has control of a child between the ages of six and sixteen to enroll and send that child to
school, including public, private, and home schooling. If a parent, guardian or other person who has control or charge of the child causes the child’s
absence, then that person, and not the child, is in violation of this statue. Such a violation is a misdemeanor and carries a penalty of up to $100 fine
and 30 days in jail for each violation. The law specifies that each day’s absence constitutes a separate offense. Violators will be prosecuted.

For purposes of this notice, the term “parent” includes any adult who has charge and control over the child, including a biological, adoptive, foster,
stepparent, guardian or any other person who has primary responsibility for the child’s welfare. In this regard, two parents residing in the same
household with the child are equally responsible for the child’s attendance at school.

Older children share the responsibility for their school attendance with supervising adults and are subject to adjudication in Dawson County Juvenile
Court as an unruly child for violation of this statue. A complaint will be filed in the Juvenile Court of Dawson County against a child age ten to fifteen
who is habitually and without justification truant from school. For the purposes of determining the pursuit of court complaints, truancy is defined as
five or more days of unexcused absence from school. Please note that parents may themselves choose to file truancy complaints prior to any
complaint made by the school system. If a student is sixteen or older, any complaints regarding truancy must be filed by the parents.

A child may be placed on probation for truancy by the Juvenile Court Judge upon admission or determination of guilt (adjudication) to a truancy
charge. This probation may last for up to two years and may include specific conditions, including, but not limited to, a curfew, community service,
participation in a truancy reduction program or counseling, and/or monetary fines. The District Attorney and/or the Department of Juvenile Justice
may also request a protective order to ensure that the parent(s) actively assist in the child’s compliance with conditions of probation, including
attendance in school. Further unexcused absences from school by the youth may result in immediate sanction by the Department of Juvenile Justice,
including a possible violation of probation, which may result in more severe penalties, up to and including detention.

If you have any questions regarding the information included in this document, please contact the Principal of your child’s school or the School Social

Dawson County Board of Education along with State Law Code Section 20-2-735 encourages parents and guardians to inform their children on the
consequences, including potential criminal penalties, of underage sexual conduct and crimes for which a minor can be tried as an adult.

I DO NOT want my child_________________________________ to participate in the following clubs/organizations:


Parent/Guardian Signature

We have received and read this Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Procedures, Compulsory Attendance Notice, Information About Clubs, and Schools
Opt-Out Statement and agree to abide by the provisions therein.

Signature of Student Signature of Parent or Guardian


(Please detach this signed statement and return to your child’s school.)

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