Weird Arithmetic and Weird Calculus

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Weird Arithmetic And Weird Calculus


Ian Beardsley

Copyright © 2021 by Ian Beardsley

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Table of Contents



The Protoplanetary Disc…………18

Weird Arithmetic…………………..22

The AI Motif………………………..28

The NOT Planet Gate……………..36

Weird Calculus…………………….39

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The Titius-Bode rule describes the distribution of the
planets around the sun, but starts to fail pretty bad at
Neptune. I have devised several schemes in terms of
various factors to describe the distribution of the planets.
One prominent feature in these instances is that two
planets stick out in their characteristics, Venus and Mars.
Other than Mercury and Earth, these are the solid,
terrestrial planets; the rest are gas giants. They are on
either side of the Earth and the closest to it. Venus is
closer to the Sun than our Earth and Mars is further. Venus
and Mars have always been of great interest to us. Venus
to the Russians as they have sent several probes to it and
Mars to the United States as we have sent several
roaming landers to it. This is interesting, Venus is often
called the sister planet to Earth, because it is of similar
size and mass as Earth. It would seem she was once
much cooler but underwent a runaway greenhouse effect
making it too hot to be habitable, hence its interest to the
Russians, and Mars while further from the sun and colder
than the Earth, it is still habitable, and thus colonizable,
and hence its interest to the United States. Interestingly in
our search for life on Mars, we recently found hints of
microbial life in the atmosphere of Venus (2020). Often I
don’t include Mercury because it is so small and not very
massive so it didn’t contribute much to the nature of the
protoplanetary disc from which the planets formed, and
mostly because its orbit is so eccentric that it might not
make sense to consider its average orbital distance. The
purpose of this paper is to explore the equations of Venus
and Mars, as they are pivotal in the importance of human
destine. I also pull perfect expressions out of different
schemes to begin to make a perfect table. The schemes
have theoretical implications in mathematics and physics,
but this is treated in other works. It would seem running
through the thread of solar system origin and structure is
the recurring motif of artificial intelligence logic circuitry
theory. Guessing a solution to a weird problem requires
weird mathematics. I create weird arithmetic. It would
seem the distribution of the planets have an AI motif.
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At this point I suggest that it defies a single algebraic

expression because it may be that it uses logic gate
arithmetic, which does not follow arithmetic as is
done in mathematics, but rather in creating logic
circuits with the seven basic gates.

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Characterizing the distribution of the planets around the

sun seems to defy a mathematical expression. Even the
Titius-Bode rule falls apart pretty badly at Neptune.

The Titius-Bode Rule is:

r = 0.4 + (0.3)2n

n = − ∞,0,1,2,…

Which produces the orbits of the planets in astronomical

units as such in AU:

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However, I find if we break-up the solar system into two

parts; planets interior to the asteroid belt, and planets
exterior to the asteroid belt, quite an interesting pattern

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I have devised a scheme for the planets in terms of the

golden ratio conjugate phi (ϕ) and Euler’s number e:

(1 − ϕ)e ϕ = 0.7AU = Venus

ϕe (1−ϕ) = 0.9AU = Ear th

ϕ 2e (2−ϕ) = 1.52 = Mars

2ϕe (2−ϕ) = 4.9 = Jupiter

4ϕe (2−ϕ) = 10 = Sat ur n

8ϕe (2−ϕ) = 19.69 = Uranus

16ϕe (2−ϕ) = 39.38 = Nept une

So that Pn = 2n ϕe (2−ϕ) for the planets exterior to the

asteroid belt or Pn = c2n where c = ϕe (2−ϕ) = 2.461 is
c20 = c = 2.461 is the asteroid belt (P0). ϕ = .
P1 = Jupiter
P2 = Sat ur n
P3 = Ura nu s
P4 = Nept u n e

Which is the solution to the differential equation

d2 y dy
− 2log(2) + log2(2)y = 0
dn 2 dn
Where have we seen this? In computer science.

log2 N = n means 2n = N
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Where n is the number of bits in a number N in binary. We

write in binary


But what is interesting about this?

log23 = n

n= = 1.5847

You can’t have a fractional number of bits, thus the

spectrum is quantized according to whole number solutions

2n = N
10 of 75

But so are the planets given by

Pn = c2n

2ϕe (2−ϕ) = 4.9 = Jupiter

4ϕe (2−ϕ) = 10 = Sat ur n

8ϕe (2−ϕ) = 19.69 = Uranus

16ϕe (2−ϕ) = 39.38 = Nept une

Meaning, since we have 2, 4, 8. 16 that the planets are

quantized into whole number orbits according to
computer binary with Jupiter as 2, Saturn as 4, Uranus as
8, and Neptune as 16 if we do it in terms of Euler’s
number, e and the golden ratio conjugate, ϕ.

That is, 2=10, 4=100, 8=1000, 16=10000

Are all zeros after a one.

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However, if we look at the artificial intelligence

(semiconductor elements) silicon Si and germanium Ge by
molar mass, the planets, we have the the 3/2 appears in
the ratio of the terrestrial planets Earth, and Mars, which is
1.52 which I said was in earlier work was:

1.52 =

Ge 2 − Si 2
However, we used values of Si=28.09 and Ge=72.61.
Recent measurements of Ge give a slightly modified value
for Ge. It is 72.64. Let us compute these two equations
since they are, as we are guessing the most important, in
terms of Si, to two places after the decimal, and for Ge
using the most recent value:

Ge=72.64 g/mol

Si=28.0855 g/mol


1 2(28.0855)(72.64) + 72.64
= 0.722995806

72.642 1+
72.64 2

We see it is still accurate to two places after the decimal.

Let us now look at Mars,…

2SiGe 2(28.0855)(72.64)
= = 0.909

Ge2 − Si2 72.642 − 28.08552

It needs to be close to 1.52AU and we see we made a
mistake with the equation to begin with. We find the
answer is in averaging this with the difference of squares
in the denominator with the square of the difference in
denominator, that is

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2SiGe 2SiGe

Ge2 − Si2 (Ge − Si )2

Which gives our modified Mars equation:

m ars =

(Si − Ge)2(Si + Ge)

We compute its accuracy:

m ars = = 1.48AU

This has an accuracy of:

1.48/1.52 = 0.973684


The table for the planets in terms of AI elements is:

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In all the versions of the equations for the distributions of
the planets that I have devised in terms of different
factors, it is always Venus and Mars that stand out. We
begin with AI:

Earth is:


(Ge2 − 2SiGe + Si2)

We invert that to obtain Jupiter:

Si2 + 2SiGe + Ge2

The rest follow from it:

2(Si2 + 2SiGe + Ge2)


4(Si2 + 2SiGe + Ge2)

6(Si2 + 2SiGe + Ge2)

Since Mercury is the first planet it is appropriately the
simplest mathematical expression for AI semiconductor
elements Si and Ge, being Mercury: Si/Ge.

Now to Venus and Mars:

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1 2SiGe + Ge

Ge2 1+
Ge 2


(Si − Ge)2(Si + Ge)

The Venus equation here is very accurate giving 0.72 AU
to two places after the decimal, and I see it as very
interesting, if not elegant in its form.

In the following scheme:

1 1

4 4
With Venus=2 is pretty accurate (0.75) actual (0.72).

But the Earth equation is perfect:

1 1

4 4
Earth is n=3 yields 1.00 AU. Now the equation breaks the
pattern at Mars (n=4):

1 1

4 2
Produces 1.5 very close to the actual value of 1.52. In my
scheme where the orbits are quantized in terms of whole
numbers using ϕ and e, the golden ratio conjugate and
Euler’s number (whole numbers 2, 4. 8, 16,…) Mars is
perfect as:

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ϕ 2e (2−ϕ) = 1.52

The whole number quantization is 2n beginning after this

at Jupiter 2ϕe (2−ϕ), Saturn 4ϕe (2−ϕ), Uranus 8ϕe (2−ϕ),…

In my Taylor expansion of

2n − 6 ( 2 6 18 54 162 )
2n − 3 1 n n2 n3 n4
= , , , ,

n= 18

Mercury is 0.5, Venus is 0.7, Earth is 1.00 (perfect), making

Mars approximately 2 as 1.412.

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Making A Perfect Table

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The Protoplanetary Disc

Indeed why look at AI elements to describe the solar
system? (Other than the planets can be whole number
quantized in terms of digital binary.)

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Si + Ge 2.33 + 5.323
= = 3.8265g/cm3

2 2
Taking the protoplanetary disc as a thin disc we integrate
from its center to the edge, with density decreasing
linearly to zero at the edge. Thus, if the density function is
given by

( R)
ρ(r) = ρ0 1 −

And, our integral is

∫0 ( R)
2π R
M= ρ0 1 − rdrdθ

πρ0 R 2

π (3.8265)(7.4 × 1014)2
= 2.194 × 1030 gra m s

The mass of the solar system adding up all the planets

M = 2.668 × 1030 gra m s

That accounts for

100 = 82% of the mass of the solar system not
including the sun, that is, of the protoplanetary disc
surrounding the sun.

Using germanium alone, we get,

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π (5.323)(7.4 × 1014)2
= 3.05 × 1030 gra m s

If we weight the mixture of silicon and germanium as 1/3
and 2/3, then we have

π (4.32467)(7.4 × 1014)2
= 2.48 × 1030 gra m s

Which is very close.

100 = 93%

This is all very good, because I only used the planets and

Weighting silicon and germanium as 1/4 and 3/4 we have

π (4.4.57475)(7.4 × 1014)2
= 2.623 × 1030 gra m s

Which accounts for

100 = 98%

Of the mass of the solar system (very accurate).

This mixture of 1/4 to 3/4 is a combination that exists in

the Earth atmosphere which is approximately the mixture
of oxygen to nitrogen. The earth atmosphere can be
considered a mixture of chiefly O2 and N2 in these

Air is about 25% oxygen gas (O2) by volume and 75%

nitrogen gas (N2) by volume meaning the molar mass of
air as a mixture is:

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0.25O2 + 0.75N2 ≈ air

By molar mass the ratio of air to H20 (water) is about the

golden ratio:

≈ Φ

I am not saying the solar system was a thin disk with
density of the weighted mean somewhere between silicon
and germanium, but that it can be modeled as such,
though if the protoplanetary disk that eclipses epsilon
aurigae every 27 years is any indication of what a
protoplanetary cloud is like, it is a thin disk in the sense
that it is about 1 AU thick and 10 AU in diameter. This
around a star orbiting another star.

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Weird Arithmetic

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Since the planets seemed to defy a single expression for

their distribution, I decided something weird was going on.
So, in order to find an algorithm for them, I decided to
create a weird arithmetic. To do this I decided to change
the order of operations in an expression, and chose the
equation of a straight line:


I decided that the slope m should be 2 because for

x 2 d x

We use the identity

n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
1 2 + 22 + 32 + … + n 2 =


n→∞ ∑ ( n ) n
4 n
4i 2 4
x d x = lim


n→∞ n 3 ( )
64 n(n + 1)(2n + 1) 64
= lim =

6 3
I decided that b should be -3 because the Earth is the
third planet. So to do weird arithmetic I thought in


That, the weird evaluation would be done by doing

addition first so we take x-3 first then do multiplication

2n − 3 → 2(n − 3)

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Which is

2(n − 3) = 2n − 6

I then compared the regular arithmetic to the weird

arithmetic by evaluating

2n − 3

2n − 6
In a Taylor expansion yielding:

2n − 3 1 n n2 n3 n4
= − − − − + O(n 5)

2n − 6 2 6 18 54 162
Since 1/2=0.5 is approximately Mercury orbit (0.4) I took
the third term as Earth which since it needed to be
1.00AU I chose n as n = 18 which gave the orbits of
the planets:

n= 18 = 4.24264

= 0.5 = m ercur y = 0.4AU

= 0.7 = venus = 0.72AU

= 1.00 = ear th = 1.00AU

= 1.412 ≈ 2 = m ars = 1.52AU

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= 1.999 ≈ 2 = a steroid s = 2AU − 3AU

Then after the asteroids it skips to n to the sixth for

= 5.1 = jupiter = 5.2AU

= 11.31AU = sat ur n = 9.5AU

n 11
= 22.624AU = uranus = 19AU

n 12
= 32AU = nept une = 30AU

Thus the equation for the planets is:

( 2 6 18 54 162 )
1 n n2 n3 n4
, , , ,

Which is

( 2 2 ⋅ 3i )
1 ni
Pi = , ,...

i=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5..)

n1 n
P1 = =

2 ⋅ 31 6
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n2 n2
P2 = =

2 ⋅ 32 18

Starting with Venus as P1. The Taylor expansion is:

f n(a) f′′(a)
(x − a)n = f (a) + f′(a)(x − a) + (x − a)2 + …
∑ n! 2!

2x − 3 → 2(x − 3)

Comparing regular arithmetic to weird arithmetic:

2x − 3
2x − 6
d (2x − 3) f′(x)g(x) − g′(x)f (x)
dx (2x − 6) g(x)2

2(2x − 6) − 2(2x − 3)
f′(x) =
(2x − 6)2

f′(0) = − 1/6
f′(a)(x − a) = −
f′′(a) x2
(x − a)2 = −
2! 18
f′′′(a) 3 x3
(x − a) = −
3! 54
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f (0) =

Since the equation for the distribution of the planets

would the solution of a differential equation, the
equation for the distribution being:

Pi =
2 ⋅ 3i
Then we integrate to obtain:

ni 3i n i
∫ 2 ⋅ 3i
di = +C
2log ( 3 )
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The AI Motif In Planetary Structure

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It would seem the distribution of the planets have an

AI motif. At this point I suggest that it defies a single
algebraic expression because it may be that it uses
logic gate arithmetic, which does not follow
arithmetic as is done in mathematics, but rather in
creating logic circuits with the seven basic gates,
from which all other gates can be constructed. In
other words, the structure of the solar system may be
a circuit diagram.

We have noted that the planets quantize as in binary,

and that they take a pattern in terms of
semiconductor materials used to make binary digital
logic gates. Here we further note that while the
planets distribute according to 2n, so does the
number of rows in a truth table used to describe
inputs and outputs of a logic gate if n is the number
of inputs. Let’s look at this a little.

Digital logic is implemented by using a high input

possibility and low input possibility to achieve an
ouput characteristic of the type of gate. Thus, for an
AND gate, if one input is high and one is low, the
output is zero. If both are zero the output is zero. If
both are high the output is high. We say low is zero or
false, and high is 1 or true. For an AND gate, then,
the truth table looks like:

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Where A and B are inputs and O is output. We say for

an AND gate that O=AB. For an OR Gate, a high
input at A and no input at B results in and output at
O. For a zero at A and a 1 at B there is an output at O
as well. For inputs at A and B there is an output at O
and for no inputs at A and B there is not output. The
truth table looks like:

And we say O=A+B

The not gate only has one input which if high has a
zero output and if is low has an output. Its truth table
is then:

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And we say O = Ā. These are three of the seven

basic gates from which we can build the others which
are the NOR, NAND, XOR, and XNOR. For instance,
the NOR gate can be formed using the OR gate and
NOT gate as seen in this truth table:

Thus we have the following basic gates…

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Thus I would suggest the search for and expression for

the planets not in terms of the algebra we are all familiar




But in terms of logic circuit mathematics using

expressions that look like, for instance…

(A ⊕ B)(A ⊙ B) = C

I have already started with the inner terrestrial planets and

we see that Mercury and Venus are OR gates coupled with
one another and Earth is an OR Gate coupled with Mars
an AND gate. Next two pages to see this…

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The NOT Planet Gate

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We say that Jupiter has an orbital period of about 12

years. Kepler’s law of planetary motion:

a 3 = T 2

a= 122 = 5.2AU

Jupiter and the asteroid belt are in a 2:1 resonance, which

has theoretically said that the asteroid belt is where a
planet tried to form but could not, as seen here:

36 = a 3

36 = 3.30AU

3.303 = 5.99 ≈ 6

Jupiter 12
= = 2

a steroid s 6
If we say Jupiter is coupled with Saturn, then since the
orbital period of Saturn is about 30 years.

30 2 = 9.65AU

We then apply logic gate arithmetic to Jupiter coupled

with Saturn as something like electrical components of
some Universal AI:

(A + B)2A+B = (6 + 0)20+1 = 12ear th − years

And then for Saturn:

(6 + 1)21+1 = 7 ⋅ 22 = 7 ⋅ 4 = 28ear th − years ≈ 30years

But just as the NOT gate, which is very different than the
other six gates in that it only has two rows and output is
off when input is on and input is on when output is off, the
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asteroid belt plays a an important role as well when

looking at the solar system as binary logic arithmetic,
because we can only get 1 combined with 1, 1 combined
with zero, and zero combined with zero, meaning we
cannot produce the odd integer 3. This is done then by
the asteroid belt:

(3)20 = 3

The asteroid belt is the NOT planet gate.

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Weird Calculus

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Quantization of Planetary Orbits In Terms

of AI Binary

I have devised a scheme for the planets in terms of the

golden ratio conjugate phi and Euler’s number e:

(1 − ϕ)e ϕ = 0.7AU = Venus

ϕe (1−ϕ) = 0.9AU = Ear th

ϕ 2e (2−ϕ) = 1.52 = Mars

2ϕe (2−ϕ) = 4.9 = Jupiter

4ϕe (2−ϕ) = 10 = Sat ur n

8ϕe (2−ϕ) = 19.69 = Uranus

16ϕe (2−ϕ) = 39.38 = Nept une

So that Pn = 2n ϕe (2−ϕ) for the planets exterior to the

asteroid belt or Pn = c2n where c = ϕe (2−ϕ) = 2.461 is
C 20 = C = 2.461 is the asteroid belt (P0)

P1 = Jupiter
P2 = Sat ur n
P3 = Ura nu s
P4 = Nept u n e

Which is the solution to the differential equation

d2 y dy
− 2log(2) + log2(2)y = 0
dn 2 dn
Where have we seen this? In computer science.
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log2 N = n means 2n = N

Where n is the number of bits in a number N in binary. We

write in binary


But what is interesting about this?

log23 = n

n= = 1.5847

You can’t have a fractional number of bits, thus the

spectrum is quantized according to whole number solutions
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2n = N

But so are the planets given by

Pn = c2n

2ϕe (2−ϕ) = 4.9 = Jupiter

4ϕe (2−ϕ) = 10 = Sat ur n

8ϕe (2−ϕ) = 19.69 = Uranus

16ϕe (2−ϕ) = 39.38 = Nept une

Meaning, since we have 2, 4, 8. 16 that the planets are

quantized into whole number orbits according to
computer binary with Jupiter as 2, Saturn as 4, Uranus as
8, and Neptune as 16 if we do it in terms of Euler’s
number, e and the golden ratio conjugate, ϕ.

That is, 2=10, 4=100, 8=1000, 16=10000

Are all zeros after a one.

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The Conundrum
It is as if the planets interior to the asteroid belt are
distributed by doing what I call weird calculus. And, that
the planets exterior to the asteroid belt are doing normal
calculus. It is as if the planets interior to the asteroid belt
are trying to take the derivative of x to the n without using
logarithms. This in the sense that:

If we refer back to the foundations of calculus, while the

integral of simple functions can be considered

x n+1

x nd x = +C

We have a conundrum for

f (x) = = x −1
That the power rule gives:

1 x −1+1
∫ x
dx =

Thus to get around this, we searched for a function such

that the integral holds, and as such we discovered the
natural logarithm (ln) and Euler’s number e. And we have

∫ x
d x = ln(x) + C

d x
e = ex
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ln(x) = loge(x)

And, the derivative of e x is itself and e is the transcendental

and irrational number given by


That is, while

f −1ln(x) ≠

f −1ln(x) = e x

We can approximate any function with a polynomial, the

simplest example being the linear approximation formed by
writing the change in f(x) due to a change in x:

f (x) = f (a) + f′(a)(x − a)

This results in Taylor’s formula

f (x) = f (a) + f′(a)(x − a) + (x − a)2 + …
From which we derive the Taylor series

f n(a) f′′(a)
(x − a)n = f (a) + f′(a)(x − a) + (x − a)2 + …
∑ n! 2!

We know the kth derivative of e to the x is e to the x itself.

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f (k)(x) = e x

x2 x3
ex = 1 + x + + +…
2! 3!
lim =0
n→∞ n!

x xn x2 x3
∑ n!
e = =1+x + + +…
2! 3!

1 1 1 1
∑ n!
e= =1+ + + + … = 2.718
1! 2! 3!

The Weird Calculus

The planets seem to the think

d x
e ≠ ex

But, rather is

d x
e = x e −(x−1)

(1 − ϕ)e ϕ makes me think of the derivative of x to the n:

d n
x = n x (n−1)

And so does

ϕe (1−ϕ)

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Because we have

(n − 1) yields

(1 − ϕ) by way of

−(ϕ − 1)=(1 − ϕ)

And, the ϕe is like n x.


ϕ 2e (2−ϕ) makes me think of the second derivative of x to

the n:

d2 n
x = n(n − 1)x (n−2)

dx 2

That is:

n x (n−1) = n(n − 1)x (n−1−1) = n(n − 1)x (n−2)

(n − 2)

Because we have

−(ϕ − 2) = (2 − ϕ)

Thus, in general the k th derivative in weird calculus is:

= n k x −(n−k)

dn (k)

Understanding The Weird Calculus

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The plot of n x n has got to be one of the most interesting

things I have ever seen:

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Thus in regular calculus

d x
e = e x

And, in weird calculus

d x
e = xe −(x−1)

This gives

d ϕ
e = ϕe −(ϕ−1) = 0.9055

d ϕ
e = e ϕ = 1.855

Let us compare regular calculus to weird calculus:

= 2.04859 ≈ 2

If we take

ϕe (ϕ−1) = e (ϕ−1)(ϕ + 1) = e (ϕ−1)1.618=



Φ= and has the property Φ = ϕ + 1.

But if we use weird calculus to take the second derivative
(written respect to x for weird derivative)

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d2 ϕ
e = ϕ 2e −(ϕ−2) = 1.52

dx 2

It is exactly the Mars orbit.

And, if we simply take, we get…

ϕe ϕ+1 = e ϕ+1(ϕ + 1) = e Φ(ϕ + 1) = e ΦΦ


I think the planets do weird calculus because it is a

doubling effect in that

= 2.04859 ≈ 2

Because it keeps the planets from interfering with one
another so they don’t get torn apart as they did with the
asteroid belt. The second derivative of e to the phi is itself
so the 1.855 is constant. Comparing this to the second
derivative of weird calculus we have:

= 1.220

Notice that

= 0.61 ≈ ϕ

The Golden Ratio

But what is the golden ratio Φ and its conjugate ϕ.

We can derive the golden ratio as such (refer to fig 13):

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a b
= = Φ

b c
a = b + c

ac = b 2

c = a − b

a(a − b) = b 2

a 2 − a b − b 2 = 0

a2 a
− − 1 = 0

b2 b
a2 a 1 1
− + = 1 +

b2 b 4 4

a a 1 1
− + =1+

b 4 4

a a 1 4 1 5
− + = + =

b 4 4 4 4
51 of 75

(b 2)
a 1 5
− =

a 1 5
− =

b 2 2

b 5−1
ϕ= =

a 2
Let us say a/b=x, the golden ratio. Then,…

x 2 − x − 1 = 0

Let us differentiate this implicitly:

d 2 d d
x − x− 1 = 0

dx dx dx
2x − 1 = 0


Which is similar to Euler’s number, e because it is the base
d x
such that e is itself e x:

d x
e = e x


52 of 75

sin 45∘ = cos45∘ =

Which says for this angle the x-component equals the y-
1 ∘
component is 90 that is , x=1/2 bisects a right angle.
Which similar in concept to Euler’s number e because it is
d x
the base such that e is itself e x . But if
sin 45∘ = cos45∘ = , then:

2cos = 2

It is the diagonal of the unit square. We notice something
interesting happens:

2cos =

π π π
2cos = 2 , 2cos = Φ, 2cos = 3

4 5 6
Where 3 is the cosine of 30 degrees, in the unit
equilateral triangle in which the altitude has been drawn in
(fig 14):

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Mathematical Look At Weird Calculus

Referring to my paper Weird Mathematics and The Planets

(Beardsley, 2020), the weird derivative was provoked by
the planets, but I feel one should look at it mathematically.
While I will do this time permitting I would just like to
present the immediate relationships between y=f(x) and its
weird derivative for f(x) equal to e to the x, and not put it in
the paper until I can go into it more extensively.

We look at the plot of e to the x whose derivative is e to

the x:

54 of 75

Then we look at the plot of the weird derivative of e to the

x and get:

55 of 75

We see its maximum is not to pass one and that its limit
as x goes to infinity is zero, and that the graph of the e to
the x and its weird derivative on the same graph speak of
the graph of the tangent function:

56 of 75

Thus we put the tangent function in the graph of both e to

the x and its weird derivative and we see it more clearly:

57 of 75

This is interesting because tangent being y/x is similar to

the slope of the tangent, the derivative (dy/dx) hence the
terminology that the the derivative of y=f(x) evaluated at x
is the slope of the tangent of f(x) at (x, y). To see the
meaning of this we plot by hand and make the necessary

58 of 75

Where the plot labeled tan(x) is really tan(x)+1/2 which is

what I thing we should really be looking at. Which is
pivotal if we consider what we wrote earlier:

Let us say a/b=x, the golden ratio. Then,…

x 2 − x − 1 = 0

Let us differentiate this implicitly:

d 2 d d
x − x− 1 = 0

dx dx dx
2x − 1 = 0

59 of 75


Which is similar to Euler’s number, e because it is the base
d x
such that e is itself e x:

d x
e = e x


sin 45∘ = cos45∘ =

Which says for this angle the x-component equals the y-
1 ∘
component is 90 that is , x=1/2 bisects a right angle.
Which similar in concept to Euler’s number e because it is
d x
the base such that e is itself e x . But if
sin 45∘ = cos45∘ = , then:

2cos = 2

It is the diagonal of the unit square. We notice something
interesting happens:

2cos =

π π π
2cos = 2 , 2cos = Φ, 2cos = 3

4 5 6
60 of 75

Where 3 is the cosine of 30 degrees, in the unit

equilateral triangle in which the altitude has been drawn in
(fig 14):

61 of 75

We see that the graphs of the weird derivatives alternate

between negative and positive quadrants as the number
of the derivative alternates between odd and even:

The Hydrogen Atom And The Weird

We guess that if the weird derivative is the interior planets,
then since no correlation exists between the orbits of
electrons in the atom and the planets that it does with the
weird integral, which we must find. But first we must find
the orbits of the electrons in the simplest scenario, a
hydrogen atom.

The wavelengths of its emission spectra are given by:

62 of 75

( n12 n1 )
1 1 1
= RH − 2

RH = Rydberg constant


There are four visible lines in the Balmer series (n>2; n=2)
and they are





These correspond to

E = hν








4.5786E-19 Joules

4.0866-19 Joules

3.0276E-19 Joules

63 of 75

But if E is potential in an inverse square field

F = ke

ke = = 9E 9

q1 = q2 = 1.6E − 19 = charge of proton

Then we have

r =k


(8.99E 9)(1.6E − 19)2

r = = 0.4755n m

4.84E − 19J




Put in common units by taking dividing each by the third


r1 = 0.84

r2 = 0.89

r3 = 1

r4 = 1.35

Thus, since in regular calculus

1 n+1

x nd x = x + C

64 of 75

In regular calculus for the integral we increase the function

by increasing the exponent:

x n → x n+1

But, decrease the function by dividing it by the exponent:

x→ x

However in weird calculus we do the reverse, we decrease
the function by decreasing the exponent:

e x → e x−1

And increase the function by multiplying by the twice the

exponent as such:

e → 2xe

So the weird integral is:

e ϕ dϕ = 2ϕe ϕ−1

Evaluating it we have:

2(0.618)e 0.618−1 = 0.84

Is exactly the right answer for the first electron orbit as we

have calculated it. And we have:

2ϕe ϕ−1dϕ = 4ϕe ϕ−2 ≈ ϕ

65 of 75

It still remains to find the definition for the weird derivative

and weird integral in general. Once we have found these
we can look for a fundamental theorem of weird calculus.

Thus where

d ϕ
e = ϕe −(ϕ−1) = 0.9055

We have:

e ϕ dϕ = 2ϕe ϕ−1 = 0.84

And where

d2 ϕ
e = ϕ 2e −(ϕ−2) = 1.52

dx 2
We have

2ϕe ϕ−1dϕ = 4ϕe ϕ−2 = 0.62 ≈ ϕ

We see the exponent does not invert, it reverses. One is

the negative of the other, meaning the exponential
function inverts going from differentiation to the
integration. Which is in a sense what we could consider a
consequence of what would be the fundamental theorem
of weird calculus. That is, they are not the inverse
operation of one another, but of the same function, e to
the phi. We average the weird derivative with the weird

ϕe −(ϕ−1) + 2ϕe (ϕ−1)

66 of 75

We see if we average the weird derivative with the weird

integral we have something very much like the hyperbolic
sine (sinh(x)). It is:

e x + e −x
sinh(x) =

And, the hyperbolic cosine (cosh(x))

e x + e −x
cosh(x) =

Which are instances of the function f(x) such f’(x)=f(x) and
f’’(x)=f(x). And are in general

f (x) = Ce x + De −x

67 of 75

The plots of two successive weird integral are:

Looking For The Fundamental Theorem

68 of 75

Thus if we consider the Titius-Bode Rule:

r = 0.4 + (0.3)2n

At −∞ is Mercury

At 0 is Venus

At 1 is Earth

We start at one, which is Earth.

r = 0.4 + (0.3)21 = 0.4 + 0.6 = 1AU

We take the first derivative of r with respect to n and get:

= (0.3)ln(2)2n

The derivative of e x = e x

d x
e = e x

The weird derivative of e x is

d x
e = xe −(x−1)

Now we compute the weird derivative of r…

d d n
[0.4 + (0.3)2 ] = 0.3 2

dn dx
2n = e n⋅ln(2)

The weird derivative is then,…

69 of 75

= (0.3)ln(2)ne −(n⋅ln(2)−1)


= (0.2079)ne −(n⋅0.693−1)

Let us now say that n = ϕ = 0.618, then…

The regular derivative of r evaluated at ϕ is

= (0.3)(0.693)20.618 = (0.2079)(1.53) = 0.318

And the weird derivative of r evaluated at ϕ is

= (0.2079)(0.618)e −((0.618)(0.693)−1) = (0.128)(e −(0.428−1)) = 0.128e (0.572)



= (0.128)(1.77) = 0.22679 ≈ 0.23

Several interesting things happen. We see

2ϕ ≈ ϕ 2e −(ϕ−2) = 1.52 = Mars

Which says 2ϕ is very close to the second weird derivative

of e ϕ is the Mars orbit in astronomical units (AU, average
earth-sun separation). And, we see that if we take the ratio
between the derivative of r and the weird derivative of r,
both evaluated at phi, then we have:

= 1.382 = 2 − ϕ = 2 − 0.618

70 of 75

Or, more accurately:

= 1.4 ≈ 2

Thus we say if our derivative is the weird derivative:

d2 ϕ
e = ϕ 2e −(ϕ−2) ≈ 2ϕ

dϕ 2

Is the Mars orbit in AU.

We also say for the first weird derivative:

d ϕ
e = ϕe −(ϕ−1) ≈ 20 = 1.00

Is exactly the earth orbit in AU. A plot of the Titius-Bode
Rule is…

71 of 75


Thus we have found that for the first weird derivative at


d ϕ
e = ϕe −(ϕ−1) ≈ 20 = 1.00

And, the second weird integral at phi:

2ϕe ϕ−1dϕ = 4ϕe ϕ−2 ≈ ϕ

To high accuracy. Thus we might guess that the

fundamental theorem of weird calculus is in:

ϕ ϕ ϕ

∫0 [ ∫0 ] ∫0
e ϕ dϕ dϕ = 2ϕe ϕ−1dϕ = 4ϕe ϕ−2 ≈ ϕ

72 of 75

A Fundamental Theorem
73 of 75

We can approach a fundamental theorem for weird

calculus, but the idea for a weird integral will be different.

dk ϕ
e = ϕe −(ϕ−k) + C

dϕ k

And, for…

ϕe −(ϕ−1)dϕ = e ϕ + C

We have

e −(ϕ+1) e −Φ

e dϕ = +C = + C

ϕ ϕ

Where Φ = 1/ϕ and,…

ϕe −(ϕ−1) = 0.618e 0.382 = 0.9055 ≈ 1

e −(ϕ+1) e −Φ
= = 0.32

ϕ ϕ
Thus, since

r = 0.4 + (0.3)2n

e ϕ dϕ = 0.3

d2 ϕ
e ≈ 2ϕ

dϕ 2
Then using this the Mars orbit:

74 of 75

10 [ ∫0 ] dϕ 2
4 d2 ϕ
r = + e ϕ dϕ e

We get 0.9~1.00 is Earth orbit.

10 [ ∫0 ] dϕ
4 d ϕ
r = + e ϕ dϕ e = 0.4 + (0.32)(0.9055) = 0.689

Is approximately the Venus orbit.

75 of 75

The Author

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