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knowledge of
Dr.B.Arun Kumar
• This is a branch of health care science that mainly
concentrates on the physical aspects of an
individuals helath care, by treating their physical
• Physiotherapist must coordinate and work with the
other members, throughout rehabilitation period.
Physiotherapy practice
Movement management by:
• Manipulative therapy
• Electro therapy
• Hydro therapy
Physiotherapy during
1. Reduce edema-
2. Assist the maintenance of circulation to the area.
3. Maintains muscle function by active or static
4. Maintain joint range where possible.
5. Maintain as much function as allowed by the
particular injury and the fixation.
6. Teach the patient how to use special appliances
1.Movement techniques:
free active,
resisted exercises can be given to facilitate
activity and to strengthen muscles.
It involves skillful restoration of mobility to soft
tissues and joints.
It consists of
• Soft tissues techniques(massage)
• Passive mobilization of joints
• Passive streching of soft tissues
• Auto stretching of soft tissues.
Soft tissues techniques(massage)
1. Stroking
2. Efflurage
3. Kneading
4. Picking up
5. Wringing
6. Skin rolling
7. Frictions
Massage is the manipulating of superficial
and deeper layers of muscle and
connective tissue using various
techniques, to enhance function, aid in the
healing process, decrease muscle reflex
activity, inhibits motor-neuron
excitability and promote relaxation and
a technique in massage in which
long, light, or firm strokes are
used, usually over the spine
and back. Fingertip effleurage
is a light technique performed
with the tips of the fingers in a
circular pattern over one part
of the body or in long strokes
over the back or an extremity.
Fingertip effleurage of the
abdomen is a technique
commonly used in the Lamaze
method of natural childbirth.
The hands are placed
on the skin and
allowed to mould to
the part, then they
more in a circular
direction with pressure
gradually applied over
the top of the circle
and released towards
the bottom of the
Picking up
Similar to kneading
but it involves lifting
the tissues up at right
angles to the
sqeezing and releasing.
It involves lifting the
tissues up as in
picing up and
applying a twist to
enchance the
stretching effect.
Skin rolling
It involves lifting and
stretching the skin
between thumbs and
fingers so that the
skin and
subcutaneous tissues
are moved on each
other and adhesions
are stretched.
Small range
movements applied
with the thumb or
fingers starting
superficially and
working deeper.they
applied in one of two
ways tranverse or
Soft tissue manipulation
1. Acute inflammation
2. Weeping conditions
3. Infection
4. Recent fractures
5. Patient preference
Soft tissue manipulation
1. Scar tissue
2. Muscle spasm
3. Muscle tightness
4. Fascial tethering
5. Oedema
6. Pain
7. Slow healing scars or ulcers.
Connective Tissue
The term “connective
tissue” in this case refers
to the fascia which
surrounds, protects, and
supports all of the other
structures in the body. It
is the matrix which binds
together the body’s
organs and systems,
while at the same time
between them.
Connective Tissue
• tendonitis
• fibromyalgia
• scoliosis
• chronic fatigue syndrome
• sciatica
• multiple sclerosis
• ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
• arthritis
• carpal tunnel syndrome
Passive mobilizaiton of
Joints restriction factors:
• Pain
• Muscle spasm
• Oedema
• Fibrous contracture of fascia
• Ligaments/capsule
• Cartilage flake trapped between the joint surfaces.
Principles of
1.Stengthening Treatment
They are strengthened by working progressively against
graded the pool,resistance may be from
buoyancy, turbulence,unstreamlining.
movements downwards in the pool are resisted by
buoyancy.floats which may be of different densities may be
used to increase the effect of buoyancy.
it is created by movement through water and is increased if
the rate of movement is increased.
Principles of
If a broad surface is presented when a body is moved through water
the resistance is greater than if the surface is narrow.
To progress exercises with a bat, for example, the movement is first
performed with the edge of the bat moving through the water and then
progressed so that the broad surface is going against the water.
5.Joint mobility:
Relief of pain and muscle spasm by the warmth of the water and by
support from buoyancy can restore free movement of joints.
6.Coordination and balance:
Patients can practice activites in standing,transference of weight,and
arm movements.
Methods of Heat
• Conduction
• Convection
• Radiation
Untoward Effects &
Untoward Effects: • Precautions:
• Chilling • Temparature should be 94-98df.
• Sudden changes in blood • Chlorine levels should be 1.5-
pressure 3.0 ppm
• Infections • Water PH must be 7.2-7.8.
• Falls inside and outside the pool • Chlorine&PH must check for
• Fatigue of patients or staff. every 2/3 days
• Bacteriological testing
• Backwashing must be
performed regularly.
• Floor of pool must be non slip.
Clinical Indications
• Ankylosing spondylitis
• Osteoarthritis
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Juvenile chr.polyarthritis
• Spondylosis
• Capsulitis
• Mechanical spinal disorders
• Polymyalgia rheumatica
• Major fractures (lower limbs/spine)
• Ortopaedic surgery
• Neurological disorders
• Value for maintaining fitness and relieving backache during
pregnancy after child birth.
Contraindications: • Low vital capacity
• Infected wounds • Kidney disease
• Acute skin conditions • Diabetes
• Pyrexia • Thyroid deficiency
• Incontinence • Radiotherapy in the previous 3
• Cardiac disease months
• DVT • Careful consideration is
essential for patients with open
• Recent pulmonary embolus wounds covered with a
• Recent CVA waterproof dressing.
• GIT disorders • Epilepsy
• Tracheostomy • Vertigo
Use of
• Electrotherapy
1.Pain management
• Improves range of joint movement
• 2. Treatment of neuromuscular dysfunction
• Improvement of strength
• Improvement of motor control
• Retards muscle atrophy
• Improvement of local blood flow
• 3. Improves range of joint mobility
• Induces repeated stretching of contracted, shortened soft
• 4. Tissue repair
• Enhances microcirculation and protein synthesis to heal
• Restores integrity of connective and dermal tissues
Use of
• 5. AcuteElectrotherapy
and chronic edema
• Accelerates absorption rate
• Affects blood vessel permeability
• Increases mobility of proteins, blood cells and lymphatic
• 6. Peripheral blood flow
• Induces arterial, venous and lymphatic flow
• 7. Iontophoresis
• Delivery of pharmacological agents
• 8. Urine and fecal incontinence
• Affects pelvic floor musculature to reduce pelvic pain and
strengthen musculature
• Treatment may lead to complete continence
Sources of Heat
1. Paraffin wax
2. Infra red radiation
3. Heat pad
4. Hot moist packs
5. Short wave diathermy
6. Microwave diathermy
Paraffin wax
• Paraffin wax refers to a white or colourless soft
solid that is used as a lubricant and for other
• It consists of a mixture of hydrocarbon molecules
containing between twenty and forty carbon atoms.
• It is solid at room temperature and begins to melt
above approximately 37 °C (99 °F).
• Paraffin wax is an excellent material to store heat,
having a specific heat capacity of 2.14–
2.9 J g−1 K−1 (joule per gram kelvin) and a
heat of fusion of 200–220 J g−1.
Infra red
• Infrared (IR)radiation
light is electromagnetic radiation with
longer wavelengths than those of visible light, extending
from the nominal red edge of the visible spectrum at 0.74
micrometres (µm) to 300 µm.
• This range of wavelengths corresponds to a frequency
range of approximately 1 to 400 THz,[1] and includes most
of the thermal radiation emitted by objects near room
• Infrared light is emitted or absorbed by molecules when
they change their rotational-vibrational movements.
• The existence of infrared radiation was first discovered in
1800 by astronomer William Herschel.
Infra red
• Several studies have looked at using infrared saunas in the treatment
of chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure, congestive
heart failure and rheumatoid arthritis, and found some evidence of
• For example it is used in infrared saunas to heat the occupants, and
also to remove ice from the wings of aircraft (de-icing).
• Far infrared is also gaining popularity as a safe heat therapy method
of natural health care and physiotherapy.
• Strong infrared radiation in certain industry high-heat
settings may be hazard to the eyes, resulting in damage or
blindness to the user.
• Since the radiation is invisible, special IR-proof goggles
must be worn in such places.
Heat Pad
• They are plastic covered pads similar to but smaller
than electric blankets.
• A pad has 3 levels of heat and is useful for treating
the neck or back.
• Patient lies on it and heat passes to the tissues by
Hot moist
• These bags filled with a hydrophilic substance
and stored in a thermostatically controlled
cabinet of water between 75 -80 degree C.
• Useful on uneven surfaces because they can be
easily moulded to the surface.
• They are heavy causes discomfort.
Short wave
• It is application to the tissues
of electrical fields which
oscillate at a frequency of
27.12MHZ and have a
wavelength of 11.06M.
• It is used in deep and
superficial lesions.
• It produces a greater and more
rapid rise in temp.
• Useful for softtissue
injuries,degenerative &
inflammatory arthopaties,slow
pelvic structures.
• Application diathermy
electromagnetic radiations
with a wavelength of
12.25cm & frequence of
• They are produced by a
megnetron,which is a
special type of thermoinic
• Depth of penetration 3cm.
• They are absorbed by fluid
tissues & less by bone,fat.
• Degenrative joint disease&
joint lesions are better treat.
Ice Therapy
• Cold Compression Therapy combines two of
the principles of R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression,
Elevation) to reduce pain and swelling from a sports
or activity injury to soft tissues and recommended
by orthopedic surgeons following surgery.
• The therapy is especially useful for sprains, strains,
pulled muscles and pulled ligaments.
• Cold Compression is a combination of cryotherapy
and static compression, commonly used for the
treatment of pain and inflammation after acute
injury or surgical procedures.
Ice Therapy
• Cryotherapy, the use of ice or cold in a therapeutic
setting, has become one of the most common
treatments in orthopedic medicine.
• The primary reason for using cryotherapy in acute
injury management is to lower the temperature of
the injured tissue, which reduces the tissue's
metabolic rate and helps the tissue to survive the
period following the injury.
• It is well documented that metabolic rate decreases
by application of cryotherapy.

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