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1. Do you believe in neo-Malthusian argument? Why or Why not?

In the late 18th century, Thomas Malthus, an English political economist, advanced a
theory of crisis in his Essay on the Principle of Population, which is the theory of neo-
Malthusianism. Neo Malthusians believe that the earth's resources can only support a finite
population. They also believe that limited resources keep population in check and reduce
economic growth therefore growth should be controlled. Pressure on scarce resource leads to
famine and war. In some points, I agree with the neo-Malthusians but in other points I don’t. It is
stated in the neo-Malthusian agreement that the world population should be controlled and I
agree on that aspect. The world’s population is getting bigger and bigger as each year passes by.
The estimated number of the world population today is 7.8 billion. 7.8 billion is large number
and it will continue to increase, which will make resources not enough for the whole world
population. The world population should be controlled because if not one day limited resources
is not just the problem but also the space we have here on earth. Neo-Malthusians promote birth
control to control the world population, but I, on the other hand, believes that people need to be
educate more than they need birth control. If everybody is educated well then each and every one
of us will know when is the right time to have a child and will be able to provide for the needs of
the child. Most of the people who are not fortunate enough have more than 5 children but I think
if these people will be educated, they will understand having many children without the means of
being able to provide everything they need is not good. Education is powerful and I believe it
will help us to control our population.
Neo-Malthusians see population growth as the main problem that will lead us to famine
or scarcity. I disagree in this area because I believe that it is the consumption or the wastage of
resources that should be main problem and should be solved. I think if the people know how
consume what is only necessary and how to not waste any resource, population will not be a
problem and there will be enough resources for everybody. Neo-Malthusians should see things in
a different perspective because they might be barking up in the wrong tree.

2. How can technology and interventions in development offset the pressure of population
Birth control is the done to prevent conception or pregnancy. Through the help of
technology and other advancements, there have been various ways various devices, drugs,
agents, sexual practices, or surgical procedures. Birth control can help us to control our
population but I believe that it is education that is much more needed. Education has improved in
time, also through the help of technology. Technology has helped us to improved our way of
living and helped us to make things easier. But technology can be expensive, in poor countries,
like our country, Philippines, technology is not something that everybody can afford.
Technology might solve the population growth or it might delay the population growth but since
not all countries can afford it, I think those countries who can’t afford technology should focus
and invest more on education.
3. Under what circumstance is rapid population growth beneficial to societies?
People are is one of things that makes a society. These people are the ones who earn
money, in which will determine the economic state of a society. A growing population could
boost the economy or generate economic growth. The economy will grow not just because there
will be more laborers in a rapid population growth but there will also be an increase of purchase
of products that will also feed the economy. Innovations will be frequent because rapid
population growth needs things to be done differently. Cultures and traditions are also under a
society. These things make a society beautiful. Rapid population growth will help to enrich the
cultures and traditions of a society. It can also help in eradicating cultures or traditions that
doesn’t make sense anymore. It can also help to give birth to new beliefs or new religions that
will help the society to flourish.


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