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Speaking Activity 1 GROUP WORK Question-and-answer activity


Target Language Materials

One copy of the worksheet cut into nine
The unreal conditional
cards per group

The questioner decides which of the two

PREPARATION (3–5 minutes)
answers is better based on these criteria: (1)
correct use of the unreal conditional, and (2)
Write this question on the board: What would
creative and interesting answer. That student
you do if you found a lot of money on a bench at
gets one point.
the park?
The next player draws a card and becomes the
Write this If clause after the question: If I found
next questioner.
a lot of money on a bench at the park, I . . .
Play until all cards have been used. The player
Call on volunteers to answer the question. Tell
with the most points is the winner.
them to begin their sentence with the If clause
on the board.
Have a student ask you the question. Answer it OPTIONS / ALTERNATIVES (12–15 minutes
in a complete sentence starting with the each)
If clause.
OPTION 1: Play the game as above. In addition
to the first question, the questioner must
PROCEDURE (10–12 minutes) ask the other players in his or her group two
follow-up questions each. Students can get
Put students in groups of three. Give each from zero to three points, depending on the
group a set of cards. Have students shuffle correctness and creativity of their answers.
the cards and put them facedown in a pile OPTION 2: The player who turns over the card
on the table. makes a sentence (not a question). The other
Explain the activity: The first player in the group players each ask him or her two follow-up
is the first questioner. He or she draws a card, questions. The player gets a score from zero to
reads the situation described on the card, and three points, depending on the correct use of
forms a question using that situation. Refer the unreal conditional and the creativity of the
students to the model question on the board. answers.

The other two players take turns answering the

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Top Notch 2, Third Edition LESSON PLAN 1

If I saw my best friend‘s If I knew another student If I found a lot of money
boyfriend / girlfriend with cheated on the final in a taxicab, . . .
another woman / man, . . . exam, . . .
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

If I found a copy of a If I saw a man get off If a waiter or waitress

final exam on a the train without his forgot to charge me for
photocopier in school, . . . briefcase, . . . an expensive drink, . . .

If I accidentally scratched If I saw a shopper change If I knew one of my

an expensive car in a the price tag to 65% off co-workers lied about his
parking lot, but no one on a regularly priced resumé to get his current
saw me, . . . expensive jacket, . . . position, . . .

2 UNIT 10, SPEAKING ACTIVITY 1 Top Notch 2, Third Edition

Speaking Activity 2 GROUP WORK Concentration game

Target Language Materials

A set of 16 picture cards for each group,
Possessive pronouns/Whose? items borrowed from student volunteers
(If doing the OPTION.)

Students continue choosing cards in this

PREPARATION (2–3 minutes)
manner, moving clockwise around the circle,
until all cards are taken.
Before the activity, collect the following three
items: a pen, a book, and a board marker. Write Have a student from each group then collect all
the chart below on the board: 16 of the cards from his or her group, shuffle
them, and then put them on the table, pictures
Tom Jane [Your Name] down, in a 4 X 4 grid.
pen book marker
Explain the activity: The student who shuffled
Below the chart, write I found a(n) _____. Whose the cards goes first. He or she turns over any
is it? Hold up the marker and say, I found a one picture card so that the picture is face up.
marker. Whose is it?
If the student chose the card at the start of the
Point to name Tom on the chart and ask, Is it game, he / she says, This is my ___. It’s mine.
his? Elicit the correct response and write it If the student did not chose the card at
on the board: No, it’s not his marker. / No, it’s the start of the game, he / she must try to
not his. remember which player did. The student must
point to that player and say, This is his / her
Point to name Jane on the chart and ask, Is it ____. It’s his / hers.
hers? Elicit the correct response and write it
on the board No, it’s not her marker. / No, it’s If that student guesses correctly, and makes a
not hers. correct sentence with a possessive adjective
and a sentence with a possessive pronoun,
Point to your own name on the chart and ask, he / she then takes the card from the table and
Is it mine? Elicit the correct response and write it keeps it. If that student guesses incorrectly,
on the board Yes, it’s your marker. / Yes, it’s yours. or does not make correct sentences with a
Continue in the same way with the other two possessive adjective and pronoun, he or she
items, eliciting answers from students. must turn the card face down in the same
location on the table. Either way, that student’s
turn then ends.
PROCEDURE (10–15 minutes) Play continues clockwise around the table until
all cards have been taken from the table. The Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Put students in groups of six to eight and have player with the most cards is the winner.
them sit in a circle.
Give each group a set of 16 cut out picture
cards and place them pictures up on the OPTIONS / ALTERNATIVES (10–15 minutes)
table. Have each student in the circle choose
a card, point to it on the table, and say, This With large classes, play the game as a class. Play
is my ____. It’s mine. For example, if a student the same as above, but instead of using picture
chooses the guitar card, he or she should say, cards on a table, use real student possessions
This is my guitar. It’s mine. The student then placed in a box.
takes the card. Students take turns taking items out of the box
Explain that students should try to remember and identifying the owner.
the items that each person chooses.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition LESSON PLAN 3
car umbrella camera watch

laptop luggage guitar bicycle

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

MP3 player sweater phone violin

keys backpack printer

PDA exercise machine

4 UNIT 10, SPEAKING ACTIVITY 2 Top Notch 2, Third Edition

Speaking Activity 3 WHOLE CLASS Opinion survey

Target Language Materials

Vocabulary related to personal values One copy of the worksheet per student

Tell those who finish all ten questions before

PREPARATION (3–5 minutes)
the others do to sit down. Continue the activity
until all students have filled in the third column.
Write the following on the board:
Modesty is an old-fashioned idea. Call on some volunteers to read aloud each
Yes / No Yes / No statement on the worksheet and the answers
(Reason) (Reason) they wrote down in the second and third
columns. Encourage the class to ask the
Tell the class you will give your opinion first
volunteers follow-up questions about their
about the statement on the board and then
opinions. The class can also ask follow-up
you’ll ask one of them to give their opinion.
questions from the person who gave the
Circle either Yes or No as your answer and opinion in the ANOTHER OPINION column.
write a brief reason below it.
Now ask a student the question: Do you think
OPTIONS / ALTERNATIVES (15–20 minutes)
modesty is an old-fashioned idea?
Elicit the student’s answer (Yes, I do. Or No, Instead of having students mingle after
I don’t.) and circle either Yes or No on the completing the second column, have them sit
board. face to face in two rows.
Ask the same student this follow-up question: Each student asks the first question to the
Why do you think modesty is / isn’t an old- student sitting directly across from him or
fashioned idea? Write the student’s answer her. Then they move over one seat in a chosen
on the line next to the word Reason. direction (clockwise or counterclockwise;
the person at the end of a row moves over
to the other row).
PROCEDURE (15–20 minutes)
Each student ends up facing a new partner, and
asks the next question on the questionnaire.
Give each student a copy of the worksheet.
Continue until all questions have been asked.
Read the statements in the STATEMENT column
Then go over the results as above.
Have students first complete the Your Opinion
column with their own opinions. Give them
about five minutes to do this. Remind them to Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc.
give a short reason for each statement.
After all students have completed the Your
Opinion column, tell them to mingle and ask
each other their opinion about each statement.
Remind them to write the respondents’ names
and answers in the Another Opinion column.
Make sure they ask a different student for each

Top Notch 2, Third Edition LESSON PLAN 5

Statement Your Opinion Another Opinion
Double standards are Yes No
Yes No
sometimes OK. Reason:

It’s sexist to have Yes No
Yes No
boys-only and girls-only Reason:
Men and women are Yes No
Yes No
not equal. Reason:

It’s OK for office workers Yes No
Yes No
to have tatoos and body Reason:
It’s not OK for men to Yes No
Yes No
wear earrings. Reason:
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Body piercing is not OK at Yes No
Yes No
any age, male or female. Reason:

Girls should be more Yes No
Yes No
modest than boys. Reason:

Sexism is always against Yes No
Yes No
women, never against men. Reason:

Tattoos are OK for men, Yes No
Yes No
but not for women. Reason:

People in their 30s and 40s Yes No
Yes No
should not dress like Reason:

6 UNIT 10, SPEAKING ACTIVITY 3 Top Notch 2, Third Edition

Speaking Activity 4 GROUP WORK Panel discussion

Target Language Materials

One copy of the worksheet cut
If clause; could, should, would
into strips

Explain the activity: The questioner chooses a

PREPARATION (3–5 minutes)
situation strip and reads the situation aloud to
the three contestants.
Say to the class, Imagine this situation: I found
a wallet on the bus. It contains a few hundred The contestants take turns giving their answers.
dollars, a month’s worth of bus tickets, and a Remind them to use could, should, would and
picture ID with only the person’s name and the the conditionals in their answers.
name of a company. There is no address and
The questioner can ask the contestants
telephone number. What should I do?
follow-up questions where appropriate. After all
Elicit or model various responses. For example: the contestants have given their answers, the
questioner then asks the class, What would you
• You should give the wallet to the bus driver.
do? Have the class vote by a show of hands for
• You should post a lost-and-found notice the contestant whose answer they most agree
with your telephone number. with. That contestant is the winner.
• You should keep what you found. Depending on class size, each group may do
more than one situation.
• You could donate the money to charity.
• You could look up the company on the
Internet and get the telephone number OPTIONS / ALTERNATIVES
from there.
Extend the activity by having groups each
• If the person takes the same bus every day,
create a situation and write it on a strip of
you can look for that person the next day.
paper. Collect the strips of paper.
Encourage the class to ask you this question:
Have groups come up one at a time to play
What would you do?
another round. If a group chooses its own strip,
Answer the question using I would / I’d . . . have them put it back and choose another.
Continue as above.
PROCEDURE (15–20 minutes)

Put students in groups of four. Have each group Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc.
choose one student to be the questioner.
The other three students are the contestants.
Choose one group to come to the front of the
class. Tell the three contestants to stand next
to each other facing the class. The questioner
should face the contestants.

Top Notch 2, Third Edition LESSON PLAN 7

My friend had two tickets for a popular concert, but she realized she couldn’t go.
She gave me the tickets. I was planning to go with another friend from work, but
we had to work overtime on a major project. Another co-worker offered to pay me
full price for the two tickets. What should I do?

I have a term paper to do on a novel. I don’t enjoy reading literary material.
A schoolmate suggested that I go to a website where I can get ready-made term
papers and gave me two websites to go to. What should I do?

I have to write an essay for a class. A friend, who is taking the same class with another
teacher, also has to do an essay on the same topic. He suggested that we work together
to write the essay, and we each submit the same work to our different teachers. He said
neither teacher would know. What should I do?

Three of my friends asked me to drive them to the airport. They paid for gas and the
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

toll. At the airport, I parked my car on the curb and helped them bring their luggage in.
When I went back to the car, there was a parking ticket on my windshield. The ticket
will cost me a couple of hundred dollars. What should I do?

I am on the train and the only passenger in the car I was sitting in. I find a cell phone on
the seat next to me. I need a cell phone but I can’t afford to buy one. What should I do?

I have an important but very difficult test. The day before the test, my best friend, who
is a teaching assistant and checks test papers for my teacher, offered to give me review
tips for the test. What should I do?

I bought a sandwich from a deli next to the park where I was going to have my lunch.
As I was unwrapping the sandwich, I realized that I had forgotten to pay for it. At the
same time, I noticed that the meat in the sandwich was spoiled. What should I do?

8 UNIT 10, SPEAKING ACTIVITY 4 Top Notch 2, Third Edition

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