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SUBNET Solutions Inc.

IEC 60870-5-101-104
Master Protocol Profile 2
For SubSTATION Server 2

Profile Document

2 June, 2020

[Document Title] 1
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© 2015 SUBNET Solutions Inc.

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28 May 2015

IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 - Profile Document

Document revision control

Ver. Date Change Record

1.0 30-September, 2014 First release

30-October, 2014 Updated for v2.12 Hotfix 17616. Added detail to “Short Ack” and “Mode” properties descriptions
5-December, 2014 Added note about SU time bit support
Integrated HF 17616 into release version 2.14, and updated the Supported process information (control direction)
1.2 28-May, 2015
table to show support for items 50 and 63.
2.22 2-June, 2020 Update to support originator address.

ii © 2015, SUBNET Solutions Inc.

Table of contents

Notice of copyright & proprietary rights .......................................................................................................... i

Trademark notices ............................................................................................................................................ i
Document revision control .............................................................................................................................. ii
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Implementation ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Supported cause of transmission .......................................................................................................................... 1
Supported process information (monitor direction) ............................................................................................ 2
Supported process information (control direction) .............................................................................................. 3
Supported system information (monitor direction) ............................................................................................. 3
Supported system information (control direction) ............................................................................................... 4
Supported parameter (control direction) ............................................................................................................. 4
Supported file transfer .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Supported application functions ........................................................................................................................... 5
Operations – General ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Driver startup ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Driver shutdown .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Configurable options .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Common properties .............................................................................................................................................. 6
IEC 104 Polling Control .......................................................................................................................................... 6
IEC 101/104 Master Protocol properties .............................................................................................................. 7
Serial Connection properties ................................................................................................................................. 7
Network Connection properties ............................................................................................................................ 9
Device properties ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Device Polling ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Point properties ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Troubleshooting the IEC 60870-5-101/104 Master Protocol 2 ............................................................................... 15
Troubleshooting the IEC 60870-5-101/104 Master Protocol 2 service .............................................................. 15

IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 - Profile Document

iv © 2015, SUBNET Solutions Inc.
The IEC 60870-5-101/104 Master protocol driver for SubSTATION Server provides interoperability with Intelligent Electric
Devices (IEDs) which communicate using the IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocol over serial or TCP/IP communication links.
This document details the subset of the IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocol that is implemented by the SubSTATION Server IEC
60870-5-101/104 Master protocol driver and explains the configuration parameters for the driver in detail.


Supported cause of transmission

COT Name Identifier Response supported

1 Periodic/ Cyclic per/cyc Yes

2 Background Scan back Yes

3 Spontaneous spont Yes

4 Initialized init Yes

5 Request req Yes

6 Activation act Yes

7 Activation Confirmation actcon Yes

8 Deactivation deact No

9 Deactivation Confirmation deactcon No

10 Activation Termination actterm Yes

11 Return Information caused by a remote command retrem No

12 Return information caused by a local command retloc No

20 Interrogated by station interrogation inrogen Yes

21 - 36 Interrogated by group 1 to group 16 interrogation inro1…inro16 Yes

37 Requested by general counter request reqcogen Yes

38 - 41 Requested by group 1 to group 4 counter request reqco1…reqco4 Yes

44 Unknown Type Definition Yes

45 Unknown Cause of Transmission Yes

46 Unknown Common Address of ASDU Yes

47 Unknown Information Object Address Yes

48 - 63 For Special Use (Private Range) No

IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 - Profile Document

Supported process information (monitor direction)

Category Information Name Identifier Supported

Status Indications 1 single-point information M_SP_NA_1 Yes

2 single-point information with time tag M_SP_TA_1 Yes

3 double-point information M_DP_NA_1 Yes

4 double-point information with time tag M_DP_TA_1 Yes

20 packed single-point information with status change M_PS_NA_1 No


30 single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a M_SP_TB_1 Yes

31 double-point information with time tag CP56Time2a M_DP_TB_1 Yes

Step Position 5 step position information M_ST_NA_1 Yes

6 step position information with time tag M_ST_TA_1 Yes

32 step position information with time tag CP56Time2a M_ST_TB_1 Yes

Bit Strings 7 bitstring of 32 bit M_BO_NA_1 No

8 bitstring of 32 bit with time tag M_BO_TA_1 No

33 bitstring of 32 bits with time tag CP56Time2a M_BO_TB_1 No

Analogs 9 measured value, normalized value M_ME_NA_1 Yes

10 measured value, normalized value with time tag M_ME_TA_1 Yes

11 measured value, scaled value M_ME_NB_1 Yes

12 measured value, scaled value with time tag M_ME_TB_1 Yes

13 measured value, short floating point number M_ME_NC_1 Yes

14 measured value, short floating point number with time tag M_ME_TC_1 Yes

21 measured value, normalized value without quality M_ME_ND_1 No


34 measured value, normalized value with time tag M_ME_TD_1 Yes


35 measured value, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TE_1 Yes

36 measured value, short floating point number with time tag M_ME_TF_1 Yes

Integrated Totals 15 integrated totals M_IT_NA_1 Yes

16 integrated totals with time tag M_IT_TA_1 Yes

37 integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2a M_IT_TB_1 Yes

Events of 17 event of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TA_1 No

18 packed start events of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TB_1 No

2 © 2015, SUBNET Solutions Inc.

Category Information Name Identifier Supported
19 packed output circuit information of protection equipment M_EP_TC_1 No
with time tag

38 event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a M_EP_TD_1 No

39 packed start events of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TE_1 No


40 packed output circuit information of protection equipment M_EP_TF_1 No

with time tag CP56Time2a

Supported process information (control direction)

Category Information Name Identifier Supported

Digital Commands 45 single command C_SC_NA_1 Yes

46 double command C_DC_NA_1 Yes

58 single command with time tag CP56Time2a C_SC_TA_1 Yes

59 double command with time tag CP56Time2a C_DC_TA_1 Yes

Regulating Step 47 regulating step command C_RC_NA_1 Yes

60 regulating step command with time tag CP56Time2a C_RC_TA_1 Yes

Analog Commands 48 setpoint command, normalized value C_SE_NA_1 Yes

49 setpoint command, scaled value C_SE_NB_1 Yes

50 setpoint command, short float value C_SE_NC_1 Yes

61 setpoint command, normalized value with time tag C_SE_TA_1 Yes


62 setpoint command, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2a C_SE_TB_1 Yes

63 setpoint command, short float value with time tag C_SE_TC_1 Yes

String Commands 51 bitstring of 32 bits C_BO_NA_1 No

64 bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2a C_BO_TA_1 No

Supported system information (monitor direction)

Information Name Identifier Supported

70 End of Initialization M_EI_NA_1 Yes

IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 - Profile Document

Supported system information (control direction)

Information Name Identifier Supported

100 interrogation command C_IC_NA_1 Yes
101 counter interrogation command C_CI_NA_1 Yes

102 read command C_RD_NA_1 No

103 clock synchronization command C_CS_NA_1 Yes

104 test command C_TS_NA_1 No

105 reset process command C_RP_NA_1 No

106 delay acquisition command C_CD_NA_1 No

Supported parameter (control direction)

Information Name Identifier Supported

110 parameter of measured value, normalized value P_ME_NA_1 No
111 parameter of measured value, scaled value P_ME_NB_1 No

112 parameter of measured value, short floating point P_ME_NC_1 No

113 parameter activation P_AC_NA_1 No

Supported file transfer

Information Name Identifier Supported

120 file ready F_FR_NA_1 No

121 section ready F_SR_NA_1 No

122 call directory, select file, call file, call section F_SC_NA_1 No
123 last section, last segment F_LS_NA_1 No
124 ack file, ack section F_AF_NA_1 No

125 segment F_SG_NA_1 No

126 directory F_DR_TA_1 No

4 © 2015, SUBNET Solutions Inc.

Supported application functions

Application function Identifier Supported

Remote initialization Yes
General Interrogation Global Yes
Group 1 to 16 Yes
Counter Interrogation Global Yes
Group 1 to 4 Yes
Cyclic Data Transmission Yes
Read Procedure No
Spontaneous Transmission Yes
Double Transmission of information with COT spontaneous No
Clock Synchronization Yes
Command Transmission Direct Yes
Select and Execute Yes
Direct setpoint Yes
Select and execute setpoint Yes
Short pulse duration Yes
Long pulse duration Yes
Persistent output Yes
C_SE ACTTERM (Control Finished) Yes
Transmission of Integrated Totals Counter request Yes
Counter freeze without reset Yes
Counter freeze with reset Yes
Counter reset Yes
Parameter Loading Threshold value No
Smoothing factor No
Low limit for transmission of measured value No
High limit for transmission of measured value No
Parameter Activation No
Test Procedure No
File Transfer No
Background Scan No
Acquisition of Transmission Delay No

In the time tag structure CP56Time2a and CP24Time2a, only the Summer (SU) time bit is supported, other bits
are ignored. This applies to messages from both directions.

IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 - Profile Document

Operations – General

Driver startup
When the IEC 101/104 driver starts up, it sets the value of all digital points to FALSE and all analog points to 0. The quality of
all data points are set to OFFLINE, RESTART, which indicates that the driver is running but the device status is still offline
and also the value in the data point has not yet been initialized with data from the field device. When the device status
changes to online, the OFFLINE quality of all points are set to ONLINE, RESTART. After the device comes online, when a data
point has its value updated with field data, the RESTART quality disappears.

Driver shut down

When the IEC 101/104 driver shuts down all data points continue to hold their last known value and the quality for all
points are set to OFFLINE.

Configurable options
SubSTATION Server protocol drivers are designed to support a hierarchical configuration. The hierarchy for IEC 60870-5-
101/104 Master configurations is as follows:

IEC 101/104 Protocol

Serial/Network Connections
Data Points

Common properties
All SubSTATION Server objects support storing a user-specified name and description. Each object records the date and
time that the object was created, and the date and time of the last user modification to the object.

IEC 104 Polling Control

In order to not overload low speed LAN, the IEC 104 driver implemented a mechanism to prevent multiple polls from
sending out at the same time. By adjusting the number of system channels (currently only supports 1) and inter-poll delay,
the driver can control to allow only one poll request running at the same time.

6 © 2015, SUBNET Solutions Inc.

IEC 101/104 Master Protocol properties

Object Parameter Description Configurable Limits

IEC 101/104 Start/Stop Starts or stops the protocol driver.
Master Protocol
Start this protocol When selected, this option will instruct the protocol driver Yes
automatically when service to start automatically when the computer is started. No
the system starts up

Number of System Specifies the number of system channel that the driver uses to 0 - 65535
Channels control the polling schedule. A value of 0 disables the polling
(IEC 104 only) control.

Poll Delay Specifies the time for the inter-poll delay. 0 to 2,147,483,647 ms
(IEC 104 only) Default: 1000 ms (0x7FFFFFFF)

Poll Timeout Specifies the time after which a poll times out. 0 to 2,147,483,647 ms
(IEC 104 only) Default: 1500 ms (0x7FFFFFFF)

Event Log Table A time-stamped log of all events generated by the protocol

Serial Connection properties

Object Parameter Description Configurable Limits

Serial Port Number Specifies the computer’s serial communications port to use for COM1 to COM256
Connection protocol communications. recommended. Limit not
enforced by the software.

Baud Rate Specifies the baud rate to use for serial communications. 110 19200
Baud rate support is limited by the capabilities of the serial 300 38400
communications hardware and drivers. 600 56000
1200 57600
2400 115200
4800 128000
9600 256000
Byte Size Specifies the size of byte for serial communications. Not configurable

Parity Specifies if a parity bit is to be used during transmission, and if Not configurable
so, what type.
Default: Even

Stop Bits Specifies the number of stop bits used to terminate serial Not configurable
transmission of a byte.

RTS Line Specifies if RTS flow control is to be used. Constant

Constant indicates that the RTS line is to be left high while the Switched
protocol is running. Switched with Amble
Switched indicates that the RTS line is to be high while the
protocol driver is transmitting bytes and low otherwise.
Switched with Amble operates the same as Switched but the
RTS line will be kept high for a period of time before and
after transmission as specified by the RTS Preamble and
RTS Postamble parameters.

IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 - Profile Document

Object Parameter Description Configurable Limits
Wait for CTS Specifies if CTS flow control is to be used. Yes
before Tx If selected, the serial hardware will wait for the remote system No
to raise its CTS line before it transmits data.

RTS Preamble Specifies the number of milliseconds that the RTS is be kept 0 – 65535 recommended.
high prior to the transmission of serial data. Limit not enforced by
This parameter requires that the “RTS Line” be set to software.
“Switched with Amble”, otherwise it is ignored.

RTS Postamble Specifies the number of milliseconds that the RTS is be kept 0 – 65535 recommended.
high after the transmission of serial data. Limit not enforced by the
This parameter requires that the “RTS Line” be set to software.
“Switched with Amble”, otherwise it is ignored.

Mode Specifies the transmission mode. Both Balanced and Dropdown list:
Unbalanced transmission modes are supported. Balanced
Balanced transmission allows both the master and slave to Unbalanced
transmit messages at any time. The slave may issue
unsolicited messages to the master without first receiving
a Class poll.
Unbalanced transmission allows the slave to transmit a
message only when it has received a request from a

Both Master and Slave applications must
have this parameter set to the same value.

Data Link: Specifies whether Data Link confirmations will be used during Yes
Enable communications. No

Data Link: Specifies the how long the protocol driver will wait for a Data
Timeout Link confirmation before timing out.

Data Link: Specifies how many times the protocol driver will retry a Data
Retries Link frame before considering a poll to be failed.

Data Link: Comm Specifies the amount of time (ms) the protocol driver will 0 to 2,147,483,647 ms
Recovery Delay spend in a Restart Delay state when a remote device stops (0x7FFFFFFF)
responding to polls.

Message Field Specifies the size of the Data Link Address field. Dropdown list:
Size: Data Link Unbalanced mode: Set this parameter to 1 or 2. 0 bytes
Address Balanced mode: Set this parameter to 0 or 1. 1 byte
If this parameter is set to 0, the Data Link Options – Address 2 bytes
field will be ignored.

Message Field Specifies the size of the Common Address field. Dropdown list:
Size: Common 1 byte
Address 2 bytes
Message Field Specifies the size of the Cause of Transmission field. Dropdown list:
Size: Cause of 1 byte
Transmission 2 bytes

8 © 2015, SUBNET Solutions Inc.

Object Parameter Description Configurable Limits
Message Field Specifies the size of the Information Object Address field. Dropdown list:
Size: Information This parameter directly impacts the number of points that can 1 byte
Object Address be configured for a slave device as it specifies the size (and 2 bytes
therefore range) of their address field. 3 bytes
Short ACK Specifies whether to use one byte (parameter enabled) or a Dropdown list:
full packet (parameter disabled) for an ACK. • Enable
Short ACKs (if supported by the downstream device) conserve • Disable

Both Master and Slave applications must
have this parameter set to the same value.

Network Connection properties

Object Parameter Description Configurable Limits

Network Address Specifies the address of the outstation.
Connection Note: This parameter will most commonly be an IP address in
the form X.X.X.X. It can also be a NetBIOS computer name or a
DNS name.

Port Number Specifies the network port on the remote computer to be used 0 to 65,535
for communications.

Transport Specifies whether the protocol driver will use TCP/IP or UDP/IP Not configurable
to communicate with the master station.
Only TCP/IP is supported for IEC 60870-5-104.

K Size Specifies the maximum number of outstanding I format 1 to 32,767


W Size Specifies the maximum number of latest acknowledge APDUs. 1 to 32,767

Timeout: Specifies the time interval to wait for a connection to be 1 to 255 seconds
Connect established.

Timeout: Sent Specifies the time interval to wait for acknowledgement of 1 to 255 seconds
sent or test APDUs.

Timeout: No Data Specifies the time interval to wait for an acknowledgement in 1 to 255 seconds
the case of no data messages being sent.

Timeout: Test Specifies the time interval to wait to send test frames in the 1 to 255 seconds
event of a long idle state.

IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 - Profile Document

Device properties

Object Parameter Description Configurable Limits

Device Datalink Address Specifies the single octet Data Link Address or double octet 0, 1-255 or 1-65535
(101 only) Data Link Address. depending on Link Address
Size of the device

Common Address Specifies the single octet ASDU Common Address or double 1-255 or 1-65535
octet ASDU Common Address depending on the ASDU
Address Size of the device

Originator Specifies the single octet ASDU Originator Address 0, 1-255


Control Time to Specifies the maximum amount of time allowed between 0 to 65,535 ms
Live receiving a Select request and a subsequent Operate request,
as well as the maximum amount of time that a control request
can be queued.

Timestamp Type Selects UTC or local time for time stamps. Dropdown list:
Local Time
UTC Time
Polling See the Device Polling table below.

Class 1/2 Poll Specifies the frequency at which the protocol driver will issue 100 to 5000 ms
Interval Class 1 and Class 2 polls to the field device.
(101 only)

Poll Timeout Specifies the amount of time the protocol driver will wait for a 0 to 2,147,483,647 ms
(101 only) response to a poll before considering the poll unsuccessful. (0x7FFFFFFF)

Poll Retries Specifies the number of times that the protocol driver will 0 to 2,147,483,647
(101 only) retry issuing a poll before it considers a remote device offline (0x7FFFFFFF)
and enters a Restart Delay.

Device The following status points list transaction counts for various Not Configurable
Management types of device-specific events, described below. These counts
Table are reset every time the protocol driver is started.

Messages Sent The number of outgoing messages from

this device.

Messages Received The number of messages received by

this device.

Protocol Errors The number of errors detected by this


Timeouts The number of times this device has

timed out on a communication request.

Device Online Indicates whether or not the driver

considers the field device to be ONLINE

10 © 2015, SUBNET Solutions Inc.

Device Polling

Object Poll Type Paramet Description Configurable Limits

Polling General Period Specifies the interval (ms) at which the 0 to 2,147,483,647 ms
Interrogation protocol driver issues General Interrogation (0x7FFFFFFF)
polls to the field device.
A value of 0 disables polling.

Group Specifies the Group Number to poll. 0 - 16

Number A value of 0 specifies all groups.

Counter Period Specifies the period (ms) at which the 0 to 2,147,483,647 ms

Interrogation protocol driver will issue Counter (0x7FFFFFFF)
Interrogation polls to the field device.
A value of 0 disables polling.

Group Specifies the Group Number to poll. 0-4

Number A value of 0 specifies all groups.

Qualifier Specifies the qualifier for the poll, and it’s Dropdown list:
applied only to the group specified by the Read
Group Number. Freeze without Reset
(Mode C)
Freeze without Reset
(Mode D)
Freeze with Reset (Mode
Freeze with Reset (Mode
Reset (Mode C)
Reset (Mode D)
Time Period Specifies the period (ms) at which the 0 to 2,147,483,647 ms
Synchronization protocol driver will issue Time (0x7FFFFFFF)
Synchronization commands to the field
A value of 0 disables polling.

Point properties

Object Parameter Description Configurable Limits

Measured Value Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Normalized Address or 1 – 16777215
Depending on the point address size
of the device

Measured Value Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Scaled Address or 1 – 16777215
Depending on the point address size
of the device

IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 - Profile Document

Object Parameter Description Configurable Limits
Measured Value Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Short Float Address or 1 – 16777215
Depending on the point address size
of the device

Step Position Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Address or 1 – 16777215
Depending on the point address size
of the device

Single Point Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Digital Input Object Address or 1 – 16777215
Depending on the point address size
of the device

Double Point Information Specifies the point address for this point within a 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Digital Input Object Address given Interrogation Group. or 1 – 16777215
Depending on the point address size
of the device

Pseudo Digital Two pseudo digital inputs specify the value of the Bit 0: 0 or 1
Inputs double point. They map as follows: 00 is Bit 1: 0 or 1
Indeterminate/Intermediate, 01 is Off, 10 is On, 11 is

Integrated Total Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Object Address or 1 – 16777215
Depending on the point address size
of the device

Setpoint Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Command Address or 1 – 16777215
Normalized Depending on the point address size
of the device
With Time Tag Specifies if the command is sent with time tag. Check box
(104 only)

Actions Table This table allows the addition, removal, and editing of Control Types:
controls that will be allowed for this point. Each Direct
control is configurable. Select & Execute

Setpoint Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Command Address or 1 – 16777215
Scaled Depending on the point address size
of the device
With Time Tag Specifies if the command is sent with time tag. Check box
(104 only)

12 © 2015, SUBNET Solutions Inc.

Object Parameter Description Configurable Limits
Actions Table This table allows the addition, removal, and editing of Control Types:
controls that will be allowed for this point. Each Direct
control is configurable. Select & Execute

Setpoint Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Command Short Address or 1 – 16777215
Float Depending on the point address size
of the device
With Time Tag Specifies if the command is sent with time tag. Check box
(104 only)

Actions Table This table allows the addition, removal, and editing of Control Types:
controls that will be allowed for this point. Each Direct
control is configurable. Select & Execute

Regulating Step With Time Tag Specifies if the command is sent with time tag. Check box
Command (104 only)

Actions Table This table allows the addition, removal, and editing of Control Types:
controls that will be allowed for this point. Each Direct
control is configurable. Select & Execute
No Pulse Info
Short Pulse Duration
Long Pulse Duration
Persistent Output
Next Step Lower
Next Step Higher
Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Address or 1 – 16777215
Depending on the point address size
of the device

IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 - Profile Document

Single With Time Tag Specifies if the command is sent with time tag. Check box
Command (104 only)

Actions Table This table allows the addition, removal, and editing of Control Types:
controls that will be allowed for this point. Each Direct
control is configurable. Select & Execute
No Pulse Info
Short Pulse Duration
Long Pulse Duration
Persistent Output
Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Address or 1 – 16777215
Depending on the point address size
of the device
Double With Time Tag Specifies if the command is sent with time tag. Check box
Command (104 only)

Actions Table This table allows the addition, removal, and editing of Control Types:
controls that will be allowed for this point. Each Direct
control is configurable. Select & Execute
No Pulse Info
Short Pulse Duration
Long Pulse Duration
Persistent Output
Information Specifies the point address for this point. 1 – 255 or 1 – 65535
Address or 1 – 16777215
Depending on the point address size
of the device

14 © 2015, SUBNET Solutions Inc.

Troubleshooting the IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2
This table contains a list of errors that are unique to the IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 service. If the error
is reported as coming from subiec101master, it is generated by the IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 service.
Common errors are listed in the General and Executive Troubleshooting document.

Troubleshooting the IEC 60870 -5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 service

ID Type Description Resolution (if required)

1013 Configuration No communication lines are configured Indicates that the service has no
Error configured connections.

1014 Runtime Control discarded because time-to-live Indicates that one control action is
warning expired or device offline. [DO discarded because configured time-to-live
Point=PointNumber, FuncType = timer expired or the target device is
FunctionType, ASDU Addr=DeviceAddress offline.
Link Addr=LinkAddress Line=LineName]

1027 Configuration Invalid Datalink Address. Valid range is Min to Indicates that the Datalink Address in
Error Max [Line = LineName, Device = DeviceName] DeviceName under LineName is out of

1028 Configuration Invalid Common Address. Valid range is Min Indicates that the Common Address in
Error to Max [Line = LineName, Device = DeviceName under LineName is
DeviceName] configured out of range.

1029 Configuration Duplicate Device Address (Combination of Indicates that more than one device is
Error Common address and Datalink address) in configured with same device address
Device DeviceName under Line LineName under the same connection.

1030 Configuration Invalid Information Object Address. Valid Indicates that the Information Object
Error range is Min to Max [Point=PointName, Address for PointName in DeviceName
Device=DeviceName, Line=LineName] under LineName is configured out of

1031 Configuration Duplicate Information Object Address Indicates that the Information Object
Error detected. [Point=PointName, Address for PointName in DeviceName
Device=DeviceName, Line=LineName] under LineName is a duplicate of another

1039 Runtime Device Online [Device=DeviceName, Indicates that one device is

information Line=LineName] communicated successfully.

1040 Runtime Device Offline [Device=DeviceName, Indicates that one device is not
information Line=LineName] communicating.

2018 Runtime Control Command is sent. Informs user that a control message was
information [Point=PointNumber, Value = PointValue, successfully sent.
Device=DeviceName, Line=LineName]

2024 Runtime Control operation failed due to unknown Informs user that the control operation
information ASDU type. [Point=PointNumber, Value = was failed due to unknown ASDU type.
PointValue, Device=DeviceName,

IEC 60870-5-101-104 Master Protocol Profile 2 - Profile Document

ID Type Description Resolution (if required)

2025 Runtime Control operation failed due to unknown Informs user that the control operation
information COT. [Point=PointNumber, Value = was failed due to unknown COT.
PointValue, Device=DeviceName,

2026 Runtime Control operation failed due to unknown Informs user that the control operation
information Common Address. [Point=PointNumber, was failed due to unknown Common
Value = PointValue, Device=DeviceName, Address.

2027 Runtime Control operation failed due to incorrect Informs user that the control operation
information information object address in controlled was failed due to incorrect information
station. [Point=PointNumber, Value = object address.
PointValue, Device=DeviceName,

16 © 2015, SUBNET Solutions Inc.

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#100, 4639 Manhattan Road SE
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2G 4B3

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