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Student's Book

Μ . 3. Биболетова, О.А.Денисенко, Η. Н.Трубанева

Английский язык

Учебник для 5 класса

общеобразовательных учреждений

Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки

Российской Федерации к использованию в образовательном
процессе в образовательных учреждениях, реализующих
образовательные программы общего образования
и имеющих государственную аккредитацию


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P i l e


Unit Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary

1 1. Talking about the Present, Past, Future Talking about school School subjects
first day at school Simple Talking about past events Classroom
Hello! Making comparisons School day
Nice to (review)
see you
again! 2.1 wish I were in Word formation Talking about school School life
Russia (work - work) Making polite requests
Page 8 Modal verbs: may, Expressing opinions
can, could (review)
3. Talking about the Word formation Talking about the Summer
summer holidays (work = work) summer holidays holidays
(review) Describing negative and Famous people
Past Simple (review) positive features
many / much / a little / Stating facts
a few / a lot of Writing a diary

4. Talking about Adjectives (Degrees of Talking about the Summer

places of interest Comparison) summer holidays holidays
(review) Describing places City / Town /
Prepositions Writing an advert Village

5. Talking about Word formation Talking about school School clubs

school clubs (suffixes: -er, -or. -ist; clubs Advertising
noun + man) Talking about hobbies
I like to do - I like Giving reasons and
doing explanations
Question tags Stating likes / dislikes
Writing a personal letter

6. Creating rules Imperative mood Talking about Self- School life

for students and Regulation Day School day
teachers Stating rules for teachers School subjects
and students
Expressing opinions
Giving reasons

7. What do you Plural nouns (review) Talking about British School day
know about school Family
British schools? Describing school School uniform
Making comparisons
Discussing pros and cons
8. Reading for Storytelling Family
pleasure Expressing opinions School life
Discussing pros and cons
9. Homework
Key vocabulary
Progress check
Project "Welcome to our school website"
Unit Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary

2 1. Welcome to East Word formation Talking about the School life

Square London (suffix: -tion) invitation letter Health
R < are
£4' irtg to School! Modal verb: shall Arranging a party,
travel to Tag questions (review) a picnic
1 i'%don Making suggestions

2. What are you To be going to Talking about plans Personal

going to do? (do smth) Talking about hobbies information
Seeking factual Holidays
information Travelling
Comparing British and Hobbies
Russian customs

3. Creating a school Present Continuous Describing actions Family

album for British Present Simple / Talking about New Year School life
friends Present Continuous Holidays

4. What are you Grammar in context Talking about the winter Seasons
doing for the holidays Weather
winter holidays? Describing actions Winter holidays
Making comparisons
Expressing wishes

5. Reading for Storytelling Family and

pleasure Expressing opinions friends
Giving reasons and
Writing New Year
Writing a letter

6. Homework
Key vocabulary
Progress check
Project "New Year celebration"
Unit Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary

1. What places of Zero article Talking about London City / Town

interest would you Dates and other cities and Places of interest
Faces of like to see? Present Continuous: places of interest
love, need, want, etc Making comparisons
Page 86 Describing actions
2. Discovering places Article: the Talking about London City / Town
of interest W/i-questions Describing actions and Places of interest
(review) places
Tag questions
3. Excuse me, can I've been to... Asking for directions City / Town
you...? Word formation Expressing apologies Places of interest
(suffix: -er) (review) Describing places
Expressing opinions
4. Just for fun Regular and irregular Describing actions and City / Town
verbs (review) places Places of interest
Four forms of the Storytelling
verbs Writing a short article
Participle I and Writing a description
Participle II
Wh- questions
5. Have you ever Present Perfect Describing actions and City / Town
walked in places Places of interest
London's parks? Talking about places of At home
Writing captions
6. I'd like to invite Present Perfect / Talking about food and Parties
you to a party Past Simple (review) tastes Eating and
Talking about a birthday drinking
Being polite during the
Writing a postcard
7. Talking about Grammar in context Talking about famous Biographies
famous people people Books
Talking about books
Making comparisons
Expressing opinions
8. Reading for Storytelling Pl^co of interest
pleasure Giving reasons and
9. Homework
Key vocabulary
Progress check
Project "Welcome to our town"

Unit Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary

4 1. May I ask you a Tag questions Giving / getting personal Personal

question? (review) information information
Learning Present Simple / Describing places
more Families
about Present Continuous Writing a personal letter Characteristics
each other (review)
Page 142 2. Getting on well Word formation Giving / getting personal Personal
with the family (un-, im-, in-, поп-) information information
(review) Describing people Families
Stating likes / dislikes Characteristics
Making comparisons
Writing a short story
3. You have got a pet, Past Simple (review) Describing people Pets
haven't you? Expressing opinions Appearance
Giving reasons
4. Do we have the Present Simple / Giving / Getting personal Hobbies
same hobbies? Present Continuous / information Friends
Present Perfect / Past Talking about friends
Simple (review) Expressing opinions
5. What are you To be going to Giving / Getting personal Families
going to be? (do smth) (review) information Jobs
Word formation Talking about jobs
(suffixes: -ist, -ian, Seeking factual
-ect) (review) information
6. Reading for Talking about British Holidays
pleasure holidays and traditions Traditions
Expressing opinions
7. Homework
Key vocabulary
Progress check
Project "Let's act out the story!"

Appendix Условные обозначения

Grammar reference 172 — упражнение на слушание

List of irregular verbs 176 — работа в парах

Learning strategies 179
j — работа в группах
Cultural guide 181
— задание повышенной сложности
Test revision (After summer) 185

Vocabulary 190 I — работа с Интернетом

Hello! Nice to see you again!

Section 1 T a l k i n g a b o u t t h e first d a y a t s c h o o l

. ϋ ϋ 1 Listen and say where Jim is from. Guess

Г S Г ^m what the date is today.
F ν rr
» r с*

3 Look at the students' timetable. Say what time each lesson starts and finishes on Tuesday.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday

9.00-9.45 Liferasure Ris-fory
Technology (TO

9.50-10.35 Μ afhs English Russian

10.40-11.25 Russian Russian Λ/afure Studies

L o n g break Lunch Lunch Lunch

Physical Education
11.55-12.40 Art English

12.45-13.30 Music Mafhs Mafhs

L 44 Listen,
I.i read and repeat.
7 Read tlle examples from the table,
[ei] — nature, education, break,
Make up new sentences using the table,
Use the Сirammar reference if necessary.
[л] — Monday, lunch, Russian, studies,
subject Present
I go to school every day.
[<fc] — technology, page, project, June, Simple
|tf| — lunch, nature, literature, chair, I enjoyed my summer holidays.
1 will get only good and
excellent marks this school
5 Say what subjects you had yesterday /
have today / will have tomorrow.
8 Listen and repeat.

6 Tell Jim what you usually do in each 1. Will she be in our class? — No, she won't.
lesson. 2. Where is he from? — He is from Britain.
3. Did you have good summer holidays? —
Use: Yes, I did.
sing songs, read a lot, solve problems, 4. Is it nice to go back to school again? —
listen to stories, write, count, draw, Yes, it is.
translate from... into..., ask questions,
answer questions, discuss, learn by heart
9 Work in pairs. Discuss your school
Example: We sing songs in our Music subjects.
lessons. a) Answer the following questions.
1. Do you like Literature? Why?
2. Does your IT teacher give you a lot of
3. Did you have History last year? What did
you do in the lessons.
4. Will you have lessons on Saturdays?
Thursday Friday
b) Make up your own questions about
school subjects and ask your classmates.
Russian Lfferasure Use:
Do you...? Does he / she...? Did you...?
Will you...?
Mature Studies Mafhi

Μ afhs Russian

Lunch Lunch


1 0 Read Jim's message to his teacher from Great Britain.
Complete the text using am / is / are. J

To: Barbara Grey Sent: Thursday, the 2nd of September

From: James Wilson
Title: My new school

Dear Mrs Grey,

I am fine. I like my Russian school. It .. big and modern. I... a new
student in the class. I've got a new timetable. There ... many
interesting subjects.
I . .. happy because I made two new friends. Their names .. Katya and Dima.
Now there ... 14 boys and 14 girls in the class. Today we had five lessons.
But we didn't get any marks. During the breaks my classmates asked me
many questions about my school in Britain. After our classes they explained
the Nature Studies homework to me. I hope I will get only good and
excellent marks in my new school. • W l f ^ - I M
a timetable
Best wishes I 'taim.teibll — расписание
, ,,,..' a subject I'SAbchektl — школьный предмет
Jim Wilson . , i i
a mark [mu:k] — оценка
a break [brcik] — перемена

1 1 Read Jim's message once again and answer the following questions.
1. Does Jim like his new school? 4. What did he do during the breaks
2. Is he happy? Why? / Why not? between classes?
3. How many lessons did Jim and his class- 5. What did his classmates do after classes?
mates have on Tuesday? 6. Does Jim want to be a good student in his
new school?

S I 12 Listen to the dialogue. Say which holidays Katya likes best of all

1 3 Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

1. How many times a year do Russian students have their holidays?
2. What is Jim's favourite season?
3. What are your favourite holidays? Why?
Jim: Katya, could you tell me about the holidays in a Russian
school, please.
Katya: Well, we have four holidays each school year. Our holidays
last one week in autumn, two weeks in winter and one week in
spring. And there are the summer holidays, of course!
Jim: And when are the longest holidays?
Katya: The longest holidays are in summer. They last three
months! June, July and August. They're my favourite months!
Jim: That's great! Summer is my favourite season, too!

1 5 Fill in the gaps with speak, say or tell.
1 4 Read, translate and learn. Use them in the correct form.
to speak — говорить, выступать A
a) Do you speak German? — No, I don't. 1. She'll ... us about her visit to Samara.
I only speak Russian. 2. Brian ... that he doesn't like the Maths
b) Speak slowly, please. My English is not lesson.
so good and I don't understand you. 3. "Don't ask too many questions," my
c) Will you speak at the meeting today? — father ... yesterday.
I think I will. 4. French students ... English well.
to say — сказать (что-либо), говорить 5. The doctor always ... me that I must
(что-либо) drink a lot of carrot juice.
a) They say: "East or West, home is best." 6. "Can I ... to Mary, please?" — "I'm afraid
b) She says that she is happy to be back at she is not at home."
school. В
c) He didn't say anything about his trip to
Russia. Brian Green, our English teacher, told us
about his visit to Moscow. He ... us that
to tell — говорить (кому-либо), расска-
he liked the Russian capital very much
зать (что-либо)
"You can ask me any questions you
a) Tell me about your holidays, Mike.
like," he ... . "Do Russian students ...
b)My grandma told me to buy some milk
English well?" we asked. "Yes, Russian
after school.
students ... English very well. They ...
c) Don't tell me the answer. I'll try to
me much interesting about Moscow."
He ... that we would visit Russia next

1 6 Make the sentences.

run around in the classroom

learn new words
We draw funny pictures on the blackboard in the lesson.
I talk loudly during the break.
Girls run and jump between the desks in the school yard.
Boys discuss different problems after school.
Teachers ask a lot of questions in the classroom.
have a cup of tea or coffee
read newspapers and magazines


0 9 1 7 Listen, read and repeat.

1э| — teacher, computer, rubber, ruler, ( υ ] - book, textbook, workbook, look,
answer put
le] — pencil, tell, desk, letter, pen [ i : l - clean, e-mail, TV, read, week
[u:] — school, ruler, two, do, classroom [ai] - timetable, bike, blinds, ride,
Lju:] — pupil, computer, new, use, during surprise

1 8 Jim and his friends are in the classroom. Read the dialogue
and say what they see in the classroom.
Katya: Come in, Jim!
Jim: Oh, what a nice classroom! It's light and clean. And there
are many plants here.
Dima: Yes, we water them during the break.
Katya: We like our plants very much. Jim, look at these pictures!
Do you like them? We drew them last year.
Jim: Yes! The pictures are very nice. I like drawing too!
Dima: Oh, and there is the new computer with a multimedia
projector! Last year we watched films in our English and
Literature lessons on video.
Katya: It will be better now with the new blinds on the windows.
There were no blinds before the summer. What a nice
Jim: There are many books on the bookshelves. Can I borrow
some of them? I enjoy reading.
Dima: Sure. You are welcome to them. There is a new computer
class with the Internet in our school this year. You can use
the computer during the break. LOOK ANb LEARNI
Jim: Oh, great! I just need to check my e-mail.
to borrow [Ъогэи] —
Katya: OK. Let's go then! брать взаймы

19 Compare the pictures of the classroom before and after the

summer. What's different? What's the same?
Example: There were no blinds on the windows before the summer
Now there are new blinds on the windows.

Before the summer

After the summer

2 0 Say what you would like to have in 2 4 Fill in the gaps with speak, say or tell.
your classroom. Use the correct tense and form of the
Example: I would like to have a goldfish in
our classroom. I would like to have many 1. Jim ... that he is from London.
computers in our classroom. 2. My friends ... me about a new student in
the class yesterday.
3. Last week our teacher ... us about her
2 1 Write about your classroom: what you
first day at school.
have there now and what you would like to
4. All students from our class can ... English
have there.
5. Tomorrow she ... us about her visit to
— J 2 2 Listen and say what Jim liked at his the doctor.
first day at school. 6. Don't ... so loudly in the classroom.


2 5 Listen, read and repeat.
2 3 Answer the questions. Use the [ju:] — new, news, few, you, computer
Grammar reference if necessary. [i:] — we, she, read, speak, teacher,
1. Do you remember your first day at meet, please
school? [u] — good, book, full, look
2. Does your classmate remember his / her [e] — tell, desk, lesson, letter, welcome,
first day at school? very
3. Do you usually get a lot of homework
on that day?
4. Will you have many lessons tomorrow?
5. Did you get any marks yesterday?

2 6 Look at the pictures. Match the pictures with the phrases.

a) celebrate a holiday
b) make,
^ o fSmb

to school With parents

c) go

go home at 12.00

e) put on clothes

f) be tired

h) have breakfast

° "Ρ early

2 7 Read about Max's first day at

school. Complete the text with
in the Past Simple the verbs.
Maxgof up (get up) early. He ... (clean)
his teeth and ... (have) breakfast. It ... (be)
7.30 a.m., the 1st of September. It ... (be)
his first day at school. He ... (put) on his new
school uniform and ... (take) flowers for the
teacher. He ... (go) to school with his parents. His
father ... (make) a video of him when he ... (give)
the flowers to the teacher. That day he had just a few
lessons and ... (come) home early. After lunch he ... (go)
for a walk with his new friend Anton. They ... (speak) about
their first day at school. Then they ... (tell) each other about
their summers. It was late and the new classmates went home.
Max ... (say): "Goodbye, see you tomorrow." And Anton said:
"OK, see you, bye." Max was tired but happy.

2 8 Answer the questions.

1. Why did Max get up early on the 1st of September?
2. What did his father do at school?
3. What did the boys speak about after lunch?

2 9 Say what you liked best of all on the
first day at school this year. Compare it
with your first day at school five years ago.
get up early
make new friends
wear a school uniform
be happy to meet old friends
get good marks
talk with my friends during the breaks
take pictures (make a video) of my friends
give flowers to the teachers
have many (a few) lessons
get a new timetable
carry a new school bag
have lunch with new friends
have fun during the break

3 0 Read and remember.

When you need something, say
Could you show / give me ...?
Could I take / use ...?
Saying thank you
For something small:
Thanks. / Thank you.
For something more important:
Thank you very much.
That was kind of you.
I'm very grateful.
— Could you help me to repair my bike?
— Of course. Let's do it on Saturday.
— OK. Thanks.

oU 31 Work in pairs. Read the situations and make up dialogues for them.
1. Student 1: You need a pencil and a rubber. 3. Student 1: You are ill. You have a sore
Ask your classmate to lend them to you. throat.
Student 2: You have a pencil and a rubber. Student 2: Offer your friend a cup of hot
Lend them to your friend. lemon tea.
2. Student 1: You want to help your friend
to do the washing up after dinner. 3 2 Write about your first day at school.
Student 2: You are very busy. Thank your
friend for helping.

Section 2 I I wish I were in Russia

- l I 3 3 Listen to the conversation and say why Jim is happy.

3 4 Read and act out.

Katya: Hello, boys!
Dima: Hi, Katya! Jim, you look very happy today.
Jim: Do I? Well, I think it's because of Barbara. I've got a letter from her.
Dima: Oh, that's great! Barbara was our favourite English teacher! She taught
us English last year. What does she say in her letter?
Jim: I've no idea, actually! I didn't want to open it and read it by myself, you
see. Let's do it together.
Katya: Do you want me to read it aloud?
Jim: Yes, please, of course!
Dima: Hurry up, then!1

Поспешим тогда!

3 5 Match the verbs on the left with the

words on the right to make phrases.

1. to stay a) English
2. to miss b) the story
3. to teach c) in Russia
4. to see d) friends
5. to enjoy e) girls and boys
6. to speak f) you again
7. to tell g) holidays

3 6 Read, compare and learn.

Noun Существительное Verb Глагол

hope надежда to hope надеяться
start старт / начало to start начинать
stay остановка to stay оставаться
show представление, шоу to show показывать
help помощь to help помогать
wish желание to wish хотеть / желать
work работа to work работать
finish финиш / конец to finish заканчивать


3 7 Read Barbara's letter and say what Barbara suggested to Jim and his new classmates.

To: Jim Wilson

From: Barbara Grey
Title: Invitation letter

Dear Jim,
I hope you started the new school year well. I know your
Russian will improve in your new school. I'm sure that you will
like the school and your new classmates, because I know them
well. I worked there, you know. And it was a pleasure for me to
teach Russian boys and girls. They are very similar to English
students': happy, bright and a bit lazy!
Here in London your classmates and I miss you very much.
Without you, there are now 19 girls and boys in my class. I wish I were in Russia now2
I told the class about my stay in that big and beautiful country. I showed them some
photos and described everyone of my Russian students. I think they would like to invite
your new friends to London. What do you think of that idea? We will send an invitation
letter soon. It will be great to see you and all my Russian students again.
What's the news there? Do you like your new subjects? Who is the new English teacher in
your class this year? Do you like your new textbooks? I hope your new friends Dima and
Katya will help you with your Russian and Literature. They were my best students last year
and speak English very well.
I hope to hear from you in the near future.
Give my best wishes to your teachers and friends.
to improve [im'pru:v| — улучшать, совер-
Barbara Grey шенствовать
to miss [mis] — скучать
Они очень похожи на английских учеников. an invitation letter [.invi'teijn 'lets] — пись-
Мне бы очень хотелось оказаться в России. Mo-приглашение
to invite finVait] — приглашать


3 8 Read Barbara's letter once more. Find five words which you can use as a noun
and as a verb. Use the example.
Example: hope (надежда) — to hope (надеяться) GRAMMAR FOCUS: MODAL VERBS

3 9 Read and remember.

can — выражает способность что-то делать; выражает вежливую просьбу
a) Can you swim? — Yes, I can swim very fast.
b) Can 1 borrow your pen, please? — Here you are.
c) I can play football but I can't ride a horse.
could — выражает вежливую просьбу сделать что-то
a) Could you give me the photo, please? — Yes, of course. Here you are.
b) Could you open the door, please? — No, I'm afraid not. 1 don't have the key.
c) Could you give me the MP3 player, please? — Sure.
may — выражает разрешение или просьбу
a) May I come in? — Yes, you may.
b)May I answer the question? — Yes, please do.
c) May I go out? — Yes, you may.

L I 4 0 Work in pairs. Ask your partner if you may / can / could do smth.
go out, come in, open the window, use his / her book, help him / her, close the door, sit down,
water flowers, switch on / off the video (MP3 player, TV), borrow his / her rubber
Example: May I ...? — Sure.
Can I ...? — Yes, of course.
Could I ...? — No, I'm afraid not.

41 Match the questions and the answers.

1. Dad, could I borrow your bike, please? a) Sure, but be back by 10 o'clock.
2. May I go out tonight? b) Yes, I can, I know this language very well.
3. Can you speak Japanese? c) No, I'm sorry. I'm afraid you are not old
4. Max, can I take your pencil, please? enough.
5. Could you write me an e-mail, please? d)Yes, of course. And I hope to hear from
you, too.
e) No, I'm afraid not. I need it to draw a

5 1 4 2 Work in pairs. Make up your own questions. Use Ex. 39, 41 to help you.

4 3 Imagine you are one of Barbara's students. Answer the questions from her letter.
Write down your answers.
Section 3 Talking about the summer holidays

4 4 Listen and say what the students decided

to do. Choose the right answer.
The students decided
a) to visit some places in Russia.
b) to write about some places in Russia.
c) to spend their summer holidays in Russia.

4 5 Read Dima's letter. Put the verbs in

brackets in the Past Simple.
Julia Sherman
32 St Mary's Place
Russia W2 3JA United Kingdom
15th September

Dear Julia.
Thank you for your message. I think it's a
/ Moscow

great idea to visit you in London. All of us will

be happy to get the invitation letter very soon.
What can I tell you about my holidays? They
were great! I spent my holidays in Boldino. My granny has a
country house there. Boldino is near Nizhniy Novgorod, one of
the oldest Russian cities. Many years ago Alexander Pushkin, the
greatest Russian poet,... (live) in Boldino. He created about 60
tales, poems and novels there. Now there is a tradition to celebrate
"Boldino autumn" when many poets go there and recite their
The weather... (be) fine every day. My friends and I spent a lot of time
outdoors'. We ... (swim), played and rode our bikes. We also picked berries
and gathered mushrooms in the nearby forest.
In the evening we usually... (make) a fire, played the guitar and ... (sing)
songs. I... (take) a lot of photos of my friends and me. This one is for you.
I hope you'll recognise me.
You know I have a sweet tooth2, so I asked my granny to make some
cherry jam. I... (help) her a little to make it. I'll take some of it to London
with me and you'll get a chance to taste it.
Sending you best wishes from Jim and all of my classmates,
провели много времени на свежем воздухе to create [kri'eit) — творить, создавать
сладкоежка to pick berries [pik 'beriz] — собирать
to gather mushrooms [,дагдэ 'm,\frumzj
собирать грибы
to recognise ['rekagnaiz] — узнавать

4 6 Read the letter again and answer the 4 7 Complete the table.
Noun / Verb Существительное /
1. Where did Dima spend his summer Глагол
holidays? visit / to visit визит / посещать
2. Why did Dima like his holidays?
3. What did Dima do during his stay in надежда / надеяться
Boldino? taste
4. When did his friends make a fire?
желание / хотеть
5. What do you know about Boldino?

4 8 Translate the word combinations. Use them in your own sentences.

the holidays to miss —

to spend —
weekends / the weekend скучать, Maths lessons
a lot of time doing smth пропускать — a good film

— to school part in (участвовать)

to go — care of (заботиться)
— abroad
идти,ехать place in (происходить в,
— shopping
иметь место в...)
pictures / photos
4 9 Complete the sentences with the verbs
to spend, to go, to miss, or to take
in the correct form.
1. Last summer I ... abroad. 1 ... my parents
and friends very much.
2. Some girls like to ... shopping.
3.1 like to ... the summer holidays in the
country. But then I always ... the summer
football matches in my city.
4. My granny had a nice puppy. I ... care of
it when I stayed in the country.
5. My parents gave me a new camera. So I
can ... a lot of pictures now.
he famous British writer Joanne К Rowling
6. All of my classmates will ... part in our
school sports competition. T is the author of the Harry Potter books.
When she was a small girl, she lived in
Winterbourne. It is a large village in the south
5 0 Read the information about these
famous people, look at the photos and then of England. It is not far from the city of Bristol
describe the places where they lived. She went to St Michael's Primary School
until she was nine years old. Potter's surname
originated from some of her friends in the

famous ['feimas] — знаменитый

a writer fraita] — писатель
ill "PENATY"
IVANOVKA here is a museum of llya Repin, the
T famous Russian artist, in "Penaty" not
far from St Petersburg. Repin lived there and
for 30 years created his famous pictures.
There are many portraits of his friends in
the museum. They were all talented writers,
poets, artists, scientists: Maxim Gorkiy,
Korney Chukovskiy, Sergey Esenin, Ivan
Pavlov and others.
a museum [mju'zKsm] — музей
an artist ['a:tist] — художник
a scientist I'saiantistJ — ученый

he famous Russian musician Sergey

T Rachmaninoff lived in a place called
Ivanovka for 23 years. It is not far from Tambov.
He created his most famous works of music
there. Now Ivanovka is a well-known museum
of Rachmaninoff. Every summer famous
musicians and singers come to Ivanovka to
take part in classical music concerts.


a musician [mju'zijnj — музыкант
well-known [,wel 'пэип] — известный


51 Read, translate and remember.

poetry — a poet
music — a musician
art — an artist
to write — a writer
5 2 Look at the pictures and say what these people are famous for.
Example: Ilya Repin was famous for his pictures. He was a famous artist.

5 3 Listen to the dialogue and say what

Jim wanted to know about Russia.

5 4 Now read the dialogue and answer

the questions.

1. Where did Katya spend her summer

2. What do you know about that place?
Jim: Katya, I've got a question. Can you help?
Katya: Yes, of course.
Jim: What is a dacha?
Katya: Oh, a dacha is a piece of land, often with a small country house on it.
Usually people grow different plants, vegetables and fruit there.
Jim: Have you got a dacha?
Katya: Yes, my parents have.
Jim: Did you spend your summer holidays at your dacha?
Katya: Usually I do. But it's boring to go there every year. This summer I was in a holiday
camp on the Black Sea, in Sochi.
Jim: Oh, I know Sochi. It's the city of the Winter Olympic Games in 2014 (twenty
Katya: Yes, that's right.
Jim: Did you enjoy your time in Sochi? LOOK AND IEARNI
Katya: Yes, it was hot and sunny. At the camp
vegetables [Vecfctablz] — овощи
I sunbathed a lot, swam in the sea, and
fruit [fru:t] — фрукты
played with my new friends. Every day
to sunbathe ['s/vnbei5) — загорать
we had different sports competitions and at the seaside [at бэ 'si:said| — на побере-
played popular outdoor games. жье
Jim: That's great. I like to spend my summer
holidays at the seaside too.
MANY, MUCH, A LIULE, A FEW, A LOT OF 5 6 Complete the sentences with the
correct words.
5 5 Translate the word combinations. Use them 1. Katya has g o t . . . letters from James's
in your own sentences. classmates.
a) many b) a little c) much
Г — chairs in the class —
2. Dima spends ... time at his dacha,
a few - books in the bag many a) a few b) many c) a lot of
(like some) — pencils on the desk —
- students in the class — 3. After summer there are ... changes in my
time a) a little b) a few c) much
students in your 4. There are ... museums in London he
school didn't visit.
a lot of - subjects in your a) a little b) much c) a few
timetable 5. His English is not very good.
trees in the garden — He knows only ... English words,
a) many b) a few c) a little
- money
6. My friend has ... homework every day.
— water a) much b) many c) a few
- snow
- attention
-homework — 5 7 Read Carol's weekend diary. Fill in the
— time gaps with a few, a little, many, much,
a lot of.

This morning we arrived (прибыли) in
Oxford We spent . time there. We
visited museums and other places of
interest It's strange but we saw only
young people in the streets I wonder do
students study on Saturday?
Today we'll go back home I think there
are no towns like Oxford in Britain
where else you can see so .. nice old
houses! It's a pity that we had only
. time to see the town today I would
like to study here very much'

5 8 Make questions to the sentences in

Ex. 57 with the words you put in.
Example: How many ... / much ...?

5 9 Talk about your weekend. Say where

you went, who you had plans to meet with,
what you saw, what you did etc.


6 0 Read the joke and act it out. 61 Write your weekend diary. Use Carol's
diary as a model.
f Granny, I'm hungry... and i
I I've got a lot of homework! I
mu 6 2 Listen to the dialogue and say when
Jim visited Greece.

6 3 Listen the dialogue once again and fill

in the gaps.
mountains, flowers, at the seaside, sea, look

Katya: Jim, did you spend your last summer holidays

at the seaside?
Jim: No, I didn't. But I visited Greece the year
Katya: And what's the name of the ... there?
Jim: It's the Mediterranean [.medita'reinian], of
Katya: What did you like there best of all?
Jim: It's hard to say. Greece is a beautiful country.
1 enjoyed the history and the natural beauty.
It's also a good place if you like to go
Are there high ... there?
Yes, there are. There are also lots of beautiful
... everywhere. ... at my photos.


to go sightseeing [дэи 'sait,si:ir)] — осма-
тривать достопримечательности
51 6 4 Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue. 6 6 Make questions about the text.
Ask your partner about the places he / she
visited this summer. 1 What did Julia's family...?
2. Where did Julia...?
3. When did...?
6 5 Read the text and complete it with the 4. How long...?
verbs in the Past Simple. 5. Who...?
6. Why...?

6 7 Listen and repeat the tongue-twister.

She sells seashells

She sells seashells,
By the seashore.

The shells she sells,
Are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells,
On the seashore,
I'm sure she sells,
Seashore shells.

6 8 Name some important events from

Julia Sherman spent (spend) her summer your last summer holidays.
holidays with her parents at the seaside. Example: My father bought me a new bike
They ... (take) a trip to Africa. Julia and her in June. I went to the Black Sea in July.
parents wanted to visit Egypt and the Red
Sea. Julia's dad ... (buy) the tickets. They ... 6 9 Read the joke.
(arrive) at the airport on time. Julia ... (see) A father bought a bicycle for his son. He
a lot of big and modern planes. On board watched proudly as his son rode round
Julia ... (eat) tasty sandwiches and ... (drink) and round the house. On his first round
some juice. Julia ... (read) a book and ... he shouted: "Look, Dad, no hands!" The
(watch) an interesting video. second time round: "Look, Dad, no feet!"
And the third time: "Look, Dad, no teeth!"
In the afternoon Julia and her parents
arrived at the hotel. From the window
she ... (can) see the Red Sea and ... (smell)
the beautiful flowers. She ... (want) to go
sightseeing. She ... (take) a lot of photos of
the Sahara Desert, the big camels, and the
exotic flowers. For two weeks she ... (have) a
lot of sunbathing, ... (swim) and ... (watch)
the beautiful fish in the sea all day long.
She ... (be) very happy at the seaside.

7 0 Talk about the summer holidays in the country / at the seaside.

Places What people can do

in the country spend a lot of time outdoors, feed the farm animals, ride horses, go into the
forest, swim in the river, pick berries, make jam, walk in the fields, gather
mushrooms, grow different plants, grow vegetables and fruit, make a fire, play
the guitar, visit famous places of interest

at the seaside spend the summer holidays by the sea, see exotic animals, trees and flowers,
do a lot of sunbathing, swim in the sea all day long, smell the beautiful flowers,
go sightseeing, find seashells

71 Say where you like to spend your summer holidays. Why?

Example: A: I like to spend my holidays in the country. I can get up late.
В: I like to spend my holidays at the seaside. I can swim and sunbathe all day long.

7 2 Complete the table.

In the city In the country At camp

What's good? I can go to the museum I can walk in the I can play with my
fields friends all day long

What's not so There are not so many It's boring to go there I miss my family
good? friends around in summer every year

7 3 Work in pairs. Ask your classmate to talk about his/her summer holiday.
Ask questions to get more information.
Example: A: I spent my holidays with my parents.
B: Did you spend your summer holidays at your family's dacha?
A: Yes, in June. But in July we went to the seaside.
B: What...

7 4 Say where you'd like to spend the 7 5 Write where you would like to spend
weekend/the next summer holidays. What your summer holidays (in the country or
would you like to do there? by the sea). Why?
Example: I'd like to spend my next weekend
on the farm. I'd like to ride the horse and TEST YOURSELF
feed the animals.
Do the exercises in your Workbook.
Section 4 ^ Talking about places of interest

SI 7 6 1 Jsten and say where Jim's friend spent

his summer holidays.

mM 7 7 Listen to the dialogue once again and

say what Lena can write to Martin about.

7 8 Read the letter and say what Martin's

dream is.

Great Britain
20th of September

Dear Lena,
I am Martin Oldfield. I'm Jim's friend. I live in London.
Last summer I visited Russia. It was really great! I was
in St Petersburg. It's such a beautiful and interesting
city. I spent two weeks there. The weather was fine.
We went sightseeing. We travelled on a comfortable
bus round the city. But best of all I enjoyed the palaces
which are situated near St Peter. We were in Pavlovsk,
Pushkin and Peterhof.
There is the most interesting, great and beautiful
palace in Peterhof. It was amazing to see so many
fountains there. The guide told us a lot of stories and
legends about them. It was interesting to listen to him.
After the trip we returned to the city by ship. It was
fantastic! For a minute I imagined myself as a seaman!
I was very happy to visit Russia. It helped me decide
to study the Russian language. I would like to learn
more about Russian history and literature. I like studying
languages. I know a little French and German. And I can
write fairy tales and short poems in English. My dream is
to become a famous writer one day!
Do you have any hobbies? Do you like to travel?
Do you like to learn about the history and traditions
of other countries? And how did you spend
your summer?
Best wishes,
to return |ri't3:n] — возвращаться
a language I'laeflgwicfcj — язык

— I
7 9 Answer the questions. 8 2 Read Martin's letter once more. Find
and write down all of the adjectives. Then
1. Where did Martin spend his summer
put them into three forms.
2. What places did he visit? Example: fine — finer — (the) finest
3. What palace did he like best of all?
4. What is Martin's dream? What can he do
8 3 Read and act out.
Excuse me, could you tell me
8 0 Complete the sentences. Use the how to get to the bus station?
information from Martin's letter.
1. Peterhof is...
2. They visited...
3. It wasn't boring...
4. The guide told them...
5. Martin would like to learn...
6. Martin's dream is to become...
— _ —

GRAMMAR FOCUS: COMPARATIVE Yes,... umm... до right at the corner,

AND SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES then left on the high street... no, sorry,
right again, and then... umm... go left
8 1 Listen, read and remember. Use the on... umm... then ask again.
G r a m m a r reference if necessary.
long — longer — (the) longest
big — bigger — (the) biggest 8 4 Find the English equivalents to these
happy — happier — (the) happiest Russian word combinations in Ex. 78.
— прошлым летом
beautiful — more beautiful — — комфортабельный автобус
(the) most beautiful — много фонтанов
interesting — more interesting — — удивительно видеть
(the) most interesting — красивый город
Remember! — великий дворец
good — better — (the) best
bad — worse — (the) worst L J 8 5 An English tourist asks you to tell
much / many — more — (the) most him / her what is on the advert (реклама,
little — less — (the) least объявление). Help the tourist. Act it out
with your partner. Use the picture.


8 6 Read the letter and say where Lena 8 7 Answer the questions.
spent her summer holidays.
1. When did Lena go abroad?
2. Where did she study?
3. What city in Great Britain would Lena
like to visit again?
4. What did the summer school students do
in the morning?
5. Did Lena like the capital of Great Britain?

8 8 Fill in the gaps with information from

the text.
1. Lena is from...
2. In summer she went...
3. She improved her English because...
4. She would like to visit London once more
10th of October
5. Lena wants to be...
It was great to get a letter from you.
Yes, I like to travel and learn more about 8 9 Choose the correct preposition.
different places. And I also travelled a lot this 1.1 am on / in/ at the fifth form.
summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two 2. Russian students study one or two
weeks in Cambridge in a summer school camp. foreign languages on / to / at school.
In the morning we spent three hours learning 3. Are there any new subjects at / on / in
English. In the lessons we read and discussed your timetable?
texts, learned English poems by heart, played 4. Next Monday my friends will go at / to /
games, and used the computers. We also read in school.
interesting stories about English history and 5. May I go to / at / out7.
traditions. We took a lot of pictures and had fun. 6. Barbara's students invited us at / to / in
Now I speak, read and write English much better London.
than last year. 7. My best penfriends are from / at / on
We also spent three days in London. It was Oxford.
great! When we go to England, I'd like to visit 8. It is boring to listen to / on / of her story.
London again.
That's great that you like St Petersburg. I like it
very much too. U 9 0 Work in pairs. Imagine Jim and his
Jim says Barbara Grey is your English teacher. friends come to your town. What places
Fantastic! Last year she taught us English too. of interest would you suggest visiting?
She was my favourite teacher! I want to become Explain why. Then plan a tour for them.
an English teacher like Barbara. Send my best Use:
regards to her. street, museum, church, park, zoo, theatre,
Best wishes, your school, your dacha
91 Tell your classmates about your tour
LOOK AND LEARN! with Jim and his friends.
a tradition [tre'dijn] — традиция
В 9 2 Write an advert for visitors to your
Section 5 Talking about school clubs

о 9 3 Listen and say what Dima wants to do

after his classes.

9 4 Put the sentences of the dialogue in the
order (1-4). Listen and check the
_ That's very interesting! Can I join you?
_ Sorry, Jim. I can't today. 1 promised
Katya and Lena I'd make a wall
newspaper about our school clubs.
_ Of course, Jim. Then you can choose
a club.
_1 Dima, would you like to play football
after classes today?


a school club — школьный кружок

9 5 Read the adverts from the wall

newspaper and match them with the

Singing Club — We invite you to our singing Water World — Do you like to swim? Our
classes. Let's sing the most popular songs big swimming pool is waiting for you! You will
together. It'll be cool! become the best swimmer.
Travellers' Club — Do you like to travel? Then Faster, Higher, Stronger — If you wh.'"
you are welcome to our club. We go sightseeing to run fast, jump high, and be strong, -χ.-
and study the history and traditions of our athletics club is for you. East or west sc.rt is
countries. Get the map, make the plan and go! best!
Nature Club — Would you like to be a Musicians' Club — C o m e and piay tne piano
naturalist? Come and grow exotic plants and (violin, guitar, drums) or choose from -nan,
beautiful flowers and even save wild animals! other instruments! Let's make the scftoo
We'll teach you how to take care of pets too. orchestra together!
Let's save the planet together!
School Theatre — Theatre is Lme of best
Tennis Club — All you need is a racket and a arts! Show us the actor in you! C a n · and
ball! Let's play! We need strong and clever boys create a play with us!
and girls who like sports!

9 6 Read the adverts from the wall news-
paper once again. Which club would you
choose? Why?


9 7 Read, translate and remember,

run — runner
Photography — Take the best photo of the swim — swimmer
month and get a fantastic prize! A new camera! sing — singer
Show off your artistic side! teach — teacher
Chess Club — So you like playing chess and you travel — traveller
want to be a chess master? Play a chess match dance — dancer
with a champion. Come and show us your skill! write — writer
jump — jumper
Computer Club — We can't imagine a world
play — player
without computers. Make the world a more
program — programmer
creative place with our modern computer
program. piano — pianist
science — scientist
Drawing Club — Do you like to draw? Do you
chemistry — chemist
want to become an artist? We'll help you improve
art — artist
your drawings.
show — showman
Dancing Club — Are you a dancer? Master your
camera — cameraman
dance steps in classical, modern, folk, aerobic
sport — sportsman
and even break-dancing. With a modern studio
and master classes you'll have all you need. act — actor

9 8 Look at the pictures. Guess which symbols match with which clubs. Which club's symbol
do you like? Create a new symbol for the club you chose.

9 9 Work in pairs. Choose the club you

would like to join. Ask your classmate
1 0 3 Listen to the dialogue and say what
likes to do best of all.
about his / her hobbies. Try to guess which
club your classmate chose.
1 0 4 Now read the dialogue and say what Jim
Example: Do you like playing the guitar? — likes to do and what his best hobby is.
Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
Dasha: Do you have any hobbies, Jim?
Did you choose the Musicians' Club? —
Jim: Yes, I like to play football and tennis.
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
Dasha: Really? You know what I like best of all
is drawing. It's not only my hobby but
1 0 0 Say what you like to do. Compare I hope my future career. I would like
your answers with your classmates' to become a famous artist. There are a
answers. lot of other things I like to do too, like
computer games, swimming, singing...
Example: I like to travel. I chose the
but drawing is my favourite hobby!
Travellers' Club. Masha likes playing the
Jim: Well, I don't know what I want to be.
guitar. She chose the Musicians' Club.
I like to learn about the literature,
history and traditions of other
1 0 1 Tell your classmates about your countries. And 1 like travelling a lot.
favourite school club. My best hobby is taking photos.
Dasha: Perhaps you'll be a famous journalist?
Jim: Maybe. I don't know yet. By the way,
1 0 2 Write an advert for your favourite what time is it now?
school club. Dasha: Half past four.
Jim: Oh, sorry. I'm late for our School
English Theatre. Bye.
Dasha: Bye.

1 0 5 Read, compare and remember

like to do = like doing
Example: I like to travel a lot. = I like
travelling a lot.
I like to draw best of all. = I like drawing
best of all.

1 0 6 Read Jim's letter about the School English Theatre. Say who
helped Jim to play his role.

15th October
Hi Martin, School
I want to tell you about my new school. It's got a lot of interesting subjects and English Theatre
school clubs. I chose the School English Theatre as my club. Remember, we had
Drama lessons in our school in London. In my Russian school they don't have such
lessons but they have a club called English Theatre. This month we're performing Tom
"Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain. Our producer, who is also our English teacher, asked
me to star as Tom Sawyer! It's really cool! At first I was a little nervous. But after
several rehearsals everything was all right. I am not shy now. I know the words like a Mult Ivtain
real actor and my classmates help me play my role professionally.
How are you? And our classmates and teachers? Write me and tell me all about
Best wishes,

1 0 7 Your friend wants to become a 1 0 9 Say what the most popular club in
journalist / musician / singer / writer / your class is. Explain why.
computer programmer. Tell him / her
which club is best for him / her. Give your
reasons. 1 1 0 Write a letter to your British penfriend
and describe your favourite club.

1 0 8 Ask your classmates which club they 1 1 1 Listen and read the poem.
prefer. Find out:
a) Which club is the most popular among Hooray! Hooray! It's Sunday!
your friends? This day I start anew.
b) Which club is chosen only by boys and This day I've decided to become a wizard1,
which is chosen only by girls? Why? It's true!

Results Or maybe I will learn to fly

Names of Or how to walk through stars
classmates girls boys Or I'll visit other planets
1 Photography Nina, Pavel, 1 2 And meet aliens2 in their magic cars.
I'll travel to past times.
2 Singing Club Natasha, And play football with a dinosaur
Marina, Katya, and he marks the score!
I've got so many wonderful plans!
3 Computer Misha, Oleg, But now I have to open the door.
Club Vitya, Kolya,
Ivan I'm starting the right way.
Yes, this will be the best day!
4 Dancing Hooray! Hooray! It's Sunday!
5 волшебник
1 1 2 Read the posters of different clubs. Guess which clubs they are from:

Computer: a system unit,

a monitor,
• keyboard.
a mouse /
Internet: e-mail, Гs-y Л
site, I ^-CJ
Computer yamt<s: strategy. action,
arcade, simulator...

xS^—-4 1

3 1 1 3 Work in pairs. Create a poster of your favourite club with your classmate.
Which key words did you use?


1 1 4 Read, compare and remember.

You don't go to music school, do you? — No, I don't. / Yes, I do.
Вы не ходите в музыкальную школу, не так ли?
She is a very good pupil, isn't she? — Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
Она очень хорошая ученица, не так ли?
Не can't skate, can he? — Yes, he can. / No, he can't.
Он не умеет кататься на коньках, не так ли?
You liked the film, didn't you? — No, I didn't. / Yes, I did.
Вам понравился фильм, не так ли? (не правда ли?)
She was in England a year ago, wasn't she? — Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't.
Она была в Англии год назад, не так ли?

1 1 5 Work in pairs. Make up questions 1 1 6 Read, translate and remember.
using the tags. to be (is, am, are, was, were)
Example: to have (has. had)
My friends are students, aren't they? will / shall
My friends aren't students, are they? can / could
...won't you? / will you? You can't finish this work today, can you?
...doesn't she? / does she? They have a house in the country, haven't
...don't you? / do you? they?
...couldn't I? / could I?
...didn't we? / did we? do / does или did
...weren't we? / were we? You like detective stories, don't you?
...wasn't he? / was he? Helen plays the piano very well,
doesn't she?
My friends didn't see us, did they?

1 1 7 Complete the questions with the tag endings.

a) It's a lovely evening,...
doesn't he?
The sportsman runs very fast,...
wasn't it?
It was a wonderful game,...
won't you?
You will come here again,...
isn't it?
We could go there together,...
don't you?
You know my family,... will she?
couldn't we?
b) You don't need any help,... is he?
She doesn't speak German at all,... are they?
Paul isn't good at Maths,... do you?
Your parents aren't from Britain,... was it?
Our match wasn't interesting today,... does she?
Your teacher won't give you much homework for the weekend,...

118 Match the questions and the answers.

1. You are in the fifth form, aren't you? a) No, he didn't.

2. He isn't from Scotland, is he? b) Yes, she was.
3. They must work hard, mustn't they? c) No, she couldn't.
4. Yesterday Steven met a group of Russian students, didn't he? d)No, he isn't.
5. We won't go abroad this summer, will we? e) Yes, they must.
6. She was nervous in the lesson, wasn't she? f) No, we won't.
7. Pam couldn't stay after the lessons, could she? g) Yes, I am.

1 1 9 Answer the following questions. 1 2 0 Ask your classmates about their

weekend. Make up your own five tag
1. You are in the fifth form, aren't you?
2. You don't like picnics, do you?
3. You helped the old woman on your way
to school, didn't you? 1 2 1 Now write down your five tag
4. Your friend can't drive a car, can he? questions and your classmates' answers
5. You won't have a Maths exam this year,
will you?
Section 6 Creating rules for students and teachers

1 2 2 Look at the posters and suppose what day will be at school tomorrow. Does your school
have a similar day?

Attention all students! Attention all students!

Tomorrow Tomorrow
Be kind, Be strong, healthy and active!
Be responsible,
creative and sociable. friendly and helpful!

Ck шиш? *
Ю Г · · * · M l ·

S I 1 2 3 Listen to the conversation and check your answers.

1 2 4 Read the conversation and say what the students will do during Self-Regulation Day.
lim: Katya! I've read a poster in the hall that says "Attention all students!
Tomorrow is Self-Regulation Day! Be responsible, creative and sociable".
Can you explain it to me, please? What should I do?
Katya: Oh, Jim! I am sorry. We forgot to tell you about this day. It is a very important
school day.
Jim: It's not a holiday, is it?
Dima: No, it's not a holiday but it is a very special day. We will be completely
independent all day long. Our teachers will be only observers and we
will study and work in our hobby groups all on our own.
Katya: The students from Grades 10 and 11 will be our teachers tomorrow. Usually on this
day they give us only good marks but sometimes they give too much homework.
Lena: Jim, it's very cool to be like grown-ups for a day! I will be an English teacher
tomorrow and teach our small pupils from Grade 2. Would you like to come to my
lesson? The kids would be happy to meet you.
Jim: With pleasure! I like your idea. Thank you. I
What are you going to do, Dima? responsible [ri'sponsabl] — ответ-
Dima: I will help Katya to water the plants. And then ственный
I'll go to the swimming pool. Oleg Korolev, creative [kri'eitiv] — творческий
a student from Grade 11, who is the best sociable ['sou/obl] — общительный
swimmer and our school champion, will be our independent [.indi'pendant] — неза-
teacher tomorrow. висимый
a grade [greid] — класс
Jim: That's great! I would like to meet him too.
a grown-up [,дгэип 'лр] — взрослый

1 2 5 Read the words in the table. Match 1 2 8 Complete these sentences and make
the opposites. up some more of your own. Use the words
in Ex. 125.
Positive (+) Negative (-)
adjectives adjectives Example:
a) Last year I had a teacher whom I liked
responsible ill very much. I liked him / her because he /
creative unsociable she...
sociable angry b) Mike doesn't like John because he...
kind irresponsible
friendly dull Ξ 1 2 9 Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue
between a teacher and a student. Include:
healthy weak
strong unfriendly — the beginning of the lesson.
— the checking of the homework.
— the explaining and writing down of the
1 2 6 Read the "Rules for teachers" and homework.
discuss them with your classmates. Then
add your own rules.
What are some rules that students can write O i 1 3 0 Work in pairs. Discuss what teachers
for their teachers? should do and what students should do in
the lesson and during the break.
Rules for teachers
1. Make your students happy! Use:
2. Give only good marks to your students. I think teachers should...
3. Don't give your students any homework. To my mind,...

What are some rules that a teacher can Q 1 3 1 Give arguments for and against (за и
write for his / her students? против) the following statements:
Rules for students 1. Students should spend the whole day at
1. Make your teacher happy! school (from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
2. Always do your homework! 2. Students shouldn't do homework on
3. Don't talk in class! Sunday.

tiB 1 3 2 Work in groups. Create a poster with

1 2 7 Read the words and phrases below. the "Rules for students" and the "Rules
Then say: for teachers". Choose the best poster. Give
a) what teachers do. your reasons.
b)what students do.
give nicknames to their friends, ask clever
questions, answer silly questions, read
detective stories during the lesson, draw Do the exercises in your Workbook.
funny pictures on the blackboard, listen
to music during the lesson, teach different
subjects, enjoy learning English, explain dull
grammar rules, work hard, learn poems by
heart, have holidays many times a year, miss
the lessons give instructions, wear jeans, play
jokes, be very polite, talk loudly during the
break, do homework every day, copy long
sentences, give bad marks, get good marks

Section 7
What do you know about British schools?
1 3 3 Listen to a student talking about her school. Then complete the table.


East Square
London School

Topics Jess Hassett You Your classmate

Favourite subjects
School uniform

E S I 1 3 4 Work in pairs. Introduce yourself to a British student. Tell him / her about yourself
and your friend. Ask him / her questions. Use the dialogue and the table in Ex. 133.


1 3 5 Listen, read and repeat.

• English, Russian, British, Spanish, German, Italian, French
• summer holidays, Easter holidays, Christmas holidays
• uniform, school uniform, to wear a school uniform
• foreign languages, the English language, to study languages
• English Literature, Science, Information Technology, History,
Maths, Art, Drama, Physical Education

1 3 6 Match the questions and the answers.

Questions: Answers:
1. When does the school year start in Britain? a) At the age of 11 or 12.
2. At what age do children go to secondary b) It starts in September.
school? c) It lasts 40 or 45 minutes.
3. Do British students wear a school uniform? d) Yes, they do. French is often the first foreigr
4. Do children in Britain learn foreign language they learn at school.
languages at school? Sometimes they also learn a second foreign
language: German, Spanish, Russian...

5. What school holidays do British children e) Most students do. The favourite colours
have? for school uniform are blue, grey, black
6. How long does a lesson in a British school and green.
last? f) They have Christmas holidays, Easter
holidays and summer holidays. Schools
also have special half-term holidays in
a school uniform — школьная форма the middle of each term. These holidays
foreign ['fbranj — иностранный last a week.
British ['britif] — британский
Spanish ['spaenij] — испанский язык
German ['фз:тэп) — немецкий язык
French [frentJI — французский язык
Drama ['drama) — драматизация (школьный
предмет в Великобритании)
Science ['saians] — естественные науки (школьный
предмет в Великобритании, объединяющий физику,
химию, биологию и т. д.)
a library ['laibrari] — библиотека

5 ) 1 3 7 Listen to the dialogue and check your answers.

1 3 8 Look at the "East Square London School" website.

a) Read the information below.
b) Say what information you can find in other rubrics.

f^- Welcome to the East Square London School site!

Thank you for visiting!

Students go to school 6 days a week. There are no lessons

on Saturday mornings, only sport games and activities.
The most popular subjects are PE (Physical Education),
IT (Information Technology), Maths, Drama, English
Literature, Art, Spanish, French, History and Science.
The library is open from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. daily.

The timetable

B e y o n d the d a n s r o o m

Parents e v e n i n g s

East Square London School

1 3 9 Answer the questions. S 3 1 4 1 Work in pairs. Read and act out the
1. How many days a week do students go to
school? — Do you have any new subjects this year?
2. What do they usually do on Saturday — Yes, we do. We have Science,
morning? Information Technology and Drama.
3. What are the most popular subjects? — Oh! Drama? What do you do in Drama?
— We usually sing and dance. Sometimes
1 4 0 Read what British students say about we act out short plays.
their favourite subjects. What can you say — Oh, that sounds fun!
about the subjects you are learning this
year? SI 1 4 2 Listen to a student talking about his
school. Does he wear a school uniform?
1. Most students in our school enjoy PE.
2. In IT class we learn how to use computers.
1 4 3 Listen to the interview again and say
3. Our students love their Art lessons. Their if the statements are true or false.
drawings and pictures are on the walls of
1. Stephan is twelve years old.
their classroom. Parents love to see their
2. His teachers are really good, especially his
children's pictures.
Literature teacher.
4. In Science lessons we do experiments and 3. Information Technology is one of
learn about the world around them. It's Stephan's favourite subjects.
fun! 4. Stephan likes to wear his school uniform.
5. Stephan's hobby is football.
5. In Drama lessons our students act out
short plays.

1 4 4 Read the article from the newspaper "School friends" and say what kind
of school uniform British girls and boys wear.

School uniform
In most British schools students wear a school uniform. Girls usually wear a white
blouse with a dark skirt and a pullover Boys wear a shirt and a tie, dark trousers
and a pullover. The colours of the pullover may be grey, brown, blue or green.
Boys often wear school caps and girls sometimes wear hats. Shoes are usually
black or brown. Children of ten and eleven don't often like their school uniform,
especially the hats and shoes. Sometimes they do not wear the correct uniform.
Schools often give them a warning the first time this happens. But the second time
they are punished if they don't wear the correct uniform.


1 4 5 Answer the questions:
1. Do British school children wear a school 1 4 6 Read, translate and remember.
uniform? trousers, jeans, shorts, clothes — plural
2. What are the most popular colours for nouns
school uniform in Britain? Example:
3. Do British school children like to wear a How much are the trousers?
school uniform? My jeans are blue.
4. What do British schools do to children His shorts were clean yesterday. But
who don't wear the correct uniform? usually his clothes are dirty.
5. Would you like to wear a school uniform
like British school children do?
Why? / Why not?

1 4 7 Do you wear a school uniform? What clothes do you like to wear? What school uniform
would you like to wear? Ask a classmate. Then complete the table.

~ . Names Your
Questions ~ Stephan You
Do you wear a school uniform? Yes, I do.
What clothes do you like to wear? I like to wear T-shirts and jeans.
What school uniform would you like to wear? I'd like to wear shorts and trainers.

В 1 4 8 Work in pairs. Give arguments for У 1 4 9 w o r k in groups of 3-4. Design an

j and against the following statement: ideal school uniform.
"Students should wear a school uniform."
H f i ^ l A school uniform disciplines the 1 5 0 Write an article for the "School
students. Everybody wears the same colour. friends" newspaper about the ideal school
So it makes the classmates seem like a team! uniform.

К Т 5 - Ш Я It's difficult to play football.

It's boring to wear a school uniform because
it's not modern and stylish.
Section 8 Reading for pleasure
• Read the story and do the exercises in your Workbook.

Section 9 Homework

6. скучать по друзьям
1 Write 7. Это был ее первый день в школе.
a) what your favourite subject is and 8. Учащиеся подарили цветы своему
why you like it. учителю.
b) what you do in the lessons.
9. После обеда она пойдет гулять со
Example: своей новой подругой.
a) I like History because I learn a lot of
interesting things about the past and present. 4 Combine the words to make new phrases.
b) In History lessons we discuss different Then translate them into Russian.
problems, read our textbooks and write in
our exercise books. Example: to start a new school year —
начать урок
A. to start Great Britain
2 Complete the sentences with speak, tell
to stay in a new school year
or say in the correct form.
to work in the lesson
A to finish the classroom
1. "Speak louder, please," the teacher asked
a student in the English lesson yesterday. B. secret subject
2. He was very sad and ... his friend: "Be popular music
serious! Don't laugh at me!" useful information
3. Yesterday the King ..., "But how could 1 interesting work
get rid of the mice?"
4. Last school year the students from the 5 Do Ex. 42 on page 18 in written form.
sixth form ... good French. Make up your own questions.
5. When we arrived at Sarah's house, her
mother ... us the good news.
6 Complete the letter with the prepositions
В in, from, of, about, for or with if necessary.
Yesterday Charlie ... me all about his
summer holidays. He spent them at an
English language summer camp. "Did 15th of September
Dear Mary,
you make a lot of new friends?" I asked
Thank you for your letter,
him. "Yes, of course. But I missed my old
it was so nice to hear ... you! I would like to
friends too!" he ... . "So now we can ...
tell you ... my weekend. Last Sunday I went to
English to each other!" I ... . Then I ...
visit... my grandma ... my parents. We missed
him about my summer holidays. ... her very much. She lives ... the country in her
own house.
3 Translate from Russian into English. She was very glad to see us. I took a lot...
pictures ... my family and ... myself. ... the
1. рано вставать
evening we made a fire and sang old Russian
2. носить школьную форму
songs. When you come here ... next time we'll
3. одолжить новый учебник
visit... my grandma ... you. Please write me ...
4. получать хорошие оценки
your weekend.
5. совершенствовать английский
Best wishes ... us all.
7 Do Ex. 58 on page 23 in written form.

8 Complete the story with the right words. Use many, much, few, little.


A visit to Mr Pompton

W e continue our talk about hobbies. Today

we will meet Mr Pompton. He will show
us his collection but he has asked us to hurry up
because he has very ... time to spare. Richard
Pompton has an interesting hobby. He collects
old TV sets. He has so ... TV sets that they are
everywhere in his house. There are ... TV sets
in the living room, in the bedroom, and even in
the kitchen and in the bathroom! "Did you buy
all of these TV sets yourself?" we asked him.
"Oh, no, I don't have that ... money. Most of
them came from people who didn't want them
anymore. ... of the TV sets didn't work when I
got them. So I repaired them. Now all the TV
sets work! "Thank you, Mr Pompton, for your
time." Mr Pompton's hobby is very unusual
indeed and very ... people understand him.

9 Fill in the table with the missing words. 1 0 Complete the sentences with the correct
word. Change the adjective in brackets to the
to run бегать runner comparative or superlative form.
to swim 1. My little sister thinks Maths is more
singer difficult (difficult) than History.
учитель 2. This student is ... (bright) in the school.
3. This year I have ... (easy) subjects in my
to jump timetable than I had last year.
traveller 4. This student has ... (funny) nickname in
the class.
to act
5. Our English language teacher is ... (good)
dancer teacher in the world.
to write 6. For me Literature is ... (interesting) than

1 1 Complete the sentences with the 1 3 Read the answers. Make questions for
prepositions: to, by, in, from, about, on or them.
into if necessary.
Example: There are two popular clubs in
Example: The English tourists returned our school.— How many popular clubs are
to the city ... ship.— The English tourists there in your school?
returned to the city by ship. 1. My friend wants to become a popular
1. They travelled ... the comfortable bus writer.— Who...
round the city. 2. Yesterday Elizabeth invited us to her
2. My friends like to learn more ... different Drama Club.— When...
places of interest. 3. The girls from our class like our Singing
3. In our summer school we translated Club.— What ...
many texts ... Russian. 4. Mark took a fantastic photo of a
4. It was great to get a letter ... you. champion.— What...
5. Yesterday Kerry and his classmates 5. You will become a strong swimmer in
invited us ... Moscow. our school.— What kind of...
6. My family decided to spend our summer
holidays ... Africa. 1 4 Do Ex. 117 on page 35 in written
form. Complete the questions with the tag
1 2 Complete the sentences with the endings.
correct form of the word in brackets.
Example: Denis is the best... in our school, 1 5 Complete the sentences with the best
(swim) — Denis is the best swimmer in our word.
1. The popular ... took part in the concert responsible, creative, helpful, sociable,
yesterday, (sing) independent
2. Paula wants to become an English . . . .
(teach) 1. Our girls are very . . . . They are always
3. Ivan Pavlov is a world-famous . . . . talking!
(science) 2. My older brother often helps me and my
4. This club is only for famous ... of our classmates. He is quite . . . .
country, (travel) 3. The students of the Theatre Club are very
5.1 think you will be a successful ... in the . . . . They write plays and songs, draw
future, (write) pictures and put on performances.
4. The most ... students will act as the
teachers on Self-Regulation Day.
5. Next Tuesday will be Self-Regulation Day.
1 6 Match the subjects with the activities. Be ..., active and helpful to each other!

Subjects What we do in the lessons

Maths do experiments
learn how to use computers
draw and paint pictures
study past events
translate new words
recite poems by heart
run, jump and play
Literature do sums (solve different problems)
17 Read the names of the subjects. Write them down in two columns.

English Maths Information Technology (IT) Art Science English Literature

History Russian Drama Physical Education (PE) Russian Literature

French Music Nature Studies German Geography Science

.. —:


Russian Literature

1 8 Complete the text.

Friday, homework, English, heart, learn, do, questions, into, timetable

Monday English History rr Art

Tuesday Mafbs Art Look at our timetable. We have got English on Monday,
Wednesday and ... . I n English lessons we ... new
Wednesday Russian Mns<<
words, translate from Russian ... English, ask and
Thursday Mature Studies ГГ answer a lot o f . . . , sing songs and learn poems by ... .
I enjoy learning . . . . But I don't like to ... homework.
Friday Brxpiih PS On Fridays there is no . . . . I like English on Friday.

1 9 Answer the questions in written form.

Example: Do many British students wear a school
uniform? — Yes, they do.
1. How long does a lesson last in British schools?
2. What are the favourite colours for school
uniforms in Britain?
3. Which is the first foreign language at schools in
4. What other languages do British students study
at school?
5. How many holidays do British students have?
6. What are the British holidays?

2 0 Translate from Russian into English.
1. современная школьная форма
2. естественные науки (школьный предмет)
3. школьная библиотека
4. иностранный язык
5. рождественские каникулы
6. немецкая машина
7. Тебе нравится этот испанский город? — Да, он очень красивый.
8. Вы говорите по-немецки? — Да.
9. Многие британские школьники носят школьную форму.

2 1 Match the questions with the answers.

1. What will the teacher ask you tomorrow? a) — Nice to meet you. I'm Peter.
2. Who's Jason? b) — Yes, very good.
3. Is she good at English? c) - OK.
4. Let's go to school together. d) — Maybe something about homework.
5. What's her nickname? e) — I've got no idea!
6. Hello! I'm Jason. f) — Our new classmate.

Key vocabulary
Verbs: Τ Adverbs:
borrow ® outdoors
Nouns: create
artist mark improve • Word combinations:
break museum invite ^ at the seaside
Drama musician miss be responsible for smth /
French Nature Studies recognise smb
fruit poet return Could you show me...
German Science suggest gather mushrooms
Greece scientist sunbathe go abroad
grade seashell go sightseeing
grown-up Spanish Adjectives: invitation letter
History subject British It's cool!
Information timetable creative language club
Technology tradition famous make a fire
invitation vegetable foreign miss friends
language writer helpful pick berries
library independent school club
Literature responsible school uniform
sociable take part in
well-known take pictures

Progress check

Задание 1. Послушай четыре рассказа детей о летних каникулах. Установи соответствие

между каждым рассказом и местом, где прошли каникулы. Занеси свои ответы в табли-
цу: впиши соответствующую букву. Ты услышишь каждый рассказ дважды.

A. In the city
B. At camp
C. At the seaside
D. In the country
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4

Задание 2. Послушай разговор Кэрол и Дэна. Отметь ( • ) картинки, которые соответ-

ствуют их разговору. Ты услышишь текст дважды.

A. When did Dan get up on his first day at school?

B. What did Dan wear on his first day at school?

С. What did Dan do after the lessons on his first day at school?

D. Where did Dan fall asleep on his first day at school?


Прочитай текст и выполни задания 3, 4, 5.

Singing Club O ne day Little Richard woke up and asked his parents what
he was going to be when he was a grown-up. Dad said:
"You have a lot of clubs at school. Find out about them and
choose the one you like best!" And Little Richard said: "OK,
Dad. I like singing so maybe I will be a singer. I'll go to the
Travellers' Club Singing Club and find out!" And it was a wonderful day. All
day he and his friends were singing and laughing. "I'm going
to be a singer, I'm sure," Little Richard told his parents that
Nature Club day. And they smiled.
The next day a Science teacher came to the class. All
day he spoke about nature, plants, and animals, and told
the children how to take care of nature. In the evening
Tennis Club Little Richard said to his parents: "I want to join the Nature
Studies Club now. I don't want to be a singer anymore. I
want to be a scientist!" And the parents smiled.
Musicians' Club
On Friday Little Richard went to the swimming pool.
"The water is wonderful!" he cried. "I'd like to be a sportsman
School Theatre now — a famous swimmer!" And the parents smiled.
At the weekend Little Richard went to the theatre. The
actors were so amazing that at that moment he decided to
become an actor!
^eee> Club That evening Little Richard was very sad and so he said to
his parents: "It's so difficult to make a choice!11 like to sing,
to swim, and to take care of plants and animals. But today
Computer Club I decided to become an actor How can 1 be all of these
"Don't be in a hurry, son!" said his father. "You are too
young to make just one choice! "Wait and you will find the
Drawing Club one you like best," said his mum.
"OK, I'll think about it when I am a grown-up!" said
Little Richard.
Dancing Club 1
сделать выбор

Задание 3. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.

What is this text about?

A. Little Richard and his school.
B. Little Richard and his friends.
C. Little Richard and his interests.

Задание 4. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.

What was Little Richard's final choice?

A. He decided to become a singer.
B. He decided to study plants and pets.
C. He decided to make his choice later.

Задание 5. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тек-

сту,— Τ (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false).

A. One day Little Richard woke up and asked his parents about his past.
B. A Science teacher told him about nature, plants and animals.
C. Little Richard cried: "The swimming pool is the worst thing in the world!"
D. At the weekend Little Richard decided to become an actor.
E. One evening Little Richard was very sad: "It's so difficult to make a choice!"
F. His parents told Little Richard that it was too late to make a choice.

Задание 6. Заполни анкету для поступления в школьный кружок.

Form (Class)
What is your favourite subject?
What do you like to do?
What days of the week would you like to do a club?
What clubs did you join last year?

Part II

Задание 7. Выбери одну карточку. Дай устный ответ

Card 1

Talk about your last summer holidays. Say:

• where you spent your summer holidays;
• what you liked doing during your summer holidays.

Card 2

Talk about your first day at school. Say:

• what you did the first morning;
• what you did after the lessons.

Card 3

Talk about your favourite school club. Say:

• what clubs you have got at your school;
• what club(s) you joined and what you do in your club.

Задание 8. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником.

Dialogue 1

Card 1 Card 2

There is a new student in your class. You are a new student in the class. Answer
Ask him / her: your new classmate's questions. Then ask
• his / her name him / her:
• his / her favourite subjects • his / her name
• what he / she likes to do • his / her hobbies
Answer his / her questions. • how many lessons he / she had today
(You begin the conversation.)

Dialogue 2
Card 1 Card 2

Ask your classmate about his / her summer Answer your classmate's questions.
holidays. Ask him / her about his / her summer
Ask about: holidays too.
• where he / she spent his / her holidays Ask about:
• what he / she did • where he / she spent his / her holidays
Answer his / her questions. • whether he / she made new friends
(You begin the conversation.) Answer his / her questions.

Project "Welcome to our school website"

• Read the instructions and do the project in your Workbook.


1 Listen and say what Ann's news is.

A order
2 Read the dialogue. Put the sentences in the correct
A it out.(1-10). Listen again to check the order. Then act
Ann: Mr Wooding would like to invite some
students and teachers of yours to come to
Ann: Good morning, Mr Golovin, this is Ann
Jones speaking! I'm the secretary of
Mr Wooding, the Head Teacher of East
Square London School.
Ann: I have some news for you, Mr Golovin.
_ Mr Golovin: News? What kind of news?
Ann: Goodbye, Mr Golovin.
_ Mr Golovin: Fine! How many of our students can come
to London?
Mr Golovin: Oh, how nice! What good news. When does
he want us to visit?
_ Ann: In March, during your school holidays.
_ Ann: We'll send you an invitation letter with
those details.
2 Mr Golovin: Oh, hello!
_ Mr Golovin: Thank you. Goodbye.
Mr Golovin: That's great!

• 3 Listen, read and repeat.

[i] — English, Great Britain, visit

ID] — got, responsible, lot
[u:] — school, group, two, blue
|ai] — invite, idea, time, kind
[ei] — invitation, great, stay
4 Read the text. Say where the Russian students will stay during their visit to Great Britain.
Mr Wooding, the Head Teacher of East Square London School, has decided to invite some
Russian students to visit the school. Read his invitation letter.

Tuesday, the 1st of November

Mr Andrey Golovin
Head Teacher of Local
State School No. 6

Tuesday, the 1st of November

Dear Mr Golovin,
As Head Teacher of East Square London School I would like to invite a group of
up to 20 students and two teachers from your school to visit us.
I suggest that you come for 15-20 days in March and that your group stay with the
families of the students from our school.
Barbara Grey will be responsible for social programme.
Sincerely yours, LOOK AND LEARN!
John Wooding" to suggest [sa'cfeest] — предлагать
to be responsible for smth / smb — быть
ответственным за что-то / кого-то

5 Complete the questions and answer them.

Example: Mr Wooding is the Head Teacher of a London school, ...? — Mr Wooding
is the Head Teacher of a London school, isn't he? — Yes, he is.
1. Barbara Grey works in East Square London School,...?
2. Mr Wooding invited a group of Russian students to London, ...?
3. A group of up to 22 people can go to London, ...?
4. Mr Wooding didn't write about the time of the visit, ...?
5. The Russian students will stay with English families, ...?
6. The Russian students won't be responsible for social programme, ...?

Mr Golovin

6 Complete the table.

to collect собирать collection коллекция

to describe описывать description Щи
to ... украшать decoration украшение
to translate ... ... перевод
to suggest ... ... предложение
to inform сообщать, информировать information ...
to celebrate ... celebration празднование
to ... приглашать ... приглашение

7 Complete the sentences with the appro-

priate form of the words in brackets.
Example: Your friend has got a fine ... of
stamps, hasn't he? (to collect) — Your friend
has got a fine collection of stamps, hasn't he?
1. Please write a ... of your favourite place,
(to describe)
2. Where is your English ...? (to translate)
3. For further ..., please contact your
teacher, (to inform)
4. Could I make a ...? (to suggest)
5. In January there are New Year's ... all
over the town, (to celebrate)
6. Thanks for the ... to your birthday party, 9 Make up questions you would like to
(to invite) ask Barbara. Compare your questions with
those of your classmates.
8 Listen to the phone conversation and say
what Katya asked Barbara about. 1 0 Translate the word combinations. Create
your own sentences using the words.
(at) home
at school
after lessons
with your little brother
in the hotel
with your friend's family
flowers in a vase
to meet (at 10 o'clock)
a date and time
of four people
of students
— task

1 1 Complete the text. Say what the students did at the picnic
group, had, were responsible, suggested, time, enjoyed

The picnic:)
O c i 23iu

This year we've got a new teacher. In September our teacher

... a picnic in the country. It was a great idea to spend free ...
out of doors. We took warm jackets, hats and umbrellas. But we
didn't need them. The weather was very warm and sunny. The
girls ... for lunch and the boys made a fire. We ... our picnic and
then spent time playing volleyball. A ... of boys flew a kite with
the teacher. We took pictures and played badminton. We ... the
picnic with our new teacher. She is very nice! :)

- J 12 Work in groups of four. Act out the conversation.

Classmate 1: We wanted to have a party this week, didn't we? Could we arrange a date
and time right now?
Classmate 2; Of course we can. What if we have it tomorrow at five?
Classmate 3: Sorry, but I can't. I've arranged to go to the dentist then.
Classmate 4 And I'm afraid I've arranged to meet my tennis partner. What about next
Friday at five?
Classmate 1: All right.
Classmate 2: Now we can decide how to organise the party, can't we?
Classmate 4 Yes. Dan and I will be responsible for the music. We'll bring new music.
Classmate 3: Helen and I will be responsible for the sandwiches. We're good cooks,
aren't we?
Classmate 2 Yes, definitely. Maggy and I will be responsible for the sweets and juice, then.
Classmate 1: And you, Ken and Martin? You can arrange the tables, can't you?

—J 1 3 Work in pairs. Use the conversation in Ex. 12 as a model. Discuss arranging a school
party, having a picnic, or going to the cinema.

ED 1 4 Listen, read and remember. Say which season you like best of all. Give your reasons.
Winter, spring, summer, fall —
I like autumn best of all.

7 "
1 5 Look at the pictures. Complete the
conversations. 1 7 Listen, read and repeat.
[ei] — make, day, stay, arrange, wake
[ai] — invite, ice, eyes, sigh, sighed,
[эи] — go, open, propose, cold, woke,
(d] — lot, hot, holidays, responsible,
body, sorry
[э:] — door, sore, ball, fall
[e] — lemon, breakfast, ready, dress, bed

1 8 Read the text. Say why Lena was sad.

O ne grey morning Lena woke up but she

couldn't open her eyes. Her whole body
hurt and she had a sore throat. It was warm
in the room but her feet felt as cold as ice.
Lena looked at the clock — it was about nine
o'clock. Lena didn't want to get up.
Her mum came into the room, "Happy
birthday, honey! Why are you still in bed,
dear? What's the matter? Are you OK?


1 6 Read and remember.

It's cold in this room. Shall I close the
It's a lovely day! What shall we do?
Shall we go for a walk? = I suggest that we
go for a walk

1 9 Complete the sentences.
Breakfast is ready. You've got a lot to 1. Lena stayed in bed in the morning
do. We've got your birthday party this because...
afternoon, haven't we?" Mum opened the a) she didn't want to get up early.
curtains. It was cold and rainy outside. b) she didn't feel well.
Lena couldn't even think about the party c) she didn't have to go to school.
and the cake 2. Lena's mother decided to bring her lemon
"Sorry, Mum, but I'd better stay in tea because...
bed. And could you bring me some tea, a) Lena had summer holidays.
please?" Mum came up to her and took b) Lena had a lot to do.
her temperature. Then, she said, "OK, I'll c) Lena had a sore throat.
bring you some hot lemon tea. It'll make
you feel much better." Lena was sad. It was
a pity to fall ill on her birthday. And now 2 0 Add the correct tag questions and then
she won't be able to go to her own party, answer the questions.
will she? Example: One grey morning Lena woke up
Lena sighed and fell asleep... early,...? — One grey morning Lena woke
up early, didn't she? — Yes, she did.
LOOK A N D LEAkNI 1. Lena didn't want to get up,...?
to wake up (woke) — просыпаться 2. Lena had a lot to do,...?
to hurt (hurt) [h3:t] -- болеть 3. It was windy and cold outside,...?
a body [ bodi] — тело 4. Lena couldn't think about the party and
to have a sore throat — больное горло the cake,...?
to fall ill — заболеть 5. Lena and her mother decided to
have lemon tea and sandwiches for
6. Lena was happy to stay in bed,...?

B 2 T Work in pairs. Think about the end of

the story. Then tell your classmates your
phone / visit a sick friend
wake up
feel fine / better / bad
be happy
arrange another date and time
be responsible for
fall asleep and have a nice dream
Get well soon!

If you want to wish someone for his /

her good health say these words:
"Please Get Well Soon!"

Section 2 What are you going to do?

2 2 Listen and say what Linda's family is

going to do next week.

— Betty, what are you going to do now,

— I'm going to see my best friends, Mum.
Do you like this dress on me?
GRAMMAR FOCUS: — Of course, I do. But I suggest that you
BE GOING TO (DO SOMETHING) put on your other new dress — the
blue one. It's so beautiful.
2 3 Read and remember.
to be going to (do something) — собираться to be going to + infinitive
что-то делать (неопределенная форма глагола)

I am
He / She / It is going to play.
We / You / They are

I'm not
— What are you going to do with my fish? She / He / It isn't
— I'm going to wash it. They aren't

2 4 Create sentences with the words.

invite a group of students.
I visit Great Britain.
My friends write an invitation letter.
Our Head Teacher thank them for the invitation.
is going to
Mr Wooding stay with English families.
We miss lessons at school.
A group of students arrange a school party.
be responsible for social programme.

2 5 Have a look at Barbara's diary. Say 2 6 Say what you (and the members
what she is going to do next week. of your family) are going to do at the
Example: Barbara is going to visit her
dentist at 3 p.m. on Monday. Use:
visit friends, go shopping, listen to music,
clean the flat, go to the dacha, play sport,
Monday — give a call to Mr (qolovin at
go to the theatre / cinema, watch TV, play
10 a.™.
computer games, read books / magazines /
See the dentist at 3 p.m. newspapers, go out with friends, go
Tuesday buy a present for Мим sightseeing
Wednesday write a Ietter to the Russian
students LOOK A N C LEARN!
Thursday — speak to Mr Wooding" about to play sport — заниматься спортом
Social programme a cinema ['sinams] — кино
Friday g~o to school party a magazine [.тэедэ'гкп] — журнал
Saturday sleep! a newspaper ['nju:z,peip9] — газета
Sunday visit Мим on her birthday to go out — проводить время вне дома

2 7 Lena is still ill and is staying in bed. She is going to read a story from the book about Mary
Poppins. Read the story about Mary Poppins. Say what Mary Poppins did on her day out.

"My goodness," said Mary Poppins, "I am having a Day Out!"

"What are you going to do?" asked her Match-Man.
"We are going to the park, aren't we?" smiled Mary.
Mary Poppins and her friend Match-Man walked together in the little
park. Suddenly they saw a green table There was afternoon-tea!
A pile of raspberry-jam-cakes' stood in the centre of the table. "Would
you like to sit down, Madam?" asked a voice. They turned and found a tall
man in a black coat coming out of the park with a table-napkin over his
"I'm the waiter, you know!" said the man in the black coat.
"Won't you sit down?" said Mary Poppins, politely.
"Waiters never sit down, Madam," said the man. But he was very
pleased that Mary Poppins had asked him to join them.
Mary Poppins and her friend Match-Man began their afternoon tea, and
the waiter stood beside them to see that they had everything they wanted.
They drank their tea and two more cups, and then they finished the pile
of raspberry-jam-cakes. After that they got up.
'There is nothing to pay,"2 said the waiter, before they had time to ask
for the bill. "It is a pleasure. You will find the merry-go-roundJ just over
Mary Poppins and her friend saw some wooden horses in the trees...

' горка булочек с малиновым джемом

2 Платить не нужно.
* карусель

2 8 Look at the pictures and find the 2 9 Say what you know about Pamela
sentences in the text to describe them. Travers, the author of "Mary Poppins'
Use the Cultural quide if necessary.

3 0 Look at the pictures and say what the

children are going to do in the evening.
Example: I think Jess is going to play with
her kitten.



3 1 Read, translate and remember.

Am I Ί
Is she / he > going to read?
Are we /they J
What is he going to read?
When are you going to write invitation
Where are they going to play sport?
Are the boys going to play basketball
or volleyball?
Ann is going to read a magazine,
isn't she?
We aren't going to arrange a party,
are we?

3 2 Ask three of your classmates what they

are going to do in the evening. Compare
their answers with your plans.
Possible questions: Are you going to play
chess? What are you going to do? Where
are you going to play tennis?
Possible answers: Yes, I am. / No, I am not.
Roman and I are going to play computer
games in the evening. We are going to play
tennis in the gym.
3 3 Look at the w o r d s in the boxes a - d below. P u t the correct letters of the boxes in the letter.
T h e n read the letter a n d say what Jess a n d her relatives are going to do.

Write back.
Best wishes, jess

Dear Jim,

2nd November
Thank you for your letter. It was interesting to read about your Russian
Washington, DC friends and your new school. You are going to study Russian, aren't you?
USA How long are you going to stay in Moscow, then? Are you going to visit
St Petersburg? Tell me how you spend the weekend in Russia. Do you go
sightseeing or visit your friends?
I am on a trip to the USA with my aunt, my uncle and my cousin Simon.
We are in Washington now. And I'm going to tell you about our trip.
We came to the American capital last Sunday. Ifs a beautiful city. We
went sightseeing and took lots of photos, in the evening we went out to the
Two days ago, on the 31st of October, people celebrated the holiday
Halloween. It was great! People decorated their houses with orange
pumpkins and skeletons. In the evening they arranged special Halloween
parties and children went to people's houses and asked for candy! Many
children and some grown-ups dressed up in costumes. There were witches
and ghosts everywhere. Funny, isn't it?
Tomorrow we are going to visit our friends who live not far from the
Then we are going to travel by car and see New York. Sounds great,
doesn't it?
Well, that's all for me. I must go now because it's time for dinner.
We are going back to London in two weeks.

to decorate ['dekareit] — украшать
a sound / to sound [saundj — звук / звучать
3 4 Answer the questions.
1 Where are Jess and her relatives? 5. What did the American people decorate
2. When did they arrive in the American their houses with?
capital? 6. How will Jess and her relatives travel to
3. Did they take lots of photos in the USA? New York?
4. What holiday did they celebrate on the 7. When are they going to go back to
31st of October? London?

3 5 Complete the table.

Noun Существительное Verb Глагол

sound звук to sound звучать
travel путешествовать
посещение to visit
пребывание to stay останавливаться, гостить
wish желание хотеть
прогулка гулять, ходить пешком

3 6 Find the information about Halloween 3 8 Listen to the students talking about a
in the text and complete the sentences. Do birthday present for their classmate. What
you know anything else about Halloween? did they decide to give her?
Tell your classmates.
1. The Americans celebrate Halloween . . . . 3 9 Listen to the conversation again and
2. In every American house you can see complete the sentences.
orange . . . .
3. There are funny ... in the evening. 1. The students are going to arrange a party
4. Children went to people's houses and . . . . for...
2. Katya is going to...
3. Dima is...
-1 3 7 Work in pairs. Your classmate is going
4. Jim...
to visit Great Britain (the USA, India etc).
Ask him questions about his plans.
spend a week, go by plane (bus, train), stay
in a hotel (with a family), visit the capital,
go shopping, walk in the park, go to the
theatre / the cinema, take photos, play sport,
go out, go sightseeing
Example: When are you going to visit Great

4 0 Read the dialogue and say what the Russian students are going to present to their
English friends.

Dima: We are going to London soon. And there is one thing we have to think over.
What presents are we going to give to our English friends?
Katya: What about some Russian souvenirs: matreshkas, some Gzhel souvenirs,
badges perhaps?
Jim: Yes, badges! I'm going to take my collection of Russian badges to London
Lena: Maybe some postcards and books about Russia? Any other ideas?
Dima: What about an album?
Jim: What kind of album?
Dima: A school album about our school, teachers and students.
Lena: What a wonderful idea! We can take photos, draw pictures of our classmates
and the English classroom.
Jim: Good idea, Lena.
Dima: I'll be responsible for photos then.
Katya: OK. And we can also write about our school parties
and our trips to some Russian towns, can't we? Lena
and I will be responsible for stories. Will you help us a souvenir [.surva'nia] — сувенир
with pictures and photos, Jim? a badge [baecfc] — значок
Jim: Of course! With pleasure.

4 1 Ask your classmates what collections they have got. Complete the table.
postcards, stamps, toys, badges, calendars, dolls, CDs, computer games, coins, key rings etc

~^\Ouestions What things do How many things are there When did you begin to
Name you collect? in your collection? collect these things?
Dina teddy bears twelve five years ago
Kirill calendars

4 2 Look at the table and answer the questions.

1. What is the most popular thing your classmates collect?
2. What is the biggest collection in your class?
3. Whose collection is the oldest?
4. What is the most unusual collection in your class?

4 3 While preparing for their trip to London, the Russian students found out some useful
information. Read and learn about what British people do in certain situations. Compare
this with what we do in Russia.

It is customary in Britain in Russia

to take your shoes off as soon as you enter someone's home No Yes
to hold the door open for a girl if you are a boy Yes
to shake hands the first time you meet someone Yes
to take flowers if you are invited to visit your friend for dinner Yes
to come earlier or later than the time you were invited No
to come at the time you were invited Yes
to say "thank you" when you leave the table after dinner Yes


4 4 Match the sentences and say what you do if:

1. you met your best friend after the
summer holidays. a) You would kiss her on both cheeks
2. you went to the theatre with your mum. b) You would say "thank you".
3. you met your grandmother who lived in c) You would hold the door open for her.
the country but had decided to visit you. d)You would shake hands with him.
4. you got a birthday present.


Do the exercises in your Workbook.

Section 3 Creating a school album for British friends

4 5 Look at the pictures and compare.

Denis works very hard at school. Polina is working hard at the moment.
He gets good marks every day. She is writing her English test.
I water the plants every day.— Я поливаю I am watering the plants at the moment.—
растения каждый день. В данный момент я поливаю растения.
I usually watch TV with my family.— I am watching TV now. There's a very
Обычно я смотрю телевизор со своей interesting film on.— Сейчас я смотрю телеви-
семьей. зор. Показывают очень интересный фильм.


4 6 Read and remember.

Если ты говоришь о том, что происходит обычно (usually, every day, every year,
on Sundays, every week...), то глагол надо употреблять в Present Simple.
I usually get up at 7 o'clock.
НО! Если ты хочешь сказать о том, что происходит сейчас, то есть в момент речи
(now, at the moment), то глагол надо употреблять в Present Continuous (настоящее
продолжен ное).
Глаголы в Present Continuous образуются просто:
am 1
is > + I форма глагола (play) + ing (playing)
are J
+ — ?

Единственное число
I am playing. I am not playing. Am I playing? — Yes, I am. / No, I am not.
You are playing. You aren't playing. Are you playing? — Yes, you are. / No, you
She / He / It is playing. She isn't playing. Is she playing? — Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
Множественное число
We are playing. We aren't playing. Are we playing? — Yes, we are. / No, we
You are playing. You aren't playing. Are you playing? — Yes, you are. / No, you
They are playing. They aren't Are they playing? — Yes, they are. / No,
playing. they aren't.

4 7 Read, translate and compare. Match the questions to the answers.

1. What kind of books do you usually read? A. Wait a minute! I think they are speaking
2. What book are you reading at the Spanish.
moment? B. Yes, I do. A little.
3. Do you speak French? C. I am reading a story about Sherlock
4. Are they speaking Spanish or Italian at Holmes.
the moment? D. I usually read detective stories and books
on history.

—J 4 8 Listen and read,

write + ing = writing put + ing = putting

talking, smiling, having, reading, playing, going, sleeping, watching,

answering, drawing, riding, shaking, listening, walking, making, dreaming,
travelling, running, washing, cooking, discussing, singing, watering

4 9 Look at Jim's photos of people and animals. Say what they

are doing.

5 0 Look, read and act out. 51 Listen and say what Jim and Katya are
doing. What are they going to do?

5 2 Look at the picture. Complete the text.

Put the verbs in the Present Continuous.

It's Saturday evening. Mr Wooding is

1. — Are you going to school? sitting (sit) in his armchair. He ... (read) a
— No, I am going to the dentist. newspaper. His wife ... (water) the plants
in the room. She ... (not watch) TV. Their
children are in the room too. What ... they
... (do) ? The boy ... (listen) to music and
... (eat) an apple. The girl ... (play) with
a puzzle. There is a dog in the family. The
dog ... (sleep).

2. — Betty, may I use the telephone?

— I'm sorry, I'm talking to David. I won't
be long.
— OK. Don't worry. I can wait.

5 3 Cover the picture and the text. Say 5 4 Mime an activity. Let your classmates
whether these sentences are true or false. guess what you are doing.
Correct the false sentences.
Example: Look! What am I doing?
1. Mr Wooding is sitting on the sofa. Are you writing? — No, I am not.
2. Mr Wooding is reading a book. Are you playing with a puzzle? — Yes, I am.
3. Mrs Wooding is watering the plants.
4. Their son is watching TV.
5. Their daughter is playing with a puzzle.
6. The dog is playing.

5 5 Read the postcard from Jim to Lena about his trip and say
what he and the members of his family are doing now.

Dear Lena,
How are you? I'm in Velikiy Ustyug with my family. Ded
Moroz lives here. I'm writing this postcard in the wonderful
Palace of Ded Moroz. My father is taking photos of his study.
My mother is helping to decorate the New Year tree. My
sister Тага is singing New Year's songs with some other little
children. We are having a great time in this fairytale town.
Christmas and New Year are coming.
Tomorrow we are going to sledge.
See you soon,
P S. I've taken some good photos of the trip.
I hope you'll put them in the school album.

5 6 Find examples of the Present Continuous

in the postcard and translate them.

5 7 Think of five questions you would like

to ask Ded Moroz. Compare your questions
with those of your classmates.

5 8 Look at the pictures from the school album. Ask and answer the questions.

— Where is Denis? — He is in the park. — Where are the children? — ... in the
— What is he doing? — He is feeding the yard.
birds — What...? — ...

— Where is our Head Teacher? — ... in — Where are the girls and boys? — ... in
his study. the cinema.
— What ...? — ... - W h a t . . . ? — ...

0 5 9 Read the funny stories and complete the sentences. Choose one to act out with
a classmate.

Mum: What are you doing (do), Sara?

Sara: I ... (write) a letter to Pete.
Mum: But you can't write!
Sara: That's OK, Mum. Pete can't read!

Granny: What\. f J you ... (do), William?

William: I ... (play) computer games.
Granny: Well, and what about your homework?
William: Granny! It's already late.
Granny: William, it is never too late to learn,
is it?


6 0 Read, translate and remember.

Present Simple Present Continuous

Every day (week, month, year), usually, Now, at present, at the moment, today
often, always, sometimes, in the morning
(evening), at night etc
I usually watch TV in the evening. But today I'm doing my English
homework. We are going to have a test
My friend always plays tennis at the But today he is staying at home. It's
playground on Saturdays. raining.

6 1 It's Sunday morning. Say what you (and the members of your family) usually do
on Sunday morning and what you are doing at the moment.
Example: I usually play sport in the yard on Sunday morning. But today I'm doing my

E L 6 2 Work in pairs. Take photos of your classmates during a break in the English lesson.
Create captions under the photos.

for his Bnpish test.

Boris is cleaning" the blackboard.

И е i5 very hardh*x&$·

Ann! Can уем keep secrets?

6 3 Create a school album of your class and your classmates.

Look at the photos and read the captions. Discuss and choose which photo and a caption
are the best.
Section 4 What are you doing for the winter holidays?

6 4 Listen and say what season Simon and 51 6 8 Work in pairs. One student should
Susan like and why. read Text A and the other Text B. Both
texts are the same but some information
Winter Spring Summer Autumn is missing in each text. Ask each other
questions and fill in the missing details.
Don't look at your partner's text.

Text A
On the 25th of December the British people
6 5 Ask four of your classmates what celebrate Christmas. It's a big holiday and
season is their favourite and why. there are lots of Christmas traditions in
Complete the table. Britain.
Name Season Reason Every year Londoners get a present from
the people of Norway — ... . It stands in
Olga Trafalgar Square. Central London's streets
Nikita have got beautiful decorations at Christmas.
... There is also ... in the centre of the capital.
A lot of people come to enjoy the Christmas
... decorations and to skate.
Before Christmas groups of singers per-
6 6 Look at the table in Ex. 65 and say form traditional Christmas songs or carols in
what season is the most favourite of your the streets and squares. They collect money
classmates. Why do they like it? for charity.
Is it your favourite too? People usually decorate their trees on
Christmas Eve — on the 24th of December.
Example: Summer is the most favourite
Christmas Day is the time for presents, guests,
season, because we have summer holidays
wishes and a special meal. British Christmas
and we can swim, play badminton and ride
dinner consists of a roast turkey with carrots
bikes. I like summer too.
and potatoes and . . . .

special [ 'spejl ] — особый, специальный

6 7 Listen, read and repeat.
a meal [mirl] — пища, еда
[k]- Christmas, decorate, decoration, to consist Ikan'sist] of — состоять из
capital, carols, consist
[s]- city, centre, central, December,
[Θ1- the 25th of December,
the 24th of December
[э] — decorate, collect, consist,
[o:]- for, before, Norway,
thought, law
[л] — London, Londoners, colour,
coloured, money

Text В
On the 25th of December British people
celebrate Christmas. It's a big holiday and
there are lots of Christmas traditions in
Every year Londoners get a present from
the people of Norway — a big Christmas
tree. It stands in Trafalgar Square. Central
London's streets have got ... at Christmas.
There is also a nice skating rink in the centre
of the capital. A lot of people come to enjoy
the Christmas decorations and to skate.
Before Christmas groups of singers per-
form ... in the streets and squares. They col-
lect money for charity.
People usually decorate their trees on
Christmas Eve — on Christmas Day is the
time for presents, guests, wishes and a special
meal. British Christmas dinner consists of a
roast turkey with carrots and potatoes and
Christmas pudding.

special ['spejl] — особый, специальный

a meal [mill] — пища, еда
to consist Ikan'sist] of — состоять из

6 9 Say whether the following sentences

are true or false. Correct the false
sentences. 7 0 Look at the pictures in Ex. 68. Find
1. Christmas is an important autumn the sentences in the text to describe the
holiday for the British. pictures. Read them aloud.
2. Every year Londoners get a present from
the people of Norway.
3. There is a big Christmas tree in the centre 71 Look at the pictures in Ex. 68. Say what
people are doing.
of London in December.
4. Groups of singers skate on the skating Use:
rink to collect money. take a photo of, skate, listen to music, speak
5. People get a lot of presents on Christmas on the phone, sing Christmas songs and
Day. carols, collect money for charity, decorate
6. Christmas dinner consists of only of fruit the Christmas tree with coloured balls, have
and vegetables. Christmas dinner, enjoy Christmas


7 2 What would you say in the following situations? Match the situations to the
correct phrases.
You phone your English friend on the 25th of December. Happy New Year!
Your friend asks: "How are you?" I'm sorry.
You pushed somebody by accident. Get well soon.
You are at your friend's birthday party. Good luck!
Your friend is going to take an exam. I'm fine, thanks.
Your friend is going to visit London. Merry Christmas!
Your friend is ill. Happy Birthday to you!
You meet your friend on the 31st of December Have a nice trip!

7 3 Work in pairs. Choose a situation from

Ex. 72 and make up a dialogue for it. Then
act it out.
Student 1: What are you going to do during
your winter holidays?
Student 2:1 am going to Kiev with my
Student 1: Great! Have a nice trip!
Student 2: Thank you!

7 4 Look at the picture. What are the

members of the family doing on Christmas
Eve? Complete the sentences.
1. Mr Wooding and his son...
2. Mrs Wooding...
3. The little girl...
4. The grandfather...
5. The grandmother...
6. The dog...
7. The cat... _

10th of December

Dear Dima,
I am really very sorry I haven't answered your
letter. I know I'm a bad letter writer. I enjoy your
letters very much, so don't give up on me1.
At the moment my family and I are getting
ready for Christmas. A lot of my relatives are
coming to stay with us over Christmas. My
elder sister and her husband are going to
come. They are going to bring their children
with them. The boy is about six months and
the girl is two years old. The boy cries non-
stop. and the girl enjoys playing with me. Next
week I will be very busy cleaning my room and
shopping for Christmas presents.
I still don't know what I'll buy for my parents
but I already know what I'll get for my niece —
a cute teddy bear.
It's really cold and windy here at the
moment. It never seems to stop raining .
Do write soon,

не бросай писать мне
Кажется, что дождь никогда не прекратится.

7 6 Work in groups of four. Describe the
Year's celebrations in your city/town/
village. Use the questions to guide you.
7 5 Read Julia's letter. Answer the
1. When does your city / town / village
begin to prepare for New Year?
1. Who is going to stay with Julia and her 2. Are there any decorations in the streets?
family at Christmas? 3. How do people prepare for New Year's
2. What is Julia going to do next week? Eve?
3. What is Julia going to buy for her little 4. What do people usually do during New
niece [ni:s]? Year's Eve?
4. Wh<j.t is the weather like in December in 5. Do you like the holiday? Why?

1 7 Read the dialogue and say who has an 11-month holiday.
Katya: You are going to Britain tomorrow, aren't you?
Jim: Yes, Christmas is coming and I want to spend the holiday with my
Katya: Christmas is an important holiday in Britain, isn't it?
Jim: Yes, it's an exciting day. We usually wake up early on the 25th of
December and look at the foot of the bed. The stocking is always
full of little presents. Last year my little sister put a pillowcase1
under the bed to get more presents from Father Christmas.
And in the morning it was full! She found all of her presents,
fruit, nuts, biscuits and sweets in the pillowcase. She was
very happy.
Katya: You said Father Christmas, didn't you?
Jim: Yes, I did. There's also another name for Father Christmas in
Britain — Santa Claus. In Christmas stories he lives in the
North Pole. On Christmas Eve he visits every house and brings
presents. My little sister and my parents leave a glass of milk
and a plate of biscuits for him in the kitchen.
Katya: In Russia Ded Moroz brings presents to the children.
He lives in Velikiy Ustyug and rides a beautiful sleigh.
Jim: Yes, that's right. My family and I visited Velikiy Ustyug
last week. It was a very nice trip. Where do you find
the presents from Ded Moroz?
Katya: We find the presents under the New Year tree on the
1st of January.
Jim: Father Christmas and Ded Moroz work hard in
December and on the 1st of January, don't they?
Katya: Of course they do, but then they have an 11 -month

' наволочка a biscuit I'biskit] — печенье

to leave [li:v] (left) [left] — уезжать,
to work hard — работать усердно

7 8 Answer the questions.

1. When do British people celebrate Christmas?
2. Why do British children get up early on Christmas?
3. What is another name for Santa Claus in Britain?
4. Where does Santa Claus live? Where does
Ded Moroz live?
5. Where do Santa Claus (in Britain) and Ded Moroz
(in Russia) put their presents for children?
6. What does Santa Claus find in some houses on
Christmas Eve?
7. Santa Claus and Ded Moroz work hard in December,
don't they? What do they do?
7 9 Make phrases and then translate them.
Use them in your own sentences.
the party
the city
the country for London
— for Moscow
j— another cup of tea
I— another film

8 0 Look at the pictures and say what Father

Christmas and Ded Moroz are doing.
read children's letters, fly in the sky, play
with a puzzle, use the computer,
make a phone call, write a postcard

8 1 Work in groups of four. Compare Father Christmas and Ded Moroz. What do they
have in common? How do they differ? Complete the table.

Father Christmas Ded Moroz

1. hasn't got any grandchildren I. has got a granddaughter Snegurochka
2. ... 2. ...


Do the exercises in your Workbook.

Section 5
I Reading for pleasure

Read The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy by Jane Thayer and do the exercises
in your Workbook.

Section 6 Homework

1 Complete the text.

Μ r Wooding is the Head Teacher of an English school. Last week

he sent an invitation (invite) letter to a Russian school. In the letter
there was a ... (suggest) to visit London and a ... (describe) of the visit.
There was also some ... (inform) about a social programme.
The Russian students were happy to get the letter. They hoped to
take part in the ... (celebrate) of the school festival. The parents of the
Russian students got a ... (translate) of the letter.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct 4 Read what the children like and then
tag endings. guess what the parents are going to give
Example: He is responsible for music, ...? — them for Christmas.
He is responsible for music, isn't he? Use:
1. They were happy to get the invitation books, a watch, a camera, a box of sweets,
letter,...? a guitar, a racket, a football, a kitten, paints
2. Yesterday your friends went to the
Example: Stephen's parents are going to
give him some interesting books.
3. The group of students won't stay in the
hotel, ...? Stephan likes to read.
4. His collection of stamps was the best, ...? Kevin is always late.
5. The Head Teacher didn't write the letter, Melissa has a sweet tooth.
...? Susan is fond of music.
6. We can arrange a date and time right Thomas plays tennis.
now, ...? Mary loves pets.
Alice likes to travel.
Kate likes to draw.
3 Complete the text with the words. Andrew loves sports.
Use: /
came, bad, time, sore, stayed, on, poor 5 Complete the text with am, is, are or
On Friday Jim woke up early. He didn't
want to go to school because of the Maths Jane is going to be very busy next week. On
test. His mother came in, "Get up, honey! Monday Jane is going to visit her dentist. On
It's !.. to have breakfast!" Tuesday Jane and her sister c W^oing to visit
Jim said, "I feel . . . . I have a ... throat. their sick granny.
I can't go to school." When ΛΪ-she going to arrange her birthday
Jim ... in bed all the day. He was sad. He party? — On Saturday. Her classmates <%/}
wore a warm scarf and had much tea with going to give her a little puppy. Jane loves pets.
lemon and honey. Where V· she going to walk her puppy? — In
After school his friends visited ... Jim. the park. Jane's parents . going to give her
They didn't have any test. They will have a trip to London, ΛΕ1 they? ... you going to
Maths test ... Monday. come to her birthday party? — Yes, I lil .

6 Complete the dialogue.
Dad: Listen, boys! Did you remember that it is Mother's Day tomorrow?
We could arrange a party for Mum, couldn't we?
Jack: ...
Andrew: Not a bad idea. Let's talk about how to do it.
Jack: I know! I'll be responsible for flowers. I know she likes white roses.
Dad: OK. I'll ... And you, Andrew?
Andrew: I'll be ... . And Jack . . . .
Jack: What? Why me? 1 think we should make a cake together, ...?
Dad: ...

7 Translate from Russian into English.

1. интересная коллекция 6. старая газета
2. сложный перевод 7. Они организовали пикник в воскресенье.
3. группа российских студентов 8. Ты собираешься навестить больного друга?
4. больной одноклассник 9. Холодно! Не снимай шапку, пожалуйста.
5. новый журнал

8 Write the verbs in the ing form.

Example: look — looking, run — running, give — giving
ask, arrange, study, go, play, decorate, wake, stay, say, get, make, work, tell, cook, listen,
take, watch, dance, do, put, kiss, travel, sleep, clean, eat, wash, sit, act, invite, enjoy, shake

9 Look at the pictures. Write down Jane's answers to the mother's questions.
Mother: I. Is john doing his homework?
2. Is Dad working in the garden?
3. Is Nancy playing the piano?
4. Is Sparky sleeping?
5. Is Grandma watching TV?
6. Is Grandpa reading?
Jane: No, he isn't. He is listening to music.
1 0 Make questions with the words and 1 3 Do Ex. 80 on page 77 in written form.
give the answers. Look at the pictures and write what Father
Christmas and Ded Moroz are doing.
Example: What / she / read? — read / a
magazine — What is she reading? — She is
reading a magazine.
1. What / he / write? — write / a letter
2. Where / she / skate? — skate / the park
3. What / they / do? — do / homework
4. What / the children / do? — decorate /
the Christmas tree
5. Who / Ann / feed? — feed / the birds
6. Where / the friends / take photos?— take
photos / the zoo

1 1 Make questions for these answers.

Example: The boys are flying the kite in the
park. (Where...?) — Where are the boys
flying the kite?
1. The woman is writing an invitation letter.
2. The children are drawing in the living
room. (Where...?)
3. The teacher is telling her students a funny
story. (Who...?)
4. The girls are walking in the park.
5. Alice is decorating the Christmas tree.
6. The men are shaking hands. (What...?)

1 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs

in the correct form.
1. Listen! W h a t . . . she (play)? — It's my
favourite song.
2. My little sister has chosen Musicians'
Club. She ... (play) the guitar.
3. John! W h a t . . . you (do)? — I ... (write) a
letter to my English penfriend.
4. The children ... (write), ... (read) and ...
(count) at school.
5. Why ... you (cry)? — I can't do my
Maths homework. It's very difficult. Will
you help me?
6. Look! The little boy ... (feed) the rabbit.
7. We ... (feed) the parrot in the morning
and in the evening.


14 Combine the words to make new phrases. Then translate them into Russian,

decorate congratulate postcards a New Year tree

buy friends send holidays enjoy presents

1 5 New Year is coming. On New Year's Eve people usually make resolutions.
Write down some of your resolutions.
Example: I am going to do morning exercises every day.

1 6 Complete the letter with the words.

Use: meal, snowballs, laughed, each other, new, letter, decorated

10th January

Dear Julia,
Thank you for your letter. I also want to tell you how we celebrated New Year's Eve
On the 31st of December my dad and I... the New Year tree. My mum cooked a special...
and a New Year cake. At midnight we congratulated ... and found our presents under
the tree. I got a ... mobile phone.
Then we set up the fireworks, threw ... outdoors, sang funny songs and ....
I was happy!
I enjoyed my present and New Year's Eve!
Write me back soon. 1 7 Write what you would say in these
Best wishes, situations.
Aliya 1. After midnight on the 31st of December.
2. You meet a friend in the street.
3. At a birthday party.
4. Someone asks you, "How are you?".
5. Someone has helped you.
Key Vocabulary
Nouns: * Verbs:
X another
play sport
Ζ badge * arrange special
shake hands
skating rink
biscuit decorate social programme
Word combinations:
go out
hurt (hurt, hurt)
ζ be going to do smth
Sounds great!
stay at home /
group leave (left, left) be responsible for
at school
magazine propose smth / smb
suggest that smb
meal sound consist of
do smth
newspaper stay fall ill
work hard
sound take off get well soon
souvenir wake up (woke, woken) give a present
kiss have a sore throat

Progress check

Задание 1. Послушай рассказы детей о том, как они провели свой выходной день Уста-
нови соответствие между каждым рассказом и местом, где они побывали в выходной
день. Занеси ответы в таблицу: впиши соответствующую букву. Ты услышишь рассказы

A. in the cinema
B. at the theatre club
C. at home
D. at the birthday party

Daniela John Mary Peter

Задание 2. Посмотри на картинку. Послушай разговор Бетси и Пола. Найди на картин-

ке друзей Пола. Соедини стрелками их имена и изображения

Read this letter from our English correspondent, Diana Right, who wanted to write
you about a mysterious land called Antarctica. You can learn more about Antarctica
from our magazine "Young Scientist".

Dear Kids,
Here is the story I promised to write to you. Imagine a lot of snow, ice, sun and
cold all in one place. It's called Antarctica! And it is the coldest part of the world.
It is also the highest and the windiest. There are a lot of mountains and icebergs in
Antarctica. Do you know what icebergs are like? They are large and beautiful pieces
of ice like mountains made from glass and snow.
Scientists from different countries stay here for short periods of time. Usually
they live in special stations.
There are some unusual birds that live in Antarctica. They are called penguins.
They are quite big birds but they can't fly at all. But they are excellent swimmers and
divers. While the penguins' mums spend the winter at sea, their dads take care of
the eggs for nine weeks. During this time they don't eat or drink. For extra warmth
these brave and strong birds live in big groups. Together they try to keep their
children out of the cold air and wind.
The blue whale lives in Antarctica too. It is the largest animal in the world. But I
will write you about them in my next story
Send your letters to our magazine. Ask me as many questions as you can and I'll
try to answer them all.

Diana Right
Correspondent for the children's magazine "Young Scientist"

Задание 3. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.

What is this text about?

A. an English correspondent
B. young scientists
C. an unusual land

1. Antarctica is the coldest and... 2. Scientists live in Antarctica...

A. the wettest place in the world. A. all the year round.
B. the windiest place in the world B. for a short period of time.
C. the sunniest place in the world. C. for a long period of time.

3. In penguin families...
A. the mums look after the eggs.
B. the dads look after the eggs.
C. the mums and dads look after the eggs together.

Задание 5. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют

тексту,— Τ (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false).

1. Diana wrote a letter to the children about an unusual land. —

2. You can't see any mountains or hills in Antarctica. —
3. The largest animal in the world lives in Antarctica. —
4. Penguins can't swim but they can fly. —


Задание 6. Напиши письмо своему другу по переписке. Поздравь его / ее с новогодними

праздниками. Расскажи, как ты собираешься проводить зимние каникулы.

Part II

Задание 7. Выбери одну из карточек. Дай устный ответ.

Card 1

Talk about your last weekend. Say:

• where you spent the weekend
• what you did at the weekend.

Card 2

Talk about a collection at home. Say.

• what you collect and how many things you have got
• why you began to collect these things.

Card 3

Talk about your favourite holiday. Say:

• what holiday you like best and why
• how you usually spend this holiday.

Задание 8. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником.

Dialogue 1
Card 1 Card 2

Your classmate got ill. Ring him up. Ask You don't feel well. Answer your classmate's
him / her about: questions. Ask him / her about:
• his / her health • the latest school news
• what he / she does at home • what they did in the English lesson
Answer his / her questions.
(You begin the conversation.)

Dialogue 2

Card 1 Card 2

Your winter holidays are coming soon. Ask Your winter holidays are coming soon.
your classmate: Answer your classmate's questions
• whether he / she likes winter holidays Ask him / her:
• what New Year present he / she would • what he / she is going to do during his /
like to get her holidays
Answer his / her questions. • whether he / she is going to decorate the
(You begin the conversation.) New Year tree

Project "New Year celebration"

• Read the instructions and do the project in your Workbook.

Faces of London

Section 1 What places of interest would you like to see?

SI 1 Listen and say what places of interest
Barbara liked in Russia.

"ϊιΊΓι *4г ΓΠΤι SI 2 Listen to the conversation once again.

Choose the correct answer.
A. What is Ann going to do tomorrow?
1. She is going to the State Local School.
2. She is going to meet the Russian students.
3. She is going to visit the Russian capital.
B. Does Ann speak Russian?
1. Of course, she does. She has got many
Russian penfriends.
2. No, she doesn't. But she'll learn Russian
during her visit.
3. No, she doesn't. She only knows some
Russian words.

3 Make up your own dialogues and act

them out.
Would you like to visit London / Moscow /
— Yes, I would.
— Of course, I would.
— Sure.
What places would you like to see there?
— Let me see...
— Trafalgar Square / The Kremlin / Red
Square / The White House...
— I really don't know.
5 Match the words to the descriptions.
4 Listen, read and repeat.
lju:] — beautiful, new, future, usually a) a museum b) a theatre c) a stadium
[ae] — fantastic, family, travel, capital d) a cinema
[ei] — famous, favourite, stadium, Great
Britain, Wales
[α;) — park, art, aren't, far, postcard,
partner 1. ... is a place where people watch plays.
(л] — London, Londoner, much, lovely, 2. ... is a place where people watch
country sports events.
[э] — England, Englishman, London, 3.... is a place where people watch films.
Scotland, Ireland 4. ... is a place where you can see
[aia] — lion, dialogue, fire, Ireland, collections of different things.
Northern Ireland

6 Read and say how long the Russian students are going to stay in Great Britain.
Ann meets the Russian students at the airport. She is taking them to the bus. They are going
to stay with host families. Ann has got some information for the students. She wants to tell
them about their visit to London.
Ann: Welcome to London, everyone! We are going to your host families now. Look
out the window! I want to tell you a few words about the capital of Great Britain.
London is the largest city in Europe. Over 7 million people live in it. And it's one of
the most famous and interesting cities in the world. There are lots of places to visit:
different museums, children's theatres, an IMAX cinema. London has got many
places just for fun too: the London Eye, the London Zoo and many lovely parks and
Dima: There are also many stadiums in London, aren't there?
Ann: Yes. There are. London is the host of the Summer Olympic Games — 2012 (twenty-
twelve). There is a big Olympic Park in London.
Lena: Fantastic! There is so much to see and learn!
Katya: Great! We are going to spend two weeks in Great Britain.
Ann: Barbara and her students are looking forward to seeing you. They have arranged an
interesting social programme for you.


a host family — семья, принимающая

a theatre ['Giata] — театр
a square [skwea] — площадь
a stadium ['steidiam] — стадион

7 Look at the map.
a) Find the capital of the UK and say what you know about it.
b)Find the parts of the UK, name them and say what you know about them.
Use the Cultural guide if necessary.




Northern Ireland

i ' a
8 Read and remember. England
Артикли не употребляются перед:
• названиями городов — London, Wales ГJ
Washington, Moscow, St Petersburg
J έ
• перед названиями улиц и площадей -
Oxford Street, Tverskaya Street, f
Red Square, Trafalgar Square
• перед названиями большинства
стран — Great Britain, Russia, France LOOK A N D LEAkNI
(but: the Russian Federation, the UK,
the United States) the UK = the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland —
Соединенное Королевство
Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

9 Make up sentences using the words from the table

Russia beautiful countries in the world.
Conan Doyale popular theatres in the country.
famous people in our city.
is one of the most
lovely towns in my school.
well-known museums in my family.
interesting writers in Europe fjuarap]

1 0 Work in pairs. What three questions 1 2 Look at the picture. Describe what you
about London would you ask Ann? Write see. Use the Present Continuous and these
them down. Compare your questions with phrases.
those of your partner.
sit on a sofa, have a cup of tea, eat an ice
Β ϊ Τ Listen and say what cities Julia cream, show booklets and photos, plan
Sherman and her family want to visit. summer holidays, discuss different places
What are the cities famous for? to go

1 5 Complete phrases with the words.
1 3 Listen, read and repeat. Then translate them.
|se] — capital, handmade, abbey, gallery in 1147 (eleven forty-
[au] — now, town, house, about, founded to be founded seven) by Prince Yuri
|tf] — child, church, century, channel Dolgoruky
[Θ] — thing, third, cathedral, 12th, 18th modern buildings
to be full of people
places of interest
1 4 Match the words from the two boxes
to make meaningful phrases. old cathedrals
Then make up your own sentences using
to be famous for С a famous writer
the phrases.
modern building
1 6 Read and remember.
historical museum
interesting place 1147 — eleven forty-seven
famous church 1108 — eleven eight (or eleven oh eight)
lovely cathedral 1177 — eleven seventy-seven
hospitable city / town 1065 — ten sixty-five
beautiful monument 1703 — seventeen oh three
traditional house 1979 — nineteen seventy-nine
old 2009 — twenty oh nine
2014 — twenty fourteen
Example: a modern city — London is a
modern city.

1 7 Read the texts from Julia's book "About Russia". Match the texts and the titles.

St Petersburg is magic! Welcome to Vladimir!


Enjoy Moscow and its sights! I7„

to be founded in — быть основанным
0 to be famous for — быть знаменитым
a cathedral fka'Grdral] — собор
ancient ['ein/antj — древний
Kazan is waiting for you! to be full of — быть наполненным
hospitable [hn'spitsbl]— гостеприимный

1. It is the capital of the Russian Federation. It was founded in

1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Now it's a modern city, it is
one of the biggest cities in Europe. A river runs through the
centre of it. This wonderful Russian city is famous for its
many places of interest. There are more than 80 museums,
10 large stadiums, and 40 theatres. Everyone knows Red
Square and the Kremlin, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin
Museum and the Bolshoi Theatre. It's the city at the very
heart of Russia!
2. It was founded by tsar Peter the Great in 1703. The city was
the capital of Russia in the 18th to 19th centuries. It stands
on the Neva River. There are many canals which divide it
into islands. That's why there are so many lovely bridges in
the city. There are also lots of famous museums, churches
and cathedrals. The city is a real "open air museum". You
can learn a lot about Russian history in this place. You'll
want to visit it again and again!
3. It is one of the oldest Russian towns. It was founded by
Prince Vladimir Monomakh in 1108. The town was the
Russian capital in the 12th century. It stands on the Klyazma
River. There are many old churches and cathedrals, ancient
monuments and historical buildings in this town. It is full of
history. The people are very friendly and hospitable. You
can buy unusual handmade souvenirs there.
Come and enjoy some Russian history!
4. It is the third most important city of Russia. It was founded
in 1005. it's one of the biggest cities on the Volga River. The
city is famous for its ancient Kremlin, historical buildings
and museums. There are lots of different places to visit. It's
a hospitable city. Every year lots of tourists from different
countries visit it. There are also some very good cafes in the
city where tourists can enjoy traditional "tatar" and Russian
meals. Welcome to this great city!
1 8 Answer the questions. Use the texts in 1 9 Look at the picture. Read the sentences
Ex. 17. and correct them.
1. Which city / town is one of the biggest in Example The boy is playing with the
Europe? monkeys.— No, he isn't. He is taking
2. Which city / town is one of the oldest in photos.
Russia? 1. Mrs Wooding is reading a newspaper.
3. Which city / town is famous for its canals 2. Mr Wooding is feeding the birds.
and bridges? 3. The monkeys are climbing the trees.
4. Which city / town wasn't named a 4. The girl is taking photos of her family.
Russian capital? 5. The birds are playing with the monkeys.
5. Which city would you like to visit? Why? 6. The boy is eating an ice cream.


2 0 Read and learn.

• Большинство глаголов употребляются и в Present Continuous, и в Present Simple.
Present Continuous Present Simple
(Present Progressive) She plays the piano very well.
Listen! She's playing the piano.

•Некоторые глаголы употребляются только в форме Present Simple:

hate (ненавидеть) I hate spiders.
love (любить) He really loves his pet.
like (нравиться) Do you like my new dress?
need (нуждаться) She needs to rest for a few minutes.
want (хотеть) He doesn't want any problems at school.
see (видеть) What can you see through the window?
have (иметь какую-либо вещь) Her grandmother has a nice country house

But: We are having breakfast at the moment.

2 1 Create sentences that describe the pictures.

"What / you / see there?"

The girl / need / some information.

"I / hate / cold weather."

'What / our son / want / for Christmas?"

The girl / have / a nice doll house.

2 2 Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present

W elcome to the London Zoo! Meet the monkeys! They don't live
in cages. Look how funny they are! Look how they ... (jump)
over the bushes. Look at those two little monkeys. They ... (play) hide
and seek.
Monkeys ... (love) bananas and oranges. They ... (need) to eat lots
of different fruit and vegetables to stay healthy. Look at that monkey
in the tree! It ... (eat) a carrot. And it ... (have) some corn in the other
hand. Here the zoo-keeper ... (come) with red apples in a bowl. The
monkey ... (want) an apple. Look! It ... (climb) down the tree and ...
(run) quickly to the zoo-keeper. The monkey ... (choose) an apple
from the bowl — the biggest and the tastiest one, of course!

2 3 Write about where you live. What is your city / town

famous for?
• When was it founded?
• Is it big / small / old / modern / nice / beautiful / hospitable?
• What is it famous for?

Section 2 Discovering places of interest
rch OifO» ( • P utrrsi "V
St Paul's
'"ЯЙ A Colhodr.nl • 4 *
The i
\s St J a m e s
Palace Royal 1
Hyde Park
& ^ m e ,
Victors ~Ί втх
^ЙО Westminster
• The Oratory
2 6 Read and remember.
J' / • 4 в
Определенный артикль the употребля-
I Lukes
ется с названиями некоторых истори-
ческих учреждений и сооружений:
the Kremlin
Chelsea hA^bLAGH the Bolshoi Theatre
losprtal the Tower of London
the Houses of Parliament
the British Museum
the l.ondon Eye
Big Ben
2 2 4 Listen to the announcement on the Westminster Abbey
tourist boat. Say whether the following Buckingham Palace
statements are true or false. Tower Bridge
Westminster Bridge
1. London is situated on the Thames. Red Square
2. The Thames is the longest river in the
3. The Thames is dirty and only few fish SI 2 7 Listen and repeat. Then find the pairs
can live there. of words which sound similar.
4. Tourists can travel down the river and
see the sights of London. museum парламент
gallery галерея
SI 2 5 Listen, read and repeat the names of theatre история
the places. Find them on the map. stadium парк
park символ
The Thames [бэ 'temz]
parliament турист
Westminster Abbey [.westminsto 'геЫ]
history аббатство
The Houses of Parliament [бэ ,hau7.iz av
abbey стадион
monument музей
Big Ben [,big 'ben]
tourist реальный
The Tower of London [бэ ,tam dv 'Lvntbn)
real театр
Tower Bridge [.taua "bricfej
symbol традиционный
The London Eye [бэ ,L\ncbn 'aij
taxi такси
legend легенда
traditional монумент (памятник)

2 8 Complete the sentences with the C. Standing not far from the Houses of Parliament
correct names of the places. Use the is Westminster Abbey, a symbol of England. The
Cultural guide if necessary. legend says that St Peter1 founded Westminster
Abbey. We know that Westminster Abbey was
Westminster Abbey, the Houses of built by King Edward in 1065. Some famous
Parliament, Big Ben, the Tower of London, English people are buried here.2
Tower Bridge Today, Westminster Abbey is a working church
and a great monument to the history of England.
1.... is one of the most famous clocks in the
world. D. The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses
2. ... are the buildings where the British of Parliament. The country's leaders speak in the
Parliament sits. Houses of Parliament. The men and women there
3. ... is the most famous bridge in London. are the voice of the British people. The Houses
4. ... is the most well-known English of Parliament stand beside the River Thames.
church. You can go on a boat from Westminster and see
5. ... is London's ancient fortress. London from the river. You can also see Big Ben
LOOK AND LEAftNl and the Houses of Parliament from Westminster
to be situated — быть расположенным
a sight [salt) — достопримечательность
a tower |'tauo| — башня
a fortress ['fo:trosJ — крепость

2 9 Match the four photos to their correct


A Tourists in London always visit Westminster and

Big Ben. They want to see the clock in its tower
and hear the bells. Big Ben is really a bell. The bell
is over two metres tall and chimes every quarter
of an hour. Early in the morning you can hear
it on the radio: "This is the BBC. The time is six
o'clock". And then you hear the deep boom of Big
Ben six times. The tower of Big Ben is a symbol
of London and of Britain.

B. You can see the Tower of London from the River

Thames. The Tower is very old. It has a long and
cruel history. It was a fortress, a royal palace,
and a prison for important people. Today it's a
Special guards look after the Tower and take care
of the black ravens that live there There is an P
ancient legend that the Tower and Great Britain
will fall if the ravens ever leave the fortress.

святой Петр
Некоторые знаменитые англичане похоронены здесь.


3 0 Read the texts again and answer the questions.
1. Is Big Ben a clock or a bell?
2. The tower of Big Ben is a symbol of London and Britain, isn't it?
And what tower and clock are the symbols of Russia? Where and
when can you hear the Russian symbol?
3. The Tower of London is very old, isn't it? What is it famous for?
4. Who founded Westminster Abbey?
5. Where does the English Parliament work? Do you know where
the Russian Parliament works?

31 Say which place of interest se words can describe:

1. ...is a symbol of England. 3. ...is situated next to...
...was founded by St Peter. ...is a symbol of Great Britain.
...is a working church. ...is one of the most famous...
...is a great monument to... ...can hear it on the radio.
2. ...has a cruel history. 4. ...stand beside the Thames.
...is a historic museum. ...speak there.
An ancient legend says... ...are the buildings where...
...has special guards. British Parliament sits...

3 2 Say what you remember about the

most famous London's sights.
Use Ex. 29 to help you.

t S 3 3 Listen and say where the guide and the

tourists decided to go first.

3 4 Listen to the conversation once again.

Complete the sentences.
1. Dima and Lena...
a) live in London.
b) visited London for the first time.
c) often visit London.
2. They decided to go to the Tower...
a) by car.
b) by boat.
c) on foot.
3. On their way (по дороге) they'll...
a) cross Tower Bridge.
b) visit Westminster Abbey.
c) pass the British Museum.
3 5 Say what tourists do usually / often / Exhibition
sometimes when they visit a new country Theatre TOUTS
or town.
look round the town, stay in a hotel, take
photos, buy a map of the place, see as many
sights as possible, visit museums, go to the
theatre in the evening, walk in the parks, go
on a boat, send postcards, go shopping, buy
souvenirs, call friends, send text messages
(SMS), enjoy traditional meals in cafes, have
a good time
Example: The tourists usually take photos of
historical buildings and monuments.

3 6 Look at the pictures and say what PICTON HOUSE HOTEL

Dima and Lena are doing.


3 7 Read, translate and learn.

take something — брать, взять что-то
take part — участвовать
take place — происходить, иметь место
take care of — заботиться о...
take off — снимать (об одежде)
take photos / pictures — фотографиро-
1. Last year Queen Elizabeth II took part
in the ceremony at Westminster Abbey.
2. Where will the meeting take place?
3. Special guards take care of black ravens
in the Tower.
4. Please come in. Take your coat off.
5. The tourists take lots of photos /
pictures when they visit a new place.
6. Can I take some sugar? — Sure
3 8 Complete the text.
place, part, care, photos

Welcome to the Tower

of London!

T here are lots of wonderful sights and

interesting activities in this ancient fortress.
You can visit the museums, see the Crown
The Tower of London
jewels and take ... of the famous black ravens.
Historical performances take ... in the White
- Tower!
The guards of the Tower, known as' beefeaters,
take ... of the museums and tell tourists about
their past. You can take ... in their excursion
and enjoy their stories.

известные как

The Crown Jewels Ravens

The White Tower

4. Special excursions take place in the
3 9 Complete the tag questions and answer Tower,...?
them. 5. You can see the Crown Jewels in the
Example: The Tower of London is an ancient fortress,...?
ancient cathedral,...? — The Tower of 6. The White Tower isn't situated in the
London is an ancient cathedral, isn't it? — Houses of Parliament,...?
Yes, it is. 7. The Tower of London has a cruel
1. There are lots of interesting sights in the history,...?
2. The Tower of London was founded Е Л 4 0 Why do people call the guards of the
twenty years ago,...? Tower beefeaters? Find the answer in the
3. Beefeaters aren't the guards of the Tower Cultural guide.

41 What do you know about London's places of interest? Match the questions and
the answers.

1. Where does Elizabeth II, the Queen of a) in Westminster Abbey

Britain, stay when she is in London? b) in Westminster, near the Houses of
2. Where do the famous black ravens live? Parliament
3. Where do the country's leaders speak? c) in the Houses of Parliament
4. Where are the famous English people d) in Buckingham Palace
buried? e) in the Tower of London
5. Where is Big Ben situated?

— J 4 2 Listen to the dialogue. You will hear students talking about

London. As you listen to them, complete the following
sentences. The First letters of the missing words will
help you.
1. London is beautiful. It's d... from the other European
capitals, isn't it?
2. Yes, I think London is one of the most interesting cities
in the w... . There are lots of p... to see: famous m... , Buckingham Palace
old cathedrals, h... monuments and green parks.
3. True! Yesterday I v... the Tower of London, saw the
Houses of Parliament, h... the voice of Big Ben,
and took photos of Westminster A... and
Tower Bridge.
4. Hundreds o f t . . . go to Buckingham Palace
to see the Changing of the Cuard.
4 3 Look at the boxes a - d below. Where should the information in the boxes
go in the letter?

Dear Jess,

Best wishes,

Great Britain

1st March

I'm in London with my classmates. We are having a great time. Lots to see
and to visit in London! Let me tell you about our stay here.
On Monday, we visited the Tower of London and spent the whole day there.
I took lots of photos. Next to the Tower there's the famous Tower Bridge.
I was lucky to get photos of Tower Bridge when it was open, wasn't I? I'll show
you sometime. Next day we went to Buckingham Palace and saw the Changing
of the Guard. There were a lot of tourists there. Imagine, there are more than
600 rooms in the palace and the royal family has got a cinema and a swimming
pool there!
We spent Wednesday in Greenwich. We went there on a boat. We visited the
home of the "Prime Meridian", the imaginary line that divides the world into
east and west. Fantastic place!
Yesterday it was rainy and windy, so we went to the British Museum. You
collect coins, don't you? I bought a special souvenir for you there. Hope you'll
like it. Today it's sunny and warm, and we are going to the London Eye.
Well, I must go now. It's time to leave.
4 4 Read the letter and complete the 4 6 Complete the questions. Then ask your
sentences. classmates to answer them.
1. On Monday Dima visited... He took lots Use:
of photos there. How many, Why, When, What, Which,
2. On Tuesday Dima... He... 1 low long, What
3. On Wednesday... Example: How long did Dima stay in the
4. On Thursday...
Tower of London?
5. On Friday he is going to...
1. ... was Dima lucky?
2 rooms are there in the palace?
3.... did Dima go to Greenwich?
a palace ['psebs] — дворец 4. ... home did Dima visit on Wednesday?
royal I'roial] — королевский 5.... did Dima buy on Thursday?
east |i:st] — восток 6.... one of the London bridges did Dima
west (west] — запад take photos of?

J 4 5 Here are four sentences from Dima's И 4 7 Work in groups of four.

J letter. Read his letter once again and
1. Choose any place of interest you can see
decide where to add the sentences. Mark
on the River Thames. Write a short story
the possible places in the text. Listen to the
about your choice. Use information in
text and check if you were right.
this section and the Cultural guide.
1. Everyone wanted to see the royal guards 2. Read your story to your classmates but
and their huge fur hats. don't name the place. Let them guess
2. It opens to let ships go up and down the what your choice was.
3. The beefeater told us about the fortress
and showed us the black ravens.
4. I've got a certificate showing that I visited
the "Prime Meridian".

Section 3 Excuse me, can you...?

4 8 Listen and say where the tourist is going.

4 9 Read the dialogue. Fill in the missing phrases from the box. Then act it out.

Excuse me,... — Excuse me, could you tell me how ... Trafalgar Square? ,
You're welcome. — Oh, of course. ... Can you see that wide street over there?
Go along ... — Yes.
...to get to... — ... that street and it will lead you to Trafalgar Square
It's very easy. — Thank you very much.
— ... Have a nice day.

5 0 Read and act out. 5 1 Read and remember.

Excuse me, I'm looking for Excuse me...! — Простите! Извините!

Tower Bridge. Could you tell (before we do something or ask
me where it is, please? somebody)
Excuse me, could you tell me...?
Sorry! / 1 am sorry! — Простите! /
Извините! (after we have done something)

5 2 Change the questions. Follow the

Example: Could you open the window,
please? — Excuse me, could you open the
window, please?
ft It's just in front of you! Look! 1. Can you tell me where the British
Museum is?
ШГ 2. Can you tell me where the Green School is?
Excuse me, can you tell me 3. Could you pass me the sugar?
where the nearest bus station is? I 4. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest
5. How can I get to Westminster Abbey?
6. Would you mind closing the door?

3 5 5 Work in pairs. Each student should
5 3 Listen, read and repeat. read one text. Both texts are the same
but some information is missing in each
Id| — monument, sorry, column, top,
text. Ask each other questions and fill in
bottom the missing details. Don't look at your
[auj — founded, town, house, about, partner's text.
crown, fountain
[л] — London, country, cultural,
colourful, wonderful
[k] — can, column, colourful, cultural, Trafalgar Square is situated in ... . But it is
Christmas well known all over the world. The square
[s] — centre, central, century, cinema, is famous for Nelson's Column. There
place, palace are ... at the bottom of the column. You
can see lovely fountains and historical
monuments in the square. When ... ,
5 4 Listen and repeat. Find the pairs Trafalgar Square is full of tourists. They
which sound similar in Russian and in take photos, walk around the square, and
English. enjoy the sights. In December there is ...
in the centre of the square. It marks the
monument фонтан beginning of Christmas and New Year in
column турист Great Britain. Different cultural festivals
tourist декабрь take place in the square. Everyone can
photo центр take part in the events.
December колонна
centre фото (фотография)
fountain монумент
В and
5 8 Listen and repeat. Look at the pictures
match the countries with the places.
Trafalgar Square is situated in the centre
Say what the place where you live (your
of London. But it is well known all over
village, town, city) is famous for.
the world. The square is famous for ... .
There are four lions at the bottom of the
column. You can see ... in the square. GREAT BRITAIN
When the weather is fine, Trafalgar
Square is full of tourists. They take photos, AUSTRALIA
walk around the square and enjoy the
sights. In December there is a colourful INDIA
50-metre Christmas tree in the centre of A & ^вШШ
the square. It marks ... in Great Britain. RUSSIA
Different cultural festivals take place in
the square. ... can take part in the events. CHINA

51 5 6 Work in pairs. Make a list of six things '4 Я

which Trafalgar Square is famous for.
Compare your list with your partner's.

5 7 Write a short article about the

most famous Russian square. Use these
questions to guide you:
1. What square is the symbol of Moscow
and Russia?
2. Is it well known all over the world?
3. What is it famous for?
4. Do many tourists visit it every day?
5. What is there in winter?
6. What events take place in the square? The Statue of Liberty
[бэ ,staetfu: av 'libatij

5 9 Read about the world-known places 6 2 Ask your partner this question. Change
mentioned in Ex. 58 in the Cultural guide. the name of the city town each time.
Example: Have you ever been to Tver? — Yes,
U U 6 0 Listen, read and act out. I have. / No, I haven't.

— Have you ever been to a museum in

London? Oxford NEW YORK
— Yes, 1 have. I went to the British Museum GREENWICH
two days ago.
— Oh, did you? I haven't been there. Is it Moscow Vladimir
worth visiting?
— Yes, certainly. Washington
в 6 3 Work in pairs. Fill in the table with the missing words. Make up as many sentences
as you can.

you London? Yes,

she the Tower? No,
they the Kremlin? No,
he ever been to a zoo? Yes,
... an art gallery? Yes,
... a museum? No,
... Red Square? ...

6 4 Say where you've never been to but would like to visit and explain why.
walk along / in..., take photos of..., swim in the..., visit..., ride..., buy..., play..., go to...
Example: I've never been to London. I'd like to visit it because I want to see the Tower.

6 5 Translate the word combination in the box. Then create sentences with the words
in the table.

It's worth visiting / seeing / reading

The film about Peter Pan
The Sherlock Holmes stories visiting
The British Museum reading
Moscow's Kremlin is / are worth eating because.
Classical music seeing
English songs listening to
Apple pie
The London Zoo

6 6 Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order. Read and act it out.
_ Why not! See you tomorrow
morning then.

_ Have you ever been to the Dog Exhibition?

_ Let's go then. It's worth seeing.

I What are you going to do on

Sunday morning?

_ No, I've never been there.

_ 1 don't know yet.

6 7 Work in pairs. Make up dialogues and
act them out. Use the words from Ex. 63. 6 8 Listen, read and repeat.
— Have you ever been to...? [ae] — wax, waxworks, madam, actor,
— Of course, I have. / No, I've never been statue
there. [aij — buy, sight, writer, scientist, pipe
— It's worth visiting (seeing). / Come on! [a:J — largest, art, star, artist, dancer
Let's go to visit (see)... Lfj — ancient, collection, politician,
— Yes, why not! / I'd love to! (Sure!) / I'm musician
afraid I can't. [к] — character, chemistry
[ks] — exercise, exhibition, waxworks

В 6 9 Listen, read and learn the poem

Little girl
Little girl, little girl,
Where have you been?
I've been to see grandmother
Over the green1.
What did she give you?
Milk in a can2.
What did you say for it?
Thank you, Gran.
по ту сторону луга, за лугом


7 0 Complete the table.

to write писать a writer писатель

to sing петь a ... певец, певица
to dance ... a dancer ...
to ... ... a runner ...
to ... ... a swimmer ...
to teach учить a ... ...

71 Match the words to the correct definitions.

1. a singer a) ... is a person who writes poems.

2. a writer b) ... is a person who sings songs
3 a sportsman c) ... is a person who works in one of the sciences.
4. a poet d) ... is a person who writes stories and novels
5. a scientist e) ... is a person who plays sport.

s 7 2 Work in groups of four. Choose one of the texts to read with your group.
Discuss these questions:
1. What can you see in the museum?
2. Is it worth visiting? Why? / Why not?


It is one of the most unusual sights of
London. It's the famous waxworks museum,
which has one of the largest collections of
wax models in the world. It was founded in
1830. Here you can "meet" famous people.
Actors, film stars, pop singers, sportsmen,
writers, poets, and scientists come face-to-
face with famous politicians. You can even
take photos with them.
Have you ever stood next to the Queen?
There is a special place for the Queen's
family: the Queen and the other members of
the Royal Family.
You can also take a trip back in time.
London's famous black taxis will drive you
through some historical and cultural events.


This museum is at 221b Baker Street, which is
where Holmes and Watson live in Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle's famous books. The writer wrote
four novels and fifty-six stories about the
famous detective and his friend.
The rooms in the museum are kept exactly
as in the books. Visitors can sit in Mr Holmes's
armchair, try on his famous cap, hold his
pipe, and see his violin and his chemistry
equipment. They can also visit Dr Watson's
bedroom and Mrs Hudson's room
If you would like to meet Sherlock Holmes
and Dr Watson, visit the museum and buy
some special souvenirs in the shop ~

Science Museum
It's one of the most popular of London's
museums. It was founded in 1857. The
Science Museum is worth visiting because
it is famous for its big collections (from
airplane to microchips), interesting
exhibitions and special activities. The
museum offers activities both for adults
and children. Visitors can learn a lot about
modern science, take an active part in
experiments and meet face-to-face with the
Visitors can also spend an amazing
Science Night in the museum, see a film in
face-to-face — лицом к лицу IMAX 3D cinema, have a birthday part)'
a politician [.pola^ifn] — политик and enjoy original souvenirs.
activities [aek'tivatiz] — деятельность

7 3 Share the information from your

group's text with your classmates who have
read other texts. Use these questions to
guide you.
1. What can you see in the museum?
2. What can you do there?
3. Have you got similar museum in your
city / town?

Η 7 4 Write a description about any museum

in your city / town or any museum you
visited. Include:
— the name of the museum.
— when it was founded.
— what you can see in the museum
— what you can do in the museum.
— why it is worth visiting.


Do the exercises in your Workbook.

Section 4 Just for fun

7 5 Listen to the phone conversation. Say 7 8 Read the text. Put the verbs in the
where Katya has already been to. Say what correct form. Say what Dima bought in
those places are famous for. London as a souvenir.

Great Britain
7 6 Listen, read and repeat.
20th of March
[i:] — we, metres, dream, wheel, people,
Jubilee Hi Jim,
[ai] — hi, eye, London Eye, kind, high, My dream came true. I visited (visit) the
inside London Eye. It's a giant wheel' which is situated
[эи] — also, slow, slowly, photo, show on the bank of the River Thames. The London
[u:] — soon, souvenir, true Eye is 135 metres high and turns very slowly.
[л] — some, puppet, comfortable, lucky, There are 32 comfortable capsules for people
mug to stand in. It carries 15,000 people a day.
When I... (get) to the top, I... (have) a
[<fc] — bridge, giant, Jubilee, enjoy, joke
bird's-eye view of central London. I... (be)
lucky to have nice weather. It... (be) great!
I... (spend) 30 minutes on the Eye. I... (admire)
7 7 Make phrases with the words. Then the city, its historical buildings and the famous
translate them. Create your own sentences Thames. I... (take) a lot of photos. I also ...
using the phrases. (buy) some funny souvenirs in the shop below
the London Eye: a model of red London bus
— into the room and a black mug with the picture of the giant
out of the shop wheel.
— true
Next to the London Eye are the Jubilee
(to the) left Gardens where we ... (see) a puppet show and
(to the) right some "living statues". There ... (be) two kings
slowly and a nice queen, a brave cowboy and
fast a sad poet among the "living statues". I really
... (enjoy) the London Eye I hope to come here
London again one day.
Moscow See you soon,

гигантское колесо

8 0 Say whether the following sentences
are true or false.
1. The London Eye is situated in the country
but you can see London if the weather is
2. The London Eye is a big wheel and it can
carry a lot of people every day.
3. The trip on the London Eye takes more
than an hour.
4. Tourists can't take photos on the London
7 9 Find more information about "living
statues" in the Cultural guide. Would
5. There is a shop below the London Eye
you like to become a "living statue" for
where tourists can buy souvenirs.
15 minutes? Who would you like to
become? Why?

8 1 Look at the pictures and say what the tourists are doing. Would you
like to ride the London Eye?
ride the London Eye, see London from above, sit on the bench inside the
capsule, laugh loudly, take photos of London, listen to music, shoot a video
talk on a mobile phone, enjoy the trip
Example: Tourists from different countries are riding the London Eye.
8 2 There are some places in Moscow where you can have a bird's-eye view of the city.
One of them is the Ostankino Tower. Match the questions and the answers.

a) So they can enjoy a bird's-eye view of

Moscow. There is also a "Glass Floor" so
people, if they are brave enough, can even
admire Moscow from under their feet.
b)Yes, it is. It's 540 metres high. It's a member
of the World Federation of Great Towers.
c) Oh, yes. The lift takes tourists to the
observation deck.
d)The Tower got its name from the Ostankino
district of Moscow where it's situated.
e) No, it's not. It's a modern television and
1. The Ostankino Tower is an ancient radio tower.
fortress, isn't it?
2. Is it high?
3. Why do you call it "the Ostankino 8 3 Listen and check your answers.
4. Is it possible to get inside the Tower?
5. Why do people visit the Tower? 8 4 Have you got any place in your town /
city where you can enjoy a bird's-eye view?
What is it famous for?


8 5 Review the forms of regular and irregular verbs. Use the List of irregular verbs
if necessary (p. 176).

Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Participle I
Неопределенная Простое Причастие Причастие
форма глагола прошедшее прошедшего настоящего
время времени времени

Regular verbs (правильные глаголы)

live lived lived living

walk walked walked walking
study studied studied studying
skate skated skated skating

Irregular verbs (неправильные глаголы)

go went gone going

put put put putting
have had had having
bring brought brought bringing
take took taken taking

8 6 Remember the three forms of irregular verbs.
Запомнить три формы неправильных глаголов гораздо легче, если знать, что:
• есть глаголы, которые "ленятся" изменяться, и все три формы у них одинаковы:
bet — bet — bet
cost — cost — cost
cut — cut — cut
• есть глаголы, которые чуть менее "ленивы". У них совпадает форма Past Simple
и Participle II:
• с краткой гласной во второй и третьей · с долгой гласной во второй и третьей
форме: форме:
build — built — built buy — bought — bought
feed — fed — fed seek — sought — sought
have — had — had bring — brought — brought
• есть глаголы, третья форма которых оканчивается на [п]:
give — gave — given
take — took — taken

8 7 Complete the list of the verbs from Ex. 86.

Use the List of irregular verbs (p. 176).

8 8 Listen to Martin and Paul talking about

London. Answer the following questions:
1. How many days is Paul going to spend in London?
2. What would he like to visit in London?
Martin 3. What did Martin advise him to visit?


8 9 Read and learn.

Participle I (the -ing form) Participle II (the 3rd form)

Regular verbs
+ ing + ed
discussing — обсуждающий discussed — обсужденный
playing — играющий played — сыгранный
Irregular verbs
building — строящийся built — построенный
writing — пишущий written — написанный
a burning house — горящий дом a burnt letter — сгоревшее / сожженное письмо

9 0 Form Participle I and Particifi? II of the following verbs. Translate them into Russian.
take, solve, watch, read, open, catch, play, write, translate, Finish, speak, bring, paint, tell

91 Read the story and say why Alice left the park. What did she feel when she
opened her bag at home?

newspaper.2 Alice sat down on the chosen b

took out her book and began to read. There'
a packet of crisps on the bench between her
the old man. Alice took some of them from
opened packet and the old man took some
Alice was surprised. She looked at the str
man but he was calm. Alice didn't say anyth
and started reading again.
Every time Alice took some crisps from
packet, the old man took some crisps too. S
there were only a few crisps left in the рас

O ne Sunday morning it was fine and warm so

Alice decided to spend the day outdoors. She
went out of the house, bought a packet of crisps,
The girl looked at the strange old man. He t
the last two uneaten crisps and gave one to
The girl was surprised. She put the unfin'
turned to the right, passed a newly painted house book into her bag and left as fast as possible,
and went into the park. came home and took the book out of her b
Alice walked slowly and looked at the playing And suddenly she saw her unopened packet
children and their smiling mothers, at the crisps in the bag.
flying kites and the colourful balls. The chatting
teenagers were very noisy. And Alice turned to 1
the left. There was nothing there but singing birds Там сидел старик.
Он читал газету.
and running squirrels in the trees. Soon she was
tired and decided to sit on a bench and read her LOOK ANl) LEA Ι-
book in peace.
pcace [pis] — мир to be surprised —
She found a bench under a big green tree. An in peace — в мире удивиться
old man was sitting there. 1 He was reading a

9 2 Read the underlined phrases in the text from Ex. 91 and translate them into Russian.

a 9 3 w o r k in pairs. Complete the questions 9 4 Put the sentences in the right order.
with the words. Then ask your classmate to _ Alice found a packet of crisps in her bag.
answer them. _ The old man was reading his newspaper
Use: in peace.
Who? What? (3) Where? Why? (3) 1 Alice came to the park to spend her
1. ... did Alice decide to go to the park that Sunday outdoors.
day? _ Alice was surprised when the old man
2 . . . . were the children doing in the park? began to eat her crisps.
3 . . . . was very noisy? _ The girl walked in the park but soon s
4. ... did Alice decide to sit down? got tired.
5.... did she find a nice bench? _ The old man gave her the last crisp but
6. ... was there between Alice and the old Alice left.
7. ... was Alice surprised? ( L J 9 5 Try to tell the story first from Alice's
8.... did she find in her bag when she came point of view and then from the old man

Section 5 Have you ever walked in London s parks?

9 6 Alice is very unhappy because she has lost her ticket. She has probably left it at home.

9 7 Read the sentences. Compare the forms and meanings of do.

1. Patrick does his homework every evening. (Present Simple)
2. Patrick can't join us now. He is doing his homework. (Present Continuous)
3. Patrick has already done his homework. Would you like to have a look at his
exercise book? (Present Perfect)

9 8 Read and learn.

• Глаголы в Present Perfect используются для выражения действий, которые
произошли в прошлом, но результат можно наблюдать в настоящем:
Our new postman told me his name, but I have forgotten it.— Наш новый почтальон
называл мне свое имя, но я его забыл.
• Часто Present Perfect используется для того, чтобы сообщить о том, что случилось
только что:
I have just finished my Maths test! May I go out? — Я только что закончил кон-
трольную работу по математике, можно выйти?
• Частыми спутниками Present Perfect являются слова:
already (уже), just (только что), recently, lately (недавно), not yet (еще не),
never (никогда), ever (когда-либо).
• Present Perfect образуется с помощью вспомогательных глаголов have или has,
к которым прибавляется основной глагол в III форме (Participle II).
have + left = 've left
I've left my textbook at home. , „ „ ,
УУ Say the Present Perfect form of the
following verbs.
she 1 has + left = 's left teach, buy, leave, arrange, take, give, choose,
he } She's
CJ11C i>left
Ctlll l wash,
ask, write,
ч ш buy.
ч ivu^,
it open the door. read, count, be, sleep, live, see, hear, feed,

1 0 0 Create sentences with the words in the table
visited the guidebook.
painted the work.
have already finished some souvenirs. I
has just found the picture.
bought the gallery.
entered the museum.

I read the cake.

You taken the film.
We haven't sent the photos.
Our parents hasn't written the letter.
Her brother seen the postcard.
Your daughter bought the story.

1 0 1 Describe what has happened.

just, already, recently, never

Example: 1. Susan has just had her breakfast.

|~~i~| Susan (have) breakfast

|~2~] Dan (write) a postcard to his friend.

|~3~| Jason (win) the championship. |~4~j Mary (finish) the test.

[ΊΓ] Alice (buy) some souvenirs. [ 6 I The tourist (take) a photo of the monument.
1 0 2 Read the dialogue. Say what Martin has done. Was his mother surprised? Why?
— Hello, dear!
— Hi, Mum!
— How are you? What are you doing?
— Oh, I'm very busy. I'm doing the washing up.
— You are doing the washing up? Really? Super!
— I've already cleaned my room and watered the flowers.
— You have cleaned your room. What a surprise!
— Yes, I have. I've also gone shopping and bought some apples, oranges and bananas.
I haven't made an apple pie yet. But I'm going to make one this evening
— An apple pie? Goodness! And what about your homework?
— I've just done it.
— I can't believe it! Any bad marks at school today?
— No, I've got an "excellent" in Maths.
— What has happened to you, then? Are you OK?
— I'm fine! Take it easy. It's all just a joke. Today is the 1st of April!
— Bingo! You got me!

1 0 3 Find examples of the Present Perfect 1 0 6 Alice has a lot to do at home today.
in the dialogue from Ex. 102. Then Look at her list.
translate them into Russian. Say what she has already done (+) and
what she hasn't done yet (-).

1 0 4 Now act out the dialogue with your Example: Alice has already swept the floor
partner. She hasn't dusted the shelves yet.

1. make the beds +

1 0 5 Read, compare and explain the
2. water the plants
difference between these two situations.
3. do the washing up +
4. feed the parrot +
5. sweep the floor +
6. cook dinner
7. clean the windows +
8. go shopping
9. wash the clothes +
It is raining. Birds are sitting in the trees. 10. lay the table
11. dust the shelves

β 1 0 7 Work in pairs. Say what you have

already done today and what you have not
done yet.
Example: I've already taken my dog for a
It has stopped raining. Birds are sitting in walk but I haven't played tennis yet.
the trees. The sun...


1 0 8 Read and learn.

Present Perfect Simple
+ ? —

I / You / We / They have Have I / you / we / they I / You / We / They haven't

written. written? written.
She / He has written. Has she / he written? She / He hasn't written.

1 0 9 Complete the dialogues. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect. Then choose
the funniest joke. Act it out with your classmate.

1. Teacher (angrily): Again your father ... (write) your composition 1 for you!
Jim: Sorry! But my mother was too busy yesterday.

2. Mother: What are you doing, Sam?

Sam: I'm doing a puzzle.
Mother: And what about your homework? It's late!
... you ... (do) your homework?
Sam: Not yet. It's never too late to learn, Mum!

3. Mother: Girls, I'm angry with you. I asked you not to eat your oranges until lunch.
And you ... already. ... (eat) your oranges.
Ann: No, Mum. We ... (not / eat) our own oranges. Betsy ... (eat) my orange and
I ... (eat) her orange.

4. Kate: Mummy, can you give me another piece of sugar, please?

Mother: But I (give) you three already.
Kate: Just one more, please.
Mother: Well, here you are. But this piece of sugar must be the last
Kate: Thank you, Mum. But 1 must say that you haven't got any
will power2.

5. Man: Why are you crying, little boy?

Jim: I ... (lose) my coin.
Man: Never mind. Here's another. (Jim takes the coin and goes on crying.)
But why don't you stop crying?
Jim: Oh, because I would have two coins now if I hadn't lost my first coin.3

силы воли
Потому что у меня было бы две монегки, если бы я не потерял первую

1 1 0 Read and learn.

Short answers in Present Perfect
Have you done your homework? — No, I haven't.
Have they received our postcards? — Yes, they have.
Have they finished their Maths test yet? — Not yet.
Has Helen ever ridden a camel? — No, she hasn't.
Has he been to the Science Museum recently? — Yes, he has.
Has Martin bought any souvenirs? — No, he hasn't.
Has the dog found the ball? — No, it hasn't.

I l l Ask four of your classmates if they have ever done these

things. Fill in the table.
Example: Have you ever swum in the ocean? — Yes, I have. / No,
I haven't.

Name ride / visit / see / make / write /

an elephant Great Britain a kangaroo a pie or a cake a poem
Marina — + + + —


1 1 2 Look at the table and say what your

classmates have never done.
Example: Marina has never ridden an
elephant. She has never written a poem.

1 1 3 Read the list of things the Russian

students wanted to do in London. Listen
and say what they have already done and
what they haven't done yet.
1. visit the Tower
2. see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben
3. travel on a famous London bus
4. go on the London Eye
5. walk in Regent's Park
6. visit the London Zoo.

1 1 4 Match the two parts of the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect.

1. Jim (repair) his bicycle, a) because I (leave) my pen at home.

2. I can't write the test b) because she ... just... (return) from her holidays.
3. Kate missed several English lessons c) I (buy) apples, sugar and butter.
4. They (be) to Oxford, d) so he can ride in the park with his friends.
5. You can't go for a walk e) so they can tell us about the town.
6. Let's make an apple pie, f) because you ... not ... (finish) your composition.


1 1 5 Listen, read and repeat. 1 1 6 Read the phrases. Then translate them
into Russian. Use them to create your own
[л] — London, lx>ndoners, among, sentences in English.
Buckingham Palace
(a] — park, Regent's Park, garden, museums
Kensington Gardens, plants, grass to be rich in parks
[au] — around, playground, without, — bridges
proud, outdoor — your city
(aij — And, tiger, crocodile, Hyde Park, to be proud of your family
wild, horse-riding — your friend
— classroom activities
activity amazing activities
— outdoor activities

1 1 7 Read the text. Say why Londoners are proud of their parks.

L ondoners love their parks and are proud of them. London is very rich in parks
gardens. You can spend the whole day in the country — without leaving Lond(
London's parks are full of trees, grass, flowers, ponds and small lakes. You can
among the green trees, relax on a boat in one of the ponds, admire the beautiful
and plants or take part in the many activities, such as tennis, swimming and horsi
There are eight Royal Parks in and around London. Four of them are situated ii
centre of London: Hyde Park, Green Park, St James's Park and Kensington Gardei

Hyde Park is the biggest of these four. It is famous for its outdoor activities.
Londoners ride their bikes and roller-skate on the park roads, play tennis or go horse-
riding. There is a place called the Speaker's Corner in the Park. On Sunday mornings
anyone can speak about anything he or she believes to be important.
St James's Park, the oldest of London's parks, is very beautiful with its green trees
and colourful flowers and the view of Buckingham Palace. This park's lake has been
home to many wild birds, including swans, pelicans and geese. In summer there are
free concerts in the centre of the park.
In Kensington Gardens, you can see the statue of the famous fairytale hero, Peter
Pan. This park is to the west of Hyde Park.
You can also visit Regent's Park where you will find a rose garden, several children's
playgrounds, a lake and a theatre, where in summer you can enjoy Shakespeare's plays
outdoors. Since 1828 Regent's Park has been home to the London Zoo. The London
Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in the world. There are about 5,000 animals (from tigers
and giraffes to crocodiles and lizards) that live in the London Zoo.
London's parks and gardens are free to all.

1 1 8 Answer the questions. 120 Read the text about London's parks
once more. Write your own captions for
1. Which of London's parks is the biggest?
the pictures. Compare your captions with
2. Which of London's parks is the oldest?
the class.
3. Which of London's parks is famous for
its Speaker's Corner?
4. Which of London's parks has the statue 1 2 1 What are the parks like in you city /
of a fairytale hero? town? Have you ever spent time in them?
5. Which of London's parks has been home Write about one of the parks. Use these
to the zoo for a long time? questions to guide you.
6. What are all of London's parks rich in?
1. Is it big / small / nice / wonderful / old /
7. What do Londoners and tourists like to
do in the parks?
2. What is it rich in?
3. What activities are there in the park?
1 1 9 Have you read the story about Peter 4. Are you proud of your park? Why? /
Pan? What is he famous for? Why not?
Use the Cultural guide if necessary.

Section 6 I'd like to invite you to α party

( S 1 2 2 Listen to the phone conversation. Say

where Julia has invited her Russian friends.

2 1 2 3 Listen to the conversation again.

Complete the invitation letter for Oleg and

I'm having a party on ... at 20 ... Street.
Please come at....
See you there,

1 2 4 Complete the table. Join the word in the first

column with a word from the second column. Write
down the new word combinations and translate them
into Russian. Then create your own sentences with the
new word combinations in English.

birthday office birthday party

film match
orange party
invitation pie
post \ juice
apple \ gallery
art - letter
football star
to chat with each other

1 2 5 Look at the picture and say what Julia and her guests
did at the party. Did they enjoy the party?

soft drinks
fruit juice

biscuits and sweets

apples. banar.<
and oranges

to have a barbecue in the garden


1 2 6 Say how you celebrated your last birthday. Use

these questions:
1. When is your birthday?
2. How did you celebrate your last birthday? Did you
arrange a birthday party?
3. Who did you invite? Did you write invitation letters?
4. What did you do at the party? Did you play any board
5. Did you have a birthday cake? Your friends and relatives
sang a special birthday song to you, didn't they?
6. What presents did you get?
7. Did you have a great time? Do you usually enjoy your
birthday parties?

1 2 7 Work in pairs. Read and complete the dialogue.

Use the verbs in the Past Simple.
Ann: Did you (stay) stay at home last weekend?
Vicky: No, I (go) ... to Julia's party.
Ann: Really? (Enjoy) ... you ... the party, didn't you?
Vicky: Yes, it (be) ... great. There (be) ... a lot of guests.
Julia (invite) ... her Russian friends too
Ann: What (do) ... you ... ?
Vicky: We (have) ... a barbecue in the garden, (dance) ...
and (play). I (take) ... a lot of photos. Have a look!
Ann: How nice. And who's that boy and that girl next to
Vicky: That's Oleg and Tanya.

—J 1 2 8 Listen to the recording and check your answers.

1 2 9 Read the text. Say if you have a sweet tooth like the British.

T he British have a sweet tooth. That means they like eating sweet things like
puddings and pies, jams, biscuits and buns, cakes and rolls.
For the British, any time is an "eat-a-sweet time": during a tea break at work, or a break
at school, watching TV at home, and in the cinema or the theatre. During holidays like
Christmas and Easter, and on special days like Mother's Day and Valentine's Day, they
eat even more sweet things.

В 1 3 2 Say when people celebrate Christmas,
Ω 1 3 0 Listen, read and repeat. St Valentine's Day and Mother's Day in
Great Britain and in Russia. How do they
[i:] — sweet, cheese, eat, tea, Easter
celebrate these holidays? What do they
li] — biscuit, chips, drink, pizza,
cook for special dinner?
fai] — like, knife, time, pie, kind, slice
[л] — lunch, butter, bun, Mother's Day
[u] — put, look, full, pudding
[эо] — know, slow, home, roll

1 3 1 Read the text again. Then answer the

1. What do the words "the British have a
sweet tooth" mean?
2. What kinds of British sweet things do you
3. What sweet things do you like?
4. When do the British eat cakes and
5. When do the British eat more sweet

1 3 3 Read the text. Say if you share the tastes of the English.


A lot of people in England eat sandwiches for lunch. There are a lot of sandwich
shops in London. You can buy all sorts of sandwiches in these shops. You can get
meat sandwiches, or salad sandwiches, or meat-and-salad sandwiches. And you can get
cheese, egg or fish sandwiches. You can even buy fruit sandwiches. Each sandwich has
two thin slices of bread. Often the English add butter between the two slices.
Tea is the national drink. English tea is very strong. The English drink a lot of tea.
Do you like tea?


1 3 4 Read and remember. 1 3 6 Look at Ann's list. Say what she has
already done for the party and what she
a piece of — a part of something
hasn't done yet.
a piece of paper
a piece of information Example: Ann has already bought the soft
a slice of — a thin piece of food which a drinks. But she hasn't laid the table yet.
person cuts from a larger piece
a slice of bread / a slice of ham / a slice of
cake / a slice of cheese 1. w a s h apples, bananas and oranges +
2. buy soft drinks +
3. make five cheese sandwiches and
1 3 5 Do you like to eat sandwiches? Think
of your own favourite sandwich. Write five ham sandwiches
down the ingredients. Then make a small 4. make a pizza
cookbook with all of your classmates' 5. ask Kate to buy sweets and biscuits +
favourite sandwiches. 6. decorate the room
Use: 7. lay the table
cut white / brown bread into slices, take 8. invite Steve and Alex +
some sausage / a slice of cheese / a slice of 9. go shopping +
cucumber, put ... on the bread, enjoy the

— 1 3 7 Listen and read the poem. Learn it and try to do what it says at home.

Helping mother
Help your mother
set the table
With a knife and
fork and spoon.
Help your mother
set the table
Every afternoon.
Help your mother
clear the table
Take the knife and spoon.
Help your mother
clear the table
Morning, night and noon.

1 3 8 Do you help your mother to lay the table at home? Explain how you do it.
put on a clean tablecloth; plates, knives and spoons on the right and forks on the left,
glasses for water and juice, etc

1 3 9 Read the text and guess what Mr Tailor had (должен был) to say during lunch;
Choose the right answer.

1. Mahlzeit |'ma:ltsait] 2. Tailor 3. Good appetite 4. Bon appetit

M any years ago, Mr Tailor, an Englishman,

stayed in a hotel in Germany. He usually
had lunch in a little cafe. Every time he came
to the table, a German who was sitting there
stood up and said: "Mahlzeit." The Englishman
answered: "Tailor."
One day, Mr Tailor met an English friend. "The
Germans have strange traditions," he said. "Every
time I come to the cafe for lunch, a German stands
up and tells me his name."
"That seems strange to me, too," the friend said.
"What does the man say?"
"He tells me his name — Mahlzeit," Mr Tailor

1 4 0 Complete the sentences.

His friend laughed: "Mahlzeit isn't his 1. Mr Tailor didn't speak...

name, it's the German word for "good 2. During his stay in Germany he had lunch
appetite". The German is a polite man and in...
he is simply saying "Mahlzeit" to you because 3. Every day a German said to Mr Tailor:
« »
you are going to eat."
The next day, when Mr Tailor came into 4. The Englishman was polite and answered:
Η »
the cafe, he smiled at the German and said,
"Mahlzeit." The German stood up and 5. One day Mr Tailor learnt the German
answered: "Tailor!" word for...
6. When he came to the cafe, he said to the
German: "...".
7. The German answered: "...".

1 4 1 Read and remember.

Before you start dinner Don't forget to say pleasant words to your
There is no phrase in English that translates host during the meal:
"Приятного аппетита!" (Russian), or "Bon This is lovely.
appetit" (French) etc. This is delicious.
Sometimes the English say "Bon appetit!"
During dinner After dinner
Would you like some more pudding? After dinner it is polite to say to your host:
• Yes, please. / No, thank you. Thank you. Dinner was very nice.
• Just a little, please. I really enjoyed it.

Ε 1 4 2 Work in pairs. Complete the dialogues. Act them out with your classmates.

l.Mum: Alice, ... me to lay the table for tea? What a lovely...
Alice: . . . . Shall I put on a new tablecloth? Yes, please.
Mum: . . . . And don't forget about flowers. Of course.
Alice: OK. Wow! ... cake! What date is it today, I wonder? ...could you help...

2. Mrs Smith: Would you like some more jam? Would you like...
Mr Smith: Thanks. ... , please. just a little.
Mrs Smith: ... another piece of cake? That was very nice.
Mr Smith: No, thank you. ... I really enjoyed it.

3. Oleg: The meat was really lovely. I'm glad...

Mrs Smith: Oh, thank you. ... you liked it. Would you like No, thank you.
some salad? I really enjoyed it.
Oleg: . . . . The dinner was very nice...


Do the exercises in your Workbook.

Section 7 Talking about famous people

1 4 3 Read the names of the famous 1 4 4 Read the text and answer the ques-
people. Say what these people are famous tions:
for. Use the Cultural guide if necessary. a) When did Daniel Defoe write his most
famous novel?
b) Was the story based on real adventures?
c) What is the title of the book?

D aniel Defoe [di'fau] (1660-1731) was

a famous English writer He wrote his
world famous novel "The Life and Strange
Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
['кгизэиГ when he was nearly 60 years old.
The story of Robinson Crusoe was based'
on the real adventures of a sailor, who had
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle William Turner William Shakespeare
lived-' alone for four years on a desert
island. The author, however, added some,
adventures for his character. When
Robinson Crusoe found himself alone1 on
an island, he managed to live using only the
things he had on the island. He also met a
black man whom he called Friday. Friday
became his friend.
When the book was published 4 in 1719,
it immediately became popular. Defoe made
Daniel Defoe Charlie Chaplin Pamela Travers his story so realistic that everyone believed it.
Defoe didn't write his book for children.
But nearly every child now knows about
Robinson Crusoe, how he learned to catch
goats and to make pots, how he made an
umbrella and had hundreds of adventures.
Daniel Defoe wrote many other books,
but for "Robinson Crusoe" he is called "the
father of English prose"5.
r — 1
была основана
John Lennon прожил
Agatha Christie 3
оказался один
была опубликована
Use: его называют отцом английской прозы
songs, books about hobbits, theory of
evolution, poems and plays, films, pictures, IOUK AND LEAkNI
stories about Robinson Crusoe, detective a novel ['ηυνί] — роман
stories, books about Tom Sawyer an adventure [ad'ventja] — приключение
Example Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is famous a character ['kaerekta] — герой книги
for his detective stories.

145 Correct the sentences. 148 Look at the picture and guess what
Robinson Crusoe has already done.
1. D. Defoe wrote his novels in the 19th
century. Use: meet Friday, catch the goats, make an
2. D. Defoe wrote his novel about Robinson umbrella / pots / bread, build a house.
Crusoe when he was young. Example: He has already met Friday.
3. The adventures of Robinson Crusoe
aren't real.
4. The novel wasn't popular in the 18th 149 Have you read the novel or watched
century, it became popular later. the film about Robinson Crusoe? Say a
few words about the novel and its main
5. D. Defoe wrote his book for children.
character. Use the plan:
6. D. Defoe is called "the father of English
prose" for his detective stories. 1. Daniel Defoe wrote his novel "..."in ... .
2. The novel is based on real . . . .
В 146 Have you learnt anything new from 3. Robinson Crusoe spent... years on a
the text? What? desert island.
4. He was clever and . . . .
5. He learned to ...
147 Look at the picture. Describe 6. Robinson Crusoe met a ... on the island.
Robinson Crusoe. 7. The novel "The Life and ..." is ... .
(interesting / boring).
8.1 like / don't like Robinson Crusoe
young / old; tall / short; thin / fat; big /
small, brown / blue eyes; short / long hair, because...
dark / grey hair
Q 150 Tell your classmates what book you
would take with you to a desert island.
Explain why.

1 5 1 Listen to the interview. Alex and

Alice are talking about their favourite
writers and books. Complete the sentences.
1. Alex likes to read.
His favourite writer is ... .
His favourite character is ... .
Alex thinks that he is ... .
2. Alice enjoys reading too.
Her favourite writer is ... .
She likes his novels because...

Τ 52 Match the books with their writers. Use the Cultural guide if necessary.

John R. R. Tolkien "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

Lewis Carrol "Winnie-the-Pooh"
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "The White Fang"
Daniel Defoe "Stories about Sherlock Holmes"
Mark Twain "Harry Potter"
J. M. Barrie "Peter Pan"
Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"
Alexander Milne "The Life and Strange Surprising
Joanne K. Rowling Adventures of Robinson Crusoe"
Jack London "The Hobbit"
William Shakespeare "Alice in Wonderland"
"Romeo and Juliet"

3 153 Work m pairs.

a) Ask your classmate which books by
British or American writers they have
read recently. Use the information from
Ex. 152.
Example Have you read "The Adventures 154 Write about your favourite book.
Use these questions.
of Tom Sawyer"?
Yes, I have. / Yes, I have read it recently. 1. Where and when did the events take
— No, I haven't. / Not yet. place?
2. Who was the main character?
b) Compare your and your classmate's 3. What happened?
reading tastes. 4. What was the main idea1?
Example: Oleg and I have read ... recently.
I have read ... but Oleg hasn't read it yet.

В 155 Read the two texts and choose the correct words to complete them. There are
correct choices for each text in 1-6.
a) writer / painter / scientist / politician
b) 1906 / 1809/ 1853 / 1892
c) minerals, birds' eggs, insects / chemical experiments / paintings / languages
d) medicine / many different kinds of plants and animals /
the English language and Literature / Mathematics
e) Biology / a fairytale world / Literature / Physics
f) 1613 / 1882/ 1973/ 1718

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Charles Darwin

1. John R. R. Tolkien is a famous English . . . . 1. Charles Darwin is a well-known . . . .
2. He was born at the end of the 19th century, 2. He was born at the beginning of the 19th
in ... . century, in ... .
3. At school Tolkien was fond of ..., but not 3. As a boy, Charles collected all kinds of
just modern languages — he also liked things, . . . . He carried o u t . . . in the school
ancient languages. He spoke six ancient garden. His nickname was "Gas".
languages and even made up his own 4. After 3 years of study at Cambridge
languages. University he made a voyage round the
4. At Oxford University he studied . . . . world. During the 5 year voyage he studied
5. He became famous, however, when his ... in all parts of the world.
books were published. He wrote several 5. His theory of evolution opened a new
books "The Hobbit", "The Lord of Rings", scientific period of ..., the Darwinian
etc. In his books John R. R. Tolkien period.
describes ..., where hobbits, magicians, 6. Charles Darwin died in ... and was buried
elves and warriors live. in Westminster Abbey.
6. John R. R. Tolkien died in ... .

J 156 Work in pairs. Read and act out the short dialogue.
A: Would you like to be famous?
В: I think I would. I'm going to do my best to become a famous musician.
A: Are you? Well, as for me, I'd like to be a famous scientist or a famous writer
B: Good luck! Let's meet again in 15 years and see.

157 Read the text and try to find out which of these pictures
is William Turner's.

William Turner (1775-1851)

W illiam Turner was the son of a barber [Ьа:Ьэ] (парикмахер).

At the age of fifteen he exhibited [ig'zibitid] (выставил)
his first picture.
Turner was very fond of nature and often went alone on trips
(путешествовал один) through England and Wales. While
travelling, he liked to draw ruined (разрушенные) abbeys and
castles [kaslz] (замки).
Turner was famous for the wonderful colours in his pictures.
Most of them were landscapes (пейзажи) and sea pictures.
He was a master of water-colours (акварель).

158 Answer the questions.

1. When was W. Turner born?
2. What was his father's job?
3. W. Turner was very fond of nature, wasn't he?
4. What did he like to draw during his trips?
5. What was W. Turner famous for?
6. What kind of pictures did he paint? » ir* - ^

7. W. Turner wasn't a master of water-colours,

was he?

159 Read this story about an outstanding 160 Put the sentences in the correct
American actor and producer. Find out order:
the traits of his character which made him
_ Charlie Chaplin decided to take part in
the competition.
Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) _ He didn't win the first prize.

T his is a story that Charlie Chaplin liked to

tell about himself (о себе).
It happened after the great actor had become
I It happened after Chaplin had become
world famous. ι

At first he was upset.

(стал) world famous. A theatre announced
_ People who took part in it had to dress
(объявил) a competition to see who could act
like Chaplin, walk like Chaplin and act
like Charlie Chaplin. People who took part in
out one of the roles in his film.
it had to (должны были) dress like Chaplin,
walk like Chaplin and act out one of the roles _ Of course, he kept his plan a secret from
in a Chaplin film. everybody.
When Charlie Chaplin heard about the _ A theatre announced a competition to
competition, he decided, as a joke, to take part find a Charlie Chaplin double (двойник).
in the competition himself (сам). Of course,
he kept his plan a secret from everybody
a 1 6 1 Do you know any funny stories
(втайне от всех).
about famous people? Find a funny story
When the results of the competition were in a book or a magazine and tell your
announced (были объявлены) Chaplin found classmates about it.
out that he hadn't won the first prize (первое
место). At first he was upset (расстроен) but
then he decided that it was quite funny.
Section 8 Reading for pleasure
• Read The Great Escape by Margo Fallis and do the exercises in your Workbook.

Section 9 Homework
1 Complete the texts with the definite article the if necessary.

I live in one of the most beautiful cities of the world. Sometimes ...
St Petersburg is called (называют) the second capital of ... Russian
Federation. Tourists from different countries come to ...
St Petersburg to visit its famous museums and to walk along ...
Nevsky Prospect. You can see tourists from ... France and ...
United States, ... China and ... Great Britain in ... Dvortsovaya
Square. There are also lots of Russian tourists from ... Krasnodar
and ... Vladivostok, from ... Kaliningrad and ... Moscow.
Would you like to visit ... St Petersburg some day?

3. Where are ... Houses of Parliament

2 Read the texts from Julia's book "About situated?
Russia" (Ex. 17) again. Write down which
4. ... Bolshoi Theatre is one the most
city / town you would like to visit and why.
famous theatres of the world, isn't it?
5. ... Big Ben is a popular symbol of ...
3 Complete the text. Put the verbs in the London and ... UK.
Present Simple or the Present Continuous 6. Tourists from different countries like to
(Progressive). take photos in ... Red Square.
7. There are lots of places to visit in ...
I am sitting (sit) in the park and I ... (write) London: ... Westminster Abbey, ...
my notes at the moment. It ... (be) hot. I ... Tower Bridge, ... London Eye,
(hate) this hot weather . I ... not ... (want) ... Buckingham Palace.
to sit here. But Roger ... (play) tennis with
his friend. They ... (run) and ... (laugh).
They ... not ... (ask) for any ice cream or 5 Complete the text with the words.
cold lemonade. They ... (have) fun. They ... Use:
(like) the hot weather. part, photos, care, pets, place
Oh, but I ... (see) an ice cream man! Ice
cream ... (be) cold and tastes great. Now
I ... (be) happy. Dima likes animals. He is in the Nature
Studies Club at school. Dima and his
classmates take ... of their animals.
4 Complete the sentences with the definite They feed them and take the ... for a
article the if necessary. walk in spring and summer. Dima likes
Example: ... Kremlin is the heart of Moscow to take ... of the pets. He often takes ...
and Russia, isn't it? — The Kremlin is the in photo exhibitions. In November the
heart of Moscow and Russia, isn't it? photo exhibition took... in Moscow. Dima
1. When was ... Tower of ... London built? got a new camera for his photos for the
2. What is ... British Museum famous for? exhibition.

6 Translate from Russian into English. 9 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the word in brackets.
1. знаменитый музей
2. известный театр Example He is a famous singer, (sing)
3. древний город 1. Mark Twain is a well-known American
4. королевский дворец . . . . (write)
5. удивительный мост 2. Meg took photos of the famous ...
6. высокое здание yesterday, (politics) He visited her school.
7. Лондон — столица Великобритании. 3. Barbara Grey is a ... at a local London
8. Британский музей был основан school, (teach)
в 1753. 4. I'm reading a book about Anna Pavlova,
9. Туристы приняли участие a famous Russian ballet . . . . (dance) Ρ
в представлении (performance). 5. Let's go to the cinema. There is a new
10. Город знаменит своими музеями, film about Issac Newton, a famous . . . .
дворцами и парками. (science)
6. Could you tell us who is the new ... at
7 Read the answers. What questions do your school? (sport, man)
they answer? Write the questions.
Example The Houses of Parliament stand 1 0 Combine the words to make the names
beside the Thames.— Where do the Houses of places in London. Then choose five and
of Parliament stand? write sentences.
1. Trafalgar Square is situated in the centre Ε ample Big Ben is a famous clock tower in
of London. London.
2. The Beefeaters take care of the black
Trafalgar Palace
White London
3. London is famous for its museums,
Tower Tower
palaces and parks.
Buckingham Bridge
4. Yes, he visited Greenwich yesterday.
Westminster Ben
5.1 think Westminster Abbey is a true
The Houses of Square
symbol of London.
The Tower of Eye
Big Abbey
8 Complete the sentences with have, has, The London Parliament
was and were.
1. ... you ever been to the Kremlin? — 1 1 Complete the text with the prepositions
Of course we ... . We ... there last from, for, of, with or to if necessary.
2. My little sister ... not been to the zoo yet. My dream has come true. I have never been
... your little brother been there? — Yes, ... Great Britain before. I stayed in England
he . . . . He ... at the zoo last weekend. But ... five days. I stayed ... my friend's family.
I ... not been there for ages. Let's all go They live not far ... London. Of course
together. It's worth visiting in May. I went ... London every day. London is full
3. They ... already been to the museum. ... places of interest.
They ... there last month. The city is famous ... its historical
museums, royal palaces and monuments.
I took a lot... photos. Would you like to
see them some time? Come л. my house
and we can look at them. The photos are
worth seeing.

1 2 Write the Participle II of the following 1 6 Complete the sentences with the verbs
verbs. Refer to the List of irregular verbs if in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.
Example I ... (not / do) my homework
Example: say — said yet.— I haven't done my homework yet.
travel, think, take, go, tell, write, play, come, 1. ... you (be) to London? — Yes, I ... (be)
eat, have, give, swim, make, buy, work, do, there last summer.
see, be, run, fall, send, learn, decorate, teach, 2. She ... (never / fly) a kite.
wash, drive, fly 3. The tourist ... (just / cross) the square.
4. They ... (cross) the street, ... (turn) to the
left, and ... (see) the boat.
1 3 Combine the words from the two
columns to make new phrases. Add the 5. We are very tired. We ... (just / clean) the
indefinite article a / an. Then translate the house.
phrases into Russian. 6. The students ... (visit) the Science
Museum yesterday. They ... (spend)
Example: a written letter Science Night in the museum.
written window
playing boy 1 7 Do Ex. 124 on page 122 in written
running breakfast form.
opened house
singing sportsman
flying bird 1 8 Rewrite the sentences with the words
built book in brackets in the right place.
eaten girl Example: Have you been to Scotland (ever)?
sent letter — Have you ever been to Scotland?
falling room 1. My friend has had a bird's-eye view of the
decorated chair city (never). Let's take her to the London
1 4 Complete the sentences with have, 2. Let's make an apple pie. I have bought
haven't, has or hasn't. green apples, eggs and some flour
1. You look happy. What ... happened? — (already).
Oh, I ... won the first prize. 3. The group of tourists has turned left
2. Let's make a fruit salad. ... you bought (just).
bananas and apples? 4. The children have visited the London Zoo
3. The boys ... already visited their sick (recently). They liked the monkeys.
friend, ... they? 5. Have you ridden a camel (ever)? — No,
4. The tourist... bought any souvenirs in I haven't.
the shop yet. 6. What have you done (lately)?
5. W h a t . . . you done? — Ann ... already 7. You have seen a UFO, haven't vou
translated the exercise and I ... learnt the (just)? — Are you sure?
new words by heart.
6. ... the students written the test? — Not 1 9 Do Ex. 136 on page 125 in written
yet. form. Write what Ann has already done for
the party and what she hasn't done yet.
1 5 Do Ex. 106 on page 117 in written
form. Write what Alice has already done
(+) and what she hasn't done yet (-).

20 Do Ex. 148 on page 129 in written 22 Complete the sentences with the
form. Write what Robinson Crusoe has correct form of the word in brackets.
already done.
Example: Ilya Repin is a famous Russian
. . . . (art) — Ilya Repin is a famous Russian
2 1 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct artist.
form to complete the text. Use the Present 1. Have you read his new book about the
Simple or the Present Continuous. Russian ... ? (science)
2. The wax model of the ... appeared in
Madame Tussaud's. (politics)
3. Who is the ... of that unusual building?
Look at the picture. You can see the Browns
in their living room. They usually ... (spend)
4. A ... should always be friendly and polite
their Saturday evenings at home. Look at Mr
to customers, (library)
Brown. He ... (sit) in his armchair. He ...
5.1 think one day that boy will become a
(watch) TV. He ... (like) sports programmes.
famous . . . . (music)
Mrs Brown ... (read) a magazine. She ...
6. What are you going to be? — I'm going
(buy) newspapers and magazines every
to be a ... like my father, (police)
morning. Betsy, their daughter, ... (take)
care of the family's pets. Now she ... (feed)
the goldfish. Her elder brother James ... 23 Complete the text with the words.
(draw) a ship. He ... (draw) very well. Use:
He is going to be an artist some day. famous, years, lovely, take, old; museums
London is the capital of Great Britain. It is
a very old city. It was founded about two
thousand ... ago. London is one of the most
... and interesting cities in Europe. There
are a lot of ... and monuments, cinemas
and theatres in London. Londoners are
proud of their ... parks. Different festivals
... place in the parks every summer.

24 Translate from Russian into English.

1. знаменитый писатель
2. восхищаться своим героем
3. написать роман
4. большое приключение
5. летящий воздушный змей
6. написанное письмо
7. Марк Твен был знаменитым
американским писателем.
8. Когда он написал свою знаменитую
книгу о Томе Сойере?
9. Марк Твен написал о приключениях
Тома и его друзей.
10. Главные герои его книги были
добрыми и храбрыми.

25 Create questions and answers with the 26 Complete the text with the words.
words in brackets.
Example: (your father / an artist?) — (-)
(he / an architect)
poems, eldest, born, began, seven, about

Is your father an artist? — No, he is an
1. (you / do your homework?) — (+)
(I / just / finish)
2. (your brother / play / computer games /
now?) — (-) (he / read / a detective
Robert Burns was a well-known Scottish
3. (what / you / do / tomorrow?) —
poet. He was born in 1759. His father
(1 / visit my granny)
was a farmer and there were ... children
4. (they / go to school / on Saturdays?) —
in the family. Robert was the ... son. He
(+) (they / have / five lessons)
liked reading. At the age of 15 he ... to
5. (the students / take part in the competi-
write poems. He wrote ... people, love
tion / yesterday?) — (+) (they / win the
and everyday things. Scottish people still
remember the poet, his ... and songs.

Key vocabulary

Nouns: Verbs: Word combinations:

X activities 1 admire 1 be famous for
adventure chat be founded in
beefeater turn be full of
cathedral be proud of
Adjectives be rich in
amazing be situated
ancient be surprised
cultural come true
free face-to-face
hospitable have a barbecue
royal host family
politician Adverbs: in peace
raven aready play board game
sight ever take care of
slice (of) just take place
square lately turn to the left / right
stadium never Expressions:
theatre recently 1 It's worth visiting...
tower yet

Progress check

Задание 1. Послушай четыре диалога. Определи, где происходит каждый из этих

диалогов. Занеси свои ответы в таблицу: впиши соответствующую букву. Ты услышишь
диалоги дважды.

A. In the cafe
B. At the zoo
C. In the museum
D. In the street

A. What did Stephane do in the morning?

B. What did Stephane have for breakfast?


C. What did Stephane buy in the shop?

D. Where did Stephane spend the evening?


Прочитай текст и выполни задания 3, 4, 5.

I would like to tell you a story about my granny.

She's really the most fantastic old lady in the

It was very difficult for her to say goodbye to
her animals. But the kind people from the next
farm over promised to take care of them.
world! Her real name is Marceline, but I call her After just a few days, granny Marcel wasn't too
granny Marcel! Before she moved to the city, she happy in the city in our flat.
lived in the country. Round her nice farmhouse One day she went to our balcony. It was big
there was green grass and beautiful flowers. and got a lot of sun She liked it very much and
Granny Marcel lived alone in her house. My decided to grow some flowers there. But soon she
parents and I couldn't visit her very often. So I was looked very unhappy again. "Are you missing your
always so happy to spend my summer holidays in animals, granny?" She nodded. "Why don't you
granny's house. go to the country and bring them all back here?"
Granny Marcel didn't feel lonely because she I suggested. And granny Marcel smiled.
had so many animals to take care of: a cow, five She came back in a day or two with her cat, five
hens, two sheep and a cat. hens and a sheep. I helped her to feed them all and
But one day granny Marcel fell ill. She was get them onto the balcony.
not very seriously ill but my father said to her: Nowadays granny Marcel is much happier with
"You should move into the city and live with us." her flowers and her animals on the balcony. But
Granny Marcel thought about it and agreed with there is still one question: "How is she going to
my dad. "All right!" she said suddenly. "I'll move get her cow into the flat?"
to the city"
Задание 3. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.
— • — J
What is this story about?
A. Granny Marcel and her house.
B. Granny Marcel and her animals.
C. Granny Marcel and her flowers.

Задание 4. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных.

Обведи соответствующую букву.

1. Granny Marcel moved to the city because... 2. One day granny Marcel...
A. she wanted to live in the flat. A. went back to her house again.
B. she was old and in poor health. B. brought her cow into the flat.
C. she was unhappy in the country. C. made a farm on the balcony.

3. At first granny Marcel was unhappy in

the city because...
A. she missed her animals.
B. she missed her friends.
C. she missed her grandson.

Задание 5. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют

тексту,— Τ (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false).

1. Granny Marcel lived with her family in the country.

2. One day her animals fell seriously ill.
3. When granny Marcel left, the other farmers agreed to take care of all her animals.
4. Her grandson helped her to look after her animals on the balcony.



It's great here in London.

I have already


See you soon,

Part II

Задание 7. Выбери одну из карточек. Дай устный ответ.

Card 1

Talk about your favourite London sight. Say:

• what it is famous for.
• why you would like to visit it.

Card 2

Talk about any museum you have visited. Say:

• what you can see in the museum.
• why it is worth visiting.

Card 3

Talk about your favourite book. Say:

• what this book is about.
• why you like it.

Задание 7. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником.

Dialogue 1

Card 1 Card 2

Ask your classmate: Your classmate is fond of reading. Answer

• whether he / she likes reading your classmate's questions. Ask him / her:
• who his / her favourite writer is • what kind of books he / she likes to read
Answer his / her questions. • what his / her favourite character is, and
(You begin the conversation.) why

Dialogue 2

Card 1 Card 2

You are about to get your school lunch. You are about to get your school lunch.
• Ask your classmate what he / she would Answer your classmate's questions.
like to have for lunch. • Ask him / her what his / her favourite
• Agree to have lunch together. food is.
Answer his / her questions. • Invite him / her to have lunch together.
(You begin the conversation.)

Project "Welcome to our town!"

• Read the instructions and do the project in your Workbook.

1 UNfT# Ϊ earning more about each other
Section 1 M a y I ask you a question?

1 Listen to the interview with Jess Hassett,

a student at East Square London School.
Say what you have learnt about her. Use
и л
these topics:
1. Foreign languages she speaks
2. Her favourite hobbies
· Л*
3. Musical instruments she plays
л 4. Her friends
— 2 Listen and repeat. Find and read the
ι pairs of words which sound similar in
Russian and English.

student, interview, correspondent,

information, hobby, musical, instrument,
group, theatre, guitar, typical, manager,
humour, serious, local

информация, корреспондент, хобби

(увлечение), студент, театр, музыкаль-
ный, интервью, гитара, местный (ло-
кальный), группа, юмор, типичный,
менеджер, серьезный, инструмент
3 Read and translate the word combi- 4 Complete the text.
nations. Make up your own sentences
using these word combinations.
foreign, exchange, for, musical, invited, her,
a student's interview an interview
a local group
correspondent's information
to be a serious student Jess Hassett is a student of East Square London
to have a hobby School. Her school... some Russian students
a musical instrument to visit London during their spring holidays.
a busy manager Jess is responsible ... the arrangement of an
to go to a theatre English-Russian s t u d e n t . . . . Jess gave ... to a
to play the guitar correspondent of a youth newspaper "School
to have a good sense of humour friends". She told him about her hobbies, the
a local train ... instrument she can play, the ... languages
she can speak and about ... friends.

J l 5 Work in pairs. Read Jess's interview. Say where the Russian students are staying
in London and what sights they have visited already.
Correspondent: Jess, could you answer some questions about the
English-Russian student exchange?
Jess: Yes, of course.
Correspondent: Who are the host families?
Jess: All Russian students have got a host family through their
penfriends. We decided this before their coming to London.
For example, we offered Lena to stay with Julia's family. Martin
offered Dima to stay with his family. And my penfriend Katya
is staying with my family. Stephan, my classmate, and his family
are having a party for our guests at their place next weekend.
Correspondent: What are you going to show your Russian friends
during these two weeks?
Jess: We've planned a lot of things for our guests and have discussed
our plans with our teacher Barbara Grey. We want to make their stay in London a very
interesting and unforgettable experience.
Correspondent: What places have you visited already?
Jess: We have been to Trafalgar Square, the London Eye, the Tower of London and the
Science Museum. You can ask them about their impressions if you want. They say
they've enjoyed the sightseeing.
Correspondent: Thank you very much. I plan to ask them a lot of questions tomorrow morning.
I hope they'll share their impressions.

unforgettable l/infs'getsbl] — незабываемый

6 Imagine that you are one of the Russian students. Tell the correspondent your impressions
about one of the sights of London you have visited already.
have a great time in London, like ... most of all, unforgettable place / view / time, be famous
for, learn about history, buy some souvenirs, take photo o f . . . , admire the place, it was great /

7 Complete the questions with the right tag questions and give short answers.
F.xample: Jess is a student of East Square London School, ...? — Jess is a student of East Square
London School, isn't she?— Yes, she is.
1. She can play the guitar,...?
2. Jess speaks French, ...?
3. She doesn't take part in the English-Russian school exchange, ...?
4. Her hobbies are music and theatre, ...?
5. She has got a foreign penfriend. ...?
6. Yesterday Jess gave an interview to the correspondent, ...?


8 Read, translate and remember.

change — сдача ,
Here is your change.
change — to give change \
— to have no change ' NT
— Here is your change.
— Thank you.
to change — менять, меняться, сменить, поменять
to change — one's name
— a dress (for a party)
— pounds for rubles
— Would you mind changing places?
— No problem,
an exchange — students' exchange
No problem.
I have to change my dress for dinner. Would you mind
Can I change my Russian money for English pounds? changing places?
Is the weather changing?
for a change — для разнообразия
Let's go to the theatre for a change.

9 Read Katya's letter and say what she 1 1 Complete the sentences with the
wrote about her stay in London. correct form of the verb.
1. Where is Jack? — He plays / is playing
Dear Mum, football in the park.
I am writing you a letter in English 2. What are you doing? — I watch / am
just as you asked me to. Great Britain watching a TV show.
5th of April I can't believe I'm staying in 3. What foreign languages do you speak? —
London for two weeks. So far everything is I speak / am speaking French.
unforgettable. Things are going really well 4. Look! Our puppy sleeps / is sleeping in the
here. hall.
My host family is great and so friendly! 5. My granddad reads / is reading his
Jess and her parents are very kind and newspaper every morning.
hospitable. I'm happy to have such an 6. Please call me later! We have / are having
amazing opportunity like this and to a party.
live with this fantastic family. It is very
interesting to study new culture and 1 2 Imagine that you are staying in
traditions. I love learning to speak and London with Katya and her friends. Tell
understand English. your classmates about your visit. Don't
I've made some new good friends at forget to tell them about your exchange
school too. All the kids are very friendly. partner, your host family, sightseeing in
I am having a really good time. I haven't London and your impressions.
even been homesick.
We are going to Cambridge tomorrow
morning. At the weekend we are going to 13 Write a letter to your parents about an
have a party at Stephan's place. interesting place you visited. Use the letter
As you can see, I'm quite busy. in Ex. 9 as a model.
Sending lots of love and best wishes to
Dad and Granny.
an opportunity [.Dpa'tjuinati) — возмож-
homesick ['haumsikj — тоскующий no дому

1 0 Read and correct the sentences which

are not true.
1. Katya wrote her letter in Russian.
2. She is staying in London for a week.
3. Her host family is very hospitable.
4. She hasn't made new friends at school.
5. She is going to Cambridge tomorrow

Section 2 Getting on well with the family

1 4 Listen, read and act out the story.

Sally, Timmy and Billy wanted to make their grandpa

happy. Sally said, "I'm first in Maths." Timmy said, "I'm
first in the English language, Grandpa." Then Grandpa
asked little Billy, "What are you first in, Billy?" "Well, I'm
the first one out of the door when the bell rings."

1 5 Work in pairs. Read the interview. Say what you have learnt about Jess's family.
Correspondent: Jess, could you answer some questions about your family?
Jess: Sure.
Correspondent: What would you say your family is like?
Jess: We are a typical English family. We are a close family and we get on well with each
Correspondent: What do your parents do?
Jess: My mum is a nurse and my dad is a manager.
Correspondent: Jess, how would you describe yourself, I mean what are your main
Jess: Well, I think I am independent, curious and have a good sense of humour.
Correspondent: Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Jess: I have got a brother, who is 5 years older
than me, and a sister, who is 3 years LOOK AND ЩШ
younger than me. to get on well with smb — хорошо
Correspondent: Do you get on well with them? ладить с кем-либо
Jess: Yes, I usually do, but sometimes my sister curious ['kjuorias] — любопытный
is very naughty. As for my brother, he is a a good sense of humour — хорошее
very serious and understanding person. чувство юмора
Correspondent: Have your got any family naughty ['noli] — капризный
traditions? serious ['srerias] — серьезный
understanding l/mda'stsendig] —
Jess: Yes, we always celebrate Christmas Day

опиши себя

1 6 Read the sentences. Choose the correct 1 7 Listen, read and repeat.
[e] — friendly, athletic, intelligent,
1. Could you answer my questions for / independent
about / of your family? [se] — dad, granny, activity, athletic,
2. They get at / in / on well with each other. tactful
3. She has a good sense by / of / on humour. [л] — butterfly, loving, understanding
4. His brother is first in I at I on Maths. [э] — amazing, opinion, polite, obedient
5. There are four of / with / from us in our [d] — strong, optimistic, responsible
family: Mum, Dad, Granny and me. [o:] — tall, formal, talkative, naughty
6. Let's go to the theatre by / with / for
a change.
1 8 Look at Stephan's family album and read about his family. Try to find all the members
of the family in the photo.

T his is my dad. He is the head of the

family. He is a computer programmer.
He is brave, strong, athletic and friendly.
My grandma is a librarian. She is the
greatest granny in the world! She is very
polite and tactful. She has a good sense of
He likes travelling and doing outdoor humour. She is very interested in other
activities. people.
Mum works in the Science Museum in They say we are a close family. We try to
London. She is a guide. She likes to be well- spend our free time together and arrange
dressed. Her favourite colours are green and regular dinners and fun birthday parties for
light blue. She is very kind and loving. She all of us.
likes reading, cooking and spending her free
time with me and my little sister Ann.
Ann is five years old. She is curious
and talkative. Usually she is obedient but
sometimes she's a little naughty. She likes athletic [aeG'letik] — атлетический
butterflies and everything that is pink and friendly [Trendli] — дружелюбный
purple. loving ['Lwifl] — любящий
Paul is my uncle. He is my father's talkative f'torkativ] — разговорчивый
obedient [эЪкИэШ] — послушный
brother. He is a taxi driver. He is very
smart [sma:t] — умный
smart and intelligent. He doesn't like
intelligent [in'telidpnt] — сообразитель-
formal clothes at all. He prefers to wear ный
jeans, pullovers and trainers. He enjoys life
wise [waiz] — мудрый
with his beautiful wife, Amy, and their cute polite [pa'lajt] — вежливый
puppy Sadie. tactful ['taektfl] — тактичный
My granddad is an engineer. He enjoys to be interested (in) — интересоваться
gardening and a game of ping-pong from чем-либо
time to time. He doesn't usually talk much.
He is very responsible, independent and

1 9 Look at the pictures of Stephen's 23 Listen, repeat and learn the poem.
family. Describe each member.
tall, short, handsome, dark (blue) eyes,
Get o n well with your sister! J
clever, black (dark, grey, fair) hair, slim, Don't ever kick your sister.
elegant, beautiful, he (she) looks like Don't slap her on the chin.
someone, plump, rosy cheeks, long (short) Don't shout at her "Silly!"
hair Don't do such awful thing!
Example. His father is a tall, handsome and Don't put a "Kick Me!" poster
strong man with dark clever eyes and black On your sister's back.
hair. Don't take a little mouse.
Don't put it in her bag.

20 Answer the questions about Stephen's Don't take a plastic spider

family. Don't put it on her head.
Don't leave your dirty trainers
1. What are Stephen's mother's favourite Inside your sister's bed.
2. What does his sister look like? Don't do this to your sister
3. What does his uncle usually wear? For if you ever do,
4. What does his granddad enjoy doing? I'm sure she may also
5. What does his grandma do? Do something worse to you!
6. What are the main characteristics of the
members of Stephan's family?

2 1 Create short descriptions of your Ш 24 Listen and repeat. Arrange the words
mum, your dad, your sister, your brother in pairs of opposites.
and your best friend. Include all of their Use:
characteristics. kind, polite, unfriendly, cruel, obedient,
clever, naughty, non-athletic, friendly, rude,
silly, stupid, noisy, athletic, quiet, wise,
2 2 Write some stories about your family.
tactful, impolite
Example: beautiful — ugly
Do you mind! You are
standing on my foot!


25 Read the joke. What do you think
happened next?

Little Tom is sitting on his father's knees in

a crowded bus. An old lady gets on the bus
and the boy jumps down at once and says
"May I offer you my seat?"

26 Create your family album so you can 28 Describe your mum, dad, sister,
tell your British partner about your family: brother and best friend. Which of these
words would you like to use?
a) Label the photos describing all family
members. A
В b) Write a story about a family tradition athletic, non-athletic,
(a birthday party, a New Year's Eve party, strong, tall, plump, slim, handsome,
etc). short, dark / fair / grey hair,
short / long hair, nice freckles,
blue / grey / dark / green eyes
. I 27 Listen, repeat and learn the poem.
Our family comes from around intelligent, sociable, responsible, loving,
the world 1 shy, independent, clever, beautiful, friendly,
Our family comes kind, polite, unfriendly, cruel, obedient,
naughty, rude, noisy, brave, quiet
From around the world
Our hair is straight2
Our hair is curled' 29 Choose one of your classmates to
Our eyes are brown describe. Then let your classmates guess
Our eyes are blue who she / he is.
Our skin4 is a different colour too.
We're girls and boys W O R D F O C U S : UN-, IM-, IN-, NON-
We're big and small
We're young and old 30 Listen and repeat. Guess the meaning
We're short and tall. of un-, im-, in-, поп-.
We're everything friendly — unfriendly
That we can be real — unreal
And still we are usual — unusual
A family. happy — unhappy
We laugh and cry pleasant — unpleasant
We work and play athletic — non-athletic
We help each other correct — incorrect
Every day. possible — impossible
The world is a lovely place to be lucky — unlucky
Because we are a family. polite — impolite
from around the world [wo:ld] — со всего света
straight [streit] — прямой
curled [k3:ld] — кудрявый
skin [skin] — кожа

31 Find out the meaning of these words. 36 Read the joke. Act it out.
Use the dictionary if necessary. Say the
word which has the opposite meaning of How to bring up children
the word given. — Daddy, do you think Mum knows how
to bring up1 children?
unfriendly — friendly impolite — ... — Why do you ask about it?
unwell — well unknown — ... — She makes me go to bed when I'm awake
untidy — ... independent — and she makes me get up when I'm
informal — ... unlike — ... sleepy.
unlucky — ... to unzip — to ..
unpleasant — ... to undo — to ... воспитывать

- I 32 Work in pairs. Interview your classmate. 3 1 Read the rules for parents and their
Use the interviews in Ex. 1 and 5 as models. children. Add your own rules. Use your
Use: sense of humour.
Personal characteristics: Rules for parents
sociable, independent, talkative, responsible, 1. Buy chocolate cakes and new computer
intelligent, creative, shy, rude, loving, games every day.
curious, kind, funny, naughty, athletic, 2. ...
non-athletic, cruel, friendly Rules for children
Family characteristics: 1. Let your parents help you do your Maths
homework. They will have no time to
close, loving, warm, caring, hospitable,
ask you questions about school and your
active, social
social life.
2. ...
3 3 Say what kinds of people you like and
don't like. Explain why.
в 38 Describe the ideal family.
Example I like kind people. I think they are
thoughtful and easy to be around. Example: There are just four of us in the
I don't like talkative people. I think they are family: my mother, my father, my brother
too noisy. and me. I'd like to have a little sister too.
I'd read books to her1 and take her to the
children's theatre. I'd like to live close to my
34 Describe the kind of person you would
want to be friends with. Why?

Я бы читал(а) ей книжки...
35 Find out what your classmates like
and dislike.

Names of your classmates What kinds of people does What kinds of people doesn't
she / he like? she / he like?


Do the exercises in your Workbook.

Section 3 You have got a pet, haven't you<

39 Read the interview about pets. Say what pets these children have got. Match them with
the pictures below.

Her name is Goldy. She is Л My pet name is Sparky. He is very Y

quiet and peaceful. I believe talkative. Also I have got Jeremy and I haven't got a pet of my
she can grant my wishes. 1 Honey. They never stop playing. own. But my cousin has
У « j v a cute but noisy puppy
к Sadie. He is very curious.
• I like playing with him.



got a pet. His name is

Have you got a pet? Tell us
,rty. He is very smart. He
igs my things to me. I'm a few words about your pet
• he understands a lot of for our newspaper. I call him Barsik. He is very
lish words. kind, loving and sometimes
shy. He is friendly to dogs
and to other animals.
My pets are very different.
Puss is noisy. Kitty is lazy.
Tom is brave. But they get My granny has got a lot of
on well with each other and domestic animals on her farm.
I like them all very much. There is a cow, some sheep,
some hens and a cockerel. But I
like her piglet Petyunya best of
all. He is smart but a little noisy.
40 When do we usually describe people's people rushed to help her. Nobody saw the
appearance? Give some examples. robber except for Sebastian and Kellie.
Example: when we are meeting someone "After him, Kellie!" said Sebastian. They
for the first time at the airport; when the followed the robber down Royal Street and
police are looking for a criminal into Cardiff Road. They didn't get too close
But they could see Mrs Clifford's bag inside
his jacket.
41 Read the detective story. Who are
Halfway along Sainsbury Street the robber
the main characters? Then answer the
stopped and looked around.
"Let's walk and play, Kellie!" Sebastian told
Kellie. Behind him, the robber saw just a small
Part 1 boy walking with his big dog.
"We only want to see where he goes. We
S ebastian and his dog Kellie were close
friends. Kellie thought Sebastian was the
kindest boy in the world. Sebastian thought
don't want to catch him," said Sebastian.
Before number ten the robber stopped,
opened the door and went inside.
Kellie was the smartest dog in the world.
"Got it! Number 10 Sainsbury Street," said
Sebastian wrote a short poem about his pet
He opened his school bag, took out a sheet
Funny, pretty, loving, of paper, wrote a note and gave it to Kellie.
Naughty, kind and brave, "I'll stay here and watch for him. You go
Friendly, clever, noisy, for help, Kellie. Give the note to Mum. Go!"
Playing night and day! he said.
Sebastian's mum thought they got on well
with each other. They were the most loving
family in the world. Kellie could play all kinds
of different games with Sebastian and could
bring in magazines and newspapers from the
letterbox to his mum every day.
Kellie and Sebastian went together every-
where. She could carry Sebastian's bag to
school. She waited when the lessons were over
and Sebastian came out. After school they
visited Sebastian's mum at work. She worked
in the cafe near their house.
One day they saw a robbery. It was in front
of mum's cafe. A robber pushed Mrs Clifford, Answer the questions.
took her bag and ran off. 1. Who were Sebastian and Kellie?
Poor Mrs Clifford was left lying on the 2. What things could Kellie do?
ground with her eyes closed. Mum and other 3. Where did they go together every day?
4. What did they see one day?
5. What did Sebastian's mum and the
other people do?
6. What did Sebastian tell Kellie?
7. Whom did the robber see behind him?
8. What did Sebastian want to see?
9. Who went for help?
10. What do you think Sebastian wrote in
the note?

42 Complete the text. 47 Listen and repeat the tongue twister.
Use: A wise old owl
bring, friends, note, her, smartest, ran, A wise old owl lived in an oak.
robber, kmd The more he saw the less he spoke.
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?
Sebastian had a close friend called Kellie.
Kellie was a kind and intelligent dog. Sebastian
48 Before reading the second part of the
was sure that Kellie was the ... dog in world. story try to guess what happened. Choose
Kellie could ... in magazines and newspapers from the following:
from the letterbox to Sebastian's mum. One
day the ... saw a robbery. A robber pushed a 1. Kellie lost the note so the police didn't
woman, took ... bag and ran off. Nobody saw catch the robber.
the ... except for Sebastian and Kellie. They 2. Sebastian couldn't see the robber and he
went after the robber. Then Sebastian wrote got away.
a ... with the address and gave it to Kellie. 3. The police arrived in time and the robber
Kellie ... to Sebastian's mum. was arrested.

49 Read the end of the detective story. Say

how the police caught the robber.
43 Make a list of all verbs used in Ex. 41.
Compare your list with your classmate's.
Then say the three forms of the irregular
verbs from your list.
Example: were: be — was (were) — been,
thought: think —thought —

44 Work in pairs. Discuss the following

questions. What pets do you have, or
would like to have? Why? / Why not?
Part 2

45 Tell your classmates about your pet.

(If you haven't got a pet, imagine one.)
K ellie looked for Sebastian's mum at home,
but she was not there. Kellie thought
about it and went to the cafe. She saw a lot
of people there. One of them was a police
officer. Mrs Clifford and Mum were sitting
1. My pet is... (a dog, a cat, a hamster,
and talking with the police officer.
a parrot etc)
"Kellie!" — Mum came over to the dog.
2. Its name is...
"Where is Sebastian?" Kellie gave Mum the
3. It is funny, smart...
note and she read it aloud. "The robber is at
4. It can...
10, Sainsbury Street. Get the police!"
5. It likes...
"What a brave boy, and what a smart dog
6.1 like to... with my pet.
you are!" said the police officer. "Go straight
to the police car. Hurry up!"
46 Write a short story about your pet or Sebastian was standing behind a tree waiting
your friend's pet. for Kellie. He knew Kellie and Mum would be

J 5 1 Make a list of all verbs used in the
second part of the text. Compare your list
with your classmate's. Then say the three
forms of the irregular verbs from your list.
Example: saw: see — saw — seen

-1 52 Work in pairs. Discuss the following

1. What characters do you like / dislike in
this story about Sebastian and his dog?
back soon. But he couldn't see the robber Why? / Why not?
anymore. Suddenly the door opened and 2. Is the story interesting to you? Why? /
the robber came out from the house. He was Why not? What do you want to change
going to get into his car. Sebastian wished he about it?
still had Kellie with him.' The robber looked
around. He saw the boy hiding behind the 53 List the main points of the story. Retell
tree! "Hey, kid! I saw you earlier. Come here!" the part of the story which you like best.
Sebastian was in danger now. He was ready
1. Sebastian and Kellie are close friends.
to take off. The robber was coming at him...
2. The robbery.
"Stop where you are!" 2 The police car 3. ...
arrived just in time. The robber stopped.
Then Sebastian heard his dog barking. Kellie
and Mum were running toward him. They 54 Use your main points to write the
were so happy to see him. The police officers summary of the story.
made the robber get into the police car.
"Sebastian! Next time you decide to go —J 55 Imagine that you are Sebastian or his
catch a robber, please tell me first!" said Mum. mum and write a short story about your
dog Kellie.
Себастьян пожалел, что с ним нет Келли.
Оставайтесь на месте!
a 56 Imagine your pet got the first prize
in a TV show. Talk about your pet to a
correspondent of the magazine "Our Pets".
50 Answer the questions. Work in pairs and swap roles.
1. Where did Kellie look for Sebastian's Use:
mum at first? to be like, noisy, quiet, loving, naughty,
2. Who did Kellie find in the cafe? friendly, unfriendly, to feed, to eat, to go for
3. Did she give the note to the police a walk, to like doing...
4. What words did Sebastian hear the
robber say?
5. How did Sebastian, his mum and Kellie
finally meet?
6. What did Sebastian's mum say to him
when she saw him?

Section 4 Do we have the same hobbies?

57 Do you have a hobby? What hobbies

do you know about? Look at the pictures.
Guess and say what these people's
hobbies are.

5 8 Interview your classmates and say what

their hobbies are.
writing, cooking, playing sport, collecting
(stamps / postcards), playing computer
games, listening to music, watching TV,
going to the theatre or cinema, dancing,
swimming, reading, playing a musical
instrument etc

59 Give your views about the different hobbies. Make sentences using
the words in the columns.

dull / fun / pleasant,
the best / the worst,
for active people,
Playing computer games
for lazy kids,
Collecting stamps / postcards for intelligent people,
Listening to music good for your health,
Watching TV / films useful for your family,
Going to the theatre for clever people,
Dancing not fun.
Reading books / magazines
no use to anyone,
Playing musical instruments not easy but interesting.
Taking photos

60 Read the story "A strange hobby". Say what the famous writer said about the boy's


One day his friend brought him an exercise

book and said: "My dear friend! I want to
know what you think of this boy's character.
Tell me the truth. He is not my son."
Balzac was very glad to demonstrate his
talent. He began to study the handwriting.
After some minutes of careful studying
he said: "All right, I'll tell you the truth.

B alzac was a famous French writer of

great talent. But he had a strange hobby.
He liked to tell a person's character by his
This boy is a bad and lazy fellow." "That's
very strange," said his friend and smiled,
"because this is your exercise book from
or her handwriting. He was very proud of when you were a boy."
his hobby.

6 1 Make up five questions in the Past Simple about the text. Ask your classmate your
questions and have h i m / h e r answer them.
Who..., When..., Why..., What...

62 Taking care of pets is a very popular hobby. Read the story "It isn't the first time"
and say what Linda is doing in the bathroom.

L inda's father is walking down the corridor. When he

is passing the bathroom he hears his daughter talking
to somebody in a kind voice. The door of the bathroom
is open. The father is surprised and lookes in. He sees
his daughter holding the cat in her arms and cleaning its
teeth with his toothbrush. Linda doesn't see her father and
continues her cleaning. Linda's father calls his wife. Linda's ^ m f
mother comes in and lets the cat go. But the little girl says:
"Why? I'm sure Daddy needn't make such a fuss1 about it,
because it isn't the first time I cleaned the cat's teeth with
that toothbrush."

make a fuss — поднимать суматоху

63 Read and correct the sentences which 65 Describe your best friend. Add some
are not true. details about his / her hobbies.
1. Linda's mother is walking down the Include his / her:
corridor. • name characteristics
2. Linda is talking to her cat in an angry • age hobbies
voice. • appearance pet(s)
3. The father sees his daughter in the
bathroom with the cat.
4. Linda is cleaning her teeth with her
father's toothbrush.
5. Linda's mother lets the cat go.
6. Linda is surprised.

64 Choose the Present Simple or the

Present Continious. Complete the mini-

1 6 6 Work in pairs. Choose any famous

person (a singer, an actor, a writer) and
describe him/her. Don't tell your partner
his/her name. Let your classmate guess
who the famous person is.

—What kind of books do you usually ... 67 Think of the most interesting or
(read)? strange hobby you can imagine.
—I usually ... (read) detective stories and Tell your classmates about it.
books on history.
—What book ... you ... (read) at the
moment? В 6 8 Interview your classmate about his/her
—1 ... (read) a story by Agatha Christie. hobbies. Write a summary of your interview.
A very good one.

We talked with Fiona about her hobbies.

She is a very creative person so she has
an unusual hobby. She collects mugs. She
always asks her relatives and friends to
bring her mugs from all the places they
have visited. Then she reads a lot about
В these places: their history, their well-known
—Do you ... (speak) Spanish? sights, the famous people who have lived
—Yes, I do. A little. there. By now she has collected at least
—... they ... (speak) Spanish or Italian at twenty-four mugs.
the moment?
—Wait a minute! I think they ... (speak)

Section 5 What are you going to be?

6 9 Listen, repeat and learn the poem
- Л N
I am going to be ... .
I like travelling, taking
photos and creating
What are you going to be?
What are you going to be? Martin
What are you going to be?
I'll be a teacher, I am going to be . . . . I like computers
That's the life for me. very much. It's much easier to work with
them than to speak with people all day.
What are you going to be?
What are you going to be?
I'll be a firefighter, I am going to be ... .
I like acting and do'
That's the life for me.
drama lessons.

t-1· 7 0 Listen, repeat and remember.

I am going to be . . . . I like
Occupations / Jobs: taking care of animals.
nurse, librarian, lawyer, dentist, engineer, I've got three pets at the
computer programmer, farmer, worker, moment. And they always
need my help and care.
office worker, housewife, taxi driver,
businessman / businesswoman, postman /
postwoman, firefighter, police officer, I am going to be ...
I like doing sports ve
doctor, architect, pilot, vet, mechanic,
teacher, scientist, gardener, sportsman,
sportswoman, manager, correspondent,
writer, poet, artist, actor, journalist

7 1 Find the words for occupations which I am going to be ... I would

sound similar in English and in Russian. like to help people feel better.
Example: engineer — инженер
~ — — — — — — ^ — — — —

ш* 7 2 Listen to the interview. Say what I am going to be ... .

Martin's parents do and what Martin I like studying English
wants his job to be. and I want to teach kids.

7 3 Read and say what these students are

going to be. Complete the sentences using I am going to be .... I like
the jobs. drawing pictures and
portraits of people.
a vet, an artist, a computer programmer,
a doctor, a teacher, a sportsman, an actress,
a correspondent

74 Match the jobs in A with the definitions in B.

I. a nurse a) works in the fields and with farm animals
2. a dentist b) puts out (stops) fires
3. an engineer c) takes care of all members of her family
4. a farmer d) solves people's problems with their teeth
5. a housewife e) catches criminals
6. a driver f) takes care of sick animals
7. a postman g) arranges work for others in a company
8. a firefighter h) repairs cars, planes, ships etc
9. a police officer i) takes care of sick people
10. a vet j) plans the building of roads, bridges, machines, etc
11. a mechanic k) drives cars
12. a manager 1) brings letters and postcards to people

75 What characteristics are necessary for these jobs? Complete the table with the most
suitable words.

nurse kind, friendly

dentist responsible,...
engineer smart,...
police officer

76 Say what you think you are going to be in ten years' time. Why would you like this job?
What characteristics are necessary for it?
Example In ten years' time I think I am going to be a doctor. Doctors help people get better.
Doctors should be kind and loving.

7 7 Ask your classmates what they are going to be. Find out:
a) what job is the most popular among your friends?
b) what jobs only boys want to do and what jobs only girls want to do?

Jobs Names of classmates
Girls Boys
computer programmer Dima, Oleg — 2
doctor Natasha, Nadya, Pavel, Volodya 2 2
a police officer
inbs amongι
One ot the most popular jobs among .o-
Compare the results: British boys is to become a sportsman!

7 8 Match the sentences and the pictures.

a) London taxis are called black cabs
b) Don't be afraid! Open your mouth, please.
c) Here are your letters, Mr Smith.
d)One day I'll win Wimbledon 1 .
e) What can I do for you?
f) Our bank is open from 9.30 a.m. till
5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Уимблдонский теннисный турнир

7 9 Listen to Mr Hopkins and Mrs Rogers talking about their jobs. Guess what they do.

80 Read the texts and check your guesses.

I'm Michael Hopkins. I'm from Scotland I work outdoors

almost the whole year round. It's nice in summer but not
so good in winter. My working day begins at 6 a.m. I work
both on weekdays and at weekends. My wife and two sons
help me. We have lots of animals, such as sheep and cows.
We work in the fields. I'm very busy but I really like my
job. What am I?

I'm Sara Rogers. I live in Bath. I work from 9 a.m. till

6 p.m. I don't work at weekends or on public holidays.
There are a lot of different books, newspapers and
magazines at my workplace. I work with both books and
people. And I always try to be friendly and polite. I help
people to find books and magazines. My favourite part of
the job is to answer questions about modern writers and
their novels. I love my job. I think it's very important.

8 1 Describe the job of one of your parents. Use Ex. 80 as a model.

82 Work in groups of three-four. Choose one of the texts and read it together. Discuss these
questions in your group: Why do people choose these jobs? What other jobs do you know?

Text 1. Bodyguards
The world we live in can be a dangerous one. Some people
need to have a bodyguard to protect them and their
families. Politicians in almost all countries are protected by
bodyguards. Presidents of all countries never go anywhere
without their secret service agents. Important business
people or rock stars may also have bodyguards to protect
Being a bodyguard is a dangerous job. Good bodyguards
are prepared to risk their own lives to protect their clients.
Some bodyguards wear bullet-proof vests'.
Bodyguards also teach their clients how to avoid
dangerous situations. Bodyguards usually stay close to their
clients wherever they go. They can protect their clients'
homes and offices too.

пуленепробиваемые жилеты

to protect [pra'tekt] — защищать, охранять

a bodyguard fbDdigcrd] — телохранитель
Text 2. Vets
Animals are very important to people. We keep dogs and cats
as pets. Some farmers have sheep and cows to produce meat
and milk. We ride horses. We watch lions and tigers in the zoos.
For people who love animals, working as a vet is an ideal job.
Vets treat many different kinds of animals,
such as dogs, cats, cows, pigs and horses.
Some vets even treat zoo animals such as
tigers, monkeys and giraffes.
Vets have to be careful when they treat
animals. A scared animal can bite or kick
them. They have to know how to treat
animals well.

to treat |tri:t) — лечить

Text 3. Computer programmers
Computers are very important to people. We have computers at home
and in offices, at schools and in banks, in shops and in libraries. Some
computers help doctors treat people in the hospitals and help students
study at the universities. Computers help people work and enjoy their
free time playing games.
For people who love computers, working as a computer programmer
is an ideal job. Programmers create many kinds of new programs for
computers. Some new programs help us do experiments in science,
create new technologies and make new machines. New *
clever programs help people control driving their cars,
flying planes, and sailing ships.
Lots of people use computers at home. Sometimes they
need the help of a computer programmer who can repair
their computer. Programmers can protect computers
from hackers who create new computer viruses.

Text 4. Teachers
We can't imagine the world we live in without knowledge.
Almost everyone wants to know how to read, write, count
and explore the most important things about life. People of all
professions have usually been to school at some point in their
lives. All presidents, politicians, business people, rock stars,
vets, computer programmers and others have studied at school
and often remember their schoolteachers.
Being a teacher is a very important job. People
who are intelligent, sociable, responsible, loving,
friendly and kind become good teachers! Good
teachers are ready to help their students in many
different situations. They teach their students
how to learn, how to solve problems and how to
choose a future job. Teachers are responsible for
their students and their futures.

83 Find a group that has read a different J 85 Describe your ideal job. Rank the
text from yours. Share your information following job facts 1-10 (1 — most
with this group. important, 10 — least important).
Use these questions to help you: Compare your list to your classmate's.

Bodyguards: to have a good salary

1. Who usually needs a bodyguard? to work with nice people
2. A bodyguard is a dangerous job, isn't it? to work outdoors
Why? to work in an office
to solve problems
3. What do bodyguards do? to travel a lot
Vets: to write often
1. A vet is a dangerous job, isn't it? Why? to help other people
2. Who can become a vet? to teach people
3. What do vets have to learn about? to work on my own
Computer programmers:
1. A computer programmer is an important 8 6 Write about your ideal job. Describe:
job, isn't it? Why?
• the place you'd like to work in
2. Who can become a computer
• the things you'd like to do
• the characteristics you should have
3. What does a computer programmer do?
• the results you expect
1. Why is a teacher an important job?
2. Who becomes a good teacher?
3. What is a teacher responsible for?

84 Complete the information in the table.

Use Ex. 80, 82 and your own ideas.

Occupation /
Where job takes place What he / she does Special characteristics
teacher school teaches pupils responsible, clever, kind
wherever the client is
creates new computer
Section 6 Reading for pleasure

• Read the texts and do the exercises in your Workbook.

Section 7 Homework

1 Complete the text with the verbs in the 3 Read the answers. Make questions for
correct form. them.
Example: They are going to take part in
the Russian-English students' exchange. —
What are they going to take part in?
1. His parents are very kind and hospitable
people. (Who...?)
2. Last week they visited many interesting
places. (When...?)
3. We'll ask them those ten questions
tomorrow. (How many...?)
4. Last year her father had an opportunity to
travel to Africa. (Where...?)
5. They haven't been homesick in this
Lenny is (be) the correspondent of our school friendly host family. (Why...?)
newspaper. Usually he ... (be) responsible for
the holiday social programme. Last week he 4 Translate from Russian into English.
... (arrange) our visit to the museum. He ... A
(have) a good sense of humour. He ... (play) 1. самостоятельный и серьезный ученик
different musical instruments. But most of all
2. любопытный и дружелюбный щенок
he ... (like) to play the guitar. Tomorrow he
3. понимающий и любящий друг
... (take part) in a concert in the local club.
4. послушная и вежливая ученица
He ... (live) not far from our town and ...
5. капризная младшая сестра
(go) there by bus.
1. Наша бабушка любит путешествовать
2 Add the appropriate tag question.
и проводить время на свежем воздухе.
Example: Jess Hassett speaks French, 2. Эта вежливая и тактичная библиоте-
Jess Hassett speaks French, doesn't карь — моя старшая сестра.
she? 3. У этого серьезного инженера хорошее
1. Jess is arranging the students' exchange, чувство юмора.
... ? 4. Мой младший брат не любит офици-
2. Lena is staying with a host family in альную одежду и короткие волосы.
London, ... ? 5. Этот гид хорошо ладит с капризными
3. Den can play different musical детьми и их родителями.
instruments, ... ?
4. They can't speak any foreign languages,... ?
5. You have got two close friends, ... ?
6. Our school football team have given an
interview, ... ?

5 Combine the words from the two columns to make 15 new phrases.
Add the indefinite article a / an.
Example: a naughty boy

naughty, kind, polite, non-athletic, woman, dad, grandmother, driver,

cruel, clever, quiet, friendly, rude, engineer, librarian, computer
silly, noisy, athletic, wise, tactful, programmer, brother, question, man,
obedient grandfather, boy, guide, sister, mum

6 Complete the table with the missing words. Then translate the words into Russian.

happy (счастливый) unhappy (несчастливый)

possible (возможный)
known (...) (неизвестный)
(зависимый) ndependent (...)
incorrect (...)

7 Read the answers. Make questions for them.

Example: His mum worked in the cafe. (Where...?) —
Where did his mum work?
1. Sebastian and Kellie were close friends. (Who...?)
2. Kellie often carried Sebastian's bag to school. (What...?)
3. They went to school together every day. (Where...?)
4. The robber pushed Mrs Clifford and took the bag. (What...?)
5. Only Sebastian and Kellie saw the robber. (Who...?)

8 Match the questions in the first column with the answers in the second.

1. Your cat has got the first prize in a TV a) Yes, Edward is the smartest cat in the
show, hasn't he? world!
2. Could you answer a few questions for b) He can catch mice. And I'm sure he
the magazine "Our Pets"? understands a lot.
3. What can your cat do? c) He is very kind, loving and a little shy.
4. What is your cat like? He is friendly to dogs and other animals
5. What do you like to do together? d)We like to play and go for walks together.
e) Yes, of course.

9 Complete the text with the words. 1 2 Do Ex. 64 on page 157 in written form.
big, black, kiss, wanted, best, morning 1 3 Complete the text with the words.
Martin got up early in the morning. It was with, different, collects, interesting, smart,
his tenth birthday. "At eight o'clock my subjects, eleven
parents will come to my room and say
"Happy Birthday!" They will probably ... My best friend's name is Natasha. She is
me and give me a shirt or a bag, Martin eleven years old like me. She is a very pretty
thought. He really ... a funny little puppy or girl ... grey eyes and curly blond hair. She is
a cute kitten. But his parents were against not too tall or too short. She is very tactful
pets. and . . . . Her favourite ... are Maths and
Suddenly Martin's mum and dad came in. English. Natasha has got an ... hobby. She
"Happy Birthday!" they said and gave him ... minerals. There are a lot of minerals in a
a ... bag. Martin opened the bag and a ... box in her room. They are ... in colour and
puppy jumped out of the bag. It was the ... size. I think Natasha is great.
day in Martin's life!
1 4 Complete these sentences with the best
1 0 Translate from Russian into English. Example: A good librarian is intelligent and
A sociable.
1. атлетический кружок 1. A good engineer is ... .
2. незабываемое событие 2. A modern farmer is ... .
3. разговорчивый дедушка 3. A nice nurse is ... .
4. гостеприимная бабушка 4. A real friend is ... .
5. любящие родители 5. If you like your pet, you are . . . .
В 6. An excellent police officer is ... .
1. Собака и девочка всегда ладят друг
с другом. 1 5 Complete the sentences.
2. Попугаи самые шумные домашние
1. A postman is a person who brings letters,
postcards and newspaper to the people's
3. Хани очень капризный хомяк.
4. Вчера полиция поймала грабителя.
2. Nowadays there are many people who
5. Эта была очень скучная история.
work with computers. But some of them
create their own programs. They are . . . .
1 1 Complete the text with prepositions if 3. When you have problems with your teeth
necessary. you must see a . . . .
4. In any office you see a lot of ... . They are
My hobby is listening to music. My favourite usually dressed in dark suits and white
type ... music is rock. I don't play ... any shirts.
musical instruments. But 1 like to listen 5. My mum takes care of sick people in
... music. All my friends are fond ... rock hospital. She is a ... .
music too. Our dream is to 6. Would you like to be a ... ? If so, you
start a rock band and to invite have to learn many songs by heart.
our families and friends ...
our concert.
1 6 Translate from Russian into English. 1 8 Complete the sentences with the
correct form of the word in brackets.
1. сообразительный ребенок Example: Miss Clark is a ... at my school.
2. независимый корреспондент (teach) — Miss Clark is a teacher at my
3. умный ответ school.
4. гостеприимная домашняя хозяйка 1. Mark Twain is a famous American . . . .
5. общительный водитель (write)
В 2. Did you know that Samuel Marshak was
1. Многие люди имеют компьютеры дома. a good ... ? (translate)
2. Телохранитель — опасная профессия. 3. Would you like to be a ... for famous
3. Я хочу стать ветеринаром. people? (drive)
4. Кем ты хочешь стать? 4. We've invited him to the Young ... Club,
1 7 Complete the sentences with the 5. The best... will appear in the
articles a I an or the. performance tomorrow, (dance)
6. What do you do? — I am a ... . (library)
Example: Stella takes care of people in
hospital. She is a nurse.
1. Would you like to be ... actor?
2. Miss Smith says he is ... best detective
3. Ron writes articles for a newspaper. He is
... journalist.
4. Charles Darwin is ... great English scientist.
5. She is going to be ... librarian, isn't she?

Key vocabulary

Nouns: * Verb: quiet
X actor * change serious
bodyguard protect smart
change treat tactful
computer programmer talkative
engineer J Adjectives: understanding
exchange * athletic unforgettable
fire fighter curious wise
housewife homesick
librarian friendly • Word combinations:
manager impolite • be interested in
nurse intelligent change euros for pounds
opportunity loving exchange partner
police officer naughty for a change
vet non-athletic get on well with smb
obedient have a good sense of humour
plump have an opportunity

P r o g r e s s check

Задание 1. Послушай рассказы детей и догадайся, кем они хотят стать.

Заполни таблицу: впиши соответствующий номер говорящего. Ты услышишь каждый
рассказ дважды.

police officer computer programmer librarian doctor

Задание 2. Послушай беседу корреспондента с Джейн. Выбери и отметь (У)

правильные ответы на вопросы. Ты услышишь беседу дважды.

A. What languages does Jane speak very well?

German Spanish French

B. What is Jane's hobby?

taking photos collecting travelling

C. What is Jane going to be?

doctor dancer teacher

D. Has Jane got any brothers or sisters?

a sister a brother a sister and a brother



Прочитай текст и выполни задания 3, 4, 5.

Cambridge, GB
20th August
Dear Michael,
I am writing my first letter in English to you from Cambridge, as I have promised
you. There are many students from all over the world living and studying here. I will be
studying at the English Language School for a whole school year. I can't believe it! My
days are unforgettable. I am learning so much every moment. Things are going very well
for me here.
In your letter you asked me to describe my host family, my new friends and many other
things. Well, I hope to describe some of them in this letter.
As for my host family, they are really very nice and hospitable! Their names are Jennifer
and Christian, and they've got a son John. Jennifer is a housewife and, as our mum, she
takes care of the family. She is very understanding and loving. Christian is a mechanic.
He repairs both old and modern cars. He is serious about his work and polite. But he
has a very good sense of humour. John is a nice boy. He is only four but next September
he'll become a pupil. They are very kind and friendly. They made me feel like part of the
family. It is easy for me to get on well with them.
I've made some good new friends at school too. All the students are very friendly. I am
having a really good time. It is very interesting for me to practise English. I love to speak
and learn new English words.
Mickey, you will come to visit me at winter holidays, won't you? Cambridge is
wonderful but I miss my family and Spain.
We are going to have a party tomorrow in our language school. Next weekend we are
going to London. I am looking forward to this trip. In my next letter I'll write you more
about my new school.
Kisses and hugs to you all.
Best wishes from your brother,

Задание 3. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос Обведи соответствующую букву

What is this story about?

A. It's about the life of a Spanish student.
B. It's about the life of an English family.
C. It's about the life of an English student,

Задание 4. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют
тексту,— Τ (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false).

1. Raul is studying a foreign language in Cambridge.

2. There are four people in his host family.
3. Raul likes his host family.
4. Raul has no friends in his language school.

Задание 5. Соедини стрелками начало и конец предложения.

Raul is going to come to Great Britain for winter holidays.

Sim is going to visit London next weekend.
Michael is going to study at a school next autumn.


Part II

Задание 7. Выбери одну из карточек. Дай устный ответ.

Card 1

Talk about your family. Describe:

• the members of your family.
• what you like to do together.

Card 2

Talk about your hobby. Say:

• what hobbies the members of your family have.
• what you like to do in your free time.

Card 3

Talk about your future job. Say:

• what you want to be when you grow up.
• why you like this job.

Задание 8. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником.

Dialogue 1
Card 1 Card 2

Ask your classmate about his / her best Answer your classmate's questions.
friend. Ask him / her about: Ask him / her about his / her best friend.
• what kind of person his / her friend is Ask about:
• what they like to do together • whether they get on well with each other
Answer his / her questions. • his / her hobbies
(You begin the conversation.)

Dialogue 2
Card 1 Card 2

Ask your classmate about his / her family. Answer your classmate's questions.
Ask: Ask him / her about his / her family.
• if he / she has any special family Ask:
traditions • what they like to do together
• whether members of his / her family get • what hobbies members of his / her family
on well with each other have
Answer his / her questions.
(You begin the conversation.)

Project 4 "Let's act out the story!"

• Read the instructions and do the project in your Workbook.


Grammar reference

PRONOUNS (Местоимения)
Personal pronouns (личные местоимения)
Subject Object pronouns Possessive
pronouns (объектный падеж: (притяжательные:
чей? чья? чье?) (возвратные)
(именительный падеж: кого? что? кому? чему?
кто? что?) кем? чем?)
I те my myself
you you your yourself
she her her herself
he him his himself
it It its itself
we us our ourselves
they them their themselves

NUMBERS (Числительные)
1-21 1-21-й 10-100... 10-й, 100-й...
1/2 - a half
one first ten tenth 1/4 - a quarter
two second twenty twentieth 1 1/2 — one and a half
three third thirty thirtieth 1.7 — one point seven
four fourth forty fortieth
five fifth fifty fiftieth
six sixth sixty sixtieth
seven seventh seventy seventieth
eight eighth eighty eightieth
nine ninth ninety ninetieth
ten tenth a hundred hundredth
eleven eleventh two hundred two hundredth
twelve twelfth a thousand thousandth
thirteen thirteenth a million millionth
fourteen fourteenth
fifteen fifteenth
sixteen sixteenth 100 — а / one hundred
seventeen seventeenth 200 — two hundred
eighteen eighteenth 1,000 — а / one thousand
nineteen nineteenth 4,000 — four thousand
twenty twentieth 1,000,000 — a / one million
twenty-one twenty-first 1,000,000,000 — a / one billion

137 — one hundred and thirty-seven hundreds of students

5,253 — five thousand two hundred and fifty-three thousands of books
2,500,000 — two million five hundred thousand millions of people

Grammar reference

VERB TENSES (Глагольные времена)

Present Simple (Простое настоящее)
+ ?
Positive Negative Question

You You
speak English. don't speak English, Do speak English?
We We
They They they

She She she

He speaks English. He doesn't speak English. Does he speak English?
It It it
Yes, we do. Yes, does
Shortt answers: .. he
No, you don't. No, doesn't.

Past Simple (Простое прошедшее)

Positive Negative Question

You You you
We We we
They spoke English. They didn't speak English. Did they • speak English?
She She she
He He he
It It it
I/you/she/he/ did Nq> I/you/she/he/
Short answers: Yes, didn't.
it/we/they it/we/ they

Future Simple (Простое будущее)

+ ?
Positive Negative Question

1 will (shall) I won't (shan't) speak Will I

speak English?
We speak English. We English. (Shall) we

You You you

They They they
will speak she
She She won't speak English. Will speak English?
English. he
He He
It It it
T. won't
Yes, I/we will (shall). No, I/we
ί (shan't).
Short answers:
Yes, No, , ,. ,• wont,
1 Tshe/he/it
i u 7 ' 1 will. she/he/it

Grammar reference

Present Continuous (Настоящее продолженное)

+ ?
Pos itive Ne gative Que stion

I am " I am Am I
We We we
You are You are Are you
not writing
They • writing now. They they • writing now?
She She ι she
He is He is Is he
It It it
Yes, I am. No, 1 am not
„ we/you/ X7 we/you/
Yes, adIC
re No, , are not.
Short answers: they · they

Yes, she/he/it is. No, she/he/it is not.

Present Perfect (Настоящее завершенное)

+ — ·>
Positive Negative Question
You have written the You haven't written the you
We story. We story. we
written the
They They they •
She story?
She she
has written the hasn't written the
He He Has he
story. story.
It It it J
I/you/ I/you/
Yes, have. No, haven't.
they/we they/we
Short answers:
Yes, she/he/it has. No, she/he/it hasn't.

Have got (Иметь)

Positive Negative Que stion

You have got a computer. You haven't got a computer. Have you
We We we
They They they ' got a computer?
She She she
He has got a computer. He hasn't got a computer. Has he
It It it
I/y u/
Yes, ^ ° have. No, ^^ ^ haven't,
we/they we/they
Short answers:
Yes, she/he/it has. No, she/he/it hasn't.

Grammar reference


(Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий)
Adjective / Adverb Comparative Superlative
1 (Прилагательное / Наречие) (Сравнительная степень) (Превосходная степень)
old older oldest
short shorter shortest
big bigger biggest
nice nicer nicest
pretty prettier prettiest
popular more popular most popular
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
hard harder hardest
most carefully
carefully more carefully
much more carefully
• Remember

good better best

bad worse worst
far farther farthest
well better best
much more most
little less least

Yes/No questions l/W)-Questions

Do you speak English? When did you go to Britain?

Do...? What...? — Что? Какой?
Does...? Who...? — Кто?
Can...? Whom...? — Кого? Кому?
Could...? Where...? — Где? Куда?
May... ? Why...? — Зачем? Почему?
Would...? Which...? — Какой (из)? Который?
Should...? When...? — Когда?
How...? — Как?
Have...? How long...? — Как долго?
Has...? How much...? — Сколько?
Am...? How many...? — Сколько?
Is...? What time...? — Который час?
At what time...? — В какое время?
Were...? Whose...? — Чей?

List of irregular verbs

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participli

be [bi:] быть, находиться was [WDZ] (ед. ч.) been

were lw3:] (ми. ч.)

beat [bi:t] бить beat beaten [ bi:tn]

become [Ы'клт] становиться became [bi'keim] become

begin [bi'gin] начинать(ся) began [bi'gaen] begun [Ы'длп]

bite [bait] укусить bit bitten ['bitn]

break [breik] ломать broke broken

bring приносить, приводить brought [brat] brought

build [bild] строить built built

buy [bai] покупать bought [bo:t] bought

catch [kastfl ловить, поймать caught [ko:t] caught

choose [t/u:z] выбирать chose [t/auz] chosen

come [ к л т | приходить, приезжать came come

cost [kDSt] стоить cost cost

cut [k\t] резать, рубить cut cut

do [du:] делать, поступать, выполнять did done[dAn]

draw [dra] рисовать, чертить drew [dru:] drawn [dran]

dream [drirmj мечтать dreamed / dreamed /

dreamt [dremt] dreamt

drink пить drank drunk

drive [draiv] вести машину drove [drauv] driven [ drrvn]

eat [i.t] есть, кушать ate [et] eaten

fall [fori] падать fell fallen

feed кормить fed fed

feel [fill] чувствовать felt felt

fight [fait] сражаться fought [fat] fought

find [faind] находить found [faund] found

fly [flai] летать flew [flu:] flown [flaun]

forget забывать forgot forgotten

get получать, добираться got got

List of Irregular verbs

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

give [giv] давать gave given ['givn]

go ходить, идти,ехать went gone [gDn]

grow [дгэи] расти, выращивать grew [gru:] grown [дгэип]

have [haev] иметь had had

hear [hia] слышать heard [h3:d] heard

hold [hauld] держать held held

hurt [h3:t] ушибить(ся), обидеть hurt hurt

keep [ki:p] держать, хранить kept kept

know [паи] знать knew [nju:] known [пэип]

lay [lei] класть, положить, накрывать laid [leid] laid

lead [li:d] лидировать, вести (за собой) led led

learn [1з:п] учить что-либо learnt [b:nt] / learnt /

узнавать, учиться learned [b:nd] learned

leave [li:v] уезжать, оставлять left left

lend [lend] давать взаймы, одалживать lent lent

let позволять, разрешать let let

lose [lu:z] терять lost lost

make делать, заставлять made made

mean [mi:n] означать, иметь в виду meant [ment] meant

meet встречать(ся), met met


pay платить paid paid

put [put] класть, ставить put put

read [ri:d] читать read [red] read [red]

ride [raid] кататься верхом rode [raud] ridden [ ndn]

ring [no] звонить rang rung

run бежать, бегать ran run

say [sei] говорить, сказать said [sed] said

see видеть saw [so:] seen

seek [si:k] искать sought [so:t] sought

sell [sel] продавать sold [sauld] sold

. ;· v "egular verbs

InfWWtiv· Past Simple Past Participle

send посылать, отправлять sent sent

set ставить, класть set set
shake [feik] трясти shook Lfuk] shaken ['Jeikn]
shine [fain] светить shone [Jon] shone
show [fau] показывать showed Lfaud] shown [faun] /
shut [JXt] закрывать, захлопывать shut shut
sing [siij] петь sang sung
sit сидеть sat sat
sleep спать slept slept
smell нюхать, пахнуть smelt / smelled smelt / smelled
speak говорить, разговаривать spoke [spauk] spoken
spend [spend] тратить, проводить spent spent
stand стоять stood [stud] stood
sweep [swi:p] подметать swept swept
swim плавать swam [swacm] swum
take брать, взять took [tuk] taken ['teikon]
teach учить taught [to:t] taught
tell сказать, рассказать told [tauld] told
think думать, полагать thought [9o:t] thought
understand понимать, предполагать understood understood
[.Anda'stamd] [.Anda'stud]
wear [wea] носить (одежду), изнашивать wore [wo:] worn [wo:n]
win [win] выигрывать, побеждать won [WAn] won
write [rait] писать wrote [rout] written I'ritn]
Learning strategies
H o w to write a personal letter
Mind the structure of a typical personal letter. Follow these steps:
1. Write your short address (your city / town / village, your country) and the
date in the top right hand corner.
2. Greet your partner: Dear Rod, (or any other name).
3. Give your reasons for writing:
Thank you for your letter...
I was very glad to get your letter...
It was great to hear from you....
4. Give an answer to your penfriend's question or give the necessary
information. Ask your questions if you have any.
5. Finish your letter. Use one of these remarks:
Write back soon. / Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes, / All the best, / With love,
6. Write your name (not surname).


l&th of October
t>ear μ ад,
ι was. very g l a d to get y o u r Letter, ι Uteec( y o u r story about the
sum.kvier club, уоик new frievu^s anoI adventures
you asked me about the most popular Holidays i n m y family,
well, ι thinte that the most popular holidays are New year and
easter. ....
A n d what are the most popular h o l i d a y s i n ijour f a m i l y ? w h i c h
holiday do y o u litee most of all? How do y o u spenot it?
Write bacte soon.

B»est wishes,

How to write a n e-mail m e s s a g e

To write an e-mail message follow these steps:
1. Write the name of a person you are addressing to: John Brown
2. Write your name: James Wilson
3. Write the title of your message: My new school (or any other topic you are
going to write about).
4. Write the date: Thursday, 2nd of September
5. Greet your partner: Dear John, (or any other name).
6 Start your message, giving the reasons for writing:
Glad to hear from you...
It was great to hear from you...
7. Give an answer to your partner's question or give the necessary information.
Appendix Learning strategies
8. Finish your message. Use one of these remarks:
Please, write soon. / Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes, / All the best, / With love,
9. Write your name: James


To:John Braww.
Τfowrsctay, 2 n d
of .September

to hear frokvt. y o u . I й м f i n e . I lltee m y new R u s s i a n
school. "There яге Lots of i n t e r e s t i n g subjects Here.
ι a m happy because ι m a d e two new f r i e n d s . "They ave N a t a s h a
atλΔ о leg. Today we Had f i v e lessons. A f t e r lessons we went И cme
you asteed me about the bootes t e e n a g e r s read I n R u s s i a . M y
f r i e n d s prefer f a n t a s y , detective stories, s o m e t i m e s f i c t i o n .
Write soon a n d tell me about our school, ι m i s s y o u a n d all
m y c l a s s m a t e s I n "Britain.
Best wishes,

H o w t o d e a l with fill-in-the-gap tasks

Fill-in-the-gap tasks usually begin with: "Fill in the missing words / phrases..."
"Complete the sentences..." "Complete the dialogues..." "Complete the text
with the words..." "Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word
(in brackets)", etc.
1. Fill-in-the-gap tasks sometimes offer a word that you should use in the
correct form: Please, write ... of your favourite place, (to describe). Use the
context to guess the necessary form: Please, write a description of your
favourite place.
2. Fill-in-the-gap tasks can also have a group of words for your choice: Jim
said, "I feel.... I have a ... throat. I can't go to school." (time, bad, poor, sore).
Make sure you know all the words before you fill in the gap.
Read the sentence. Choose the words that fit best of all:
Jim said, "I feel bad. 1 have a sore throat. I can't go to school."
3. Sometimes a fill-in-the-gap task doesn't give you a choice: When you have
problems with your teeth you must see a ... .
Read the sentence and use the context and the example to guess the correct
word. Fill in the word.
Check your answer by reading the whole sentence or text. If it is not clear,
revise your answer.

Cultural guide
Chaplin rtfaeplan], Charlie (1889-1977) —
a famous English film actor and producer.
Antarctica [asn'taktika] — the continent mostly Christie Tkristi], Agatha (1890-1976) — an
covered with ice. English writer of popular novels and detective
Australia [n'streilia] — a country and a continent stories.
between the Indian and the Pacific Oceans; Christmas ['krismas] (or Christmas Day) —
capital: Canberra. a public holiday on December 25th. It is held in
honour of the birth of Christ. There are lots of
В Christmas traditions in Britain.
Conan Doyle [.kounan 'dad], Sir Arthur
Barrie ['baerial, J. Μ. — a famous Scottish writer (1859-1930) — a British doctor and writer.
of plays and stories. His most famous children's He wrote stories about the famous detective
story is "Peter Pan". Sherlock Holmes.
BBC [,bi: bi: 'si:J — British Broadcasting Crown Jewels — the British kings and queens
Corporation; the British radio and television wore and wear the crowns and jewels on
company. important state occasions. You can see the
Beefeater ["brfjirta) — a soldier who is a guard Crown Jewels in the Tower of London.
in the Tower of London. He wears a special
The name "Beefeater" has come from the time flB
when the guards at the Tower were paid part of Darwin ('da:wan], Charles (1809-1882) — a great
their salary (выплачивали жалование) with English scientist.
meat (beet). This took place until the 1800s. Defoe [di'fau], Daniel (1660-1731) — an English
Big Ben [,big 'ben] — one of the most famous writer. His most famous novel is "The Life
clocks in the world. The tower of Big Ben is and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robison
a symbol of London and Britain. Crusoe."
Bristol fbristl] — a city in the south of England. Dickens ['dikanz], Charles (1812-1870) — a famous
(the) British Museum [.britij mju:'ziam] — the English writer. His most popular novels are
biggest museum in London. It was founded in "Oliver Twist", "David Copperfield", etc.
1753. It has national collections of prints and
drawings, coins and medals, etc. Щ
Buckingham Palace (,Ьлкгг)эт 'paelas] — the
London home of the British Royal family. Easter fista] — a Christian holiday in March or
Outside Buckingham Palace we can watch April. Many British people go to church on
a colourful ceremony of the Changing of that day. They give presents of Easter chocolate
the Guard. eggs, especially to children.
Burns [Ьз:п7.], Robert (1759-96) — a famous Egypt fixfeipt] — a country in Africa; capital:
Scottish poet. He wrote hundreds of songs and Cairo.
poems about country lite and love. Elizabeth II [i,Iizaba6 5a 'sekand], Queen —
The Queen of Britain since 1952.
С England fnjgland] — the largest country in Great
Britain; capital: London.
Cambridge fkeimbncfcl — a city in England. It is
famous for its old university. ш
Carroll ['kaeral], Lewis (1832-98) — an English
writer. He wrote two well-known children's France — a country in Europe; capital: Paris.
stories: "Alice's adventures in Wonderland" and
"Through the looking Glass" („Зазеркалье"). G
Changing of the Guard |,tfeindyr) av бэ 'ga:d] —
a ceremony held at Buckingham Palace. The Great Britain (GB) — the largest island of the
guards in red uniforms and black hats replace British Isles.


Cultural guide

(the) Great Wall of China — an ancient wall. It London ['Undan], Jack (1876-1916) — a famous
was built in China to defend against enemies. American writer. His most famous books are
Greece [grirs] — a country in Europe, capital: "The Call of the Wild" and "White Fang".
Athens. (the) London Zoo [.Undan 'zu:| — the most famous
Green Park — a beautiful London park. British zoo in Regent's Park in London There
Greenwich — a place in London, on the river are more than 12,000 animals at the zoo, now.
Thames. The 0° (ziro) meridian (an imaginary
line which divides east from west) goes Μ
through the grounds of the British Royal
Observatory. Madame Tussaud's [,maedam tu'sordz] — a famous
waxworks museum in London. It was opened
Η in 1835.
Mary Poppins l,meari 'pt)panz| — the main hero
Halloween [.hselau'iin] — a holiday which is of the books written by Pamela Travers.
celebrated on October 31 in the UK and the (the) Mediterranean [,medata'reinian] Sea — a
USA. British and American children dress as large southern sea. There are many popular
witches, ghosts, etc. Sometimes people make places for spending holidays on its coast.
lamps from pumpkins. Milne [miln], A. A. (1882-1956) — a famous
(the) Houses of Parliament [.hauzaz ov English writer. He is famous for his children's
'paibmantj — the buildings in which the book "Winnie the-Pooh".
British Parliament sits. Mother's Day — a Sunday in spring. People give
Hyde Park |,haid 'park] — a large London park. cards and presents to their mothers to show
People go to walk or relax there. It is famous their love for them.
for its Speakers'Corner.
Nelson I'nelsan] — a famous English admiral. He
Kensington Gardens {.kenzirjtan 'ga:dnz] — won the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Now there
a beautiful London park. It is famous for the is a very tall stone column with a statue of the
statue of Peter Pan. admiral in Trafalgar Square, London.
(the) Kremlin — an ancient fortress in the centre New York |,nju: ja:k] — the largest city in the USA
of Moscow. The Russian government sits in Northern Ireland |,пэ:бэп 'aialand] — the
the Kremlin. northern part of Ireland, part of the UK. It is
the land of blue mountains, green forests and
Д Д . .., numerous lakes.
(the) North Pole (,na:G 'paul| — the most northern
Lennon ['lenan], lohn — an English singer, guitar point of the Earth.
player and song-writer. He was a member of (the) North Sea |,no:0 'si:] — a sea between Great
the Beatles. Britain and northwest Europe. It is full of
Living Statues f.livir» 'sta;tju:z] — mime actors who fish. It is also important because of oil and gas
pretend to be a statue usually with realistic which were founded under the sea.
statue-like make up. They often stay for Norway ['no:wei] — a country in Europe; capital:
hours. It requires a great patience and physical Oslo.
strengh. Sometimes they suddenly begin to
move to surprise people. О
London fUndan] — the capital of the UK. It is
one of the biggest and most interesting cities in Oxford I'Dksfad] — a town on the river Thames. It
the world. has many beautiful old buildings. It is famous
(the) London Eye — a giant wheel on the south for its university.
bank of the Thames. It is 135 metres high and Oxford Street — one of the main streets of
turns very slowly. As it turns the passengers in central London. It is famous for its shops.
the 32 glass and steel capsules enjoy a fantastic
view over the Thames and central London.

Cultural guide

St James's Park [seint .cfceimziz 'pa:k] — a small

royal park near Buckingham palace in London.
(the) Palace of Westminster [,paelos ov St Paul's Cathedral [seint ,po:lz ko'0i:drol] — a fine
'westminstaj — the official name of the Houses cathedral in central London. It was built by Sir
of Parliament. Christopher Wren.
Paris — the capital of France. It is one of the most St Valentine's Day [seint 'vaebntainz ,dei] —
beautiful and interesting cities in the world. February 14th when people send special cards
Peter Pan [,ρϊΛο 'paen] — the main hero in the to someone they love. Usually they don't sign
story of J. M. Barrie. Peter is a young boy their names.
who lives in a magic land Never Never Land. (the) Sydney Opera House I'sidni Ъргэ ,haos] —
Peter never grows up. Together with his an art centre in the Australian city of Sydney.
three friends, real children, Peter has many It is a complex of theatres and and halls. The
adventures. His statue is in Kensington Sydney Opera House presents theatre, opera,
Gardens, London. modern dance, ballet, music, exhibitions and
films. The Opera House works 24 hours a day,
R every day of the year except Christmas Day.

(the) Red [red] Sea — a sea between Africa and Τ

Regent's Park [,ri:d5ont 'pork] — a park in London. (the) Taj Mahal [.taxfe mo'ha:l] — a beautiful white
It is the home of London Zoo. It also has an building in India. It was built to bury the wife
open-air theatre. of Indian emperor.
Robinson Crusoe — a character of the famous (the) Thames [temz| — the most famous British
novel "The Life and Strange Surprising river. London stands on it. It is 346 km long.
Adventures of Robison Crusoe" by Daniel Tolkien ['tolkiinj, John Ronald Reuel (1892-
Defoe. 1973) — an English writer and university
Rowling ['raulirjj, Joanne К. (1965-) — a famous teacher. He is famous for his books "The
English writer. She is famous for Harry Potter Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings".
books. Tower Bridge |,taua 'bricfc] — the most famous
London's bridge. It was built in 1897.
s (the) Tower of London [,taus ov 'Undan] —
an ancient fortress in London. Now it's a
(the) Sahara Desert [so'ha:r3 'dezot] — the largest museum of armour where the Crown Jewels
dessert in the world. are kept. It's also famous for the Beefeaters and
(the) Science Museum — one of the most popular the ravens.
London's museums. Trafalgar Square [tre/aelga 'skwea] — London's
Scotland ['skDtlond] — a country in Great Britain; central square. It is where Nelson's Column
capital: Edinburgh. Scotland has many stands.
beautiful lakes, islands and mountains. Travers, Pamela — an English writer, actress and
Shakespeare [feikspia], William (1564-1616) — journalist. She is famous for her novels about
an English writer. He is famous for his "Romeo magical nanny Marry Poppins.
and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Twelfth Night" and the Turner [Чз:пэ], Joseph (1775-1851) — a great
,on nets. English painter, a master of watercolour.
(the) Sherlock Holmes Museum — one of the Twain [twein], Mark (1835-1910) — an American
most famous London's museums. writer. He is famous for his books
Spain [spein] — a country in Europe; capital: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and
Madrid. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn".
(the) Statue of Liberty — a statue of a woman on
Liberty Island, in New York. In 1884 France
gave the statue to the USA to celebrate the
American and French revolutions.

Cultural guide

Washington fwojirjtan] — the capital of the USA.

Westminster Abbey |,westninsta 'aebi| — a large
(the) United Kingdom of Great Britain and gothic church. It was built in the 11th century.
Northern Ireland (the UK) — a country Many famous British people are buried in the
in northwest Europe, made up of England, Abbey.
Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland; capital: (the) White House ['wait haus] — the official
London. home of the President of the USA. It is situated
(the) Inited States of America (the USA) — in Washington.
a country in North America; capital: White Tower [wait taua] — is situated in the
Washington. Tower of London. The tower was built in
1078 to protect London and Londoners from
W enemies.
Wimbledon — an important tennis competition.
Wales [wedz] — a country in Great Britain; It takes place every summer in the part of
capital: Cardiff. It is famous for its nature and London called Wimbeldon.

Test revision

After summer

Задание 1. Послушай диалоги. Отметь (У) картинки, которые отражают содержание

диалогов. Ты услышишь диалоги дважды.

Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2

Dialogue 3

Задание 2. Послушай рассказ Пола и найди его комнату по картинке. Отметь картинку:
выбери {</) соответствующую букву. Ты услышишь рассказ дважды.

Прочитай текст и выполни задания 3, 4, 5, 6.

The Last Hot Day

A t the end of the summer Hobbit Bill

stopped his work on the farm to call his
friends round to celebrate the Last Hot Day.
a happy Last Hot Day!" they said. And they
sang their favourite "Garden Game" song.
They brought Hobbit Bill a new football.
Usually his friends came to Bill's place in the "What a nice ball! Thank you, my dear
country to fly kites, swim, play football and friends." Hobbit Bill was very happy. All of
tennis, and even play hide-and-seek. But this his friends drank tea and ate the big apple
year was special. Master Goodman had come cake.
back to the country. Suddenly the door opened and Master
Gnomes Mosly and Bosly arrived first. Goodman came in. All of the friends were
"Always be healthy!" they said. And they very glad to see him. He gave Hobbit Bill a
presented a big apple cake to Hobbit Bill. magic screen. He said, "You can tell us stories
A group of elfs arrived then. Their names about your holidays. And then we can see
were Pammy, Patty and Philly. "We wish you them on this Magic Screen "

Park on the Magic Screen. It was amazing!
Finally it was Hobbit Bill's turn to tell
his story. Unlike his friends, he was in the
country in June, July and August. He was
just living on his farm. In the morning he
fed his chickens and ducks, his dog Jack and
his frog Harry. There were green fields and a
long river next to his farm. There was a green
garden with apple trees behind his house. He
rode his horse through the fields. He saw a
lot of cows and sheep there. He talked and
talked about his farm while all of his guests
looked at him and listened. But suddenly
Mosly and Bosly told stories about the they noticed that the Magic Screen wasn't
sea. All of the guests watched the blue sea working. But why? What was wrong? They
and dolphins in the sea on the Magic Screen. were confused. Master Goodman smiled.
The sea was blue and wide. It was sunny and "Look around, everyone. We are here. We
hot. Mosly and Bosly swam and played a lot. are on Bill's farm. We can fly kites, swim,
The sun was bright and high in the sky. It play football and tennis, and even play hide-
was great! and-seek. Today is the Last Hot Day. We will
Then Pammy and Patty told a very inter- celebrate this Day! We don't need the Magic
esting story about their summer holidays. Screen!"
In June they went to London to visit their
grandpa. London is a very big city. There
were a lot of people, cars and tall houses.
One day they couldn't find their way home.
They were very much afraid. But a strong
and brave policeman saved them. All of the
guests watched their story closely on the
Magic Screen. It was so interesting!
Then it was Philly's turn. Philly visited
Africa in July. He was in a Safari Park and
saw a lot of different animals there: camels,
monkeys, elephants, tigers, giraffes and
snakes. All of the guests saw the largest Safari

Задание 3. Закончи предложение, выбрав один вариант из трех предложенных. Обведи

соответствующую букву.

1. On the Last Hot Day the friends...

a) worked on the farm.
b) stayed at home.
c) got together.

Задание 4. Выбери правильные ответы на вопросы. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1. Why was the Last Hot Day unusual this year?

a) The friends went to the sea to swim.
b) Master Goodman came to the country.
c) There were a lot of apples in the garden.
2. Why were the friends confused when Hobbit Bill told his story?
a) The Magic Screen was black.
b) The Magic Screen showed the farm.
c) The Magic Screen disappeared.

Задание 5. Выбери утверждение, которое НЕ соответствует содержанию сказки Обведи

нужную букву.

a) The friends were happy to see Master Goodman.

b) There were a lot of presents on the Last Hot Day.
c) The friends told about their winter holidays.
d) Magic Screen showed the stories of the guests.

Задание 6. Пронумеруй предложения в соответствии с прочитанной сказкой. Первое

предложение уже обозначено.

Master Goodman brought an unusual present.

The Magic Screen showed the friends'stories about their holidays.
1 Every year the friends celebrated a special holiday — the Last Hot Day.
The Magic Screen became black.
Then they had tea with a tasty apple cake.
They watched the sea and dolphins, visited London and a Safari Park in Africa.


Задание 7. Заполни анкету о себе.

— - - i

The place you live in (city / town)
Your favourite subjects
Your favourite animals

Your favourite food
Your favourite sport
Your favourite season

Part II

Задание 8. Выбери одну из карточек. Дай устный ответ.

Card 1
Speak about your favourite subject. Say:
• what your favourite subject is
• what you do in the lessons

Card 2
Speak about your friend. Say:
• what he/she is like
• what you like to do together

Задание 9. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником.

Dialogue 1

Card 1 Card 2
Ask your classmate: Answer your classmate's questions.
• what his / her favourite season is Ask him / her:
• why he/she likes this season • whether he/she likes winter, why
Answer your classmate's questions. • what his/her favourite season is
(You begin the conversation)

Dialogue 2

Card 1 Card 2
Ask your classmate: Answer your classmate's questions.
• what he/she does after lessons Ask him/her:
• whether he/she goes for a walk • what he/she does at weekends
Answer your classmate's questions. • whether he/she does any sport
(You begin the conversation)


always |'o:lweiz) — всегда

am |гет) (см. to be) — глагол-связка
a [eij (an) — неопределенный артикль amazing |a'meizir)| — удивительный
abbey ['sebij — аббатство America |a'merika] — Америка
about [o'baut] — о, около American (a'mcnkan) — американский
above [a'bvv] — над among [э'тлг)| — среди, между
abroad [a'bro:d] — за границей ancient ['einjant] — древний, старинный
to go abroad — ездить за границу and (send] — и
absentminded [.asbsant'maindid] — рассеянный anecdote ['asnikdaut] — анекдот
across (э'кгте) — через angry ['asrjgri) — сердитый, раздражительный
act [aekt] — играть, разыгрывать (роль) animal ['asniml] — животное
active ['asktivl — активный anniversary [,aeni'v3:S3ri] — годовщина
activity [aek'tivati] — деятельность announce [o'naunsj —- объявлять
actor ['askta) — актер another [э'плбэ] — еще один, другой
actress ['sektrasj — актриса answer ['a:nsa] — отвечать; ответ
add [aed J — добавлять Antarctica [asn'taiktiko] — Антарктида
address |a'dres| — адрес antonym |'centanim| — антоним
adjective I'aecfoiktiv] — имя прилагательное any ['eni] — какой-нибудь, сколько-нибудь,
admire |ad'maia) — восхищаться любой
adventure [ad'ventja] — приключение anybody I'enibDdi] — кто-нибудь, любой
adverb |'aedv3:bj — наречие anyone feniwAn] — кто-нибудь, любой
advert |'aedv3:t] — реклама, объявление anything |'eniGir)l — что-нибудь
advertisement [ad'v3:tismant] — реклама anywhere I'eniweaj — где-нибудь, куда-нибудь
advise [ad'vaiz] — советовать appear [э'рю) — появляться
afraid [a'freid] — испуганный appearance [a'piarans] — внешность
to be afraid of — бояться чего-либо appetite ['sepitait] — аппетит
Africa ['aefrika] — Африка apple I'scpl) — яблоко
African ['ajfrikan) — африканский apple pie [,aepl 'pai] — яблочный пирог
after ['cufta) — после application l.aeph'keifn] (form) — анкета
afternoon [,a:fta'nu:n| — полдень April ['eiprol] — апрель
again [э'деп] — опять appropriate [o'prouprieit] — подходящий,
against |a'genst] — против соответствую щ и й
age [eicfc] — возраст architect f'o:kitekt] — архитектор
agent f'eicfeant] — агент architecture ['uikitektfal — архитектура
ago [э'дэи| — назад Arctic |'a:ktik] — Арктика
agree |a'gri:J — соглашаться are [α: I (см. to be) — глагол-связка
air [eo] — воздух area ['eorio] — площадь, пространство
open air — свежий воздух argue ['aiqju:] — спорить
airport |'eapo:t) — аэропорт argument ['cuqjumantl — довод, аргумент
album ['aslbom] — альбом arm [a:m] — рука (от плеча до кисти)
alike [a'laikj — похожий, подобный armchair I'rcmtfea] — кресло
all [o:l] — весь, вся, всё, все around |a'raund] — вокруг
allow [a'lauj — разрешать arrange [a'remdjl — устраивать,
almost ['o:lmoust] — почти договари ваться
alone [a'laun] — один, одинокий arrangement la'reincfcmant] — договоренность
along [O'IDIJ] — вдоль, N O arrive [a'raiv] — приезжать, прибывать
aloud [a'laudj — громко, вслух art [ a t j — искусство
already [al'redi] — уже article ('a:tikl| — артикль, статья
also ['o:lsau] — также, тоже artist ['artist] — художник
although [о:1'бэи] — хотя; несмотря на то, что as [aez] — как

ask [a:sk] — спрашивать behind |bi'haind] — за
asleep [ 3'sli:p] — спящий believe [bi'li:v] — верить, думать
to fall Ifb.ll asleep — засыпать bell [bclj — колокол
at [aetj — на, за, в belong [bi'lno] — принадлежать
athletic |aeO'letik| — атлетический below [bi'lau] — ниже, внизу
Atlantic [at'laentik] — атлантический bench [bentf] — скамья
atmosphere I'aetmasfia] — атмосфера berry ['beri] — ягода
attention [a'tenfn] — внимание beside [bi'said] — рядом, около
August |o:'gast] — август best [bestI — самый лучший, наилучший
Australia [o'streilia] — Австралия better ['beta] — лучше
Australian [D'streilisn] — австралийский between |bi'twi:n] — между
author |'э:Од| — автор bicycle ['baisikl] (bike [baikj) — велосипед
autumn ['o:tam] — осень big [big] — большой
away [a'wei] — прочь, далеко bill |bil] — счет
bird |b3:d] — птица
birthday l'b3:0dei] — день рождения
В biscuit I'biskit] — печенье
baby I'beibi] — ребенок, младенец bit [bit] — кусочек
back [bsek] — назад bite [ b a i t ] (bit, bitten) — укусить
backyard [,baek'ja:d] — задний двор black [blsek] — черный
bad [baed] — плохой blackboard ['blsekbo:d| — доска (в классе)
badge [bascft] — значок blinds [blaindz] — жалюзи
badly fbsedli] — плохо blue [blu;] — голубой, синий
bag [bseg] — сумка, портфель board [bo:d] борт судна
balcony ['baelkani] — балкон boat [baot] — лодка, корабль
ball [bo:l] — мяч boating [ baotirj] — катание на лодке
ballet ['bselei) — балет body f'bDdi] — тело
balloon [Ьэ'1и:п] — воздушный шарик bodyguard |'bodiga:d] — телохранитель
banana [Ьэ'пагпэ] — банан boil I boil] — варить
bank Ibaeok] — банк, берег bold [bauld] — жирный шрифт
banker |'Ьаег)кэ] — банкир book [buk] — книга
baseball |'beisbo:l] — бейсбол booklet ['buklat] — брошюра, буклет
based I'beist] — базирующийся, основанный boot |bu:t] — ботинок
basketball ['ba:skitbo:l| — баскетбол boring ['bo:nr)] — скучный, надоедливый
bathroom [Ъа:Оги:т] — ванная комната born [bo:n] — прирожденный
be [bi:] (am, is, are) — быть, находиться to be born — родиться
to be going to do smth — собираться что- borrow I ' b D r s u ] — брать взаймы
либо сделать both [ЬэиО] — оба
beak [bi:k] — клюв box [bDks] — коробка
bear[Ьеэ] — медведь boy [boi] — мальчик
beat |bi:t] (beat, beaten) — бить bracket ['braekit] — скобка
beautiful I'bjimfl] — прекрасный brave [breiv] — храбрый
because [bi'koz] — потому что bread Ibred] — хлеб
become |bi'k\m) (became [bi'keim), become) — break [breik] (broke, broken) — ломать;
становиться перемена
bed [bed] — кровать breakfast ['brekfsst] — завтрак
bedroom I'bedrirm] — спальня bridge [bricfc] — мост
Beefeater [bi^Lta] — служитель охраны bright [brait| — яркий
в Тауэре bring [brirj] (brought, brought) — приносить
before [bi'fo:] — до Britain ['britn| — Британия
begin [bi'gin] (began, begun) — начинать British I'britiJ] — британский
beginning [bi'giniij] — начало (the) British — британцы
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обучающие компьютерные программы "Enjoy English"
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Серия книг для чтения "Почитай!" / "Read up!" (2-11 классы)
Программа курса ( 2 - 1 1 классы)
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