Cloud Computing Overview

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All cloud computing deployments operate under the concept of virtualizing the computing power
of servers.

Cloud Deployment:

 Public Clouds: Owned and operated by third party providers which deliver computing
resources over the internet. All supporting infrastructure is owned by the cloud provider
and is shared by all of their customers.

 Private Clouds: Are used by a single organization and are usually behind a firewall. Private
cloud services and infrastructure are maintained on a private network. Unlike public
clouds, access to valuable resources is easier to restrict. Private clouds can be physically
located on the company’s on-site data center or hosted on third-party hardware.

 Hybrid Clouds: Combines the scalability of public clouds and the security and control of a
private cloud. Interaction between the two platforms is done seamlessly, with data and
applications moving smoothly from the public cloud and the private cloud. Data can be
stored securely in the private cloud then moved into a public cloud environment when
needed. An example use case is in the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry needs
to adhere to strict data privacy regulations

 Community Clouds: Users typically operate within the same industry or field and share
common security, compliance, and performance needs. Community clouds are basically
private clouds that function like public clouds. Authorized users are segmented within the
private cloud environment.

Public Cloud Computing:

There are 4 different types of public cloud computing services which can be thought as a pyramid
comprised of three layers. Specialization increases with each layer. Lower layers are broader, more
versatile, more customizable and can be used for a wider variety of applications. Upper layers are
purpose-built for specific tasks.
as a
Platform as a Service

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS):

 The most comprehensive and flexible type of cloud service available. IaaS provides a
completely virtualized computing infrastructure that is managed over the internet. The
physical infrastructure is managed by the IaaS provider, but allows customers to customize
the virtualized resources to suit specific needs. IaaS allows customers to manage any
software they need to use and is highly scalable [Examples: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web
Services (AWS), Cisco Metacloud, Google Compute Engine (GCE)].

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS):

 Along with the basic infrastructure provided by IaaS, PaaS also provides the framework
needed to build, test, deploy, manage, and update software and web-based products. The
framework includes operating systems, middleware, development tools, and database
management systems required for creating software and web-based applications.
[Examples: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Apache Stratos, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure]
 Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) or Serverless Computing:
 Allows the customer to execute code without having to allocate resources ahead
of time. The resources and functions that are required to run the code scale
automatically, making FaaS appropriate for dynamic workloads. Customers only
pay for the resources they use. When the function is at rest it does not consume
resources. There can be a lag in execution time because resources need to be
provisioned every time the function runs. This can be a problem for functions
requiring a lot of computing power during peak usage times.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS):

 Allows the delivery of a, on demand and typically on a subscription basis, software

application over the internet. SaaS providers manage the infrastructure and software
application and handle any maintenance, ensuring the availability of the software where
ever and wherever customers need it. [Examples: Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, Cisco
WebEx, Google Apps]

Public cloud computing options for MATLAB


All of the following cloud computing options have pre-configured supported software that you can
obtain in their respective stores. The software versions are also predetermined. The licensing for
the supported software can vary from outright buying a license, renting a license, or using a license
that you already have.

Amazon Web Services (AWS):

 Connects to virtual machine via remote desktop

 MATLAB is not available in the AWS store, but setting up a version is relatively easy with
guides readily available.
 BYO license.

Microsoft Azure:

 Connects to virtual machine via remote desktop

 MATLAB 2020 with BYOL (bring your own license). This means that there will be no
additional costs due to licensing.
 Pricing Example:
Pricing Guide:

 B20MS ($0.998/hour) refers to the instance. Bs-Series are economical bustable VMs.
These provide a low-cost option for workloads that typically run at a low to moderate
baseline CPU utilization, but sometimes need to burst to significantly higher CPU
utilization when the demand rises. Other instance series offer additional benefits like
better data protection or GPU enabled virtual machines.
 Transaction Unit: Every transaction unit is equal to 10,000 transactions. 10,000
transactions are equal to 100 Million transactions. It is unclear what the default block size
is in this case, but here is an explanation of how it works:

 100 GB Bandwidth: refers to Outbound Data Transfer. Outbound data is data moving away
from the virtual machine.

Other Cloud computing options:



Penguin Computing


Sabalcore Computing


These will not be used due to a few reasons:

1. Some are subscription based (incrementing cost)

2. Old MATLAB versions

3. Connection is done through executables designed by the companies

4. Did not find readily available guides to use MATLAB on these services. This makes trouble
shooting more difficult.

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