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5 stages of management


Planning involves deciding in advance what to do and how to do it. Planning is a key task that
needs to be done when we are conducting any event. Planning a job fair is a complex task. The
actual process is to bring employers and job seekers to a line. We need to form a committee and
categorise their roles. We need to set a date, time and location for the event. Now, we need to
invite the companies to be a part of the job fair. The companies that are taking a part of our job
fair are Wipro, Cisco, amazon, Google, tata. Setting up with the media is the next part where
promotion and marketing are good signs for strong attendance. Sponsors are also welcomed. The
budget and even the safety measures that need to be taken are also pre planned because of the
pandemic. We even planned to bring various stalls in the job fair which provides books and food.
The batch size of the job fair is also properly divided for not having a huge gathering. Evaluation
of the job fair is the last thing that is to be done by expressing thanks to the employers for their


Various processes coming under organising can be divided amongst different departments
namely, finance, marketing, human resources and hospitality. The organization structure thus
formed should be a flat and flexible one so as to enhance coordination and speed of
communication. The different processes of organising include assigning roles and
responsibilities to the department heads and volunteers, budget allocation, effective
implementation of marketing strategies such as advertising through social media for promotion,
recruiting employers, arranging refreshments for employers and ensuring safety standards.
Setting up food stalls, book stalls and career counselling programs at the fair venue can add to
the success of the job fair.


Staffing is an important function along with planning, organising, directing and controlling as the
operations of these functions mainly depend upon the manpower which is available through the
staffing function. In other words, staffing is getting the right people for the job through selection.
Here, for the job fair we have a core committee consisting of five members, four people heading
the four departments (Finance, Marketing, Volunteering and Hospitality) and one person for
sending out emails to the students of Christ University and selecting them for volunteer work.
Volunteers were selected after proper screening of the applications based on their interest and
prior experience in handling such events.

Leading & Controlling:

In this Job Fair Event, the various department heads play a vital role in leading & controlling
their subordinates or volunteers. Supervising and motivating their volunteers. Time Management
is a crucial part, and it is important for the department heads and volunteers to ensure that the
activities are held according to the time scheduled. Corrective measures are to be taken and
proper Back-end check. Lastly ensure success evaluation of the whole event.

Managerial Ethics 
Managerial ethics comes under business ethics. It’s a set of the beliefs or moral principles in a
company that affects the employee’s behaviour. It is often misunderstood that ethics is directly
related to law, but this isn’t the case always. It's about doing the right things for the customers
and employees and showing the willingness to go that extra mile is also managerial ethics. When
developing the policies in an organisation, everything is always considered. The policies that are
set are the minimum standards that are expected to be followed and met by the company down to
the employees and the community. Even if the ethics of the company are in place, when the
leader doesn’t follow it will be reproduced by the company. This is a negative permeation and
always doesn’t look the same. It means that there are times when some employees might not act
ethically if they follow the actions of their managers and this could lead to reduction in
employees pride and morale.

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