Spanish-American War Flowchart: Month/Year

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Spanish-American War Flowchart

 You will be creating a flowchart on the Spanish-American War.

 First, cut the paper lengthwise and tape the boxes together.
 Then, read through pages 346-351
 Find the date of each event and place the events in the correct order on the flowchart. The title of the
event should go on the line.
 Find information on each event/subtopics and write it in the boxes.

Debate over Imperialism Month/Year___ ___

o Violation of Declaration of Independence
o Booker T. Washington
o annexation
Month/Year___ ___
Dupuy de Lome Letter Published
o William McKinley
o America’s feelings
o Contents/purpose of letter
Date/Year__ ___
Spanish-American cease fire
o How?
o Length of war?
o Nickname of the war?

US Attacks the Philippines Date/Year__ __

o Result of the attack

Maine Explodes Date/Year___ ____

o Impact of the explosion
o Controversy?
o Details of the explosion
Peace Talks Date/Year__ __
o When/where
o Elements of the treaty
Second Cuban Rebellion
o Why? Rebel leader?
o Valeriano Weyler
o Reconcentration Camps
US Declares War Date/Year__ __
o Against?
o Rally cry
Date/Year__ __
US Charges Up San Juan Hill
o Teddy Roosevelt
o Rough Riders
o Result of charge
Spanish-American War Timeline
Spanish-American War Timeline

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